Page Executive is a trading name of PageGroup plc.





































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Terms and conditions of use of your personal data

You are going to entrust us with your application for which we thank you.

We handle all the applications sent to us according to the highest professional and ethical standards.

We therefore ask you to read the provisions below and accept them unconditionally.

1. Protection of your personal data Content of the data entrusted to us

The information with which you choose to entrust us on this site is exclusively intended to process your application and possibly to submit it for assignments entrusted to us.

Only information relating to your professional skills or any specific features of your working conditions is required for that purpose.

Within the framework of applications that you submit to our services, we strongly advise you not to mention any personal information that does not directly concern your skills and more specifically not to make any reference to your origins, your marital status, your health, your lifestyle, your sexual orientation, your political opinions, your physical appearance (photograph), your trade union activities, your belonging or not to an ethnic group, a nation, a race or your religious beliefs.

Updating your data

To optimise the chances of us proposing opportunities likely to be of interest to you, please inform us in writing of any change to your address, your contact details, and your search for a transfer or your situation in general. Any information withheld by you could prevent us from processing your file in optimal conditions.

Your rights to access, discover, rectify, update and delete your personal data

Pursuant to the provisions of Sections 38 et seq. of the French Act 78-17 of 6 January 1978, you are entitled, at any time, to access, discover, rectify, update and delete your personal data. To exercise any one of these rights, you may send an e-mail to [email protected] or write to: Audit Qualité - MICHAEL PAGE INTERNATIONAL - 159, avenue Achille Peretti - 92522 NEUILLY-SUR-SEINE Cedex.

You may also write to us at the above addresses for any technical or legal question concerning the filing of your application.

Your personal file, consisting of all the information about you, will be deleted from the computer database of Michael Page International at your request or 24 months after our last contact with you.

Disclosure and transfer of your personal data

In order to facilitate the presentation of your profile to our clients who are not based on the national territory and to technically process the CVs received by our firm, you are informed that, for the processing of your applications, Michael Page may transfer all or part of your personal data to clients, external service providers or other companies in the PageGroup plc group, whether or not they are based on the national territory.

The information that you send Michael Page may therefore be studied or processed:

  • In any European Union country,
  • In any “equivalent” country within the meaning of Article 25 of directive 95/46 and of Section 68 of the Act of 6 January 1978;
  • In any country in which Michael Page is satisfied that the personal data entrusted to us is given adequate protection in terms of privacy and security.

2. Undertaking to provide genuine information

By depositing your application on our site, you undertake to provide true and genuine information about your career path, the qualifications you hold, the time spent in positions you have held and the type of contracts you had (fixed-term or permanent employment contracts, internship contracts, professionalization contracts, etc.). Please note that we are required to check all of this information during our recruitment processes.

You are informed that any untrue information or false statement concerning your qualifications, your career path or your specific competencies is considered a ploy to deceive our firm and our clients as to your skills and to misapply our recruitment processes in addition to the fact that it unfairly disadvantages other applicants.

You expressly acknowledge that offenders shall be liable for such activities and you therefore agree to indemnify us against all the pecuniary consequences – and legal defence fees – resulting directly or indirectly from any claim or action brought against us owing, in whole or in part, to failure to provide us with true and genuine information.


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Información legal

Global Michael Page job count disclaimer.

Michael Page International Argentina, con domicílio social en Carlos Pellegrini 1265, piso 12 Ciudad de Buenos Aires - C1009ABY (en adelante, MICHAEL PAGE), informa a los clientes de la existencia de un fichero de datos de caráter personal, cuyo responsable es MICHAEL PAGE. Mediante la cesión de sus datos personales. Este fichero se crea y mantiene con la finalidad de posibilitar la plena prestación de los servicios, objeto de la actividad de MICHAEL PAGE. El usuario declara que los datos personales por él suministrados son exactos y completos y se compromete a actualizarlos conforme sea necesario, de manera que en todo momento respondan con veracidad a su situación actual. Los datos personales de los usuarios recibirán tratamiento secreto y confidencial por parte de MICHAEL PAGE, que adoptará a tal efecto las medidas necesarias para evitar su alteración, pérdida, tratamiento o acceso no autorizado, habida cuenta del estado de la tecnología. Estos datos podrán ser comunicados a un tercero por parte de MICHAEL PAGE para el complimiento de fines directamente relacionados con sus funciones.

Mediante la cesión de sus datos personales a MICHAEL PAGE, usted autoriza al tratamiento y la cesión, en su caso, de sus datos personales. En concreto, Usted autoriza el tratamiento automatizado de sus datos por parte de MICHAEL PAGE en su fichero de datos, que le ofrece todos los derechos y garantías mencionados anteriormente, con la finalidad de poder facilitarle las ofertas de empleo que mejor se adapten a sus objetivos.


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Terms & Conditions

These website Terms and Conditions apply to your use of the website in conjunction with our PRIVACY POLICY. By using this website, you agree to comply with these Terms and Conditions as they apply from time to time. If you do not agree, please do not use the website.

Our recruitment services and our business relationship with you is also subject to our standard Terms and Conditions for clients and candidates, which can be provided by one of our specialist consultants when you are discussing your recruitment needs.
We may change these Terms and Conditions at our discretion and without notice and we suggest that you visit this page regularly to keep up to date with any changes.
This website resides on a server in New South Wales, Australia. Accessing and using this website is governed by the laws and the parties submit to the courts, of that jurisdiction. PageGroup does not represent that it holds any authorisations or approvals required to provide its services in any or all jurisdictions where the information or material on this website may be viewed or received. We will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that our website is running smoothly and is without faults. However, we recognise that there may be occasions where the website is temporarily unavailable and we reserve the right to amend, suspend or discontinue any features, databases, and content of our site. 
Use of website
The purpose of this website is to provide you with our services and general information. You must not breach any term of our Acceptable Use Policy set out below.
Links to or from other Sites
This Site contains links to external websites and there may be any number of automatic links to other sites, which may interest you. PageGroup does not accept any responsibility in respect of the content of those sites nor can it be assumed that PageGroup has reviewed or approved of such sites or their content, nor do we warrant that he links to these sites work or are up to date. 
The information and material on this website is intended to provide a general guide only. While PageGroup uses reasonable care in compiling and presenting the information and material on this website, we make no representation or warranty whatsoever regarding the accuracy, currency, completeness, adequacy, suitability or operation of this website, any services we may provide through it or the information or material it contains.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, PageGroup shall not be responsible or liable for:
(a) any loss, liability or damage suffered or incurred arising out of or in connection with any access to or use of this website or any of its content;
(b) any reliance on, or decision made on the basis of, information or material shown on or omitted from this website;
(c) any representation or otherwise in respect of the existence or availability of any job, vacancy, assignment or other engagement or appointment advertised on this website;
(d) any representation or otherwise that any employer or client will ask for a candidate's information, ask to interview or hire a candidate, or that any candidates will be available or will meet the needs of any employer or client;
(e) any breach of these Terms and Conditions by PageGroup caused by circumstances beyond its reasonable control;
(f) any fault, delays, interruptions or lack of availability of this website and any of  the services provided through this website, which may occur due to intermittent failures of this website or the need for repairs, maintenance or the introduction of new facilities or services;
(h) any representation that data provided through this website will be free of worms, viruses, Trojan horses or any other computer code that may adversely affect any communication;
(k) any information or material carried on any website operated by a third party which may be accessed from this website.
If any warranty cannot be excluded, to the maximum extent permitted by law, PageGroup’s liability will be limited to resupply of the relevant service, the cost of resupplying the service or the cost of repairing the services, at our option. In any event, PageGroup will not be responsible or liable for any indirect, consequential, incidental, exemplary, punitive or special damages, loss, liability or expense.
Signing up on our website
If you upload your CV, submit your CV, apply for a job,  sign up for Job Alerts, or create a My Page account  you must ensure that the details provided by you at that or at any other time are accurate, up to date and complete.
You must immediately update and inform us of any changes to your information that you whether it be by making relevant changes to your CV or by updating your personal details using the My Page facility, so that we can communicate with you effectively and provide accurate up to date information to potential employers.
If you sign up to use My Page you will be asked to create a password and a login. In order to prevent fraud, you must keep this password confidential and must not disclose it or share it with anyone. If you know or suspect that someone else knows your password, you should notify us immediately. We accept no liability for any unauthorised use.
By using this site, you are solely responsible for any and all occurrences, which includes maintaining up-to-date, correct, accurate and complete information on your My Page account and uploading materials which do not breach or infringe the Intellectual Property Rights of any third party.
If PageGroup has reason to believe that there is likely to be a breach of security or misuse of our website, we may require you to change your password or we may suspend you’re My Page account.
We may suspend or cancel your account immediately at our reasonable discretion or if you breach any of your obligations under these Terms and Conditions or the Privacy Policy.
You can delete your My Page account and any corresponding job alerts within the account at any time by logging into My Page and selecting the “Delete Account” link. 
The suspension or cancellation of your My Page account and your right to use the website shall not affect either party's statutory rights or liabilities.
Any information submitted may be accessed by PageGroup globally.
Aggregate information 
We may gather information and statistics collectively about all visitors to this Site which may include the information supplied by you which will help us to understand our users thereby creating a better recruitment process. We will not disclose individual names or identifying information. All data will be in aggregate form only. We believe this information helps us determine what is most beneficial for our users and how we can continually improve our online service. We may share this kind of aggregate data with selected third parties to assist with these purposes.  Personal data is processed by us in accordance with our Privacy Policy. 
Intellectual Property
All trade marks, trade names, logos, information and material available on this website are the property of Michael Page International (Australia) Pty Ltd ABN 58 002 872 264 and its licensors.
Any unauthorised reproduction is prohibited.
You may only access, use and print the information and material on this website for non-commercial or personal use provided that you keep intact all copyright and proprietary notices. You must not otherwise reproduce, adapt, store, transmit, print, display, commercialise, publish or create derivative works from any part of the content, format or design of this website.
If you seek to reproduce or otherwise use the content in any way it is your responsibility to obtain approval from us for such use where necessary.
Acceptable Use Policy
You must only use the services provided through this website for their stated purpose. You must not use the services provided by this website to:
(a) send, upload, display or disseminate or otherwise make available any unlawful, discriminatory, harassing, libellous, defamatory, abusive, threatening, harmful, offensive, obscene, tortious or otherwise objectionable material or otherwise breach any laws;
(b) display, upload or transmit material that encourages conduct that may constitute a criminal offence, result in civil liability or otherwise may breach any applicable laws, regulations or code of practice;
(c) interfere with any other person's privacy or use or enjoyment of this website;
(d) fraudulently or otherwise misrepresent yourself to be another person or a representative of another entity including, but not limited to, a PageGroup representative, or fraudulently or otherwise misrepresent that you have an affiliation with a person, entity or group;
Mislead or deceive PageGroup its representatives and any third parties who may rely on the information provided by you, by providing inaccurate or false information, which includes omissions of information. 
(e) disguise the origin of any material transmitted through the services provided by the website (whether by forging message/packet headers or otherwise manipulating normal identification information);
(f) send, upload or otherwise make available material which infringes any intellectual or industrial property right of any person (such as copyright, trademarks, patents, or trade secrets, or other proprietary rights of any party);
(g) send, upload, display or disseminate or otherwise make available material containing or associated with spam, junk mail, advertising for pyramid schemes, chain letters, virus warnings (without first confirming the authenticity of the warning), or any other form of unauthorised advertising or promotional material;
(h) send, upload or otherwise make available material containing viruses, trojans or any other material designed to impair, destroy or interrupt the performance of any hardware or software;
(i) obtain unauthorised access to or interfere with the performance of the servers which provide the services or any servers on any associated networks or otherwise fail to comply with any policies or procedures relating to the use of those servers; or
(j) collect, whether aggregated or otherwise, data about other users of the services.
© PageGroup 2013.
March 2013.

Privacy Policy

Michael Page International (Australia) Pty Ltd ABN 58 002 872 264 and our related companies worldwide ("PageGroup") are committed to protecting the privacy of our candidates, clients and other users of our websites and services.

Where you provide us with your personal information, in person, by email, through this website or through any of our other international websites or offices, we will endeavour to ensure that such information remains private and is only used in accordance with this policy. By providing us with your personal information, you also consent for us to collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with this policy. PageGroup must comply with the Privacy Act 1988 in Australia and similar laws in the other countries in which we operate.

1. Collection of personal information

PageGroup may collect your personal information from you, including (without limitation) your name, contact details, qualifications, work history, your right to work in a particular country, languages spoken, professional memberships and accreditations, your work objectives and other information from your CV. If you are to be considered for a particular position, we may also collect references from your nominated referees. All the personal information we collect is held, used and disclosed for the purposes set out below.

2. Use and disclosure of personal information

PageGroup holds, uses and discloses your personal information for the following purposes:

(a) to provide our services to you;

(b) to maintain our business relationship, where you are a user of our  website, a client or candidate;

(c) to enable you to submit your CV generally, to apply for specific jobs or to subscribe to our Job Alerts;

(d) to match your coded details with job vacancies, to assist us in finding a position that is most suitable for you and, where you provide your prior consent as a candidate, to send your personal information to clients in order to apply for jobs;

(e) to answer your inquiry;

(f) to direct-market products and services, advise you of news and industry updates, events, promotions and competitions, reports and other information. Where we do so, you will be able to unsubscribe from such communications;

(g) where you are registered as a candidate on our database, your personal information will be accessible by our other offices internationally, in the UK, Europe, Asia Pacific and the Americas;

(h) to different parts of the PageGroup worldwide to enable the development and marketing of other products and services and to improve our customer service and to make our services more valuable to you, including tailoring our website when you log on to make it relevant to you personally;

(i) to trusted third parties where we have retained them to provide services that you have requested, such as psychometric evaluations or skills tests, and who also provide services to us, such as professional advisers, IT consultants, mailing houses and function co-ordinators. These third parties must comply with similar undertakings of privacy and confidentiality as PageGroup;

(j) if PageGroup merges with or is acquired by another business, we may share personal information with the new owners of the business and their advisers and if this happens, you will be sent notice of such an event;

(k) we may also release personal information to regulatory or law enforcement authorities, if they require us to do so; and

(l) we may also seek your consent to collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information for any other purpose not listed above.

3. Privacy on our websites

(a) Submitting Your Curriculum Vitae ("CV") and Applying for Jobs

You may submit your CV to PageGroup via this website, either for general consideration by our recruitment consultants for positions as they arise or to apply for a specific advertised job. Once submitted, your CV will be sent directly to the relevant PageGroup recruitment consultant who will review your details and advise you whether you are to be accepted by us for registration on our central database. This database, including your personal information, can be accessed by any of our recruitment consultants working in other offices of the PageGroup, both inside and outside Australia. If you are accepted onto our database, our recruitment consultants should then contact you to set up an interview in person. You can update your CV at any time, simply by following the same procedure to submit a new CV via our websites.

(b) Job Alerts

You may sign up to receive emails that alert you to new jobs on our website (Job Alerts). To subscribe to Job Alerts, you need to provide your email address, which will be used for the purpose of keeping you informed by email of the latest jobs and/or news in your nominated industry. If you no longer wish to receive Job Alerts, unsubscribe links are provided in every Job Alert email that you receive.

(c) Aggregate Information About Website Visitors

We gather information and statistics about all visitors to this and all of our websites worldwide, including the most frequently accessed pages and most frequently used services. We only use such data in aggregate form (that is, the information does not identify any one individual). This information helps us determine the most beneficial parts of our websites and ways in which we can continually improve our online services to create a better overall experience for our users. We also publish some of this aggregate (non-identifiable) information on the PageGroup websites worldwide.

(d) Cookies

PageGroup uses Google Analytics to collect information about how you use our websites. The information collected is used to improve how our websites work or the effectiveness of our web services to you. Information collected include (but not limited to) your login details, to track web traffic on an aggregate basis and to keep session information in cache to assist your use of our website, such as your last search (however, this information is disposed of every time you close your web browser). You may wish to opt out by turning off cookies (please refer to the help menu on your browser) however, switching off cookies will restrict your use of our websites. For more information on analytics cookies, please visit Google’s website.

4. Access to personal information

You may request access to or updating of your personal information held at PageGroup by contacting the PageGroup privacy officer as set out below. We may ask to verify your identity and for more information about your request. Where we are legally permitted to do so, we may refuse your request and give you reasons for doing so. Where you request your personal information to be updated and there is a dispute about the facts, we will make a note on your personal information of such dispute. You may also request that PageGroup stops using your information and contacting you and we will comply with your request. However, if this involves a request for deletion of your file, please be aware that we may not be required or able to do so, particularly where your file also holds information about our clients. We reserve the right to charge an administrative fee for access and updating requests.

5. Security

PageGroup takes reasonable steps to keep personal information secure, accurate and up to date. The Internet is not always a secure method of transmitting information. Accordingly, while we seek to protect your personal information by implementing digital security systems in various parts of our website, PageGroup cannot accept responsibility for the security of information you send to or receive from us over the Internet or for any unauthorised access or use of that information. Where we have links to websites outside the PageGroup, we cannot ensure that your privacy will be protected in accordance with this policy. You should consult these other websites' privacy policies as we have no control over them and are not responsible for any information that is submitted to or collected by these third parties.

6. Changes to this Privacy Policy

PageGroup may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. We suggest that you visit our website regularly to keep up to date with any changes. 

7. Contact

You can contact our Privacy Officer as follows:

[email protected]

Michael Page International (Australia) Pty Limited

Level 7, 1 Margaret Street,

Sydney NSW 2000, Australia 

Tel +61 (0)2 8292 2000



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Privacy Policy

Wer wir sind und wie wir Ihre personenbezogenen Daten verarbeiten

Die PageGroup einschließlich ihrer Tochtergesellschaften (nachfolgend zusammen: „PageGroup“, „uns“ oder „wir“) ist ein spezialisiertes Re-cruiting-Unternehmen, das unter den Marken Michael Page, Page Personnel, Page Executive und Page Outsourcing tätig ist. Der Schutz der Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten ist uns ein wichtiges Anliegen. In diesen Datenschutzhinweisen informieren wir Sie über die Kategorien personenbezogener Daten, die wir erheben, die Zwecke, für die wir diese Daten verwenden, und die Art und Weise, wie wir Ihre Daten verarbeiten, wenn Sie unsere Website besuchen, Sie sich bei uns bewerben, wir uns bei Ihnen vorstellen, Recruiting- und Arbeitsvermittlungsdienste für Sie erbringen, die Beziehung zu Ihnen aufrechterhalten, nachdem wir eine Leistung für Sie erbracht haben oder Sie eine Leistung für uns erbringen. Die nachfolgenden Informationen richten sich an Sie, wenn Sie unter eine der nachfolgenden Personengruppen fallen:

  • Bewerber, für die wir Arbeitsvermittlungsdienste erbringen oder die sich bei uns auf eine vakante Stelle bewerben und mit uns über unsere Website, Jobbörsen, Social-Media-Seiten oder über andere Quellen in Kontakt treten;
  • Kunden und deren Ansprechpartner, mit denen wir eine Geschäftsbeziehung unterhalten und die wir bei der Besetzung vakanter Stel-len unterstützen; 
  • potenzielle Bewerber sowie potenzielle Kunden und deren Ansprechpartner, mit denen wir in Kontakt treten, um unsere Produkte und Dienste vorzustellen;
  • Dienstleister und deren Ansprechpartner, die für uns verschiedene Dienstleistungen erbringen; 
  • Nutzer unserer Websites 

(zusammenfassend als „Sie“ oder „Ihr“ bezeichnet). 


Verantwortliche für die Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten ist diejenige Gesellschaft der PageGroup, die mit Ihnen in Kontakt tritt und in eigener Verant-wortung Daten von Ihnen verarbeitet, wenn Sie die Webseite besuchen, wenn sie Ihnen gegenüber Recruiting- und Arbeitsdienstvermittlungs-dienste erbringt, mit Ihnen in Kontakt tritt, die Beziehung zu Ihnen aufrechterhält, nachdem sie eine Stelle für Sie gefunden hat, sie selbst für eine vakante Stelle besetzt oder Sie eine Leistung für die entsprechende Gesellschaft erbringen. Eine komplette Liste der europäischen PageGroup-Tochtergesellschaften einschließlich Ihrer Kontaktdaten finden Sie hier

Details der Datenverarbeitung

Nachfolgend erhalten Sie einen Überblick darüber, welche personenbezogenen Daten wir über Sie, für welche Zwecke, auf Basis welcher Rechtsgrundlage verarbeiten und wo wir diese Daten erheben. 
Sofern Sie uns Ihre personenbezogenen Daten nicht zur Verfügung stellen, obwohl wir diese erheben müssen, um einen Auftrag von Ihnen zu bearbeiten oder einen Vertrag mit Ihnen zu erfüllen oder weil wir gesetzlich dazu verpflichtet sind, müssen wir möglicherweise Ihren Auftrag ab-lehnen oder können unsere vertraglichen Pflichten Ihnen gegenüber nicht erfüllen. 

Nutzer unserer Website oder Apps




Erhebung Ihrer Daten

Empfänger Ihrer Daten

Beim Besuch unserer Webseite oder App verarbeiten wir Ihre Daten für folgende Zwecke:

  • Aufruf der Website/ App
  • Gewährleistung eines reibungslosen Verbindungsaufbaus,
  • Gewährleistung und Optimierung der Funktionalität unserer Website und der Nutzerfreundlichkeit
  • Gewährleistung und Auswertung der Systemsicherheit und -stabilität

In diesem Zusammenhang setzen wir auch verschiedene Cookies und andere ähnliche Technologien ein. Details finden Sie in unserer Cookie-Policy.

In diesem Zusammenhang verarbeiten wir die nachfolgenden Daten:

  • IP-Adresse des anfragenden internetfähigen Gerätes
  • Datum und Uhrzeit des Zugriffs
  • Name und URL der abgerufenen Datei
  • Website/Applikation, von der der Zugriff erfolgte (Referrer-URL), der von Ihnen verwendete Browser und ggfs. das Betriebssystem Ihres internetfähigen Rechners,
  • Name Ihres Access-Providers

Die Datenverarbeitungen beruhen auf den nachfolgenden Rechtsgrundlagen:

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b) DSGVO - Begründung, Durchführung oder Beendigung des Vertrages mit Ihnen

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f) DSGVO - unser berechtigtes Interesse an der Sicherheit, Stabilität und Nutzungsmöglichkeit unserer Webseite

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a) DSGVO - Ihre Einwilligung

Wir erheben die Daten direkt bei Ihnen.

Im Rahmen dieser Datenverarbeitungen ist es möglich, dass folgende interne und externe Dienstleister Zugriff auf Ihre Daten haben:

  • IT-Dienstleister
  • Anbieter von Datenanalysetools
  • Marketingunternehmen

Wir verarbeiten Ihre Daten, um Ihnen auf der Webseite auf Basis Ihres Surfverhaltens personalisierte Werbung zur Verfügung zu stellen. Dazu setzen wir verschiedene Cookies und andere Analysetechnologien ein. Details finden Sie in unserer Cookie-Policy.

In diesem Zusammenhang verarbeiten wir die nachfolgenden Daten:

  • IP-Adresse des anfragenden internetfähigen Gerätes
  • Datum und Uhrzeit des Zugriffs
  • Name und URL der abgerufenen Datei,
  • Website/Applikation, von der der Zugriff erfolgte (Referrer-URL), der von Ihnen verwendete Browser und ggfs. das Betriebssystem Ihres internetfähigen Rechners
  • Name Ihres Access-Providers

Die Datenverarbeitungen beruhen auf der nachfolgenden Rechtsgrundlage:

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a) DSGVO - Ihre Einwilligung

Wir erheben die Daten direkt bei Ihnen.

Im Rahmen dieser Datenverarbeitungen ist es möglich, dass folgende interne und externe Dienstleister Zugriff auf Ihre Daten haben:

  • IT-Dienstleister
  • Anbieter von Analysetools,
  • Marketingunternehmen




Rechtsgrundlage/Berechtigtes Interesse

Erhebung Ihrer Daten

Kategorien von Empfängern

Wir verarbeiten Ihre Daten, um für Sie Arbeitsvermittlungsdienste zu erbringen oder mit Ihnen ein Bewerbungsverfahren zur Begründung eines Arbeitsverhältnisses mit Ihnen durchzuführen.

In diesem Zusammenhang nutzen wir Ihre Daten, um mit Ihnen zu kommunizieren, Ihre Fragen zu beantworten, Ihren Lebenslauf zu analysieren und eine passende Stelle für Sie zu finden, ein Bewerberprofil für Sie zu erstellen, Sie bei Gehaltsfragen zu beraten, Vorstellungsgespräche zu vereinbaren, Eignungstest mit Ihnen durchzuführen, Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen an den von Ihnen gewünschten Arbeitgeber weiterzuleiten.

In diesem Zusammenhang könnten wir die nachfolgenden Daten verarbeiten:

  • Name und Adresse
  • Telefonnummer
  • E-Mail-Adresse
  • Informationen in Ihrem Lebenslauf
  • Informationen über Ihren Bildungsweg
  • Referenzen
  • Berufliche Erfahrungen
  • Arbeitszeugnisse
  • Gehaltsvorstellungen
  • Berufswünsche
  • Ergebnisse von Sicherheitsüberprüfungen
  • Staatsangehörigkeit
  • Aufenthalts- und Arbeitserlaubnis
  • Fotos
  • Sprachkenntnisse
  • Testergebnisse von Assessmentcentern
  • In Einzelfällen besondere personenbezogene Daten wie z.B.:
  • Beeinträchtigungen,
  • Ihre Gesundheit
  • Arbeitsmedizinische Untersuchungen
  • Verurteilungen, Straftaten

Die Datenverarbeitungen beruhen auf den nachfolgenden Rechtsgrundlagen:

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b) DSGVO - Begründung, Durchführung oder Beendigung des Vertrages mit Ihnen

Art. 6 Abs.1 lit. c) DSGVO – Erfüllung gesetzlicher Pflichten im Bereich des Arbeits- und Sozialrechts

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f) DSGVO - unser berechtigtes Interesse an effizienten arbeitsorganisatorischen Prozessen, Arbeitsteilung im PageGroup Konzern, sowie unser berechtigtes Interesse an der Pflege unserer Kundenbeziehung mit Ihnen

Ihre besonderen personenbezogenen Daten verarbeiten wir nur auf Basis Ihrer Einwilligung gem. Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a), Art. 9 Abs. 2 lit. a) DSGVO und soweit wir aus arbeits- und sozialrechtlichen Gründen, ein schließlich aus Gründen der Chancengleichheit dazu verpflichtet sind. In diesen Fällen stützen wir die Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten auf Art. 9 Abs. 2 lit. b), g) und h) DSGVO.

Wir erheben die Daten direkt bei Ihnen.

Daneben könnten wir Ihre Daten auch bei Dritten erheben, und zwar bei

  • Referenzengebern, z.B. frühere Arbeitgeber oder Auftraggeber zur Bestätigung Ihrer Angaben;
  • Bildungseinrichtungen
  • öffentlich zugänglichen beruflichen Quellen, wie LinkedIn, StepStone oder Xing, um die uns bereits über Sie verfügbaren Informationen zu erweitern, damit wir bessere Chancen haben, passende Stellen für Sie zu finden; 
  • Kunden, denen wir Ihren Lebenslauf zur Verfügung gestellt haben und die mit Ihnen im Rahmen einer Bewerbung in Kontakt getreten sind.

Wir wenden uns nur an jene Referenzgeber, die Sie während des Auswahlverfahrens und unserer Tätigkeit uns gegenüber angegeben haben.

Zur Erbringung unserer Arbeitsvermittlungsdienste, könnten wir die Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten an potentielle Arbeitgeber weitergeben, die freie Stellen anbieten, für die Sie sich interessieren.

Im Rahmen der hier beschrieben Datenverarbeitungen ist es überdies möglich, dass sowohl gruppeninterne als auch externe Dienstleister Zugriff auf Ihre Daten haben. Dazu zählen Auftragsverarbeiter sowie eigene Verantwortliche aus den folgenden Bereichen:

  • IT-Support
  • Hosting, IT-Service
  • IT-Lösung zur Verbesserung der Servicequalität
  • Professionelle Beratungsdienste
  • Datenanalyse
  • Recruiting Support
  • Vertrieb
  • Verwaltung und Management von globalen, regionalen oder leitenden Positionen oder Entwicklung von Großkunden innerhalb der PageGroup
  • Versand- und Logistikunternehmen,
  • Telekommunikationsanbieter
  • Anbieter von beruflichen Netzwerken
  • Anbieter von psychometrischen Bewertungen oder Fähigkeitstest

Unsere Auftragsverarbeiter werden vertraglich von uns zur Vertraulichkeit und Einhaltung datenschutzrechtlicher Standards und Vorschriften verpflichtet.

Wir verarbeiten Ihre Daten, wenn Sie sich bei uns registrieren und Ihre Bewerberdaten für uns und eventuell potenzielle Arbeitgeber zur Verfügung stellen.

Wenn Sie sich bei unterschiedlichen Gesellschaften der PageGroup registrieren, führen wir die von Ihnen zur Verfügung gestellten Bewerberdaten in einem Datensatz und für Sie in einem Bewerberkonto zusammen. Eine einzelne Akte vermeidet Doppelungen und verbessert die Genauigkeit der personenbezogenen Daten. Zu diesen Zwecken werden die beteiligten Gesellschaften der PageGroup Ihre personenbezogenen Daten als unabhängig voneinander für die Verarbeitung Verantwortliche miteinander teilen.

In diesem Zusammenhang könnten wir die nachfolgenden Daten verarbeiten:

  • Name und Adresse
  • Telefonnummer
  • E-Mail-Adresse
  • Informationen in Ihrem Lebenslauf
  • Informationen über Ihren Bildungsweg
  • Referenzen
  • Berufliche Erfahrungen
  • Arbeitszeugnisse
  • Gehaltsvorstellungen,
  • Berufswünsche
  • In Einzelfällen besondere personenbezogene Daten wie z.B.:
  • Beeinträchtigungen,
  • Ihre Gesundheit,
  • Verurteilungen, Straftaten,

Die Datenverarbeitungen beruhen auf den nachfolgenden Rechtsgrundlagen:

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b) DSGVO - Begründung, Durchführung oder Beendigung des Nutzungsvertrags mit Ihnen für die Bereitstellung unseres Registrierungsservice

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f) DSGVO - unser berechtigtes Interesse an effizienten arbeitsorganisatorischen Prozessen, Arbeitsteilung im PageGroup Konzern, sowie unser berechtigtes Interesse an der Pflege unserer Kundenbeziehung mit Ihnen

Ihre besonderen personenbezogenen Daten verarbeiten wir nur auf Basis Ihrer Einwilligung gem. Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a) DSGVO, Art. 9 Abs. 2 lit. a) DSGVO.

Wir erheben die Daten direkt bei Ihnen.

Sofern Sie sich auf eine spezifische Stelle bewerben, geben wir Ihre Bewerberdaten an den von Ihnen gewünschten potenziellen Arbeitgeber weiter.

Im Rahmen der hier beschrieben Datenverarbeitungen ist es überdies möglich, dass die oben beschriebenen gruppeninternen als auch externen Dienstleister Zugriff auf Ihre Daten haben.

Wir verarbeiten Ihre Daten, um Ihnen WerbeinformationenNewsletter und andere elektronische Werbeinformationen zuzusenden, um Sie über Stellenangebote, Branchenberichte und -einblicke, Veranstaltungen, Events sowie andere Neuigkeiten zu informieren.

In diesem Zusammenhang könnten wir die nachfolgenden Daten verarbeiten:

  • Name,
  • E-Mail-Adresse
  • Telefonnummer
  • Ihre Marketing- Informations- und Job-präferenzen

Die Datenverarbeitungen beruhen auf den nachfolgenden Rechtsgrundlagen:

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a) DSGVO - Ihre Einwilligung

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f) DSGVO (i.V.m. § 7 Abs. 3 UWG, soweit es um elektronisch übermittelte Werbung geht) - unser berechtigtes Interesse an Direktmarketingmaßnahmen und dem Versand von Werbeinhalten

Wir erheben die Daten direkt bei Ihnen.

Im Rahmen der hier beschrieben Datenverarbeitungen ist es möglich, dass gruppeninterne als auch externe Dienstleister aus den folgenden Bereichen Zugriff auf Ihre Daten haben:

  • Marketing
  • Vertrieb
  • IT-Lösungen
  • IT-Support
  • Post- und Versanddienstleistungen
  • Telekommunikation
  • Datenanalyse
  • Marktforschung

Wir verarbeiten Ihre Daten, um Ihnen Zufriedenheitsumfragen zuzusenden und zu erfahren, ob Sie mit unseren Leistungen zufrieden sind, um unsere vorhandenen Dienstleistungen zu verbessern und neue Dienstleistungen zu entwickeln.

In diesem Zusammenhang könnten wir die nachfolgenden Daten verarbeiten:

  • Name
  • E-Mail-Adresse
  • Bisherige Vermittlungen und erbrachte Dienstleistungen
  • Ihre Angaben im Zufriedenheitsfragebogen

Die Datenverarbeitungen beruhen auf den nachfolgenden Rechtsgrundlagen:

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a) DSGVO - Ihre Einwilligung

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f) DSGVO (i.V.m. § 7 Abs. 3 UWG, soweit es um elektronisch übermittelte Umfragen geht) - unser berechtigtes Interesse an Direktmarketingmaßnahmen und dem Versand von Werbeinhalten, entsprechen sowie der Weiterentwicklung unserer Dienstleistungen

Wir erheben die Daten direkt bei Ihnen.

Im Rahmen der hier beschrieben Datenverarbeitungen ist es möglich, dass gruppeninternen als auch externen Dienstleister aus den folgenden Bereichen Zugriff auf Ihre Daten haben:

  • Marketing
  • Vertrieb
  • IT-Lösungen
  • IT-Support
  • Post- und Versanddienstleistungen
  • Telekommunikation
  • Datenanalyse
  • Dienstleister zur Durchführung von Umfragen 
  • Dienstleister zur Durchführung von Test- und Entwicklungstätigkeiten Bereitstellung von Forschungs-, Postversand- oder anderen Direktmarketing-Dienstleistungen. 

In Einzelfällen kann es erforderlich sein, dass wir die von Ihnen übermittelten Informationen zu Ihrem Werdegang überprüfen, oder prüfen, ob Sie die für eine bestimmte ausgeschriebene Stelle erforderlichen Eignungen und das nötige Maß an Zuverlässigkeit mitbringen. In diesen Fällen führen wir sogenannte Background-Checks durchDazu befragen wir Referenzgeber und frühe Bildungseinrichtungen. Daneben führen wir Internetrecherchen mittels Suchmaschinen und allgemein zugänglichen Online-Datenbanken durch. Ferner werten wir nationale und internationale Presse aus.

Nur in sehr wenigen Einzelfällen und nur soweit wir dazu gesetzlich verpflichtet sind, gleichen wir Ihre Stammdaten mit Sanktions- und anderen öffentlichen Listen und Registern, u.a. Terror- und Embargolisten sowie PEP-Listen (Politisch Exponierte Person) ab.

In diesem Zusammenhang könnten wir die nachfolgenden Daten verarbeiten:

  • Name und Adresse
  • Telefonnummer
  • E-Mail-Adresse
  • Informationen in Ihrem Lebenslauf
  • Informationen über Ihren Bildungsweg
  • Referenzen
  • Berufliche Erfahrungen
  • Arbeitszeugnisse
  • Ergebnisse von Sicherheitsüberprüfungen
  • Staatsangehörigkeit
  • Aufenthalts- und Arbeitserlaubnis
  • Fotos
  • Sprachkenntnisse
  • Testergebnisse von Assessmentcentern
  • Verurteilungen, Straftaten (z. B. Einstellungsbetrug Wirtschaftskriminalität organisierte Kriminalität)
  • Wettbewerbs- oder Kartellrechtsverstößen
  • Verstößen gegen sonstige gesetzliche Vorgaben oder Verordnungen
  • Insolvenzen
  • bestehende Interessenkonflikte

Die Datenverarbeitungen beruhen auf den nachfolgenden Rechtsgrundlagen:

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a) DSGVO Ihre Einwilligung

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. c) DSGVO - unsere rechtliche Verpflichtung zur Durchführung von Zuverlässigkeitsprüfung

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b) DSGVO - Begründung, Durchführung oder Beendigung des Vertrages mit Ihnen

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f) DSGVO - unser berechtigtes Interesse an der Durchführung von Background-Checks zur Verifizierung Ihrer Angaben, unser berechtigtes Interesse an der Durchführung von Background-Checks zur Erfüllung rechtlicher Pflichten unserer Auftraggeber, das berechtigte Interesse unserer Auftraggeber an der Durchführung von Background-Checks zur Sicherstellung der erforderlichen Eignung und Zuverlässigkeit für besondere Stellungen und Verifizierung Ihrer Angaben

Wir erheben die Daten direkt bei Ihnen.

Daneben könnten wir Ihre Daten auch bei Dritten erheben, und zwar

  • Referenzengebern, wie frühere Arbeitgeber oder Auftraggeber zur Bestätigung Ihrer Angaben
  • Bildungseinrichtungen - zur Überprüfung Ihrer akademischen Qualifikationen
  • öffentlich zugängliche berufliche Quellen wie LinkedIn, Xing oder StepStone, etc.
  • Sanktions- und anderen öffentlichen Listen und Registern, u.a. Terror- und Embargolisten sowie PEP-Listen
  • Öffentliche Quelle, Telefonbücher, Zeitungsartikel
  • Allgemein zugängliche Datenbanken

Wir wenden uns nur an jene Referenzgeber, die Sie während des Auswahlverfahrens und unserer Tätigkeit uns gegenüber angegeben haben.

Im Rahmen der hier beschrieben Datenverarbeitungen ist es möglich, dass gruppeninternen als auch externen Dienstleister aus den folgenden Bereichen in die Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten involviert sind:

  • IT-Sicherheit
  • IT-Lösungen
  • Hosting
  • Telekommunikation
  • Dienstleister zur Durchführung der Überprüfung von Arbeitsreferenzen
  • Dienstleister zur Durchführung der Überprüfung von Qualifikationen
  • Dienstleister zur Durchführung der Überprüfung im Zusammenhang mit strafrechtlichen Verurteilungen (sofern erforderlich)
  • Dienstleister zur Überprüfung der von Ihnen zur Verfügung gestellten Angaben aus Drittquellen 
  • Dienstleister zur Durchführung von psychometrischen Bewertungen oder Fähigkeitstests
  • Beratungsdienste

Durchführung von Umfragen zu Talent-Trends

Um unsere Dienstleistungen stetig zu verbessern und auf dem aktuellen Stand zu halten, werden wir Sie punktuell zur Teilnahme an Umfragen zu Talent-Trends einladen.

In diesem Zusammenhang könnten wir die nachfolgenden Daten verarbeiten:

  • Name
  • Bisherige Vermittlungen und erbrachte Dienstleistungen
  • E-Mail-Adresse
  • Angaben im Umfragebogen

Die Datenverarbeitungen beruhen auf den nachfolgenden Rechtsgrundlagen:

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a) DSGVO - Ihre Einwilligung

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f) DSGVO (i.V.m. § 7 Abs. 3 UWG, soweit es um elektronisch übermittelte Umfragen geht) - unser berechtigtes Interesse aktuelle Talent-Trends zu erkennen und unsere Dienstleistungen und Angebote weiterzuentwickeln

Wir erheben die Daten direkt bei Ihnen.

Im Rahmen der hier beschrieben Datenverarbeitungen ist es möglich, dass gruppeninternen als auch externen Dienstleister aus den folgenden Bereichen Zugriff auf Ihre Daten haben:

  • Marketing
  • Marktforschung
  • Markanalyse
  • Vertrieb
  • IT-Lösungen
  • IT-Support
  • Post- und Versanddienstleistungen
  • Telekommunikation
  • Datenanalyse

Potenzielle Bewerber und Kunden



Rechtsgrundlage/Berechtigtes Interesse

Erhebung der Daten

Kategorien von Empfängern

Zur Vorstellung unserer Dienstleistungen und um mit Ihnen in Kontakt treten zu können und Ihre Anfragen zu beantworten, verarbeiten wir Ihre personenbezogenen Daten. Wir verarbeiten die Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten, die Sie uns zur Verfügung stellen, wenn Sie uns kontaktieren und eine Anfrage stellen. Daneben könnten wir Daten über Sie verarbeiten, die wir aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen sowie aus beruflichen und sozialen Netzwerken, wie LinkedIn, Xing, StepStone, Unternehmens- oder anderen Stellenbörsen erhalten haben, um mit Ihnen in Kontakt zu treten, wenn wir der Meinung sind, dass Sie an unseren Arbeitsvermittlungsdiensten interessiert sein könnten.

Daneben kann es sein, dass wir durch Empfehlung eines anderen Bewerbers oder Kunden auf Sie aufmerksam gemacht worden sind und Sie kontaktieren.

Sofern Sie als Ansprechpartner in Vertretung eines Unternehmens auftreten, verarbeiten wir Ihre beruflichen Kontaktdaten.

In diesem Zusammenhang könnten wir die nachfolgenden Daten verarbeiten:

  • Name und Adresse
  • Position im Unternehmen
  • Telefonnummer
  • E-Mail-Adresse
  • Berufliche Kontaktdaten
  • Name des Unternehmens in dem Sie tätig sind,
  • Informationen in Ihrem Lebenslauf, Jobprofil, Unternehmensprofil
  • Informationen über Ihren Bildungsweg,
  • Referenzen,
  • Berufliche Erfahrungen,
  • Arbeitszeugnisse,
  • Gehaltsvorstellungen,
  • Berufswünsche,
  • Offene Stellenanzeigen,
  • Staatsangehörigkeit,
  • Fotos,
  • Sprachkenntnisse,
  • Status in beruflichen Netzwerken, z.B. offen für Jobs

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a) DSGVO - Ihre Einwilligung

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b) DSGVO – zur Begründung des Vertrages mit Ihnen

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f) DSGVO () - unser berechtigtes Interesse an Direktmarketingmaßnahmen und Vertrieb unserer Recruiting- und Arbeitsvermittlungsdienste sowie unser berechtigtes Interesse daran, neue Geschäftskontakte, Kunden und potentielle Bewerber ausfindig zu machen)

Wir erheben die Daten direkt bei Ihnen.

Daneben könnten wir Ihre Daten auch bei Dritten erheben, und zwar

  • öffentlich zugängliche berufliche Quellen, Homepage, Zeitungsartikel, Stellenausschreibungen
  • Berufliche Netzwerke, wie LinkedIn, StepStone,, Xing usw. 
  • Ihre in öffentlichen Datenbanken veröffentlichten Job- oder Unternehmensprofile
  • Andere Bewerber oder Kunden

Im Rahmen der hier beschrieben Datenverarbeitungen ist es möglich, dass gruppeninternen als auch externen Dienstleister aus den folgenden Bereichen Zugriff auf Ihre Daten haben:

  • Marketing
  • Vertrieb
  • IT-Lösungen
  • IT-Support
  • Post- und Versanddienstleistungen
  • Telekommunikation
  • Datenanalyse

Kunden (B2B) und unsere Ansprechpartner bei unseren Kunden



Rechtsgrundlage/ Berechtigtes Interesse

Erhebung der Daten

Kategorien von Empfängern

Wir verarbeiten Ihre Daten, um für Sie unsere Recruiting Dienste zu erbringen. In diesem Zusammenhang verarbeiten wir Ihre Daten und die Ihrer Ansprechpartner, um mit Ihnen zu kommunizieren und für Sie geeignete Kandidaten für Ihre vakanten Stellen zu finden.

In diesem Zusammenhang könnten wir die nachfolgenden Daten verarbeiten:

  • Unternehmensname
  • Name und Adresse
  • Kontaktdaten der Ansprechpartner
  • Telefonnummer
  • Ihr Feedback zu Bewerbern
  • Vertragsdaten- und Abrechnungsdaten
  • Informationen zu vakanten Stellen und Anforderungsprofile

Die Datenverarbeitungen beruhen auf den nachfolgenden Rechtsgrundlagen:

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b) DSGVO - Begründung, Durchführung oder Beendigung des Vertrages mit Ihnen

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f) DSGVO - unser berechtigtes Interesse an effizienten arbeitsorganisatorischen Prozessen, Arbeitsteilung im PageGroup Konzern

Wir erheben die Daten direkt bei Ihnen.

Daneben könnten wir Ihre Daten auch bei Dritten erheben, und zwar

  • öffentlich zugänglichen beruflichen Quellen, wie Homepages, Zeitungsartikeln, Stellenausschreibungen
  • Berufliche Netzwerke, wie LinkedIn, StepStone,, Xing usw. 
  • aus öffentlichen Datenbanken, in denen Ihre veröffentlichten Job- oder Unternehmensprofile gespeichert sind
  • bei anderen Kunden und Bewerbern

Im Rahmen der hier beschrieben Datenverarbeitungen ist es möglich, dass gruppeninternen als auch externen Dienstleister aus den folgenden Bereichen Zugriff auf Ihre Daten haben:

  • Marketing
  • Vertrieb
  • IT-Lösungen
  • IT-Support
  • Post- und Versanddienstleistungen
  • Telekommunikation
  • Datenanalyse
  • Buchhaltung
  • Verwaltung
  • Banking
  • Verwaltung und Management von globalen, regionalen oder leitenden Positionen oder Entwicklung von Großkunden innerhalb der PageGroup

Wir verarbeiten Ihre Daten, um Ihnen Zufriedenheitsumfragen zuzusenden und zu erfahren, ob Sie mit unseren Leistungen zufrieden sind, um unsere vorhandenen Dienstleistungen zu verbessern und neue Dienstleistungen zu entwickeln.

In diesem Zusammenhang könnten wir die nachfolgenden Daten verarbeiten:

  • Unternehmensname
  • Name und Adresse
  • Kontaktdaten der Ansprechpartner
  • Telefonnummer
  • Bisherige Vermittlungen und erbrachte Dienstleistungen

Die Datenverarbeitungen beruhen auf den nachfolgenden Rechtsgrundlagen:

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a) DSGVO - Ihre Einwilligung

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f) DSGVO (i.V.m. § 7 Abs. 3 UWG, soweit es um elektronisch übermittelte Umfragen geht) - unser berechtigtes Interesse an Direktmarketingmaßnahmen und dem Versand von Werbeinhalten und das berechtigte Interesse an der Verbesserung und Weiterentwicklung unserer Services und Angebote

Wir erheben die Daten direkt bei Ihnen.

Im Rahmen der hier beschrieben Datenverarbeitungen ist es möglich, dass gruppeninternen als auch externen Dienstleister aus den folgenden Bereichen Zugriff auf Ihre Daten haben:

  • Marketing
  • Markanalyse
  • Vertrieb
  • IT-Lösungen
  • IT-Support
  • Post- und Versanddienstleistungen
  • Telekommunikation
  • Datenanalyse

Wir verarbeiten Ihre Daten, um Ihnen WerbeinformationenNewsletter und andere elektronische Werbeinformationen zuzusenden, um Sie über Stellenangebote, Branchenberichte und -einblicke, Veranstaltungen, Events sowie andere Neuigkeiten zu informieren.

In diesem Zusammenhang könnten wir die nachfolgenden Daten verarbeiten:

  • Name,
  • E-Mail-Adresse
  • Telefonnummer
  • Ihre Marketing- Informations- und Job-präferenzen

Die Datenverarbeitungen beruhen auf den nachfolgenden Rechtsgrundlagen:

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a) –SGVO - Ihre Einwilligung

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f) DSGVO (i.V.m. § 7 Abs. 3 UWG, soweit es um elektronisch übermittelte Umfragen geht) - unser berechtigtes Interesse an Direktmarketingmaßnahmen und dem Versand von Werbeinhalten

Wir erheben die Daten direkt bei Ihnen.

Im Rahmen der hier beschrieben Datenverarbeitungen ist es möglich, dass gruppeninternen als auch externen Dienstleister aus den folgenden Bereichen Zugriff auf Ihre Daten haben:

  • Marketing
  • Newsletter-Versand
  • Vertrieb
  • IT-Lösungen
  • IT-Support
  • Post- und Versanddienstleistungen
  • Telekommunikation
  • Datenanalyse

Dienstleister und unsere Ansprechpartner bei unseren Dienstleistern



Rechtsgrundlage/Berechtigtes Interesse

Erhebung der Daten

Empfänger Ihrer Daten

Um den Dienstleistungsvertrag mit Ihnen abzuschließen, Ihre Dienstleistungen zu erhalten und um mit Ihnen im Rahmen unserer Geschäftsbeziehung zu kommunizieren, verarbeiten wir Ihre personenbezogenen Daten. Darüber hinaus verarbeiten wir Ihre Daten zu Abrechnungszwecken.

In diesem Zusammenhang könnten wir die nachfolgenden Daten verarbeiten:

  • Unternehmensname
  • Name und Adresse
  • Kontaktdaten der Ansprechpartner
  • Telefonnummer
  • Übersicht erbrachte Leistungen
  • Vertragsdaten- und Abrechnungsdaten

Die Datenverarbeitungen beruhen auf den nachfolgenden Rechtsgrundlagen:

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b) DSGVO - Begründung, Durchführung oder Beendigung des Vertrages mit Ihnen

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f) DSGVO - unser berechtigtes Interesse an effizienten arbeitsorganisatorischen Prozessen, Arbeitsteilung im PageGroup Konzern

Wir erheben die Daten direkt bei Ihnen.

Im Rahmen der hier beschrieben Datenverarbeitungen ist es möglich, dass gruppeninternen als auch externen Dienstleister aus den folgenden Bereichen Zugriff auf Ihre Daten haben:

  • Einkauf
  • Vertrieb
  • IT-Lösungen
  • IT-Support
  • Post- und Versanddienstleistungen
  • Telekommunikation
  • Datenanalyse

Wir verarbeiten Ihre personenbezogenen Daten, um Ihre Eignung als Lieferant für uns zu prüfen.

Zur Einhaltung gesetzlicher Vorschriften gleichen wir in sehr begrenzten Fällen und nur soweit wir gesetzlich dazu verpflichtet sind, Ihre Stammdaten mit Sanktionslisten und anderen öffentlichen Listen und Registern ab, einschließlich Terror- und Embargolisten und PEP-Listen (Politically Exposed Person).

In diesem Zusammenhang könnten wir die nachfolgenden Daten verarbeiten:

  • Unternehmensname
  • Name und Adresse
  • Kontaktdaten der Ansprechpartner
  • Telefonnummer
  • Referenzen

Die Datenverarbeitungen beruhen auf den nachfolgenden Rechtsgrundlagen:

Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR - unsere gesetzliche Verpflichtung zur Durchführung von Zuverlässigkeitsüberprüfungen

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - Begründung, Durchführung oder Beendigung des Vertrags mit Ihnen

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - unser berechtigtes Interesse an der Durchführung von Bewertungen zur Beurteilung Ihrer Eignung

Wir erheben die Daten direkt bei Ihnen.

Daneben könnten wir auch Daten aus öffentlichen Registern und Sanktionslisten erheben.

Im Rahmen der hier beschrieben Datenverarbeitungen ist es möglich, dass gruppeninternen als auch externen Dienstleister aus den folgenden Bereichen Zugriff auf Ihre Daten haben:

  • Einkauf
  • Vertrieb
  • IT-Lösungen
  • IT-Support
  • Post- und Versanddienstleistungen
  • Telekommunikation

Datenverarbeitungen zur Erfüllung gesetzlicher Pflichten, Restrukturierungsmaßnahmen und Verteidigung und Geltendmachung von Rechtsansprüchen



Rechtsgrundlage/Berechtigtes Interesse

Erhebung der Daten

Empfänger Ihrer Daten

Wir verarbeiten Ihre Daten überdies soweit dies zur Erfüllung staatlicher Kontroll- und Auskunftspflichten, einschließlich behördlicher Informations-, Anzeigepflichten sowie handelsrechtlicher oder steuerrechtlicher Pflichten erforderlich ist.

In diesem Zusammenhang verarbeiten wir die nachfolgenden Daten:

  • Unternehmensname
  • Name und Adresse
  • Kontaktdaten der Ansprechpartner
  • Telefonnummer
  • Übersicht erbrachte Leistungen
  • Vertragsdaten- und Abrechnungsdaten
  • Angefragte Daten

Die Datenverarbeitungen beruhen auf den nachfolgenden Rechtsgrundlagen:

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. c) DSGVO (Erfüllung gesetzlicher Pflichten)

Wir erheben die Daten direkt bei Ihnen.

Im Rahmen der hier beschrieben Datenverarbeitung ist es möglich, dass folgende Empfänger Zugriff Ihre Daten haben: 

  • Strafverfolgungsbehörden
  • Behörden
  • Gerichte
  • Rechtsanwälte
  • Berater

In Einzelfällen verarbeiten wir Ihre Daten auch zur Geltendmachung von und Verteidigung gegen rechtliche Ansprüche.

In diesem Zusammenhang verarbeiten wir die nachfolgenden Daten:

  • Unternehmensname
  • Name und Adresse
  • Kontaktdaten der Ansprechpartner
  • Telefonnummer
  • Übersicht erbrachte Leistungen
  • Vertragsdaten- und Abrechnungsdaten
  • Erforderliche Daten zur Verteidigung und Geltendmachung von Ansprüchen

Die Datenverarbeitungen beruhen auf den nachfolgenden Rechtsgrundlagen:

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f) DSGVO (unser berechtigtes Interesse an der Verteidigung gegen und Geltendmachung von Rechtsansprüchen)

Wir erheben die Daten direkt bei Ihnen.

Im Rahmen der hier beschrieben Datenverarbeitungen ist es möglich, dass folgende Empfänger Zugriff Ihre Daten haben:

  • Rechtsanwälte
  • Beratungsunternehmen
  • Gerichte
  • Mediatoren

Wir verarbeiten Ihre Daten im Falle einer Umstrukturierung, Fusion, eines Verkaufs, Joint Ventures, einer Abtretung oder einer sonstigen Übertragung bzw. Veräußerung der Gesamtheit oder eines Teils unseres Unternehmens, soweit dies für diese Zwecke erforderlich ist.

In diesem Zusammenhang verarbeiten wir die nachfolgenden Daten:

  • Unternehmensname
  • Name und Adresse
  • Kontaktdaten der Ansprechpartner
  • Telefonnummer
  • Übersicht erbrachte Leistungen
  • Vertragsdaten- und Abrechnungsdaten

Die Datenverarbeitungen beruhen auf den nachfolgenden Rechtsgrundlagen:

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f) DSGVO unser berechtigtes Interesse an einer Umstrukturierung, Fusion, eines Verkaufs, Joint Ventures, einer Abtretung oder einer sonstigen Übertragung bzw. Veräußerung der Gesamtheit oder eines Teils unseres Unternehmens

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a) DSGVO – Ihre Einwilligung

Wir erheben die Daten direkt bei Ihnen.

Im Rahmen der hier beschrieben Datenverarbeitung ist es möglich, dass folgende Empfänger Zugriff Ihre Daten haben:

  • Rechtsanwälte
  • neue Unternehmenseigentümer und ihre Berater
  • Gerichte

Wir verarbeiten Ihre personenbezogenen Daten überdies zur Erfüllung datenschutzrechtlicher Pflichten, insbesondere um Ihre Betroffenenrechte zu gewährleisten.

In diesem Zusammenhang verarbeiten wir die nachfolgenden Daten:

  • Unternehmensname
  • Name und Adresse
  • Kontaktdaten der Ansprechpartner
  • Telefonnummer
  • Vertragsdaten- und Abrechnungsdaten
  • Datenschutzrechtliche Erklärungen (z. B. Einwilligungserklärungen zur Verarbeitung
  • Erklärungen zum Widerruf von Ihnen erteilter Einwilligungen
  • Erklärungen zum Widerspruch gegen die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten
  • Erklärungen zur Geltendmachung Ihrer Rechte auf Auskunft, Berichtigung, Löschung, Einschränkung der Verarbeitung, Datenübertragbarkeit einschließlich der Informationen, die Sie uns bei der Geltendmachung Ihrer Rechte mitteilen.

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. c) DSGVO (Erfüllung gesetzlicher Pflichten)

Wir erheben die Daten direkt bei Ihnen.

Im Rahmen der hier beschrieben Datenverarbeitung ist es möglich, dass folgende Empfänger Zugriff Ihre Daten haben:

  • Rechtsanwälte
  • Gerichte
  • Interne und externe Dienstleister im Bereich Verwaltung, Compliance, Datenschutz und Support

Cookies, Analysetool & Social Media

Wir nutzen Social Media und setzen verschiedene Cookies und andere Analysetechnologien auf unserer Webseite ein. Detaillierte Informationen dazu finden Sie in unserer Cookie Policy

Automatisierte Entscheidungen und Profiling

Wir treffen keine Entscheidungen ausschließlich auf Grundlage automatisierter Datenverarbeitung; es gibt immer eine Person, die in den Pro-zess eingreift, bevor eine Entscheidung getroffen wird.

Wir führen auf der Grundlage der personenbezogenen Daten von Bewerbern zwei Arten von Profiling durch:

  • JobMatch ist ein auf unserer Website für Bewerber zur Verfügung stehendes Tool, mit dem sie ihre Lebensläufe hochladen können. Passend zu Ihren Fähigkeiten, Berufswünschen und Angaben in Ihrem Lebenslauf, hilft uns das Tool dabei, Ihnen die Jobs zu emp-fehlen, die zu ihren Wünschen und Fähigkeiten passen. Jedoch beschränkt oder verhindert dieses Profiling nicht den Zugang zu an-deren Jobs oder Stellen.
  • Dabei setzen wir ein Analysetool mit semantischer Suchtechnologie (eine Art künstlicher Intelligenz) ein, das uns eine intelligente Suche und Filterung von Lebensläufen in unserer Datenbank ermöglicht. Durch Eingabe relevanter Schlüsselwörter wie z.B. Jahre der Arbeitserfahrung oder Fachgebiet, in das Tool werden dann sämtliche hochgeladenen Lebensläufe analysiert und als Ergebnis wird eine Zielmenge von Bewerbern geliefert, indem die Schlüsselwörter in den Lebensläufen der Bewerber abgeglichen und die Bewerber in einer nach ihrer Eignung für die jeweilige Stelle erzielten Rangordnung eingestuft werden. Wir nutzen es, um unsere Rekrutierungsprozesse effizienter zu gestalten, indem wir Bewerbern besser geeignete Stellen zuweisen können. Wie vorstehend erläutert, gibt es immer einen Recruiter, der dieses Verfahren verifiziert, so dass keine automatisierte Entscheidungsfindung stattfindet.

Bitte nehmen Sie zur Kenntnis, dass keine dieser Profiling-Aktivitäten für die Bewerber zu rechtlichen oder vergleichbar wesentlichen Auswir-kungen führt. Wenn Sie jedoch mehr dazu erfahren möchten, bitten wir Sie, uns zu kontaktieren.

Datenübermittlungen in Länder außerhalb des EWR

Wir verarbeiten Ihre personenbezogenen Daten in einigen Fällen auch außerhalb des Europäischen Wirtschaftsraums (EWR). Findet eine Daten-übermittlung an eine der oben genannten Empfänger statt, deren Sitz oder deren Ort der Datenverarbeitung außerhalb des EWR oder eines Staa-tes, für den durch einen Beschluss der Europäischen Kommission ein angemessenes Datenschutzniveau festgestellt wurde, gelegen ist, stellen wir vor der Weitergabe sicher, dass die Datenübermittlung durch einen gesetzlichen Erlaubnistatbestand gedeckt ist und Garantien für ein ange-messenes Datenschutzniveau in Bezug auf die Datenübermittlung bestehen (z.B. durch die Vereinbarung vertraglicher Gewährleistungen, behörd-lich anerkannte Regelungen oder verbindliche interne Datenschutzvorschriften beim Empfänger) oder Sie Ihre Einwilligung in die Datenübermitt-lung erteilt haben.

Gruppeninterne Datenübermittlungen außerhalb des EWR

Die PageGroup ist eine weltweit tätige Unternehmensgruppe. Unsere Fachleute für Personalbeschaffung und die Schlüsselmitglieder des Unter-nehmens, die Aufgaben wie z.B. Recruiting-Support, Lohnbuchhaltung und IT-Support erfüllen, haben ihre jeweiligen Arbeitsorte auf der gesamten Welt. Für die oben genannten Zwecke übermitteln wir im Rahmen unserer Zusammenarbeit in PageGorup die Sie betreffenden personenbezoge-nen Daten unter Einhaltung der Art. 44 ff. DSGVO auch an Gesellschaften der PageGroup, die Ihren Sitz außerhalb des EWR haben oder erlauben Mitarbeitern, die in Gesellschaften der PageGroup arbeiten, die Ihren Sitz außerhalb des EWR haben zum Zwecke unserer Zusammenarbeiten und Erfüllung unserer vertraglichen Pflichten mit Ihnen auf Ihre Daten zuzugreifen. Eine Liste der PageGroup-Gesellschaften, die Ihren Sitz au-ßerhalb des EWR haben, finden Sie hier.

Wenn Sie sich im Rahmen Ihrer Stellensuche beispielsweise in Deutschland aufhalten oder wenn Sie eine qualifizierte Fachkraft zum Eintritt in Ihr Unternehmen oder einen Personalvermittlungspartner suchen, werden wir die Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten, soweit erforder-lich, auch an unsere auf den deutschen Markt spezialisierten Recruiter weitergeben, die ihren Sitz in der Türkei haben (Details zur türkischen Gesellschaft finden Sie in der vorgenannten Liste). Diese verarbeiten die Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten im Auftrag unserer deut-schen Gesellschaften. Bei dieser Übermittlung wird ein angemessenes Datenschutzniveau durch unternehmensinterne Vereinbarungen und Standardvertragsklauseln, wie im Folgenden beschrieben, gewährt.

Wir haben eine unternehmensinterne Vereinbarung für die Datenübermittlung abgeschlossen, die von der Europäischen Kommission genehmigte Standardvertragsklauseln (Standard Contractual Clauses, SCC) enthält, welche die grenzüberschreitende Übermittlung personenbezogener Da-ten aus dem EWR an Drittländer außerhalb des EWR erlauben (da die Datenschutzgesetze außerhalb des EWR möglicherweise kein gleichwerti-ges Schutzniveau wie die Datenschutzgesetze des EWR bieten).
Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns unter Verwendung der untengenannten Kontaktdaten, wenn Sie eine Abschrift der SCCs erhalten möchten.

Datenübermittlungen an externe Dienstleister außerhalb des EWR

Datenübermittlungen an externe Dienstleister. Wir nutzen Dienstleister im Bereich IT, die Ihren Sitz in den USA, Großbritannien und Israel haben. Zum Schutz Ihrer Daten haben wir mit diesen Dienstleistern wo erforderlich Standardvertragsklauseln (SCCs) abgeschlossen.

Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns unter Verwendung der untengenannten Kontaktdaten, wenn Sie eine Abschrift der SCCs erhalten möchten.

Gewährleistung der Sicherheit Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten

Wir haben geeignete technische und organisatorische Maßnahmen getroffen, die wir aufrechterhalten, um die Sie betreffenden personenbezoge-nen Daten vor - ob unbeabsichtigt oder unrechtmäßig - Vernichtung, Verlust, Veränderung oder unbefugter Offenlegung von beziehungsweise unbefugtem Zugang zu schützen. Es erhalten ausschließlich befugtes Personal und Drittdienstleister gemäß dem Grundsatz „Kenntnis nur wenn nötig“ Zugang zu personenbezogenen Daten, und diese Mitarbeiter und Dienstleister sind vertraglich verpflichtet, die entsprechenden Informati-onen vertraulich zu behandeln. 

Wie lange wir Ihre personenbezogenen Daten aufbewahren

Wir bewahren Ihre personenbezogenen Daten so lange auf, wie dies für die Erfüllung des Zwecks, für den wir sie erhoben haben, erforderlich ist, wobei es sich um einen fortwährenden Zweck handeln kann. Wenn Sie zum Beispiel ein Bewerber sind, werden wir die Sie betreffenden perso-nenbezogenen Daten für die Dauer unserer Geschäftsbeziehung mit Ihnen und darüber hinaus speichern, da wir Bewerber oft über viele Jahre und möglicherweise während ihrer gesamten Karriere bei der Vermittlung von Arbeitsplätzen unterstützen. 

Wir bewahren einige personenbezogene Daten länger auf als andere. Bei der Festlegung der angemessenen Aufbewahrungsfrist für personenbe-zogene Daten berücksichtigen wir Faktoren wie die Zwecke, für die wir Ihre personenbezogenen Daten verarbeiten, einschließlich gesetzlicher, behördlicher, buchhalterischer und berichtspflichtiger Verpflichtungen, die Art und Menge der personenbezogenen Daten, die wir über Sie ge-speichert haben, und das potenzielle Risiko, dass Sie durch die unbefugte Nutzung oder Offenlegung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten Schaden nehmen können. 

Wenn wir Ihre personenbezogenen Daten für Direktmarketingzwecke verarbeiten, erfolgt dies so lange, bis Sie von uns die Beendigung dieser Verarbeitungstätigkeit verlangen sowie für einen kurzen Zeitraum nach Erhalt Ihrer entsprechenden Mitteilung (damit wir in der Lage sind, Ihre Anfrage umzusetzen). Außerdem vermerken wir in unseren Akten, dass Sie uns aufgefordert haben, Ihnen kein Direktmarketing zu senden oder Ihre Daten auf unbestimmte Zeit zu verarbeiten, damit wir Ihre Anfrage erfüllen können.

Ihre Rechte in Bezug auf den Datenschutz

Laut der EU-Datenschutzgesetzgebung stehen Ihnen im Hinblick auf die Sie betreffenden Datenverarbeitungen zahlreiche Rechte zu. Diese Rech-te beinhalten das Recht auf Widerruf Ihrer Einwilligung gem. Art. 7 Abs. 3 DSGVO, das Recht auf Auskunft über die Sie betreffenden personenbe-zogenen Daten sowie eine Kopie von ihnen zu verlangen (Art. 15 DSGVO), die Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten zu berichtigen (Art. 16 DSGVO), zu löschen (Art. 17 DSGVO) oder deren Verarbeitung einzuschränken (Art. 18 DSGVO), die personenbezogenen Daten, die Sie uns zur Verfügung gestellt haben, in einem strukturierten, maschinenlesbaren Format zu erhalten und uns zu bitten, diese Daten mit einem anderen für die Datenverarbeitung Verantwortlichen zu übertragen (Art. 20 DSGVO).

Gem. Art. 21 DSGVO, haben Sie das Recht, aus Gründen, die sich aus Ihrer besonderen Situation ergeben, jederzeit der Datenverarbeitung durch uns zu widersprechen, soweit diese auf Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. e DSGVO oder auf der Wahrung „berechtigter Interessen“ gem. Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO beruht. Sofern Sie von Ihrem Widerspruchsrecht Gebrauch machen, werden wir die Verarbeitung einstellen, es sei denn, wir können zwingende schutzwürdige Gründe für die Weiterverarbeitung nachweisen, welche Ihre Rechte und Interessen überwiegen.

Sie können Ihre einmal erteilte Einwilligung in den Erhalt von Marketingmitteilungen widerrufen oder der Datenverarbeitung zum Zwecke des Direktmarketings widersprechen, indem Sie die in unseren Mitteilungen erläuterten Schritte befolgen und sich von dem Erhalt von Marketingmit-teilungen abmelden, oder indem Sie uns über die in diesen Datenschutzhinwiesen angegebenen Kontaktdaten kontaktieren. Wir haben auch ein Zentrum für Marketingpräferenzen eingerichtet, in dem Sie Ihre Präferenzen einsehen und auswählen können und sich jederzeit gegen den Erhalt von Werbung entscheiden können. Für den Zugang zum Marketingpräferenzzentrum befolgen Sie bitte ebenfalls die in den Marketingmitteilun-gen erläuterten Schritten.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Ihnen zustehenden Rechte im Einzelfall beschränkt sein können. Ihre Rechte können beispielsweise dann einge-schränkt sein, wenn durch die Erfüllung Ihres Antrags personenbezogene Daten über eine andere Person offengelegt würden, wenn dadurch die Rechte eines Dritten (einschließlich unserer Rechte) verletzt würden oder wenn Sie uns bitten, Informationen zu löschen, zu deren Speicherung wir gesetzlich verpflichtet sind bzw. für deren Aufbewahrung wir Träger eines zwingenden berechtigten Interesses sind. Wir werden Sie bei der Beantwortung Ihres Antrags über alle relevanten Ausnahmen informieren, auf die wir uns als Grundlage berufen. 
Darüber hinaus haben wir für Verarbeitungen, die auf den berechtigten Interessen der Gesellschaften beruhen, eine Bewertung des berechtigten Interesses durchgeführt, um sicherzustellen, dass unsere Interessen nicht durch Ihre Interessen oder Grundrechte und Grundfreiheiten beein-trächtigt werden; Sie können diese Bewertung über die am Ende dieser Datenschutzerklärung genannten Kontakte anfordern.

Fragen und Beschwerden

Wenn Sie Fragen zu diesen Datenschutzhinwiesen oder zur Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten haben oder eine Beschwerde einrei-chen möchten, können Sie unser Kontaktformular ausfüllen oder über [email protected] eine E-Mail an uns oder unseren Datenschutzbeauftragten senden.

Wenn Ihre Bedenken fortbestehen oder Sie der Meinung sind, dass eine Verletzung des Schutzes der Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten erfolgt ist, sind Sie berechtigt, sich bei einer Aufsichtsbehörde zu beschweren. Eine Liste der zuständigen Behörden im EWR finden Sie hier

Wie Sie uns kontaktieren können

Ausübung Ihrer Rechte

Um Ihre Rechte auszuüben, Ihre Einwilligung zur Datenverarbeitung zu widerrufen oder unsere kommerziellen Mitteilungen abzubestellen, stehen Ihnen folgende Möglichkeiten zur Verfügung:

•    Sie können unser Anfrageformular hier ausfüllen, oder
•    sich per E-Mail wenden an [email protected], oder
•    sich an uns oder unseren Datenschutzbeauftragten wenden unter [email protected] 

Datenschutzbeauftragter (DSB)
Bird & Bird DPO Services SRL
Avenue Louise 235 box 1
1050 Brussels

Page Group  
Compliance Department 
Plaza Europa 21 23, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, 08908 Barcelona

Änderungen unserer Datenschutzrichtlinie

Wir können diese Datenschutzrichtlinie jederzeit aktualisieren. Alle wesentlichen Änderungen dieser Datenschutzrichtlinie werden auf dieser Website veröffentlicht und gegebenenfalls über andere Kommunikationskanäle bekannt gegeben.


Privacy Policy

Who we are and how we process your personal data

PageGroup including its subsidiaries (hereinafter collectively: "PageGroup", "us" or "we") is a specialist recruitment company operating under the brands Michael Page, Page Personnel, Page Executive and Page Outsourcing. The protection of personal data relating to you is important to us. This Privacy Policy informs you about the categories of personal data we collect, the purposes for which we use them and how we process your data, when you visit our website, when you apply for a job with us, when we introduce ourselves to you, when we provide recruitment and employment services to you, when we maintain a relationship with you after we have provided a service for you or when you provide a service for us. The following information is directed at you if you fall into one of the following categories of individuals:

  • candidates for whom we provide employment services or who apply to us for a vacant position and contact us through our website, job boards, social media pages or through other sources;
  • clients and their contacts with whom we have a business relationship and whom we support in filling vacant positions; 
  • potential candidates as well as potential clients and their contacts with whom we come into contact in order to present our prod-ucts and services;
  • service providers and their contacts who provide various services for us; 
  • users of our websites and apps

(jointly referred to as "you" or "yours"). 


The controller of your data is the PageGroup company that contacts you and processes data from you on its own responsibility when you visit the website, when the respective entity provides recruitment and employment services to you, maintains the relationship with you after the enti-ty has found a job for you, hires you for a vacant position or in case you provide a service to the to the respective entity. To access a complete list of PageGroup's European subsidiaries, including their contact details, please click here

Details of data processing

Below you will find an overview of what kind of personal data we process about you, for which purposes, on which legal basis and where we collect this data. 
If you do not provide us with your personal data, even though we need to collect it in order to process an order from you or fulfil a contract with you, or because we are required to do so by law, we may have to refuse your order or be unable to fulfil our contractual obligations to you. 

Users of our website or apps

We collect the data directly from you.


Data categories

Legal basis

Collection of your Data

Recipients of your Data

When you visit our website or app, we process your data for the following purposes:

  • Calling up the website/app
  • Ensuring smooth connection establishment,
  • Ensuring and optimising the performance of our website and the user-friendliness of our website
  • Ensuring and evaluating system security and stability

In this context, we also use various cookies and other technologies. For further information, see our Cookie Policy.

In this context, we process the following data:

  • IP address of the requesting Internet-enabled device
  • Date and time of access
  • Name and URL of the retrieved file,
  • Website/application from which the access was made (referrer URL), the browser you use and, if applicable, the operating system of your Internet-enabled computer
  • Name of your access provider

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in the security, stability, and usability of our website

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR – your consent

We collect the data directly from you.

In context of this data processing, it is possible that the following internal and external service providers have access to your data:

  • IT service providers
  • Data analytics tool provider
  • Marketing service provider

We process your data to provide you with personalised advertising on the website based on your browsing behaviour. To do this, we use various cookies and other technologies. For further information, see our Cookie Policy.

In this context, we process the following data:

  • IP address of the requesting Internet-enabled device,
  • Date and time of access,
  • Name and URL of the retrieved file,
  • Website/application from which the access was made (referrer URL), the browser used by you and, if applicable, the operating system of your Internet-enabled computer,
  • Name of your access provider

The data processing is based on the following legal basis:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - your consent

In context of this data processing, it is possible that the following internal or external service providers have access to your data:

  • IT service providers
  • Analysis tools providers
  • Marketing companies



Data categories

Legal basis/legitimate interest

Collection of your Data

Recipient categories

We process your data in order to provide employment & placement services to you or to conduct an application process with you to establish an employment relationship with you.

In this context, we may use your data to communicate with you, answer your questions, analyse your CV, and find a suitable position for you, create a candidate profile for you, providing salary advice, arrange interviews, conduct aptitude tests with you, forward your application documents to the employer of your choice.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name and address
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Information in your CV
  • Information about your educational path
  • References
  • Professional experience
  • Job references
  • Salary expectations,
  • Career aspirations
  • Results of security audits
  • Nationality
  • Residence and work permit
  • Photos
  • Language skills,
  • Test results from assessment centres,
  • In certain cases, special categories of data such as:
  • Disability,
  • Health information,
  • Occupational health examinations,
  • Convictions, criminal offences,

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you

Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR - compliance with legal obligations in the area of labour and social law

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in efficient work organisational processes, work & service-sharing within the PageGroup as well as our legitimate interest in maintaining our customer relationship with you.

We only process your special categories data on the basis of your consent pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR and insofar as we are obligated to do so for reasons of labour and social law, and finally for reasons of equal opportunity. In these cases, we base the processing of your data on Art. 9 (2) (b), (g) and (h) DSGVO.

We collect the data directly from you.

In addition, we may also collect your data from third parties, namely from

  • References, e.g., previous employers or former customer of you to confirm your credentials & qualifications
  • Educational institutions
  • Publicly accessible professional networks, such as LinkedIn, StepStone or Xing, to increase the information already available to us about you, so that we have a better chance of finding suitable positions for you;
  • Clients to whom we have provided your CV and who have been in contact with you as part of your job application.

We will only contact those reference providers, that you have indicated to us during the application process and our services.

In order to provide our employment services, we may share personal information about you with potential employers who offer job openings in which you are interested.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is also possible that both internal and external service providers have access to your data. These include processors as well as our controllers from the following areas:

  • IT support
  • Hosting, IT service
  • IT solutions to improve service quality
  • Data analytics
  • Recruiting support
  • Sales
  • Administration and management of global, regional, or executive positions or the development of key customers within the Page Group
  • Shipping and logistics companies
  • Telecommunications providers
  • Providers of professional networks
  • Providers of psychometric assessment or ability tests

Our contractors are contractually obligated by us to maintain confidentiality and to comply with data protection standards and regulations.

We process your data when you register with us and make your application data available to us and eventually to potential employers.

If you register with different PageGroup companies, we will combine the applicant data you have provided into one data record and one applicant account for you. A single record avoids duplicities and improve accuracy of the personal data. For these purposes, the PageGroup companies involved will share your personal information as independent data controllers.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name and address
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Information in your CV
  • Information about your educational path
  • References
  • Professional experience
  • Job references
  • Salary expectations,
  • Career aspirations
  • In certain cases, special categories of data on such as:
  • Disability,
  • health information,
  • Convictions, criminal offences

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - establishment, performance, or termination of the user contract with you for the provision of our candidate registration service.

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in efficient work organisational processes, in work & service-sharing within the PageGroup as well as our legitimate interest in maintaining our customer relationship with you

In this case, we only process your special categories of data on the basis of your consent pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (a), Art. 9 (2) (a) GDPR.

We collect the data directly from you.

If you apply for a specific position, we will pass your applicants data on to the potential employer you have requested.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is also possible that the internal as well as external service providers described above have access to your data.

We process your data to send you promotional informationnewsletters, and other electronic promotional information, to keep you informed about job opportunities, industry reports and insights, events, happenings and other content.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name,
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Your marketing information and job preferences

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - your consent

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR our legitimate interest in direct marketing measures and the sending of advertising content

We collect the data directly from you.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analysis

We process your data to send you satisfaction surveys to find out whether you are satisfied with our services, to improve our existing services and to develop new services.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Previous placements and services provided
  • Your information in the satisfaction questionnaire

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - your consent

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in direct marketing measures and sending of advertising content as well as the improvement and development of our services

We collect the data directly from you.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analysis
  • Service provider for conducting surveys
  • Service provider to conduct testing and development activities, provide research, mailing or other direct marketing services.

In certain cases, it may be necessary for us to check the information you have provided about your work-history, or to check whether you have the qualifications and the necessary reliability for a specific job position. In these cases, we conduct so-called background checks. For this purpose, we consult reference providers and early educational institutions. In addition, we conduct internet research using search engines and publicly accessible online databases. Furthermore, we evaluate national and international press.

Only in very limited cases and only insofar as we are legally obliged to do so do we compare your master data with sanctions lists and other public lists and registers, including terror and embargo lists and PEP lists (Politically Exposed Person).

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name and address
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Information in your CV
  • Information about your educational path
  • References
  • Professional experience
  • Job references
  • Results of security audits
  • Nationality
  • Residence and work permit
  • Photos
  • Language skills
  • Assessment centre test results
  • Convictions, criminal offences (e.g., employment fraud, economic crime, organised crime)
  • Infringements of competition or antitrust law
  • Violations of other legal requirements or regulations
  • Insolvencies
  • existing conflicts of interest

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - your consent

Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR - our legal obligation to conduct background checks

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - Establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in carrying out background checks to verify your information, our legitimate interest in carrying out background checks to fulfil legal obligations of our clients, the legitimate interest of our clients in carrying out background checks to ensure the required suitability and reliability for special positions and verification of your information.

We collect the data directly from you.

In addition, we may also collect your data from third parties, namely:

  • Reference providers, such as previous employers or former customers of you to check your details
  • Educational institutions - to check your academic qualifications
  • publicly available professional sources such as LinkedIn, Xing or StepStone, etc.
  • Sanction lists and other public lists and registers, including terror and embargo lists as well as PEP lists
  • Public source, telephone directories, newspaper articles
  • Generally accessible databases

We will only contact those reference providers that you have indicated to us during the selection process and our services.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • IT security
  • IT solutions
  • Hosting
  • Telecommunications
  • Service provider to carry out the check of work references
  • Service provider to carry out the check of qualifications
  • Service provider to conduct review in connection with criminal convictions (if required)
  • Service provider to verify the information you provide from third-party sources
  • Service provider to conduct psychometric evaluations or ability tests

Our contractors are contractually obligated by us to maintain confidentiality and to comply with data protection standards and regulations.

Conducting surveys on talent trends

In order to continuously improve our services and keep them up to date, we will selectively invite you to participate in surveys on talent trends.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name
  • Previous placements and services provided
  • Email address
  • Information in the survey questionnaire

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - your consent

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest to identify current talent trends and to further develop our services and offers.

We collect the data directly from you.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Market research
  • Market analysis
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analysis

Potential candidates and clients


Data categories

Legal basis/legitimate interest

Collection of the data

Recipient categories

In order to present our services and to be able to contact you and answer your enquiries, we process your personal data. We process the personal data about you that you provide to us when you contact us and make an enquiry. In addition, we may process data about you obtained from publicly available sources and from professional and social networks, such as LinkedIn, Xing, StepStone, company or other job boards, in order to contact you if we think you might be interested in our employment services.

In addition, we may have been made aware of you through recommendation from another candidate or client and contact you.

If you are acting as a business contact on behalf of a company, we will process your professional contact details.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name and address
  • Position in the company
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Professional contact details
  • Name of the company you work for,
  • Information in your CV, job profile, company profile
  • Information about your educational path,
  • References,
  • Professional experience,
  • Job references,
  • Salary expectations,
  • Career aspirations,
  • Open job advertisements,
  • Nationality,
  • Photos,
  • Language skills,
  • Status in professional networks, e.g., open for jobs

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - your consent

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in direct marketing measures and distribution of our recruiting and employment services as well as our legitimate interest in finding new business contacts, customers, and potential candidates

We collect the data directly from you.

In addition, we may also collect your data from third parties, namely:

  • Publicly accessible professional sources, homepages, newspaper articles, job advertisements
  • Professional networks, such as LinkedIn, StepStone,, Xing, etc.
  • Your job or company profiles published in public databases
  • Other candidates or clients

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analytics

Clients (B2B) and our contacts


Data categories

Legal basis/ Legitimate interest

Collection of the data

Recipient categories

We process your data in order to provide our recruiting services to you. In this context, we process your data and those of your business contacts in order to communicate with you and find suitable candidates for your vacancies.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the business contacts
  • Telephone number
  • Your feedback on candidates
  • Contract data and accounting data
  • Information on vacancies and requirement profiles

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - Establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in efficient work organisational processes, work & service sharing within the PageGroup group

We collect the data directly from you.

In addition, we may also collect your data from third parties, namely:

  • Publicly accessible professional sources, homepages, newspaper articles, job advertisements
  • Professional networks, such as LinkedIn, StepStone,, Xing, etc.
  • Your job or company profiles published in public databases
  • Other clients and candidates

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analysis
  • Accounting
  • Administration
  • Banking
  • Management of global, regional, or senior executive positions, or the development of key accounts, which would require the cooperation of different companies across the group.

We process your data to send you satisfaction surveys to find out whether you are satisfied with our services, to improve our existing services and to develop new services.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the business contact
  • Telephone number
  • Previous placements and services provided

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - your consent

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in direct marketing and sending of advertising content and to further develop our services and offers.

We collect the data directly from you.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Market analysis
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analytics

We process your data to send you promotional informationnewsletters, and other electronic promotional information, to keep you informed about job opportunities, industry reports and insights, events, happenings and other content.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name,
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Your marketing information and job preferences

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - your consent

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in direct marketing and the sending of advertising content

We collect the data directly from you.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Newsletter dispatch
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analytics

Service providers and our business contacts from our service providers


Data categories

Legal basis/legitimate interest

Collection of the data

Recipients of your data

In order to enter into the service contract with you and to receive your services and to communicate with you in the context of our business relationship, we process your personal data. In addition, we process your data for accounting purposes.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the contact persons
  • Telephone number
  • Overview of services rendered
  • Contract data and accounting data

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR – establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR – our legitimate interest in efficient work organisational processes, work & service-sharing in the PageGroup group

We collect the data directly from you.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analysis
  • Accounting
  • Administration
  • Banking

We process your personal data to assess your suitability as a supplier of us.

For legal compliance obligations, in very limited cases and only insofar as we are legally obliged to do so do we compare your master data with sanctions lists and other public lists and registers, including terror and embargo lists and PEP lists (Politically Exposed Person).

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the contact persons
  • Telephone number
  • References

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR - our legal obligation to conduct background checks

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in carrying out assessments to assess your suitability

We collect the data directly from you.

We may also use data from public registers and sanction lists.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Procurement
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Administration

Data processing for compliance with legal obligations and defence and assertion of legal claims


Data categories

Legal basis/legitimate interest

Collection of the Data

Recipients of your Data

We process your data insofar as necessary to fulfil official control and monitoring and audit obligations, including official information and notification obligations as well as obligations under commercial or tax law.

In this context, we process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the contact persons
  • Telephone number
  • Overview of services rendered
  • Contract data and accounting data
  • Requested data

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR – Compliance with legal obligations

We collect the data directly from you.

Within the scope of the data processing de-scribed here, it is possible that the following recipients have access to your data:

  • Law enforcement authorities or other public entities
  • Courts
  • Lawyers
  • Consultants

In individual cases, we also process your data for the assertion of and defence against legal claims.

In this context, we process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the contact persons
  • Telephone number
  • Overview of services rendered
  • Contract data and accounting data
  • Data required for the defence and enforcement of claims

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR – our legitimate interest in defending against asserting legal claims.

We collect the data directly from you.

Within the scope of the data processing de-scribed here, it is possible that the following recipients have access to your data:

  • Lawyers,
  • Consultants
  • Courts
  • Mediators

We will process your data in the event of a restructuring, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment or other transfer or disposal of all or part of our business to the extent necessary for these purposes.

In this context, we process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the contact persons
  • Telephone number
  • Overview of services rendered
  • Contract data and accounting data

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR – our legit-imate interest in in a restructuring, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment or other transfer or disposal of all or part of our company

Art. 6 (1) (a) – your consent

We collect the data directly from you.

Within the scope of the data processing described here, it is possible that the following recipients have access to your data:

  • Lawyers
  • New business owners and their advisors
  • Courts

We also process your personal data in order to fulfil our obligations under data protection law, in particular to guarantee your rights as a data subject.

In this context, we process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the contact persons
  • Telephone number
  • Contract and billing data
  • Data protection declarations (e.g., declaration of consent to processing)
  • Declarations on the revocation of consent given by you
  • Declarations of objection to the processing of personal data
  • Declarations on the assertion of your rights to information, correction, deletion, restriction of processing, data transferability, including the information you provide to us when asserting your rights

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR – compliance with legal obligations

We collect the data directly from you.

Within the scope of the data processing de-scribed here, it is possible that the following recipients have access to your data:

  • Lawyers
  • Courts
  • Internal and external service providers in the area of administration, compliance, data protection and support.

Cookies, analytics tool & social media

We use social media and employ various cookies and other analysis technologies on our website. For further information, see our Cookie Policy

Automated decisions and profiling

We do not make decisions based solely on automated data processing; there is always human intervention before a decision is made.

We draw up two types of profiles based on the candidates’ personal data:

  • JobMatch is a tool available on our website for candidates to upload their CVs. Matched to your skills, career aspirations and re-sume information, the tool helps us to recommend jobs that match your aspirations and skills. However, this profiling does not re-strict or exclude access to other jobs or positions.
  • We use an analysis tool powered by semantic search technology (a type of Artificial Intelligence) that allows us to intelligently search and filter CVs from our database. By entering relevant keywords such as years of experience or field of practice into this tool, all uploaded CVs are then analysed, and a pool of candidates is provided by matching the keywords in the candidates’ CVs and ranking the candidates according to their suitability for the job. We use it to make our recruitment processes more efficient, by being able to better match candidates to more suitable jobs. As explained above, there is always a recruiter checking this process, so there are no automated decisions.

Please note that none of these profiling activities have any significant legal or similar effects on candidates. However, if you would like to know more, please contact us.

Data transfers to countries outside the EEA

In some cases, we also process your personal data outside the European Economic Area (EEA). If a data transfer takes place to one of the above-mentioned recipients whose registered office or place of data processing is outside the EEA or a state for which an adequate level of data protection has been established by a decision of the European Commission, we will ensure prior to the transfer that the data transfer is covered by a legal authorization and that guarantees exist for an adequate level of data protection with regard to the data transfer (e.g., through contractual guarantees, officially recognized regulations or binding internal data protection regulations at the recipient) or you have given us consent to the data transfer. 

Intra-group data transfers outside the EEA

PageGroup is a globally active group of companies. Our recruitment experts and key business people in functions such as recruiting support, payroll management and IT support are located all over the world. For the above-mentioned purposes, in the context of our cooperation in PageGroup, we transfer your personal data in compliance with Art. 44 et seq. GDPR also to PageGroup companies outside the EEA or allow employees who work in PageGroup companies outside the EEA to access your personal data for the purpose of our cooperation and fulfilment of our contractual obligations with you. A list of PageGroup entities that are located outside the EEA can be found here.

If you are, for example, in Germany, as appropriate for your job search, or if you are looking for a qualified professional to join your organisation or a recruitment partner, we share your personal data with our recruiters specialised in the German market who are based in Turkey (details of the Turkish company can be found in the list mentioned above), if necessary. They process your personal data on behalf of our German entities. In relation to this transfer, an adequate level of data protection is ensured in accordance with the company’s intra-group agreement and the SCCs, as described below.

We have an intra-group data transfer agreement containing Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs) approved by the European Commission that allow for cross-border transfers of personal data from the EEA to third countries outside the EEA, (as data protection laws outside the EEA may not provide an equivalent level of protection to EEA data protection laws).

If you would like a copy of the SCCs, please contact us using the contact details below.

Data transfers to external service providers outside the EEA

For purposes mentioned above, we use IT service providers located in the United Kingdom, USA, and Israel. In order to protect your data, we have entered into standard contractual clauses (SCCs) where required.
Please contact us using the contact details below if you would like to receive a copy of the SCCs.

Keeping your personal data secure

We have implemented and maintain appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your personal data against accidental or un-lawful destruction, loss or alteration or unauthorised disclosure or access. Only authorised personnel and third-party service providers have access to personal data on a need-to-know basis, and these employees and service providers are contractually required to treat this infor-mation as confidential. 

How long we store your personal data

We will store your personal data for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purpose for which we have collected them, which may be an ongoing purpose. For example, if you are an applicant, we will store your personal data for the duration of our business relationship with you and beyond, as we often support applicants with jobs for many years and potentially for their entire career. 

We keep some personal data longer than others. In determining the appropriate storage period for personal data, we take into account factors such as the purposes for which we process your personal data, including legal, regulatory, accounting and reporting obligations, the nature and amount of personal data we hold about you, and the potential risk of harm to you from unauthorised use or disclosure of your personal data. 

Where we process your personal data for direct marketing purposes, we will do so until you ask us to stop, and for a short period of time after-wards (to allow us to carry out your request). We also keep a record of the fact that you have asked us not to send you direct marketing or to process your data indefinitely, so that we can respect your request.

Your data protection rights 

EU data protection legislation gives you many rights with regard to processing of data concerning you. These rights include the right withdraw your consent according to Art. 7 (3) GDPR, the right of access to your personal data, and to request  a copy of your personal data (Art. 15 GDPR), to rectify (Art. 16 GDPR), erase (Art. 17 GDPR), or restrict the processing of your personal data (Art. 18 GDPR), to obtain the personal data you provide to us in a structured, machine-readable format, and to ask us to transfer this data with another data controller (Art. 20 GDPR).

According to Art. 21 GDPR, you have the right to object to data processing by us at any time for reasons arising from your particular situation, insofar as this is based on Art. 6 (1) (e) DSGVO or on the protection of "legitimate interests" according to Art. 6 (1) (f) DSGVO. If you exercise your right to object, we will cease processing unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for further processing that prevail your rights and interests.

You may withdraw your consent once given to receive marketing communications or opt out of data processing for direct marketing purposes by following the steps outlined in our notices and opting out of receiving marketing communications, or by contacting us using the contact de-tails provided in this Privacy Policy. We have also established a Marketing Preference Center where you can view and select your preferences and opt out of receiving marketing communications at any time. To access the Marketing Preference Center, please also follow the steps explained in the Marketing communication.

Please note that these rights may be limited in certain cases. Your rights may be limited, for example, if complying with your request would dis-close personal data about another person, if it would infringe the rights of a third party (including ours) or if you ask us to delete information that we are required to retain by law or in whose storage we have overriding legitimate interests. We will inform you of any relevant exceptions on which we rely when we respond to your request. 
Furthermore, for processing operations based on the Companies' legitimate interests, we have carried out a legitimate interest assessment to ensure that our interests are not prejudiced by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms; you can request this assessment via the contacts listed at the end of this Privacy Policy.

Questions and complaints

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the processing of your personal data, or if you would like to make a complaint, you can use our form or send an email to us or to our Data Protection Officer at [email protected].

If you have unresolved concerns or believe that your personal data has been breached, you can lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority. A list of relevant authorities in the EEA is available here

How to contact us

Exercising your rights

To exercise your rights, withdraw your consent to processing or unsubscribe from our commercial communications, you can:

•    complete our application form here, or
•    send us an email to [email protected], or
•    please contact us or our Data Protection Officer at: [email protected] 

Data Protection Officer (DPO)
Bird & Bird DPO Services SRL
Avenue Louise 235 box 1
1050 Brussels

Page Group  
Compliance Department 
Plaza Europa 21 23, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, 08908 Barcelona

Changes to our privacy policy

We may update this privacy policy at any time. Any material changes to this privacy policy shall be duly posted on this website and shall be communicated through other communication channels where appropriate.

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Privacy Policy

Who we are and how we process your personal data

PageGroup including its subsidiaries (hereinafter collectively: "PageGroup", "us" or "we") is a specialist recruitment company operating under the brands Michael Page, Page Personnel, Page Executive and Page Outsourcing. The protection of personal data relating to you is important to us. This Privacy Policy informs you about the categories of personal data we collect, the purposes for which we use them and how we process your data, when you visit our website, when you apply for a job with us, when we introduce ourselves to you, when we provide recruitment and employment services to you, when we maintain a relationship with you after we have provided a service for you or when you provide a service for us. The following information is directed at you if you fall into one of the following categories of individuals:

  • candidates for whom we provide employment services or who apply to us for a vacant position and contact us through our website, job boards, social media pages or through other sources;
  • clients and their contacts with whom we have a business relationship and whom we support in filling vacant positions;
  • potential candidates as well as potential clients and their contacts with whom we come into contact in order to present our products and services;
  • service providers and their contacts who provide various services for us;
  • users of our websites and apps

(jointly referred to as "you" or "yours").


The controller of your data is the PageGroup company that contacts you and processes data from you on its own responsibility when you visit the website, when the respective entity provides recruitment and employment services to you, maintains the relationship with you after the entity has found a job for you, hires you for a vacant position or in case you provide a service to the to the respective entity. To access a complete list of PageGroup's European subsidiaries, including their contact details, please click here.

Details of data processing

Below you will find an overview of what kind of personal data we process about you, for which purposes, on which legal basis and where we collect this data.

If you do not provide us with your personal data, even though we need to collect it in order to process an order from you or fulfil a contract with you, or because we are required to do so by law, we may have to refuse your order or be unable to fulfil our contractual obligations to you.

Users of our website or apps


Data categories

Legal basis

Collection of your Data

Recipients of your Data

When you visit our website or app, we process your data for the following purposes:

  • Calling up the website/app
  • Ensuring smooth connection establishment,
  • Ensuring and optimising the performance of our website and the user-friendliness of our website
  • Ensuring and evaluating system security and stability

In this context, we also use various cookies and other technologies. For further information, see our Cookie Policy.

In this context, we process the following data:

  • IP address of the requesting Internet-enabled device
  • Date and time of access
  • Name and URL of the retrieved file,
  • Website/application from which the access was made (referrer URL), the browser you use and, if applicable, the operating system of your Internet-enabled computer
  • Name of your access provider

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in the security, stability, and usability of our website

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR – your consent

We collect the data directly from you.

In context of this data processing, it is possible that the following internal and external service providers have access to your data:

  • IT service providers
  • Data analytics tool provider
  • Marketing service provider

We process your data to provide you with personalised advertising on the website based on your browsing behaviour. To do this, we use various cookies and other technologies. For further information, see our Cookie Policy.

In this context, we process the following data:

  • IP address of the requesting Internet-enabled device,
  • Date and time of access,
  • Name and URL of the retrieved file,
  • Website/application from which the access was made (referrer URL), the browser used by you and, if applicable, the operating system of your Internet-enabled computer,
  • Name of your access provider

The data processing is based on the following legal basis:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - your consent

We collect the data directly from you.

In context of this data processing, it is possible that the following internal or external service providers have access to your data:

  • IT service providers
  • Analysis tools providers
  • Marketing companies



Data categories

Legal basis/legitimate interest

Collection of your Data

Recipient categories

We process your data in order to provide employment & placement services to you or to conduct an application process with you to establish an employment relationship with you.

In this context, we may use your data to communicate with you, answer your questions, analyse your CV, and find a suitable position for you, create a candidate profile for you, providing salary advice, arrange interviews, conduct aptitude tests with you, forward your application documents to the employer of your choice.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name and address
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Information in your CV
  • Information about your educational path
  • References
  • Professional experience
  • Job references
  • Salary expectations,
  • Career aspirations
  • Results of security audits
  • Nationality
  • Residence and work permit
  • Photos
  • Language skills,
  • Test results from assessment centres,
  • In certain cases, special categories of data such as:
  • Disability,
  • Health information,
  • Occupational health examinations,
  • Convictions, criminal offences,

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you

Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR - compliance with legal obligations in the area of labour and social law

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in efficient work organisational processes, work & service-sharing within the PageGroup as well as our legitimate interest in maintaining our customer relationship with you.

We only process your special categories data on the basis of your consent pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR and insofar as we are obligated to do so for reasons of labour and social law, and finally for reasons of equal opportunity. In these cases, we base the processing of your data on Art. 9 (2) (b), (g) and (h) DSGVO.

We collect the data directly from you.

In addition, we may also collect your data from third parties, namely from

  • References, e.g., previous employers or former customer of you to confirm your credentials & qualifications
  • Educational institutions
  • Publicly accessible professional networks, such as LinkedIn, StepStone or Xing, to increase the information already available to us about you, so that we have a better chance of finding suitable positions for you;
  • Clients to whom we have provided your CV and who have been in contact with you as part of your job application.

We will only contact those reference providers, that you have indicated to us during the application process and our services.

In order to provide our employment services, we may share personal information about you with potential employers who offer job openings in which you are interested.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is also possible that both internal and external service providers have access to your data. These include processors as well as our controllers from the following areas:

  • IT support
  • Hosting, IT service
  • IT solutions to improve service quality
  • Data analytics
  • Recruiting support
  • Sales
  • Administration and management of global, regional, or executive positions or the development of key customers within the Page Group
  • Shipping and logistics companies
  • Telecommunications providers
  • Providers of professional networks
  • Providers of psychometric assessment or ability tests

Our contractors are contractually obligated by us to maintain confidentiality and to comply with data protection standards and regulations.

We process your data when you register with us and make your application data available to us and eventually to potential employers.

If you register with different PageGroup companies, we will combine the applicant data you have provided into one data record and one applicant account for you. A single record avoids duplicities and improve accuracy of the personal data. For these purposes, the PageGroup companies involved will share your personal information as independent data controllers.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name and address
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Information in your CV
  • Information about your educational path
  • References
  • Professional experience
  • Job references
  • Salary expectations,
  • Career aspirations
  • In certain cases, special categories of data on such as:
  • Disability,
  • health information,
  • Convictions, criminal offences

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - establishment, performance, or termination of the user contract with you for the provision of our candidate registration service.

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in efficient work organisational processes, in work & service-sharing within the PageGroup as well as our legitimate interest in maintaining our customer relationship with you

In this case, we only process your special categories of data on the basis of your consent pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (a), Art. 9 (2) (a) GDPR.

We collect the data directly from you.

If you apply for a specific position, we will pass your applicants data on to the potential employer you have requested.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is also possible that the internal as well as external service providers described above have access to your data.

We process your data to send you promotional informationnewsletters, and other electronic promotional information, to keep you informed about job opportunities, industry reports and insights, events, happenings and other content.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name,
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Your marketing information and job preferences

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - your consent

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR our legitimate interest in direct marketing measures and the sending of advertising content

We collect the data directly from you.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analysis

We process your data to send you satisfaction surveys to find out whether you are satisfied with our services, to improve our existing services and to develop new services.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Previous placements and services provided
  • Your information in the satisfaction questionnaire

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - your consent

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in direct marketing measures and sending of advertising content as well as the improvement and development of our services

We collect the data directly from you.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analysis
  • Service provider for conducting surveys
  • Service provider to conduct testing and development activities, provide research, mailing or other direct marketing services.

In certain cases, it may be necessary for us to check the information you have provided about your work-history, or to check whether you have the qualifications and the necessary reliability for a specific job position. In these cases, we conduct so-called background checks. For this purpose, we consult reference providers and early educational institutions. In addition, we conduct internet research using search engines and publicly accessible online databases. Furthermore, we evaluate national and international press.

Only in very limited cases and only insofar as we are legally obliged to do so do we compare your master data with sanctions lists and other public lists and registers, including terror and embargo lists and PEP lists (Politically Exposed Person).

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name and address
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Information in your CV
  • Information about your educational path
  • References
  • Professional experience
  • Job references
  • Results of security audits
  • Nationality
  • Residence and work permit
  • Photos
  • Language skills
  • Assessment centre test results
  • Convictions, criminal offences (e.g., employment fraud, economic crime, organised crime)
  • Infringements of competition or antitrust law
  • Violations of other legal requirements or regulations
  • Insolvencies
  • existing conflicts of interest

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - your consent

Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR - our legal obligation to conduct background checks

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - Establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in carrying out background checks to verify your information, our legitimate interest in carrying out background checks to fulfil legal obligations of our clients, the legitimate interest of our clients in carrying out background checks to ensure the required suitability and reliability for special positions and verification of your information.

We collect the data directly from you.

In addition, we may also collect your data from third parties, namely:

  • Reference providers, such as previous employers or former customers of you to check your details
  • Educational institutions - to check your academic qualifications
  • publicly available professional sources such as LinkedIn, Xing or StepStone, etc.
  • Sanction lists and other public lists and registers, including terror and embargo lists as well as PEP lists
  • Public source, telephone directories, newspaper articles
  • Generally accessible databases

We will only contact those reference providers that you have indicated to us during the selection process and our services.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • IT security
  • IT solutions
  • Hosting
  • Telecommunications
  • Service provider to carry out the check of work references
  • Service provider to carry out the check of qualifications
  • Service provider to conduct review in connection with criminal convictions (if required)
  • Service provider to verify the information you provide from third-party sources
  • Service provider to conduct psychometric evaluations or ability tests

Our contractors are contractually obligated by us to maintain confidentiality and to comply with data protection standards and regulations.

Conducting surveys on talent trends

In order to continuously improve our services and keep them up to date, we will selectively invite you to participate in surveys on talent trends.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name
  • Previous placements and services provided
  • Email address
  • Information in the survey questionnaire

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - your consent

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest to identify current talent trends and to further develop our services and offers.

We collect the data directly from you.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Market research
  • Market analysis
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analysis

Potential candidates and clients


Data categories

Legal basis/legitimate interest

Collection of the data

Recipient categories

In order to present our services and to be able to contact you and answer your enquiries, we process your personal data. We process the personal data about you that you provide to us when you contact us and make an enquiry. In addition, we may process data about you obtained from publicly available sources and from professional and social networks, such as LinkedIn, Xing, StepStone, company or other job boards, in order to contact you if we think you might be interested in our employment services.

In addition, we may have been made aware of you through recommendation from another candidate or client and contact you.

If you are acting as a business contact on behalf of a company, we will process your professional contact details.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name and address
  • Position in the company
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Professional contact details
  • Name of the company you work for,
  • Information in your CV, job profile, company profile
  • Information about your educational path,
  • References,
  • Professional experience,
  • Job references,
  • Salary expectations,
  • Career aspirations,
  • Open job advertisements,
  • Nationality,
  • Photos,
  • Language skills,
  • Status in professional networks, e.g., open for jobs

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - your consent

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in direct marketing measures and distribution of our recruiting and employment services as well as our legitimate interest in finding new business contacts, customers, and potential candidates

We collect the data directly from you.

In addition, we may also collect your data from third parties, namely:

  • Publicly accessible professional sources, homepages, newspaper articles, job advertisements
  • Professional networks, such as LinkedIn, StepStone,, Xing, etc.
  • Your job or company profiles published in public databases
  • Other candidates or clients

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analytics

Clients (B2B) and our contacts


Data categories

Legal basis/ Legitimate interest

Collection of the data

Recipient categories

We process your data in order to provide our recruiting services to you. In this context, we process your data and those of your business contacts in order to communicate with you and find suitable candidates for your vacancies.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the business contacts
  • Telephone number
  • Your feedback on candidates
  • Contract data and accounting data
  • Information on vacancies and requirement profiles

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - Establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in efficient work organisational processes, work & service sharing within the PageGroup group

We collect the data directly from you.

In addition, we may also collect your data from third parties, namely:

  • Publicly accessible professional sources, homepages, newspaper articles, job advertisements
  • Professional networks, such as LinkedIn, StepStone,, Xing, etc.
  • Your job or company profiles published in public databases
  • Other clients and candidates

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analysis
  • Accounting
  • Administration
  • Banking
  • Management of global, regional, or senior executive positions, or the development of key accounts, which would require the cooperation of different companies across the group.

We process your data to send you satisfaction surveys to find out whether you are satisfied with our services, to improve our existing services and to develop new services.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the business contact
  • Telephone number
  • Previous placements and services provided

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - your consent

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in direct marketing and sending of advertising content and to further develop our services and offers.

We collect the data directly from you.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Market analysis
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analytics

We process your data to send you promotional informationnewsletters, and other electronic promotional information, to keep you informed about job opportunities, industry reports and insights, events, happenings and other content.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name,
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Your marketing information and job preferences

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - your consent

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in direct marketing and the sending of advertising content

We collect the data directly from you.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Newsletter dispatch
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analytics

Service providers and our business contacts from our service providers


Data categories

Legal basis/legitimate interest

Collection of the data

Recipients of your data

In order to enter into the service contract with you and to receive your services and to communicate with you in the context of our business relationship, we process your personal data. In addition, we process your data for accounting purposes.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the contact persons
  • Telephone number
  • Overview of services rendered
  • Contract data and accounting data

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR – establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR – our legitimate interest in efficient work organisational processes, work & service-sharing in the PageGroup group

We collect the data directly from you.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analysis
  • Accounting
  • Administration
  • Banking

We process your personal data to assess your suitability as a supplier of us.

For legal compliance obligations, in very limited cases and only insofar as we are legally obliged to do so do we compare your master data with sanctions lists and other public lists and registers, including terror and embargo lists and PEP lists (Politically Exposed Person).

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the contact persons
  • Telephone number
  • References

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR - our legal obligation to conduct background checks

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in carrying out assessments to assess your suitability

We collect the data directly from you.

We may also use data from public registers and sanction lists.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Procurement
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Administration

Data processing for compliance with legal obligations and defence and assertion of legal claims


Data categories

Legal basis/legitimate interest

Collection of the Data

Recipients of your Data

We process your data insofar as necessary to fulfil official control and monitoring and audit obligations, including official information and notification obligations as well as obligations under commercial or tax law.

In this context, we process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the contact persons
  • Telephone number
  • Overview of services rendered
  • Contract data and accounting data
  • Requested data

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR – Compliance with legal obligations

We collect the data directly from you.

Within the scope of the data processing de-scribed here, it is possible that the following recipients have access to your data:

  • Law enforcement authorities or other public entities
  • Courts
  • Lawyers
  • Consultants

In individual cases, we also process your data for the assertion of and defence against legal claims.

In this context, we process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the contact persons
  • Telephone number
  • Overview of services rendered
  • Contract data and accounting data
  • Data required for the defence and enforcement of claims

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR – our legitimate interest in defending against asserting legal claims.

We collect the data directly from you.

Within the scope of the data processing de-scribed here, it is possible that the following recipients have access to your data:

  • Lawyers,
  • Consultants
  • Courts
  • Mediators

We will process your data in the event of a restructuring, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment or other transfer or disposal of all or part of our business to the extent necessary for these purposes.

In this context, we process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the contact persons
  • Telephone number
  • Overview of services rendered
  • Contract data and accounting data

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR – our legit-imate interest in in a restructuring, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment or other transfer or disposal of all or part of our company

Art. 6 (1) (a) – your consent

We collect the data directly from you.

Within the scope of the data processing described here, it is possible that the following recipients have access to your data:

  • Lawyers
  • New business owners and their advisors
  • Courts

We also process your personal data in order to fulfil our obligations under data protection law, in particular to guarantee your rights as a data subject.

In this context, we process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the contact persons
  • Telephone number
  • Contract and billing data
  • Data protection declarations (e.g., declaration of consent to processing)
  • Declarations on the revocation of consent given by you
  • Declarations of objection to the processing of personal data
  • Declarations on the assertion of your rights to information, correction, deletion, restriction of processing, data transferability, including the information you provide to us when asserting your rights

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR – compliance with legal obligations

We collect the data directly from you.

Within the scope of the data processing de-scribed here, it is possible that the following recipients have access to your data:

  • Lawyers
  • Courts
  • Internal and external service providers in the areas of administration, compliance, data protection and support

Cookies, analytics tool & social media

We use social media and employ various cookies and other analysis technologies on our website. For further information, see our Cookie Policy.

Automated decisions and profiling

We do not make decisions based solely on automated data processing; there is always human intervention before a decision is made.

We draw up two types of profiles based on the candidates’ personal data:

  • JobMatch is a tool available on our website for candidates to upload their CVs. Matched to your skills, career aspirations and resume information, the tool helps us to recommend jobs that match your aspirations and skills. However, this profiling does not re-strict or exclude access to other jobs or positions.
  • We use an analysis tool powered by semantic search technology (a type of Artificial Intelligence) that allows us to intelligently search and filter CVs from our database. By entering relevant keywords such as years of experience or field of practice into this tool, all uploaded CVs are then analysed, and a pool of candidates is provided by matching the keywords in the candidates’ CVs and ranking the candidates according to their suitability for the job. We use it to make our recruitment processes more efficient, by being able to better match candidates to more suitable jobs. As explained above, there is always a recruiter checking this process, so there are no automated decisions.

Please note that none of these profiling activities have any significant legal or similar effects on candidates. However, if you would like to know more, please contact us.

Data transfers to countries outside the EEA

In some cases, we also process your personal data outside the European Economic Area (EEA). If a data transfer takes place to one of the above-mentioned recipients whose registered office or place of data processing is outside the EEA or a state for which an adequate level of data protection has been established by a decision of the European Commission, we will ensure prior to the transfer that the data transfer is covered by a legal authorization and that guarantees exist for an adequate level of data protection with regard to the data transfer (e.g., through contractual guarantees, officially recognized regulations or binding internal data protection regulations at the recipient) or you have given us consent to the data transfer.

Intra-group data transfers outside the EEA

PageGroup is a globally active group of companies. Our recruitment experts and key business people in functions such as recruiting support, payroll management and IT support are located all over the world. For the above-mentioned purposes, in the context of our cooperation in PageGroup, we transfer your personal data in compliance with Art. 44 et seq. GDPR also to PageGroup companies outside the EEA or allow employees who work in PageGroup companies outside the EEA to access your personal data for the purpose of our cooperation and fulfilment of our contractual obligations with you. A list of PageGroup entities that are located outside the EEA can be found here.

If you are, for example, in Germany, as appropriate for your job search, or if you are looking for a qualified professional to join your organisation or a recruitment partner, we share your personal data with our recruiters specialised in the German market who are based in Turkey (details of the Turkish company can be found in the list mentioned above), if necessary. They process your personal data on behalf of our German entities. In relation to this transfer, an adequate level of data protection is ensured in accordance with the company’s intra-group agreement and the SCCs, as described below.

We have an intra-group data transfer agreement containing Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs) approved by the European Commission that allow for cross-border transfers of personal data from the EEA to third countries outside the EEA, (as data protection laws outside the EEA may not provide an equivalent level of protection to EEA data protection laws).

If you would like a copy of the SCCs, please contact us using the contact details below.

Data transfers to external service providers outside the EEA

For purposes mentioned above, we use IT service providers located in the United Kingdom, USA, and Israel. In order to protect your data, we have entered into standard contractual clauses (SCCs) where required.
Please contact us using the contact details below if you would like to receive a copy of the SCCs.

Keeping your personal data secure

We have implemented and maintain appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your personal data against accidental or un-lawful destruction, loss or alteration or unauthorised disclosure or access. Only authorised personnel and third-party service providers have access to personal data on a need-to-know basis, and these employees and service providers are contractually required to treat this information as confidential.

How long we store your personal data

We will store your personal data for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purpose for which we have collected them, which may be an ongoing purpose. For example, if you are an applicant, we will store your personal data for the duration of our business relationship with you and beyond, as we often support applicants with jobs for many years and potentially for their entire career.

We keep some personal data longer than others. In determining the appropriate storage period for personal data, we take into account factors such as the purposes for which we process your personal data, including legal, regulatory, accounting and reporting obligations, the nature and amount of personal data we hold about you, and the potential risk of harm to you from unauthorised use or disclosure of your personal data.

Where we process your personal data for direct marketing purposes, we will do so until you ask us to stop, and for a short period of time after-wards (to allow us to carry out your request). We also keep a record of the fact that you have asked us not to send you direct marketing or to process your data indefinitely, so that we can respect your request.

Your data protection rights

EU data protection legislation gives you many rights with regard to processing of data concerning you. These rights include the right withdraw your consent according to Art. 7 (3) GDPR, the right of access to your personal data, and to request a copy of your personal data (Art. 15 GDPR), to rectify (Art. 16 GDPR), erase (Art. 17 GDPR), or restrict the processing of your personal data (Art. 18 GDPR), to obtain the personal data you provide to us in a structured, machine-readable format, and to ask us to transfer this data with another data controller (Art. 20 GDPR).

According to Art. 21 GDPR, you have the right to object to data processing by us at any time for reasons arising from your particular situation, insofar as this is based on Art. 6 (1) (e) DSGVO or on the protection of "legitimate interests" according to Art. 6 (1) (f) DSGVO. If you exercise your right to object, we will cease processing unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for further processing that prevail your rights and interests.

You may withdraw your consent once given to receive marketing communications or opt out of data processing for direct marketing purposes by following the steps outlined in our notices and opting out of receiving marketing communications, or by contacting us using the contact de-tails provided in this Privacy Policy. We have also established a Marketing Preference Center where you can view and select your preferences and opt out of receiving marketing communications at any time. To access the Marketing Preference Center, please also follow the steps explained in the Marketing communication.

Please note that these rights may be limited in certain cases. Your rights may be limited, for example, if complying with your request would dis-close personal data about another person, if it would infringe the rights of a third party (including ours) or if you ask us to delete information that we are required to retain by law or in whose storage we have overriding legitimate interests. We will inform you of any relevant exceptions on which we rely when we respond to your request.

Furthermore, for processing operations based on the Companies' legitimate interests, we have carried out a legitimate interest assessment to ensure that our interests are not prejudiced by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms; you can request this assessment via the contacts listed at the end of this Privacy Policy.

Questions and complaints

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the processing of your personal data, or if you would like to make a complaint, you can use our form or send an email to us or to our Data Protection Officer at [email protected].

If you have unresolved concerns or believe that your personal data has been breached, you can lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority. A list of relevant authorities in the EEA is available here.

How to contact us

Exercising your rights

To exercise your rights, withdraw your consent to processing or unsubscribe from our commercial communications, you can:

Data Protection Officer (DPO)

Bird & Bird DPO Services SRL

Avenue Louise 235 box 1

1050 Brussels


Page Group 

Compliance Department

Plaza Europa 21 23, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, 08908 Barcelona


Changes to our privacy policy

We may update this privacy policy at any time. Any material changes to this privacy policy shall be duly posted on this website and shall be communicated through other communication channels where appropriate.


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Informações legais

Global Michael Page job count disclaimer.

Condições de utilização do site

As informações enviadas pelos candidatos são de propriedade de Michael Page International Brasil. Estas informações não serão em hipótese alguma vendidas ou fornecidas a outros. Ao utilizar o website (o "Site"), de propriedade da Michael Page International Brasil S/C Ltda. ("Michael Page"), com sede em São Paulo, Estado de São Paulo, na Rua Funchal, 375, inscrita no CNPJ/MF sob o nº 03.791.490/0001-80, você ("Usuário") estará aderindo às seguintes regras de utilização:.

1. Os currículos e demais informações enviadas pelos usuários passarão a ser propriedade da Michael Page. Tais currículos e informações não serão em hipótese alguma vendidos ou fornecidos a quaisquer terceiros, exceto às empresas empregadoras (com autorização do candidato) e para cumprir mandados legais ou proteger os direitos, propriedade e segurança da Michael Page ou de nossos usuários.

2. Os candidatos podem modificar ou mesmo retirar todas as suas informações do site a qualquer hora, podendo fazê-lo clicando aqui.

3. O usuário reconhece que o site e todo o seu conteúdo (incluindo textos, imagens estáticas ou animadas, bancos de dados, programas cgi etc.) são de propriedade da Michael Page e protegidos por lei.

4. O usuário poderá utilizar o conteúdo do site apenas em caráter pessoal, ficando proibida qualquer divulgação pública e/ou com finalidade comercial. A criação de um link que aponte para o site Michael Page é autorizada somente se for feito fora de frames e desde que aponte para a página de entrada do site.

5. A Michael Page usa de bom julgamento ao compilar a informação contida no site, a qual é disponibilizada puramente em caráter informativo para o desenvolvimento profissional dos usuários. A Michael Page recomenda que o usuário verifique por conta própria a exatidão das informações antes de tomar qualquer decisão baseada nas mesmas.

6. A Michael Page não garante a exatidão, adequação, atualização ou operação do site ou das informações nele contidas, e portanto não se responsabiliza por quaisquer perdas, danos, expectativas de receitas ou quaisquer outros prejuízos que resultem da utilização das informações contidas no site.

7. Todas as informações do site foram compiladas a partir de várias fontes e estão sujeitas a alterações sem qualquer aviso prévio.

8. O envio de um currículo pessoal por um usuário à Michael Page não garante que um empregador solicitará informações a seu respeito; nem que iremos lhe propor uma entrevista; lhe fazer uma oferta de emprego, nem que os candidatos estarão disponíveis ou corresponderão às necessidades do empregador.

9. As possíveis negociações entre empregadores e usuários em busca de emprego são de exclusiva responsabilidade das partes negociantes.

10. Todas as marcas, nomes comerciais e logos são de propriedade da Michael Page ou de outras empresas do grupo Michael Page. É proibida a reprodução total ou parcial do conteúdo do site sem prévia autorização da Michael Page.

11. A Michael Page não garante quaisquer condições e/ou duração de qualquer posição de emprego apresentada por meio do site.

12. Para que os usuários sempre se mantenham cientes das informações que coletamos, como as utilizamos e em que circunstâncias elas são acessíveis a terceiros, publicaremos no site informações sobre quaisquer mudanças em nossa política de privacidade ou sobre novas funcionalidades que, conseqüentemente, impliquem na coleta ou uso de informações dos usuários.

Copyright© 2012 Michael Page International.
Todos os direitos reservados. All rights reserved.


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Terms & Conditions

Standard Conditions for Permanent Candidates

The following sets out the terms & conditions under which Michael Page Canada, Ltd., (“MP”) is prepared to provide work finding services to you (the “Candidate”).

1. MP is a recruitment agency. It attempts to match qualified candidates with suitable permanent or contract employment opportunities. MP cannot guarantee that it will be able to find employment for you, nor shall it be obligated to do so.

2. Upon provision, by the Candidate, of a full and accurate resume, MP shall, at its sole discretion, search for suitable full-time or contract employment positions on behalf of the Candidate. The type of employment sought for the Candidate will be as detailed on the Candidate Information Form.

3. Before any work finding services are provided, the Candidate shall provide MP with satisfactory evidence of the Candidate’s identity which shall include, but not be limited to, a copy of the Candidate’s passport or drivers license. If, in respect of any prospective employment, the Candidate is required by law, any professional body or by the prospective hirer (“Client”) to hold or have any experience, training qualifications and/or authorizations, the Candidate shall provide MP with up to date copies of such qualifications and/or authorizations.

(i) up to date copies of such qualifications and/or authorizations; and (ii) the names of two references (who are not relatives of the Candidate).

4. MP will obtain the consent of the Candidate (either oral or written) before:

(i) contacting the Candidate’s references; or (ii) disclosing information contained on the Candidate Information Form or the Candidate’s CV to a Client.

5. The Candidate shall immediately inform MP should there be any reason or circumstances of which he/she is aware under which it would be detrimental to the interests of MP, the Client or the Candidate for the Candidate to take up a particular position with a Client.

6. The Candidate should not engage in any conduct which is detrimental to the interests of MP, would negatively affect MP’s relationship with the Client or is likely to bring MP into disrepute.

7. An offer of employment is not made until written details are received from the Client. MP does not accept any responsibility and shall not be liable for any loss suffered by the Candidate by reason of the Candidate’s decision to resign from his/her current employment or engagement whether, before or after receipt of any Client’s written offer of employment. Furthermore, MP does not accept any responsibility and shall not be liable for any loss suffered by the Candidate by reason of the Client withdrawing the offer of employment at any time and for any reason.

8. An offer of employment made by a Client may be subject to conditions, including the Client obtaining satisfactory references or background checks on the Candidate.

9. The Candidate and MP acknowledge and agree that this agreement constitutes a contract for services and shall not create an employer/employee relationship between MP and the Candidate.

10. The parties acknowledge that they have required this agreement, as well as the documents, notices and legal proceedings, executed, given or instituted pursuant hereto or relating directly or indirectly hereto, be drawn up in English.

Les parties reconnaissent avoir exigé la rédaction en anglais de la présente convention, ainsi que tous les documents exécutés, avis donnés et procédures judiciaires intentées directement ou indirectement à la suite ou relativement à la présente convention.

TC7MPICA | Effective from 02.01.2013

Privacy Policy

Data Protection and Privacy Policy

Michael Page's online service is committed to protecting the privacy of our users.  We want to provide a safe and secure user experience.  We will ensure that the information you submit to us via our website at ("The Michael Page Site") remains private, and is only used for the purposes set out in this policy.

The Information We Collect and How We Use It

Your personal details, including your name, e-mail address and CV, are held and used by us for the following purposes:

  • For matching your coded details with job vacancies, to assist us in finding you the position that most suits you;
  • For keeping you informed of Michael Page services, news and wider developments in your chosen field;
  • For tailoring the version of our website you see when you log on to make it relevant to you; and/or
  • For compiling salary and other surveys of our candidates.

Disclosures of your information

We will share your information within the Michael Page group of companies where necessary in order to provide you with our recruitment services.

It is possible that Michael Page could merge or be acquired by another business. If this happens, we may share the information that relates to you with the new owners of the business and their advisers. You will be sent notice of such an event.

Your CV and related information will be sent to prospective employers but only where you give your consent. 

We may also release information relating to you to regulatory or law enforcement authorities, if required to do so.  We also reserve the right to disclose the information we have collected about you to our professional advisors and to other persons to the extent that Michael Page contracts out any aspect of the operation of its recruitment agency services.  These third parties will be acting under similar undertakings of confidentiality as Michael Page.

Job Alerts

To subscribe to job alerts emails, you will be required to provide your e-mail address, which will be used for the purpose of keeping you informed, by e-mail, of the latest jobs in your nominated industry and/or industry news via job alerts.

Should you decide that you no longer wish to receive this information, unsubscribe links are provided in every job alert email that you receive.

Job alerts can also be received via RSS feeds without having to provide your email address.

Curriculum vitae ("CV")

We give you the option of submitting your CV via this website.  You can do this either to apply for a specific advertised job or for consideration by our recruitment consultants for positions as they come up.  Although your CV will be stored online, it will only be accessible by Michael Page group recruitment consultants. Your CV will also be e-mailed directly to our recruitment consultants who review your details and enter them onto our central in-house database. 

You can update your CV at any time, simply by following the same procedure to submit a new CV. Your old CV will automatically be replaced.

Aggregate Information about Michael Page online visitors

We gather information and statistics collectively about all visitors to this website and all of the Michael Page websites worldwide, for example, which area users access most frequently and which services users access the most.  We only use such data in the aggregate form. This information helps us determine what is most beneficial for our users and how we can continually improve our online services to create a better overall experience for our users. We also publish some of this information on the Michael Page websites worldwide.

Use of Cookies

A cookie is a small data file which is sent from a web server to a web browser when that browser visits the server's site. Find out more about the use of cookies Cookies are used, on the website to remember your login, to track web traffic on an aggregate basis so that no individuals are identified, to keep session information such as your last search (this information is disposed of every time you close your web browser). Most browsers allow you to turn off cookies.  If you want to know how to do this please look at the help menu on your browser[1].  However, switching off cookies will restrict your use of our website.  


You have the right at any time to ask us for a copy of the information supplied by you that we hold.  We have the right to charge an administrative fee for this service.  If you would like to make a request for information, please contact [email protected].  You also have the right to ask Michael Page to stop using your information.

Other websites

Please note that clicking on to links and banner advertisements may result in your transferal to another website, where data privacy practices may be different to that of Michael Page.  Visitors should consult the other websites' privacy policies as we are not responsible for, and have no control over, information that is submitted to or collected by these third parties.

Internet-based transfers

Given that the Internet is a global environment, using the Internet to collect and process personal data necessarily involves the transmission of data on an international basis.  Therefore, by browsing this web site and communicating electronically with us, you acknowledge and agree to our processing of personal data in this way.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

This privacy policy may be changed by Michael Page at any time. If we change our privacy policy in the future, we will set out those changes here, so that you will always know what personal information we gather, the purposes we might use it for and to whom we might disclose it. If, at any time, you have questions or concerns about Michael Page's online privacy commitment, please feel free to e-mail us at [email protected] or call your local office to speak to one of our representatives


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Información legal

Global Michael Page job count disclaimer.

Michael Page International Chile, con domicilio social en Magdalena 181, piso 16 El Golf, Santiago de Chile - 7550055 (en adelante, MICHAEL PAGE), informa a los clientes de la existencia de un fichero de datos de caráter personal, cuyo responsable es MICHAEL PAGE. Mediante la cesión de sus datos personales. Este fichero se crea y mantiene con la finalidad de posibilitar la plena prestación de los servicios, objeto de la actividad de MICHAEL PAGE. El usuario declara que los datos personales por él suministrados son exactos y completos y se compromete a actualizarlos conforme sea necesario, de manera que en todo momento respondan con veracidad a su situación actual. Los datos personales de los usuarios recibirán tratamiento secreto y confidencial por parte de MICHAEL PAGE, que adoptará a tal efecto las medidas necesarias para evitar su alteración, pérdida, tratamiento o acceso no autorizado, habida cuenta del estado de la tecnología. Estos datos podrán ser comunicados a un tercero por parte de MICHAEL PAGE para el complimiento de fines directamente relacionados con sus funciones.

Mediante la cesión de sus datos personales a MICHAEL PAGE, usted autoriza al tratamiento y la cesión, en su caso, de sus datos personales. En concreto, Usted autoriza el tratamiento automatizado de sus datos por parte de MICHAEL PAGE en su fichero de datos, que le ofrece todos los derechos y garantías mencionados anteriormente, con la finalidad de poder facilitarle las ofertas de empleo que mejor se adapten a sus objetivos.


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您的隐私是Page Executive的首要任务。






























全球法律信息 - 条款


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(a) 由于访问或使用本网站或其任意内容而遭受或引发的任何损失、责任或伤害;

(b) 依据本网站显示或省略的信息或材料作出的决策;

(c) 任何陈述或本网站宣传的任何职位、空缺、委派或其他约定或预约的真实性或可用性;

(d) 任何陈述或任何要求求职者提供信息、要求面试或雇佣求职者的雇主或客户,或任何可任职或满足任何雇主或客户需求的求职者;

(e) PageGroup由于不可控条件违反这些《条款和条件》的情况;

(f) 本网站或通过本网站提供的任务服务的任何错误、延迟、中断或无法使用,出现上述情况可能是由于本网站的间歇性故障或维修、维护需求或引入新设施或服务;

(h) 任何表明通过本网站提供的数据不含蠕虫、病毒、特洛伊木马或任何其他可能会对任何通讯造成负面影响的计算机代码的陈述;

(k) 可从本网站访问的第三方运营网站所含的任何信息或材料。


如果您上传简历、提交简历、申请职位、注册“Job Alerts”或创建“My Page”帐户,必须确保您提供的信息始终准确、及时更新且完整。

如果您的信息有任何变更,请立即更新信息,无论是简历相关变更还是使用“My Page”功能更新个人详情,以便我们与您进行有效沟通并向潜在雇主提供准确的最新信息。

如果您注册使用“My Page”,您需要设置密码并登录。为防止欺诈,请务必保管好密码,不得将密码透露或分享给其他人。如果您确知或怀疑其他人知道您的密码,请立即联系我们。我们对任何未经授权的使用不承担任何责任。

使用本网站,即表明您对所有发生的情况全权负责,包括维持最新、准确且完整的“My Page”帐户信息,以及上传不违反或侵犯任何第三方知识产权的材料。

如果PageGroup有理由认为出现了安全漏洞或对网站存在误用,我们可能要求您更改密码,或者暂停您的“My Page”帐户。


您随时都可登录“My Page”,点击“删除帐户”链接,删除您的“My Page”帐户以及帐户内的任何相应职位提醒。 

暂停或注销您的“My Page”帐户以及您使用网站的权利不影响双方的法定权利或义务。







我们会与经挑选的第三方分享这类聚合数据,以实现上述目的。  我们将根据我们的《隐私政策》处理个人数据。 








(a) 发送、上传、展示或传播或提供任何非法、歧视、骚扰、诽谤、毁谤、虐待、威胁、伤害、侵犯、猥亵、侵权或其他令人反感的材料或违法任何法律;

(b) 展示、上传或传输鼓励可能构成刑事犯罪、导致民事责任或违反任何适用法律、法规或行为规范的材料;

(c) 干涉他人隐私或对本网站的使用或体验;

(d) 欺诈或伪装成其他人或其他实体,包括但不限于PageGroup代表,或欺诈或伪装与某人、某个实体或某个组织具有隶属关系;

(e) 伪装任何通过网站提供的服务传输的材料的来源(通过伪造信息/数据包头或篡改常规身份识别信息);

(f) 发送、上传或提供任何侵犯他人知识产权或工业产权的材料(例如版权、商标、专利或商业机密,或任何第三方的其他专有权);

(g) 发送、上传、展示或传播或提供包含或与垃圾电邮、垃圾广告邮件、传销广告、连锁信函、病毒警告(未事先确认警告真实性)的材料,或任何其他形式未经授权的广告或宣传材料;

(h) 发送、上传或提供包含病毒、特洛伊木马或任何其他旨在损害、破坏或干扰任何硬件或软件性能的其他材料;

(i) 在未经授权的情况下访问或干扰提供服务的服务器或任何联网服务器的性能,或不遵守任何与服务器使用相关的政策或流程;或

(j) 以聚合和其他形式收集其他服务用户相关数据。

© PageGroup 2013。


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Información legal

Global Michael Page job count disclaimer.

Michael Page International Colombia, con domicílio social en Carrera 7 No 71 - 21 - Torre B - Piso 15 - Bogota D.C. - Colombia (en adelante, MICHAEL PAGE), informa a los clientes de la existencia de un fichero de datos de caráter personal, cuyo responsable es MICHAEL PAGE. Mediante la cesión de sus datos personales. Este fichero se crea y mantiene con la finalidad de posibilitar la plena prestación de los servicios, objeto de la actividad de MICHAEL PAGE. El usuario declara que los datos personales por él suministrados son exactos y completos y se compromete a actualizarlos conforme sea necesario, de manera que en todo momento respondan con veracidad a su situación actual. Los datos personales de los usuarios recibirán tratamiento secreto y confidencial por parte de MICHAEL PAGE, que adoptará a tal efecto las medidas necesarias para evitar su alteración, pérdida, tratamiento o acceso no autorizado, habida cuenta del estado de la tecnología. Estos datos podrán ser comunicados a un tercero por parte de MICHAEL PAGE para el complimiento de fines directamente relacionados con sus funciones.

Mediante la cesión de sus datos personales a MICHAEL PAGE, usted autoriza al tratamiento y la cesión, en su caso, de sus datos personales. En concreto, Usted autoriza el tratamiento automatizado de sus datos por parte de MICHAEL PAGE en su fichero de datos, que le ofrece todos los derechos y garantías mencionados anteriormente, con la finalidad de poder facilitarle las ofertas de empleo que mejor se adapten a sus objetivos.


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Privacy Policy

Qui sommes-nous et comment traitons-nous vos données à caractère personnel ?

PageGroup, y compris ses filiales (ci-après dénommées collectivement « PageGroup ») : «PageGroup», ou « nous », est un spécialiste du recrutement exerçant ses activités sous les marques Michael Page, Page Personnel, Page Executive et Page Outsourcing. La protection des données à caractère personnel vous concernant est importante pour nous. La présente Politique de Confidentialité vous informe sur les caté-gories de données à caractère personnel que nous collectons, les finalités pour lesquelles nous les utilisons et la manière dont nous traitons vos données, lorsque vous visitez notre site web, lorsque vous postulez à un emploi chez nous, lorsque nous nous présentons à vous, lorsque nous vous fournissons des services de recrutement et d’emploi, lorsque nous entretenons une relation avec vous après vous avoir fourni un service ou lorsque vous nous fournissez un service. Les informations suivantes s’adressent à vous si vous appartenez à l’une des catégories de personnes suivantes :

  • les candidats pour lesquels nous fournissons des services d’emploi ou qui postulent à un poste vacant et nous contactent par l’intermédiaire de notre site web, de sites d’emploi, de pages de médias sociaux ou d’autres sources ;
  • les clients et leurs contacts avec lesquels nous entretenons des relations d’affaires et que nous aidons à pourvoir les postes va-cants ;
  • les candidats potentiels ainsi que les clients potentiels et leurs contacts avec lesquels nous entrons en contact pour présenter nos produits et services ;
  • les prestataires de services et leurs contacts qui fournissent divers services pour nous ;
  • les utilisateurs de nos sites internet et applications

(conjointement dénommés « vous » ou « votre »).

Responsable du Traitement

Le responsable du traitement de vos données est la société PageGroup qui vous contacte et traite vos données sous sa propre responsabilité lorsque vous visitez le site web, lorsque l’entité concernée vous fournit des services de recrutement et d’emploi, maintient la relation avec vous après que l’entité a trouvé un emploi pour vous, vous embauche pour un poste vacant ou dans le cas où vous fournissez un service à l’entité concernée. Pour accéder à la liste complète des filiales Européennes de PageGroup, ainsi qu’à leurs coordonnées, veuillez cliquer ici.

Détails du traitement des données

Vous trouverez ci-dessous un aperçu du type de données à caractère personnel que nous traitons à votre sujet, à quelles fins, sur quelle base juridique et où nous collectons ces données.

Si vous ne nous fournissez pas vos données à caractère personnel, alors que nous avons besoin de les collecter pour traiter une commande de votre part ou exécuter un contrat avec vous, ou parce que nous sommes tenus de le faire par la loi, nous pourrions devoir refuser votre commande ou être dans l’incapacité de remplir nos obligations contractuelles à votre égard.

Utilisateurs de notre site internet ou de nos applications


Catégories de données

Base juridique

Collecte de vos Données

Destinataires de vos Données

Lorsque vous visitez notre site web ou notre application, nous traitons vos données aux fins suivantes :

  • Appeler le site web/l’application
  • Assurer l’établissement d’une connexion sans heurts,
  • assurer et optimiser la performance et la convivialité de notre site web
  • Garantir et évaluer la sécurité et la stabilité du système

Dans ce contexte, nous utilisons également divers cookies et autres technologies. Pour plus d’informations, voir notre Politique en matière de Cookies.

Dans ce contexte, nous traitons les données suivantes :

  • Adresse IP de l’appareil connecté à Internet qui fait la demande
  • la date et l’heure de l’accès
  • Nom et URL du fichier récupéré,
  • Site web/application à partir duquel l’accès a été effectué (URL de référence), le navigateur que vous utilisez et, le cas échéant, le système d’exploitation de votre ordinateur connecté à l’internet.
  • Nom de votre fournisseur d’accès

Le traitement des données est fondé sur les bases juridiques suivantes :

Art. 6 (1) (b) RGPD - établissement, exécution ou résiliation du contrat avec vous

Art. 6 (1) (f) RGPD - notre intérêt légitime pour la sécurité, la stabilité et la facilité d’utilisation de notre site web

Art. 6 (1) (a) RGPD - votre consentement

Nous collectons les données directement auprès de vous.

Dans le cadre de ce traitement des données, il est possible que les prestataires de services internes et externes suivants aient accès à vos données :

  • Prestataires de services informatiques
  • Fournisseur d’outils d’analyse de données
  • Fournisseur de services de marketing

Nous traitons vos données afin de vous proposer des publicités personnalisées sur le site web en fonction de votre comportement de navigation. Pour ce faire, nous utilisons divers cookies et autres technologies. Pour plus d’informations, voir notre Politique en matière de Cookies.

Dans ce contexte, nous traitons les données suivantes :

  • Adresse IP de l’appareil connecté à Internet qui fait la demande,
  • date et heure de l’accès ;
  • Nom et URL du fichier récupéré,
  • Site web/application à partir duquel l’accès a été effectué (URL de référence), le navigateur utilisé et, le cas échéant, le système d’exploitation de votre ordinateur connecté à Internet,
  • Nom de votre fournisseur d’accès

Le traitement des données est fondé sur la base juridique suivante :

Art. 6 (1) (a) RGPD - votre consentement

Nous collectons les données directement auprès de vous.

Dans le cadre de ce traitement de données, il est possible que les prestataires de services internes ou externes suivants aient accès à vos données :

  • Prestataires de services informatiques
  • Fournisseurs d’outils d’analyse
  • Sociétés de marketing



Catégories de données

Base juridique/intérêt légitime

Collecte de vos Données

Catégories de destinataire

Nous traitons vos données afin de vous fournir des services d’emploi et de placement ou de mener une procédure de candidature avec vous afin d’établir une relation de travail avec vous.

Dans ce contexte, nous pouvons utiliser vos données pour communiquer avec vous, répondre à vos questions, analyser votre CV et trouver un poste qui vous convient, créer votre profil de candidat, vous fournir des conseils en matière de salaire, organiser des entretiens, effectuer des tests d’aptitude avec vous, transmettre votre dossier de candidature à l’employeur de votre choix.

Dans ce contexte, nous pouvons traiter les données suivantes :

  • Nom et adresse
  • Numéro de téléphone
  • Adresse électronique:
  • Informations dans le CV
  • Informations sur votre parcours éducatif
  • Références
  • Expérience professionnelle
  • Références professionnelles
  • Attentes salariales,
  • Aspirations professionnelles
  • Résultats des audits de sécurité
  • Nationalité
  • Permis de séjour et de travail
  • Photos
  • Compétences linguistiques,
  • Résultats des tests des centres d’évaluation,
  • Dans certains cas, des catégories particulières de données telles que :
  • Handicap,
  • Informations sur la santé,
  • Examens de santé au travail,
  • Condamnations, infractions pénales,

Le traitement des données est fondé sur les bases juridiques suivantes :

Art. 6 (1) (b) RGPD - établissement, exécution ou résiliation du contrat avec vous

Art. 6 (1) (c) RGPD - respect des obligations légales dans le domaine du droit du travail et du droit social

Art. 6 (1) (f) RGPD - notre intérêt légitime dans l’efficacité des processus d’organisation du travail, le partage du travail et des services au sein du PageGroup ainsi que notre intérêt légitime dans le maintien de notre relation client avec vous.

Nous ne traitons vos catégories particulières de données que sur la base de votre consentement conformément à l’art. 6 (1) (a) RGPD et dans la mesure où nous sommes obligés de le faire pour des raisons de droit du travail et de droit social, et enfin pour des raisons d’égalité des chances. Dans ces cas, nous fondons le traitement de vos données sur l’art. 9 (2) (b), (g) et (h) du RGPD.

Nous collectons les données directement auprès de vous.

En outre, nous pouvons également collecter vos données auprès de tiers, à savoir

  • Références, par exemple d’anciens employeurs ou d’anciens clients pour confirmer vos titres et qualifications.
  • Établissements d’enseignement
  • les réseaux professionnels accessibles au public, tels que LinkedIn, StepStone ou Xing, afin d’accroître les informations dont nous disposons déjà à votre sujet, de sorte que nous ayons plus de chances de trouver des postes qui vous conviennent ;
  • Les clients à qui nous avons fourni votre CV et qui ont été en contact avec vous dans le cadre de votre candidature.

Nous ne contacterons que les fournisseurs de référence que vous nous avez indiqués au cours du processus de candidature et de nos services.

Afin de fournir nos services d’emploi, nous pouvons partager des informations personnelles vous concernant avec des employeurs potentiels qui offrent des postes vacants qui vous intéressent.

Dans le cadre du traitement des données décrit ici, il est également possible que des prestataires de services internes et externes aient accès à vos données. Il s’agit notamment des sous-traitants et de nos responsables du traitement dans les domaines suivants :

  • Assistance informatique
  • Hébergement, service informatique
  • Solutions informatiques pour améliorer la qualité des services
  • Analyse des données
  • Aide au recrutement
  • Ventes
  • Administration et gestion de postes mondiaux, régionaux ou exécutifs ou développement de clients clés au sein de Page Group.
  • Entreprises de transport maritime et de logistique
  • Fournisseurs de télécommunications
  • Fournisseurs de réseaux professionnels
  • Fournisseurs d’évaluations psychométriques ou de tests d’aptitude

Nos sous-traitants sont contractuellement tenus par nous de respecter la confidentialité et de se conformer aux normes et réglementations en matière de protection des données.

Nous traitons vos données lorsque vous vous inscrivez chez nous et que vous mettez vos données de candidature à notre disposition et, éventuellement, à celle d’employeurs potentiels.

Si vous vous inscrivez auprès de différentes sociétés du groupe PageGroup, nous regrouperons les données de candidature que vous avez fournies en un seul enregistrement de données et un seul compte de candidature pour vous. Un seul dossier permet d’éviter les duplicatas et de renforcer la précision des données à caractère personnel. À ces fins, les sociétés PageGroup impliquées, partageront vos données à caractère personnel en tant que Responsables indépendants du traitement.

Dans ce contexte, nous pouvons traiter les données suivantes :

  • Nom et adresse
  • Numéro de téléphone
  • Adresse électronique:
  • Informations dans le CV
  • Informations sur votre parcours éducatif
  • Références
  • Expérience professionnelle
  • Références professionnelles
  • Attentes salariales,
  • Aspirations professionnelles
  • Dans certains cas, des catégories particulières de données telles que :
  • Handicap,
  • informations sur la santé,
  • Condamnations, infractions pénales

Le traitement des données est fondé sur les bases juridiques suivantes :

Art. 6 (1) (b) RGPD - établissement, exécution ou résiliation du contrat d’utilisation avec vous pour la fourniture de notre service d’enregistrement des candidats.

Art. 6 (1) (f) RGPD - notre intérêt légitime dans l’efficacité des processus d’organisation du travail, dans le partage du travail et des services au sein du groupe PageGroup ainsi que notre intérêt légitime dans le maintien de notre relation client avec vous.

Dans ce cas, nous ne traitons vos catégories particulières de données que sur la base de votre consentement, conformément aux art. 6 (1) (a), et 9 (2) (a) du RGPD.

Nous collectons les données directement auprès de vous.

Si vous postulez à un poste spécifique, nous transmettrons vos données de candidature à l’employeur potentiel que vous avez sollicité.

Dans le cadre du traitement des données décrit ici, il est également possible que les prestataires de services internes et externes décrits ci-dessus aient accès à vos données.

Nous traitons vos données pour vous envoyer des informations promotionnelles, des bulletins d’information et d’autres informations promotionnelles électroniques, pour vous tenir au courant des offres d’emploi, des rapports et des informations sur le secteur, des événements, des manifestations et d’autres contenus.

Dans ce contexte, nous pouvons traiter les données suivantes :

  • Nom;
  • Adresse électronique
  • Numéro de téléphone
  • Vos informations marketing et vos préférences en matière d’emploi

Le traitement des données est fondé sur les bases juridiques suivantes :

Art. 6 (1) (a) RGPD - votre consentement

Art. 6 (1) (f) RGPD notre intérêt légitime pour les mesures de marketing direct et l’envoi de contenu publicitaire

Nous collectons les données directement auprès de vous.

Dans le cadre du traitement des données décrit ici, il est possible que des prestataires de services internes et externes des domaines suivants aient accès à vos données :

  • Marketing
  • Ventes
  • Solutions informatiques
  • Assistance informatique
  • Services postaux et d’expédition
  • Télécommunications
  • Analyse des données

Nous traitons vos données pour vous envoyer des enquêtes de satisfaction afin de savoir si vous êtes satisfaits de nos services, améliorer nos services existants et développer de nouveaux services.

Dans ce contexte, nous pouvons traiter les données suivantes :

  • Nom
  • Adresse électronique
  • Placements antérieurs et services fournis
  • Vos informations dans le questionnaire de satisfaction

Le traitement des données est fondé sur les bases juridiques suivantes :

Art. 6 (1) (a) RGPD - votre consentement

Art. 6 (1) (f) RGPD - notre intérêt légitime pour les mesures de marketing direct et l’envoi de contenu publicitaire ainsi que pour l’amélioration et le développement de nos services.

Nous collectons les données directement auprès de vous.

Dans le cadre du traitement des données décrit ici, il est possible que des prestataires de services internes et externes des domaines suivants aient accès à vos données :

  • Marketing
  • Ventes
  • Solutions informatiques
  • Assistance informatique
  • Services postaux et d’expédition
  • Télécommunications
  • Analyse des données
  • Prestataire de services pour la réalisation d’enquêtes
  • Prestataire de services pour mener des activités de test et de développement, fournir des services de recherche, de publipostage ou d’autres services de marketing direct.

Dans certains cas, il peut être nécessaire de vérifier les informations que vous avez fournies sur vos antécédents professionnels, ou de vérifier si vous avez les qualifications et la fiabilité nécessaires pour un poste spécifique. Dans ces cas, nous procédons à des vérifications des antécédents. À cette fin, nous consultons des fournisseurs de référence et des établissements d’enseignement préscolaire. En outre, nous effectuons des recherches sur Internet à l’aide de moteurs de recherche et de bases de données en ligne accessibles au public. En outre, nous évaluons la presse nationale et internationale.

Ce n’est que dans des cas très limités et uniquement dans la mesure où nous sommes légalement tenus de le faire que nous comparons vos données de base avec des listes de sanctions et d’autres listes et registres publics, y compris des listes de terroristes et d’embargos et des listes de PPE (personnes politiquement exposées).

Dans ce contexte, nous pouvons traiter les données suivantes :

  • Nom et adresse
  • Numéro de téléphone
  • Adresse électronique
  • Informations dans le CV
  • Informations sur votre parcours éducatif
  • Références
  • Expérience professionnelle
  • Références professionnelles
  • Résultats des audits de sécurité
  • Nationalité
  • Permis de séjour et de travail
  • Photos
  • Compétences linguistiques
  • Résultats des tests du centre d’évaluation
  • Condamnations, infractions pénales (par exemple, fraude à l’emploi, criminalité économique, criminalité organisée)
  • Infractions au droit de la concurrence ou à la législation antitrust
  • Violation d’autres exigences légales ou réglementaires
  • Insolvabilités
  • conflits d’intérêts existants

Le traitement des données est fondé sur les bases juridiques suivantes :

Art. 6 (1) (a) RGPD - votre consentement

Art. 6 (1) (c) RGPD - notre obligation légale de procéder à des vérifications d’antécédents.

Art. 6 (1) (b) RGPD - Établissement, exécution ou résiliation du contrat avec vous

Art. 6 (1) (f) RGPD - notre intérêt légitime à effectuer des contrôles d’antécédents pour vérifier vos informations, notre intérêt légitime à effectuer des contrôles d’antécédents pour remplir les obligations légales de nos clients, l’intérêt légitime de nos clients à effectuer des contrôles d’antécédents pour garantir l’aptitude et la fiabilité requises pour des postes spéciaux et la vérification de vos informations.

Nous collectons les données directement auprès de vous.

En outre, nous pouvons également collecter vos données auprès de tiers, à savoir :

  • les fournisseurs de références, tels que vos anciens employeurs ou vos anciens clients, afin de vérifier vos coordonnées
  • les établissements d’enseignement - pour vérifier vos qualifications académiques ;
  • les sources professionnelles accessibles au public telles que LinkedIn, Xing ou StepStone, etc.
  • Listes de sanctions et autres listes et registres publics, y compris les listes de terroristes et d’embargos ainsi que les listes de PPE
  • Source publique, annuaires téléphoniques, articles de journaux
  • Bases de données généralement accessibles

Nous ne contacterons que les fournisseurs de référence que vous nous avez indiqués au cours du processus de sélection et de nos services.

Dans le cadre du traitement des données décrit ici, il est possible que des prestataires de services internes et externes des domaines suivants aient accès à vos données :

  • Sécurité informatique
  • Solutions informatiques
  • Hébergement
  • Télécommunications
  • Prestataire de services chargé de la vérification des références de travail
  • Prestataire de services pour effectuer le contrôle des qualifications
  • Prestataire de services chargé de l’examen des condamnations pénales (si nécessaire)
  • Prestataire de services pour vérifier les informations que vous fournissez à partir de sources tierces
  • Prestataire de services chargé d’effectuer des évaluations psychométriques ou des tests d’aptitude

Nos sous-traitants sont contractuellement tenus par nous de respecter la confidentialité et de se conformer aux normes et réglementations en matière de protection des données.

Réaliser des enquêtes sur les tendances en matière de talents

Afin d’améliorer continuellement nos services et de les tenir à jour, nous vous inviterons de manière sélective à participer à des enquêtes sur les tendances en matière de talents.

Dans ce contexte, nous pouvons traiter les données suivantes :

  • Nom
  • Placements antérieurs et services fournis
  • Adresse électronique
  • Informations contenues dans le questionnaire d’enquête

Le traitement des données est fondé sur les bases juridiques suivantes :

Art. 6 (1) (a) RGPD - votre consentement

Art. 6 (1) (f) RGPD - notre intérêt légitime à identifier les tendances actuelles en matière de talents et à développer davantage nos services et nos offres.

Nous collectons les données directement auprès de vous.

Dans le cadre du traitement des données décrit ici, il est possible que des prestataires de services internes et externes des domaines suivants aient accès à vos données :

  • Marketing
  • Étude de marché
  • Analyse du marché
  • Ventes
  • Solutions informatiques
  • Assistance informatique
  • Services postaux et d’expédition
  • Télécommunications
  • Analyse des données

Candidats et clients potentiels


Catégories de données

Base juridique/intérêt légitime

Collecte des données

Catégories de destinataire

Afin de présenter nos services et de pouvoir  vous contacter et répondre à vos demandes, nous traitons vos données à caractère personnel. Nous traitons les données à caractère personnel vous concernant que vous nous fournissez lorsque vous nous contactez et que vous faites une demande. En outre, nous pouvons traiter des données vous concernant obtenues à partir de sources accessibles au public et de réseaux professionnels et sociaux, tels que LinkedIn, Xing, StepStone, l’entreprise ou d’autres sites d’emploi, afin de vous contacter si nous pensons que vous pourriez être intéressé par nos services d’emploi.

En outre, il se peut que nous ayons eu connaissance de votre candidature par le biais d’une recommandation d’un autre candidat ou d’un client et que nous vous contactions.

Si vous agissez en tant que contact professionnel au nom d’une entreprise, nous traiterons vos coordonnées professionnelles.

Dans ce contexte, nous pouvons traiter les données suivantes :

  • Nom et adresse
  • Position dans l’entreprise
  • Numéro de téléphone
  • Adresse électronique
  • Coordonnées professionnelles
  • Nom de l’entreprise pour laquelle vous travaillez,
  • Informations contenues dans votre CV, votre profil professionnel, votre profil d’entreprise
  • Informations sur votre parcours éducatif,
  • Références
  • Expérience professionnelle,
  • Références professionnelles,
  • Attentes salariales,
  • Aspirations professionnelles,
  • Annonces d’emplois vacants,
  • Nationalité :
  • Photos,
  • Compétences linguistiques,
  • Statut dans les réseaux professionnels, par exemple, ouverture à l’emploi

Art. 6 (1) (a) RGPD - votre consentement

Art. 6 (1) (b) RGPD - établissement, exécution ou résiliation du contrat avec vous

Art. 6 (1) (f) RGPD - notre intérêt légitime dans les mesures de marketing direct et la distribution de nos services de recrutement et d’emploi, ainsi que notre intérêt légitime à trouver de nouveaux contacts commerciaux, clients et candidats potentiels.

Nous collectons les données directement auprès de vous.

En outre, nous pouvons également collecter vos données auprès de tiers, à savoir :

  • Sources professionnelles accessibles au public, pages d’accueil, articles de journaux, offres d’emploi
  • Réseaux professionnels, tels que LinkedIn, StepStone,, Xing, etc.
  • Vos profils d’emploi ou d’entreprise publiés dans des bases de données publiques
  • Autres candidats ou clients

Dans le cadre du traitement des données décrit ici, il est possible que des prestataires de services internes et externes des domaines suivants aient accès à vos données :

  • Marketing
  • Ventes
  • Solutions informatiques
  • Assistance informatique
  • Services postaux et d’expédition
  • Télécommunications
  • Analyse des données

Clients (B2B) et nos contacts


Catégories de données

Base juridique/intérêt légitime

Collecte des données

Catégories de destinataire

Nous traitons vos données afin de vous fournir nos services de recrutement. Dans ce contexte, nous traitons vos données et celles de vos contacts professionnels afin de communiquer avec vous et de trouver des candidats appropriés pour vos postes vacants.

Dans ce contexte, nous pouvons traiter les données suivantes :

  • Nom de l’entreprise
  • Nom et adresse
  • Coordonnées des contacts professionnels
  • Numéro de téléphone
  • Votre avis sur les candidats
  • Données contractuelles et données comptables
  • Informations sur les postes vacants et les profils d’exigences

Art. 6 (1) (b) RGPD - Établissement, exécution ou résiliation du contrat avec vous

Art. 6 (1) (f) RGPD - notre intérêt légitime dans l’efficacité des processus d’organisation du travail, le partage du travail et des services au sein du groupe PageGroup.

Nous collectons les données directement auprès de vous.

En outre, nous pouvons également collecter vos données auprès de tiers, à savoir :

  • Sources professionnelles accessibles au public, pages d’accueil, articles de journaux, offres d’emploi
  • Réseaux professionnels, tels que LinkedIn, StepStone,, Xing, etc.
  • Vos profils d’emploi ou d’entreprise publiés dans des bases de données publiques
  • Autres clients et candidats

Dans le cadre du traitement des données décrit ici, il est possible que des prestataires de services internes et externes des domaines suivants aient accès à vos données :

  • Marketing
  • Ventes
  • Solutions informatiques
  • Assistance informatique
  • Services postaux et d’expédition
  • Télécommunications
  • Analyse des données
  • Comptabilité
  • Administration
  • Banque
  • la gestion de postes de direction mondiaux, régionaux ou de haut niveau, ou le développement de comptes clés, qui nécessiterait la coopération de différentes sociétés du groupe.

Nous traitons vos données pour vous envoyer des enquêtes de satisfaction afin de savoir si vous êtes satisfaits de nos services, d’améliorer nos services existants et de développer de nouveaux services.

Dans ce contexte, nous pouvons traiter les données suivantes :

  • Nom de l’entreprise
  • Nom et adresse
  • Coordonnées du contact professionnel
  • Numéro de téléphone
  • Placements antérieurs et services fournis

Le traitement des données est fondé sur les bases juridiques suivantes :

Art. 6 (1) (a) RGPD - votre consentement

Art. 6 (1) (f) RGPD - notre intérêt légitime pour le marketing direct et l’envoi de contenu publicitaire et pour développer davantage nos services et nos offres.

Nous collectons les données directement auprès de vous.

Dans le cadre du traitement des données décrit ici, il est possible que des prestataires de services internes et externes des domaines suivants aient accès à vos données :

  • Marketing
  • Analyse du marché
  • Ventes
  • Solutions informatiques
  • Assistance informatique
  • Services postaux et d’expédition
  • Télécommunications
  • Analyse des données

Nous traitons vos données pour vous envoyer des informations promotionnelles, des bulletins d’information et d’autres informations promotionnelles électroniques, pour vous tenir au courant des offres d’emploi, des rapports et des informations sur le secteur, des événements, des manifestations et d’autres contenus.

Dans ce contexte, nous pouvons traiter les données suivantes :

  • Nom;
  • Adresse électronique
  • Numéro de téléphone
  • Vos informations marketing et vos préférences en matière d’emploi

Le traitement des données est fondé sur les bases juridiques suivantes :

Art. 6 (1) (a) RGPD - votre consentement

Art. 6 (1) (f) RGPD - notre intérêt légitime pour le marketing direct et l’envoi de contenu publicitaire

Nous collectons les données directement auprès de vous.

Dans le cadre du traitement des données décrit ici, il est possible que des prestataires de services internes et externes des domaines suivants aient accès à vos données :

  • Marketing
  • Envoi de la lettre d’information
  • Ventes
  • Solutions informatiques
  • Assistance informatique
  • Services postaux et d’expédition
  • Télécommunications
  • Analyse des données

Fournisseurs de services et contacts commerciaux de nos fournisseurs de services


Catégories de données

Base juridique/intérêt légitime

Collecte des données

Destinataires de vos données

Afin de conclure le contrat de service avec vous, de recevoir vos services et de communiquer avec vous dans le cadre de notre relation commerciale, nous traitons vos données à caractère personnel. En outre, nous traitons vos données à des fins comptables.

Dans ce contexte, nous pouvons traiter les données suivantes :

  • Nom de l’entreprise
  • Nom et adresse
  • Coordonnées des personnes de contact
  • Numéro de téléphone
  • Aperçu des services rendus
  • Données contractuelles et données comptables

Le traitement des données est fondé sur les bases juridiques suivantes :

Art. 6 (1) (b) RGPD - établissement, exécution ou résiliation du contrat avec vous

Art. 6 (1) (f) RGPD - notre intérêt légitime dans l’efficacité des processus d’organisation du travail, le partage du travail et des services au sein du groupe PageGroup

Nous collectons les données directement auprès de vous.

Dans le cadre du traitement des données décrit ici, il est possible que des prestataires de services internes et externes des domaines suivants aient accès à vos données :

  • Marketing
  • Ventes
  • Solutions informatiques
  • Assistance informatique
  • Services postaux et d’expédition
  • Télécommunications
  • Analyse des données
  • Comptabilité
  • Administration
  • Banque

Nous traitons vos données à caractère personnel afin d’évaluer votre aptitude à devenir notre fournisseur.

Pour des raisons de conformité légale, dans des cas très limités et uniquement dans la mesure où nous sommes légalement tenus de le faire, nous comparons vos données de base avec des listes de sanctions et d’autres listes et registres publics, y compris des listes de terroristes et d’embargos et des listes de PPE (Personnes Politiquement Exposées).

Dans ce contexte, nous pouvons traiter les données suivantes :

  • Nom de l’entreprise
  • Nom et adresse
  • Coordonnées des personnes de contact
  • Numéro de téléphone
  • Références

Le traitement des données est fondé sur les bases juridiques suivantes :

Art. 6 (1) (c) RGPD - notre obligation légale de procéder à des vérifications d’antécédents.

Art. 6 (1) (b) RGPD - établissement, exécution ou résiliation du contrat avec vous

Art. 6 (1) (f) RGPD - notre intérêt légitime à effectuer des évaluations pour déterminer votre aptitude.

Nous collectons les données directement auprès de vous.

Nous pouvons également utiliser des données provenant de registres publics et de listes de sanctions.

Dans le cadre du traitement des données décrit ici, il est possible que des prestataires de services internes et externes des domaines suivants aient accès à vos données :

  • Achats
  • Solutions informatiques
  • Assistance informatique
  • Services postaux et d’expédition
  • Télécommunications
  • Administration

Traitement des données pour le respect des obligations légales et pour la défense et la revendication de droits en justice


Catégories de données

Base juridique/intérêt légitime

Collecte des Données

Destinataires de vos Données

Nous traitons vos données dans la mesure où cela est nécessaire pour remplir des obligations officielles de contrôle, de surveillance et d’audit, y compris des obligations officielles d’information et de notification, ainsi que des obligations relevant du droit commercial ou fiscal.

Dans ce contexte, nous traitons les données suivantes :

  • Nom de l’entreprise
  • Nom et adresse
  • Coordonnées des personnes de contact
  • Numéro de téléphone
  • Aperçu des services rendus
  • Données contractuelles et données comptables
  • Données demandées

Le traitement des données est fondé sur les bases juridiques suivantes :

Art. 6 (1) (c) RGPD – Respect des obligations légales

Nous collectons les données directement auprès de vous.

Dans le cadre du traitement des données décrit ici, il est possible que les destinataires suivants aient accès à vos données :

  • les autorités chargées de l’application de la loi ou d’autres entités publiques
  • Tribunaux
  • Avocats
  • Consultants

Dans certains cas, nous traitons également vos données pour faire valoir nos droits en justice.

Dans ce contexte, nous traitons les données suivantes :

  • Nom de l’entreprise
  • Nom et adresse
  • Coordonnées des personnes de contact
  • Numéro de téléphone
  • Aperçu des services rendus
  • Données contractuelles et données comptables
  • Données nécessaires à la défense et à l’exécution des créances

Le traitement des données est fondé sur les bases juridiques suivantes :

Art. 6 (1) (f) RGPD - notre intérêt légitime à nous défendre contre des poursuites judiciaires.

Nous collectons les données directement auprès de vous.

Dans le cadre du traitement des données décrit ici, il est possible que les destinataires suivants aient accès à vos données :

  • Avocats,
  • Consultants
  • Tribunaux
  • Médiateurs

Nous traiterons vos données dans le cas d’une restructuration, d’une fusion, d’une vente, d’une coentreprise, d’une cession ou de tout autre transfert ou cession de tout ou partie de nos activités, dans la mesure où cela est nécessaire à ces fins.

Dans ce contexte, nous traitons les données suivantes :

  • Nom de l’entreprise
  • Nom et adresse
  • Coordonnées des personnes de contact
  • Numéro de téléphone
  • Aperçu des services rendus
  • Données contractuelles et données comptables

Le traitement des données est fondé sur les bases juridiques suivantes :

Art. 6 (1) (f) RGPD - notre intérêt légitime dans le cadre d’une restructuration, d’une fusion, d’une vente, d’une coentreprise, d’une cession ou d’un autre transfert ou cession de tout ou partie de notre entreprise.

Art. 6 (1) (a) –votre consentement

Nous collectons les données directement auprès de vous.

Dans le cadre du traitement des données décrit ici, il est possible que les destinataires suivants aient accès à vos données :

  • Avocats
  • Les nouveaux chefs d’entreprise et leurs conseillers
  • Tribunaux

Nous traitons également vos données à caractère personnel afin de remplir nos obligations en vertu de la loi sur la protection des données, en particulier pour garantir vos droits en tant que personne concernée.

Dans ce contexte, nous traitons les données suivantes :

  • Nom de l’entreprise
  • Nom et adresse
  • Coordonnées des personnes de contact
  • Numéro de téléphone
  • Données relatives aux contrats et à la facturation
  • Déclarations de protection des données (par exemple, déclaration de consentement au traitement)
  • Déclarations sur la révocation du consentement que vous avez donné
  • Déclarations d’opposition au traitement des données à caractère personnel
  • Déclarations sur l’exercice de vos droits à l’information, à la rectification, à l’effacement, à la limitation du traitement, au transfert des données, y compris les informations que vous nous fournissez lorsque vous faites valoir vos droits.

Le traitement des données est fondé sur les bases juridiques suivantes :

Art. 6 (1) (c) RGPD – respect des obligations légales

Nous collectons les données directement auprès de vous.

Dans le cadre du traitement des données décrit ici, il est possible que les destinataires suivants aient accès à vos données:

  • Avocats
  • Tribunaux
  • Prestataires de services internes et externes dans les domaines de l'administration, de la conformité, de la protection des données et du support

Cookies, outils d’analyse et médias sociaux

Nous utilisons les médias sociaux et employons divers cookies et autres technologies d’analyse sur notre site web. Pour plus d’informations, voir notre Politique en matière de Cookies.

Décisions automatisées et profilage

Nous ne prenons pas de décisions en nous fondant uniquement sur un processus automatisé ; nos décisions sont toujours précédées d’une intervention humaine.
Nous établissons deux types de profils sur la base des données à caractère personnel des candidats :

  • JobMatch est un outil disponible sur notre site web qui permet aux candidats de télécharger leur CV. En fonction de vos compé-tences, de vos aspirations professionnelles et des informations contenues dans votre CV, cet outil nous aide à vous recommander des emplois qui correspondent à vos aspirations et à vos compétences. Toutefois, ce profilage ne restreint ni n’exclut l’accès à d’autres emplois ou postes.
  • Nous utilisons un outil d’analyse basé sur une technologie de recherche sémantique (un type d'intelligence artificielle) qui nous permet d’effectuer des recherches intelligentes et filtrer les CV de notre base de données. En saisissant des mots-clés pertinents tels que années d’expérience ou domaine de pratique dans cet outil, tous les CV téléchargés sont ensuite analysés et une liste de candidats est fournie en faisant correspondre les mots-clés dans les CV des candidats et en classant les candidats en fonction de leur aptitude à occuper le poste. Nous utilisons cet outil pour rendre nos processus de recrutement plus efficaces, en étant en mesure faire correspondre au mieux les candidats aux emplois compatibles. Comme expliqué ci-dessus, un recruteur vérifie toujours ce processus, de sorte qu'il n'y a pas de décisions automatisées.

Veuillez noter qu’aucune de ces activités de profilage n’a d’effets juridiques ou similaires significatifs sur les candidats. Toutefois, si vous souhaitez en savoir plus, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter.

Transferts de données vers des pays en dehors de l’EEE

Dans certains cas, nous traitons également vos données à caractère personnel en dehors de l’Espace économique européen (EEE). Si un transfert de données a lieu vers l’un des destinataires susmentionnés dont le siège social ou le lieu de traitement des données se situe en dehors de l’EEE ou d’un État pour lequel un niveau adéquat de protection des données a été établi par une décision de la Commission euro-péenne, nous nous assurerons avant le transfert que le transfert de données est couvert par une autorisation légale et que des garanties existent pour un niveau adéquat de protection des données en ce qui concerne le transfert de données (par exemple, par le biais de garan-ties contractuelles, de réglementations officiellement reconnues ou de réglementations internes contraignantes en matière de protection des données chez le destinataire) ou que vous nous avez donné votre consentement au transfert de données.

Transferts de données intra-groupe en dehors de l’EEE

PageGroup est un groupe d’entreprises actif à l’échelle mondiale. Nos experts en recrutement et nos collaborateurs clés dans des fonctions telles que l’aide au recrutement, la gestion des salaires et l’assistance informatique sont répartis dans le monde entier. Aux fins susmention-nées, dans le cadre de notre coopération avec PageGroup, nous transférons vos données à caractère personnel conformément aux art. 44 et suivants. du RGPD également aux sociétés de PageGroup en dehors de l’EEE ou permettons aux employés qui travaillent dans les sociétés de PageGroup en dehors de l’EEE d’accéder à vos données à caractère personnel dans le cadre de notre coopération et de l’exécution de nos obligations contractuelles avec vous. Une liste des entités de PageGroup situées en dehors de l’EEE est disponible ici.

Si vous vous trouvez, par exemple, en Allemagne, en fonction de votre recherche d’emploi, ou si vous recherchez un professionnel qualifié pour rejoindre votre organisation ou un partenaire en ressources humaines, nous partageons vos données à caractère personnel avec nos recruteurs spécialisés dans le marché allemand qui sont basés en Turquie (les détails de la société turque se trouvent dans la liste mention-née ci-dessus), si nécessaire. Ils traitent vos données à caractère personnel au nom de nos entités allemandes. En ce qui concerne ce trans-fert, un niveau adéquat de protection des données est assuré conformément à l’accord intragroupe de l’entreprise et aux CCT, comme décrit ci-dessous.

Nous avons en place un accord de transfert de données intragroupe contenant des Clauses Contractuelles Types (CCT) approuvées par la Commission européenne qui permettent les transferts transfrontaliers de données à caractère personnel depuis l’EEE vers des pays tiers hors de l’EEE (étant donné que les lois sur la protection des données hors de l’EEE peuvent ne pas offrir un niveau de protection équivalent à celui des lois sur la protection des données de l’EEE)

Si vous souhaitez obtenir une copie des CCT, veuillez nous contacter en utilisant les coordonnées ci-dessous.

Transferts de données à des prestataires de services externes en dehors de l’EEE

Aux fins susmentionnées, nous faisons appel à des prestataires de services informatiques situés au Royaume-Uni, aux États-Unis et en Israël. Afin de protéger vos données, nous avons stipulé des clauses contractuelles types (CCT) lorsque cela est nécessaire.
Veuillez nous contacter en utilisant les coordonnées ci-dessous si vous souhaitez recevoir une copie des CCT.

Assurer la sécurité des données à caractère personnel vous concernant

Nous avons mis en place et maintenons des mesures techniques et organisationnelles appropriées pour protéger les données à caractère personnel vous concernant contre la destruction, la perte, l’altération, la divulgation ou l’accès non autorisés, accidentels ou illégaux. Seul le personnel autorisé et les prestataires de services tiers ont accès aux données à caractère personnel sur la base du besoin d’en connaître, et ces employés et prestataires de services sont contractuellement tenus de traiter ces informations de manière confidentielle.

Combien de temps nous conservons les données à caractère personnel vous concernant

Nous conserverons vos données à caractère personnel aussi longtemps que nécessaire pour atteindre l’objectif pour lequel nous les avons collectées, qui peut être un objectif permanent. Par exemple, si vous êtes un candidat, nous conserverons vos données à caractère personnel pendant toute la durée de notre relation commerciale avec vous et même au-delà, car nous aidons souvent les candidats à trouver un emploi pendant de nombreuses années, voire pendant toute leur carrière.

Nous conservons certaines données à caractère personnel plus longtemps que d’autres. Pour déterminer la période de conservation appro-priée des données à caractère personnel, nous prenons en compte des facteurs tels que les objectifs pour lesquels nous traitons les données à caractère personnel vous concernant, y compris toute obligation légale, réglementaire, comptable et de signalement, la nature et la quantité de données à caractère personnel que nous détenons à votre sujet, et le risque potentiel de préjudice pour vous en cas d’utilisation ou de divulgation non autorisées des données à caractère personnel vous concernant.

Lorsque nous traitons les données à caractère personnel vous concernant à des fins de prospection, nous le ferons jusqu’à ce que vous nous demandiez d’arrêter, et pendant une courte période après cela (pour nous permettre de mettre en œuvre votre demande). Nous gardons également une trace du fait que vous nous avez demandé de ne pas vous envoyer de prospection ou de traiter vos données indéfiniment, afin que nous puissions respecter votre demande.

Vos droits en matière de protection des données

La législation européenne en matière de protection des données vous confère de nombreux droits en ce qui concerne le traitement des don-nées vous concernant. Ces droits comprennent le droit de retirer votre consentement conformément à l’article 7 (3) du RGPD, le droit d’accès à vos données à caractère personnel et le droit de demander une copie de vos données à caractère personnel (Art. 15 RGPD), de rec-tifier (Art. 16 RGPD), d’effacer (Art. 17 RGPD), ou de restreindre le traitement de vos données à caractère personnel (Art. 18 RGPD), d’obtenir les données à caractère personnel que vous nous fournissez dans un format structuré et lisible par machine, et de nous demander de transférer ces données à un autre responsable du traitement (Art. 20 RGPD).

Conformément à l’art. 21 du RGPD, vous avez le droit de vous opposer à tout moment au traitement des données par nos soins pour des raisons tenant à votre situation particulière, dans la mesure où ce droit est fondé sur l’art. 6 (1) (e) du RGPD ou sur la protection des « intérêts légitimes » conformément à l’Art. 6 (1) (f) du RGPD. Si vous exercez votre droit d’opposition, nous cesserons le traitement à moins que nous puissions démontrer des motifs légitimes impérieux pour la poursuite du traitement qui prévalent sur vos droits et intérêts.

Vous pouvez retirer votre consentement à recevoir des communications marketing ou refuser le traitement des données à des fins de mar-keting direct en suivant les étapes décrites dans nos avis et en refusant de recevoir des communications marketing, ou en nous contactant à l’aide des coordonnées fournies dans la présente Politique de Confidentialité. Nous avons également mis en place un Centre de Préférences Marketing où vous pouvez consulter et sélectionner vos préférences et refuser de recevoir des communications marketing à tout moment. Pour accéder au Centre de Préférences Marketing, veuillez également suivre les étapes expliquées dans la communication Marketing.

Veuillez noter que ces droits peuvent être limités dans certains cas. Vos droits peuvent être limités, par exemple, si le fait de satisfaire à votre demande révèle des données à caractère personnel concernant une autre personne, s’ils portent atteinte aux droits d’un tiers (y com-pris nos droits) ou si vous nous demandez de supprimer des informations que nous sommes tenus par la loi de conserver ou que nous avons des intérêts légitimes impérieux à conserver. Nous vous informerons de toutes les exceptions pertinentes sur lesquelles nous nous appuyons lorsque nous répondrons à votre demande.

En outre, pour les traitements fondés sur les intérêts légitimes des Entreprises, nous avons procédé à une évaluation de l’intérêt légitime afin de nous assurer que nos intérêts ne sont pas lésés par vos intérêts ou vos droits et libertés fondamentaux ; vous pouvez demander cette évaluation par l’intermédiaire des contacts énumérés à la fin de la présente Politique de Confidentialité.

Questions et réclamations

Si vous avez des questions concernant la présente Politique de Confidentialité ou le traitement de vos données à caractère personnel, ou si vous souhaitez déposer une plainte, vous pouvez utiliser notre formulaire ou nous envoyer un courrier électronique ou à notre Délégué à la Protection des Données à l’adresse suivante [email protected].

Si vous avez des préoccupations non résolues ou si vous pensez que vos données à caractère personnel ont été violées, vous pouvez déposer une plainte auprès de l’autorité de contrôle compétente. Une liste des autorités compétentes dans l’EEE peut être consultée ici

Comment nous contacter

Exercer vos droits

Pour exercer vos droits, retirer votre consentement au traitement ou vous désinscrire de nos communications commerciales, vous pouvez :

  • remplir notre formulaire de demande ici ou
  • nous envoyer un courriel à [email protected] ou
  • veuillez nous contacter ou contacter notre Délégué à la Protection des Données à l’adresse suivante : [email protected]

Délégué À La Protection Des Données (DPD)

Bird & Bird DPO Services SRL

Avenue Louise 235 box 1

1050 Brussels


Page Group 

Compliance Department

Plaza Europa 21 23, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, 08908

Barcelona – Espagne

Modifications de notre politique de confidentialité

Nous pouvons modifier la présente politique de confidentialité à tout moment. Toute modification importante de la présente politique de confidentialité sera dûment publiée sur ce site web et sera communiquée par d’autres canaux de communication, le cas échéant.


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Privacy Policy

Wer wir sind und wie wir Ihre personenbezogenen Daten verarbeiten

Die PageGroup einschließlich ihrer Tochtergesellschaften (nachfolgend zusammen: „PageGroup“, „uns“ oder „wir“) ist ein spezialisiertes Recruiting-Unternehmen, das unter den Marken Michael Page, Page Personnel, Page Executive und Page Outsourcing tätig ist. Der Schutz der Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten ist uns ein wichtiges Anliegen. In diesen Datenschutzhinweisen informieren wir Sie über die Kategorien personenbezogener Daten, die wir erheben, die Zwecke, für die wir diese Daten verwenden, und die Art und Weise, wie wir Ihre Daten verarbeiten, wenn Sie unsere Website besuchen, Sie sich bei uns bewerben, wir uns bei Ihnen vorstellen, Recruiting- und Arbeitsvermittlungsdienste für Sie erbringen, die Beziehung zu Ihnen aufrechterhalten, nachdem wir eine Leistung für Sie erbracht haben oder Sie eine Leistung für uns erbringen. Die nachfolgenden Informationen richten sich an Sie, wenn Sie unter eine der nachfolgenden Personengruppen fallen:

  • Bewerber, für die wir Arbeitsvermittlungsdienste erbringen oder die sich bei uns auf eine vakante Stelle bewerben und mit uns über unsere Website, Jobbörsen, Social-Media-Seiten oder über andere Quellen in Kontakt treten;
  • Kunden und deren Ansprechpartner, mit denen wir eine Geschäftsbeziehung unterhalten und die wir bei der Besetzung vakanter Stellen unterstützen;
  • potenzielle Bewerber sowie potenzielle Kunden und deren Ansprechpartner, mit denen wir in Kontakt treten, um unsere Produkte und Dienste vorzustellen;
  • Dienstleister und deren Ansprechpartner, die für uns verschiedene Dienstleistungen erbringen;
  • Nutzer unserer Websites

(zusammenfassend als „Sie“ oder „Ihr“ bezeichnet).


Verantwortliche für die Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten ist diejenige Gesellschaft der PageGroup, die mit Ihnen in Kontakt tritt und in eigener Verantwortung Daten von Ihnen verarbeitet, wenn Sie die Webseite besuchen, wenn sie Ihnen gegenüber Recruiting- und Arbeitsdienstvermittlungsdienste erbringt, mit Ihnen in Kontakt tritt, die Beziehung zu Ihnen aufrechterhält, nachdem sie eine Stelle für Sie gefunden hat, sie selbst für eine vakante Stelle besetzt oder Sie eine Leistung für die entsprechende Gesellschaft erbringen. Eine komplette Liste der europäischen PageGroup-Tochtergesellschaften einschließlich Ihrer Kontaktdaten finden Sie hier.

Details der Datenverarbeitung

Nachfolgend erhalten Sie einen Überblick darüber, welche personenbezogenen Daten wir über Sie, für welche Zwecke, auf Basis welcher Rechtsgrundlage verarbeiten und wo wir diese Daten erheben.

Sofern Sie uns Ihre personenbezogenen Daten nicht zur Verfügung stellen, obwohl wir diese erheben müssen, um einen Auftrag von Ihnen zu bearbeiten oder einen Vertrag mit Ihnen zu erfüllen oder weil wir gesetzlich dazu verpflichtet sind, müssen wir möglicherweise Ihren Auftrag ab-lehnen oder können unsere vertraglichen Pflichten Ihnen gegenüber nicht erfüllen.

Nutzer unserer Website oder Apps




Erhebung Ihrer Daten

Empfänger Ihrer Daten

Beim Besuch unserer Webseite oder App verarbeiten wir Ihre Daten für folgende Zwecke:

  • Aufruf der Website/ App
  • Gewährleistung eines reibungslosen Verbindungsaufbaus,
  • Gewährleistung und Optimierung der Funktionalität unserer Website und der Nutzerfreundlichkeit
  • Gewährleistung und Auswertung der Systemsicherheit und -stabilität

In diesem Zusammenhang setzen wir auch verschiedene Cookies und andere ähnliche Technologien ein. Details finden Sie in unserer Cookie-Policy.

In diesem Zusammenhang verarbeiten wir die nachfolgenden Daten:

  • IP-Adresse des anfragenden internetfähigen Gerätes
  • Datum und Uhrzeit des Zugriffs
  • Name und URL der abgerufenen Datei
  • Website/Applikation, von der der Zugriff erfolgte (Referrer-URL), der von Ihnen verwendete Browser und ggfs. das Betriebssystem Ihres internetfähigen Rechners,
  • Name Ihres Access-Providers

Die Datenverarbeitungen beruhen auf den nachfolgenden Rechtsgrundlagen:

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b) DSGVO - Begründung, Durchführung oder Beendigung des Vertrages mit Ihnen

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f) DSGVO - unser berechtigtes Interesse an der Sicherheit, Stabilität und Nutzungsmöglichkeit unserer Webseite

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a) DSGVO - Ihre Einwilligung

Wir erheben die Daten direkt bei Ihnen.

Im Rahmen dieser Datenverarbeitungen ist es möglich, dass folgende interne und externe Dienstleister Zugriff auf Ihre Daten haben:

  • IT-Dienstleister
  • Anbieter von Datenanalysetools
  • Marketingunternehmen

Wir verarbeiten Ihre Daten, um Ihnen auf der Webseite auf Basis Ihres Surfverhaltens personalisierte Werbung zur Verfügung zu stellen. Dazu setzen wir verschiedene Cookies und andere Analysetechnologien ein. Details finden Sie in unserer Cookie-Policy.

In diesem Zusammenhang verarbeiten wir die nachfolgenden Daten:

  • IP-Adresse des anfragenden internetfähigen Gerätes
  • Datum und Uhrzeit des Zugriffs
  • Name und URL der abgerufenen Datei,
  • Website/Applikation, von der der Zugriff erfolgte (Referrer-URL), der von Ihnen verwendete Browser und ggfs. das Betriebssystem Ihres internetfähigen Rechners
  • Name Ihres Access-Providers

Die Datenverarbeitungen beruhen auf der nachfolgenden Rechtsgrundlage:

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a) DSGVO - Ihre Einwilligung

Wir erheben die Daten direkt bei Ihnen.

Im Rahmen dieser Datenverarbeitungen ist es möglich, dass folgende interne und externe Dienstleister Zugriff auf Ihre Daten haben:

  • IT-Dienstleister
  • Anbieter von Analysetools,
  • Marketingunternehmen




Rechtsgrundlage/Berechtigtes Interesse

Erhebung Ihrer Daten

Kategorien von Empfängern

Wir verarbeiten Ihre Daten, um für Sie Arbeitsvermittlungsdienste zu erbringen oder mit Ihnen ein Bewerbungsverfahren zur Begründung eines Arbeitsverhältnisses mit Ihnen durchzuführen.

In diesem Zusammenhang nutzen wir Ihre Daten, um mit Ihnen zu kommunizieren, Ihre Fragen zu beantworten, Ihren Lebenslauf zu analysieren und eine passende Stelle für Sie zu finden, ein Bewerberprofil für Sie zu erstellen, Sie bei Gehaltsfragen zu beraten, Vorstellungsgespräche zu vereinbaren, Eignungstest mit Ihnen durchzuführen, Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen an den von Ihnen gewünschten Arbeitgeber weiterzuleiten.

In diesem Zusammenhang könnten wir die nachfolgenden Daten verarbeiten:

  • Name und Adresse
  • Telefonnummer
  • E-Mail-Adresse
  • Informationen in Ihrem Lebenslauf
  • Informationen über Ihren Bildungsweg
  • Referenzen
  • Berufliche Erfahrungen
  • Arbeitszeugnisse
  • Gehaltsvorstellungen
  • Berufswünsche
  • Ergebnisse von Sicherheitsüberprüfungen
  • Staatsangehörigkeit
  • Aufenthalts- und Arbeitserlaubnis
  • Fotos
  • Sprachkenntnisse
  • Testergebnisse von Assessmentcentern
  • In Einzelfällen besondere personenbezogene Daten wie z.B.:
  • Beeinträchtigungen,
  • Ihre Gesundheit
  • Arbeitsmedizinische Untersuchungen
  • Verurteilungen, Straftaten

Die Datenverarbeitungen beruhen auf den nachfolgenden Rechtsgrundlagen:

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b) DSGVO - Begründung, Durchführung oder Beendigung des Vertrages mit Ihnen

Art. 6 Abs.1 lit. c) DSGVO – Erfüllung gesetzlicher Pflichten im Bereich des Arbeits- und Sozialrechts

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f) DSGVO - unser berechtigtes Interesse an effizienten arbeitsorganisatorischen Prozessen, Arbeitsteilung im PageGroup Konzern, sowie unser berechtigtes Interesse an der Pflege unserer Kundenbeziehung mit Ihnen

Ihre besonderen personenbezogenen Daten verarbeiten wir nur auf Basis Ihrer Einwilligung gem. Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a), Art. 9 Abs. 2 lit. a) DSGVO und soweit wir aus arbeits- und sozialrechtlichen Gründen, ein schließlich aus Gründen der Chancengleichheit dazu verpflichtet sind. In diesen Fällen stützen wir die Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten auf Art. 9 Abs. 2 lit. b), g) und h) DSGVO.

Wir erheben die Daten direkt bei Ihnen.

Daneben könnten wir Ihre Daten auch bei Dritten erheben, und zwar bei

  • Referenzengebern, z.B. frühere Arbeitgeber oder Auftraggeber zur Bestätigung Ihrer Angaben;
  • Bildungseinrichtungen
  • öffentlich zugänglichen beruflichen Quellen, wie LinkedIn, StepStone oder Xing, um die uns bereits über Sie verfügbaren Informationen zu erweitern, damit wir bessere Chancen haben, passende Stellen für Sie zu finden;
  • Kunden, denen wir Ihren Lebenslauf zur Verfügung gestellt haben und die mit Ihnen im Rahmen einer Bewerbung in Kontakt getreten sind.

Wir wenden uns nur an jene Referenzgeber, die Sie während des Auswahlverfahrens und unserer Tätigkeit uns gegenüber angegeben haben.

Zur Erbringung unserer Arbeitsvermittlungsdienste, könnten wir die Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten an potentielle Arbeitgeber weitergeben, die freie Stellen anbieten, für die Sie sich interessieren.

Im Rahmen der hier beschrieben Datenverarbeitungen ist es überdies möglich, dass sowohl gruppeninterne als auch externe Dienstleister Zugriff auf Ihre Daten haben. Dazu zählen Auftragsverarbeiter sowie eigene Verantwortliche aus den folgenden Bereichen:

  • IT-Support
  • Hosting, IT-Service
  • IT-Lösung zur Verbesserung der Servicequalität
  • Professionelle Beratungsdienste
  • Datenanalyse
  • Recruiting Support
  • Vertrieb
  • Verwaltung und Management von globalen, regionalen oder leitenden Positionen oder Entwicklung von Großkunden innerhalb der PageGroup
  • Versand- und Logistikunternehmen,
  • Telekommunikationsanbieter
  • Anbieter von beruflichen Netzwerken
  • Anbieter von psychometrischen Bewertungen oder Fähigkeitstest

Unsere Auftragsverarbeiter werden vertraglich von uns zur Vertraulichkeit und Einhaltung datenschutzrechtlicher Standards und Vorschriften verpflichtet.

Wir verarbeiten Ihre Daten, wenn Sie sich bei uns registrieren und Ihre Bewerberdaten für uns und eventuell potenzielle Arbeitgeber zur Verfügung stellen.

Wenn Sie sich bei unterschiedlichen Gesellschaften der PageGroup registrieren, führen wir die von Ihnen zur Verfügung gestellten Bewerberdaten in einem Datensatz und für Sie in einem Bewerberkonto zusammen. Eine einzelne Akte vermeidet Doppelungen und verbessert die Genauigkeit der personenbezogenen Daten. Zu diesen Zwecken werden die beteiligten Gesellschaften der PageGroup Ihre personenbezogenen Daten als unabhängig voneinander für die Verarbeitung Verantwortliche miteinander teilen.

In diesem Zusammenhang könnten wir die nachfolgenden Daten verarbeiten:

  • Name und Adresse
  • Telefonnummer
  • E-Mail-Adresse
  • Informationen in Ihrem Lebenslauf
  • Informationen über Ihren Bildungsweg
  • Referenzen
  • Berufliche Erfahrungen
  • Arbeitszeugnisse
  • Gehaltsvorstellungen,
  • Berufswünsche
  • In Einzelfällen besondere personenbezogene Daten wie z.B.:
  • Beeinträchtigungen,
  • Ihre Gesundheit,
  • Verurteilungen, Straftaten,

Die Datenverarbeitungen beruhen auf den nachfolgenden Rechtsgrundlagen:

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b) DSGVO - Begründung, Durchführung oder Beendigung des Nutzungsvertrags mit Ihnen für die Bereitstellung unseres Registrierungsservice

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f) DSGVO - unser berechtigtes Interesse an effizienten arbeitsorganisatorischen Prozessen, Arbeitsteilung im PageGroup Konzern, sowie unser berechtigtes Interesse an der Pflege unserer Kundenbeziehung mit Ihnen

Ihre besonderen personenbezogenen Daten verarbeiten wir nur auf Basis Ihrer Einwilligung gem. Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a) DSGVO, Art. 9 Abs. 2 lit. a) DSGVO.

Wir erheben die Daten direkt bei Ihnen.

Sofern Sie sich auf eine spezifische Stelle bewerben, geben wir Ihre Bewerberdaten an den von Ihnen gewünschten potenziellen Arbeitgeber weiter.

Im Rahmen der hier beschrieben Datenverarbeitungen ist es überdies möglich, dass die oben beschriebenen gruppeninternen als auch externen Dienstleister Zugriff auf Ihre Daten haben.

Wir verarbeiten Ihre Daten, um Ihnen Werbeinformationen, Newsletter und andere elektronische Werbeinformationen zuzusenden, um Sie über Stellenangebote, Branchenberichte und -einblicke, Veranstaltungen, Events sowie andere Neuigkeiten zu informieren.

In diesem Zusammenhang könnten wir die nachfolgenden Daten verarbeiten:

  • Name,
  • E-Mail-Adresse
  • Telefonnummer
  • Ihre Marketing- Informations- und Job-präferenzen

Die Datenverarbeitungen beruhen auf den nachfolgenden Rechtsgrundlagen:

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a) DSGVO - Ihre Einwilligung

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f) DSGVO (i.V.m. § 7 Abs. 3 UWG, soweit es um elektronisch übermittelte Werbung geht) - unser berechtigtes Interesse an Direktmarketingmaßnahmen und dem Versand von Werbeinhalten

Wir erheben die Daten direkt bei Ihnen.

Im Rahmen der hier beschrieben Datenverarbeitungen ist es möglich, dass gruppeninterne als auch externe Dienstleister aus den folgenden Bereichen Zugriff auf Ihre Daten haben:

  • Marketing
  • Vertrieb
  • IT-Lösungen
  • IT-Support
  • Post- und Versanddienstleistungen
  • Telekommunikation
  • Datenanalyse
  • Marktforschung

Wir verarbeiten Ihre Daten, um Ihnen Zufriedenheitsumfragen zuzusenden und zu erfahren, ob Sie mit unseren Leistungen zufrieden sind, um unsere vorhandenen Dienstleistungen zu verbessern und neue Dienstleistungen zu entwickeln.

In diesem Zusammenhang könnten wir die nachfolgenden Daten verarbeiten:

  • Name
  • E-Mail-Adresse
  • Bisherige Vermittlungen und erbrachte Dienstleistungen
  • Ihre Angaben im Zufriedenheitsfragebogen

Die Datenverarbeitungen beruhen auf den nachfolgenden Rechtsgrundlagen:

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a) DSGVO - Ihre Einwilligung

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f) DSGVO (i.V.m. § 7 Abs. 3 UWG, soweit es um elektronisch übermittelte Umfragen geht) - unser berechtigtes Interesse an Direktmarketingmaßnahmen und dem Versand von Werbeinhalten, entsprechen sowie der Weiterentwicklung unserer Dienstleistungen

Wir erheben die Daten direkt bei Ihnen.

Im Rahmen der hier beschrieben Datenverarbeitungen ist es möglich, dass gruppeninternen als auch externen Dienstleister aus den folgenden Bereichen Zugriff auf Ihre Daten haben:

  • Marketing
  • Vertrieb
  • IT-Lösungen
  • IT-Support
  • Post- und Versanddienstleistungen
  • Telekommunikation
  • Datenanalyse
  • Dienstleister zur Durchführung von Umfragen
  • Dienstleister zur Durchführung von Test- und Entwicklungstätigkeiten Bereitstellung von Forschungs-, Postversand- oder anderen Direktmarketing-Dienstleistungen.

In Einzelfällen kann es erforderlich sein, dass wir die von Ihnen übermittelten Informationen zu Ihrem Werdegang überprüfen, oder prüfen, ob Sie die für eine bestimmte ausgeschriebene Stelle erforderlichen Eignungen und das nötige Maß an Zuverlässigkeit mitbringen. In diesen Fällen führen wir sogenannte Background-Checks durch. Dazu befragen wir Referenzgeber und frühe Bildungseinrichtungen. Daneben führen wir Internetrecherchen mittels Suchmaschinen und allgemein zugänglichen Online-Datenbanken durch. Ferner werten wir nationale und internationale Presse aus.

Nur in sehr wenigen Einzelfällen und nur soweit wir dazu gesetzlich verpflichtet sind, gleichen wir Ihre Stammdaten mit Sanktions- und anderen öffentlichen Listen und Registern, u.a. Terror- und Embargolisten sowie PEP-Listen (Politisch Exponierte Person) ab.

In diesem Zusammenhang könnten wir die nachfolgenden Daten verarbeiten:

  • Name und Adresse
  • Telefonnummer
  • E-Mail-Adresse
  • Informationen in Ihrem Lebenslauf
  • Informationen über Ihren Bildungsweg
  • Referenzen
  • Berufliche Erfahrungen
  • Arbeitszeugnisse
  • Ergebnisse von Sicherheitsüberprüfungen
  • Staatsangehörigkeit
  • Aufenthalts- und Arbeitserlaubnis
  • Fotos
  • Sprachkenntnisse
  • Testergebnisse von Assessmentcentern
  • Verurteilungen, Straftaten (z. B. Einstellungsbetrug Wirtschaftskriminalität organisierte Kriminalität)
  • Wettbewerbs- oder Kartellrechtsverstößen
  • Verstößen gegen sonstige gesetzliche Vorgaben oder Verordnungen
  • Insolvenzen
  • bestehende Interessenkonflikte

Die Datenverarbeitungen beruhen auf den nachfolgenden Rechtsgrundlagen:

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a) DSGVO Ihre Einwilligung

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. c) DSGVO - unsere rechtliche Verpflichtung zur Durchführung von Zuverlässigkeitsprüfung

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b) DSGVO - Begründung, Durchführung oder Beendigung des Vertrages mit Ihnen

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f) DSGVO - unser berechtigtes Interesse an der Durchführung von Background-Checks zur Verifizierung Ihrer Angaben, unser berechtigtes Interesse an der Durchführung von Background-Checks zur Erfüllung rechtlicher Pflichten unserer Auftraggeber, das berechtigte Interesse unserer Auftraggeber an der Durchführung von Background-Checks zur Sicherstellung der erforderlichen Eignung und Zuverlässigkeit für besondere Stellungen und Verifizierung Ihrer Angaben

Wir erheben die Daten direkt bei Ihnen.

Daneben könnten wir Ihre Daten auch bei Dritten erheben, und zwar

  • Referenzengebern, wie frühere Arbeitgeber oder Auftraggeber zur Bestätigung Ihrer Angaben
  • Bildungseinrichtungen - zur Überprüfung Ihrer akademischen Qualifikationen
  • öffentlich zugängliche berufliche Quellen wie LinkedIn, Xing oder StepStone, etc.
  • Sanktions- und anderen öffentlichen Listen und Registern, u.a. Terror- und Embargolisten sowie PEP-Listen
  • Öffentliche Quelle, Telefonbücher, Zeitungsartikel
  • Allgemein zugängliche Datenbanken

Wir wenden uns nur an jene Referenzgeber, die Sie während des Auswahlverfahrens und unserer Tätigkeit uns gegenüber angegeben haben.

Im Rahmen der hier beschrieben Datenverarbeitungen ist es möglich, dass gruppeninternen als auch externen Dienstleister aus den folgenden Bereichen in die Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten involviert sind:

  • IT-Sicherheit
  • IT-Lösungen
  • Hosting
  • Telekommunikation
  • Dienstleister zur Durchführung der Überprüfung von Arbeitsreferenzen
  • Dienstleister zur Durchführung der Überprüfung von Qualifikationen
  • Dienstleister zur Durchführung der Überprüfung im Zusammenhang mit strafrechtlichen Verurteilungen (sofern erforderlich)
  • Dienstleister zur Überprüfung der von Ihnen zur Verfügung gestellten Angaben aus Drittquellen
  • Dienstleister zur Durchführung von psychometrischen Bewertungen oder Fähigkeitstests
  • Beratungsdienste

Durchführung von Umfragen zu Talent-Trends

Um unsere Dienstleistungen stetig zu verbessern und auf dem aktuellen Stand zu halten, werden wir Sie punktuell zur Teilnahme an Umfragen zu Talent-Trends einladen.

In diesem Zusammenhang könnten wir die nachfolgenden Daten verarbeiten:

  • Name
  • Bisherige Vermittlungen und erbrachte Dienstleistungen
  • E-Mail-Adresse
  • Angaben im Umfragebogen

Die Datenverarbeitungen beruhen auf den nachfolgenden Rechtsgrundlagen:

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a) DSGVO - Ihre Einwilligung

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f) DSGVO (i.V.m. § 7 Abs. 3 UWG, soweit es um elektronisch übermittelte Umfragen geht) - unser berechtigtes Interesse aktuelle Talent-Trends zu erkennen und unsere Dienstleistungen und Angebote weiterzuentwickeln

Wir erheben die Daten direkt bei Ihnen.

Im Rahmen der hier beschrieben Datenverarbeitungen ist es möglich, dass gruppeninternen als auch externen Dienstleister aus den folgenden Bereichen Zugriff auf Ihre Daten haben:

  • Marketing
  • Marktforschung
  • Markanalyse
  • Vertrieb
  • IT-Lösungen
  • IT-Support
  • Post- und Versanddienstleistungen
  • Telekommunikation
  • Datenanalyse

Potenzielle Bewerber und Kunden



Rechtsgrundlage/Berechtigtes Interesse

Erhebung der Daten

Kategorien von Empfängern

Zur Vorstellung unserer Dienstleistungen und um mit Ihnen in Kontakt treten zu können und Ihre Anfragen zu beantworten, verarbeiten wir Ihre personenbezogenen Daten. Wir verarbeiten die Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten, die Sie uns zur Verfügung stellen, wenn Sie uns kontaktieren und eine Anfrage stellen. Daneben könnten wir Daten über Sie verarbeiten, die wir aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen sowie aus beruflichen und sozialen Netzwerken, wie LinkedIn, Xing, StepStone, Unternehmens- oder anderen Stellenbörsen erhalten haben, um mit Ihnen in Kontakt zu treten, wenn wir der Meinung sind, dass Sie an unseren Arbeitsvermittlungsdiensten interessiert sein könnten.

Daneben kann es sein, dass wir durch Empfehlung eines anderen Bewerbers oder Kunden auf Sie aufmerksam gemacht worden sind und Sie kontaktieren.

Sofern Sie als Ansprechpartner in Vertretung eines Unternehmens auftreten, verarbeiten wir Ihre beruflichen Kontaktdaten.

In diesem Zusammenhang könnten wir die nachfolgenden Daten verarbeiten:

  • Name und Adresse
  • Position im Unternehmen
  • Telefonnummer
  • E-Mail-Adresse
  • Berufliche Kontaktdaten
  • Name des Unternehmens in dem Sie tätig sind,
  • Informationen in Ihrem Lebenslauf, Jobprofil, Unternehmensprofil
  • Informationen über Ihren Bildungsweg,
  • Referenzen,
  • Berufliche Erfahrungen,
  • Arbeitszeugnisse,
  • Gehaltsvorstellungen,
  • Berufswünsche,
  • Offene Stellenanzeigen,
  • Staatsangehörigkeit,
  • Fotos,
  • Sprachkenntnisse,
  • Status in beruflichen Netzwerken, z.B. offen für Jobs

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a) DSGVO - Ihre Einwilligung

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b) DSGVO – zur Begründung des Vertrages mit Ihnen

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f) DSGVO () - unser berechtigtes Interesse an Direktmarketingmaßnahmen und Vertrieb unserer Recruiting- und Arbeitsvermittlungsdienste sowie unser berechtigtes Interesse daran, neue Geschäftskontakte, Kunden und potenzielle Bewerber ausfindig zu machen)

Wir erheben die Daten direkt bei Ihnen.

Daneben könnten wir Ihre Daten auch bei Dritten erheben, und zwar

  • öffentlich zugängliche berufliche Quellen, Homepage, Zeitungsartikel, Stellenausschreibungen
  • Berufliche Netzwerke, wie LinkedIn, StepStone,, Xing usw.
  • Ihre in öffentlichen Datenbanken veröffentlichten Job- oder Unternehmensprofile
  • Andere Bewerber oder Kunden

Im Rahmen der hier beschrieben Datenverarbeitungen ist es möglich, dass gruppeninternen als auch externen Dienstleister aus den folgenden Bereichen Zugriff auf Ihre Daten haben:

  • Marketing
  • Vertrieb
  • IT-Lösungen
  • IT-Support
  • Post- und Versanddienstleistungen
  • Telekommunikation
  • Datenanalyse

Kunden (B2B) und unsere Ansprechpartner bei unseren Kunden



Rechtsgrundlage/ Berechtigtes Interesse

Erhebung der Daten

Kategorien von Empfängern

Wir verarbeiten Ihre Daten, um für Sie unsere Recruiting Dienste zu erbringen. In diesem Zusammenhang verarbeiten wir Ihre Daten und die Ihrer Ansprechpartner, um mit Ihnen zu kommunizieren und für Sie geeignete Kandidaten für Ihre vakanten Stellen zu finden.

In diesem Zusammenhang könnten wir die nachfolgenden Daten verarbeiten:

  • Unternehmensname
  • Name und Adresse
  • Kontaktdaten der Ansprechpartner
  • Telefonnummer
  • Ihr Feedback zu Bewerbern
  • Vertragsdaten- und Abrechnungsdaten
  • Informationen zu vakanten Stellen und Anforderungsprofile

Die Datenverarbeitungen beruhen auf den nachfolgenden Rechtsgrundlagen:

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b) DSGVO - Begründung, Durchführung oder Beendigung des Vertrages mit Ihnen

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f) DSGVO - unser berechtigtes Interesse an effizienten arbeitsorganisatorischen Prozessen, Arbeitsteilung im PageGroup Konzern

Wir erheben die Daten direkt bei Ihnen.

Daneben könnten wir Ihre Daten auch bei Dritten erheben, und zwar

  • öffentlich zugänglichen beruflichen Quellen, wie Homepages, Zeitungsartikeln, Stellenausschreibungen
  • Berufliche Netzwerke, wie LinkedIn, StepStone,, Xing usw.
  • aus öffentlichen Datenbanken, in denen Ihre veröffentlichten Job- oder Unternehmensprofile gespeichert sind
  • bei anderen Kunden und Bewerbern

Im Rahmen der hier beschrieben Datenverarbeitungen ist es möglich, dass gruppeninternen als auch externen Dienstleister aus den folgenden Bereichen Zugriff auf Ihre Daten haben:

  • Marketing
  • Vertrieb
  • IT-Lösungen
  • IT-Support
  • Post- und Versanddienstleistungen
  • Telekommunikation
  • Datenanalyse
  • Buchhaltung
  • Verwaltung
  • Banking
  • Verwaltung und Management von globalen, regionalen oder leitenden Positionen oder Entwicklung von Großkunden innerhalb der PageGroup

Wir verarbeiten Ihre Daten, um Ihnen Zufriedenheitsumfragen zuzusenden und zu erfahren, ob Sie mit unseren Leistungen zufrieden sind, um unsere vorhandenen Dienstleistungen zu verbessern und neue Dienstleistungen zu entwickeln.

In diesem Zusammenhang könnten wir die nachfolgenden Daten verarbeiten:

  • Unternehmensname
  • Name und Adresse
  • Kontaktdaten der Ansprechpartner
  • Telefonnummer
  • Bisherige Vermittlungen und erbrachte Dienstleistungen

Die Datenverarbeitungen beruhen auf den nachfolgenden Rechtsgrundlagen:

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a) DSGVO - Ihre Einwilligung

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f) DSGVO (i.V.m. § 7 Abs. 3 UWG, soweit es um elektronisch übermittelte Umfragen geht) - unser berechtigtes Interesse an Direktmarketingmaßnahmen und dem Versand von Werbeinhalten und das berechtigte Interesse an der Verbesserung und Weiterentwicklung unserer Services und Angebote

Wir erheben die Daten direkt bei Ihnen.

Im Rahmen der hier beschrieben Datenverarbeitungen ist es möglich, dass gruppeninternen als auch externen Dienstleister aus den folgenden Bereichen Zugriff auf Ihre Daten haben:

  • Marketing
  • Markanalyse
  • Vertrieb
  • IT-Lösungen
  • IT-Support
  • Post- und Versanddienstleistungen
  • Telekommunikation
  • Datenanalyse

Wir verarbeiten Ihre Daten, um Ihnen Werbeinformationen, Newsletter und andere elektronische Werbeinformationen zuzusenden, um Sie über Stellenangebote, Branchenberichte und -einblicke, Veranstaltungen, Events sowie andere Neuigkeiten zu informieren.

In diesem Zusammenhang könnten wir die nachfolgenden Daten verarbeiten:

  • Name,
  • E-Mail-Adresse
  • Telefonnummer
  • Ihre Marketing- Informations- und Job-präferenzen

Die Datenverarbeitungen beruhen auf den nachfolgenden Rechtsgrundlagen:

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a) –SGVO - Ihre Einwilligung

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f) DSGVO (i.V.m. § 7 Abs. 3 UWG, soweit es um elektronisch übermittelte Umfragen geht) - unser berechtigtes Interesse an Direktmarketingmaßnahmen und dem Versand von Werbeinhalten

Wir erheben die Daten direkt bei Ihnen.

Im Rahmen der hier beschrieben Datenverarbeitungen ist es möglich, dass gruppeninternen als auch externen Dienstleister aus den folgenden Bereichen Zugriff auf Ihre Daten haben:

  • Marketing
  • Newsletter-Versand
  • Vertrieb
  • IT-Lösungen
  • IT-Support
  • Post- und Versanddienstleistungen
  • Telekommunikation
  • Datenanalyse

Dienstleister und unsere Ansprechpartner bei unseren Dienstleistern



Rechtsgrundlage/Berechtigtes Interesse

Erhebung der Daten

Empfänger Ihrer Daten

Um den Dienstleistungsvertrag mit Ihnen abzuschließen, Ihre Dienstleistungen zu erhalten und um mit Ihnen im Rahmen unserer Geschäftsbeziehung zu kommunizieren, verarbeiten wir Ihre personenbezogenen Daten. Darüber hinaus verarbeiten wir Ihre Daten zu Abrechnungszwecken.

In diesem Zusammenhang könnten wir die nachfolgenden Daten verarbeiten:

  • Unternehmensname
  • Name und Adresse
  • Kontaktdaten der Ansprechpartner
  • Telefonnummer
  • Übersicht erbrachte Leistungen
  • Vertragsdaten- und Abrechnungsdaten

Die Datenverarbeitungen beruhen auf den nachfolgenden Rechtsgrundlagen:

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b) DSGVO - Begründung, Durchführung oder Beendigung des Vertrages mit Ihnen

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f) DSGVO - unser berechtigtes Interesse an effizienten arbeitsorganisatorischen Prozessen, Arbeitsteilung im PageGroup Konzern

Wir erheben die Daten direkt bei Ihnen.

Im Rahmen der hier beschrieben Datenverarbeitungen ist es möglich, dass gruppeninternen als auch externen Dienstleister aus den folgenden Bereichen Zugriff auf Ihre Daten haben:

  • Einkauf
  • Vertrieb
  • IT-Lösungen
  • IT-Support
  • Post- und Versanddienstleistungen
  • Telekommunikation
  • Datenanalyse

Wir verarbeiten Ihre personenbezogenen Daten, um Ihre Eignung als Lieferant für uns zu prüfen.

Zur Einhaltung gesetzlicher Vorschriften gleichen wir in sehr begrenzten Fällen und nur soweit wir gesetzlich dazu verpflichtet sind, Ihre Stammdaten mit Sanktionslisten und anderen öffentlichen Listen und Registern ab, einschließlich Terror- und Embargolisten und PEP-Listen (Politically Exposed Person).

In diesem Zusammenhang könnten wir die nachfolgenden Daten verarbeiten:

  • Unternehmensname
  • Name und Adresse
  • Kontaktdaten der Ansprechpartner
  • Telefonnummer
  • Referenzen

Die Datenverarbeitungen beruhen auf den nachfolgenden Rechtsgrundlagen:

Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR - unsere gesetzliche Verpflichtung zur Durchführung von Zuverlässigkeitsüberprüfungen

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - Begründung, Durchführung oder Beendigung des Vertrags mit Ihnen

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - unser berechtigtes Interesse an der Durchführung von Bewertungen zur Beurteilung Ihrer Eignung

Wir erheben die Daten direkt bei Ihnen.

Daneben könnten wir auch Daten aus öffentlichen Registern und Sanktionslisten erheben.

Im Rahmen der hier beschrieben Datenverarbeitungen ist es möglich, dass gruppeninternen als auch externen Dienstleister aus den folgenden Bereichen Zugriff auf Ihre Daten haben:

  • Einkauf
  • Vertrieb
  • IT-Lösungen
  • IT-Support
  • Post- und Versanddienstleistungen
  • Telekommunikation

Datenverarbeitungen zur Erfüllung gesetzlicher Pflichten, Restrukturierungsmaßnahmen und Verteidigung und Geltendmachung von Rechtsansprüchen



Rechtsgrundlage/Berechtigtes Interesse

Erhebung der Daten

Empfänger Ihrer Daten

Wir verarbeiten Ihre Daten überdies soweit dies zur Erfüllung staatlicher Kontroll- und Auskunftspflichten, einschließlich behördlicher Informations-, Anzeigepflichten sowie handelsrechtlicher oder steuerrechtlicher Pflichten erforderlich ist.

In diesem Zusammenhang verarbeiten wir die nachfolgenden Daten:

  • Unternehmensname
  • Name und Adresse
  • Kontaktdaten der Ansprechpartner
  • Telefonnummer
  • Übersicht erbrachte Leistungen
  • Vertragsdaten- und Abrechnungsdaten
  • Angefragte Daten

Die Datenverarbeitungen beruhen auf den nachfolgenden Rechtsgrundlagen:

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. c) DSGVO (Erfüllung gesetzlicher Pflichten)

Wir erheben die Daten direkt bei Ihnen.

Im Rahmen der hier beschrieben Datenverarbeitung ist es möglich, dass folgende Empfänger Zugriff Ihre Daten haben:

  • Strafverfolgungsbehörden
  • Behörden
  • Gerichte
  • Rechtsanwälte
  • Berater

In Einzelfällen verarbeiten wir Ihre Daten auch zur Geltendmachung von und Verteidigung gegen rechtliche Ansprüche.

In diesem Zusammenhang verarbeiten wir die nachfolgenden Daten:

  • Unternehmensname
  • Name und Adresse
  • Kontaktdaten der Ansprechpartner
  • Telefonnummer
  • Übersicht erbrachte Leistungen
  • Vertragsdaten- und Abrechnungsdaten
  • Erforderliche Daten zur Verteidigung und Geltendmachung von Ansprüchen

Die Datenverarbeitungen beruhen auf den nachfolgenden Rechtsgrundlagen:

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f) DSGVO (unser berechtigtes Interesse an der Verteidigung gegen und Geltendmachung von Rechtsansprüchen)

Wir erheben die Daten direkt bei Ihnen.

Im Rahmen der hier beschrieben Datenverarbeitungen ist es möglich, dass folgende Empfänger Zugriff Ihre Daten haben:

  • Rechtsanwälte
  • Beratungsunternehmen
  • Gerichte
  • Mediatoren

Wir verarbeiten Ihre Daten im Falle einer Umstrukturierung, Fusion, eines Verkaufs, Joint Ventures, einer Abtretung oder einer sonstigen Übertragung bzw. Veräußerung der Gesamtheit oder eines Teils unseres Unternehmens, soweit dies für diese Zwecke erforderlich ist.

In diesem Zusammenhang verarbeiten wir die nachfolgenden Daten:

  • Unternehmensname
  • Name und Adresse
  • Kontaktdaten der Ansprechpartner
  • Telefonnummer
  • Übersicht erbrachte Leistungen
  • Vertragsdaten- und Abrechnungsdaten

Die Datenverarbeitungen beruhen auf den nachfolgenden Rechtsgrundlagen:

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f) DSGVO unser berechtigtes Interesse an einer Umstrukturierung, Fusion, eines Verkaufs, Joint Ventures, einer Abtretung oder einer sonstigen Übertragung bzw. Veräußerung der Gesamtheit oder eines Teils unseres Unternehmens

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a) DSGVO – Ihre Einwilligung

Wir erheben die Daten direkt bei Ihnen.

Im Rahmen der hier beschrieben Datenverarbeitung ist es möglich, dass folgende Empfänger Zugriff Ihre Daten haben:

  • Rechtsanwälte
  • neue Unternehmenseigentümer und ihre Berater
  • Gerichte

Wir verarbeiten Ihre personenbezogenen Daten überdies zur Erfüllung datenschutzrechtlicher Pflichten, insbesondere um Ihre Betroffenenrechte zu gewährleisten.

In diesem Zusammenhang verarbeiten wir die nachfolgenden Daten:

  • Unternehmensname
  • Name und Adresse
  • Kontaktdaten der Ansprechpartner
  • Telefonnummer
  • Vertragsdaten- und Abrechnungsdaten
  • Datenschutzrechtliche Erklärungen (z. B. Einwilligungserklärungen zur Verarbeitung
  • Erklärungen zum Widerruf von Ihnen erteilter Einwilligungen
  • Erklärungen zum Widerspruch gegen die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten
  • Erklärungen zur Geltendmachung Ihrer Rechte auf Auskunft, Berichtigung, Löschung, Einschränkung der Verarbeitung, Datenübertragbarkeit einschließlich der Informationen, die Sie uns bei der Geltendmachung Ihrer Rechte mitteilen.

Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. c) DSGVO (Erfüllung gesetzlicher Pflichten)

Wir erheben die Daten direkt bei Ihnen.

Im Rahmen der hier beschrieben Datenverarbeitung ist es möglich, dass folgende Empfänger Zugriff Ihre Daten haben:

  • Rechtsanwälte
  • Gerichte
  • Interne und externe Dienstleister im Bereich Verwaltung, Compliance, Datenschutz und Support

Cookies, Analysetool & Social Media

Wir nutzen Social Media und setzen verschiedene Cookies und andere Analysetechnologien auf unserer Webseite ein. Detaillierte Informationen dazu finden Sie in unserer Cookie-Policy.

Automatisierte Entscheidungen und Profiling

Wir treffen keine Entscheidungen ausschließlich auf Grundlage automatisierter Datenverarbeitung; es gibt immer eine Person, die in den Prozess eingreift, bevor eine Entscheidung getroffen wird.

Wir führen auf der Grundlage der personenbezogenen Daten von Bewerbern zwei Arten von Profiling durch:

  • JobMatch ist ein auf unserer Website für Bewerber zur Verfügung stehendes Tool, mit dem sie ihre Lebensläufe hochladen können. Passend zu Ihren Fähigkeiten, Berufswünschen und Angaben in Ihrem Lebenslauf, hilft uns das Tool dabei, Ihnen die Jobs zu empfehlen, die zu ihren Wünschen und Fähigkeiten passen. Jedoch beschränkt oder verhindert dieses Profiling nicht den Zugang zu an-deren Jobs oder Stellen.
  • Dabei setzen wir ein Analysetool mit semantischer Suchtechnologie (eine Art künstlicher Intelligenz) ein, das uns eine intelligente Suche und Filterung von Lebensläufen in unserer Datenbank ermöglicht. Durch Eingabe relevanter Schlüsselwörter wie z.B. Jahre der Arbeitserfahrung oder Fachgebiet, in das Tool werden dann sämtliche hochgeladenen Lebensläufe analysiert und als Ergebnis wird eine Zielmenge von Bewerbern geliefert, indem die Schlüsselwörter in den Lebensläufen der Bewerber abgeglichen und die Bewerber in einer nach ihrer Eignung für die jeweilige Stelle erzielten Rangordnung eingestuft werden. Wir nutzen es, um unsere Rekrutierungsprozesse effizienter zu gestalten, indem wir Bewerbern besser geeignete Stellen zuweisen können. Wie vorstehend erläutert, gibt es immer einen Recruiter, der dieses Verfahren verifiziert, so dass keine automatisierte Entscheidungsfindung stattfindet.

Bitte nehmen Sie zur Kenntnis, dass keine dieser Profiling-Aktivitäten für die Bewerber zu rechtlichen oder vergleichbar wesentlichen Auswirkungen führt. Wenn Sie jedoch mehr dazu erfahren möchten, bitten wir Sie, uns zu kontaktieren.

Datenübermittlungen in Länder außerhalb des EWR

Wir verarbeiten Ihre personenbezogenen Daten in einigen Fällen auch außerhalb des Europäischen Wirtschaftsraums (EWR). Findet eine Daten-übermittlung an eine der oben genannten Empfänger statt, deren Sitz oder deren Ort der Datenverarbeitung außerhalb des EWR oder eines Staa-tes, für den durch einen Beschluss der Europäischen Kommission ein angemessenes Datenschutzniveau festgestellt wurde, gelegen ist, stellen wir vor der Weitergabe sicher, dass die Datenübermittlung durch einen gesetzlichen Erlaubnistatbestand gedeckt ist und Garantien für ein angemessenes Datenschutzniveau in Bezug auf die Datenübermittlung bestehen (z.B. durch die Vereinbarung vertraglicher Gewährleistungen, behördlich anerkannte Regelungen oder verbindliche interne Datenschutzvorschriften beim Empfänger) oder Sie Ihre Einwilligung in die Datenübermittlung erteilt haben.

Gruppeninterne Datenübermittlungen außerhalb des EWR

Die PageGroup ist eine weltweit tätige Unternehmensgruppe. Unsere Fachleute für Personalbeschaffung und die Schlüsselmitglieder des Unter-nehmens, die Aufgaben wie z.B. Recruiting-Support, Lohnbuchhaltung und IT-Support erfüllen, haben ihre jeweiligen Arbeitsorte auf der gesamten Welt. Für die oben genannten Zwecke übermitteln wir im Rahmen unserer Zusammenarbeit in PageGroup die Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten unter Einhaltung der Art. 44 ff. DSGVO auch an Gesellschaften der PageGroup, die Ihren Sitz außerhalb des EWR haben, oder erlauben Mitarbeitern, die in Gesellschaften der PageGroup arbeiten, die Ihren Sitz außerhalb des EWR haben, zum Zwecke unserer Zusammenarbeit und Erfüllung unserer vertraglichen Pflichten mit Ihnen auf Ihre Daten zuzugreifen. Eine Liste der PageGroup-Gesellschaften, die Ihren Sitz außerhalb des EWR haben, finden Sie hier.

Wenn Sie sich im Rahmen Ihrer Stellensuche beispielsweise in Deutschland aufhalten oder wenn Sie eine qualifizierte Fachkraft zum Eintritt in Ihr Unternehmen oder einen Personalvermittlungspartner suchen, werden wir die Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten, soweit erforderlich, auch an unsere auf den deutschen Markt spezialisierten Recruiter weitergeben, die ihren Sitz in der Türkei haben (Details zur türkischen Gesellschaft finden Sie in der vorgenannten Liste). Diese verarbeiten die Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten im Auftrag unserer deutschen  Gesellschaften. Bei dieser Übermittlung wird ein angemessenes Datenschutzniveau durch unternehmensinterne Vereinbarungen und Standardvertragsklauseln, wie im Folgenden beschrieben, gewährt.

Wir haben eine unternehmensinterne Vereinbarung für die Datenübermittlung abgeschlossen, die von der Europäischen Kommission genehmigte Standardvertragsklauseln (Standard Contractual Clauses, SCC) enthält, welche die grenzüberschreitende Übermittlung personenbezogener Daten aus dem EWR an Drittländer außerhalb des EWR erlauben (da die Datenschutzgesetze außerhalb des EWR möglicherweise kein gleichwertiges Schutzniveau wie die Datenschutzgesetze des EWR bieten).

Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns unter Verwendung der untengenannten Kontaktdaten, wenn Sie eine Abschrift der SCCs erhalten möchten.

Datenübermittlungen an externe Dienstleister außerhalb des EWR

Datenübermittlungen an externe Dienstleister. Wir nutzen Dienstleister im Bereich IT, die Ihren Sitz in den USA, Großbritannien und Israel haben. Zum Schutz Ihrer Daten haben wir mit diesen Dienstleistern wo erforderlich Standardvertragsklauseln (SCCs) abgeschlossen.

Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns unter Verwendung der untengenannten Kontaktdaten, wenn Sie eine Abschrift der SCCs erhalten möchten.

Gewährleistung der Sicherheit Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten

Wir haben geeignete technische und organisatorische Maßnahmen getroffen, die wir aufrechterhalten, um die Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten vor - ob unbeabsichtigt oder unrechtmäßig - Vernichtung, Verlust, Veränderung oder unbefugter Offenlegung von beziehungsweise unbefugtem Zugang zu schützen. Es erhalten ausschließlich befugtes Personal und Drittdienstleister gemäß dem Grundsatz „Kenntnis nur wenn nötig“ Zugang zu personenbezogenen Daten, und diese Mitarbeiter und Dienstleister sind vertraglich verpflichtet, die entsprechenden Informationen vertraulich zu behandeln.

Wie lange wir Ihre personenbezogenen Daten aufbewahren

Wir bewahren Ihre personenbezogenen Daten so lange auf, wie dies für die Erfüllung des Zwecks, für den wir sie erhoben haben, erforderlich ist, wobei es sich um einen fortwährenden Zweck handeln kann. Wenn Sie zum Beispiel ein Bewerber sind, werden wir die Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten für die Dauer unserer Geschäftsbeziehung mit Ihnen und darüber hinaus speichern, da wir Bewerber oft über viele Jahre und möglicherweise während ihrer gesamten Karriere bei der Vermittlung von Arbeitsplätzen unterstützen.

Wir bewahren einige personenbezogene Daten länger auf als andere. Bei der Festlegung der angemessenen Aufbewahrungsfrist für personenbezogene Daten berücksichtigen wir Faktoren wie die Zwecke, für die wir Ihre personenbezogenen Daten verarbeiten, einschließlich gesetzlicher, behördlicher, buchhalterischer und berichtspflichtiger Verpflichtungen, die Art und Menge der personenbezogenen Daten, die wir über Sie gespeichert haben, und das potenzielle Risiko, dass Sie durch die unbefugte Nutzung oder Offenlegung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten Schaden nehmen können.

Wenn wir Ihre personenbezogenen Daten für Direktmarketingzwecke verarbeiten, erfolgt dies so lange, bis Sie von uns die Beendigung dieser Verarbeitungstätigkeit verlangen sowie für einen kurzen Zeitraum nach Erhalt Ihrer entsprechenden Mitteilung (damit wir in der Lage sind, Ihre Anfrage umzusetzen). Außerdem vermerken wir in unseren Akten, dass Sie uns aufgefordert haben, Ihnen kein Direktmarketing zu senden oder Ihre Daten auf unbestimmte Zeit zu verarbeiten, damit wir Ihre Anfrage erfüllen können.

Ihre Rechte in Bezug auf den Datenschutz

Gem. Art. 21 DSGVO, haben Sie das Recht, aus Gründen, die sich aus Ihrer besonderen Situation ergeben, jederzeit der Datenverarbeitung durch uns zu widersprechen, soweit diese auf Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. e DSGVO oder auf der Wahrung „berechtigter Interessen“ gem. Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO beruht. Sofern Sie von Ihrem Widerspruchsrecht Gebrauch machen, werden wir die Verarbeitung einstellen, es sei denn, wir können zwingende schutzwürdige Gründe für die Weiterverarbeitung nachweisen, welche Ihre Rechte und Interessen überwiegen.

Laut der EU-Datenschutzgesetzgebung stehen Ihnen im Hinblick auf die Sie betreffenden Datenverarbeitungen zahlreiche Rechte zu. Diese Rechte beinhalten das Recht auf Widerruf Ihrer Einwilligung gem. Art. 7 Abs. 3 DSGVO, das Recht auf Auskunft über die Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten sowie eine Kopie von ihnen zu verlangen (Art. 15 DSGVO), die Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten zu berichtigen (Art. 16 DSGVO), zu löschen (Art. 17 DSGVO) oder deren Verarbeitung einzuschränken (Art. 18 DSGVO), die personenbezogenen Daten, die Sie uns zur Verfügung gestellt haben, in einem strukturierten, maschinenlesbaren Format zu erhalten und uns zu bitten, diese Daten mit einem anderen für die Datenverarbeitung Verantwortlichen zu übertragen (Art. 20 DSGVO).

Sie können Ihre einmal erteilte Einwilligung in den Erhalt von Marketingmitteilungen widerrufen oder der Datenverarbeitung zum Zwecke des Direktmarketings widersprechen, indem Sie die in unseren Mitteilungen erläuterten Schritte befolgen und sich von dem Erhalt von Marketingmitteilungen abmelden, oder indem Sie uns über die in diesen Datenschutzhinwiesen angegebenen Kontaktdaten kontaktieren. Wir haben auch ein Zentrum für Marketingpräferenzen eingerichtet, in dem Sie Ihre Präferenzen einsehen und auswählen können und sich jederzeit gegen den Erhalt von Werbung entscheiden können. Für den Zugang zum Marketingpräferenzzentrum befolgen Sie bitte ebenfalls die in den Marketingmitteilungen erläuterten Schritten.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Ihnen zustehenden Rechte im Einzelfall beschränkt sein können. Ihre Rechte können beispielsweise dann eingeschränkt sein, wenn durch die Erfüllung Ihres Antrags personenbezogene Daten über eine andere Person offengelegt würden, wenn dadurch die Rechte eines Dritten (einschließlich unserer Rechte) verletzt würden oder wenn Sie uns bitten, Informationen zu löschen, zu deren Speicherung wir gesetzlich verpflichtet sind bzw. für deren Aufbewahrung wir Träger eines zwingenden berechtigten Interesses sind. Wir werden Sie bei der Beantwortung Ihres Antrags über alle relevanten Ausnahmen informieren, auf die wir uns als Grundlage berufen.

Darüber hinaus haben wir für Verarbeitungen, die auf den berechtigten Interessen der Gesellschaften beruhen, eine Bewertung des berechtigten Interesses durchgeführt, um sicherzustellen, dass unsere Interessen nicht durch Ihre Interessen oder Grundrechte und Grundfreiheiten beeinträchtigt werden; Sie können diese Bewertung über die am Ende dieser Datenschutzerklärung genannten Kontakte anfordern.

Fragen und Beschwerden

Wenn Sie Fragen zu diesen Datenschutzhinwiesen oder zur Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten haben oder eine Beschwerde einreichen möchten, können Sie unser Kontaktformular ausfüllen oder über [email protected] eine E-Mail an uns oder unseren Datenschutzbeauftragten senden.

Wenn Ihre Bedenken fortbestehen oder Sie der Meinung sind, dass eine Verletzung des Schutzes der Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten erfolgt ist, sind Sie berechtigt, sich bei einer Aufsichtsbehörde zu beschweren. Eine Liste der zuständigen Behörden im EWR finden Sie hier.

Wie Sie uns kontaktieren können

Ausübung Ihrer Rechte

Um Ihre Rechte auszuüben, Ihre Einwilligung zur Datenverarbeitung zu widerrufen oder unsere kommerziellen Mitteilungen abzubestellen, stehen Ihnen folgende Möglichkeiten zur Verfügung:

Datenschutzbeauftragter (DSB)

Rechtsanwalt Christoph Kluss (externer Datenschutzbeauftragter)
Martorffstraße 5
60320 Frankfurt am Main
Page Group
Compliance Department
Plaza Europa 21 23, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, 08908 Barcelona

Änderungen unserer Datenschutzrichtlinie

Wir können diese Datenschutzrichtlinie jederzeit aktualisieren. Alle wesentlichen Änderungen dieser Datenschutzrichtlinie werden auf dieser Website veröffentlicht und gegebenenfalls über andere Kommunikationskanäle bekannt gegeben.


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Terms & Conditions

These website Terms and Conditions apply to your use of the website in conjunction with our PRIVACY POLICY. By using this website, you agree to comply with these Terms and Conditions as they apply from time to time. If you do not agree, please do not use the website.
Our recruitment services and our business relationship with you is also subject to our standard Terms and Conditions for clients and candidates, which can be provided by one of our specialist consultants when you are discussing your recruitment needs.

We may change these Terms and Conditions at our discretion and without notice and we suggest that you visit this page regularly to keep up to date with any changes.

Use of website
The purpose of this website is to provide you with our services and general information. You must not breach any term of our Acceptable Use Policy set out below.

Links to or from other sites

This Site contains links to external websites and there may be any number of automatic links to other sites, which may interest you. PageGroup does not accept any responsibility in respect of the content of those sites nor can it be assumed that PageGroup has reviewed or approved of such sites or their content, nor do we warrant that he links to these sites work or are up to date. 

The information and material on this website is intended to provide a general guide only. While PageGroup uses reasonable care in compiling and presenting the information and material on this website, we make no representation or warranty whatsoever regarding the accuracy, currency, completeness, adequacy, suitability or operation of this website, any services we may provide through it or the information or material it contains.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, PageGroup shall not be responsible or liable for:

(a) any loss, liability or damage suffered or incurred arising out of or in connection with any access to or use of this website or any of its content;

(b) any reliance on, or decision made on the basis of, information or material shown on or omitted from this website;

(c) any representation or otherwise in respect of the existence or availability of any job, vacancy, assignment or other engagement or appointment advertised on this website;

(d) any representation or otherwise that any employer or client will ask for a candidate's information, ask to interview or hire a candidate, or that any candidates will be available or will meet the needs of any employer or client;

(e) any breach of these Terms and Conditions by PageGroup caused by circumstances beyond its reasonable control;

(f) any fault, delays, interruptions or lack of availability of this website and any of  the services provided through this website, which may occur due to intermittent failures of this website or the need for repairs, maintenance or the introduction of new facilities or services;

(h) any representation that data provided through this website will be free of worms, viruses, Trojan horses or any other computer code that may adversely affect any communication;

(k) any information or material carried on any website operated by a third party which may be accessed from this website.

If any warranty cannot be excluded, to the maximum extent permitted by law, PageGroup’s liability will be limited to resupply of the relevant service, the cost of resupplying the service or the cost of repairing the services, at our option. In any event, PageGroup will not be responsible or liable for any indirect, consequential, incidental, exemplary, punitive or special damages, loss, liability or expense.

Signing up on our website
If you upload your CV, submit your CV, apply for a job,  sign up for Job Alerts, or create a My Page account  you must ensure that the details provided by you at that or at any other time are accurate, up to date and complete.

You must immediately update and inform us of any changes to your information that you whether it be by making relevant changes to your CV or by updating your personal details using the My Page facility, so that we can communicate with you effectively and provide accurate up to date information to potential employers.

If you sign up to use My Page you will be asked to create a password and a login. In order to prevent fraud, you must keep this password confidential and must not disclose it or share it with anyone. If you know or suspect that someone else knows your password, you should notify us immediately. We accept no liability for any unauthorised use.

By using this site, you are solely responsible for any and all occurrences, which includes maintaining up-to-date, correct, accurate and complete information on your My Page account and uploading materials which do not breach or infringe the Intellectual Property Rights of any third party.

If PageGroup has reason to believe that there is likely to be a breach of security or misuse of our website, we may require you to change your password or we may suspend you’re My Page account.

We may suspend or cancel your account immediately at our reasonable discretion or if you breach any of your obligations under these Terms and Conditions or the Privacy Policy.

You can delete your My Page account and any corresponding job alerts within the account at any time by logging into My Page and selecting the “Delete Account” link. 

The suspension or cancellation of your My Page account and your right to use the website shall not affect either party's statutory rights or liabilities.

Any information submitted may be accessed by PageGroup globally

Aggregate information

We may gather information and statistics collectively about all visitors to this Site which may include the information supplied by you which will help us to understand our users thereby creating a better recruitment process. We will not disclose individual names or identifying information. All data will be in aggregate form only. We believe this information helps us determine what is most beneficial for our users and how we can continually improve our online service. We may share this kind of aggregate data with selected third parties to assist with these purposes.  Personal data is processed by us in accordance with our Privacy Policy. 

Intellectual Property
All trade marks, trade names, logos, information and material available on this website are the property of Michael Page International (Hong Kong) Limited and its licensors.

Any unauthorised reproduction is prohibited.

You may only access, use and print the information and material on this website for non-commercial or personal use provided that you keep intact all copyright and proprietary notices. 

You must not otherwise reproduce, adapt, store, transmit, print, display, commercialise, publish or create derivative works from any part of the content, format or design of this website.

If you seek to reproduce or otherwise use the content in any way it is your responsibility to obtain approval from us for such use where necessary.

Acceptable Use Policy
You must only use the services provided through this website for their stated purpose. You must not use the services provided by this website to:
(a) send, upload, display or disseminate or otherwise make available any unlawful, discriminatory, harassing, libellous, defamatory, abusive, threatening, harmful, offensive, obscene, tortious or otherwise objectionable material or otherwise breach any laws;

(b) display, upload or transmit material that encourages conduct that may constitute a criminal offence, result in civil liability or otherwise may breach any applicable laws, regulations or code of practice;

(c) interfere with any other person's privacy or use or enjoyment of this website;

(d) fraudulently or otherwise misrepresent yourself to be another person or a representative of another entity including, but not limited to, a PageGroup representative, or fraudulently or otherwise misrepresent that you have an affiliation with a person, entity or group;

Mislead or deceive PageGroup its representatives and any third parties who may rely on the information provided by you, by providing inaccurate or false information, which includes omissions of information.

(e) disguise the origin of any material transmitted through the services provided by the website (whether by forging message/packet headers or otherwise manipulating normal identification information);

(f) send, upload or otherwise make available material which infringes any intellectual or industrial property right of any person (such as copyright, trademarks, patents, or trade secrets, or other proprietary rights of any party);

(g) send, upload, display or disseminate or otherwise make available material containing or associated with spam, junk mail, advertising for pyramid schemes, chain letters, virus warnings (without first confirming the authenticity of the warning), or any other form of unauthorised advertising or promotional material;

(h) send, upload or otherwise make available material containing viruses, trojans or any other material designed to impair, destroy or interrupt the performance of any hardware or software;

(i) obtain unauthorised access to or interfere with the performance of the servers which provide the services or any servers on any associated networks or otherwise fail to comply with any policies or procedures relating to the use of those servers; or

(j) collect, whether aggregated or otherwise, data about other users of the services.

© PageGroup 2013.
March 2013

Privacy Policy

Michael Page International (Hong Kong) Ltd and our related companies worldwide ("PageGroup") are committed to protecting the privacy of our candidates, clients and other users of our websites and services. 

Where you provide us with your personal data, in person, by email, through this website or through any of our other international websites or offices, we will endeavour to ensure that such data remains private and is only used in accordance with this policy. By providing us with your personal data, you also consent for us to collect, hold, use and disclose your personal data in accordance with this policy. PageGroup must comply with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance in Hong Kong and similar laws in the other countries in which we operate.

1. Collection of Personal Data
PageGroup may collect your personal data from you, including (without limitation) your name, contact details, qualifications, work history, your right to work in a particular country, languages spoken, professional memberships and accreditations, your work objectives and other data from your CV. If you are to be considered for a particular position, we may also collect references from your nominated referees. All the personal data we collect is held, used and disclosed for the purposes set out below.

2. Use and Disclosure of Personal Data
PageGroup holds, uses and discloses your personal data for the following purposes:
(a) to provide our services to you;

(b) to maintain our business relationship, where you are a user of our  website, a client or candidate;

(c) to enable you to submit your CV generally, to apply for specific jobs or to subscribe to our Job Alerts;

(d) to match your coded details with job vacancies, to assist us in finding a position that is most suitable for you and, where you provide your prior consent as a candidate, to send your personal data to clients in order to apply for jobs;

(e) to answer your inquiry;

(f) to direct-market products and services, advise you of news and industry updates, events, promotions and competitions, reports and other information. Where we do so, you will be able to unsubscribe from such communications;

(g) where you are registered as a candidate on our database, your personal data will be accessible by our other offices internationally, in the UK, Europe, Asia Pacific and the Americas;

(h) to different parts of the PageGroup worldwide to enable the development and marketing of other products and services and to improve our customer service and to make our services more valuable to you, including tailoring our website when you log on to make it relevant to you personally;

(i) to trusted third parties where we have retained them to provide services that you have requested, such as psychometric evaluations or skills tests, and who also provide services to us, such as professional advisers, IT consultants, mailing houses and function co-ordinators. These third parties must comply with similar undertakings of privacy and confidentiality as PageGroup;

(j) if PageGroup merges with or is acquired by another business, we may share personal data with the new owners of the business and their advisers and if this happens, you will be sent notice of such an event;

(k) we may also release personal data to regulatory or law enforcement authorities, if they require us to do so; and

(l) we may also seek your consent to collect, hold, use and disclose your personal data for any other purpose not listed above.

3. Privacy on Our Websites
(a) Submitting Your Curriculum Vitae ("CV") and Applying for Jobs
You may submit your CV to PageGroup via this website, either for general consideration by our recruitment consultants for positions as they arise or to apply for a specific advertised job. Once submitted, your CV will be sent directly to the relevant PageGroup recruitment consultant who will review your details and advise you whether you are to be accepted by us for registration on our central database. This database, including your personal data, can be accessed by any of our recruitment consultants working in other offices of the PageGroup, both inside and outside Hong Kong. If you are accepted onto our database, our recruitment consultants should then contact you to set up an interview in person. You can update your CV at any time, simply by following the same procedure to submit a new CV via our websites.

(b) Job Alerts
You may sign up to receive emails that alert you to new jobs on our website (Job Alerts). To subscribe to Job Alerts, you need to provide your email address, which will be used for the purpose of keeping you informed by email of the latest jobs and/or news in your nominated industry. If you no longer wish to receive Job Alerts, unsubscribe links are provided in every Job Alert email that you receive.

(c) Aggregate Information About Website Visitors
We gather information and statistics about all visitors to this and all of our websites worldwide, including the most frequently accessed pages and most frequently used services. We only use such data in aggregate form (that is, the information does not identify any one individual). This information helps us determine the most beneficial parts of our websites and ways in which we can continually improve our online services to create a better overall experience for our users. We also publish some of this aggregate (non-identifiable) information on the PageGroup websites worldwide.

(d) Cookies
PageGroup uses Google Analytics to collect information about how you use our websites. The information collected is used to improve how our websites work or the effectiveness of our web services to you. Information collected include (but not limited to) your login details, to track web traffic on an aggregate basis and to keep session information in cache to assist your use of our website, such as your last search (however, this information is disposed of every time you close your web browser). You may wish to opt out by turning off cookies (please refer to the help menu on your browser) however, switching off cookies will restrict your use of our websites. For more information on analytics cookies, please visit Google’s website

4. Access to Personal data
You may request access to or updating of your personal data held at PageGroup by contacting the PageGroup privacy officer as set out below. We may ask to verify your identity and for more information about your request. Where we are legally permitted to do so, we may refuse your request and give you reasons for doing so. Where you request your personal data to be updated and there is a dispute about the facts, we will make a note on your personal data of such dispute. You may also request that PageGroup stops using your information and contacting you and we will comply with your request. However, if this involves a request for deletion of your file, please be aware that we may not be required or able to do so, particularly where your file also holds information about our clients. Where permitted to do so, we may charge an administrative fee for access and updating requests.

5. Security
PageGroup takes reasonable steps to keep personal data secure, accurate and up to date. The Internet is not always a secure method of transmitting information. Accordingly, while we seek to protect your personal data by implementing digital security systems in various parts of our website, PageGroup cannot accept responsibility for the security of information you send to or receive from us over the Internet or for any unauthorised access or use of that information. Where we have links to websites outside the PageGroup, we cannot ensure that your privacy will be protected in accordance with this policy. You should consult these other websites' privacy policies as we have no control over them and are not responsible for any information that is submitted to or collected by these third parties.

6. Changes to this Privacy Policy
Michael Page International may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. We suggest that you visit our website regularly to keep up to date with any changes. 

7. Contact
You can contact our Privacy Officer as follows: 
[email protected]

Michael Page International (Hong Kong) Ltd
Suite 611, One Pacific Place
88 Queensway
Hong Kong
Tel +852 2530 6100


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Terms & Conditions

These website Terms and Conditions apply to your use of the website in conjunction with our PRIVACY POLICY. 

By using this website, you agree to comply with these Terms and conditions as they apply from time to time. 

If you do not agree, please do not use the website.

Our recruitment services and our business relationship with you is also subject to our standard Terms and Conditions for clients and candidates, which can be provided by one of our specialist consultants when you are discussing your recruitment needs.

We may change these Terms and Conditions at our discretion and without notice and we suggest that you visit this page regularly to keep up to date with any changes.

Use of website
The purpose of this website is to provide you with our services and general information. You must not breach any term of our Acceptable Use Policy set out below.


Links to or from other sites

This Site contains links to external websites and there may be any number of automatic links to other sites, which may interest you. PageGroup does not accept any responsibility in respect of the content of those sites nor can it be assumed that PageGroup has reviewed or approved of such sites or their content, nor do we warrant that he links to these sites work or are up to date. 

The information and material on this website is intended to provide a general guide only. 

While PageGroup uses reasonable care in compiling and presenting the information and material on this website, we make no representation or warranty whatsoever regarding the accuracy, currency, completeness, adequacy, suitability or operation of this website, any services we may provide through it or the information or material it contains.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, PageGroup shall not be responsible or liable for:
(a) any loss, liability or damage suffered or incurred arising out of or in connection with any access to or use of this website or any of its content;

(b) any reliance on, or decision made on the basis of, information or material shown on or omitted from this website;

(c) any representation or otherwise in respect of the existence or availability of any job, vacancy, assignment or other engagement or appointment advertised on this website;

(d) any representation or otherwise that any employer or client will ask for a candidate's information, ask to interview or hire a candidate, or that any candidates will be available or will meet the needs of any employer or client;

(e) any breach of these Terms and Conditions by PageGroup caused by circumstances beyond its reasonable control;

(f) any fault, delays, interruptions or lack of availability of this website and any of  the services provided through this website, which may occur due to intermittent failures of this website or the need for repairs, maintenance or the introduction of new facilities or services;

(h) any representation that data provided through this website will be free of worms, viruses, Trojan horses or any other computer code that may adversely affect any communication;

(k) any information or material carried on any website operated by a third party which may be accessed from this website.

If any warranty cannot be excluded, to the maximum extent permitted by law, PageGroup’s liability will be limited to resupply of the relevant service, the cost of resupplying the service or the cost of repairing the services, at our option. In any event, PageGroup will not be responsible or liable for any indirect, consequential, incidental, exemplary, punitive or special damages, loss, liability or expense.

Signing Up on Our Website
If you upload your CV, submit your CV, apply for a job,  sign up for Job Alerts, or create a My Page account  you must ensure that the details provided by you at that or at any other time are accurate, up to date and complete.

You must immediately update and inform us of any changes to your information that you whether it be by making relevant changes to your CV or by updating your personal details using the My Page facility, so that we can communicate with you effectively and provide accurate up to date information to potential employers.

If you sign up to use My Page you will be asked to create a password and a login. In order to prevent fraud, you must keep this password confidential and must not disclose it or share it with anyone. If you know or suspect that someone else knows your password, you should notify us immediately. We accept no liability for any unauthorised use.

By using this site, you are solely responsible for any and all occurrences, which includes maintaining up-to-date, correct, accurate and complete information on your My Page account and uploading materials which do not breach or infringe the Intellectual Property Rights of any third party.

If PageGroup has reason to believe that there is likely to be a breach of security or misuse of our website, we may require you to change your password or we may suspend you’re My Page account.

We may suspend or cancel your account immediately at our reasonable discretion or if you breach any of your obligations under these Terms and Conditions or the Privacy Policy.

You can delete your My Page account and any corresponding job alerts within the account at any time by logging into My Page and selecting the “Delete Account” link. 

The suspension or cancellation of your My Page account and your right to use the website shall not affect either party's statutory rights or liabilities.

Any information submitted may be accessed by PageGroup globally

Aggregate information
We may gather information and statistics collectively about all visitors to this Site which may include the information supplied by you which will help us to understand our users thereby creating a better recruitment process. 

We will not disclose individual names or identifying information. 

All data will be in aggregate form only. 

We believe this information helps us determine what is most beneficial for our users and how we can continually improve our online service. 

We may share this kind of aggregate data with selected third parties to assist with these purposes.  

Personal data is processed by us in accordance with our Privacy Policy. 

Intellectual Property
All trade marks, trade names, logos, information and material available on this website are the property of PageGroup and its licensors.
Any unauthorised reproduction is prohibited.

You may only access, use and print the information and material on this website for non-commercial or personal use provided that you keep intact all copyright and proprietary notices. 

You must not otherwise reproduce, adapt, store, transmit, print, display, commercialise, publish or create derivative works from any part of the content, format or design of this website.

If you seek to reproduce or otherwise use the content in any way it is your responsibility to obtain approval from us for such use where necessary.

Acceptable Use Policy
You must only use the services provided through this website for their stated purpose. You must not use the services provided by this website to:
(a) send, upload, display or disseminate or otherwise make available any unlawful, discriminatory, harassing, libellous, defamatory, abusive, threatening, harmful, offensive, obscene, tortious or otherwise objectionable material or otherwise breach any laws;

(b) display, upload or transmit material that encourages conduct that may constitute a criminal offence, result in civil liability or otherwise may breach any applicable laws, regulations or code of practice;

(c) interfere with any other person's privacy or use or enjoyment of this website;

(d) fraudulently or otherwise misrepresent yourself to be another person or a representative of another entity including, but not limited to, a PageGroup representative, or fraudulently or otherwise misrepresent that you have an affiliation with a person, entity or group;

Mislead or deceive PageGroup its representatives and any third parties who may rely on the information provided by you, by providing inaccurate or false information, which includes omissions of information.

(e) disguise the origin of any material transmitted through the services provided by the website (whether by forging message/packet headers or otherwise manipulating normal identification information);

(f) send, upload or otherwise make available material which infringes any intellectual or industrial property right of any person (such as copyright, trademarks, patents, or trade secrets, or other proprietary rights of any party);

(g) send, upload, display or disseminate or otherwise make available material containing or associated with spam, junk mail, advertising for pyramid schemes, chain letters, virus warnings (without first confirming the authenticity of the warning), or any other form of unauthorised advertising or promotional material;

(h) send, upload or otherwise make available material containing viruses, trojans or any other material designed to impair, destroy or interrupt the performance of any hardware or software;

(i) obtain unauthorised access to or interfere with the performance of the servers which provide the services or any servers on any associated networks or otherwise fail to comply with any policies or procedures relating to the use of those servers; or

(j) collect, whether aggregated or otherwise, data about other users of the services.

© PageGroup 2013.
March 2013

Privacy Policy

Michael Page International Recruitment Pvt Ltd and our related companies worldwide ("PageGroup") are committed to protecting the privacy of our candidates, clients and other users of our websites and services.

Where you provide us with your personal information, in person, by email, through this website or through any of our other international websites or offices, we will endeavour to ensure that such information remains private and is only used in accordance with this policy. By providing us with your personal information, you also consent for us to collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with this policy. PageGroup must comply with the applicable privacy laws and similar laws in the countries in which we operate.

1. Collection of personal information
PageGroup may collect your personal information from you, including (without limitation) your name, contact details, qualifications, work history, your right to work in a particular country, languages spoken, professional memberships and accreditations, your work objectives and other information from your CV. If you are to be considered for a particular position, we may also collect references from your nominated referees. All the personal information we collect is held, used and disclosed for the purposes set out below.

2. Use and disclosure of personal information
PageGroup holds, uses and discloses your personal information for the following purposes:
(a) to provide our services to you;

(b) to maintain our business relationship, where you are a user of our  website, a client or candidate;

(c) to enable you to submit your CV generally, to apply for specific jobs or to subscribe to our Job Alerts;

(d) to match your coded details with job vacancies, to assist us in finding a position that is most suitable for you and, where you provide your prior consent as a candidate, to send your personal information to clients in order to apply for jobs;

(e) to answer your inquiry;

(f) to direct-market products and services, advise you of news and industry updates, events, promotions and competitions, reports and other information. Where we do so, you will be able to unsubscribe from such communications;

(g) where you are registered as a candidate on our database, your personal information will be accessible by our other offices internationally, in the UK, Europe, Asia Pacific and the Americas;

(h) to different parts of the PageGroup group worldwide to enable the development and marketing of other products and services and to improve our customer service and to make our services more valuable to you, including tailoring our website when you log on to make it relevant to you personally;

(i) to trusted third parties where we have retained them to provide services that you have requested, such as psychometric evaluations or skills tests, and who also provide services to us, such as professional advisers, IT consultants, mailing houses and function co-ordinators. These third parties must comply with similar undertakings of privacy and confidentiality as PageGroup;

(j) if PageGroup merges with or is acquired by another business, we may share personal information with the new owners of the business and their advisers and if this happens, you will be sent notice of such an event;

(k) we may also release personal information to regulatory or law enforcement authorities, if they require us to do so; and

(l) we may also seek your consent to collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information for any other purpose not listed above.

3. Privacy on our websites
(a) Submitting Your Curriculum Vitae ("CV") and Applying for Jobs
You may submit your CV to PageGroup via this website, either for general consideration by our recruitment consultants for positions as they arise or to apply for a specific advertised job. Once submitted, your CV will be sent directly to the relevant PageGroup recruitment consultant who will review your details and advise you whether you are to be accepted by us for registration on our central database. This database, including your personal information, can be accessed by any of our recruitment consultants working in other offices of the PageGroup, both inside and outside India. If you are accepted onto our database, our recruitment consultants should then contact you to set up an interview in person. You can update your CV at any time, simply by following the same procedure to submit a new CV via our websites.

(b) Job Alerts 
You may sign up to receive emails that alert you to new jobs on our website (Job Alerts). To subscribe to Job Alerts, you need to provide your email address, which will be used for the purpose of keeping you informed by email of the latest jobs and/or news in your nominated industry. If you no longer wish to receive Job Alerts, unsubscribe links are provided in every Job Alert email that you receive.

(c) Aggregate Information About Website Visitors
We gather information and statistics about all visitors to this and all of our websites worldwide, including the most frequently accessed pages and most frequently used services. We only use such data in aggregate form (that is, the information does not identify any one individual). This information helps us determine the most beneficial parts of our websites and ways in which we can continually improve our online services to create a better overall experience for our users. We also publish some of this aggregate (non-identifiable) information on the PageGroup websites worldwide.

(d) Cookies
PageGroup uses Google Analytics to collect information about how you use our websites. The information collected is used to improve how our websites work or the effectiveness of our web services to you. Information collected include (but not limited to) your login details, to track web traffic on an aggregate basis and to keep session information in cache to assist your use of our website, such as your last search (however, this information is disposed of every time you close your web browser). You may wish to opt out by turning off cookies (please refer to the help menu on your browser) however, switching off cookies will restrict your use of our websites. For more information on analytics cookies, please visit Google’s website

4. Access to personal information
You may request access to or updating of your personal information held at PageGroup by contacting the PageGroup privacy officer as set out below. We may ask to verify your identity and for more information about your request. Where we are legally permitted to do so, we may refuse your request and give you reasons for doing so. Where you request your personal information to be updated and there is a dispute about the facts, we will make a note on your personal information of such dispute. You may also request that PageGroup stops using your information and contacting you and we will comply with your request. However, if this involves a request for deletion of your file, please be aware that we may not be required or able to do so, particularly where your file also holds information about our clients. Where permitted to do so, we may charge an administrative fee for access and updating requests.

5. Security
PageGroup takes reasonable steps to keep personal information secure, accurate and up to date. The Internet is not always a secure method of transmitting information. Accordingly, while we seek to protect your personal information by implementing digital security systems in various parts of our website, PageGroup cannot accept responsibility for the security of information you send to or receive from us over the Internet or for any unauthorised access or use of that information. Where we have links to websites outside the PageGroup, we cannot ensure that your privacy will be protected in accordance with this policy. You should consult these other websites' privacy policies as we have no control over them and are not responsible for any information that is submitted to or collected by these third parties.

6. Changes to this privacy policy
PageGroup may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. We suggest that you visit our website regularly to keep up to date with any changes. 

7. Contact
You can contact our Privacy Officer as follows:
[email protected]

Michael Page International Recruitment Pvt Ltd
Level 12 Express Towers
Nariman Point, Mumbai, India
Tel +91 0 22 4368 8000


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Privacy Policy

Chi siamo e modalità di trattamento dei vostri dati personali

PageGroup è un reclutatore specializzato che opera con i marchi Michael Page, Page Personnel, Page Executive e Page Outsourcing. Ci impegniamo a proteggere la privacy dei nostri candidati, clienti e utenti del nostro sito web. L’entità di PageGroup che opera come Titolare del Trattamento dei vostri dati dipenderà dai servizi che svolgiamo per voi, come di seguito indicato. Per accedere all’elenco completo delle entità europee di PageGroup, fare clic qui (le “Società”). 

Vogliamo fornire un’esperienza utente sicura e affidabile. Ci assicuriamo che le informazioni che ci inviate, o che raccogliamo, attraverso vari canali (tra cui il nostro sito web, attraverso la corrispondenza scritta (compresa la posta elettronica), le conversazioni o le riunioni con i nostri consulenti, o attraverso una qualsiasi delle nostre sedi o siti web a livello globale), siano utilizzate solo per le finalità indicate nella presente Informativa Privacy.

Attraverso la presente Informativa Privacy ci proponiamo di informarvi sulla tipologia di dati personali che raccogliamo, sulle finalità di utilizzo dei dati e sulle modalità in cui i dati vengono trattati.  Miriamo inoltre a soddisfare l’obbligo di trasparenza ai sensi del Regolamento Generale sulla Protezione dei Dati dell’UE 2016/679 (“GDPR”) e delle leggi nazionali eventualmente applicabili.


La protezione dei vostri dati personali è la nostra priorità. La presente Informativa Privacy illustra le modalità con cui le Società trattano e proteggono i dati personali:

•    candidati che si registrano da noi per ruoli che stiamo gestendo per altri datori di lavoro e per ruoli presso le Società, o attraverso il nostro sito web, le bacheche di lavoro, i siti dei social media o altre fonti;
•    potenziali candidati
•    potenziali clienti;
•    contatti commerciali presso i nostri clienti e fornitori; e
•    utenti dei nostri siti web; 

(collettivamente, “voi” o “vostro”). 

Vi informa altresì dei vostri diritti di privacy, incluso quello di opporsi al nostro trattamento. Se desiderate contattarci, vi preghiamo di consultare il paragrafo “Come contattarci” della presente informativa.

Dati personali che raccogliamo


Quando vi registrate da noi come candidati per fornirvi servizi di ricerca di lavoro, trattiamo i vostri dati personali, inclusi, a titolo meramente esemplificativo, il vostro nome, i recapiti e le informazioni del vostro CV. Ove consentito dalla legge, possiamo altresì raccogliere informazioni sulla vostra salute (ad es. sulla disabilità, ai fini di un idoneo trattamento lavorativo), su ragioni di diversità, tra cui razza, origine etnica, orientamento sessuale e religione (per il monitoraggio delle pari opportunità), nonché i riferimenti di eventuali condanne penali non ancora eseguite, se richiesto da un cliente o da noi, se vi candidate per un ruolo presso di noi. In questo caso, l’entità di PageGroup che opera come Titolare del Trattamento dei vostri dati sarà quella che gestisce la procedura per cui avete fatto domanda.   

Se utilizzate il nostro sito web, fate clic sui link nelle e-mail che vi inviamo, le aprite o le inoltrate, o vi iscrivete per ricevere da noi avvisi di lavoro o altri contenuti, raccogliamo dati personali anche da tali interazioni. 

Otteniamo dati personali su di voi anche da terzi, tra cui, 

•    referenze - quando vi viene offerto un lavoro;
•    precedenti datori di lavoro - per confermare le date di impiego;
•    istituti di formazione - per verificare le vostre qualifiche accademiche;
•    agenzie di referenze per il credito - se abbiamo necessità di verificare la vostra situazione finanziaria;
•    fonti pubblicamente disponibili come LinkedIn e siti di social media per affinare le vostre informazioni in nostro possesso, per aiutarci a trovare ruoli maggiormente adatti a voi; 
•    clienti ai quali abbiamo fornito il vostro CV e che si sono impegnati con voi in occasione di una richiesta di lavoro o che hanno fornito un feedback sul vostro CV. 

Potenziali Candidati

Raccogliamo dati personali su di voi, incluso il vostro nome, i recapiti, i dettagli biografici professionali ottenuti da fonti pubblicamente disponibili come LinkedIn, siti web di CV e siti web di social media, in modo da potervi contattare se pensiamo che possiate essere interessati ai nostri servizi di ricerca di lavoro in futuro. Possiamo altresì ottenere i vostri dati personali da altri candidati o datori di lavoro che vi raccomandano come contatto. In questo caso, l’entità di PageGroup che opererà come Titolare del Trattamento dei vostri dati sarà quella cui appartiene il consulente che vi ha individuato come potenziale candidato.

Potenziali Clienti

Raccogliamo i vostri recapiti nonché i dati relativi alla vostra funzione o posizione per stabilire relazioni commerciali con la vostra società. In questo caso, l’entità di PageGroup che opererà come Titolare del Trattamento dei vostri dati sarà quella cui appartiene il consulente che via ha individuato come potenziale cliente.

Utenti del nostro sito web o delle nostre app

Raccogliamo dati personali come il vostro indirizzo IP e altri dati sul vostro dispositivo che ci servono per fornirvi i nostri contenuti online. Raccogliamo altresì dati sulle vostre interazioni con il nostro sito web o con le nostre app, come le pagine visualizzate.  Se ci contattate, raccoglieremo anche le informazioni sulla vostra richiesta. Usiamo i cookie e tecnologie simili per raccogliere molte di tali informazioni e la nostra informativa sui cookie  fornisce ulteriori dettagli sul punto. In questo caso, l’entità di PageGroup che opera come Titolare del Trattamento dei vostri dati sarà quella cui appartiene il sito web, i cui recapiti sono indicati nella nota legale del sito web o nell’elenco allegato all’inizio della presente Informativa Privacy. 


Raccogliamo dati personali come il vostro nome, la qualifica e i recapiti. Trattiamo altresì dati personali relativi ai contatti che abbiamo avuto con voi, incluso se avete aperto o inoltrato qualsiasi e-mail, newsletter o altri contenuti che vi abbiamo inviato. Trattiamo altresì il feedback che ci fornite sui nostri candidati. In questo caso, l’entità di PageGroup che opererà come Titolare del Trattamento dei vostri dati sarà la controparte contrattuale indicata nel contratto sottoscritto con voi o con la società da voi rappresentata. 

Se ci fornite informazioni su un candidato (ad es. se confermate che un candidato ha lavorato con voi o se ci fornite una referenza), otterremo i vostri dati dal candidato e conserveremo una registrazione dei dati personali da voi fornitici su tale candidato. 

Trattiamo dati personali su di voi da fonti di dominpubblico come LinkedIn e siti di social network, o perché eravate delegati a uno dei nostri eventi o a un evento in cui l’organizzatore è stato autorizzato a condividere con noi i dettagli dei delegati.


In genere raccogliamo il vostro nome e i vostri recapiti come contatto commerciale per la vostra organizzazione. In questo caso, l’entità di PageGroup che opererà come Titolare del Trattamento dei vostri dati sarà la controparte contrattuale indicata nel contratto sottoscritto con voi o con la società da voi rappresentata.

Fornitura dei vostri dati personali

In alcuni casi, sarà necessario che ci forniate dei dati personali. Se non ci fornite i dati personali richiesti, potremmo non essere in grado di fornirvi i nostri servizi. 

Come usiamo i vostri dati personali


Utilizziamo i vostri dati personali per:  

•    fornirvi servizi di ricerca di lavoro;
•    comunicare con voi;
•    consentirvi di caricare il vostro CV e di candidarvi per le posizioni;
•    personalizzare la vostra esperienza creando un profilo candidato; 
•    consentirci di monitorare l’uguaglianza e la diversità;
•    fornirvi consigli su colloqui e retribuzioni e
•    inviarvi marketing diretto per informarvi su opportunità di lavoro, rapporti e approfondimenti del settore, eventi, promozioni e concorsi, e altri contenuti in conformità alle vostre scelte di marketing. 
•    Utilizziamo altresì banner pubblicitari mirati e pertinenti sul nostro sito web e all’interno dei vostri social network per presentare a voi e alle persone come voi lavori e contenuti che riteniamo possano interessarvi. Indirizziamo tali annunci in base alle vostre precedenti interazioni con il nostro sito web, le e-mail e attraverso i vostri accordi con i nostri consulenti.

La vostra interazione con i nostri annunci può essere utilizzata per misurare l’efficacia delle nostre campagne pubblicitarie e per migliorare la nostra strategia di marketing. Il presente trattamento viene effettuato tramite i cookie e a condizione che abbiate previamente fornito il consenso.

Potenziali Candidati e Clienti

Utilizziamo i vostri dati personali per:

•    stabilire il vostro eventuale interesse ai nostri servizi e le modalità con cui possiamo assistervi;
•    contattarvi e sapere se siete interessati ai nostri servizi.
Utenti del nostro sito web o delle app
Possiamo utilizzare i vostri dati personali per:
•    migliorare e personalizzare la vostra esperienza quando utilizzate il nostro sito web o le nostre app; e
•    personalizzare la pubblicità che ricevete da noi.


Possiamo utilizzare i vostri dati personali:

•    per fornirvi servizi di reclutamento; 
•    per comunicare con voi;
•    per ottenere un feedback da voi sui nostri servizi attraverso indagini sulla soddisfazione dei clienti, al fine di migliorare i nostri servizi e svilupparne di nuovi;
•    per mantenere il nostro rapporto commerciale con voi;
•    per rispondere alle vostre domande quando ci contattate;
•    per l’esecuzione di obblighi contrattuali nei vostri confronti;
•    per l’accertamento, l’esercizio o la difesa di pretese legali; e
•    per finalità di marketing diretto.


Utilizziamo i vostri dati personali:
•    per comunicare con voi;
•    per mantenere il nostro rapporto commerciale con voi;
•    per rispondere alle vostre domande quando ci contattate;
•    per l’esecuzione di obblighi contrattuali nei vostri confronti;
•    per l’accertamento, l’esercizio o la difesa di pretese legali; e 
•    per finalità di marketing diretto.

Potete annullare l’iscrizione alla ricezione di comunicazioni di marketing da parte nostra utilizzando le modalità di cancellazione contenuti nelle comunicazioni che vi inviamo o contattandoci. Abbiamo altresì istituito un centro per le preferenze di marketing in cui è possibile visualizzare e prendere decisioni sulle proprie preferenze di marketing e rinunciare a ricevere marketing da noi in qualsiasi momento.

Basi Giuridiche del trattamento dei vostri Dati Personali

Ai sensi del GDPR, il trattamento dei vostri dati personali si fonda sulle seguenti basi giuridiche:
(a) Esecuzione di un contratto - per adempiere ai nostri obblighi previsti da un contratto con voi, ad esempio quando i clienti stipulano un contratto per i servizi e i candidati accettano i nostri termini e condizioni. O nei confronti di potenziali clienti o candidati per compiere i passaggi che sarebbero necessari per stipulare un contratto con noi. 
(b) Adempimento di un obbligo legale - quando ci è necessario trattare i vostri dati personali per adempiere a obblighi legali o di fonti secondarie.
(c) I legittimi interessi nostri o di terzi - tra cui:

•    rispondere alle vostre richieste e domande (in tal caso, il legittimo interesse delle Società in tal caso è di mantenere una comunicazione costante e aggiornata con clienti e candidati, come parte di qualsiasi rapporto commerciale);
•    ottimizzare le prestazioni del nostro sito web e l’esperienza dell’utente;
•    contattare clienti potenziali al fine di stabilire relazioni commerciali con i clienti (l’interesse legittimo di Page è quello di mantenere relazioni di qualsiasi tipo con la società in cui lavora la persona referente).
•    informarvi sui nostri servizi, sulle opportunità di lavoro, su rapporti e approfondimenti del settore, eventi, promozioni e concorsi (l’interesse legittimo di Page è quello di informare clienti e candidati in merito a servizi e prodotti analoghi) e;
•    garantire che le nostre operazioni siano condotte in modo efficiente o fornire sondaggi sul gradimento dei nostri servizi.

Abbiamo effettuato una valutazione del legittimo interesse per essere certi che i nostri interessi non siano subordinati ai vostri interessi o diritti e libertà fondamentali. Potete chiedere tale valutazione ai recapiti indicati di seguito.

(d) Consenso In alcune circostanze, chiederemo il vostro consenso per trattare i vostri dati personali. Ad esempio, se vi registrate per un ruolo, vi offriremo la possibilità di registrarvi per annunci di lavoro simili. Nella misura in cui stiamo trattando i vostri dati personali sulla base del vostro consenso, avete il diritto di revocarlo in qualsiasi momento.  Vi preghiamo di contattarci se desiderate revocare il vostro consenso.

Processo Decisionale Automatizzato e Profilazione

Non prendiamo decisioni basate unicamente sul trattamento automatizzato; vi è sempre un intervento umano prima di prendere una decisione.

Eseguiamo due tipi di profilazione basati sui dati personali dei candidati:

  • JobMatch è uno strumento disponibile sul nostro sito web che permette ai candidati di caricare i loro CV in modo da poter raccomandare lavori che si allineino alle nostre competenze. Tuttavia, tale profilazione non limita né esclude l’accesso ad altri lavori e posizioni.
  • La ricerca intelligente all’interno del nostro database di clienti ci permette di filtrare i CV quando riceviamo molte domande per i ruoli pubblicizzati e di inserire parole chiave rilevanti come gli anni di esperienza o il settore di pratica. Tale strumento analizza poi tutti i CV caricati e fornisce una rosa più ristretta di candidati abbinando le parole chiave nei rispettivi CV e classificando i candidati in base alla loro idoneità al ruolo. Come illustrato in precedenza, c’è sempre un reclutatore che verifica tale processo, quindi non vi sono decisioni automatizzate.

Si prega di notare che nessuna di tali attività di profilazione produce effetti giuridici o analoghi significativi per i candidati, tuttavia qualora intendiate ottenere maggiori informazioni contattateci.

Con chi condividiamo i vostri dati personali

In determinate circostanze condivideremo i vostri dati personali con:

Altre società del nostro Gruppo

PageGroup è un gruppo di società che opera a livello globale. I nostri esperti nella selezione di personale e membri chiave dell’attività che svolgono funzioni nell’ambito dell’ufficio stipendi e del supporto informatico hanno sede in tutto il mondo. È possibile che i vostri dati personali siano condivisi o resi disponibili a società di PageGroup all’interno dello Spazio Economico Europeo (SEE) nonché al di fuori dello stesso, nel rispetto degli obblighi applicabili ai sensi delle disposizioni sul trasferimento internazionale dei dati di cui al GDPR. Qui è disponibile un elenco completo delle società PageGroup e dei paesi in cui hanno sede.

Ad esempio, qualora vi troviate in Germania o in Francia, nel caso in cui sia opportuno per la vostra ricerca di lavoro, o qualora stiate cercando un professionista qualificato da inserire nella vostra organizzazione o un partner per la selezione di personale, possiamo condividere i vostri dati personali con i nostri recruiters specializzati nei mercati tedesco e francese e che hanno sede in Turchia (vedi l’elenco delle società supra). Tali soggetti trattano i vostri dati personali per conto dei nostri enti tedeschi o francesi, a seconda dei casi (vedi elenco supra). In relazione a tale trattamento è garantito un livello adeguato di protezione dei dati sulla base dell’accordo intragruppo della società e delle SCC, come descritto di seguito.

Abbiamo adottato un accordo di trasferimento dati infragruppo contenente Clausole Contrattuali Tipo (SCC) approvate dalla Commissione Europea che permettono trasferimenti transfrontalieri di dati personali dall’interno del SEE a paesi terzi al di fuori del SEE (poiché la normativa in materia di protezione dei dati al di fuori del SEE potrebbe non fornire un livello di protezione equivalente alla normativa in materia di protezione dei dati del SEE).

Se desiderate una copia delle SCCs, vi preghiamo di contattarci.

Le finalità della condivisione dei vostri dati personali in seno alle società di PageGroup sono i) la fornitura di servizi essenziali centralizzati in un’unica entità come i servizi informatici, commerciali e di supporto alle vendite, in tal caso dette entità accederanno e tratteranno i vostri dati personali in qualità di responsabili del trattamento, secondo le istruzioni del vostro titolare, e

ii) la gestione di posizioni globali, regionali o dirigenziali, o lo sviluppo della clientela principale, che richiederebbero la cooperazione di diverse società del gruppo, e

iii) la gestione di posizioni che è possibile espletare a distanza. La base giuridica applicabile a tali attività di trattamento è l’esecuzione del contratto con il cliente o il candidato o l’assunzione delle necessarie iniziative per la conclusione di un contratto, e i legittimi interessi di PageGroup alla fornitura dei propri servizi tramite l’utilizzo di risorse interne.

Vi preghiamo di ricordare che, se vi registrate come candidati in un paese diverso da quello in cui vi siete originariamente iscritti a PageGroup, sarà creato per voi un unico profilo. In questo modo, si eviteranno duplicazioni e sarà migliorata l’accuratezza dei vostri dati. A tal fine, le società di PageGroup interessate condivideranno le vostre informazioni personali come autonomi titolari del trattamento.


Se siete candidati, condividiamo i vostri dati personali con clienti presso cui sono disponibili posizioni di vostro interesse. La base giuridica applicabile in tal caso sarebbe la stessa descritta in precedenza; l’esecuzione del contratto con il cliente o il candidato o l’assunzione delle necessarie iniziative per la conclusione di un contratto e i legittimi interessi di PageGroup alla fornitura di informazioni sui candidati e servizi ai clienti.

Condividiamo altresì i vostri dati personali e, se necessario e permesso dalla legge, i dati di categorie speciali con fornitori di servizi terzi che svolgono servizi e funzioni per nostro conto, quali:

•    controlli sulle referenze lavorative;
•    controlli sulle qualifiche;
•    controlli sui precedenti penali (se richiesto);
•    verifiche sui dettagli da voi forniti presso fonti terze; 
•    valutazioni psicometriche o test di abilità;
•    hosting di dati personali per noi;
•    consulenza professionale;
•    analisi dei dati;
•    lavori di collaudo e sviluppo sui nostri sistemi tecnologici aziendali;
•    gestione di sondaggi o concorsi per nostro conto; 
•    supporto nella comunicazione con voi; e
•    servizi di ricerca e di mailing house o altri servizi di marketing diretto. 

Richiediamo contrattualmente standard minimi di riservatezza e protezione dei dati ai nostri fornitori di servizi terzi. Se abbiamo necessità di inviare dati personali al di fuori del SEE, ci assicureremo che siano adottate misure di salvaguardia adeguate, come le Clausole Tipo.

Altre Divulgazioni

Inoltre, possiamo divulgare i vostri dati personali: 

•    se siamo legalmente obbligati a farlo; 
•    alle forze dell’ordine, alle autorità di regolamentazione o ad altri funzionari governativi; e
•    ai nuovi proprietari dell’azienda e ai loro consulenti in caso di riorganizzazione, fusione, vendita, joint venture, cessione o altro trasferimento o disposizione di tutta o parte della nostra azienda.

Sicurezza dei vostri dati personali

Abbiamo adottato e manteniamo misure tecniche e organizzative adeguate per proteggere i vostri dati personali da distruzione, perdita, alterazione, divulgazione o accesso non autorizzato accidentali o illeciti. Solo il personale autorizzato e i fornitori di servizi terzi hanno accesso ai dati personali secondo quanto di volta in volta necessario, e tali dipendenti e fornitori di servizi sono contrattualmente obbligati a trattare tali informazioni come riservate. 

Per quanto tempo conserviamo i vostri dati personali

Conserveremo i vostri dati personali per tutto il tempo necessario alla realizzazione della finalità per cui li abbiamo raccolti, che può essere anche su base permanente. Ad es. se siete candidati, conserveremo i vostri dati personali per tutta la durata della nostra relazione commerciale con voi e oltre, dato che spesso supportiamo i candidati nella collocazione lavorativa per molti anni e potenzialmente per tutta la loro carriera. 

Alcuni dati personali sono conservati più a lungo di altri. Per determinare il periodo di conservazione adeguato per i dati personali, consideriamo fattori quali le finalità del trattamento dei vostri dati personali, inclusi eventuali obblighi di fonte legale, secondaria, contabile e di reporting, la natura e la quantità dei vostri dati personali in nostro possesso e il potenziale rischio derivante dall’utilizzo o dalla divulgazione non autorizzata dei vostri dati personali. 

Quando trattiamo i vostri dati personali per finalità di marketing diretto, lo faremo fino alla vostra richiesta di cessare tale trattamento, che proseguirà per un breve periodo successivo a tale richiesta (per consentirci di soddisfarla). Conserviamo altresì traccia della vostra richiesta di non inviarvi marketing diretto o di trattare i vostri dati a tempo indeterminato, in modo da poter rispettare la vostra richiesta.

I vostri diritti sui dati personali in nostro possesso 

Avete diversi diritti in base alla normativa europea in materia di protezione dei dati. Tali diritti includono il diritto di chiederci una copia dei vostri dati personali, di correggere, cancellare o limitare il trattamento dei vostri dati personali, di ottenere i dati personali che ci fornite per un contratto o con il vostro consenso in un formato strutturato e leggibile da dispositivo automatico e di chiederci di condividere (portare) tali dati a un altro titolare.

Inoltre, potete opporvi al trattamento dei vostri dati personali in determinate circostanze (in particolare, quando non siamo obbligati a trattare i vostri dati personali per l’adempimento di un requisito contrattuale o di legge, o quando stiamo usando i dati per il marketing diretto). 

Tali diritti possono essere limitati, ad es., se il soddisfacimento della vostra richiesta implicherebbe la rivelazione dei dati personali di un’altra persona, la violazione dei diritti di terzi (noi inclusi) o se ci chiedete di cancellare informazioni che siamo tenuti a conservare per legge o che abbiamo legittimi interessi cogenti a conservare. Vi informeremo di qualsiasi esenzione rilevante da noi invocabile nel rispondere alla vostra richiesta. 

Come contattarci

Esercizio dei vostri diritti

Per esercitare i vostri diritti, revocare il vostro consenso al trattamento o annullare l’iscrizione alla ricezione di comunicazioni di marketing da parte nostra, potete:

•    compilare il nostro modulo di richiesta da qui, oppure
•    inviarci un’e-mail all’indirizzo [email protected], o
•    scrivere a noi o al nostro DPO a: [email protected]

Bird & Bird DPO Services SRL
Avenue Louise 235 box 1
1050 Brussels

Page Group
Compliance Department 
Plaza Europa 21 23, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, 08908 
Barcellona – España

Domande e Reclami

Qualora abbiate domande sulla nostra informativa privacy, sul nostro trattamento dei vostri dati personali, o qualora desideriate presentare un reclamo, potete compilare il nostro modulo da qui o inviare un’e-mail a noi o al nostro DPO all’indirizzo [email protected]
Se avete dubbi che non riuscite a risolvere o temete sia avvenuta una violazione dei dati personali, avete diritto di presentare un reclamo presso la vostra autorità di controllo competente. Un elenco delle autorità competenti nel SEE è disponibile qui .

Modifiche alla nostra informativa privacy

Possiamo modificare la presente informativa privacy in qualsiasi momento. Qualora agiremo in tal senso, pubblicheremo aggiornamenti su questo sito. 

Termini e Condizioni Generali

Le presenti Termini e Condizioni Generali disciplinano l’uso del sito web di Michael Page all’indirizzo (“Sito di Michael Page”) e dell'applicazione mobile, e il vostro rapporto con Michael Page (“Michael Page”, “noi” o “ci”). Vi preghiamo di leggerli attentamente perché possono incidere sui vostri diritti e obblighi previsti per legge. Se non siete d'accordo con i presenti Termini e Condizioni Generali, vi preghiamo di non utilizzare il Sito di Michael Page. Se avete domande sui Termini e Condizioni Generali, vi preghiamo di contattarci qui.

Datori di lavoro

Se state valutando di incaricare Michael Page per la fornitura di servizi di reclutamento, si applicano le nostre condizioni generali standard (copia disponibile su richiesta). 

Michael Page non rilascia alcuna dichiarazione o garanzia in relazione a quanto segue:
•    l'esistenza o la disponibilità di qualsiasi posizione pubblicizzata sul Sito di Michael Page; o
•    i termini finali e la durata di qualsiasi posizione pubblicata nel Sito di Michael Page.


Quando vi registrate come candidato, o quando Michael Page vi contatta per telefono o via e-mail per una posizione temporanea o permanente, accettate di essere parte di un Accordo con Michael Page che include la partecipazione ai procedimenti di reclutamento e la ricezione di eventuali avvisi di offerte di lavoro che possono corrispondere al vostro profilo. I diritti e gli obblighi derivanti dall'accettazione di tale Accordo sono indicati nei presenti Termini e Condizioni Generali, che saranno accettate all’atto dell'iscrizione, o quando le riceverete via e-mail una volta confermato l’interesse ad essere inseriti nel nostro database. I servizi di reclutamento per i candidati sono forniti a titolo gratuito. Potete recedere da tale rapporto in qualsiasi momento, contattandoci ai recapiti indicati di seguito. 

Uso del Sito di Michael Page

Gestiamo il Sito di Michael Page per aiutarvi a comprendere i servizi di Michael Page e a comunicare con noi. 
Il Sito di Michael Page è disponibile per il vostro uso personale nel rispetto delle presenti Termini e Condizioni Generali. Se non vi è possibile accedere in tutto o in parte al nostro sito o caricare il vostro CV, vi preghiamo di contattarci qui e vi forniremo ulteriore supporto. 


Potremo aggiornare di volta in volta le presenti Termini e Condizioni Generali per motivi legali o normativi o per consentire il corretto funzionamento del Sito di Michael Page.  Vi informeremo di qualsiasi modifica, nonché (i) della loro portata, (ii) del periodo di opposizione, (iii) del fatto che la mancata opposizione sarà considerata come accettazione e (iv) delle conseguenze dell'opposizione. Le modifiche entreranno in vigore dopo che ve ne avremo dato comunicazione. 

Il vostro utilizzo del Sito di Michael Page

È vietato utilizzare il Sito di Michael Page per uno dei seguenti scopi:
•    diffondere materiale illegale, molesto, diffamatorio, abusivo, minaccioso, dannoso, volgare, osceno o altrimenti censurabile o contrario a qualsiasi legge;
•    trasmettere materiale che incoraggi condotte che integrano un reato, comportano una responsabilità civile o violano in altro modo qualsiasi legge, regolamento o codice di condotta applicabile;
•    interferire con l'utilizzo o il godimento del Sito di Michael Page da parte di qualsiasi altro soggetto; o
•    fare, trasmettere o memorizzare copie elettroniche di materiali protetti da copyright senza l’autorizzazione del proprietario.
Sarete responsabili delle perdite da noi subite e dei costi da noi sostenuti che siano conseguenza diretta della violazione, da parte vostra, della presente previsione.



Potete creare un account registrandovi sul Sito di Michael Page. Questo vi offre opzioni come la possibilità di ricevere un numero illimitato di avvisi di lavoro, la possibilità di caricare fino a tre CV, ecc. Se vi registrate, dovete assicurarvi che i dati da voi forniti al momento della registrazione o in qualsiasi altro momento siano corretti e completi.
Vi preghiamo di informarci tempestivamente di qualsiasi variazione alle informazioni fornite all’atto della registrazione, aggiornando i vostri dati personali, in modo da consentirci di comunicare con voi in modo efficace.
Al momento della registrazione per l'utilizzo del Sito di Michael Page, vi verrà chiesto di creare una password. Per prevenire frodi, vi consigliamo di mantenere la password riservata e di non rivelarla o condividerla con nessuno. Se sapete o sospettate che qualcun altro conosca la vostra password, vi preghiamo di informarci senza ritardo qui.
Se Michael Page ha ragione di ritenere che vi sia una probabile violazione della sicurezza o un utilizzo improprio del Sito di Michael Page, potremo chiedervi di cambiare la password o potremo sospendere il vostro account.


Diritto di sospendere o cancellare la vostra registrazione

Possiamo sospendere o cancellare immediatamente la vostra registrazione in caso di violazione di uno qualsiasi degli obblighi previsti a vostro carico dalle presenti Termini e Condizioni Generali.
Potete cancellare la vostra registrazione in qualsiasi momento dal vostro account sul Sito di Michael Page. Inoltre, potete disdire la ricezione di comunicazioni di marketing attraverso il link “unsubscribe” contenuto nell'ultima e-mail di Job Alerts che avete ricevuto, contattando [email protected], o tramite questo link.
La sospensione o la cancellazione della vostra registrazione e il vostro diritto di utilizzare il Sito di Michael Page non pregiudica i diritti o le responsabilità legali di entrambe le parti.


Sebbene Michael Page adotti una ragionevole cura nella compilazione e nella presentazione del contenuto caricato sul Sito di Michael Page, tale contenuto è meramente informativo e pertanto vi consigliamo di chiedere ulteriore assistenza e svolgere verifiche indipendenti prima di farvi affidamento. Se Michael Page viene a conoscenza di eventuali imprecisioni nel materiale presente sul sito di Michael Page, cercheremo di correggerle non appena ragionevolmente possibile.
In caso di violazione, da parte nostra, delle presenti Termini e Condizioni Generali, saremo responsabili per qualsiasi perdita da voi subita che costituisca una conseguenza prevedibile per entrambi e la nostra responsabilità non si estenderà in ogni caso alle perdite commerciali come la perdita di dati, la perdita di profitti o l'interruzione dell'attività, nella misura consentita dalla legge applicabile.
Le presenti Termini e Condizioni Generali non limitano o pregiudicano la nostra responsabilità per colpa grave o dolo, o se la nostra condotta colposa provoca morte o lesioni personali.


Disponibilità del Sito di Michael Page

Non possiamo garantire che il servizio sarà privo di anomalie. Se si verifica un’anomalia nel servizio, vi chiediamo di segnalarlo qui e cercheremo di correggerla non appena ragionevolmente possibile. Se Michael Page viene a conoscenza di eventuali imprecisioni nel materiale presente sul Sito di Michael Page, cercheremo di correggerle non appena ragionevolmente possibile.
Il vostro accesso al Sito di Michael Page potrà essere occasionalmente limitato per consentire riparazioni, manutenzione o l'introduzione di nuove funzionalità o servizi. Cercheremo di ripristinare il servizio non appena ragionevolmente possibile.


Proprietà Intellettuale

Tutte le informazioni contenute nel Sito di Michael Page sono di proprietà o concesse in licenza da Michael Page. Potete recuperare e visualizzare il contenuto del Sito Michael Page sullo schermo di un computer, memorizzarlo in formato elettronico su disco (ma non su qualsiasi server o altro dispositivo di memorizzazione collegato a una rete) o stamparne una copia per uso personale e non commerciale, nel rispetto di tutti gli avvisi di copyright e di proprietà. Non è consentito riprodurre, modificare, copiare o distribuire o utilizzare per scopi commerciali nessuno dei materiali o dei contenuti del Sito di Michael Page   senza il permesso scritto di Michael Page.

Pari Opportunità e Diversità

Possiamo altresì rendere note informazioni che vi riguardano alle autorità di regolamentazione o di applicazione della legge, se richiesti. Possiamo utilizzare le informazioni raccolte su di voi, in forma anonimizzata, per finalità di monitoraggio in relazione alla nostra policy sulle pari opportunità. Ci riserviamo altresì il diritto di divulgare le informazioni raccolte su di voi ai nostri consulenti professionali e ad altri soggetti nella misura in cui Michael Page esternalizzi determinati aspetti del funzionamento dei propri servizi di agenzia di reclutamento. Tali terzi opereranno nel rispetto di impegni di riservatezza simili a quelli di Michael Page.
Per maggiori informazioni sulla diversità, fare clic qui.

Legge Applicabile

Le presenti Termini e Condizioni Generali saranno soggette alle leggi dell’Italia. Cercheremo di risolvere qualsiasi controversia in modo rapido ed efficiente. Se non siete soddisfatti delle nostre modalità di gestione delle controversie e volete intraprendere un'azione legale, dovete farlo in Italia. 

Altre Disposizioni

È vietata la cessione a qualsiasi altro soggetto dei diritti che vi sono conferiti dalle presenti Termini e Condizioni Generali. Possiamo cedere i diritti che ci sono conferiti dalle presenti Termini e Condizioni Generali ad altre aziende operanti in luoghi in cui riteniamo ragionevolmente che i vostri diritti non saranno pregiudicati.
In caso di violazione delle presenti Termini e Condizioni Generali e qualora Michael Page scelga inizialmente di non perseguire i fatti, Michael Page si riserva la facoltà di avvalersi dei propri diritti e rimedi in qualsiasi altro momento o in qualsiasi altra situazione successiva in cui le presenti Termini e Condizioni Generali sono state violate.
Michael Page non è responsabile delle violazioni delle presenti Termini e Condizioni Generali dovuta a circostanze al di là del proprio ragionevole controllo.
Il Sito di Michael Page è di proprietà ed è gestito da Michael Page.
Per qualsiasi domanda, si prega di contattarci qui.
Galleria Passarella 2, 
20122, Milano

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Terms & Conditions

These website Terms and Conditions apply to your use of the website in conjunction with our PRIVACY POLICY. 

By using this website, you agree to comply with these Terms and Conditions as they apply from time to time. 

If you do not agree, please do not use the website.

Our recruitment services and our business relationship with you is also subject to our standard Terms and Conditions for clients and candidates, which can be provided by one of our specialist consultants when you are discussing your recruitment needs.

We may change these Terms and Conditions at our discretion and without notice and we suggest that you visit this page regularly to keep up to date with any changes.

Use of website
The purpose of this website is to provide you with our services and general information. You must not breach any term of our Acceptable Use Policy set out below.

Links to or from other Sites

This Site contains links to external websites and there may be any number of automatic links to other sites, which may interest you. PageGroup does not accept any responsibility in respect of the content of those sites nor can it be assumed that PageGroup has reviewed or approved of such sites or their content, nor do we warrant that he links to these sites work or are up to date. 

The information and material on this website is intended to provide a general guide only. 

While PageGroup uses reasonable care in compiling and presenting the information and material on this website, we make no representation or warranty whatsoever regarding the accuracy, currency, completeness, adequacy, suitability or operation of this website, any services we may provide through it or the information or material it contains.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, PageGroup shall not be responsible or liable for:
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(b) any reliance on, or decision made on the basis of, information or material shown on or omitted from this website;

(c) any representation or otherwise in respect of the existence or availability of any job, vacancy, assignment or other engagement or appointment advertised on this website;

(d) any representation or otherwise that any employer or client will ask for a candidate's information, ask to interview or hire a candidate, or that any candidates will be available or will meet the needs of any employer or client;

(e) any breach of these Terms and Conditions by PageGroup caused by circumstances beyond its reasonable control;

(f) any fault, delays, interruptions or lack of availability of this website and any of  the services provided through this website, which may occur due to intermittent failures of this website or the need for repairs, maintenance or the introduction of new facilities or services;

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If any warranty cannot be excluded, to the maximum extent permitted by law, PageGroup's liability will be limited to resupply of the relevant service, the cost of resupplying the service or the cost of repairing the services, at our option. In any event, PageGroup will not be responsible or liable for any indirect, consequential, incidental, exemplary, punitive or special damages, loss, liability or expense.

Signing up on our website
If you upload your CV, submit your CV, apply for a job,  sign up for Job Alerts, or create a My Page account  you must ensure that the details provided by you at that or at any other time are accurate, up to date and complete.

You must immediately update and inform us of any changes to your information that you whether it be by making relevant changes to your CV or by updating your personal details using the My Page facility, so that we can communicate with you effectively and provide accurate up to date information to potential employers.

If you sign up to use My Page you will be asked to create a password and a login. In order to prevent fraud, you must keep this password confidential and must not disclose it or share it with anyone. If you know or suspect that someone else knows your password, you should notify us immediately. We accept no liability for any unauthorised use.

By using this site, you are solely responsible for any and all occurrences, which includes maintaining up-to-date, correct, accurate and complete information on your My Page account and uploading materials which do not breach or infringe the Intellectual Property Rights of any third party.

If PageGroup has reason to believe that there is likely to be a breach of security or misuse of our website, we may require you to change your password or we may suspend you’re My Page account.

We may suspend or cancel your account immediately at our reasonable discretion or if you breach any of your obligations under these Terms and Conditions or the Privacy Policy.

You can delete your My Page account and any corresponding job alerts within the account at any time by logging into My Page and selecting the “Delete Account” link. 

The suspension or cancellation of your My Page account and your right to use the website shall not affect either party's statutory rights or liabilities.

Any information submitted may be accessed by PageGroup globally

Aggregate information

We may gather information and statistics collectively about all visitors to this Site which may include the information supplied by you which will help us to understand our users thereby creating a better recruitment process. 

We will not disclose individual names or identifying information. 

All data will be in aggregate form only. We believe this information helps us determine what is most beneficial for our users and how we can continually improve our online service. 

We may share this kind of aggregate data with selected third parties to assist with these purposes.  

Personal data is processed by us in accordance with our Privacy Policy. 

Intellectual property
All trade marks, trade names, logos, information and material available on this website are the property of Michael Page International (Japan) K.K. and its licensors.

Any unauthorised reproduction is prohibited.

You may only access, use and print the information and material on this website for non-commercial or personal use provided that you keep intact all copyright and proprietary notices. 

You must not otherwise reproduce, adapt, store, transmit, print, display, commercialise, publish or create derivative works from any part of the content, format or design of this website.

If you seek to reproduce or otherwise use the content in any way it is your responsibility to obtain approval from us for such use where necessary.

Acceptable use policy
You must only use the services provided through this website for their stated purpose. You must not use the services provided by this website to:

(a) send, upload, display or disseminate or otherwise make available any unlawful, discriminatory, harassing, libellous, defamatory, abusive, threatening, harmful, offensive, obscene, tortious or otherwise objectionable material or otherwise breach any laws;

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Mislead or deceive PageGroup, its representatives and any third parties who may rely on the information provided by you, by providing inaccurate or false information, which includes omissions of information. 

(e) disguise the origin of any material transmitted through the services provided by the website (whether by forging message/packet headers or otherwise manipulating normal identification information);

(f) send, upload or otherwise make available material which infringes any intellectual or industrial property right of any person (such as copyright, trademarks, patents, or trade secrets, or other proprietary rights of any party);

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© PageGroup 2013.
March 2013

Privacy Policy

Michael Page International (Japan) K.K. and our related companies worldwide ("PageGroup") are committed to protecting the privacy of our candidates, clients and other users of our websites and services.

Where you provide us with your personal information, in person, by email, through this website or through any of our other international websites or offices, we will endeavour to ensure that such information remains private and is only used in accordance with this policy. By providing us with your personal information, you also consent for us to collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with this policy. Michael Page International must comply with the Personal Information Protection Act ("PIPA") in Japan and similar laws in the other countries in which we operate.

1. Collection of Personal Information 
PageGroup may collect your personal information from you, including (without limitation) your name, contact details, qualifications, work history, your right to work in a particular country, languages spoken, professional memberships and accreditations, your work objectives and other information from your CV. If you are to be considered for a particular position, we may also collect references from your nominated referees. All the personal information we collect is held, used and disclosed for the purposes set out below.

2. Use and Disclosure of Personal Information 
PageGroup holds, uses and discloses your personal information for the following purposes:
(a) to provide our services to you;

(b) to maintain our business relationship, where you are a client, candidate or a user of our website;

(c) to enable you to submit your CV generally, to apply for specific jobs or to subscribe to our Job Alerts;

(d) to match your coded details with job vacancies, to assist us in finding a position that is most suitable for you and, where you provide your prior consent as a candidate, to send your personal information to clients in order to apply for jobs;

(e) to answer your inquiry;

(f) to direct-market products and services, advise you of news and industry updates, events, promotions and competitions, reports and other information. Where we do so, you will be able to unsubscribe from such communications;

(g) where you are registered as a candidate on our database, your personal information will be accessible internationally by the other offices in the PageGroup, in the UK, Europe, Asia Pacific and the Americas (please see our website for office details internationally);

(h) to different parts of the PageGroup worldwide to enable the development and marketing of other products and services and to improve our customer service and to make our services more valuable to you, including tailoring our website when you log on to make it relevant to you personally;

(i) to trusted third parties (by electronic means) where we have retained them to provide services that you have requested, such as psychometric evaluations or skills tests, and who also provide services to us, such as professional advisers, IT consultants, mailing houses and function co-ordinators. These third parties must comply with similar undertakings of privacy and confidentiality as PageGroup (including any request by you to cease using your personal information);

(j) if PageGroup merges with or is acquired by another business, we may share personal information with the new owners of the business and their advisers and if this happens, you will be sent notice of such an event;

(k) we may also release personal information to regulatory or law enforcement authorities, if they require us to do so; and

(l) we may also seek your consent to collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information for any other purpose not listed above.

Otherwise, we will not disclose your information to any external organisation unless we have your consent or are required by law or have previously informed you.

3. Privacy on Our Websites 
(a) Submitting Your Curriculum Vitae ("CV") and Applying for Jobs
You may submit your CV to PageGroup via this website, either for general consideration by our recruitment consultants for positions as they arise or to apply for a specific advertised job. Once submitted, your CV will be sent directly to the relevant PageGroup recruitment consultant who will review your details and advise you whether you are to be accepted by us for registration on our central database. This database, including your personal information, can be accessed by any of our recruitment consultants working in other offices of the PageGroup, both inside and outside Japan. If you are accepted onto our database, our recruitment consultants should then contact you to set up an interview in person. You can update your CV at any time, simply by following the same procedure to submit a new CV via our websites.

(b) Job Alerts
You may sign up to receive emails that alert you to new jobs on our website (Job Alerts). To subscribe to Job Alerts, you need to provide your email address, which will be used for the purpose of keeping you informed by email of the latest jobs and/or news in your nominated industry. If you no longer wish to receive Job Alerts, unsubscribe links are provided in every Job Alert email that you receive.

(c) Aggregate Information About Website Visitors
We gather information and statistics about all visitors to this and all of our websites worldwide, including the most frequently accessed pages and most frequently used services. We only use such data in aggregate form (that is, the information does not identify any one individual). This information helps us determine the most beneficial parts of our websites and ways in which we can continually improve our online services to create a better overall experience for our users. We also publish some of this aggregate (non-identifiable) information on the PageGroup websites worldwide.

(d) Cookies
PageGroup uses Google Analytics to collect information about how you use our websites. The information collected is used to improve how our websites work or the effectiveness of our web services to you. Information collected include (but not limited to) your login details, to track web traffic on an aggregate basis and to keep session information in cache to assist your use of our website, such as your last search (however, this information is disposed of every time you close your web browser). You may wish to opt out by turning off cookies (please refer to the help menu on your browser) however, switching off cookies will restrict your use of our websites. For more information on analytics cookies, please visit Google’s website.

4. Access to Personal Information 
You may request access to or updating or deletion of your personal information held at PageGroup by contacting the Pagegroup privacy officer as set out below. We may ask to verify your identity and for more information about your request. Where we are legally permitted to do so, we may refuse your request and give you reasons for doing so. Where you request your personal information to be updated and there is a dispute about the facts, we will make a note on your personal information of such dispute. You may also request that PageGroup stops using your information and contacting you and we will comply with your request. Where you request deletion of your file, please be aware that we may not be able to do so, particularly where your file also holds information about our clients. In any event, we will take any necessary alternative measures to protect your rights and interests. We reserve the right to charge an administrative fee for access and updating requests.

5. Security 
PageGroup takes reasonable steps to keep personal information secure, accurate and up to date. The Internet is not always a secure method of transmitting information. Accordingly, while we seek to protect your personal information by implementing digital security systems in various parts of our website, PageGroup cannot accept responsibility for the security of information you send to or receive from us over the Internet or for any unauthorised access or use of that information. Where we have links to websites outside the PageGroup, we cannot ensure that your privacy will be protected in accordance with this policy. You should consult these other websites' privacy policies as we have no control over them and are not responsible for any information that is submitted to or collected by these third parties.

6. Changes to this Privacy Policy 
Michael Page International may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. We suggest that you visit our website regularly to keep up to date with any changes.

7. Contact 
You can contact our Privacy Officer (including any PIPA request or complaint) as follows:

[email protected]

Michael Page International (Japan) K.K.
13F Kamiyacho-MT Bldg, 
4-3-20 Toranomon, 
Minato-ku Tokyo 
105-0001 Japan

Tel +813 5733 716


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Privacy Policy

Qui sommes-nous et comment traitons-nous vos données à caractère personnel ?

PageGroup est un spécialiste du recrutement exerçant ses activités sous les marques Michael Page, Page Personnel, Page Executive et Page Outsourcing. Nous nous engageons à préserver la confidentialité de nos candidats, clients et des utilisateurs de notre site internet. L’entité PageGroup agissant en qualité de Responsable du traitement de vos données, dépendra des services que nous vous fournissons, tels que décrits ci-après. Pour accéder à une liste complète des entités européennes de PageGroup, merci de cliquer sur le lien suivant (les « Sociétés »).

Nous souhaitons fournir une expérience utilisateur sûre et sécurisée. Nous veillerons à ce que les informations que vous nous communiquez, ou que nous collectons, par le biais de différents canaux (y compris notre site internet, la correspondance écrite (notamment les courriels), les conversations ou réunions avec nos consultants ou par l’intermédiaire de nos bureaux ou sites internet, à travers le monde), soient uniquement utilisées dans le cadre des finalités exposées dans la présente Politique de Confidentialité.

À travers la présente Politique de Confidentialité, nous visons à vous informer concernant les différents types de données à caractère personnel que nous collectons, les finalités en vue desquelles nous utilisons ces données ainsi que les modalités de traitement desdites données. Nous souhaitons également nous conformer à l’obligation de transparence découlant du Règlement (UE) 2016/679 du Parlement européen et du Conseil relatif à la protection des personnes physiques à l’égard du traitement des données à caractère personnel et à la libre circulation de ces données (RGPD) ainsi qu’à la législation nationale applicable.

Champ d’application

La protection des données à caractère personnel vous concernant est notre priorité. La présente politique de confidentialité explique comment les Sociétés traitent et protègent les données à caractère personnel concernant :

  • es candidats qui s’inscrivent auprès de nous pour des postes que nous gérons pour le compte d’autres employeurs et pour des postes au sein des Sociétés, ou par le biais de notre site internet, de nos tableaux d’affichage des offres d’emploi, des sites de médias sociaux ou d’autres sources ;
  • les candidats potentiels ;
  • les clients potentiels ;
  • les contacts professionnels chez nos clients et fournisseurs ; et
  • les utilisateurs de nos sites internet ;

(collectivement « vous » ou « votre »).

Elle vous informe également de vos droits en matière de protection de la vie privée, y compris votre droit de vous opposer à notre traitement. Si vous souhaitez nous contacter, veuillez consulter la section « Comment Nous contacter » de la présente politique.

Données à caractère personnel que nous collectons


Lorsque vous vous inscrivez chez nous en tant que candidat afin de vous fournir des services de recherche d’emploi, nous traitons les données à caractère personnel vous concernant, y compris, mais pas uniquement, votre nom, vos coordonnées et les informations figurant dans votre CV. Lorsque la loi l’autorise, nous pouvons également collecter des informations relatives à votre santé (par exemple, des informations sur votre handicap à des fins d’adaptation raisonnable du travail), des informations sur la diversité, y compris l’origine ethnique, l’orientation sexuelle et la religion (à des fins de contrôle de l’égalité des chances) ainsi que des détails sur toute condamnation pénale non exécutée lorsque cela est requis par un client ou par nous si vous postulez à un poste chez nous. L’entité PageGroup agissant en qualité de Responsable du traitement de vos données dans ce cas, sera l’entité gérant le processus dans le cadre duquel vous avez postulé.

Lorsque vous utilisez notre site internet, que vous cliquez sur des liens dans les courriels que nous vous envoyons, que vous les ouvrez ou les transférez, ou que vous vous inscrivez pour recevoir des alertes d’emploi ou d’autres contenus de notre part, nous collectons également des données à caractère personnel à partir de ces interactions.

Nous obtenons également des données à caractère personnel vous concernant auprès de tiers, notamment,

  • des référents - lorsque l’on vous propose un emploi ;
  • les anciens employeurs - pour confirmer les dates d’emploi ;
  • les établissements d’enseignement - pour vérifier vos qualifications académiques ;
  • les agences de référence de crédit - si nous devons vérifier votre situation financière ;
  • des sources accessibles au public, telles que LinkedIn et les sites de médias sociaux, pour améliorer les informations que nous détenons sur vous, afin de nous aider à trouver des postes plus adaptés à vos besoins ;
  • les clients à qui nous avons fourni votre CV et qui se sont engagés avec vous dans le cadre d’une demande d’emploi ou qui ont donné leur avis sur votre CV.

Candidats potentiels

Nous collectons des données à caractère personnel vous concernant, notamment votre nom et vos coordonnées, ainsi que des informations biographiques professionnelles obtenues auprès de sources accessibles au public, telles que LinkedIn, les sites internet de mise en ligne de CV et les sites internet de médias sociaux, afin de pouvoir vous contacter si nous pensons que vous pourriez être intéressé par nos services de recherche d’emploi à une date ultérieure. Nous pouvons également obtenir les données à caractère personnel vous concernant par l’intermédiaire d’un autre candidat ou d’un employeur qui vous recommande comme contact. L’entité PageGroup qui agira en qualité de Responsable du traitement de vos données dans ce cas, sera l’entité à laquelle le consultant qui vous a identifié comme un candidat potentiel est rattaché.

Clients potentiels

Nous collectons vos coordonnées ainsi que des données liées à votre fonction ou position afin d’instaurer des relations commerciales avec votre société. L’entité PageGroup qui agira en qualité de Responsable du traitement de vos données dans ce cas, sera l’entité à laquelle le consultant qui vous a identifié comme un candidat potentiel est rattaché.

Utilisateurs de notre site internet ou de nos applis

Nous collectons des données à caractère personnel telles que votre adresse IP et d’autres données sur votre appareil, dont nous avons besoin pour vous fournir notre contenu en ligne. Nous recueillons également des données sur votre engagement avec notre site internet ou nos applications, comme les pages que vous consultez. Si vous nous contactez, nous recueillerons également des informations sur votre demande. Nous utilisons des cookies et des technologies similaires pour collecter un grand nombre de ces informations et notre politique en matière de cookies vous en dit plus à ce sujet. L’entité PageGroup agissant en qualité de Responsable du traitement dans ce cas, sera l’entité à qui appartient le site internet, dont les détails peuvent être retrouvés sur l’avis juridique du site internet ou la liste jointe au début de la présente Politique de confidentialité.


Nous collectons des données à caractère personnel telles que votre nom, votre fonction et vos coordonnées. Nous traitons également des données à caractère personnel concernant les communications que nous avons eues avec vous, notamment si vous avez ouvert ou transféré des courriels, des newsletters ou d’autres contenus que nous vous avons envoyés. Nous traitons également les commentaires que vous fournissez sur nos candidats. L’entité PageGroup qui agira en qualité de Responsable du traitement dans ce cas sera l’entité cocontractante dans le contrat que nous concluons avec vous ou avec la société que vous représentez.

Si vous nous fournissez des informations sur un candidat (par exemple, si vous confirmez qu’un candidat a travaillé avec vous ou si vous fournissez une référence), nous obtiendrons vos coordonnées auprès du candidat et nous conserverons un enregistrement des données à caractère personnel que vous nous fournissez sur ce candidat.

Nous traitons les données à caractère personnel vous concernant à partir de sources publiques telles que LinkedIn et les sites de réseaux sociaux ou parce que vous avez été délégué à l’un de nos événements ou à un événement pour lequel l’organisateur de l’événement est autorisé à nous communiquer les coordonnées des délégués.


Nous collectons généralement votre nom et vos coordonnées en tant que contact professionnel de votre organisation. L’entité PageGroup qui agira en qualité de Responsable du traitement dans ce cas sera l’entité cocontractante dans le contrat que nous concluons avec vous ou avec la société que vous représentez.

Fournir les données à caractère personnel vous concernant

Dans certains cas, il sera nécessaire de nous fournir des données à caractère personnel. Si vous ne nous fournissez pas les données à caractère personnel que nous vous demandons, il se peut que nous ne soyons pas en mesure de vous fournir nos services.

Comment nous utilisons les données à caractère personnel vous concernant


Nous utilisons les données à caractère personnel vous concernant afin de :

  • vous fournir des services de recherche d’emploi ;
  • communiquer avec vous ;
  • vous permettre de télécharger votre CV et de postuler à des emplois ;
  • personnaliser votre expérience en créant un profil de candidat ;
  • nous permettre de veiller à l’égalité et à la diversité ;
  • vous fournir des conseils en matière d’entretien et de salaire ; et
  • vous envoyer des messages de prospection afin de vous informer des offres d’emploi, des rapports et des informations sur le secteur, des événements, des promotions et des concours, ainsi que d’autres contenus, conformément à vos choix en matière de marketing.
  • Nous diffusons également des bannières publicitaires ciblées et pertinentes sur notre site internet et au sein de vos réseaux sociaux afin de vous présenter, ainsi qu’à des personnes comme vous, des emplois et des contenus qui, selon nous, sont susceptibles de vous intéresser. Nous ciblons ces publicités sur la base de vos interactions précédentes avec notre site internet, de vos e-mails et de vos engagements avec nos consultants. Votre interaction avec nos publicités peuvent être utilisées afin de mesurer l’efficacité de nos campagnes publicitaires et d’améliorer notre stratégie de marketing. Ce traitement est effectué par le biais de cookies et seulement si vous avez au préalable donné votre consentement.

Candidats et clients potentiels

Nous utilisons les données à caractère personnel vous concernant afin de :

  • déterminer si vous pouvez être intéressé par nos services et comment nous pouvons vous aider ;
  • vous contacter et savoir si vous êtes intéressé par nos services.

Utilisateurs de notre site internet ou de nos applis

Nous pouvons utiliser les données à caractère personnel vous concernant afin de :

  • améliorer et personnaliser votre expérience lorsque vous utilisez notre site internet ou nos applications ; et
  • personnaliser les publicités que vous recevez de notre part.


Nous pouvons utiliser les données à caractère personnel vous concernant :

  • pour vous fournir des services de recrutement ;
  • pour communiquer avec vous ;
  • pour obtenir votre avis sur nos services par le biais d’enquêtes de satisfaction des clients, afin d’améliorer nos services et d’en développer de nouveaux ;
  • pour maintenir notre relation commerciale avec vous ;
  • pour répondre à vos demandes de renseignements lorsque vous nous contactez ;
  • pour remplir des obligations contractuelles à votre égard ;
  • pour établir, exercer ou défendre des revendications légales ; et
  • à des fins de prospection.


Nous utilisons les données à caractère personnel vous concernant :

  • pour communiquer avec vous ;
  • pour maintenir notre relation commerciale avec vous ;
  • pour répondre à vos demandes de renseignements lorsque vous nous contactez ;
  • pour remplir des obligations contractuelles à votre égard ;
  • pour établir, exercer ou défendre des revendications légales ; et
  • à des fins de prospection.

Vous pouvez vous désinscrire pour ne plus recevoir de communications commerciales de notre part, en utilisant les méthodes de désinscription contenues dans les communications que nous vous envoyons ou en nous contactant. Nous avons également mis en place un centre de préférences marketing où vous pouvez consulter vos préférences marketing, prendre des décisions à leur sujet et refuser de recevoir des messages marketing de notre part à tout moment.

Fondements juridiques du traitement des données à caractère personnel vous concernant

En application du RGPD, nous nous appuyons sur les fondements juridiques suivants pour traiter les données à caractère personnel vous concernant :

(a)  Exécution d’un contrat - afin d’exécuter nos obligations en vertu d’un contrat avec vous, par exemple lorsque des clients souscrivent à certains services ou que les candidats acceptent nos conditions. Ou concernant des clients ou candidats potentiels, pour prendre des mesures nécessaires afin de conclure un contrat avec nous.

(b)  Respect d’une obligation légale - lorsque nous devons traiter les données à caractère personnel vous concernant pour nous conformer à des obligations légales ou réglementaires.

(c)  Nos intérêts légitimes ou ceux d’un tiers- y compris :

  • répondre à vos demandes et requêtes (l’intérêt légitime des Sociétés dans ce cas est de maintenir une communication constante et actualisée avec les clients et les candidats, ce qui fait partie de toute relation commerciale) ;
  • optimiser les performances de notre site internet et l’expérience des utilisateurs ;
  • contacter des clients potentiels afin d’instaurer des relations commerciales avec eux (l’intérêt légitime de Page est d’entretenir des relations de tout type avec la société où la personne contactée travaille).
  • vous informer sur nos services, au sujet d’opportunités d’emploi, de rapports sectoriels, vous prodiguer des conseils et vous avertir en cas d’évènements, de promotions ou de concours (l’intérêt légitime de Page est d’informer les clients et les candidats sur des services et produits similaires) et ;
  • veiller à ce que nos opérations soient menées de manière efficace ou procéder à des enquêtes de satisfactions concernant nos services.

Nous avons procédé à une évaluation de l’intérêt légitime afin de confirmer que nos intérêts ne sont pas supplantés par vos intérêts ou vos droits et libertés fondamentaux. Vous pouvez demander cette évaluation en utilisant les coordonnées ci-après.

(d) Consentement Dans certaines circonstances, nous vous demanderons votre consentement pour traiter les données à caractère personnel vous concernant. Par exemple, si vous vous inscrivez pour un emploi, nous vous donnerons la possibilité de vous inscrire pour des alertes concernant des emplois similaires. Dans la mesure où nous traitons les données à caractère personnel vous concernant sur la base de votre consentement, vous avez le droit de retirer votre consentement à tout moment.  Veuillez nous contacter si vous souhaitez retirer votre consentement.

Prise de décision automatisée et Profilage

Nous ne prenons pas de décisions en nous fondant uniquement sur un processus automatisé – nos décisions sont toujours précédées d’une intervention humaine.

Nous réalisons deux types de profilage en fonction des données à caractère personnel du candidat :

  • JobMatch est un outil disponible sur notre site internet afin de permettre aux candidats de charger leur CV, de sorte que nous puissions recommander des postes correspondants aux compétences.
  • Une recherche intelligente nous permet de filtrer les CV lorsque nous recevons de nombreuses candidatures pour les postes que nous publions, et de saisir des mots clés pertinents tels que les années d’expérience ou le domaine de pratique. Il analyse ensuite tous les CV téléchargés et fournit une liste plus restreinte de candidats en faisant correspondre les mots clés des CV des candidats et en classant les candidats en fonction de leur adéquation au poste. Tel que préalablement expliqué, un recruteur vérifie toujours le processus. Ainsi, aucune décision automatisée n’est prise.

Veuillez noter qu’aucune des activités de profilage n’entraîne d’effets substantiels d’ordre légal ou similaire. Néanmoins, si vous souhaitez en savoir plus, veuillez nous contacter.

Avec qui nous partageons les données à caractère personnel vous concernant

Dans certaines situations, nous partagerons les données à caractère personnel vous concernant avec :

D’autres sociétés du Groupe

PageGroup est un groupe de sociétés qui opère à l'échelle internationale. Nos experts en recrutement et les membres essentiels de l'entreprise qui gèrent des fonctions telles que la paie et le service informatique sont établis dans le monde entier. Nous pouvons partager avec ou donner accès à vos données à caractère personnel à des sociétés de PageGroup dans l’Espace économique européen (EEE) et également localisées en dehors de l’EEE, en respectant les obligations applicables au régime de transfert international de données du RGPD. Vous pouvez trouver une liste des entités de PageGroup et des pays où elles sont localisées ici.

Par exemple, si vous vous trouvez en Allemagne ou en France, le cas échéant pour votre recherche d'emploi, ou si vous recherchez un cadre compétent pour rejoindre votre organisation ou un partenaire de recrutement, nous pouvons partager vos données à caractère personnel avec nos recruteurs spécialisés dans les marchés allemand et français qui sont situés en Turquie (voir la liste des entités ci-dessus). Ils traitent vos données à caractère personnel pour le compte de nos entités allemandes ou françaises, le cas échéant (voir la liste ci-dessus). Un niveau approprié de protection des données est assuré pour ce transfert sur la base de l'accord intragroupe de la société et des CCT décrits ci-dessous.

Nous avons mis en place un accord de transfert de données intragroupe contenant des Clauses Contractuelles Types (CCTs) approuvées par la Commission européenne qui permettent les transferts transfrontaliers de données à caractère personnel depuis l’EEE vers des pays tiers hors de l’EEE (étant donné que les lois sur la protection des données hors de l’EEE peuvent ne pas offrir un niveau de protection équivalent à celui des lois sur la protection des données de l’EEE).

Si vous souhaitez obtenir une copie des SCCs, veuillez nous contacter.

Les finalités du partage des données à caractère personnel vous concernant au sein des sociétés de PageGroup sont i) la fourniture de services essentiels qui sont centralisés dans une seule entité, tels que les services informatiques, commerciaux et d’assistance commerciale, dans ce cas ces entités accéderont et traiteront les données à caractère personnel vous concernant en tant que sous-traitant du traitement des données, en suivant les instructions de votre responsable du traitement ; ii) la gestion d’une position internationale, régionale ou de cadre dirigeant, ou le développement de comptes clés, qui nécessiterait la coopération de différentes sociétés à travers le groupe ; et iii) la gestion de postes qui peuvent être exercés à distance. Le fondement juridique applicable à ces activités de traitement est l’exécution du contrat avec les clients ou les candidats ou la prise de mesures nécessaires aux fins de conclusion d’un contrat et l’intérêt légitime de PageGroup à fournir ses services en ayant recours à des ressources internes.

Veuillez garder à l’esprit, que si vous vous inscrivez en tant que candidat dans un pays différent de celui dans lequel vous avez initialement rejoint PageGroup, un dossier unique sera créé pour vous. Un seul dossier permet d’éviter les duplicatas et de renforcer la précision des données à caractère personnel. À ces fins, les sociétés PageGroup impliquées, partageront vos données à caractère personnel en tant que Responsables indépendants du traitement.


Si vous êtes un candidat, nous partageons les données à caractère personnel vous concernant avec des clients qui ont des postes vacants pour des emplois qui vous intéressent. Le fondement juridique applicable est le même que celui décrit ci-dessus : l’exécution du contrat avec les clients et candidats ou la prise de mesures nécessaires aux fins de conclusion d’un contrat et l’intérêt légitime de PageGroup à fournir des informations aux candidats et des services aux clients.

Nous partageons également les données à caractère personnel vous concernant et, le cas échéant si nécessaire et lorsque la loi l’autorise, les données de catégorie spéciale avec des prestataires de services tiers qui effectuent des services et des fonctions en notre nom, tels que :

  • la vérification des références d’emploi ;
  • les contrôles de qualification ;
  • les vérifications des condamnations pénales (si nécessaire) ;
  • la vérification des données que vous avez fournies à partir de sources tierces ;
  • la réalisation d’évaluations psychométriques ou de tests de compétences ;
  • l’hébergement de données à caractère personnel pour nous ;
  • des prestations de conseils professionnels ;
  • des prestations d’analyses de données ;
  • des tests et des travaux de développement sur nos systèmes technologiques commerciaux ;
  • Gestion des sondages ou des concours en notre nom ;
  • nous aider à communiquer avec vous ; et
  • fournir des services de recherche et de publipostage ou d’autres services de prospection.

Nous exigeons contractuellement des normes minimales de confidentialité et de protection des données de la part de nos prestataires de services tiers. Si nous devons envoyer des données à caractère personnel en dehors de l’EEE, nous nous assurerons que des garanties adéquates sont en place, telles que les Clauses types.

Autres divulgations

En outre, nous pouvons être amenés à divulguer les données à caractère personnel vous concernant :

  • si nous sommes légalement tenus de le faire ;
  • aux organismes chargés de l’application de la loi, aux autorités de réglementation ou à d’autres représentants du gouvernement ; et
  • aux nouveaux propriétaires de l’entreprise et à leurs conseillers dans le cas d’une réorganisation, d’une fusion, d’une vente, d’une coentreprise, d’une cession ou de tout autre transfert ou acte de disposition de tout ou partie de notre entreprise.

Assurer la sécurité des données à caractère personnel vous concernant

Nous avons mis en place et maintenons des mesures techniques et organisationnelles appropriées pour protéger les données à caractère personnel vous concernant contre la destruction, la perte, l’altération, la divulgation ou l’accès non autorisés, accidentels ou illégaux. Seul le personnel autorisé et les prestataires de services tiers ont accès aux données à caractère personnel sur la base du besoin d’en connaître, et ces employés et prestataires de services sont contractuellement tenus de traiter ces informations de manière confidentielle.

Durée de conservation des données à caractère personnel vous concernant

Nous conserverons les données à caractère personnel vous concernant aussi longtemps que nécessaire pour atteindre la finalité pour laquelle nous les avons collectées, il peut s’agir d’une finalité permanente. Par exemple, si vous êtes un candidat, nous conserverons les données à caractère personnel vous concernant pendant toute la durée de notre relation d’affaires avec vous et au-delà, car nous accompagnons souvent les candidats dans leurs placements professionnels pendant de nombreuses années et potentiellement tout au long de leur carrière.

Nous conservons certaines données à caractère personnel plus longtemps que d’autres. Pour déterminer la période de conservation appropriée des données à caractère personnel, nous prenons en compte des facteurs tels que les objectifs pour lesquels nous traitons les données à caractère personnel vous concernant, y compris toute obligation légale, réglementaire, comptable et de signalement, la nature et la quantité de données à caractère personnel que nous détenons à votre sujet, et le risque potentiel de préjudice pour vous en cas d’utilisation ou de divulgation non autorisées des données à caractère personnel vous concernant.

Lorsque nous traitons les données à caractère personnel vous concernant à des fins de prospection, nous le ferons jusqu’à ce que vous nous demandiez d’arrêter, et pendant une courte période après cela (pour nous permettre de mettre en œuvre votre demande). Nous gardons également une trace du fait que vous nous avez demandé de ne pas vous envoyer de prospection ou de traiter vos données indéfiniment, afin que nous puissions respecter votre demande.

Vos droits concernant les données à caractère personnel que nous détenons à votre sujet 

La législation européenne sur la protection des données vous confère plusieurs droits. Ces droits comprennent le droit de nous demander une copie des données à caractère personnel vous concernant, de corriger, d’effacer ou de restreindre le traitement des données à caractère personnel vous concernant ; d’obtenir les données à caractère personnel que vous nous fournissez pour un contrat ou avec votre consentement dans un format structuré et lisible par machine, et de nous demander de partager (porter) ces données à un autre responsable.

En outre, vous pouvez vous opposer au traitement des données à caractère personnel vous concernant dans certaines circonstances (notamment lorsque nous n’avons pas à traiter les données à caractère personnel vous concernant pour répondre à une exigence contractuelle ou à une autre exigence légale, ou lorsque nous utilisons les données à des fins de prospection).

Ces droits peuvent être limités, par exemple, si le fait de satisfaire à votre demande révèle des données à caractère personnel concernant une autre personne, s’ils portent atteinte aux droits d’un tiers (y compris nos droits) ou si vous nous demandez de supprimer des informations que nous sommes tenus par la loi de conserver ou que nous avons des intérêts légitimes impérieux à conserver. Nous vous informerons de toutes les exemptions pertinentes sur lesquelles nous nous appuyons lorsque nous répondrons à votre demande.

Comment nous contacter

Exercer vos droits

Pour exercer vos droits, ou pour retirer votre consentement au traitement, ou pour vous désinscrire de la réception de communications marketing de notre part, vous pouvez :


Bird & Bird DPO Services SRL

Avenue Louise 235 box 1

1050 Brussels


Page Group 

Compliance Department

Plaza Europa 21 23, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, 08908

Barcelona – Spain

Questions et réclamations

Si vous avez des questions concernant notre politique de confidentialité ou sur le traitement des données à caractère personnel vous concernant, ou si vous souhaitez déposer une réclamation, vous pouvez remplir notre formulaire ici ou nous envoyer un courriel ou à notre DPD à l’adresse suivante : [email protected].

Si vous avez des préoccupations non résolues, ou si vous pensez qu’une violation des données à caractère personnel s’est produite, vous avez le droit d’effectuer une réclamation auprès de l’autorité de contrôle compétente. Une liste des autorités compétentes dans l’EEE peut être consultée ici.

Modifications de notre politique de Confidentialité

Nous pouvons modifier la présente politique de confidentialité à tout moment. Si nous le faisons, nous publierons des mises à jour sur ce site.


Privacy Policy

Who we are and how do we process your personal data

PageGroup is a specialist recruiter operating under the brands Michael Page, Page Personnel, Page Executive and Page Outsourcing. We are committed to protecting the privacy of our candidates, clients and users of our website. The PageGroup entity acting as Data Controller of your data will depend on the services we perform for you, as described below. to access a complete list of European PageGroup entities please click here (the “Companies”).

We want to provide a safe and secure user experience. We will ensure that the information you submit to us, or which we collect, via various channels (including our website, through written correspondence (including e-mail), conversations or meetings with our consultants, or through any of our offices or websites globally), is only used for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy.

Through this Privacy Policy we aim to inform you about the types of personal data we collect, the purposes for which we use the data and the ways in which the data is handled.  We also aim to satisfy the obligation of transparency under the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 ("GDPR") and national laws that may be applicable.


Protecting your personal data is our priority. This privacy policy explains how the Companies process and protect personal data about:

  • candidates who register with us for roles that we are managing for other employers and for roles within the Companies, or through our website, job boards, social media sites or other sources;
  • prospective candidates;
  • prospective clients;
  • business contacts at our clients and suppliers; and
  • users of our websites

(collectively "you" or “your").

It also tells you about your privacy rights including your right to object to our processing. If you would like to contact us, please see the “How to Contact Us” section of this policy.

Personal data we collect


When you register with us as a candidate to provide work finding services to you, we process your personal data, including but not limited to your name, contact details and information from your CV. Where permitted by law, we may also collect information relating to your health (for example, disability information for reasonable work adjustment purposes), diversity information, including race, ethnic origin, sexual orientation and religion (for equal opportunity monitoring purposes) as well as details of any unspent criminal convictions where required by a client or by us, if you apply for a role with us. The PageGroup entity acting as Data Controller of your data in this case will be the one managing the process to which you have applied.  

If you use our website, click on links in emails we send to you, open or forward them, or sign up to receive job alerts or other contents from us, we also collect personal data from those interactions.

We also obtain personal data about you from third parties, including,

  • referees - when you are offered a job;
  • former employers - to confirm dates of employment;
  • educational institutions - to check your academic qualifications;
  • credit reference agencies - if we need to check your financial standing;
  • publicly available sources such as LinkedIn and social media sites to enhance the information we hold about you, in order to help us find more suitable roles for you;
  • clients to whom we have provided your CV and who have engaged with you as part of a job application or who have given feedback on your CV.

Prospective Candidates

We collect personal data about you including your name and contact details and professional biographical details obtained from publicly available sources such as LinkedIn, CV websites and social media websites, so that we can contact you if we think you may be interested in our work finding services at a future date. We may also obtain your personal data through another candidate or an employer who recommends you as a contact.  The PageGroup entity that will act as Data Controller of your data in this case will be the entity to which the consultant who has identified you as a prospective candidate belongs.

Prospective Clients

We collect your contact details and data relating to your function or position to establish commercial relationships with your company. The PageGroup entity that will act as Data Controller of your data in this case will be the entity to which the consultant who has identified you as a potential client belongs.

Users of our website or apps

We collect personal data such as your IP address and other data about your device which we need to provide our online content to you. We also collect data about your engagement with our website or apps such as the pages you view.  If you contact us, we will also collect information about your enquiry. We use cookies and similar technologies to collect a lot of this information and our cookie policy  tells you more about this.  The PageGroup entity acting as Data Controller in this case shall be the entity to which the website belongs, whose details can be found in the website's legal notice or the list attached at the beginning of this Privacy Policy.


We collect personal data such as your name, job title and contact details. We also process personal data about what communications we have had with you, including whether you have opened or forwarded any emails, newsletters or other content we have sent to you. We also process feedback that you provide about our candidates. The PageGroup entity that will act as Data Controller in this case will be the entity that is the counterparty in the contract we sign with you or with the company you represent.

If you provide information to us about a candidate (for example, if you confirm a candidate has worked with you or if you provide a reference), then we will obtain your details from the candidate and we will keep a record of the personal data that you provide to us about that candidate.

We process personal data about you from public domain sources such as LinkedIn and social networking sites, or because you were a delegate at one of our events or at an event where the event organiser is permitted to share delegate details with us.


We typically collect your name and contact details as a business contact for your organisation. The PageGroup entity that will act as Data Controller in this case will be the entity that is the counterparty in the contract we sign with you or with the company you represent.

Providing your personal data

In some cases, it will be necessary for you to provide personal data to us. If you don’t provide us with the personal data we ask for, we may not be able to provide you with our services.

How we use your personal data


We use your personal data to:  

  • provide you with work finding services;
  • communicate with you;
  • enable you to upload your CV and apply for jobs;
  • personalise your experience by creating a candidate profile;
  • enable us to monitor equality and diversity;
  • provide you with interviewing and salary advice and
  • send you direct marketing for the purposes of informing you about job opportunities, industry reports and insights, events, promotions and competitions, and other content in accordance with your marketing choices.
  • We also run targeted and relevant banner advertising on our website and within your social networks to present you and people like you with jobs and content that we believe will be of interest. We target these ads based on your previous interactions with our website, emails and through your engagements with our consultants. Your interaction with our ads may be used to measure the effectiveness of our ad campaigns and to improve our marketing strategy. This processing is carried out via Cookies and only if you have previously provided consent.

Prospective Candidates and Clients

We use your personal data to:

  • determine if you may be interested in our services and how we can assist you;
  • to contact you and find out if you are interested in our services.

Users of our website or apps

We may use your personal data to:

  • improve and personalise your experience when you use our website or apps; and
  • personalise advertising you receive from us.


We may use your personal data:

  • to provide recruitment services to you;
  • to communicate with you;
  • to get feedback from you on our services through client satisfaction surveys, in order to improve our services and to develop new services;
  • to maintain our business relationship with you;
  • to answer your enquiries when you contact us;
  • to fulfil contractual obligations to you;
  • to establish, exercise or defend legal claims; and
  • for direct marketing purposes.


We use your personal data:

  • to communicate with you;
  • to maintain our business relationship with you;
  • to answer your enquiries when you contact us;
  • to fulfil contractual obligations to you;
  • to establish, exercise or defend legal claims; and
  • for direct marketing purposes.

You can unsubscribe from receiving marketing communications from us by using the unsubscribe methods contained in communications we send to you or by contacting us. We have also established a marketing preference centre where you can view and make decisions about your marketing preferences and opt out of receiving marketing from us at any time.

Legal Grounds for processing your Personal Data

Under the GDPR, we rely on the following legal grounds to process your personal data:

(a)  Performing a contract - in order to perform our obligations under a contract with you, for example where clients contract for services and candidates accepting our terms and conditions. Or in respect of prospective clients or candidates to take steps that would be necessary in order to enter into a contract with us. 

(b)  Compliance with a legal obligation - where we need to process your personal data to comply with legal or regulatory obligations.

(c)  Our legitimate interests or those of a third party - including:

  • responding to your requests and enquiries (the legitimate interest of the Companies in this case is to maintain a constant and updated communication with clients and candidates, which is part of any commercial relationship);
  • optimising the performance of our website and user experience;
  • contacting prospect clients in order to establish commercial relationships with clients (the legitimate interest of Page is to maintain relations of any kind with the company where the contact person works).
  • informing you about our services, job opportunities, industry reports and insights, events, promotions and competitions (the legitimate interest of Page is to inform clients and candidates about similar services and products) and;
  • providing satisfaction surveys of our services.

We have performed a legitimate interest assessment in order to confirm that our interests are not overridden by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms, you can ask for this assessment using the contact details below.

(d) Consent In some circumstances, we will ask for your consent to process your personal data. For example, if you register for a job, we will offer you the possibility of registering for similar job alerts. To the extent that we are processing your personal data based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.  Please contact us, if you would like to withdraw your consent.

Automated Decision Making and Profiling

We do not take decisions based solely on automated processing; there is always human intervention before taking a decision.

We perform two types of profiling based on candidate’s personal data:

  • JobMatch is a tool available on our website for candidates to upload their CVs so we can recommend jobs that align to our skills. However, this profiling does not restrict nor excludes access to other jobs and positions.
  • Intelligent search within our customer database enables us to filter through CVs when we receive many applications for roles that we advertise, and to enter relevant key words such as years of experience or field of practice. It then analyses all the CVs uploaded into it and delivers a smaller pool of candidates by matching the key words in candidates’ CVs and ranking the candidates according to their suitability for the role. As explained above, there is always a recruiter who verifies this process, so there are not automated decisions.

Please note that none of this profiling activities produce legal or similar significant effects to candidates, however if you would like to know more please contact us.

Who we share your personal data with

In certain circumstances we will share your personal data with:

Other companies within our Group

PageGroup is a group of companies which operates globally. Our recruitment experts and key members of the business who run functions such as payroll and IT support are based around the world. We may share with or give access to your personal data to companies within PageGroup in the European Economic Area (EEA) and placed outside the EEA, complying with the obligations applicable to the international data transfer regime of the GDPR. You can find a list of PageGroup entities and the countries where they are located here.

For example, if you are in Germany or France, where appropriate for your job search, or if you are looking for a qualified professional to join your organization or a recruitment partner, we may share your personal data with our recruiters specialised in the German and French markets who are based in Türkiye (see entity list above). They process your personal data on behalf of our German or French entities as it may be applicable (see list above). An appropriate level of data protection is ensured for this transfer on the basis of the company's intragroup agreement and SCCs as described below.

We have in place an intra-group data transfer agreement containing Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs) approved by the European Commission which permit cross-border transfers of personal data from within the EEA to third countries outside the EEA, (as data protection laws outside the EEA may not provide an equivalent level of protection to EEA data protection laws).

If you would like a copy of the SCCs, please contact us.

The purposes of sharing your personal data within PageGroup companies are i) providing essential services which are centralised in one single entity such as IT, commercial and sales support services, in this case these entities will access and process your personal data as data processors, following the instructions of your data controller, ii) managing  global, regional or senior executive positions, or the development of key accounts, which would require the cooperation of different companies across the group, and iii) managing positions that can be fulfilled remotely. The applicable lawful basis to these processing activities is the performance of the contract with clients and candidates or to take steps necessary to enter into a contract, and the legitimate interests of PageGroup in delivering its services using internal resources.

Please bear in mind, that if you register as a candidate in a different country than the one in which you originally joined PageGroup, a unique record will be created for you. A single record avoids duplicities and improve accuracy of the personal data. For these purposes, the PageGroup companies involved will share your personal information as independent data controllers.  

Third Parties

If you are a candidate, we share your personal data with clients who have vacancies for jobs which you are interested in. The applicable lawful basis here would be the same as described above: the performance of the contract with clients and candidates, or to take steps necessary to enter into a contract, and the legitimate interests of PageGroup in providing candidates’ information and services to clients.

We also share your personal data and, where necessary and permitted by the law, special category data with third party service providers who perform services and functions on our behalf, such as:

  • conducting employment reference checks;
  • conducting qualification checks;
  • carrying out criminal convictions checks (as required);
  • verifying details you have provided from third party sources;
  • conducting psychometric evaluations or skills tests;
  • hosting personal data for us;
  • providing professional advice to us;
  • providing data analytics to us;
  • carrying out testing and development work on our business technology systems; 
  • administering surveys or competitions on our behalf;
  • assisting us to communicate with you; and
  • providing research and mailing house or other direct marketing services.

We contractually require minimum standards of confidentiality and data protection from our third party service providers. If we need to send personal data outside the EEA, we will ensure that adequate safeguards are in place, such as the Model Clauses.

Other Disclosures

In addition, we may disclose your personal data:

  • if we are legally required to do so;
  • to law enforcement agencies, regulators or other government officials; and
  • to the new business owners and their advisers in the event of a re-organisation, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, or other transfer or disposition of all or any part of our business.

Keeping your personal data secure

We have implemented and maintain appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your personal data from accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure or access. Only authorised personnel and third party service providers are provided with access to personal data on a need to know basis, and these employees and service providers are contractually obliged to treat this information as confidential.

How long we hold your personal data for

We will keep your personal data for as long as we need to in order to fulfil the purpose we collected it for, which may be an ongoing purpose. For example, if you’re a candidate, we will retain your personal data for the duration of our business relationship with you and beyond, as we often support candidates with job placements over many years and potentially throughout their careers.

We keep some personal data for longer than others. To determine the appropriate retention period for personal data, we consider factors such as the purposes for which we process your personal data, including any legal, regulatory, accounting and reporting  obligations, the nature and amount of personal data that we hold about you, and the potential risk of harm to you from unauthorised use or disclosure of your personal data.

Where we process your personal data for direct marketing purposes, we will do so until you ask us to stop, and for a short period after this (to allow us to implement your request). We also keep a record of the fact that you have asked us not to send you direct marketing or to process your data indefinitely, so that we can respect your request.

Your rights in relation to personal data we hold about you 

You have several rights under EU data protection laws. These rights include the right to ask us for a copy of your personal data, to correct, delete or restrict processing of your personal data; to obtain the personal data you provide to us for a contract or with your consent in a structured, machine readable format, and to ask us to share (port) this data to another controller.

In addition, you can object to the processing of your personal data in some circumstances (in particular, where we don’t have to process your personal data to meet a contractual or other legal requirement, or where we are using the data for direct marketing).

These rights may be limited, for example, if complying with your request would reveal personal data about another person, where they would infringe the rights of a third party (including our rights) or if you ask us to delete information which we are required by law to keep or have compelling legitimate interests for keeping. We will inform you of any relevant exemptions we are relying on when we respond to your request.

How to Contact Us

Exercising your rights

To exercise your rights, or to withdraw your consent to processing, or to unsubscribe from receiving marketing communications from us, or if you have any questions about our privacy policy and about our processing of your personal data, you can:


Bird & Bird DPO Services SRL

Avenue Louise 235 box 1

1050 Brussels


Page Group 

Compliance Department

Plaza Europa 21 23, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, 08908

Barcelona – Spain

Questions and Complaints

If you wish to make a complaint, you can complete our complaint form here or email us or our DPO at [email protected].

If you have unresolved concerns, or believe that a personal data breach happened, you have the right to complain to your competent supervisory authority. A list of relevant authorities in the EEA can be accessed here.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

We may change this privacy policy at any time. If we do so, we will post updates on this site.


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Terms & Conditions

These website Terms and Conditions apply to your use of the website in conjunction with our PRIVACY POLICY. 

By using this website, you agree to comply with these Terms and Conditions as they apply from time to time. If you do not agree, please do not use the website.

Our recruitment services and our business relationship with you is also subject to our standard Terms and Conditions for clients and candidates, which can be provided by one of our specialist consultants when you are discussing your recruitment needs.

We may change these Terms and Conditions at our discretion and without notice and we suggest that you visit this page regularly to keep up to date with any changes.

Use of Website
The purpose of this website is to provide you with our services and general information. You must not breach any term of our Acceptable Use Policy set out below.

Links to or from other Sites

This Site contains links to external websites and there may be any number of automatic links to other sites, which may interest you. PageGroup does not accept any responsibility in respect of the content of those sites nor can it be assumed that PageGroup has reviewed or approved of such sites or their content, nor do we warrant that he links to these sites work or are up to date. 

The information and material on this website is intended to provide a general guide only. 

While PageGroup uses reasonable care in compiling and presenting the information and material on this website, we make no representation or warranty whatsoever regarding the accuracy, currency, completeness, adequacy, suitability or operation of this website, any services we may provide through it or the information or material it contains.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, PageGroup shall not be responsible or liable for:

(a) any loss, liability or damage suffered or incurred arising out of or in connection with any access to or use of this website or any of its content;

(b) any reliance on, or decision made on the basis of, information or material shown on or omitted from this website;

(c) any representation or otherwise in respect of the existence or availability of any job, vacancy, assignment or other engagement or appointment advertised on this website;

(d) any representation or otherwise that any employer or client will ask for a candidate's information, ask to interview or hire a candidate, or that any candidates will be available or will meet the needs of any employer or client;

(e) any breach of these Terms and Conditions by PageGroup caused by circumstances beyond its reasonable control;

(f) any fault, delays, interruptions or lack of availability of this website and any of  the services provided through this website, which may occur due to intermittent failures of this website or the need for repairs, maintenance or the introduction of new facilities or services;

(h) any representation that data provided through this website will be free of worms, viruses, Trojan horses or any other computer code that may adversely affect any communication;

(k) any information or material carried on any website operated by a third party which may be accessed from this website.

If any warranty cannot be excluded, to the maximum extent permitted by law, PageGroup’s liability will be limited to resupply of the relevant service, the cost of resupplying the service or the cost of repairing the services, at our option. In any event, PageGroup will not be responsible or liable for any indirect, consequential, incidental, exemplary, punitive or special damages, loss, liability or expense.

Signing up on our website
If you upload your CV, submit your CV, apply for a job,  sign up for Job Alerts, or create a My Page account  you must ensure that the details provided by you at that or at any other time are accurate, up to date and complete.

You must immediately update and inform us of any changes to your information that you whether it be by making relevant changes to your CV or by updating your personal details using the My Page facility, so that we can communicate with you effectively and provide accurate up to date information to potential employers..

If you sign up to use My Page you will be asked to create a password and a login. In order to prevent fraud, you must keep this password confidential and must not disclose it or share it with anyone. If you know or suspect that someone else knows your password, you should notify us immediately. We accept no liability for any unauthorised use.

By using this site, you are solely responsible for any and all occurrences, which includes maintaining up-to-date, correct, accurate and complete information on your My Page account and uploading materials which do not breach or infringe the Intellectual Property Rights of any third party.

If PageGroup has reason to believe that there is likely to be a breach of security or misuse of our website, we may require you to change your password or we may suspend you’re My Page account.

We may suspend or cancel your account immediately at our reasonable discretion or if you breach any of your obligations under these Terms and Conditions or the Privacy Policy.

You can delete your My Page account and any corresponding job alerts within the account at any time by logging into My Page and selecting the “Delete Account” link. 

The suspension or cancellation of your My Page account and your right to use the website shall not affect either party's statutory rights or liabilities.

Any information submitted may be accessed by PageGroup globally

Aggregate information
We may gather information and statistics collectively about all visitors to this Site which may include the information supplied by you which will help us to understand our users thereby creating a better recruitment process. 

We will not disclose individual names or identifying information. All data will be in aggregate form only. 

We believe this information helps us determine what is most beneficial for our users and how we can continually improve our online service. 

We may share this kind of aggregate data with selected third parties to assist with these purposes.  

Personal data is processed by us in accordance with our Privacy Policy. 

Intellectual Property
All trade marks, trade names, logos, information and material available on this website are the property of PageGroup and its licensors.

Any unauthorised reproduction is prohibited.

You may only access, use and print the information and material on this website for non-commercial or personal use provided that you keep intact all copyright and proprietary notices. 

You must not otherwise reproduce, adapt, store, transmit, print, display, commercialise, publish or create derivative works from any part of the content, format or design of this website.

If you seek to reproduce or otherwise use the content in any way it is your responsibility to obtain approval from us for such use where necessary.

Acceptable Use Policy
You must only use the services provided through this website for their stated purpose. You must not use the services provided by this website to:
(a) send, upload, display or disseminate or otherwise make available any unlawful, discriminatory, harassing, libellous, defamatory, abusive, threatening, harmful, offensive, obscene, tortious or otherwise objectionable material or otherwise breach any laws;

(b) display, upload or transmit material that encourages conduct that may constitute a criminal offence, result in civil liability or otherwise may breach any applicable laws, regulations or code of practice;

(c) interfere with any other person's privacy or use or enjoyment of this website;

(d) fraudulently or otherwise misrepresent yourself to be another person or a representative of another entity including, but not limited to, a PageGroup representative, or fraudulently or otherwise misrepresent that you have an affiliation with a person, entity or group;

Mislead or deceive PageGroup its representatives and any third parties who may rely on the information provided by you, by providing inaccurate or false information, which includes omissions of information.

(e) disguise the origin of any material transmitted through the services provided by the website (whether by forging message/packet headers or otherwise manipulating normal identification information);

(f) send, upload or otherwise make available material which infringes any intellectual or industrial property right of any person (such as copyright, trademarks, patents, or trade secrets, or other proprietary rights of any party);

(g) send, upload, display or disseminate or otherwise make available material containing or associated with spam, junk mail, advertising for pyramid schemes, chain letters, virus warnings (without first confirming the authenticity of the warning), or any other form of unauthorised advertising or promotional material;

(h) send, upload or otherwise make available material containing viruses, trojans or any other material designed to impair, destroy or interrupt the performance of any hardware or software;

(i) obtain unauthorised access to or interfere with the performance of the servers which provide the services or any servers on any associated networks or otherwise fail to comply with any policies or procedures relating to the use of those servers; or

(j) collect, whether aggregated or otherwise, data about other users of the services.

© PageGroup 2013.
March 2013

Privacy Policy

Michael Page International (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd and our related companies worldwide ("PageGroup") are committed to protecting the privacy of our candidates, clients and other users of our websites and services.

Where you provide us with your personal data, in person, by email, through this website or through any of our other international websites or offices, we will endeavour to ensure that such information remains private and is only used in accordance with this policy. By providing us with your personal data, you also consent for us to collect, hold, use and disclose your personal data in accordance with this policy. Michael Page International must comply with the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 in Malaysia and similar laws in the countries in which we operate.

1. Collection of Personal Data
PageGroup may collect your personal information from you, including (without limitation) your name, contact details, qualifications, work history, your right to work in a particular country, languages spoken, professional memberships and accreditations, your work objectives and other information from your CV. If you are to be considered for a particular position, we may also collect references from your nominated referees. All the personal data we collect is held, used and disclosed for the purposes set out below.

2. Use and Disclosure of Personal Data
PageGroup holds, uses and discloses your personal data for the following purposes:
(a) to provide our services to you;

(b) to maintain our business relationship, where you are a user of our  website, a client or candidate;

(c) to enable you to submit your CV generally, to apply for specific jobs or to subscribe to our Job Alerts;

(d) to match your coded details with job vacancies, to assist us in finding a position that is most suitable for you and, where you provide your prior consent as a candidate, to send your personal data to clients in order to apply for jobs;

(e) to answer your inquiry;

(f) to direct-market products and services, advise you of news and industry updates, events, promotions and competitions, reports and other information. Where we do so, you will be able to unsubscribe from such communications;

(g) where you are registered as a candidate on our database, your personal data will be accessible by our other offices internationally, in the UK, Europe, Asia Pacific and the Americas;

(h) to different parts of the PageGroup worldwide to enable the development and marketing of other products and services and to improve our customer service and to make our services more valuable to you, including tailoring our website when you log on to make it relevant to you personally;

(i) to trusted third parties where we have retained them to provide services that you have requested, such as psychometric evaluations or skills tests, and who also provide services to us, such as professional advisers, IT consultants, mailing houses and function co-ordinators. These third parties must comply with similar undertakings of privacy and confidentiality as PageGroup;

(j) if PageGroup merges with or is acquired by another business, we may share personal data with the new owners of the business and their advisers and if this happens, you will be sent notice of such an event;

(k) we may also release personal data to regulatory or law enforcement authorities, if they require us to do so; and

(l) we may also seek your consent to collect, hold, use and disclose your personal data for any other purpose not listed above.

3. Privacy on Our Websites
(a) Submitting Your Curriculum Vitae ("CV") and Applying for Jobs
You may submit your CV to PageGroup via this website, either for general consideration by our recruitment consultants for positions as they arise or to apply for a specific advertised job. Once submitted, your CV will be sent directly to the relevant PageGroup recruitment consultant who will review your details and advise you whether you are to be accepted by us for registration on our central database. This database, including your personal data, can be accessed by any of our recruitment consultants working in other offices of the PageGroup, both inside and outside Malaysia. If you are accepted onto our database, our recruitment consultants should then contact you to set up an interview in person. You can update your CV at any time, simply by following the same procedure to submit a new CV via our websites.

(b) Job Alerts
You may sign up to receive emails that alert you to new jobs on our website (Job Alerts). To subscribe to Job Alerts, you need to provide your email address, which will be used for the purpose of keeping you informed by email of the latest jobs and/or news in your nominated industry. If you no longer wish to receive Job Alerts, unsubscribe links are provided in every Job Alert email that you receive.

(c) Aggregate Information About Website Visitors
We gather information and statistics about all visitors to this and all of our websites worldwide, including the most frequently accessed pages and most frequently used services. We only use such data in aggregate form (that is, the information does not identify any one individual). This information helps us determine the most beneficial parts of our websites and ways in which we can continually improve our online services to create a better overall experience for our users. We also publish some of this aggregate (non-identifiable) information on the PageGroup websites worldwide.

(d) Cookies
PageGroup uses Google Analytics to collect information about how you use our websites. The information collected is used to improve how our websites work or the effectiveness of our web services to you. Information collected include (but not limited to) your login details, to track web traffic on an aggregate basis and to keep session information in cache to assist your use of our website, such as your last search (however, this information is disposed of every time you close your web browser). You may wish to opt out by turning off cookies (please refer to the help menu on your browser) however, switching off cookies will restrict your use of our websites. For more information on analytics cookies, please visit Google’s website

4. Access to Personal Data
You may request access to or updating of your personal data held at PageGroup by contacting the PageGroup privacy officer as set out below. We may ask to verify your identity and for more information about your request. Where we are legally permitted to do so, we may refuse your request and give you reasons for doing so. Where you request your personal data to be updated and there is a dispute about the facts, we will make a note on your personal data of such dispute. You may also request that PageGroup stops using your information and contacting you and we will comply with your request. However, if this involves a request for deletion of your file, please be aware that we may not be required or able to do so, particularly where your file also holds information about our clients. Where permitted to do so, we may charge an administrative fee for access and updating requests.

5. Security
PageGroup takes reasonable steps to keep personal data secure, accurate and up to date. The Internet is not always a secure method of transmitting information. Accordingly, while we seek to protect your personal data by implementing digital security systems in various parts of our website, PageGroup cannot accept responsibility for the security of information you send to or receive from us over the Internet or for any unauthorised access or use of that information. Where we have links to websites outside the PageGroup, we cannot ensure that your privacy will be protected in accordance with this policy. You should consult these other websites' privacy policies as we have no control over them and are not responsible for any information that is submitted to or collected by these third parties.

6. Changes to this Privacy Policy
PageGroup may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. We suggest that you visit our website regularly to keep up to date with any changes. 

7. Contact
You can contact our Privacy Officer as follows:

[email protected]
Michael Page International (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
Level 27, Integra Tower, The Intermark
348 Jalan Tun Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur

Tel +603 2302 400


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Información legal

Aviso de Privacidad.

En cumplimiento con lo dispuesto por la Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares (LFPDP), Michael Page International México Reclutamiento Especializado S.A. de C.V., con domicilio social en Av. Paseo de la Reforma 115 piso 10, Of. 1001, Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, C.P. 11000 y RFC número MPI060518NQ3 (en adelante, MICHAEL PAGE), informa a los usuarios de la existencia de un registro, base de datos y/o fichero de carácter personal en el que se contienen datos personales tales como nombre, apellidos, correos electrónicos, y todos aquellos datos que el usuario proporcione a MICHAEL PAGE en su CV (en adelante “Datos Personales”). MICHAEL PAGE, a través de la persona designada y encargada para tal efecto, es responsable de la utilización de los Datos Personales, los cuales serán empleados con la finalidad de permitir la plena prestación de los servicios objeto de la actividad de MICHAEL PAGE. Por lo anterior, los Datos Personales que sean proporcionados por los usuarios serán empleados por MICHAEL PAGE en el proceso de evaluación y selección de candidatos y contratación de personal por lo que el usuario autoriza a MICHAEL PAGE a compartir los Datos Personales con terceras personas en virtud de que así lo requieren los servicios que MICHAEL PAGE presta a sus diversos clientes y de acuerdo con su objeto social. Mediante la cesión de los Datos Personales el usuario autoriza el tratamiento, la cesión y/o divulgación, en su caso, de dichos datos a fin de que se puedan facilitar las ofertas de empleo que mejor se adapten a los objetivos de los usuarios. MICHAEL PAGE informa a los usuarios que los Datos Personales de los usuarios recibirán tratamiento secreto y confidencial por parte de MICHAEL PAGE, quien adoptará para tal efecto las medidas necesarias para evitar su alteración, pérdida, tratamiento o acceso no autorizado habida cuenta del estado de la tecnología por lo que ha instrumentado las medidas de seguridad, administrativas, técnicas físicas que se requieran para proteger los Datos Personales. El usuario al momento de ingresar sus Datos Personales en el sistema que para tal efecto tiene MICHAEL PAGE y a través de su página de internet fue informado del contenido del presente Aviso de Privacidad, asimismo, al ingresar los Datos Personales se entiende que el usuario ha manifestado su conformidad con el presente Aviso de Privacidad y ha otorgado su consentimiento para que MICHAEL PAGE utilice los mencionados datos en términos del presente aviso. Por su parte, el usuario declara que los Datos Personales suministrados son exactos, auténticos y completos y son responsabilidad del usuario que ingresó dichos datos por lo que se libera a MICHAEL PAGE de cualquier responsabilidad relacionada al respecto. El usuario será responsable de la exactitud, veracidad, autenticidad y vigencia de dichos Datos Personales. En términos de la LFPDP, el usuario podrá requerir a MICHAEL PAGE el acceso, rectificación, cancelación u oposición (ARCO) de los Datos Personales que MICHAEL PAGE conserva del usuario o cualquier otro derecho que le confiera la LFPDP o cualquier otra legislación o reglamento aplicable, incluyendo la posibilidad de revocar su consentimiento en términos del último párrafo del artículo 8 de la LFPDP. Para estos efectos, el usuario deberá enviar una solicitud en términos de la LFPDP al siguiente correo electrónico [[email protected]] a fin de que MICHAEL PAGE pueda procesar dicha solicitud de conformidad con lo establecido en la LFPDP. MICHAEL PAGE dejará de emplear los Datos Personales en caso de que exista una solicitud de revocación de consentimiento. Cualquier modificación al presente Aviso de Privacidad será notificado a los usuarios mediante la página electrónica de MICHAEL PAGE. El usuario y MICHAEL PAGE acuerdan sujetarse a las disposiciones de LFPDP y a cualquier otra legislación o reglamento relacionado. En caso de controversia están de acuerdo en sujetarse a los tribunales competentes de la Ciudad de México, por lo que renuncian desde ahora al fuero que pudiera corresponderles en razón de sus domicilios presentes o futuros.


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Terms & Conditions

These Terms and Conditions govern your use of the Michael Page International website at ("Michael Page Site") and your relationship with Michael Page International ("Michael Page International", "we" or "us"). Please read them carefully as they affect your rights and liabilities under the law. If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions, please do not use the Michael Page Site. If you have any questions on the Terms and Conditions, please contact [email protected].
If you are seeking to instruct Michael Page International for the provision of recruitment services, our standard terms and conditions shall apply (copy available upon request).
Use of the Michael Page Site
We operate the Michael Page Site to assist you in understanding Michael Page International's services and in communicating with us. 
The Michael Page Site is provided for your personal use subject to these Terms and Conditions. By accessing or using the Michael Page Site, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.
We may update these Terms and Conditions from time to time for legal or regulatory reasons or to allow the proper operation of the Michael Page Site.  We will make reasonable efforts to notify you of any changes. The changes will apply to the use of the Michael Page Site after we have given notice. If you do not wish to accept the new Terms and Conditions you should not continue to use the Michael Page Site. If you continue to use the Michael Page Site after the date on which the change comes into effect, your use of the Michael Page Site indicates your agreement to be bound by the new Terms and Conditions.
Your use of the Michael Page Site
You may not use the Michael Page Site for any of the following purposes:
  • disseminating any unlawful, harassing, libellous, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene, or otherwise objectionable material or otherwise breaching any laws;
  • transmitting material that encourages conduct that constitutes a criminal offence, results in civil liability or otherwise breaches any applicable laws, regulations or code of practice;
  • interfering with any other person's use or enjoyment of the Michael Page Site; or
  • making, transmitting or storing electronic copies of materials protected by copyright without the permission of the owner.
You will be responsible for our losses and costs resulting from your breach of this clause.
By submitting information through the Michael Page Site you agree and acknowledge that while we may contact you in response to the information you provide, we are not obliged to provide you with any particular product or services.
In order to access to receive job alerts you must register on the Michael Page Site. If you register, you must ensure that the details provided by you on registration or at any time are correct and complete.
You must inform us immediately of any changes to the information that you provided when registering by updating your personal details in order that we can communicate with you effectively.
If you register to use the Michael Page Site you will be asked to create a password. In order to prevent fraud, you must keep this password confidential and must not disclose it or share it with anyone. If you know or suspect that someone else knows your password you should notify us by contacting [email protected] immediately.
If Michael Page International has reason to believe that there is likely to be a breach of security or misuse of the Michael Page Site, we may require you to change your password or we may suspend your account.
Right to suspend or cancel your registration
We may suspend or cancel your registration immediately at our reasonable discretion or if you breach any of your obligations under these Terms and Conditions.
You can cancel your registration at any time by logging onto the Michael Page Site through the "unsubscribe" link contained in the last Job Alerts email you received.
The suspension or cancellation of your registration and your right to use the Michael Page Site shall not affect either party's statutory rights or liabilities.
Whilst Michael Page International uses reasonable care in compiling and presenting the content found on the Michael Page Site, it is provided purely for information and you should seek further guidance and make independent enquiries before relying upon it.  If Michael Page International is informed of any inaccuracies in the material on the Michael Page Site we will attempt to correct the inaccuracies as soon as we reasonably can.
If we are in breach of these Terms and Conditions, we will only be responsible for any losses that you suffer to the extent that they are a foreseeable consequence to both of us.  Our liability shall not in any event include business losses such as lost data, lost profits or business interruption.
These Terms and Conditions shall not limit or affect our liability if something we do negligently causes death or personal injury.
Michael Page International makes no representation or warranty in respect of any of the following:
the existence or availability of any appointment advertised on the Michael Page Site;
that any employer or client will ask for your CV, ask to interview you or recruit you;
that any employer or client will keep confidential any of your information or data provided to that employer or client; or
the final terms and duration of any appointment obtained through the Michael Page Site.
Availability of the Michael Page Site
We cannot guarantee that the service will be fault-free. If a fault occurs in the service you should report it to You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms and Conditions to any other person. We may transfer our rights under these Terms and Conditions to another business where we reasonably believe your rights will not be affected.
If you breach these Terms and Conditions and Michael Page International chooses to ignore this, Michael Page International will still be entitled to use its rights and remedies at a later date or in any other situation where you breach the Terms and Conditions.
Michael Page International shall not be responsible for any breach of these Terms and Conditions caused by circumstances beyond its reasonable control.
The Michael Page Site is owned and operated Michael Page International.
If you have any queries, please contact [email protected]
Michael Page International (UAE) Limited, Registration No. [0207] a DIFC registered company.

Standard Conditions for Recruitment Services

Standard Conditions for Permanent Candidates

1.        All and any business undertaken by Michael Page International (UAE) Ltd , (“MP”) is transacted subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set out. MP is acting in the capacity of an employment agency.

2.        Upon provision, by the work-seeker (“Candidate”), of a full and accurate Curriculum Vitae, MP shall, at its sole discretion, search for suitable employment positions on behalf of the Candidate.

3.        Before any work finding services are provided the Candidate shall provide MP with satisfactory evidence of the Candidate’s identity which shall include, but not be limited to, a certified copy of the Candidate’s passport or birth certificate.

4.        The Candidate shall also provide MP with:

(a)       up to date copies of qualifications and/or authorisations; and

(b)       the names of two referees (who are not relatives of the Candidate) who the Candidate agrees that MP may approach at any time for the purpose of obtaining references about the Candidate.

5.        The Candidate consents to the disclosure of all relevant information (which is reasonably required to progress any application) including but not limited to copies of qualifications, authorisations and/or references by MP to the Client.

6.        The Candidate shall immediately inform MP should there be any reason or circumstance under which it would be detrimental to the interests of MP, the Client or the Candidate for the Candidate to take up a particular position with a Client.

7.        MP shall be under no obligation to find employment for the Candidate.

8.        The Candidate should not engage in any conduct which is detrimental to the interests of MP, would negatively affect MP’s relationship with the Client or is likely to bring MP into disrepute.

9.        The Candidate having any complaint in connection with the work finding services shall have the right to present a complaint in writing to a Director or Senior Manager of MP.

10.      If, following an introduction from MP, the Candidate receives an offer of employment or engagement to work for or with a Client introduced by MP, the Candidate shall inform MP immediately and provide MP with full details of the offer including a copy of the offer letter/contract of employment if requested.

11.      An offer of employment is not made until written details are received from the Client. MP does not accept any responsibility and shall not be liable for any loss suffered by the Candidate by reason of the Candidate’s decision to resign from his/her current

Privacy Policy

Data Protection and Privacy Policy

Michael Page International's online service is committed to protecting the privacy of our users. We want to provide a safe and secure user experience.  We will ensure that the information you submit to us via our website at ("The Michael Page International Site") remains private, and is only used for the purposes set out in this policy.

The Information We Collect and How We Use It

Your personal details, including your name, e-mail address and CV, are held and used by us for the following purposes:

  • For matching your coded details with job vacancies, to assist us in finding you the position that most suits you;
  • For keeping you informed of Michael Page services, news and wider developments in your chosen field;
  • For tailoring the version of our website you see when you log on to make it relevant to you; and/or
  • For compiling salary and other surveys of our candidates.

Disclosures of your information

We will share your information within the Michael Page International group of companies where necessary in order to provide you with our recruitment services.

It is possible that Michael Page International could merge or be acquired by another business. If this happens, we may share the information that relates to you with the new owners of the business and their advisers. You will be sent notice of such an event.

Your CV and related information will be sent to prospective employers but only where you give your consent. Such employers may be located both inside and outside the United Arab Emirates.

We may also release information relating to you to regulatory or law enforcement authorities, if required to do so. We also reserve the right to disclose the information we have collected about you to our professional advisors and to other persons to the extent that Michael Page International contracts out any aspect of the operation of its recruitment agency services.  These third parties will be acting under similar undertakings of confidentiality as Michael Page International.

Job Alerts

To subscribe to job alerts emails, you will be required to provide your e-mail address, which will be used for the purpose of keeping you informed, by e-mail, of the latest jobs in your nominated industry and/or industry news via job alerts.

Should you decide that you no longer wish to receive this information, unsubscribe links are provided in every job alert email that you receive.

Curriculum vitae ("CV")

We give you the option of submitting your CV via this website. You can do this either to apply for a specific advertised job or for consideration by our recruitment consultants for positions as they come up.  Although your CV will be stored online, it will only be accessible by Michael Page International group recruitment consultants, working both inside and outside the United Arab Emirates. Your CV will also be e-mailed directly to our recruitment consultants who review your details and enter them onto our central in-house database. This database, including the information relating to you, can be accessed by any of our recruitment consultants working in other offices of the Michael Page International group, both inside and outside the United Arab Emirates.

You can update your CV at any time, simply by following the same procedure to submit a new CV. Your old CV will automatically be replaced. 

Aggregate information about Michael Page International online visitors

We gather information and statistics collectively about all visitors to this website and all of the Michael Page websites worldwide, for example, which area users access most frequently and which services users access the most. We only use such data in the aggregate form. This information helps us determine what is most beneficial for our users and how we can continually improve our online services to create a better overall experience for our users.  We also publish some of this information on the Michael Page websites worldwide.

Use of Cookies

A cookie is a small data file which is sent from a web server to a web browser when that browser visits the server's site. Find out more about the use of cookies Cookies are used on the website to remember your login, to track web traffic on an aggregate basis so that no individuals are identified, to keep session information such as your last search (this information is disposed of every time you close your web browser). Most browsers allow you to turn off cookies. If you want to know how to do this, please look at the help menu on your browser. However, switching off cookies will restrict your use of our website.  


You have the right at any time to ask us for a copy of the information supplied by you that we hold. We have the right to charge an administrative fee for this service. If you would like to make a request for information, please contact [email protected] You also have the right to ask Michael Page International to stop using your information.

Other websites

Please note that clicking on to links and banner advertisements may result in your transferral to another website, where data privacy practices may be different to that of Michael Page International. Visitors should consult the other websites' privacy policies as we are not responsible for, and have no control over, information that is submitted to or collected by these third parties.

Internet-based transfers

Given that the Internet is a global environment, using the Internet to collect and process personal data necessarily involves the transmission of data on an international basis. Therefore, by browsing this web site and communicating electronically with us, you acknowledge and agree to our processing of personal data in this way.

Changes to our privacy policy

This privacy policy may be changed by Michael Page International at any time. If we change our privacy policy in the future, we will set out those changes here, so that you will always know what personal information we gather, the purposes we might use it for and to whom we might disclose it.
If, at any time, you have questions or concerns about Michael Page International's online privacy commitment, please feel free to e-mail us at [email protected] or call your local office to speak to one of our representatives.

Equal opportunities

Michael Page International is an equal opportunities employer and a company committed to diversity.  This means that all job applicants and members of staff will receive equal treatment and that we will not discriminate on grounds of gender, marital status, race, ethnic origin, colour, nationality, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, religion or age.

As part of our commitment to equal opportunities we may from time to time use information provided by you for the purposes of diversity monitoring. Any such information will be used on an anonymised basis in accordance with the terms of our Privacy Policy.


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Privacy Policy

Wie zijn we en hoe verwerken we uw persoonsgegevens

PageGroup inclusief haar dochterondernemingen (hierna gezamenlijk: "PageGroup", "ons", of "wij") is een gespecialiseerd rekruteringsbedrijf dat actief is onder de merknamen Michael Page, Page Personnel, Page Executive en Page Outsourcing. De bescherming van uw persoonsgegevens is belangrijk voor ons. Dit Privacybeleid informeert u over de categorieën persoonsgegevens die we verzamelen, de doeleinden waarvoor we ze gebruiken en hoe we uw gegevens verwerken, wanneer u onze website bezoekt, wanneer u bij ons solliciteert, wanneer we onszelf aan u voor-stellen, wanneer we wervings- en arbeidsbemiddelingsdiensten aan u verlenen, wanneer we in contact blijven nadat we u een dienst hebben ge-leverd of wanneer u ons een dienst verleent. De volgende informatie is voor u bedoeld als u tot een van de volgende categorieën personen be-hoort:

  • • kandidaten voor wie wij arbeidsbemiddeling verzorgen of die bij ons solliciteren naar een vacature en contact met ons opnemen via onze website, vacaturebanken, sociale mediapagina's of via andere bronnen;
  • • klanten en hun contacten met wie we een zakelijke relatie hebben en die we helpen bij het invullen van vacatures;
  • • potentiële kandidaten en potentiële klanten en hun zakenrelaties die we contacteren om onze producten en diensten te presenteren;
  • • serviceproviders en hun contactpersonen die verschillende diensten aan ons leveren;
  • • gebruikers van onze websites en apps

(gezamenlijk "u" of "uw" genoemd).


De verwerkingsverantwoordelijke van uw gegevens is het PageGroup-bedrijf dat contact met u opneemt en op eigen verantwoordelijkheid gege-vens van u verwerkt wanneer u de website bezoekt, wanneer dit bedrijf wervings- en tewerkstellingsdiensten aan u verleent, de relatie met u on-derhoudt nadat zij een baan voor u heeft gevonden, u in dienst neemt voor een vacante functie of wanneer u een dienst verleent aan het desbe-treffende bedrijf. Voor inzage van de volledige lijst van Europese dochterondernemingen van PageGroup, inclusief hun contactgegevens, klikt u hier.

Details van gegevensverwerking

Hieronder vindt u een overzicht van welke persoonsgegevens we precies over u verwerken, voor welke doeleinden, gebaseerd op welke rechts-grondslag en waar we deze gegevens verzamelen.

Als u ons uw persoonsgegevens niet verstrekt, ook al moeten we deze vergaren om een bestelling van u te verwerken of een contract met u na te komen, of omdat we hiertoe wettelijk verplicht zijn, dan kan het zijn dat we uw bestelling moeten weigeren of onze contractuele verplichtin-gen jegens u niet kunnen nakomen.

Gebruikers van onze websites of apps



Wettelijke basis

Verzamelen van uw gegevens

Ontvangers van uw gegevens

Wanneer u onze website of app bezoekt, verwerken wij uw gegevens voor de volgende doeleinden:

  • Het openen van de website/app 
  • Zorgen voor een soepele verbinding,
  • Het waarborgen en optimaliseren van de prestaties van onze website en de gebruiksvriendelijkheid van onze website
  • De veiligheid en stabiliteit van het systeem waarborgen en evalueren

In deze context gebruiken we ook verschillende cookies en andere technologieën. Raadpleeg ons Cookiebeleid voor meer informatie.

In deze context verwerken we de volgende gegevens:

  • IP-adres van het aanvragende op het internet aangesloten apparaat
  • Datum en tijd van toegang
  • Naam en URL van het opgehaalde bestand,
  • Website/toepassing van waaruit de toegang werd verkregen (verwijzende URL), de browser die u gebruikt en, indien van toepassing, het besturingssysteem van uw op het internet aangesloten computer.
  • Naam van uw toegangsprovider

De gegevensverwerking is gebaseerd op de volgende rechtsgrondslagen:

Art. 6 (1) (b) AVG- opstellen, uitvoeren of beëindigen van uw contract

Art. 6 (1) (f) AVG- ons legitiem belang in de veiligheid, stabiliteit en bruikbaarheid van onze website

Art. 6 (1) (a) AVG - uw toestemming

We verzamelen de gegevens rechtstreeks bij u.

In het kader van deze gegevensverwerking is het mogelijk dat de volgende interne en externe dienstverleners inzage hebben in uw gegevens:

  • IT Dienstverleners
  • Leverancier van hulpprogramma's voor gegevensanalyse
  • Dienstverlener voor marketing

Wij verwerken uw gegevens om u gepersonaliseerde reclame op de website te kunnen aanbieden op basis van uw surfgedrag. Hiervoor gebruiken we verschillende cookies en andere technologieën. Raadpleeg ons Cookiebeleid voor meer informatie.

In deze context verwerken we de volgende gegevens:

  • IP-adres van het aanvragende op het internet aangesloten apparaat,
  • Datum en tijd van inzage,
  • Naam en URL van het opgehaalde bestand,
  • Website/toepassing van waaruit de toegang werd verkregen (verwijzende URL), de browser die u hebt gebruikt en, indien van toepassing, het besturingssysteem van uw op het internet aangesloten computer,
  • Naam van uw toegangsprovider

De gegevensverwerking is gebaseerd op de volgende rechtsgrondslag:

Art. 6 (1) (a) AVG - uw toestemming

We verzamelen de gegevens rechtstreeks bij u.

In het kader van deze gegevensverwerking is het mogelijk dat de volgende interne of externe dienstverleners inzage hebben in uw gegevens:

  • IT Dienstverleners
  • Leveranciers van analysetools
  • Marketingbedrijven




Rechtsgrondslag/wetmatig belang

Verzamelen van uw gegevens

Categorieën van ontvangers

Wij verwerken uw gegevens om u diensten op het gebied van tewerkstelling en arbeidsbemiddeling aan te bieden of om een sollicitatieprocedure met u uit te voeren om een arbeidsrelatie met u tot stand te brengen.

In deze context kunnen we uw gegevens gebruiken om met u te communiceren, uw vragen te beantwoorden, uw CV te analyseren en een geschikte functie voor u te vinden, een kandidatenprofiel voor u aan te maken, salarisadvies te geven, sollicitatiegesprekken te regelen, bekwaamheidstesten met u uit te voeren en uw sollicitatiedocumenten door te sturen naar de werkgever van uw keuze.

In deze context kunnen we de volgende gegevens verwerken:

  • Naam en adres
  • Telefoonnummer
  • Email adres
  • Informatie in uw CV
  • Informatie over uw opleidingstraject
  • Referenties
  • Professionele ervaring
  • Job referenties
  • Salarisverwachtingen,
  • Loopbaanambities
  • Resultaten van beveiligingsaudits
  • Nationaliteit
  • Verblijfs- en werkvergunning
  • Foto's
  • Taalvaardigheden,
  • Testresultaten van beoordelingscentra,
  • In bepaalde gevallen worden bijzondere gegevenscategorieën gebruikt, zoals:
  • Handicap,
  • Informatie over gezondheid,
  • Arbeidsgeneeskundige onderzoeken,
  • Veroordelingen, strafbare feiten,

De gegevensverwerking is gebaseerd op de volgende rechtsgrondslagen:

Art. 6 (1) (b) AVG - opstellen, uitvoeren of beëindigen van uw contract

Art. 6 (1) (c) AVG - naleving van wettelijke verplichtingen op het gebied van arbeids- en sociaal recht

Art. 6 (1) (f) AVG - ons gerechtvaardigd belang bij efficiënte organisatorische werkprocessen, het delen van werk en diensten binnen de PageGroup en ons legitiem belang bij het onderhouden van onze klantrelatie met u.

Wij verwerken uw gegevens in verband met bijzondere categorieën alleen op basis van uw toestemming conform Art. 6 (1) (a) AVG en voor zover we daartoe verplicht zijn om redenen van arbeids- en sociaal recht, en tot slot om redenen van gelijke kansen. In deze gevallen baseren we de verwerking van uw gegevens op Art. 9 (2) (b), (g) en (h) AVG.

We verzamelen de gegevens rechtstreeks bij u.

Daarnaast kunnen we uw gegevens ook van derden verzamelen, namelijk van

  • Referenties, bijvoorbeeld van vorige werkgevers of voormalige klanten om uw referenties en kwalificaties te bevestigen
  • Onderwijsinstellingen
  • Publiek toegankelijke professionele netwerken, zoals LinkedIn, StepStone of Xing, om de informatie die wij al over u hebben te vergroten, zodat we een betere kans hebben om geschikte functies voor u te vinden;
  • Klanten aan wie wij uw CV hebben verstrekt en die contact met u hebben gehad in het kader van uw sollicitatie.

We nemen alleen contact op met de referentieverstrekkers die u tijdens de sollicitatieprocedure en onze diensten hebt aangegeven.

Om onze diensten voor arbeidsbemiddeling aan te bieden, kunnen we persoonlijke informatie over u delen met potentiële werkgevers die vacatures aanbieden waarin u geïnteresseerd bent.

In het kader van de hier beschreven gegevensverwerking is het ook mogelijk dat zowel interne als externe dienstverleners inzage hebben in uw gegevens. Hieronder vallen zowel verwerkers als onze verwerkingsverantwoordelijken uit de volgende sectoren:

  • IT-ondersteuning
  • Hosting, IT-dienst
  • IT-oplossingen om de servicekwaliteit te verbeteren
  • Gegevensanalyse
  • Ondersteuning bij werving
  • Verkoop
  • Administratie en management van wereldwijde, regionale of leidinggevende posities of de ontwikkeling van belangrijke klanten binnen de Page Group
  • Scheepvaart- en logistieke bedrijven
  • Telecommunicatieproviders
  • Aanbieders van professionele netwerken
  • Aanbieders van psychometrische beoordelingen of vaardigheidstests

Onze contractanten zijn door ons contractueel verplicht tot geheimhouding en naleving van de normen en verordeningen betreffende gegevensbescherming.

Wij verwerken uw gegevens wanneer u zich bij ons registreert en uw sollicitatiegegevens aan ons en eventueel aan potentiële werkgevers beschikbaar stelt.

Als u zich bij verschillende PageGroup-bedrijven registreert, combineren we de door u verstrekte gegevens tot één gegevensrecord en één kandidatenaccount. Een dergelijk afzonderlijk gegevensbestand voorkomt dubbelmeldingen en verhoogt de juistheid van de persoonsgegevens. Voor deze doeleinden zullen de betrokken PageGroup bedrijven uw persoonsgegevens delen als onafhankelijke verwerkingsverantwoordelijken.

In deze context kunnen we de volgende gegevens verwerken:

  • Naam en adres
  • Telefoonnummer
  • Email adres
  • Informatie in uw CV
  • Informatie over uw opleidingstraject
  • Referenties
  • Professionele ervaring
  • Job referenties
  • Salarisverwachtingen,
  • Loopbaanambities
  • In bepaalde gevallen worden bijzondere gegevenscategorieën gebruikt, zoals:
  • Handicap,
  • Gezondheidsinformatie,
  • Veroordelingen, strafbare feiten

De gegevensverwerking is gebaseerd op de volgende rechtsgrondslagen:

Art. 6 (1) (b) AVG - opstellen, uitvoeren of beëindigen van de gebruikersovereenkomst met u voor het leveren van onze kandidaatregistratie-dienst.

Art. 6 (1) (f) AVG - ons gerechtvaardigd belang bij efficiënte organisatorische werkprocessen, bij het delen van werk en diensten binnen de PageGroup en ons legitiem belang bij het onderhouden van onze klantrelatie met u.

In dit geval verwerken we uw bijzondere gegevenscategorieën alleen op basis van uw toestemming volgens Art. 6 (1) (a), Art. 9 (2) (a) AVG.

We verzamelen de gegevens rechtstreeks bij u.

Als u solliciteert naar een specifieke functie, geven we uw sollicitatiegegevens door aan de potentiële werkgever die u hebt gevraagd.

In het kader van de hier beschreven gegevensverwerking is het ook mogelijk dat de hierboven beschreven interne en externe dienstverleners inzage hebben in uw gegevens.

Wij verwerken uw gegevens om u promotionele informatienieuwsbrieven en andere elektronische promotionele informatie te sturen , om u op de hoogte te houden van vacatures, brancherapporten en -inzichten, evenementen, gebeurtenissen en andere inhoud.

In deze context kunnen we de volgende gegevens verwerken:

  • Naam,
  • Email adres
  • Telefoonnummer
  • Uw marketinginformatie en functievoorkeuren

De gegevensverwerking is gebaseerd op de volgende rechtsgrondslagen:

Art. 6 (1) (a) AVG - uw toestemming

Art. 6 (1) (f) AVG - ons rechtmatig belang in direct- marketing maatregelen en het verzenden van reclame-inhoud

We verzamelen de gegevens rechtstreeks bij u.

In het kader van de hier beschreven gegevensverwerking is het mogelijk dat zowel interne als externe dienstverleners uit de volgende gebieden inzage hebben in uw gegevens:

  • Marketing
  • Verkoop
  • IT-oplossingen
  • IT-ondersteuning
  • Post- en verzendingsdiensten
  • Telecommunicatie
  • Gegevensanalyse

We verwerken uw gegevens om u tevredenheidsenquêtes te sturen om na te gaan of u tevreden bent met onze diensten, om onze bestaande diensten te verbeteren en om nieuwe diensten te ontwikkelen.

In deze context kunnen we de volgende gegevens verwerken:

  • Naam
  • Email adres
  • Eerdere arbeidsbemiddelingen en verleende diensten
  • Uw informatie in de tevredenheidsenquête

De gegevensverwerking is gebaseerd op de volgende rechtsgrondslagen:

Art. 6 (1) (a) AVG - uw toestemming

Art. 6 (1) (f) AVG- ons legitiem belang in direct- marketing maatregelen en het verzenden van reclame-inhoud, evenals de verbetering en ontwikkeling van onze diensten

We verzamelen de gegevens rechtstreeks bij u.

In het kader van de hier beschreven gegevensverwerking is het mogelijk dat zowel interne als externe dienstverleners uit de volgende gebieden inzage hebben in uw gegevens:

  • Marketing
  • Verkoop
  • IT-oplossingen
  • IT-ondersteuning
  • Post- en verzendingsdiensten
  • Telecommunicatie
  • Gegevensanalyse
  • Serviceprovider voor het uitvoeren van enquêtes
  • Serviceprovider voor het uitvoeren van test- en ontwikkelingsactiviteiten, het leveren van onderzoek, mailing of andere direct-marketingdiensten.

In bepaalde gevallen kan het nodig zijn dat wij de door u verstrekte informatie over uw werkervaring controleren, of dat we nagaan of u over de kwalificaties en de vereiste betrouwbaarheid beschikt voor een specifieke functie. In deze gevallen voeren we zogenaamde achtergrondcontroles uit. Hiervoor raadplegen we referentieleveranciers en vroegere onderwijsinstellingen. Daarnaast voeren we internetonderzoek uit met behulp van zoekprogramma's en publiek toegankelijke online databases. Bovendien bestuderen we de nationale en internationale pers.

Alleen in zeer beperkte gevallen en alleen voor zover we daartoe wettelijk verplicht zijn, vergelijken we uw hoofdgegevens met sanctielijsten en andere openbare lijsten en registers, waaronder terreur- en embargolijsten en PEP-lijsten (Politiek Prominent Persoon).

In deze context kunnen we de volgende gegevens verwerken:

  • Naam en adres
  • Telefoonnummer
  • Email adres
  • Informatie in uw CV
  • Informatie over uw opleidingstraject
  • Referenties
  • Professionele ervaring
  • Job referenties
  • Resultaten van beveiligingsaudits
  • Nationaliteit
  • Verblijfs- en werkvergunning
  • Foto's
  • Taalvaardigheden
  • Testresultaten van het beoordelingscentrum
  • Veroordelingen, strafbare feiten (bijv. arbeidsfraude, economische criminaliteit, georganiseerde misdaad)
  • Inbreuken op de mededingings- of antitrustwetgeving
  • Overtredingen van andere wettelijke vereisten of verordeningen.
  • Insolventies
  • Bestaande belangenconflicten

De gegevensverwerking is gebaseerd op de volgende rechtsgrondslagen:

Art. 6 (1) (a) AVG - uw toestemming

Art. 6 (1) (c) AVG - onze wettelijke verplichting om achtergrondcontroles uit te voeren

Art. 6 (1) (b) AVG- Opstelling, uitvoering of beëindiging van uw contract

Art. 6 (1) (f) AVG- ons gerechtvaardigd belang bij het uitvoeren van achtergrondcontroles om uw informatie te verifiëren, ons wetmatig belang bij het uitvoeren van achtergrondcontroles om te voldoen aan wettelijke verplichtingen van onze klanten, het legitiem belang van onze klanten bij het uitvoeren van achtergrondcontroles om de vereiste geschiktheid en betrouwbaarheid voor speciale functies en de verificatie van uw informatie te waarborgen.

We verzamelen de gegevens rechtstreeks bij u.

Daarnaast kunnen we uw gegevens ook verzamelen van derden, namelijk:

  • Referentieverstrekkers, zoals uw vorige werkgevers of voormalige klanten om uw gegevens te controleren
  • Onderwijsinstellingen - om uw academische kwalificaties te controleren;
  • openbaar beschikbare professionele bronnen zoals LinkedIn, Xing of StepStone, enz.
  • Sanctielijsten en andere openbare lijsten en registers, waaronder terreur- en embargolijsten en PEP-lijsten
  • Openbare bron, telefoongidsen, krantenartikelen
  • Algemeen toegankelijke databases

We nemen alleen contact op met de referentieverstrekkers die u tijdens het selectieproces en dienstverlening aan ons hebt aangegeven.

In het kader van de hier beschreven gegevensverwerking is het mogelijk dat zowel interne als externe dienstverleners uit de volgende gebieden inzage hebben in uw gegevens:

  • IT -beveiliging
  • IT-oplossingen
  • Hosting
  • Telecommunicatie
  • Dienstverlener die de werkreferenties controleert
  • Dienstverlener die de kwalificaties controleert
  • Dienstverlener om beoordeling uit te voeren in verband met strafrechtelijke veroordelingen (indien vereist)
  • Serviceprovider om de door u verstrekte informatie uit bronnen van derden te verifiëren
  • Dienstverlener die psychometrische evaluaties of vaardigheidstests uitvoert

Onze contractanten zijn door ons contractueel verplicht tot geheimhouding en naleving van de normen en verordeningen betreffende gegevensbescherming.

Enquêtes houden over talent-trends

Om onze diensten voortdurend te verbeteren en up-to-date te houden, zullen we u selectief uitnodigen om deel te nemen aan enquêtes over talent-trends.

In deze context kunnen we de volgende gegevens verwerken:

  • Naam
  • Eerdere arbeidsbemiddelingen en verleende diensten
  • Email adres
  • Informatie in de enquête

De gegevensverwerking is gebaseerd op de volgende rechtsgrondslagen:

Art. 6 (1) (a) AVG - uw toestemming

Art. 6 (1) (f) AVG - ons legitiem belang om actuele trends in talent te identificeren en onze diensten en aanbiedingen verder te ontwikkelen.

We verzamelen de gegevens rechtstreeks bij u.

In het kader van de hier beschreven gegevensverwerking is het mogelijk dat zowel interne als externe dienstverleners uit de volgende gebieden inzage hebben in uw gegevens:

  • Marketing
  • Marktonderzoek
  • Marktanalyse
  • Verkoop
  • IT-oplossingen
  • IT-ondersteuning
  • Post- en verzendingsdiensten
  • Telecommunicatie
  • Gegevensanalyse

Potentiële kandidaten en klanten



Rechtsgrondslag/wetmatig belang

Verzamelen van gegevens

Categorieën van ontvangers

We verwerken uw persoonsgegevens om u onze diensten aan te kunnen bieden, contact met u op te kunnen nemen en uw vragen te kunnen beantwoorden. Wij verwerken de persoonsgegevens die u ons verstrekt wanneer u contact met ons opneemt en een vraag stelt. Daarnaast kunnen we gegevens over u verwerken die zijn verkregen uit openbaar beschikbare bronnen en uit professionele en sociale netwerken, zoals LinkedIn, Xing, StepStone, bedrijfs- of andere vacaturebanken, om u te contacteren als we denken dat u geïnteresseerd zou kunnen zijn in onze arbeidsbemiddelingsdiensten.

Daarnaast is het ook mogelijk dat u aanbevolen werd door een andere kandidaat of klant en dat we contact met u opnemen.

Als u optreedt als zakelijk contactpersoon namens een bedrijf, verwerken we uw professionele contactgegevens.

In deze context kunnen we de volgende gegevens verwerken:

  • Naam en adres
  • Positie in het bedrijf
  • Telefoonnummer
  • Email adres
  • Professionele contactgegevens
  • Naam van het bedrijf waarvoor u werkt,
  • Informatie in uw CV, functieprofiel, bedrijfsprofiel
  • Informatie over uw opleidingstraject,
  • Referenties,
  • Werkervaring,
  • Werkreferenties,
  • Salarisverwachtingen,
  • Loopbaanambities,
  • Open vacatures,
  • Nationaliteit,
  • Foto's,
  • Taalvaardigheden,
  • Status in professionele netwerken, bijv. open voor banen

Art. 6 (1) (a) AVG - uw toestemming

Art. 6 (1) (b) AVG - opstellen, uitvoeren of beëindigen van uw contract

Art. 6 (1) (f) AVG- ons legitiem belang in direct-marketing maatregelen en distributie van onze wervings- en tewerkstellingsdiensten evenals ons rechtmatig belang in het vinden van nieuwe zakelijke contacten, klanten en potentiële kandidaten

We verzamelen de gegevens rechtstreeks bij u.

Daarnaast kunnen we uw gegevens ook verzamelen van derden, namelijk:

  • Publiek toegankelijke professionele bronnen, homepages, krantenartikelen, personeelsadvertenties
  • Professionele netwerken, zoals LinkedIn, StepStone,, Xing, enz.
  • Uw functie- of bedrijfsprofiel gepubliceerd in openbare databases
  • Andere kandidaten of klanten

In het kader van de hier beschreven gegevensverwerking is het mogelijk dat zowel interne als externe dienstverleners uit de volgende gebieden inzage hebben in uw gegevens:

  • Marketing
  • Verkoop
  • IT-oplossingen
  • IT-ondersteuning
  • Post- en verzendingsdiensten
  • Telecommunicatie
  • Gegevensanalyse

Klanten (B2B) en onze contacten



Wettelijke basis/wetmatig belang

Verzamelen van gegevens

Categorieën van ontvangers

Wij verwerken uw gegevens om u onze rekruteringsdiensten aan te kunnen bieden In deze context verwerken wij uw gegevens en die van uw zakelijke contacten om met u te communiceren en geschikte kandidaten te vinden voor uw vacatures.

In deze context kunnen we de volgende gegevens verwerken:

  • Bedrijfsnaam
  • Naam en adres
  • Contactgegevens van de zakelijke contactpersonen
  • Telefoonnummer
  • Uw feedback over kandidaten
  • Contractgegevens en boekhoudgegevens
  • Informatie over vacatures en vereiste profielen

Art. 6 (1) (b) AVG- Opstelling, uitvoering of beëindiging van uw contract

Art. 6 (1) (f) AVG- ons legitiem belang bij efficiënte organisatorische werkprocessen en het delen van werk en diensten binnen de PageGroup groep

We verzamelen de gegevens rechtstreeks bij u.

Daarnaast kunnen we uw gegevens ook verzamelen van derden, namelijk:

  • Publiek toegankelijke professionele bronnen, homepages, krantenartikelen, personeelsadvertenties
  • Professionele netwerken, zoals LinkedIn, StepStone,, Xing, enz.
  • Uw functie- of bedrijfsprofiel gepubliceerd in openbare databases
  • Andere klanten en kandidaten

In het kader van de hier beschreven gegevensverwerking is het mogelijk dat zowel interne als externe dienstverleners uit de volgende gebieden inzage hebben in uw gegevens:

  • Marketing
  • Verkoop
  • IT-oplossingen
  • IT-ondersteuning
  • Post- en verzendingsdiensten
  • Telecommunicatie
  • Gegevensanalyse
  • Boekhouding
  • Administratie
  • Bankzaken
  • Management van wereldwijde, regionale of hogere leidinggevende posities, of de ontwikkeling van sleutelaccounts, waarvoor de samenwerking van verschillende bedrijven binnen de groep vereist is.

We verwerken uw gegevens om u tevredenheidsenquêtes te sturen om na te gaan of u tevreden bent met onze diensten, om onze bestaande diensten te verbeteren  en om nieuwe diensten te ontwikkelen.

In deze context kunnen we de volgende gegevens verwerken:

  • Bedrijfsnaam
  • Naam en adres
  • Contactgegevens van de zakelijke contactpersoon
  • Telefoonnummer
  • Eerdere arbeidsbemiddelingen en verleende diensten

De gegevensverwerking is gebaseerd op de volgende rechtsgrondslagen:

Art. 6 (1) (a) AVG - uw toestemming

Art. 6 (1) (f) AVG - ons legitiem belang bij direct- marketing en het verzenden van reclame-inhoud alsook om onze diensten en aanbiedingen verder te ontwikkelen.

We verzamelen de gegevens rechtstreeks bij u.

In het kader van de hier beschreven gegevensverwerking is het mogelijk dat zowel interne als externe dienstverleners uit de volgende gebieden inzage hebben in uw gegevens:

  • Marketing
  • Marktanalyse
  • Verkoop
  • IT-oplossingen
  • IT-ondersteuning
  • Post- en verzendingsdiensten
  • Telecommunicatie
  • Gegevensanalyse

Wij verwerken uw gegevens om u promotionele informatienieuwsbrieven en andere elektronische promotionele informatie te sturenom u op de hoogte te houden van vacatures, brancherapporten en -inzichten, evenementen, gebeurtenissen en andere inhoud.

In deze context kunnen we de volgende gegevens verwerken:

  • Naam,
  • Email adres
  • Telefoonnummer
  • Uw marketinginformatie en functievoorkeuren

De gegevensverwerking is gebaseerd op de volgende rechtsgrondslagen:

Art. 6 (1) (a) AVG - uw toestemming

Art. 6 (1) (f) AVG - ons legitiem belang in direct- marketing en het verzenden van advertentie-inhoud

We verzamelen de gegevens rechtstreeks bij u.

In het kader van de hier beschreven gegevensverwerking is het mogelijk dat zowel interne als externe dienstverleners uit de volgende gebieden inzage hebben in uw gegevens:

  • Marketing
  • Nieuwsbrief verzending
  • Verkoop
  • IT-oplossingen
  • IT-ondersteuning
  • Post- en verzendingsdiensten
  • Telecommunicatie
  • Gegevensanalyse

Dienstverleners en onze zakelijke contacten van onze dienstverleners



Rechtsgrondslag/wetmatig belang

Verzamelen van gegevens

Ontvangers van uw gegevens

Wij verwerken uw persoonsgegevens om met u het servicecontract aan te gaan, uw diensten te ontvangen en om met u te communiceren in het kader van onze zakelijke relatie. Daarnaast verwerken we uw gegevens voor boekhoudkundige doeleinden.

In deze context kunnen we de volgende gegevens verwerken:

  • Bedrijfsnaam
  • Naam en adres
  • Contactgegevens van de contactpersonen
  • Telefoonnummer
  • Overzicht van geleverde diensten
  • Contractgegevens en boekhoudgegevens

De gegevensverwerking is gebaseerd op de volgende rechtsgrondslagen:

Art. 6 (1) (b) AVG - opstellen, uitvoeren of beëindigen van uw contract

Art. 6 (1) (f) AVG - ons gerechtvaardigd belang bij efficiënte organisatorische werkprocessen, werk- en dienstendeling binnen de PageGroup-groep

We verzamelen de gegevens rechtstreeks bij u.

In het kader van de hier beschreven gegevensverwerking is het mogelijk dat zowel interne als externe dienstverleners uit de volgende gebieden inzage hebben in uw gegevens:

  • Marketing
  • Verkoop
  • IT-oplossingen
  • IT-ondersteuning
  • Post- en verzendingsdiensten
  • Telecommunicatie
  • Gegevensanalyse
  • Boekhouding
  • Administratie
  • Bankzaken

Wij verwerken uw persoonsgegevens om uw geschiktheid als leverancier van ons te beoordelen.

Voor wettelijke nalevingsverplichtingen vergelijken we in zeer beperkte gevallen en alleen voor zover we daartoe wettelijk verplicht zijn, uw hoofdgegevens met sanctielijsten en andere openbare lijsten en registers, waaronder terreur- en embargolijsten en PEP-lijsten (Politiek Prominent Persoon).

In deze context kunnen we de volgende gegevens verwerken:

  • Bedrijfsnaam
  • Naam en adres
  • Contactgegevens van de contactpersonen
  • Telefoonnummer
  • Referenties

De gegevensverwerking is gebaseerd op de volgende rechtsgrondslagen:

Art. 6 (1) (c) AVG - onze wettelijke verplichting om achtergrondcontroles uit te voeren

Art. 6 (1) (b) AVG - opstellen, uitvoeren of beëindigen van uw contract

Art. 6 (1) (f) AVG - ons rechtmatig belang bij het uitvoeren van beoordelingen om uw geschiktheid te beoordelen

We verzamelen de gegevens rechtstreeks bij u.

We kunnen ook gegevens uit openbare registers en sanctielijsten gebruiken.

In het kader van de hier beschreven gegevensverwerking is het mogelijk dat zowel interne als externe dienstverleners uit de volgende gebieden inzage hebben in uw gegevens:

  • Inkoop
  • IT-oplossingen
  • IT-ondersteuning
  • Post- en verzendingsdiensten
  • Telecommunicatie
  • Administratie

Gegevensverwerking voor het voldoen aan wettelijke verplichtingen en het verdedigen en geldig verklaren van rechtsvorderingen.



Rechtsgrondslag/wetmatig belang

Verzamelen van gegevens

Ontvangers van uw gegevens

Wij verwerken uw gegevens voor zover dit noodzakelijk is om te voldoen aan de officiële controle-, toezichts- en auditverplichtingen, met inbegrip van officiële informatie- en meldingsverplichtingen en verplichtingen op grond van de handels- of belastingwetgeving.

In deze context verwerken we de volgende gegevens:

  • Bedrijfsnaam
  • Naam en adres
  • Contactgegevens van de contactpersonen
  • Telefoonnummer
  • Overzicht van geleverde diensten
  • Contractgegevens en boekhoudgegevens
  • Opgevraagde gegevens

De gegevensverwerking is gebaseerd op de volgende rechtsgrondslagen:

Art. 6 (1) (c) AVG- Naleving van wettelijke verplichtingen

We verzamelen de gegevens rechtstreeks bij u.

In het kader van de hier beschreven gegevensverwerking is het mogelijk dat de volgende ontvangers inzage hebben in uw gegevens:

  • Wetshandhavingsinstanties of andere openbare entiteiten
  • Rechtbanken
  • Advocaten
  • Adviseurs

In individuele gevallen verwerken we uw gegevens ook voor de afhandeling en verdediging van rechtsvorderingen.

In deze context verwerken we de volgende gegevens:

  • Bedrijfsnaam
  • Naam en adres
  • Contactgegevens van de contactpersonen
  • Telefoonnummer
  • Overzicht van geleverde diensten
  • Contractgegevens en boekhoudgegevens
  • Gegevens die nodig zijn voor de verdediging en tenuitvoerlegging van vorderingen

De gegevensverwerking is gebaseerd op de volgende rechtsgrondslagen:

Art. 6 (1) (f) AVG - ons legitiem belang bij het verdedigen tegen het geldend maken van rechtsvorderingen.

We verzamelen de gegevens rechtstreeks bij u.

In het kader van de hier beschreven gegevensverwerking is het mogelijk dat de volgende ontvangers inzage hebben in uw gegevens:

  • Advocaten,
  • Adviseurs
  • Rechtbanken
  • Bemiddelaars

We zullen uw gegevens verwerken in het geval van een herstructurering, fusie, verkoop, joint venture, toewijzing of andere doorgifte of afstoting van ons bedrijf of een deel daarvan, voor zover dit noodzakelijk is voor deze doeleinden.

In deze context verwerken we de volgende gegevens:

  • Bedrijfsnaam
  • Naam en adres
  • Contactgegevens van de contactpersonen
  • Telefoonnummer
  • Overzicht van geleverde diensten
  • Contractgegevens en boekhoudgegevens

De gegevensverwerking is gebaseerd op de volgende rechtsgrondslagen:

Art. 6 (1) (f) AVG- ons legitiem belang bij een herstructurering, fusie, verkoop, joint venture, overdracht of andere doorgifte of verkoop van ons bedrijf of een deel daarvan

Art. 6 (1) (a) – met uw toestemming:

We verzamelen de gegevens rechtstreeks bij u.

In het kader van de hier beschreven gegevensverwerking is het mogelijk dat de volgende ontvangers inzage hebben in uw gegevens:

  • Advocaten
  • Nieuwe bedrijfseigenaren en hun adviseurs
  • Rechtbanken

We verwerken uw persoonsgegevens ook om te voldoen aan onze verplichtingen op grond van de wetgeving inzake gegevensbescherming, in het bijzonder om uw rechten als betrokkene te waarborgen.

In deze context verwerken we de volgende gegevens:

  • Bedrijfsnaam
  • Naam en adres
  • Contactgegevens van de contactpersonen
  • Telefoonnummer
  • Contract- en factuurgegevens
  • Verklaringen gegevensbescherming (bijv. verklaring van toestemming tot verwerking)
  • Verklaringen over het intrekken van door u gegeven toestemming
  • Bezwaar tegen de verwerking van persoonsgegevens
  • Verklaringen over het uitoefenen van uw rechten op informatie, correctie, verwijdering, beperking van de verwerking, overdraagbaarheid van gegevens, inclusief de informatie die u ons verstrekt wanneer u uw rechten doet gelden

De gegevensverwerking is gebaseerd op de volgende rechtsgrondslagen:

Art. 6 (1) (c) AVG - naleving van wettelijke verplichtingen

We verzamelen de gegevens rechtstreeks bij u.

In het kader van de hier beschreven gegevensverwerking is het mogelijk dat de volgende ontvangers inzage hebben in uw gegevens:

  • Advocaten
  • Rechtbanken
  • Interne en externe dienstverleners op het gebied van administratie, compliance, gegevensbescherming en ondersteuning

Cookies, analysetool & sociale media

We maken gebruik van sociale media en gebruiken verschillende cookies en andere analysetechnologieën op onze website. Raadpleeg ons Cookiebeleid voor meer informatie.

Geautomatiseerde beslissingen en profilering

We nemen geen beslissingen die uitsluitend op geautomatiseerde verwerking berusten; er is altijd menselijke tussenkomst voordat een beslis-sing wordt genomen.

We stellen twee soorten profielen op gebaseerd op de persoonsgegevens van de kandidaten:

  • JobMatch is een tool op onze website waarmee kandidaten hun CV kunnen uploaden. Aan de hand van uw vaardigheden, loopbaan-ambities en CV-informatie kunnen we u banen aanbevelen die bij uw ambities en vaardigheden passen. Deze vorm van profilering sluit evenwel de toegang tot andere jobs en posities niet uit
  • We gebruiken een analysetool met semantische zoektechnologie (een soort kunstmatige intelligentie) waarmee we CV's op intelligente wijze kunnen doorzoeken en filteren uit onze database. Door relevante trefwoorden zoals aantal jaren ervaring of het specifieke vakgebied in deze tool in te voeren, worden alle geüploade CV's geanalyseerd en wordt een pool van kandidaten samengesteld door de trefwoorden in de CV's van de kandidaten te matchen en de kandidaten te rangschikken op basis van hun geschiktheid voor de functie. We gebruiken het om onze wervingsprocessen efficiënter te maken, door kandidaten beter te kunnen matchen aan beter passende vacatures. Zoals hierboven uitgelegd, er is altijd een selectieverantwoorde-lijke bij betrokken die dit proces verifieert zodat er geen geautomatiseerde beslissingen worden genomen.

Merk op dat geen van deze profileringsactiviteiten significante juridische of vergelijkbare gevolgen heeft voor kandidaten. Maar als u meer wil weten, neem dan graag contact met ons op.

Doorgifte van gegevens naar landen buiten de EER

In sommige gevallen verwerken we uw persoonsgegevens ook buiten de Europese Economische Ruimte (EER). Als een gegevensoverdracht plaatsvindt naar een van de hierboven genoemde ontvangers waarvan het hoofdkantoor of de plaats van gegevensverwerking zich buiten de EER bevindt of een staat waarvoor een adequaat niveau van gegevensbescherming is vastgesteld door een besluit van de Europese Commissie, zor-gen wij er voorafgaand aan de overdracht voor dat de gegevensoverdracht wordt gedekt door een wettelijke autorisatie en dat er garanties be-staan voor een adequaat niveau van gegevensbescherming met betrekking tot de gegevensoverdracht (bijv. door contractuele garanties, offici-eel erkende verordeningen of bindende interne regels voor de gegevensbescherming bij de ontvanger) ofwel heeft u ons toestemming gegeven voor de gegevensoverdracht.

Doorgifte van gegevens van binnen de groep naar buiten de EER

PageGroup is een wereldwijd actieve groep bedrijven. Onze wervingsexperts en belangrijke zakenmensen in functies zoals wervingsondersteu-ning, salarisadministratie en IT-ondersteuning bevinden zich overal ter wereld. Voor de bovengenoemde doeleinden, in het kader van onze sa-menwerking in PageGroup, dragen wij uw persoonsgegevens over in overeenstemming met Art. 44 e.v. AVG ook aan PageGroup-bedrijven buiten de EER of wij staan toe dat werknemers die in PageGroup-bedrijven buiten de EER werken, inzage krijgen in uw persoonsgegevens ten behoeve van onze samenwerking en het nakomen van onze contractuele verplichtingen met u. Een lijst van PageGroup-instanties die zich buiten de EER bevinden, vindt u hier.

Als u zich bijvoorbeeld in Duitsland of Frankrijk bevindt, afhankelijk van uw zoektocht naar een baan, of als u op zoek bent naar een gekwalifi-ceerde professional voor uw organisatie of voor een wervingspartner, dan delen we uw persoonsgegevens indien nodig met onze recruiters die gespecialiseerd zijn in de Duitse en Franse markt en die gevestigd zijn in Turkije (details over het Turkse bedrijf vindt u in de lijst hierboven). Zij verwerken uw persoonsgegevens namens onze Duitse of Franse entiteiten. Met betrekking tot deze doorgifte wordt een adequaat niveau van gegevensbescherming gewaarborgd in overeenstemming met de intra-groepsovereenkomst van het bedrijf en de standaardcontractbepalingen (SCC's), zoals hieronder beschreven.

We hebben binnen de groep een overeenkomst voor gegevensoverdracht gesloten die door de Europese Commissie goedgekeurde Standaard-contractbepalingen bevat die grensoverschrijdende doorgifte van persoonsgegevens vanuit de EER naar derde landen buiten de EER mogelijk maken (aangezien gegevensbeschermingswetten buiten de EER niet steeds een gelijkwaardig niveau van bescherming bieden als de EER-beschermingswetten).

Als u een exemplaar van de SCC's wil ontvangen, neem dan contact met ons op via onderstaande contactgegevens.

Doorgifte van gegevensoverdracht naar externe dienstverleners buiten de EER

Voor de hierboven genoemde doeleinden maken we gebruik van IT-serviceproviders in het Verenigd Koninkrijk, de Verenigde Staten en Israël. Om uw gegevens te beschermen, hebben we waar nodig Standaard Contractuele Clausules (SCC's) afgesloten.

Neem contact met ons op via onderstaande contactgegevens als u een exemplaar van de SCC's wil ontvangen.

Uw persoonsgegevens veilig houden

We hebben passende technische en organisatorische maatregelen ingevoerd en handhaven deze om uw persoonsgegevens te beschermen te-gen vernietiging, verlies, beschadiging, ongeoorloofde verstrekking ervan of de ongeoorloofde toegang ertoe, hetzij per ongeluk, hetzij onrecht-matig. Uitsluitend gemachtigde personeelsleden en derden-dienstverleners krijgen toegang tot persoonsgegevens op een “need-to-know”-basis (d.i. de noodzaak om kennis te nemen van de gegevens voor uitoefening van de functie of de vervulling van de taken) en deze werknemers en dienstverleners zijn contractueel verplicht om op een vertrouwelijke manier met deze gegevens om te springen.

Hoe lang bewaren wij uw persoonsgegevens?

We bewaren uw persoonsgegevens zo lang als nodig is voor het doel waarvoor we ze hebben verzameld, wat een doorlopend doel kan zijn. Als u bijvoorbeeld een sollicitant bent, slaan we uw persoonsgegevens op voor de duur van onze zakelijke relatie met u en ook daarna, aangezien we sollicitanten vaak jarenlang en mogelijk voor hun hele carrière ondersteunen bij een baan.

Sommige persoonsgegevens houden we langer bij dan andere. Om de passende bewaartermijn voor persoonsgegevens te bepalen, houden we rekening met factoren zoals de doeleinden waarvoor we uw persoonsgegevens verwerken, waaronder alle wettelijke, regelgevende of boek-houdkundige verplichtingen of verplichtingen inzake reporting, de aard en de hoeveelheid persoonsgegevens die we over u bijhouden en het mo-gelijke risico op schade voor u door ongeoorloofd gebruik van uw persoonsgegevens of door ongeoorloofde toegang daartoe.

Wanneer we uw persoonsgegevens verwerken voor direct marketing-doeleinden, doen we dit tot u ons vraagt om hiermee te stoppen, en voor een korte periode hierna (om ons in staat te stellen uw verzoek in te willigen). Het feit dat u ons heeft gevraagd om u geen direct-marketing toe te sturen of uw gegevens niet voor een onbepaalde tijd te verwerken wordt ook bijgehouden, zodat we aan uw verzoek kunnen voldoen.

Uw rechten op het gebied van gegevensbescherming

De EU-wetgeving inzake gegevensbescherming geeft u veel rechten met betrekking tot de verwerking van gegevens die op u betrekking hebben. Deze rechten omvatten het recht om uw toestemming in te trekken volgens Art. 7 (3) AVG, het recht op inzage in uw persoonsgegevens en om een kopie van uw persoonsgegevens te vragen (Art. 15 AVG), uw persoonsgegevens te rectificeren (Art. 16 AVG), ze te wissen (Art. 17 AVG), of de verwerking ervan te beperken (Art. 18 AVG, om de persoonsgegevens die u aan ons verstrekt in een gestructureerd, machineleesbaar formaat te verkrijgen, en om ons te vragen deze gegevens door te geven aan een andere verwerkingsverantwoordelijke (Art. 20 AVG).

Volgens Art. 21 AVG, heeft u het recht om op elk moment bezwaar te maken tegen gegevensverwerking door ons om redenen die voort-vloeien uit uw specifieke situatie, voor zover dit is gebaseerd op Art. 6 (1) (e) AVG of over de bescherming van "gerechtvaardigde belangen" volgens Art. 6 (1) (f) AVG. Als u gebruik maakt van uw recht om bezwaar te maken, zullen wij de verwerking staken, tenzij wij dwingende gerechtvaardigde gronden voor verdere verwerking kunnen aantonen die prevaleren boven uw rechten en belangen.

U kan uw eenmaal gegeven toestemming voor het ontvangen van marketingcommunicatie intrekken of afzien van gegevensverwerking voor di-rect-marketingdoeleinden door de stappen te volgen die worden beschreven in onze kennisgevingen en af te zien van het ontvangen van marke-tingcommunicatie, of door contact met ons op te nemen via de contactgegevens in dit Privacybeleid. We hebben ook een Centrum voor Marke-tingvoorkeuren opgezet waar u uw voorkeuren kunt bekijken en selecteren en waar u zich op elk moment kunt afmelden voor het ontvangen van marketingcommunicatie. Om inzage te krijgen in het Marketing Preference Center, gelieve ook de stappen te volgen die worden uitgelegd in de Marketingcommunicatie.

Houd er rekening mee dat deze rechten in bepaalde gevallen beperkt kunnen zijn. Deze rechten zouden kunnen beperkt worden, bijvoorbeeld als we om aan uw verzoek te voldoen persoonsgegevens over een andere persoon zouden bekendmaken, wanneer de rechten een inbreuk zouden vormen op de rechten van een derde (met inbegrip van onze rechten) of wanneer u ons vraagt om gegevens te verwijderen die we wettelijk moe-ten bewaren of waarvoor we doorslaggevende gerechtvaardigde belangen hebben om deze bij te houden. We brengen u op de hoogte van alle relevante uitzonderingen waarop we een beroep doen wanneer we gevolg geven aan uw verzoek.

Bovendien hebben we voor verwerkingsprocessen op basis van de rechtmatige belangen van de Bedrijven een beoordeling van gerechtvaardigd belang uitgevoerd om ervoor te zorgen dat onze belangen niet worden geschaad door uw belangen of fundamentele rechten en vrijheden; u kunt deze beoordeling aanvragen via de contactpersonen die aan het einde van dit Privacybeleid staan vermeld.

Vragen en klachten

Als u vragen hebt over dit Privacybeleid of de verwerking van uw persoonsgegevens, of als u een klacht wilt indienen, kunt u ons formulier ge-bruiken of een e-mail sturen naar ons of naar onze Functionaris voor Gegevensbescherming op [email protected].

Als u onopgeloste problemen heeft of denkt dat uw persoonsgegevens zijn geschonden, kunt u een klacht indienen bij de bevoegde toezicht-houdende autoriteit. U kanhier een lijst van de desbetreffende autoriteiten in de EER raadplegen.

Hoe u contact met ons kunt opnemen

Het uitoefenen van uw rechten

Om uw rechten uit te oefenen, uw toestemming voor verwerking in te trekken of u af te melden voor onze commerciële communicatie, kan u:

Functionaris voor Gegevensbescherming (DPO)

Bird & Bird DPO Services SRL

Avenue Louise 235 box 1

1050 Brussels


Page Group

Compliance Department

Plaza Europa 21 23, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat 08908

Barcelona – Spanje

Wijzigingen aan ons privacybeleid

We kunnen dit privacybeleid op elk moment wijzigen. Alle wezenlijke wijzigingen in dit privacybeleid worden naar behoren op deze website ge-publiceerd en waar nodig via andere communicatiekanalen meegedeeld.


Privacy Policy

Who we are and how we process your personal data

PageGroup including its subsidiaries (hereinafter collectively: "PageGroup", "us" or "we") is a specialist recruitment company operating under the brands Michael Page, Page Personnel, Page Executive and Page Outsourcing. The protection of personal data relating to you is important to us. This Privacy Policy informs you about the categories of personal data we collect, the purposes for which we use them and how we process your data, when you visit our website, when you apply for a job with us, when we introduce ourselves to you, when we provide recruitment and employment services to you, when we maintain a relationship with you after we have provided a service for you or when you provide a service for us. The following information is directed at you if you fall into one of the following categories of individuals:

  • candidates for whom we provide employment services or who apply to us for a vacant position and contact us through our website, job boards, social media pages or through other sources;
  • clients and their contacts with whom we have a business relationship and whom we support in filling vacant positions;
  • potential candidates as well as potential clients and their contacts with whom we come into contact in order to present our prod-ucts and services;
  • service providers and their contacts who provide various services for us;
  • users of our websites and apps

(jointly referred to as "you" or "yours").


The controller of your data is the PageGroup company that contacts you and processes data from you on its own responsibility when you visit the website, when the respective entity provides recruitment and employment services to you, maintains the relationship with you after the enti-ty has found a job for you, hires you for a vacant position or in case you provide a service to the to the respective entity. To access a complete list of PageGroup's European subsidiaries, including their contact details, please click here.

Details of data processing

Below you will find an overview of what kind of personal data we process about you, for which purposes, on which legal basis and where we collect this data.

If you do not provide us with your personal data, even though we need to collect it in order to process an order from you or fulfil a contract with you, or because we are required to do so by law, we may have to refuse your order or be unable to fulfil our contractual obligations to you.

Users of our website or apps


Data categories

Legal basis

Collection of your Data

Recipients of your Data

When you visit our website or app, we process your data for the following purposes:

  • Calling up the website/app
  • Ensuring smooth connection establishment,
  • Ensuring and optimising the performance of our website and the user-friendliness of our website
  • Ensuring and evaluating system security and stability

In this context, we also use various cookies and other technologies. For further information, see our Cookie Policy.

In this context, we process the following data:

  • IP address of the requesting Internet-enabled device
  • Date and time of access
  • Name and URL of the retrieved file,
  • Website/application from which the access was made (referrer URL), the browser you use and, if applicable, the operating system of your Internet-enabled computer
  • Name of your access provider

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in the security, stability, and usability of our website

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR – your consent

We collect the data directly from you.

In context of this data processing, it is possible that the following internal and external service providers have access to your data:

  • IT service providers
  • Data analytics tool provider
  • Marketing service provider

We process your data to provide you with personalised advertising on the website based on your browsing behaviour. To do this, we use various cookies and other technologies. For further information, see our Cookie Policy.

In this context, we process the following data:

  • IP address of the requesting Internet-enabled device,
  • Date and time of access,
  • Name and URL of the retrieved file,
  • Website/application from which the access was made (referrer URL), the browser used by you and, if applicable, the operating system of your Internet-enabled computer,
  • Name of your access provider

The data processing is based on the following legal basis:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - your consent

We collect the data directly from you.

In context of this data processing, it is possible that the following internal or external service providers have access to your data:

  • IT service providers
  • Analysis tools providers
  • Marketing companies



Data categories

Legal basis/legitimate interest

Collection of your Data

Recipient categories

We process your data in order to provide employment & placement services to you or to conduct an application process with you to establish an employment relationship with you.

In this context, we may use your data to communicate with you, answer your questions, analyse your CV, and find a suitable position for you, create a candidate profile for you, providing salary advice, arrange interviews, conduct aptitude tests with you, forward your application documents to the employer of your choice.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name and address
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Information in your CV
  • Information about your educational path
  • References
  • Professional experience
  • Job references
  • Salary expectations,
  • Career aspirations
  • Results of security audits
  • Nationality
  • Residence and work permit
  • Photos
  • Language skills,
  • Test results from assessment centres,
  • In certain cases, special categories of data such as:
  • Disability,
  • Health information,
  • Occupational health examinations,
  • Convictions, criminal offences,

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you

Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR - compliance with legal obligations in the area of labour and social law

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in efficient work organisational processes, work & service-sharing within the PageGroup as well as our legitimate interest in maintaining our customer relationship with you.

We only process your special categories data on the basis of your consent pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR and insofar as we are obligated to do so for reasons of labour and social law, and finally for reasons of equal opportunity. In these cases, we base the processing of your data on Art. 9 (2) (b), (g) and (h) DSGVO.

We collect the data directly from you.

In addition, we may also collect your data from third parties, namely from

  • References, e.g., previous employers or former customer of you to confirm your credentials & qualifications
  • Educational institutions
  • Publicly accessible professional networks, such as LinkedIn, StepStone or Xing, to increase the information already available to us about you, so that we have a better chance of finding suitable positions for you;
  • Clients to whom we have provided your CV and who have been in contact with you as part of your job application.

We will only contact those reference providers, that you have indicated to us during the application process and our services.

In order to provide our employment services, we may share personal information about you with potential employers who offer job openings in which you are interested.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is also possible that both internal and external service providers have access to your data. These include processors as well as our controllers from the following areas:

  • IT support
  • Hosting, IT service
  • IT solutions to improve service quality
  • Data analytics
  • Recruiting support
  • Sales
  • Administration and management of global, regional, or executive positions or the development of key customers within the Page Group
  • Shipping and logistics companies
  • Telecommunications providers
  • Providers of professional networks
  • Providers of psychometric assessment or ability tests

Our contractors are contractually obligated by us to maintain confidentiality and to comply with data protection standards and regulations.

We process your data when you register with us and make your application data available to us and eventually to potential employers.

If you register with different PageGroup companies, we will combine the applicant data you have provided into one data record and one applicant account for you. A single record avoids duplicities and improve accuracy of the personal data. For these purposes, the PageGroup companies involved will share your personal information as independent data controllers.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name and address
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Information in your CV
  • Information about your educational path
  • References
  • Professional experience
  • Job references
  • Salary expectations,
  • Career aspirations
  • In certain cases, special categories of data on such as:
  • Disability,
  • health information,
  • Convictions, criminal offences

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - establishment, performance, or termination of the user contract with you for the provision of our candidate registration service.

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in efficient work organisational processes, in work & service-sharing within the PageGroup as well as our legitimate interest in maintaining our customer relationship with you

In this case, we only process your special categories of data on the basis of your consent pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (a), Art. 9 (2) (a) GDPR.

We collect the data directly from you.

If you apply for a specific position, we will pass your applicants data on to the potential employer you have requested.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is also possible that the internal as well as external service providers described above have access to your data.

We process your data to send you promotional informationnewsletters, and other electronic promotional information, to keep you informed about job opportunities, industry reports and insights, events, happenings and other content.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name,
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Your marketing information and job preferences

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - your consent

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR our legitimate interest in direct marketing measures and the sending of advertising content

We collect the data directly from you.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analysis

We process your data to send you satisfaction surveys to find out whether you are satisfied with our services, to improve our existing services and to develop new services.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Previous placements and services provided
  • Your information in the satisfaction questionnaire

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - your consent

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in direct marketing measures and sending of advertising content as well as the improvement and development of our services

We collect the data directly from you.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analysis
  • Service provider for conducting surveys
  • Service provider to conduct testing and development activities, provide research, mailing or other direct marketing services.

In certain cases, it may be necessary for us to check the information you have provided about your work-history, or to check whether you have the qualifications and the necessary reliability for a specific job position. In these cases, we conduct so-called background checks. For this purpose, we consult reference providers and early educational institutions. In addition, we conduct internet research using search engines and publicly accessible online databases. Furthermore, we evaluate national and international press.

Only in very limited cases and only insofar as we are legally obliged to do so do we compare your master data with sanctions lists and other public lists and registers, including terror and embargo lists and PEP lists (Politically Exposed Person).

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name and address
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Information in your CV
  • Information about your educational path
  • References
  • Professional experience
  • Job references
  • Results of security audits
  • Nationality
  • Residence and work permit
  • Photos
  • Language skills
  • Assessment centre test results
  • Convictions, criminal offences (e.g., employment fraud, economic crime, organised crime)
  • Infringements of competition or antitrust law
  • Violations of other legal requirements or regulations
  • Insolvencies
  • existing conflicts of interest

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - your consent

Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR - our legal obligation to conduct background checks

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - Establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in carrying out background checks to verify your information, our legitimate interest in carrying out background checks to fulfil legal obligations of our clients, the legitimate interest of our clients in carrying out background checks to ensure the required suitability and reliability for special positions and verification of your information.

We collect the data directly from you.

In addition, we may also collect your data from third parties, namely:

  • Reference providers, such as previous employers or former customers of you to check your details
  • Educational institutions - to check your academic qualifications
  • publicly available professional sources such as LinkedIn, Xing or StepStone, etc.
  • Sanction lists and other public lists and registers, including terror and embargo lists as well as PEP lists
  • Public source, telephone directories, newspaper articles
  • Generally accessible databases

We will only contact those reference providers that you have indicated to us during the selection process and our services.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • IT security
  • IT solutions
  • Hosting
  • Telecommunications
  • Service provider to carry out the check of work references
  • Service provider to carry out the check of qualifications
  • Service provider to conduct review in connection with criminal convictions (if required)
  • Service provider to verify the information you provide from third-party sources
  • Service provider to conduct psychometric evaluations or ability tests

Our contractors are contractually obligated by us to maintain confidentiality and to comply with data protection standards and regulations.

Conducting surveys on talent trends

In order to continuously improve our services and keep them up to date, we will selectively invite you to participate in surveys on talent trends.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name
  • Previous placements and services provided
  • Email address
  • Information in the survey questionnaire

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - your consent

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest to identify current talent trends and to further develop our services and offers.

We collect the data directly from you.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Market research
  • Market analysis
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analysis

Potential candidates and clients


Data categories

Legal basis/legitimate interest

Collection of the data

Recipient categories

In order to present our services and to be able to contact you and answer your enquiries, we process your personal data. We process the personal data about you that you provide to us when you contact us and make an enquiry. In addition, we may process data about you obtained from publicly available sources and from professional and social networks, such as LinkedIn, Xing, StepStone, company or other job boards, in order to contact you if we think you might be interested in our employment services.

In addition, we may have been made aware of you through recommendation from another candidate or client and contact you.

If you are acting as a business contact on behalf of a company, we will process your professional contact details.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name and address
  • Position in the company
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Professional contact details
  • Name of the company you work for,
  • Information in your CV, job profile, company profile
  • Information about your educational path,
  • References,
  • Professional experience,
  • Job references,
  • Salary expectations,
  • Career aspirations,
  • Open job advertisements,
  • Nationality,
  • Photos,
  • Language skills,
  • Status in professional networks, e.g., open for jobs

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - your consent

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in direct marketing measures and distribution of our recruiting and employment services as well as our legitimate interest in finding new business contacts, customers, and potential candidates

We collect the data directly from you.

In addition, we may also collect your data from third parties, namely:

  • Publicly accessible professional sources, homepages, newspaper articles, job advertisements
  • Professional networks, such as LinkedIn, StepStone,, Xing, etc.
  • Your job or company profiles published in public databases
  • Other candidates or clients

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analytics

Clients (B2B) and our contacts


Data categories

Legal basis/ Legitimate interest

Collection of the data

Recipient categories

We process your data in order to provide our recruiting services to you. In this context, we process your data and those of your business contacts in order to communicate with you and find suitable candidates for your vacancies.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the business contacts
  • Telephone number
  • Your feedback on candidates
  • Contract data and accounting data
  • Information on vacancies and requirement profiles

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - Establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in efficient work organisational processes, work & service sharing within the PageGroup group

We collect the data directly from you.

In addition, we may also collect your data from third parties, namely:

  • Publicly accessible professional sources, homepages, newspaper articles, job advertisements
  • Professional networks, such as LinkedIn, StepStone,, Xing, etc.
  • Your job or company profiles published in public databases
  • Other clients and candidates

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analysis
  • Accounting
  • Administration
  • Banking
  • Management of global, regional, or senior executive positions, or the development of key accounts, which would require the cooperation of different companies across the group.

We process your data to send you satisfaction surveys to find out whether you are satisfied with our services, to improve our existing services and to develop new services.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the business contact
  • Telephone number
  • Previous placements and services provided

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - your consent

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in direct marketing and sending of advertising content and to further develop our services and offers.

We collect the data directly from you.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Market analysis
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analytics

We process your data to send you promotional informationnewsletters, and other electronic promotional information, to keep you informed about job opportunities, industry reports and insights, events, happenings and other content.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name,
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Your marketing information and job preferences

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - your consent

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in direct marketing and the sending of advertising content

We collect the data directly from you.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Newsletter dispatch
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analytics

Service providers and our business contacts from our service providers


Data categories

Legal basis/legitimate interest

Collection of the data

Recipients of your data

In order to enter into the service contract with you and to receive your services and to communicate with you in the context of our business relationship, we process your personal data. In addition, we process your data for accounting purposes.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the contact persons
  • Telephone number
  • Overview of services rendered
  • Contract data and accounting data

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR – establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR – our legitimate interest in efficient work organisational processes, work & service-sharing in the PageGroup group

We collect the data directly from you.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analysis
  • Accounting
  • Administration
  • Banking

We process your personal data to assess your suitability as a supplier of us.

For legal compliance obligations, in very limited cases and only insofar as we are legally obliged to do so do we compare your master data with sanctions lists and other public lists and registers, including terror and embargo lists and PEP lists (Politically Exposed Person).

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the contact persons
  • Telephone number
  • References

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR - our legal obligation to conduct background checks

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in carrying out assessments to assess your suitability

We collect the data directly from you.

We may also use data from public registers and sanction lists.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Procurement
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Administration

Data processing for compliance with legal obligations and defence and assertion of legal claims


Data categories

Legal basis/legitimate interest

Collection of the Data

Recipients of your Data

We process your data insofar as necessary to fulfil official control and monitoring and audit obligations, including official information and notification obligations as well as obligations under commercial or tax law.

In this context, we process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the contact persons
  • Telephone number
  • Overview of services rendered
  • Contract data and accounting data
  • Requested data

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR – Compliance with legal obligations

We collect the data directly from you.

Within the scope of the data processing de-scribed here, it is possible that the following recipients have access to your data:

  • Law enforcement authorities or other public entities
  • Courts
  • Lawyers
  • Consultants

In individual cases, we also process your data for the assertion of and defence against legal claims.

In this context, we process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the contact persons
  • Telephone number
  • Overview of services rendered
  • Contract data and accounting data
  • Data required for the defence and enforcement of claims

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR – our legitimate interest in defending against asserting legal claims.

We collect the data directly from you.

Within the scope of the data processing de-scribed here, it is possible that the following recipients have access to your data:

  • Lawyers,
  • Consultants
  • Courts
  • Mediators

We will process your data in the event of a restructuring, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment or other transfer or disposal of all or part of our business to the extent necessary for these purposes.

In this context, we process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the contact persons
  • Telephone number
  • Overview of services rendered
  • Contract data and accounting data

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR – our legit-imate interest in in a restructuring, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment or other transfer or disposal of all or part of our company

Art. 6 (1) (a) – your consent

We collect the data directly from you.

Within the scope of the data processing described here, it is possible that the following recipients have access to your data:

  • Lawyers
  • New business owners and their advisors
  • Courts

We also process your personal data in order to fulfil our obligations under data protection law, in particular to guarantee your rights as a data subject.

In this context, we process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the contact persons
  • Telephone number
  • Contract and billing data
  • Data protection declarations (e.g., declaration of consent to processing)
  • Declarations on the revocation of consent given by you
  • Declarations of objection to the processing of personal data
  • Declarations on the assertion of your rights to information, correction, deletion, restriction of processing, data transferability, including the information you provide to us when asserting your rights

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR – compliance with legal obligations

We collect the data directly from you.

Within the scope of the data processing de-scribed here, it is possible that the following recipients have access to your data:

  • Lawyers
  • Courts
  • Internal and external service providers in the areas of administration, compliance, data protection and support


Cookies, analytics tool & social media

We use social media and employ various cookies and other analysis technologies on our website. For further information, see our Cookie Policy.

Automated decisions and profiling

We do not make decisions based solely on automated data processing; there is always human intervention before a decision is made.

We draw up two types of profiles based on the candidates’ personal data:

  • JobMatch is a tool available on our website for candidates to upload their CVs. Matched to your skills, career aspirations and re-sume information, the tool helps us to recommend jobs that match your aspirations and skills. However, this profiling does not re-strict or exclude access to other jobs or positions.
  • We use an analysis tool powered by semantic search technology (a type of Artificial Intelligence) that allows us to intelligently search and filter CVs from our database. By entering relevant keywords such as years of experience or field of practice into this tool, all uploaded CVs are then analysed, and a pool of candidates is provided by matching the keywords in the candidates’ CVs and ranking the candidates according to their suitability for the job. We use it to make our recruitment processes more efficient, by being able to better match candidates to more suitable jobs. As explained above, there is always a recruiter checking this process, so there are no automated decisions.

Please note that none of these profiling activities have any significant legal or similar effects on candidates. However, if you would like to know more, please contact us.

Data transfers to countries outside the EEA

In some cases, we also process your personal data outside the European Economic Area (EEA). If a data transfer takes place to one of the above-mentioned recipients whose registered office or place of data processing is outside the EEA or a state for which an adequate level of data protection has been established by a decision of the European Commission, we will ensure prior to the transfer that the data transfer is covered by a legal authorization and that guarantees exist for an adequate level of data protection with regard to the data transfer (e.g., through contractual guarantees, officially recognized regulations or binding internal data protection regulations at the recipient) or you have given us consent to the data transfer.

Intra-group data transfers outside the EEA

PageGroup is a globally active group of companies. Our recruitment experts and key business people in functions such as recruiting support, payroll management and IT support are located all over the world. For the above-mentioned purposes, in the context of our cooperation in PageGroup, we transfer your personal data in compliance with Art. 44 et seq. GDPR also to PageGroup companies outside the EEA or allow employees who work in PageGroup companies outside the EEA to access your personal data for the purpose of our cooperation and fulfilment of our contractual obligations with you. A list of PageGroup entities that are located outside the EEA can be found here.

If you are, for example, in Germany, as appropriate for your job search, or if you are looking for a qualified professional to join your organisation or a recruitment partner, we share your personal data with our recruiters specialised in the German market who are based in Turkey (details of the Turkish company can be found in the list mentioned above), if necessary. They process your personal data on behalf of our German entities. In relation to this transfer, an adequate level of data protection is ensured in accordance with the company’s intra-group agreement and the SCCs, as described below.

We have an intra-group data transfer agreement containing Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs) approved by the European Commission that allow for cross-border transfers of personal data from the EEA to third countries outside the EEA, (as data protection laws outside the EEA may not provide an equivalent level of protection to EEA data protection laws).

If you would like a copy of the SCCs, please contact us using the contact details below.

Data transfers to external service providers outside the EEA

For purposes mentioned above, we use IT service providers located in the United Kingdom, USA, and Israel. In order to protect your data, we have entered into standard contractual clauses (SCCs) where required.
Please contact us using the contact details below if you would like to receive a copy of the SCCs.

Keeping your personal data secure

We have implemented and maintain appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your personal data against accidental or un-lawful destruction, loss or alteration or unauthorised disclosure or access. Only authorised personnel and third-party service providers have access to personal data on a need-to-know basis, and these employees and service providers are contractually required to treat this information as confidential.

How long we store your personal data

We will store your personal data for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purpose for which we have collected them, which may be an ongoing purpose. For example, if you are an applicant, we will store your personal data for the duration of our business relationship with you and beyond, as we often support applicants with jobs for many years and potentially for their entire career.

We keep some personal data longer than others. In determining the appropriate storage period for personal data, we take into account factors such as the purposes for which we process your personal data, including legal, regulatory, accounting and reporting obligations, the nature and amount of personal data we hold about you, and the potential risk of harm to you from unauthorised use or disclosure of your personal data.

Where we process your personal data for direct marketing purposes, we will do so until you ask us to stop, and for a short period of time after-wards (to allow us to carry out your request). We also keep a record of the fact that you have asked us not to send you direct marketing or to process your data indefinitely, so that we can respect your request.

Your data protection rights

EU data protection legislation gives you many rights with regard to processing of data concerning you. These rights include the right withdraw your consent according to Art. 7 (3) GDPR, the right of access to your personal data, and to request a copy of your personal data (Art. 15 GDPR), to rectify (Art. 16 GDPR), erase (Art. 17 GDPR), or restrict the processing of your personal data (Art. 18 GDPR), to obtain the personal data you provide to us in a structured, machine-readable format, and to ask us to transfer this data with another data controller (Art. 20 GDPR).

According to Art. 21 GDPR, you have the right to object to data processing by us at any time for reasons arising from your particular situa-tion, insofar as this is based on Art. 6 (1) (e) DSGVO or on the protection of "legitimate interests" according to Art. 6 (1) (f) DSGVO. If you exercise your right to object, we will cease processing unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for further processing that prevail your rights and interests.

You may withdraw your consent once given to receive marketing communications or opt out of data processing for direct marketing purposes by following the steps outlined in our notices and opting out of receiving marketing communications, or by contacting us using the contact de-tails provided in this Privacy Policy. We have also established a Marketing Preference Center where you can view and select your preferences and opt out of receiving marketing communications at any time. To access the Marketing Preference Center, please also follow the steps explained in the Marketing communication.

Please note that these rights may be limited in certain cases. Your rights may be limited, for example, if complying with your request would dis-close personal data about another person, if it would infringe the rights of a third party (including ours) or if you ask us to delete information that we are required to retain by law or in whose storage we have overriding legitimate interests. We will inform you of any relevant exceptions on which we rely when we respond to your request.

Furthermore, for processing operations based on the Companies' legitimate interests, we have carried out a legitimate interest assessment to ensure that our interests are not prejudiced by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms; you can request this assessment via the contacts listed at the end of this Privacy Policy.

Questions and complaints

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the processing of your personal data, or if you would like to make a complaint, you can use our form or send an email to us or to our Data Protection Officer at [email protected].

If you have unresolved concerns or believe that your personal data has been breached, you can lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority. A list of relevant authorities in the EEA is available here.

How to contact us

Exercising your rights

To exercise your rights, withdraw your consent to processing or unsubscribe from our commercial communications, you can:

Data Protection Officer (DPO)

Bird & Bird DPO Services SRL
Avenue Louise 235 box 1
1050 Brussels

Page Group 

Compliance Department

Plaza Europa 21 23, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, 08908 Barcelona

Changes to our privacy policy

We may update this privacy policy at any time. Any material changes to this privacy policy shall be duly posted on this website and shall be communicated through other communication channels where appropriate.


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Terms & Conditions

These website Terms and Conditions apply to your use of the website in conjunction with our PRIVACY POLICY. By using this website, you agree to comply with these Terms and Conditions as they apply from time to time. If you do not agree, please do not use the website.

Our recruitment services and our business relationship with you is also subject to our standard Terms and Conditions for clients and candidates, which can be provided by one of our specialist consultants when you are discussing your recruitment needs.

We may change these Terms and Conditions at our discretion and without notice and we suggest that you visit this page regularly to keep up to date with any changes.

Use of website

The purpose of this website is to provide you with our services and general information. You must not breach any term of our Acceptable Use Policy set out below.

Links to or from other sites

This Site contains links to external websites and there may be any number of automatic links to other sites, which may interest you. PageGroup does not accept any responsibility in respect of the content of those sites nor can it be assumed that PageGroup has reviewed or approved of such sites or their content, nor do we warrant that he links to these sites work or are up to date.


The information and material on this website is intended to provide a general guide only. While PageGroup uses reasonable care in compiling and presenting the information and material on this website, we make no representation or warranty whatsoever regarding the accuracy, currency, completeness, adequacy, suitability or operation of this website, any services we may provide through it or the information or material it contains.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, PageGroup shall not be responsible or liable for:

(a) any loss, liability or damage suffered or incurred arising out of or in connection with any access to or use of this website or any of its content;

(b) any reliance on, or decision made on the basis of, information or material shown on or omitted from this website;

(c) any representation or otherwise in respect of the existence or availability of any job, vacancy, assignment or other engagement or appointment advertised on this website;

(d) any representation or otherwise that any employer or client will ask for a candidate's information, ask to interview or hire a candidate, or that any candidates will be available or will meet the needs of any employer or client;

(e) any breach of these Terms and Conditions by PageGroup caused by circumstances beyond its reasonable control;

(f) any fault, delays, interruptions or lack of availability of this website and any of  the services provided through this website, which may occur due to intermittent failures of this website or the need for repairs, maintenance or the introduction of new facilities or services;

(h) any representation that data provided through this website will be free of worms, viruses, Trojan horses or any other computer code that may adversely affect any communication;

(k) any information or material carried on any website operated by a third party which may be accessed from this website.

If any warranty cannot be excluded, to the maximum extent permitted by law, PageGroup’s liability will be limited to resupply of the relevant service, the cost of resupplying the service or the cost of repairing the services, at our option. In any event, PageGroup will not be responsible or liable for any indirect, consequential, incidental, exemplary, punitive or special damages, loss, liability or expense.

Signing Up on Our Website

If you upload your CV, submit your CV, apply for a job,  sign up for Job Alerts, or create a My Page account  you must ensure that the details provided by you at that or at any other time are accurate, up to date and complete.

You must immediately update and inform us of any changes to your information that you whether it be by making relevant changes to your CV or by updating your personal details using the My Page facility, so that we can communicate with you effectively and provide accurate up to date information to potential employers.

If you sign up to use My Page you will be asked to create a password and a login. In order to prevent fraud, you must keep this password confidential and must not disclose it or share it with anyone. If you know or suspect that someone else knows your password, you should notify us immediately. We accept no liability for any unauthorised use.

By using this site, you are solely responsible for any and all occurrences, which includes maintaining up-to-date, correct, accurate and complete information on your My Page account and uploading materials which do not breach or infringe the Intellectual Property Rights of any third party.

If PageGroup has reason to believe that there is likely to be a breach of security or misuse of our website, we may require you to change your password or we may suspend you’re My Page account.

We may suspend or cancel your account immediately at our reasonable discretion or if you breach any of your obligations under these Terms and Conditions or the Privacy Policy.

You can delete your My Page account and any corresponding job alerts within the account at any time by logging into My Page and selecting the “Delete Account” link.

The suspension or cancellation of your My Page account and your right to use the website shall not affect either party's statutory rights or liabilities.

Any information submitted may be accessed by PageGroup globally

Aggregate information

We may gather information and statistics collectively about all visitors to this Site which may include the information supplied by you which will help us to understand our users thereby creating a better recruitment process. We will not disclose individual names or identifying information. All data will be in aggregate form only. We believe this information helps us determine what is most beneficial for our users and how we can continually improve our online service. We may share this kind of aggregate data with selected third parties to assist with these purposes.  Personal data is processed by us in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Intellectual property

All trade marks, trade names, logos, information and material available on this website are the property of Michael Page International (NZ) Limited and its licensors.

Any unauthorised reproduction is prohibited.

You may only access, use and print the information and material on this website for non-commercial or personal use provided that you keep intact all copyright and proprietary notices. You must not otherwise reproduce, adapt, store, transmit, print, display, commercialise, publish or create derivative works from any part of the content, format or design of this website.

If you seek to reproduce or otherwise use the content in any way it is your responsibility to obtain approval from us for such use where necessary.

Acceptable Use Policy

You must only use the services provided through this website for their stated purpose. You must not use the services provided by this website to:

(a) send, upload, display or disseminate or otherwise make available any unlawful, discriminatory, harassing, libellous, defamatory, abusive, threatening, harmful, offensive, obscene, tortious or otherwise objectionable material or otherwise breach any laws;

(b) display, upload or transmit material that encourages conduct that may constitute a criminal offence, result in civil liability or otherwise may breach any applicable laws, regulations or code of practice;

(c) interfere with any other person's privacy or use or enjoyment of this website;

(d) fraudulently or otherwise misrepresent yourself to be another person or a representative of another entity including, but not limited to, a PageGroup representative, or fraudulently or otherwise misrepresent that you have an affiliation with a person, entity or group;

Mislead or deceive PageGroup, its representatives and any third parties who may rely on the information provided by you, by providing inaccurate or false information, which includes omissions of information.

(e) disguise the origin of any material transmitted through the services provided by the website (whether by forging message/packet headers or otherwise manipulating normal identification information);

(f) send, upload or otherwise make available material which infringes any intellectual or industrial property right of any person (such as copyright, trademarks, patents, or trade secrets, or other proprietary rights of any party);

(g) send, upload, display or disseminate or otherwise make available material containing or associated with spam, junk mail, advertising for pyramid schemes, chain letters, virus warnings (without first confirming the authenticity of the warning), or any other form of unauthorised advertising or promotional material;

(h) send, upload or otherwise make available material containing viruses, trojans or any other material designed to impair, destroy or interrupt the performance of any hardware or software;

(i) obtain unauthorised access to or interfere with the performance of the servers which provide the services or any servers on any associated networks or otherwise fail to comply with any policies or procedures relating to the use of those servers; or

(j) collect, whether aggregated or otherwise, data about other users of the services.

© PageGroup 2013.

March 2013

Privacy Policy

Michael Page International (NZ) Ltd, Company Number 312779 and our related companies worldwide ("PageGroup") are committed to protecting the privacy of our candidates, clients and other users of our websites and services.

Where you provide us with your personal information, in person, by email, through this website or through any of our other international websites or offices, we will endeavour to ensure that such information remains private and is only used in accordance with this policy. By providing us with your personal information, you also consent for us to collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with this policy. PageGroup must comply with the Privacy Act 1993 and similar laws in the countries in which we operate.

1. Collection of Personal Information
PageGroup may collect your personal information from you, including (without limitation) your name, contact details, qualifications, work history, your right to work in a particular country, languages spoken, professional memberships and accreditations, your work objectives and other information from your CV. If you are to be considered for a particular position, we may also collect references from your nominated referees. All the personal information we collect is held, used and disclosed for the purposes set out below.

2. Use and Disclosure of Personal Information
PageGroup holds, uses and discloses your personal information for the following purposes:

(a) to provide our services to you;

(b) to maintain our business relationship, where you are a user of our  website, a client or candidate;

(c) to enable you to submit your CV generally, to apply for specific jobs or to subscribe to our Job Alerts;

(d) to match your coded details with job vacancies, to assist us in finding a position that is most suitable for you and, where you provide your prior consent as a candidate, to send your personal information to clients in order to apply for jobs;

(e) to answer your inquiry;

(f) to direct-market products and services, advise you of news and industry updates, events, promotions and competitions, reports and other information. Where we do so, you will be able to unsubscribe from such communications;

(g) where you are registered as a candidate on our database, your personal information will be accessible by our other offices internationally, in the UK, Europe, Asia Pacific and the Americas;

(h) to different parts of the PageGroup worldwide to enable the development and marketing of other products and services and to improve our customer service and to make our services more valuable to you, including tailoring our website when you log on to make it relevant to you personally;

(i) to trusted third parties where we have retained them to provide services that you have requested, such as psychometric evaluations or skills tests, and who also provide services to us, such as professional advisers, IT consultants, mailing houses and function co-ordinators. These third parties must comply with similar undertakings of privacy and confidentiality as PageGroup;

(j) if PageGroup merges with or is acquired by another business, we may share personal information with the new owners of the business and their advisers and if this happens, you will be sent notice of such an event;

(k) we may also release personal information to regulatory or law enforcement authorities, if they require us to do so; and

(l) we may also seek your consent to collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information for any other purpose not listed above.

3. Privacy on Our Websites
(a) Submitting Your Curriculum Vitae ("CV") and Applying for Jobs
You may submit your CV to PageGroup via this website, either for general consideration by our recruitment consultants for positions as they arise or to apply for a specific advertised job. Once submitted, your CV will be sent directly to the relevant PageGroup recruitment consultant who will review your details and advise you whether you are to be accepted by us for registration on our central database. This database, including your personal information, can be accessed by any of our recruitment consultants working in other offices of the PageGroup, both inside and outside New Zealand. If you are accepted onto our database, our recruitment consultants should then contact you to set up an interview in person. You can update your CV at any time, simply by following the same procedure to submit a new CV via our websites.

(b) Job Alerts
You may sign up to receive emails that alert you to new jobs on our website (Job Alerts). To subscribe to Job Alerts, you need to provide your email address, which will be used for the purpose of keeping you informed by email of the latest jobs and/or news in your nominated industry. If you no longer wish to receive Job Alerts, unsubscribe links are provided in every Job Alert email that you receive.

(c) Aggregate Information About Website Visitors
We gather information and statistics about all visitors to this and all of our websites worldwide, including the most frequently accessed pages and most frequently used services. We only use such data in aggregate form (that is, the information does not identify any one individual). This information helps us determine the most beneficial parts of our websites and ways in which we can continually improve our online services to create a better overall experience for our users. We also publish some of this aggregate (non-identifiable) information on the PageGroup websites worldwide.

(d) Cookies
PageGroup uses Google Analytics to collect information about how you use our websites. The information collected is used to improve how our websites work or the effectiveness of our web services to you. Information collected include (but not limited to) your login details, to track web traffic on an aggregate basis and to keep session information in cache to assist your use of our website, such as your last search (however, this information is disposed of every time you close your web browser). You may wish to opt out by turning off cookies (please refer to the help menu on your browser) however, switching off cookies will restrict your use of our websites. For more information on analytics cookies, please visit Google’s website

4. Access to Personal Information
You may request access to or updating of your personal information held at Michael PageGroup by contacting the PageGroup privacy officer as set out below. We may ask to verify your identity and for more information about your request. Where we are legally permitted to do so, we may refuse your request and give you reasons for doing so. Where you request your personal information to be updated and there is a dispute about the facts, we will make a note on your personal information of such dispute. You may also request that PageGroup stops using your information and contacting you and we will comply with your request. However, if this involves a request for deletion of your file, please be aware that we may not be required or able to do so, particularly where your file also holds information about our clients. Where permitted to do so, we may charge an administrative fee for access and updating requests.

5. Security
PageGroup takes reasonable steps to keep personal information secure, accurate and up to date. The Internet is not always a secure method of transmitting information. Accordingly, while we seek to protect your personal information by implementing digital security systems in various parts of our website, PageGroup cannot accept responsibility for the security of information you send to or receive from us over the Internet or for any unauthorised access or use of that information. Where we have links to websites outside the PageGroup, we cannot ensure that your privacy will be protected in accordance with this policy. You should consult these other websites' privacy policies as we have no control over them and are not responsible for any information that is submitted to or collected by these third parties.

6. Changes to this Privacy Policy
PageGroup may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. We suggest that you visit our website regularly to keep up to date with any changes. 

7. Contact
You can contact our Privacy Officer as follows:

[email protected]

Michael Page International (NZ) Ltd
Level 17, 191 Queen Street
Auckland, New Zealand 

Tel +64 9354 8100


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Privacy Policy

Vilka vi är och hur vi behandlar dina personuppgifter

PageGroup inklusive dess dotterbolag (nedan kollektivt kallade: “PageGroup”, “oss” eller “vi”) är ett specialiserat rekryteringsföretag som verkar under varumärkena Michael Page, Page Personnel, Page Executive och Page Outsourcing. Skyddet av dina personuppgifter är viktigt för oss. Denna integritetspolicy informerar dig om vilka kategorier av personuppgifter vi samlar in, för vilka ändamål vi använder dem och hur vi behandlar dina uppgifter när du besöker vår webbplats, när du söker ett jobb hos oss, när vi presenterar oss för dig, när vi tillhandahåller rekryterings- och anställningstjänster till dig, när vi upprätthåller en relation med dig efter att vi har tillhandahållit en tjänst till dig eller när du tillhandahåller en tjänst till oss. Följande information riktar sig till dig om du tillhör någon av följande kategorier av personer:

  • kandidater för vilka vi tillhandahåller arbetsförmedlingstjänster eller som ansöker till oss om en ledig tjänst och kontaktar oss via vår webbplats, jobbannonser, sidor på sociala medier eller via andra källor;
  • kunder och deras kontakter som vi har en affärsrelation med och som vi hjälper att tillsätta lediga tjänster;
  • potentiella kandidater samt potentiella kunder och deras kontakter som vi kommer i kontakt med för att presentera våra produkter och tjänster;
  • tjänsteleverantörer och deras kontakter som tillhandahåller olika tjänster åt oss;
  • Användare av våra webbplatser och appar

(gemensamt kallade “du” eller “din”).


Personuppgiftsansvarig för dina uppgifter är PageGroup-företaget som kontaktar dig och behandlar uppgifter från dig på eget ansvar när du besöker webbplatsen, när respektive enhet tillhandahåller rekryterings- och anställningstjänster till dig, upprätthåller relationen med dig efter att enheten har hittat ett jobb åt dig, anställer dig för en ledig tjänst eller i fall du tillhandahåller en tjänst till respektive enhet. För en fullständig lista över PageGroups europeiska dotterbolag, inklusive deras kontaktuppgifter, vänligen klicka här.

Uppgifter om databehandling

Nedan hittar du en översikt över vilken typ av personuppgifter vi behandlar om dig, för vilka ändamål, på vilken rättslig grund och var vi samlar in dessa uppgifter.

Om du inte lämnar dina personuppgifter till oss, trots att vi behöver samla in dem för att behandla en beställning från dig eller uppfylla ett avtal med dig, eller för att vi är skyldiga att göra det enligt lag, kan vi behöva neka din beställning eller inte kunna uppfylla våra avtalsförpliktelser gentemot dig.

Användare av vår webbplats och våra appar


Kategorier av uppgifter

Rättslig grund

Insamling av dina uppgifter

Mottagare av dina Uppgifter

När du besöker vår webbplats eller app behandlar vi dina uppgifter för följande ändamål:

  • Anropa webbplatsen/appen
  • Säkerställer smidig etablering av anslutningen,
  • Säkerställa och optimera prestandan på vår webbplats och användarvänligheten på vår webbplats
  • Säkerställande och utvärdering av systemets säkerhet och stabilitet

I detta sammanhang använder vi också olika cookies och annan teknik. För ytterligare information, se vår Cookie Policy.

I detta sammanhang behandlar vi följande uppgifter:

  • IP-adress för den begärande internetanslutna enheten
  • Datum och tid för åtkomst
  • Namn och URL för den hämtade filen,
  • Webbplats/applikation från vilken åtkomsten gjordes (referrer URL), den webbläsare du använder och, om tillämpligt, operativsystemet på din internetanslutna dator
  • Namn på din accessleverantör

Databehandlingen baseras på följande rättsliga grunder:

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - upprättande, fullgörande eller uppsägning av avtalet med dig

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - vårt berättigade intresse av säkerhet, stabilitet och användbarhet för vår webbplats

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR – ditt samtycke

Vi samlar in uppgifterna direkt från dig.

I samband med denna databehandling är det möjligt att följande interna och externa tjänsteleverantörer har tillgång till dina uppgifter:

  • Leverantörer av IT-tjänster
  • Leverantör av verktyg för dataanalys
  • Leverantör av marknadsföringstjänster

Vi behandlar dina uppgifter för att ge dig personligt anpassad reklam på webbplatsen baserat på ditt surfbeteende. För att göra detta använder vi olika cookies och annan teknik. För ytterligare information, se vår Cookie Policy.

I detta sammanhang behandlar vi följande uppgifter:

  • IP-adress för den begärande internetanslutna enheten,
  • Datum och tid för åtkomst,
  • Namn och URL för den hämtade filen,
  • Webbplats/applikation från vilken åtkomsten gjordes (referrer URL), den webbläsare som du använde och, om tillämpligt, operativsystemet för din Internet-aktiverade dator,
  • Namn på din accessleverantör

Databehandlingen baseras på följande rättsliga grund:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - ditt samtycke

Vi samlar in uppgifterna direkt från dig.

I samband med denna databehandling är det möjligt att följande interna eller externa tjänsteleverantörer har tillgång till dina uppgifter:

  • Leverantörer av IT-tjänster
  • Leverantörer av analysverktyg
  • Marknadsföringsföretag



Kategorier av uppgifter

Rättslig grund/berättigat intresse

Insamling av dina uppgifter

Kategorier av mottagare

Vi behandlar dina uppgifter i syfte att tillhandahålla anställnings- och placeringstjänster till dig eller för att genomföra en ansökningsprocess med dig för att upprätta ett anställningsförhållande med dig.

I detta sammanhang kan vi använda dina uppgifter för att kommunicera med dig, svara på dina frågor, analysera ditt CV och hitta en lämplig tjänst för dig, skapa en kandidatprofil för dig, ge lönebesked, ordna intervjuer, genomföra lämplighetstest med dig, vidarebefordra dina ansökningshandlingar till den arbetsgivare du väljer.

I detta sammanhang kan vi behandla följande uppgifter:

  • Namn och adress
  • Telefonnummer
  • E-postadress
  • Information i ditt CV
  • Information om din utbildningsväg
  • Referenser
  • Yrkeserfarenhet
  • Referensuppgifter
  • Förväntad lön,
  • Karriärambitioner
  • Resultat av säkerhetsgranskningar
  • Nationalitet
  • Uppehålls- och arbetstillstånd
  • Foton
  • Språkkunskaper,
  • Provresultat från utvärderingscentrum,
  • I vissa fall särskilda kategorier av uppgifter, t.ex:
  • Funktionsnedsättning,
  • Information om hälsa,
  • Yrkesmedicinska undersökningar,
  • Domar, brottmålsdomar,

Databehandlingen baseras på följande rättsliga grunder:

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - upprättande, fullgörande eller uppsägning av avtalet med dig

Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR - uppfyllande av rättsliga skyldigheter inom området för arbets- och socialrätt

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - vårt berättigade intresse av effektiva arbetsorganisatoriska processer, arbets- och tjänstedelning inom PageGroup samt vårt berättigade intresse av att upprätthålla vår kundrelation med dig.

Vi behandlar endast dina uppgifter i särskilda kategorier på grundval av ditt samtycke i enlighet med Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR och i den mån vi är skyldiga att göra det av arbets- och socialrättsliga skäl, och slutligen av skäl som rör lika möjligheter. I dessa fall baserar vi behandlingen av dina uppgifter på Art. 9 (2) (b), (g) och (h) DSGVO.

Vi samlar in uppgifterna direkt från dig.

Dessutom kan vi också samla in dina uppgifter från tredje part, nämligen från

  • Referenser, t.ex. tidigare arbetsgivare eller tidigare kunder till dig för att bekräfta dina referenser och kvalifikationer
  • Utbildningsinstitutioner
  • Allmänt tillgängliga professionella nätverk, som LinkedIn, StepStone eller Xing, för att öka den information om dig som vi redan har tillgång till, så att vi har större chans att hitta lämpliga tjänster åt dig;
  • Kunder till vilka vi har lämnat ditt CV och som har varit i kontakt med dig i samband med din jobbansökan.

Vi kommer endast att kontakta de referensleverantörer som du har angett för oss under ansökningsprocessen och våra tjänster.

För att kunna tillhandahålla våra anställningstjänster kan vi komma att dela personuppgifter om dig med potentiella arbetsgivare som erbjuder lediga jobb som du är intresserad av.

I samband med den databehandling som beskrivs här är det också möjligt att både interna och externa tjänsteleverantörer har tillgång till dina uppgifter. Dessa inkluderar bearbetare samt våra registeransvariga från följande områden:

  • IT-support
  • Hosting, IT-tjänster
  • IT-lösningar för att förbättra tjänsternas kvalitet
  • Dataanalys
  • Stöd vid rekrytering
  • Försäljning
  • Administration och ledning av globala, regionala eller ledande befattningar eller utveckling av nyckelkunder inom Page Group
  • Transport- och logistikföretag
  • Leverantörer av telekommunikationer
  • Tillhandahållare av professionella nätverk
  • Tillhandahållare av psykometriska bedömningar eller färdighetstester

Våra entreprenörer är avtalsenligt skyldiga av oss att upprätthålla konfidentialitet och att följa standarder och föreskrifter för dataskydd.

Vi behandlar dina uppgifter när du registrerar dig hos oss och gör dina ansökningsuppgifter tillgängliga för oss och eventuellt för potentiella arbetsgivare.

Om du registrerar dig hos olika PageGroup-företag kommer vi att kombinera de ansökningsuppgifter som du har tillhandahållit till en datapost och ett sökande konto för dig. Ett enda register undviker dubbletter och förbättra noggrannheten i personuppgifterna. För dessa ändamål kommer de berörda PageGroup-företagen att dela dina personuppgifter som oberoende personuppgiftsansvariga.

I detta sammanhang kan vi behandla följande uppgifter:

  • Namn och adress
  • Telefonnummer
  • E-postadress
  • Information i ditt CV
  • Information om din utbildningsväg
  • Referenser
  • Yrkeserfarenhet
  • Referensuppgifter
  • Förväntad lön,
  • Karriärambitioner
  • I vissa fall kan särskilda kategorier av uppgifter om t.ex:
  • Funktionsnedsättning,
  • hälsouppgifter,
  • Domar, brottmålsdomar

Databehandlingen baseras på följande rättsliga grunder:

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - upprättande, fullgörande eller uppsägning av användaravtalet med dig för tillhandahållande av vår kandidatregistreringstjänst.

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR – vårt berättigade intresse av effektiva arbetsorganisatoriska processer, av arbets- och tjänstedelning inom PageGroup samt vårt berättigade intresse av att upprätthålla vår kundrelation med dig

I detta fall behandlar vi endast dina särskilda kategorier av uppgifter på grundval av ditt samtycke i enlighet med Art. 6 (1) (a), Art. 9 (2) (a) GDPR.

Vi samlar in uppgifterna direkt från dig.

Om du söker en viss tjänst kommer vi att vidarebefordra dina ansökningsuppgifter till den potentiella arbetsgivare som du har bett om.

I samband med den databehandling som beskrivs här är det också möjligt att de interna såväl som externa tjänsteleverantörer som beskrivs ovan har tillgång till dina uppgifter.

Vi behandlar dina uppgifter för att skicka marknadsföringsinformationnyhetsbrev och annan elektronisk marknadsföringsinformation till dig, för att hålla dig informerad om jobbmöjligheter, branschrapporter och insikter, evenemang, händelser och annat innehåll.

I detta sammanhang kan vi behandla följande uppgifter:

  • Namn,
  • E-postadress
  • Telefonnummer
  • Din marknadsföringsinformation och dina jobbpreferenser

Databehandlingen baseras på följande rättsliga grunder:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - ditt samtycke

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR vårt berättigade intresse av direktmarknadsföringsåtgärder och utskick av reklaminnehåll

Vi samlar in uppgifterna direkt från dig.

I samband med den databehandling som beskrivs här är det möjligt att både interna och externa tjänsteleverantörer från följande områden har tillgång till dina uppgifter:

  • Marknadsföring
  • Försäljning
  • IT-lösningar
  • IT-support
  • Post- och frakttjänster
  • Telekommunikation
  • Analys av uppgifter

Vi behandlar dina uppgifter för att skicka nöjdhetsundersökningar till dig för att ta reda på om du är nöjd med våra tjänster, för att förbättra våra befintliga tjänster och för att utveckla nya tjänster.

I detta sammanhang kan vi behandla följande uppgifter:

  • Namn
  • E-postadress
  • Tidigare placeringar och tillhandahållna tjänster
  • Din information i nöjdhetsenkäten

Databehandlingen baseras på följande rättsliga grunder:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - ditt samtycke

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - vårt berättigade intresse för direktmarknadsföringsåtgärder och sändning av reklaminnehåll samt förbättring och utveckling av våra tjänster

Vi samlar in uppgifterna direkt från dig.

I samband med den databehandling som beskrivs här är det möjligt att både interna och externa tjänsteleverantörer från följande områden har tillgång till dina uppgifter:

  • Marknadsföring
  • Försäljning
  • IT-lösningar
  • IT-support
  • Post- och frakttjänster
  • Telekommunikation
  • Analys av uppgifter
  • Tjänsteleverantör för genomförande av undersökningar
  • Tjänsteleverantör för att genomföra tester och utvecklingsaktiviteter, tillhandahålla forskning, utskick eller andra direktmarknadsföringstjänster.

I vissa fall kan det vara nödvändigt för oss att kontrollera den information du har lämnat om din arbetshistoria, eller att kontrollera om du har de kvalifikationer och den tillförlitlighet som krävs för en viss tjänst. I dessa fall genomför vi så kallade bakgrundskontroller. För detta ändamål konsulterar vi referensleverantörer och tidiga utbildningsinstitutioner. Dessutom utför vi internetforskning med hjälp av sökmotorer och offentligt tillgängliga onlinedatabaser. Dessutom utvärderar vi nationell och internationell press.

Endast i mycket begränsade fall och endast i den mån vi är juridiskt skyldiga att göra det jämför vi dina stamdata med sanktionslistor och andra offentliga listor och register, inklusive terror- och embargolistor och PEP-listor (Politically Exposed Person).

I detta sammanhang kan vi behandla följande uppgifter:

  • Namn och adress
  • Telefonnummer
  • E-postadress
  • Information i ditt CV
  • Information om din utbildningsväg
  • Referenser
  • Yrkeserfarenhet
  • Referensuppgifter
  • Resultat av säkerhetsgranskningar
  • Nationalitet
  • Uppehålls- och arbetstillstånd
  • Foton
  • Språkkunskaper
  • Testresultat från utvärderingscentrum
  • Domar, brott (t.ex. anställningsbedrägeri, ekonomisk brottslighet, organiserad brottslighet)
  • Överträdelser av konkurrens- eller antitrustlagstiftning
  • Brott mot andra rättsliga krav eller bestämmelser
  • Insolvens
  • Intressekonflikter

Databehandlingen baseras på följande rättsliga grunder:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - ditt samtycke

Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR - vår rättsliga skyldighet att genomföra bakgrundskontroller

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - Upprättande, fullgörande eller uppsägning av avtalet med dig

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR – vårt berättigade intresse av att utföra bakgrundskontroller för att verifiera din information, vårt berättigade intresse av att utföra bakgrundskontroller för att uppfylla våra kunders rättsliga skyldigheter, våra kunders legitima intresse av att utföra bakgrundskontroller för att säkerställa erforderlig lämplighet och tillförlitlighet för särskilda befattningar och verifiering av din information.

Vi samlar in uppgifterna direkt från dig.

Dessutom kan vi också samla in dina uppgifter från tredje part, nämligen

  • Referensleverantörer, t.ex. tidigare arbetsgivare eller tidigare kunder till dig för att kontrollera dina uppgifter
  • Läroanstalter – för att kontrollera dina akademiska meriter
  • offentligt tillgängliga professionella källor som LinkedIn, Xing eller StepStone, etc.
  • Sanktionslistor och andra offentliga listor och register, inklusive terror- och embargolistor samt PEP-listor
  • Offentlig källa, telefonkataloger, tidningsartiklar
  • Allmänt tillgängliga databaser

Vi kommer endast att kontakta de referensleverantörer som du har angett för oss under urvalsprocessen och våra tjänster.

I samband med den databehandling som beskrivs här är det möjligt att både interna och externa tjänsteleverantörer från följande områden har tillgång till dina uppgifter:

  • IT-säkerhet
  • IT-lösningar
  • Värdskap
  • Telekommunikation
  • Tjänsteleverantör som utför kontroll av arbetsreferenser
  • Tjänsteleverantör som utför kontroll av kvalifikationer
  • Tjänsteleverantör för att genomföra granskning i samband med brottmålsdomar (vid behov)
  • Tjänsteleverantör för att verifiera den information du tillhandahåller från tredjepartskällor
  • Tjänsteleverantör som utför psykometriska utvärderingar eller färdighetstester

Våra entreprenörer är avtalsenligt skyldiga av oss att upprätthålla konfidentialitet och att följa standarder och föreskrifter för dataskydd.

Genomföra undersökningar om talangtrender

För att kontinuerligt förbättra våra tjänster och hålla dem uppdaterade kommer vi selektivt att bjuda in dig att delta i undersökningar om talangtrender.

I detta sammanhang kan vi behandla följande uppgifter:

  • Namn
  • Tidigare placeringar och tillhandahållna tjänster
  • E-postadress
  • Information i frågeformuläret för undersökningen

Databehandlingen baseras på följande rättsliga grunder:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - ditt samtycke

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - vårt berättigade intresse att identifiera aktuella talangtrender och att vidareutveckla våra tjänster och erbjudanden.

Vi samlar in uppgifterna direkt från dig.

I samband med den databehandling som beskrivs här är det möjligt att både interna och externa tjänsteleverantörer från följande områden har tillgång till dina uppgifter:

  • Marknadsföring
  • Marknadsundersökningar
  • Marknadsanalys
  • Försäljning
  • IT-lösningar
  • IT-support
  • Post- och frakttjänster
  • Telekommunikation
  • Analys av uppgifter

Potentiella kandidater och kunder


Kategorier av uppgifter

Rättslig grund/berättigat intresse

Insamling av uppgifter

Kategorier av mottagare

För att kunna erbjuda våra tjänster och för att kunna kontakta dig och besvara dina förfrågningar behandlar vi dina personuppgifter. Vi behandlar de personuppgifter om dig som du lämnar till oss när du kontaktar oss och gör en förfrågan. Dessutom kan vi behandla uppgifter om dig från allmänt tillgängliga källor och från professionella och sociala nätverk, som LinkedIn, Xing, StepStone, företag eller andra jobbsajter, för att kontakta dig om vi tror att du kan vara intresserad av våra anställningstjänster.

Dessutom kan vi ha fått kännedom om dig genom rekommendation från en annan kandidat eller kund och kontakta dig.

Om du agerar som affärskontakt på uppdrag av ett företag kommer vi att behandla dina professionella kontaktuppgifter.

I detta sammanhang kan vi behandla följande uppgifter:

  • Namn och adress
  • Position i företaget
  • Telefonnummer
  • E-postadress
  • Kontaktuppgifter för yrkesverksamma
  • Namn på det företag du arbetar för,
  • Information i ditt CV, din jobbprofil, din företagsprofil
  • Information om din utbildningsväg,
  • Referenser,
  • Yrkeserfarenhet,
  • Jobbrelaterade referenser,
  • Förväntad lön,
  • Karriärmål,
  • Öppna platsannonser,
  • Nationalitet,
  • Foton,
  • Språkkunskaper,
  • Status i professionella nätverk, t.ex. öppet för jobb

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - ditt samtycke

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - upprättande, fullgörande eller uppsägning av avtalet med dig

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - vårt berättigade intresse av direktmarknadsföringsåtgärder och distribution av våra rekryterings- och anställningstjänster samt vårt berättigade intresse av att hitta nya affärskontakter, kunder och potentiella kandidater

Vi samlar in uppgifterna direkt från dig.

Dessutom kan vi också samla in dina uppgifter från tredje part, nämligen

  • Allmänt tillgängliga professionella källor, hemsidor, tidningsartiklar, jobbannonser
  • Professionella nätverk, såsom LinkedIn, StepStone,, Xing, etc.
  • Din jobb- eller företagsprofil publiceras i offentliga databaser
  • Andra kandidater eller kunder

I samband med den databehandling som beskrivs här är det möjligt att både interna och externa tjänsteleverantörer från följande områden har tillgång till dina uppgifter:

  • Marknadsföring
  • Försäljning
  • IT-lösningar
  • IT-support
  • Post- och frakttjänster
  • Telekommunikation
  • Dataanalys

Kunder (B2B) och våra kontakter


Kategorier av uppgifter

Rättslig grund/ berättigat intresse

Insamling av uppgifter

Kategorier av mottagare

Vi behandlar dina uppgifter för att kunna tillhandahålla våra rekryteringstjänster till dig. I detta sammanhang behandlar vi dina och dina affärskontakters uppgifter för att kommunicera med dig och hitta lämpliga kandidater för dina lediga tjänster.

I detta sammanhang kan vi behandla följande uppgifter:

  • Företagets namn
  • Namn och adress
  • Kontaktuppgifter till affärskontakterna
  • Telefonnummer
  • Din feedback om kandidaterna
  • Avtalsdata och redovisningsdata
  • Information om lediga tjänster och kravprofiler

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - Upprättande, fullgörande eller uppsägning av avtalet med dig

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR – vårt berättigade intresse av effektiva arbetsorganisatoriska processer, arbets- och tjänstedelning inom PageGroup-gruppen

Vi samlar in uppgifterna direkt från dig.

Dessutom kan vi också samla in dina uppgifter från tredje part, nämligen

  • Allmänt tillgängliga professionella källor, hemsidor, tidningsartiklar, jobbannonser
  • Professionella nätverk, såsom LinkedIn, StepStone,, Xing, etc.
  • Din jobb- eller företagsprofil publiceras i offentliga databaser
  • Andra kunder och kandidater

I samband med den databehandling som beskrivs här är det möjligt att både interna och externa tjänsteleverantörer från följande områden har tillgång till dina uppgifter:

  • Marknadsföring
  • Försäljning
  • IT-lösningar
  • IT-support
  • Post- och frakttjänster
  • Telekommunikation
  • Analys av uppgifter
  • Redovisning
  • Administration
  • Bankverksamhet
  • Hantering av globala, regionala eller ledande befattningar, eller utveckling av nyckelkunder, vilket skulle kräva samarbete mellan olika företag i koncernen.

Vi behandlar dina uppgifter för att skicka nöjdhetsundersökningar till dig för att ta reda på om du är nöjd med våra tjänster, för att förbättra våra befintliga tjänster och för att utveckla nya tjänster.

I detta sammanhang kan vi behandla följande uppgifter:

  • Företagets namn
  • Namn och adress
  • Kontaktuppgifter till företagets kontaktperson
  • Telefonnummer
  • Tidigare placeringar och tillhandahållna tjänster

Databehandlingen baseras på följande rättsliga grunder:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - ditt samtycke

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - vårt berättigade intresse av direktmarknadsföring och att skicka reklaminnehåll samt att vidareutveckla våra tjänster och erbjudanden.

Vi samlar in uppgifterna direkt från dig.

I samband med den databehandling som beskrivs här är det möjligt att både interna och externa tjänsteleverantörer från följande områden har tillgång till dina uppgifter:

  • Marknadsföring
  • Marknadsanalys
  • Försäljning
  • IT-lösningar
  • IT-support
  • Post- och frakttjänster
  • Telekommunikation
  • Dataanalys

Vi behandlar dina uppgifter för att skicka marknadsföringsinformationnyhetsbrev och annan elektronisk marknadsföringsinformation till dig, för att hålla dig informerad om jobbmöjligheter, branschrapporter och insikter, evenemang, händelser och annat innehåll.

I detta sammanhang kan vi behandla följande uppgifter:

  • Namn,
  • E-postadress
  • Telefonnummer
  • Din marknadsföringsinformation och dina jobbpreferenser

Databehandlingen baseras på följande rättsliga grunder:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - ditt samtycke

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - vårt berättigade intresse av direktmarknadsföring och utskick av reklaminnehåll

Vi samlar in uppgifterna direkt från dig.

I samband med den databehandling som beskrivs här är det möjligt att både interna och externa tjänsteleverantörer från följande områden har tillgång till dina uppgifter:

  • Marknadsföring
  • Utskick av nyhetsbrev
  • Försäljning
  • IT-lösningar
  • IT-support
  • Post- och frakttjänster
  • Telekommunikation
  • Dataanalys

Tjänsteleverantörer och våra affärskontakter från våra tjänsteleverantörer


Kategorier av uppgifter

Rättslig grund/berättigat intresse

Insamling av uppgifter

Mottagare av dina uppgifter

Vi behandlar dina personuppgifter för att kunna ingå serviceavtalet med dig, ta emot dina tjänster och kommunicera med dig inom ramen för vår affärsrelation. Dessutom behandlar vi dina uppgifter för bokföringsändamål.

I detta sammanhang kan vi behandla följande uppgifter:

  • Företagets namn
  • Namn och adress
  • Kontaktuppgifter till kontaktpersonerna
  • Telefonnummer
  • Översikt över utförda tjänster
  • Avtalsdata och redovisningsdata

Databehandlingen baseras på följande rättsliga grunder:

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR – upprättande, fullgörande eller uppsägning av avtalet med dig

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - vårt berättigade intresse av effektiva arbetsorganisatoriska processer, arbets- och tjänstedelning inom PageGroup-koncernen

Vi samlar in uppgifterna direkt från dig.

I samband med den databehandling som beskrivs här är det möjligt att både interna och externa tjänsteleverantörer från följande områden har tillgång till dina uppgifter:

  • Marknadsföring
  • Försäljning
  • IT-lösningar
  • IT-support
  • Post- och frakttjänster
  • Telekommunikation
  • Analys av uppgifter
  • Redovisning
  • Administration
  • Bankverksamhet

Vi behandlar dina personuppgifter för att bedöma din lämplighet som leverantör till oss.

För att uppfylla rättsliga krav jämför vi i mycket begränsade fall och endast i den mån vi är rättsligt skyldiga att göra det dina stamdata med sanktionslistor och andra offentliga listor och register, inklusive terror- och embargolistor och PEP-listor (Politically Exposed Person).

I detta sammanhang kan vi behandla följande uppgifter:

  • Företagets namn
  • Namn och adress
  • Kontaktuppgifter till kontaktpersonerna
  • Telefonnummer
  • Referenser

Databehandlingen baseras på följande rättsliga grunder:

Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR - vår rättsliga skyldighet att genomföra bakgrundskontroller

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - upprättande, fullgörande eller uppsägning av avtalet med dig

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - vårt berättigade intresse av att utföra bedömningar för att bedöma din lämplighet

Vi samlar in uppgifterna direkt från dig.

Vi kan också använda uppgifter från offentliga register och sanktionslistor.

I samband med den databehandling som beskrivs här är det möjligt att både interna och externa tjänsteleverantörer från följande områden har tillgång till dina uppgifter:

  • Upphandling
  • IT-lösningar
  • IT-support
  • Post- och frakttjänster
  • Telekommunikation
  • Administration

Databehandling för efterlevnad av rättsliga skyldigheter och försvar och hävdande av rättsliga anspråk


Kategorier av uppgifter

Rättslig grund/berättigat intresse

Insamling av data

Mottagare av dina Uppgifter

Vi behandlar dina uppgifter i den mån det är nödvändigt för att uppfylla officiella kontroll-, övervaknings- och revisionsskyldigheter, inklusive officiella informations- och anmälningsskyldigheter samt skyldigheter enligt handels- eller skattelagstiftning.

I detta sammanhang behandlar vi följande uppgifter:

  • Företagets namn
  • Namn och adress
  • Kontaktuppgifter till kontaktpersonerna
  • Telefonnummer
  • Översikt över utförda tjänster
  • Avtalsdata och redovisningsdata
  • Begärda uppgifter

Databehandlingen baseras på följande rättsliga grunder:

Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR - Uppfyllande av rättsliga skyldigheter

Vi samlar in uppgifterna direkt från dig.

Inom ramen för den databehandling som beskrivs här är det möjligt att följande mottagare har tillgång till dina uppgifter:

  • brottsbekämpande myndigheter eller andra offentliga organ
  • Domstolar
  • Advokater
  • Konsulter

I enskilda fall behandlar vi även dina uppgifter för att göra gällande och försvara oss mot rättsliga anspråk.

I detta sammanhang behandlar vi följande uppgifter:

  • Företagets namn
  • Namn och adress
  • Kontaktuppgifter till kontaktpersonerna
  • Telefonnummer
  • Översikt över utförda tjänster
  • Avtalsdata och redovisningsdata
  • Uppgifter som krävs för försvar och verkställighet av fordringar

Databehandlingen baseras på följande rättsliga grunder:

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - vårt berättigade intresse av att försvara oss mot rättsliga anspråk.

Vi samlar in uppgifterna direkt från dig.

Inom ramen för den databehandling som beskrivs här är det möjligt att följande mottagare har tillgång till dina uppgifter:

  • Advokater,
  • Konsulter
  • Domstolar
  • Medlare

Vi kommer att behandla dina uppgifter i händelse av omstrukturering, sammanslagning, försäljning, joint venture, överlåtelse eller annan överföring eller av yttring av hela eller delar av vår verksamhet i den utsträckning som krävs för dessa ändamål.

I detta sammanhang behandlar vi följande uppgifter:

  • Företagets namn
  • Namn och adress
  • Kontaktuppgifter till kontaktpersonerna
  • Telefonnummer
  • Översikt över utförda tjänster
  • Avtalsdata och redovisningsdata

Databehandlingen baseras på följande rättsliga grunder:

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - vårt berättigade intresse i en omstrukturering, sammanslagning, försäljning, joint venture, överlåtelse eller annan överföring eller avyttring av hela eller delar av vårt företag

Art. 6 (1) (a) - ditt samtycke

Vi samlar in uppgifterna direkt från dig.

Inom ramen för den databehandling som beskrivs här är det möjligt att följande mottagare har tillgång till dina uppgifter:

  • Advokater
  • Nya företagare och deras rådgivare
  • Domstolar

Vi behandlar också dina personuppgifter för att uppfylla våra skyldigheter enligt dataskyddslagstiftningen, i synnerhet för att garantera dina rättigheter som registrerad.

I detta sammanhang behandlar vi följande uppgifter:

  • Företagets namn
  • Namn och adress
  • Kontaktuppgifter till kontaktpersonerna
  • Telefonnummer
  • Avtals- och faktureringsuppgifter
  • Dataskyddsdeklarationer (t.ex. deklaration om samtycke till behandling)
  • Förklaringar om återkallande av samtycke som du har gett
  • Invändningar mot behandling av personuppgifter
  • Förklaringar om hävdande av dina rättigheter till information, korrigering, radering, begränsning av behandling, dataöverförbarhet, inklusive den information du tillhandahåller oss när du hävdar dina rättigheter

Databehandlingen baseras på följande rättsliga grunder:

Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR - uppfyllande av rättsliga skyldigheter

Vi samlar in uppgifterna direkt från dig.

Inom ramen för den databehandling som beskrivs här är det möjligt att följande mottagare har tillgång till dina uppgifter:

  • Advokater
  • Domstolar
  • Interna och externa tjänsteleverantörer inom områdena administration, efterlevnad, dataskydd och support

Cookies, analysverktyg och sociala medier

Vi använder sociala medier och använder olika cookies och annan analysteknik på vår webbplats. För ytterligare information, se vår Cookie Policy.

Automatiserade beslut och profilering

Vi fattar inte beslut enbart baserat på automatiserad databehandling; Det finns alltid mänsklig inblandning innan ett beslut fattas.

Vi upprättar två typer av profiler baserat på kandidaternas personuppgifter:

  • JobMatch är ett verktyg som finns tillgängligt på vår webbplats för kandidater att ladda upp sina CV. Verktyget matchas mot dina färdigheter, karriärönskemål och cv-uppgifter och hjälper oss att rekommendera jobb som matchar dina önskemål och färdigheter. Denna profilering begränsar eller utesluter dock inte åtkomst till andra jobb eller befattningar.
  • Vi använder ett analysverktyg som drivs av semantisk sökteknik (en typ av artificiell intelligens) som gör att vi kan söka  och filtrera CV från vår databas. Genom att ange relevanta nyckelord som antal års erfarenhet eller praktikområde i detta verktyg analyseras sedan alla uppladdade CV:n, och en pool av kandidater tillhandahålls genom att matcha nyckelorden i kandidaternas CV och rangordna kandidaterna efter deras lämplighet för jobbet. Vi använder denna teknik för att göra våra rekryteringsprocesser mer effektiva, genom att bättre kunna matcha kandidater till mer passande jobb. Som förklarats ovan finns det alltid en rekryterare som kontrollerar denna process, så det finns inga automatiserade beslut.

Observera att ingen av dessa profileringsaktiviteter har några betydande rättsliga eller liknande effekter på kandidaterna. Men om du vill veta mer är du välkommen att kontakta oss.

Dataöverföring till länder utanför EES

I vissa fall behandlar vi även dina personuppgifter utanför Europeiska ekonomiska samarbetsområdet (EES). Om en dataöverföring sker till en av de ovan nämnda mottagarna vars säte eller plats för databehandling ligger utanför EES eller en stat för vilken en adekvat nivå av dataskydd har fastställts genom ett beslut av Europeiska kommissionen, kommer vi före överföringen att säkerställa att dataöverföringen omfattas av ett rättsligt tillstånd och att det finns garantier för en adekvat nivå av dataskydd med avseende på dataöverföringen (t.ex. genom avtalsmässiga garantier, officiellt erkända bestämmelser eller bindande interna bestämmelser om dataskydd hos mottagaren) eller så har du gett oss ditt samtycke till dataöverföringen.

Överföring av uppgifter inom koncernen utanför EES

PageGroup är en globalt verksam företagsgrupp. Våra rekryteringsexperter och nyckelpersoner inom funktioner som rekryteringssupport, lönehantering och IT-support finns över hela världen. För ovan nämnda ändamål, inom ramen för vårt samarbete i PageGroup, överför vi dina personuppgifter i enlighet med Art. 44 och följande. GDPR även till PageGroup-företag utanför EES eller tillåta anställda som arbetar i PageGroup-företag utanför EES att få tillgång till dina personuppgifter i syfte att samarbeta och uppfylla våra avtalsförpliktelser med dig. En lista över PageGroup-enheter som är belägna utanför EES finns här.

Om du t.ex. befinner dig i Tyskland för att söka jobb eller om du letar efter en kvalificerad medarbetare till din organisation eller en rekryteringspartner, delar vi vid behov dina personuppgifter med våra rekryterare som är specialiserade på den tyska marknaden och som är baserade i Turkiet (uppgifter om det turkiska företaget finns i listan ovan). De behandlar dina personuppgifter på uppdrag av våra tyska enheter. I samband med denna överföring säkerställs en adekvat nivå av dataskydd i enlighet med företagets koncerninterna avtal och SCC, som beskrivs nedan.

Vi har ett koncerninternt dataöverföringsavtal som innehåller standardavtalsklausuler (SCC) som godkänts av Europeiska kommissionen och som tillåter gränsöverskridande överföringar av personuppgifter från EES till tredjeländer utanför EES (eftersom dataskyddslagar utanför EES kanske inte ger en likvärdig skyddsnivå med EES:s dataskyddslagar).

Om du vill ha en kopia av SCCs, vänligen kontakta oss via kontaktuppgifterna nedan.

Dataöverföring till externa tjänsteleverantörer utanför EES

För de ändamål som nämns ovan använder vi leverantörer av IT-tjänster i Storbritannien, USA och Israel. För att skydda dina uppgifter har vi ingått standardavtalsklausuler (SCC) där så krävs.

Kontakta oss via kontaktuppgifterna nedan om du vill få en kopia av SCC.

Skydd för dina personuppgifter

Vi har implementerat och upprätthåller lämpliga tekniska och organisatoriska åtgärder för att skydda dina personuppgifter mot oavsiktlig eller olaglig förstörelse, förlust eller ändring eller obehörigt avslöjande eller åtkomst. Endast behörig personal och tredjepartsleverantörer har tillgång till personuppgifter på behovsbasis, och dessa anställda och tjänsteleverantörer är enligt avtal skyldiga att behandla denna information konfidentiellt. 

Så länge sparar vi dina personuppgifter

Vi kommer att lagra dina personuppgifter så länge som det är nödvändigt för att uppfylla det syfte för vilket vi har samlat in dem, vilket kan vara ett pågående syfte. Om du till exempel är en sökande kommer vi att lagra dina personuppgifter så länge vår affärsrelation med dig varar och även därefter, eftersom vi ofta hjälper sökande med jobb under många år och potentiellt under hela deras karriär. 

Vi sparar vissa personuppgifter längre än andra. Vid fastställandet av lämplig lagringsperiod för personuppgifter tar vi hänsyn till faktorer som de ändamål för vilka vi behandlar dina personuppgifter, inklusive juridiska, regulatoriska, redovisnings- och rapporteringsskyldigheter, arten och mängden personuppgifter vi har om dig och den potentiella risken för skada för dig från obehörig användning eller avslöjande av dina personuppgifter. 

När vi behandlar dina personuppgifter för direktmarknadsföring kommer vi att göra det tills du ber oss att sluta, och under en kort tid därefter (för att vi ska kunna utföra din begäran). Vi kommer också att registrera och behålla informationen att du har bett oss att inte skicka direktmarknadsföring till dig eller att behandla dina uppgifter på obestämd tid så att vi kan respektera din begäran.

Dina rättigheter när det gäller dataskydd 

EU:s dataskyddslagstiftning ger dig många rättigheter när det gäller behandling av uppgifter om dig. Dessa rättigheter inkluderar rätten att återkalla ditt samtycke i enlighet med Art. 7 (3) GDPR, rätten att få tillgång till dina personuppgifter och att begära en kopia av dina personuppgifter (Art. 15 GDPR), rättelse (art. 16 GDPR), radering (art. 17 GDPR), eller begränsa behandlingen av dina personuppgifter (Art. 18 GDPR), för att få de personuppgifter du lämnar till oss i ett strukturerat, maskinläsbart format och för att be oss att överföra dessa uppgifter till en annan personuppgiftsansvarig (art. 20 GDPR).

I enlighet med art. 21 GDPR har du rätt att när som helst invända mot databehandling av oss av skäl som härrör från din speciella situation, i den mån detta baseras på Art. 6 (1) (e) DSGVO eller om skydd av “berättigade intressen” enligt Art. 6 (1) (f) DSGVO. Om du utövar din rätt att invända kommer vi att upphöra med behandlingen om vi inte kan påvisa tvingande berättigade skäl för fortsatt behandling som väger tyngre än dina rättigheter och intressen.

Du kan återkalla ditt samtycke till att ta emot marknadsföringskommunikation eller välja bort databehandling för direktmarknadsföringsändamål genom att följa stegen som beskrivs i våra meddelanden och välja bort att ta emot marknadsföringskommunikation, eller genom att kontakta oss med hjälp av kontaktuppgifterna i denna sekretesspolicy. Vi har också upprättat ett Marketing Preference Center där du när som helst kan se och välja dina preferenser och välja bort att ta emot marknadsföringskommunikation. För att få tillgång till Marketing Preference Center, följ även de steg som beskrivs i marknadsföringsmeddelandet.

Observera att dessa rättigheter kan vara begränsade i vissa fall. Dina rättigheter kan till exempel vara begränsade om det skulle avslöja personuppgifter om en annan person om du följer din begäran, om det skulle kränka en tredje parts rättigheter (inklusive våra) eller om du ber oss att radera information som vi är skyldiga att behålla enligt lag eller vars lagring vi har överordnade legitima intressen. Vi kommer att informera dig om alla relevanta undantag som vi förlitar oss på när vi svarar på din begäran. 

För behandlingar som baseras på Företagens berättigade intressen har vi dessutom utfört en bedömning av berättigat intresse för att säkerställa att våra intressen inte åsidosätts av dina intressen eller grundläggande rättigheter och friheter; du kan begära denna bedömning via de kontakter som anges i slutet av denna Integritetspolicy.

Frågor och klagomål

Om du har några frågor om denna integritetspolicy eller behandlingen av dina personuppgifter, eller om du vill lämna ett klagomål, kan du använda vårt formulär eller skicka ett e-postmeddelande till oss eller till vårt dataskyddsombud på [email protected].

Om du har olösta problem eller anser att dina personuppgifter har kränkts kan du lämna in ett klagomål till den behöriga tillsynsmyndigheten. En förteckning över relevanta myndigheter inom EES finns här.

Så här kontaktar du oss

Utöva dina rättigheter

För att utöva dina rättigheter, återkalla ditt samtycke till behandling eller avregistrera dig från vår kommersiella kommunikation kan du göra så här:

Dataskyddsombud (DPO)
Bird & Bird DPO Services SRL
Avenue Louise 235 box 1
1050 Brussels

Page Group 
Compliance Department
Plaza Europa 21 23, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat,
08908 Barcelona

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Privacy Policy

Who we are and how we process your personal data

PageGroup including its subsidiaries (hereinafter collectively: "PageGroup", "us" or "we") is a specialist recruitment company operating under the brands Michael Page, Page Personnel, Page Executive and Page Outsourcing. The protection of personal data relating to you is important to us. This Privacy Policy informs you about the categories of personal data we collect, the purposes for which we use them and how we process your data, when you visit our website, when you apply for a job with us, when we introduce ourselves to you, when we provide recruitment and employment services to you, when we maintain a relationship with you after we have provided a service for you or when you provide a service for us. The following information is directed at you if you fall into one of the following categories of individuals:

  • candidates for whom we provide employment services or who apply to us for a vacant position and contact us through our website, job boards, social media pages or through other sources;
  • clients and their contacts with whom we have a business relationship and whom we support in filling vacant positions;
  • potential candidates as well as potential clients and their contacts with whom we come into contact in order to present our products and services;
  • service providers and their contacts who provide various services for us;
  • users of our websites and apps

(jointly referred to as "you" or "yours").


The controller of your data is the PageGroup company that contacts you and processes data from you on its own responsibility when you visit the website, when the respective entity provides recruitment and employment services to you, maintains the relationship with you after the entity has found a job for you, hires you for a vacant position or in case you provide a service to the to the respective entity. To access a complete list of PageGroup's European subsidiaries, including their contact details, please click here.

Details of data processing

Below you will find an overview of what kind of personal data we process about you, for which purposes, on which legal basis and where we collect this data.

If you do not provide us with your personal data, even though we need to collect it in order to process an order from you or fulfil a contract with you, or because we are required to do so by law, we may have to refuse your order or be unable to fulfil our contractual obligations to you.

Users of our website or apps


Data categories

Legal basis

Collection of your Data

Recipients of your Data

When you visit our website or app, we process your data for the following purposes:

  • Calling up the website/app
  • Ensuring smooth connection establishment,
  • Ensuring and optimising the performance of our website and the user-friendliness of our website
  • Ensuring and evaluating system security and stability

In this context, we also use various cookies and other technologies. For further information, see our Cookie Policy.

In this context, we process the following data:

  • IP address of the requesting Internet-enabled device
  • Date and time of access
  • Name and URL of the retrieved file,
  • Website/application from which the access was made (referrer URL), the browser you use and, if applicable, the operating system of your Internet-enabled computer
  • Name of your access provider

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in the security, stability, and usability of our website

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR – your consent

We collect the data directly from you.

In context of this data processing, it is possible that the following internal and external service providers have access to your data:

  • IT service providers
  • Data analytics tool provider
  • Marketing service provider

We process your data to provide you with personalised advertising on the website based on your browsing behaviour. To do this, we use various cookies and other technologies. For further information, see our Cookie Policy.

In this context, we process the following data:

  • IP address of the requesting Internet-enabled device,
  • Date and time of access,
  • Name and URL of the retrieved file,
  • Website/application from which the access was made (referrer URL), the browser used by you and, if applicable, the operating system of your Internet-enabled computer,
  • Name of your access provider

The data processing is based on the following legal basis:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - your consent

We collect the data directly from you.

In context of this data processing, it is possible that the following internal or external service providers have access to your data:

  • IT service providers
  • Analysis tools providers
  • Marketing companies



Data categories

Legal basis/legitimate interest

Collection of your Data

Recipient categories

We process your data in order to provide employment & placement services to you or to conduct an application process with you to establish an employment relationship with you.

In this context, we may use your data to communicate with you, answer your questions, analyse your CV, and find a suitable position for you, create a candidate profile for you, providing salary advice, arrange interviews, conduct aptitude tests with you, forward your application documents to the employer of your choice.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name and address
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Information in your CV
  • Information about your educational path
  • References
  • Professional experience
  • Job references
  • Salary expectations,
  • Career aspirations
  • Results of security audits
  • Nationality
  • Residence and work permit
  • Photos
  • Language skills,
  • Test results from assessment centres,
  • In certain cases, special categories of data such as:
  • Disability,
  • Health information,
  • Occupational health examinations,
  • Convictions, criminal offences,

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you

Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR - compliance with legal obligations in the area of labour and social law

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in efficient work organisational processes, work & service-sharing within the PageGroup as well as our legitimate interest in maintaining our customer relationship with you.

We only process your special categories data on the basis of your consent pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR and insofar as we are obligated to do so for reasons of labour and social law, and finally for reasons of equal opportunity. In these cases, we base the processing of your data on Art. 9 (2) (b), (g) and (h) DSGVO.

We collect the data directly from you.

In addition, we may also collect your data from third parties, namely from

  • References, e.g., previous employers or former customer of you to confirm your credentials & qualifications
  • Educational institutions
  • Publicly accessible professional networks, such as LinkedIn, StepStone or Xing, to increase the information already available to us about you, so that we have a better chance of finding suitable positions for you;
  • Clients to whom we have provided your CV and who have been in contact with you as part of your job application.

We will only contact those reference providers, that you have indicated to us during the application process and our services.

In order to provide our employment services, we may share personal information about you with potential employers who offer job openings in which you are interested.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is also possible that both internal and external service providers have access to your data. These include processors as well as our controllers from the following areas:

  • IT support
  • Hosting, IT service
  • IT solutions to improve service quality
  • Data analytics
  • Recruiting support
  • Sales
  • Administration and management of global, regional, or executive positions or the development of key customers within the Page Group
  • Shipping and logistics companies
  • Telecommunications providers
  • Providers of professional networks
  • Providers of psychometric assessment or ability tests

Our contractors are contractually obligated by us to maintain confidentiality and to comply with data protection standards and regulations.

We process your data when you register with us and make your application data available to us and eventually to potential employers.

If you register with different PageGroup companies, we will combine the applicant data you have provided into one data record and one applicant account for you. A single record avoids duplicities and improve accuracy of the personal data. For these purposes, the PageGroup companies involved will share your personal information as independent data controllers.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name and address
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Information in your CV
  • Information about your educational path
  • References
  • Professional experience
  • Job references
  • Salary expectations,
  • Career aspirations
  • In certain cases, special categories of data on such as:
  • Disability,
  • health information,
  • Convictions, criminal offences

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - establishment, performance, or termination of the user contract with you for the provision of our candidate registration service.

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in efficient work organisational processes, in work & service-sharing within the PageGroup as well as our legitimate interest in maintaining our customer relationship with you

In this case, we only process your special categories of data on the basis of your consent pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (a), Art. 9 (2) (a) GDPR.

We collect the data directly from you.

If you apply for a specific position, we will pass your applicants data on to the potential employer you have requested.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is also possible that the internal as well as external service providers described above have access to your data.

We process your data to send you promotional informationnewsletters, and other electronic promotional information, to keep you informed about job opportunities, industry reports and insights, events, happenings and other content.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name,
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Your marketing information and job preferences

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - your consent

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR our legitimate interest in direct marketing measures and the sending of advertising content

We collect the data directly from you.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analysis

We process your data to send you satisfaction surveys to find out whether you are satisfied with our services, to improve our existing services and to develop new services.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Previous placements and services provided
  • Your information in the satisfaction questionnaire

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - your consent

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in direct marketing measures and sending of advertising content as well as the improvement and development of our services

We collect the data directly from you.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analysis
  • Service provider for conducting surveys
  • Service provider to conduct testing and development activities, provide research, mailing or other direct marketing services.

In certain cases, it may be necessary for us to check the information you have provided about your work-history, or to check whether you have the qualifications and the necessary reliability for a specific job position. In these cases, we conduct so-called background checks. For this purpose, we consult reference providers and early educational institutions. In addition, we conduct internet research using search engines and publicly accessible online databases. Furthermore, we evaluate national and international press.

Only in very limited cases and only insofar as we are legally obliged to do so do we compare your master data with sanctions lists and other public lists and registers, including terror and embargo lists and PEP lists (Politically Exposed Person).

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name and address
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Information in your CV
  • Information about your educational path
  • References
  • Professional experience
  • Job references
  • Results of security audits
  • Nationality
  • Residence and work permit
  • Photos
  • Language skills
  • Assessment centre test results
  • Convictions, criminal offences (e.g., employment fraud, economic crime, organised crime)
  • Infringements of competition or antitrust law
  • Violations of other legal requirements or regulations
  • Insolvencies
  • existing conflicts of interest

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - your consent

Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR - our legal obligation to conduct background checks

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - Establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in carrying out background checks to verify your information, our legitimate interest in carrying out background checks to fulfil legal obligations of our clients, the legitimate interest of our clients in carrying out background checks to ensure the required suitability and reliability for special positions and verification of your information.

We collect the data directly from you.

In addition, we may also collect your data from third parties, namely:

  • Reference providers, such as previous employers or former customers of you to check your details
  • Educational institutions - to check your academic qualifications
  • publicly available professional sources such as LinkedIn, Xing or StepStone, etc.
  • Sanction lists and other public lists and registers, including terror and embargo lists as well as PEP lists
  • Public source, telephone directories, newspaper articles
  • Generally accessible databases

We will only contact those reference providers that you have indicated to us during the selection process and our services.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • IT security
  • IT solutions
  • Hosting
  • Telecommunications
  • Service provider to carry out the check of work references
  • Service provider to carry out the check of qualifications
  • Service provider to conduct review in connection with criminal convictions (if required)
  • Service provider to verify the information you provide from third-party sources
  • Service provider to conduct psychometric evaluations or ability tests

Our contractors are contractually obligated by us to maintain confidentiality and to comply with data protection standards and regulations.

Conducting surveys on talent trends

In order to continuously improve our services and keep them up to date, we will selectively invite you to participate in surveys on talent trends.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name
  • Previous placements and services provided
  • Email address
  • Information in the survey questionnaire

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - your consent

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest to identify current talent trends and to further develop our services and offers.

We collect the data directly from you.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Market research
  • Market analysis
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analysis

Potential candidates and clients


Data categories

Legal basis/legitimate interest

Collection of the data

Recipient categories

In order to present our services and to be able to contact you and answer your enquiries, we process your personal data. We process the personal data about you that you provide to us when you contact us and make an enquiry. In addition, we may process data about you obtained from publicly available sources and from professional and social networks, such as LinkedIn, Xing, StepStone, company or other job boards, in order to contact you if we think you might be interested in our employment services.

In addition, we may have been made aware of you through recommendation from another candidate or client and contact you.

If you are acting as a business contact on behalf of a company, we will process your professional contact details.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name and address
  • Position in the company
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Professional contact details
  • Name of the company you work for,
  • Information in your CV, job profile, company profile
  • Information about your educational path,
  • References,
  • Professional experience,
  • Job references,
  • Salary expectations,
  • Career aspirations,
  • Open job advertisements,
  • Nationality,
  • Photos,
  • Language skills,
  • Status in professional networks, e.g., open for jobs

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - your consent

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in direct marketing measures and distribution of our recruiting and employment services as well as our legitimate interest in finding new business contacts, customers, and potential candidates

We collect the data directly from you.

In addition, we may also collect your data from third parties, namely:

  • Publicly accessible professional sources, homepages, newspaper articles, job advertisements
  • Professional networks, such as LinkedIn, StepStone,, Xing, etc.
  • Your job or company profiles published in public databases
  • Other candidates or clients

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analytics

Clients (B2B) and our contacts


Data categories

Legal basis/ Legitimate interest

Collection of the data

Recipient categories

We process your data in order to provide our recruiting services to you. In this context, we process your data and those of your business contacts in order to communicate with you and find suitable candidates for your vacancies.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the business contacts
  • Telephone number
  • Your feedback on candidates
  • Contract data and accounting data
  • Information on vacancies and requirement profiles

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - Establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in efficient work organisational processes, work & service sharing within the PageGroup group

We collect the data directly from you.

In addition, we may also collect your data from third parties, namely:

  • Publicly accessible professional sources, homepages, newspaper articles, job advertisements
  • Professional networks, such as LinkedIn, StepStone,, Xing, etc.
  • Your job or company profiles published in public databases
  • Other clients and candidates

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analysis
  • Accounting
  • Administration
  • Banking
  • Management of global, regional, or senior executive positions, or the development of key accounts, which would require the cooperation of different companies across the group.

We process your data to send you satisfaction surveys to find out whether you are satisfied with our services, to improve our existing services and to develop new services.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the business contact
  • Telephone number
  • Previous placements and services provided

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - your consent

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in direct marketing and sending of advertising content and to further develop our services and offers.

We collect the data directly from you.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Market analysis
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analytics

We process your data to send you promotional informationnewsletters, and other electronic promotional information, to keep you informed about job opportunities, industry reports and insights, events, happenings and other content.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name,
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Your marketing information and job preferences

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - your consent

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in direct marketing and the sending of advertising content

We collect the data directly from you.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Newsletter dispatch
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analytics

Service providers and our business contacts from our service providers


Data categories

Legal basis/legitimate interest

Collection of the data

Recipients of your data

In order to enter into the service contract with you and to receive your services and to communicate with you in the context of our business relationship, we process your personal data. In addition, we process your data for accounting purposes.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the contact persons
  • Telephone number
  • Overview of services rendered
  • Contract data and accounting data

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR – establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR – our legitimate interest in efficient work organisational processes, work & service-sharing in the PageGroup group

We collect the data directly from you.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analysis
  • Accounting
  • Administration
  • Banking

We process your personal data to assess your suitability as a supplier of us.

For legal compliance obligations, in very limited cases and only insofar as we are legally obliged to do so do we compare your master data with sanctions lists and other public lists and registers, including terror and embargo lists and PEP lists (Politically Exposed Person).

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the contact persons
  • Telephone number
  • References

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR - our legal obligation to conduct background checks

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in carrying out assessments to assess your suitability

We collect the data directly from you.

We may also use data from public registers and sanction lists.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Procurement
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Administration

Data processing for compliance with legal obligations and defence and assertion of legal claims


Data categories

Legal basis/legitimate interest

Collection of the Data

Recipients of your Data

We process your data insofar as necessary to fulfil official control and monitoring and audit obligations, including official information and notification obligations as well as obligations under commercial or tax law.

In this context, we process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the contact persons
  • Telephone number
  • Overview of services rendered
  • Contract data and accounting data
  • Requested data

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR – Compliance with legal obligations

We collect the data directly from you.

Within the scope of the data processing de-scribed here, it is possible that the following recipients have access to your data:

  • Law enforcement authorities or other public entities
  • Courts
  • Lawyers
  • Consultants

In individual cases, we also process your data for the assertion of and defence against legal claims.

In this context, we process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the contact persons
  • Telephone number
  • Overview of services rendered
  • Contract data and accounting data
  • Data required for the defence and enforcement of claims

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR – our legitimate interest in defending against asserting legal claims.

We collect the data directly from you.

Within the scope of the data processing de-scribed here, it is possible that the following recipients have access to your data:

  • Lawyers,
  • Consultants
  • Courts
  • Mediators

We will process your data in the event of a restructuring, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment or other transfer or disposal of all or part of our business to the extent necessary for these purposes.

In this context, we process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the contact persons
  • Telephone number
  • Overview of services rendered
  • Contract data and accounting data

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR – our legit-imate interest in in a restructuring, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment or other transfer or disposal of all or part of our company

Art. 6 (1) (a) – your consent

We collect the data directly from you.

Within the scope of the data processing described here, it is possible that the following recipients have access to your data:

  • Lawyers
  • New business owners and their advisors
  • Courts

We also process your personal data in order to fulfil our obligations under data protection law, in particular to guarantee your rights as a data subject.

In this context, we process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the contact persons
  • Telephone number
  • Contract and billing data
  • Data protection declarations (e.g., declaration of consent to processing)
  • Declarations on the revocation of consent given by you
  • Declarations of objection to the processing of personal data
  • Declarations on the assertion of your rights to information, correction, deletion, restriction of processing, data transferability, including the information you provide to us when asserting your rights

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR – compliance with legal obligations

We collect the data directly from you.

Within the scope of the data processing de-scribed here, it is possible that the following recipients have access to your data:

  • Lawyers
  • Courts
  • Internal and external service providers in the areas of administration, compliance, data protection and support

Cookies, analytics tool & social media

We use social media and employ various cookies and other analysis technologies on our website. For further information, see our Cookie Policy.

Automated decisions and profiling

We do not make decisions based solely on automated data processing; there is always human intervention before a decision is made.

We draw up two types of profiles based on the candidates’ personal data:

  • JobMatch is a tool available on our website for candidates to upload their CVs. Matched to your skills, career aspirations and resume information, the tool helps us to recommend jobs that match your aspirations and skills. However, this profiling does not restrict or exclude access to other jobs or positions.
  • We use an analysis tool powered by semantic search technology (a type of Artificial Intelligence) that allows us to intelligently search and filter CVs from our data-base. By entering relevant keywords such as years of experience or field of practice into this tool, all uploaded CVs are then analysed, and a pool of candidates is provided by matching the keywords in the candidates’ CVs and ranking the candidates according to their suitability for the job. We use it to make our recruitment processes more efficient, by being able to better match candidates to more suitable jobs. As explained above, there is always a recruiter checking this process, so there are no automated decisions.

Please note that none of these profiling activities have any significant legal or similar effects on candidates. However, if you would like to know more, please contact us.

Data transfers to countries outside the EEA

In some cases, we also process your personal data outside the European Economic Area (EEA). If a data transfer takes place to one of the above-mentioned recipients whose registered office or place of data processing is outside the EEA or a state for which an adequate level of data protection has been established by a decision of the European Commission, we will ensure prior to the transfer that the data transfer is covered by a legal authorization and that guarantees exist for an adequate level of data protection with regard to the data transfer (e.g., through contractual guarantees, officially recognized regulations or binding internal data protection regulations at the recipient) or you have given us consent to the data transfer.

Intra-group data transfers outside the EEA

PageGroup is a globally active group of companies. Our recruitment experts and key business people in functions such as recruiting support, payroll management and IT support are located all over the world. For the above-mentioned purposes, in the context of our cooperation in PageGroup, we transfer your personal data in compliance with Art. 44 et seq. GDPR also to PageGroup companies outside the EEA or allow employees who work in PageGroup companies outside the EEA to access your personal data for the purpose of our cooperation and fulfilment of our contractual obligations with you. A list of PageGroup entities that are located outside the EEA can be found here.

If you are, for example, in Germany, as appropriate for your job search, or if you are looking for a qualified professional to join your organisation or a recruitment partner, we share your personal data with our recruiters specialised in the German market who are based in Turkey (details of the Turkish company can be found in the list mentioned above), if necessary. They process your personal data on behalf of our German entities. In relation to this transfer, an adequate level of data protection is ensured in accordance with the company’s intra-group agreement and the SCCs, as described below.

We have an intra-group data transfer agreement containing Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs) approved by the European Commission that allow for cross-border transfers of personal data from the EEA to third countries outside the EEA, (as data protection laws outside the EEA may not provide an equivalent level of protection to EEA data protection laws).

If you would like a copy of the SCCs, please contact us using the contact details below.

Data transfers to external service providers outside the EEA

For purposes mentioned above, we use IT service providers located in the United Kingdom, USA, and Israel. In order to protect your data, we have entered into standard contractual clauses (SCCs) where required.

Please contact us using the contact details below if you would like to receive a copy of the SCCs.

Keeping your personal data secure

We have implemented and maintain appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss or alteration or unauthorised disclosure or access. Only authorised personnel and third-party service providers have access to personal data on a need-to-know basis, and these employees and service providers are contractually required to treat this information as confidential. 

How long we store your personal data

We will store your personal data for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purpose for which we have collected them, which may be an ongoing purpose. For example, if you are an applicant, we will store your personal data for the duration of our business relationship with you and beyond, as we often support applicants with jobs for many years and potentially for their entire career. 

We keep some personal data longer than others. In determining the appropriate storage period for personal data, we take into account factors such as the purposes for which we process your personal data, including legal, regulatory, accounting and reporting obligations, the nature and amount of personal data we hold about you, and the potential risk of harm to you from unauthorised use or disclosure of your personal data. 

Where we process your personal data for direct marketing purposes, we will do so until you ask us to stop, and for a short period of time afterwards (to allow us to carry out your request). We also keep a record of the fact that you have asked us not to send you direct marketing or to process your data indefinitely, so that we can respect your request.

Your data protection rights 

EU data protection legislation gives you many rights with regard to processing of data concerning you. These rights include the right withdraw your consent according to Art. 7 (3) GDPR, the right of access to your personal data, and to request  a copy of your personal data (Art. 15 GDPR), to rectify (Art. 16 GDPR), erase (Art. 17 GDPR), or restrict the processing of your personal data (Art. 18 GDPR), to obtain the personal data you provide to us in a structured, machine-readable format, and to ask us to transfer this data with another data controller (Art. 20 GDPR).

According to Art. 21 GDPR, you have the right to object to data processing by us at any time for reasons arising from your particular situation, insofar as this is based on Art. 6 (1) (e) DSGVO or on the protection of "legitimate interests" according to Art. 6 (1) (f) DSGVO. If you exercise your right to object, we will cease processing unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for further processing that prevail your rights and interests.

You may withdraw your consent once given to receive marketing communications or opt out of data processing for direct marketing purposes by following the steps outlined in our notices and opting out of receiving marketing communications, or by contacting us using the contact details provided in this Privacy Policy. We have also established a Marketing Preference Center where you can view and select your preferences and opt out of receiving marketing communications at any time. To access the Marketing Preference Center, please also follow the steps explained in the Marketing communication.

Please note that these rights may be limited in certain cases. Your rights may be limited, for example, if complying with your request would disclose personal data about another person, if it would infringe the rights of a third party (including ours) or if you ask us to delete information that we are required to retain by law or in whose storage we have overriding legitimate interests. We will inform you of any relevant exceptions on which we rely when we respond to your request. 

Furthermore, for processing operations based on the Companies' legitimate interests, we have carried out a legitimate interest assessment to ensure that our interests are not prejudiced by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms; you can request this assessment via the contacts listed at the end of this Privacy Policy.

Questions and complaints

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the processing of your personal data, or if you would like to make a complaint, you can use our form or send an email to us or to our Data Protection Officer at [email protected].

If you have unresolved concerns or believe that your personal data has been breached, you can lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority. A list of relevant authorities in the EEA is available here.

How to contact us

Exercising your rights

To exercise your rights, withdraw your consent to processing or unsubscribe from our commercial communications, you can:

Data Protection Officer (DPO)
Bird & Bird DPO Services SRL
Avenue Louise 235 box 1
1050 Brussels

Page Group 
Compliance Department
Plaza Europa 21 23, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat,
08908 Barcelona

Changes to our privacy policy

We may update this privacy policy at any time. Any material changes to this privacy policy shall be duly posted on this website and shall be communicated through other communication channels where appropriate.


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Privacy Policy 

Kim jesteśmy i jak przetwarzamy dane osobowe użytkownika

PageGroup, w tym jej spółki zależne (dalej łącznie: „PageGroup”, „nas”, „nami”, „nam”, „my”) jest firmą rekrutacyjną prowadzącą rekrutację specjalistów, działającą pod markami Michael Page, Page Personnel, Page Executive i Page Outsourcing. Ochrona danych osobowych użytkowników jest dla nas bardzo ważna. Niniejsza Polityka prywatności informuje o kategoriach danych osobowych, które gromadzimy, celach, do których je wykorzystujemy oraz sposobie przetwarzania danych, gdy użytkownik odwiedza naszą stronę internetową, gdy ubiega się o pracę u nas, gdy przedstawiamy się użytkownikowi, gdy świadczymy usługi rekrutacji i zatrudnienia na rzecz użytkownika, gdy utrzymujemy z nim relacje po wykonaniu usługi na jego rzecz lub gdy użytkownik świadczy dla nas usługę. Poniższe informacje są skierowane do osób należących do jednej z poniższych kategorii:

•    kandydaci, dla których świadczymy usługi zatrudnienia lub którzy aplikują do nas na wolne stanowisko i kontaktują się z nami za pośrednictwem naszej strony internetowej, portali z ofertami pracy, mediów społecznościowych lub innych źródeł;
•    klienci i ich kontakty, z którymi utrzymujemy relacje biznesowe i których wspieramy w obsadzaniu wolnych stanowisk; 
•    potencjalni kandydaci, a także potencjalni klienci i ich kontakty, z którymi mamy kontakt w celu zaprezentowania naszych produktów i usług;
•    dostawcy usług i ich kontakty, którzy świadczą dla nas różne usługi; 
•    użytkownicy naszych stron internetowych i aplikacji
(zwanych łącznie „Użytkownikiem” lub „Użytkownikami”). 


Administratorem danych użytkownika jest spółka PageGroup, która kontaktuje się z użytkownikiem i przetwarza jego dane na własną odpowiedzialność, gdy użytkownik odwiedza stronę internetową, gdy dany podmiot świadczy na jego rzecz usługi rekrutacji i zatrudnienia, utrzymuje z nim relację po znalezieniu przez podmiot pracy dla użytkownika, zatrudnia go na wolne stanowisko lub w przypadku świadczenia przez użytkownika usług na rzecz danego podmiotu. Aby uzyskać dostęp do pełnej listy europejskich spółek zależnych PageGroup, w tym ich danych kontaktowych, kliknij tutaj

Szczegóły dotyczące przetwarzania danych

Poniżej znajduje się przegląd rodzajów danych osobowych, które przetwarzamy, w jakich celach, na jakiej podstawie prawnej i gdzie gromadzimy te dane. 
Jeśli użytkownik nie przekaże nam swoich danych osobowych, mimo że musimy je zebrać w celu przetworzenia jego zamówienia lub wykonania umowy z użytkownikiem, lub ponieważ jesteśmy do tego zobowiązani na mocy prawa, możemy być zmuszeni do odrzucenia zamówienia użytkownika lub nie być w stanie wypełnić naszych zobowiązań umownych wobec niego.

Użytkownicy naszej strony internetowej i aplikacji


Kategorie danych

Podstawa prawna

Gromadzenie danych użytkownika

Odbiorcy danych użytkownika

Gdy użytkownik odwiedza naszą stronę internetową lub aplikację, przetwarzamy jego dane w następujących celach:

  • wywołanie strony internetowej/aplikacji,
  • zapewnienie płynnego nawiązywania połączeń,
  • zapewnienie i optymalizacja wydajności naszej strony internetowej oraz jej przyjazności dla użytkownika,
  • zapewnienie i ocena bezpieczeństwa i stabilności systemu.

W tym kontekście używamy również różnych plików cookie i innych technologii. Więcej informacji można znaleźć w naszej Polityce dotyczącej plików cookie.

W tym kontekście przetwarzamy następujące dane:

  • adres IP żądającego urządzenia z dostępem do Internetu,
  • data i godzina dostępu,
  • nazwa i adres URL pobieranego pliku,
  • strona internetowa/aplikacja, z której uzyskano dostęp (adres URL strony odsyłającej), używana przeglądarka i, jeśli ma to zastosowanie, system operacyjny komputera z dostępem do Internetu,
  • nazwa dostawcy usług dostępu.

Przetwarzanie danych opiera się na następujących podstawach prawnych:

art. 6 (1) (b) RODO - zawarcie, wykonanie lub rozwiązanie umowy z użytkownikiem,

art. 6 (1) (f) RODO - nasz uzasadniony interes dotyczący bezpieczeństwa, stabilności i użyteczności naszej strony internetowej,

art. 6 (1) (a) RODO - zgoda użytkownika.

Dane zbieramy bezpośrednio od użytkownika.

W kontekście tego przetwarzania danych możliwe jest, że następujący wewnętrzni i zewnętrzni dostawcy usług mają dostęp do danych użytkownika:

  • dostawcy usług IT,
  • dostawca narzędzi do analizy danych,
  • dostawca usług marketingowych.

Przetwarzamy dane użytkownika w celu dostarczania mu spersonalizowanych reklam na stronie internetowej w oparciu o jego zachowanie podczas przeglądania. W tym celu używamy różnych plików cookie i innych technologii. Więcej informacji można znaleźć w naszej Polityce dotyczącej plików cookie.

W tym kontekście przetwarzamy następujące dane:

  • adres IP żądającego urządzenia z dostępem do Internetu,
  • data i godzina dostępu,
  • nazwa i adres URL pobieranego pliku,
  • strona internetowa/aplikacja, z której uzyskano dostęp (adres URL strony odsyłającej), używana przeglądarka i, jeśli ma to zastosowanie, system operacyjny komputera z dostępem do Internetu,
  • nazwa dostawcy usług dostępu.

Przetwarzanie danych opiera się na następującej podstawie prawnej:

art. 6 (1) (a) RODO - zgoda użytkownika

Dane zbieramy bezpośrednio od użytkownika.

W kontekście tego przetwarzania danych możliwe jest, że następujący wewnętrzni lub zewnętrzni dostawcy usług mają dostęp do danych użytkownika:

  • dostawcy usług IT,
  • dostawcy narzędzi analitycznych,
  • firmy marketingowe.



Kategorie danych

Podstawa prawna/ uzasadniony interes

Gromadzenie danych użytkownika

Kategorie odbiorców

Przetwarzamy dane użytkownika w celu świadczenia mu usług zatrudnienia i pośrednictwa pracy lub przeprowadzenia z nim procesu aplikacyjnego w celu nawiązania z nim stosunku pracy.

W tym kontekście możemy wykorzystywać dane użytkownika do komunikowania się z nim, odpowiadania na jego pytania, analizowania jego CV i znajdowania dla niego odpowiedniego stanowiska, tworzenia profilu kandydata, udzielania porad dotyczących wynagrodzenia, organizowania rozmów kwalifikacyjnych, przeprowadzania z nim testów umiejętności, przekazywania jego dokumentów aplikacyjnych wybranemu przez niego pracodawcy.

W tym kontekście możemy przetwarzać następujące dane:

  • imię i nazwisko, nazwa i adres,
  • numer telefonu,
  • adres e-mail,
  • informacje zawarte w CV,
  • informacje o ścieżce edukacyjnej,
  • referencje,
  • doświadczenie zawodowe,
  • świadectwa pracy,
  • oczekiwane wynagrodzenie,
  • aspiracje zawodowe,
  • wyniki audytów bezpieczeństwa,
  • narodowość,
  • zezwolenie na pobyt i pracę,
  • zdjęcia,
  • znajomość języków,
  • wyniki testów oceny zintegrowanej.
  • W niektórych przypadkach szczególne kategorie danych, takie jak:
  • niepełnosprawność,
  • informacje o zdrowiu,
  • badania z zakresu medycyny pracy,
  • wyroki skazujące, przestępstwa.

Przetwarzanie danych opiera się na następujących podstawach prawnych:

art. 6 (1) (b) RODO - zawarcie, wykonanie lub rozwiązanie umowy z użytkownikiem,

art. 6 (1) (c) RODO - zgodność z obowiązkami prawnymi w zakresie prawa pracy i prawa socjalnego,

art. 6 (1) (f) RODO - nasz prawnie uzasadniony interes polegający na efektywnych procesach organizacji pracy, współdzieleniu pracy i usług w ramach PageGroup, a także nasz prawnie uzasadniony interes polegający na utrzymywaniu relacji z klientami.

Przetwarzamy dane należące do szczególnych kategorii wyłącznie na podstawie zgody użytkownika zgodnie z art. 6 (1) (a) RODO oraz w zakresie, w jakim jesteśmy do tego zobowiązani ze względu na prawo pracy i prawo socjalne, a także ze względu na równość szans. W takich przypadkach przetwarzanie danych użytkownika odbywa się na podstawie art. 9 (2) (b), (g) i (h) RODO.

Dane zbieramy bezpośrednio od użytkownika.

Ponadto możemy również gromadzić dane użytkownika od osób trzecich, takich, jak:

  • referencje, np. poprzedni pracodawcy lub byli klienci w celu potwierdzenia referencji i kwalifikacji;
  • instytucje edukacyjne;
  • publicznie dostępne sieci zawodowe, takie jak LinkedIn, StepStone lub Xing, w celu zwiększenia dostępnych już informacji o użytkowniku, abyśmy mieli większe szanse na znalezienie dla niego odpowiednich stanowisk;
  • klienci, którym przekazaliśmy CV użytkownika i którzy kontaktowali się z nim w związku z jego aplikacją o pracę.

Będziemy kontaktować się wyłącznie z tymi podmiotami z referencji, których użytkownik wskazał nam podczas procesu składania wniosku i korzystania z naszych usług.

W celu świadczenia naszych usług zatrudnienia możemy udostępniać dane osobowe użytkownika potencjalnym pracodawcom, oferującym stanowiska pracy, którymi użytkownik jest zainteresowany.

W kontekście opisanego tutaj przetwarzania danych możliwe jest również, że zarówno wewnętrzni, jak i zewnętrzni dostawcy usług mają dostęp do danych użytkownika. Należą do nich podmioty przetwarzające oraz nasi administratorzy danych z następujących obszarów:

  • wsparcie IT,
  • hosting, usługi IT,
  • rozwiązania IT poprawiające jakość usług.
  • analiza danych,
  • wsparcie rekrutacji,
  • sprzedaż,
  • administracja i zarządzanie globalnymi, regionalnymi lub kierowniczymi stanowiskami lub rozwój kluczowych klientów w ramach Page Group,
  • firmy spedycyjne i logistyczne,
  • dostawcy usług telekomunikacyjnych,
  • dostawcy profesjonalnych sieci,
  • dostawcy ocen psychometrycznych lub testów umiejętności.

Nasi kontrahenci są przez nas zobowiązani umową do zachowania poufności i przestrzegania standardów i przepisów dotyczących ochrony danych.

Przetwarzamy dane użytkownika, gdy ten rejestruje się u nas i udostępnia nam swoje dane aplikacyjne, i ostatecznie potencjalnym pracodawcom.

Jeśli użytkownik zarejestruje się w różnych firmach PageGroup, połączymy podane przez niego dane kandydata w jeden rekord danych i jedno konto kandydata. Pojedynczy rekord pozwala na uniknięcie duplikatów i zapewnienie poprawności danych osobowych. Z tego powodu odpowiednie spółki z PageGroup będą współdzielić dane osobowe użytkownika jako niezależni administratorzy danych.

W tym kontekście możemy przetwarzać następujące dane:

  • imię i nazwisko, nazwa i adres,
  • numer telefonu,
  • adres e-mail,
  • informacje zawarte w CV,
  • informacje o ścieżce edukacyjnej,
  • referencje,
  • doświadczenie zawodowe,
  • świadectwa pracy,
  • oczekiwane wynagrodzenie,
  • aspiracje zawodowe,
  • W niektórych przypadkach szczególne kategorie danych, takie jak:
  • niepełnosprawność,
  • informacje o zdrowiu,
  • wyroki skazujące, przestępstwa.

Przetwarzanie danych opiera się na następujących podstawach prawnych:

art. 6 (1) (b) RODO - zawarcie, wykonanie lub rozwiązanie umowy z użytkownikiem w celu świadczenia usługi rejestracji kandydatów;

art. 6 (1) (f) RODO - nasz prawnie uzasadniony interes polegający na efektywnych procesach organizacji pracy, współdzieleniu pracy i usług w ramach PageGroup, a także nasz prawnie uzasadniony interes polegający na utrzymywaniu relacji z klientami.

W takim przypadku przetwarzamy dane należące do szczególnych kategorii wyłącznie na podstawie zgody użytkownika zgodnie z art. 6 (1) (a), art. 9 (2) (a) RODO.

Dane zbieramy bezpośrednio od użytkownika.

Jeśli użytkownik aplikuje na konkretne stanowisko, przekażemy jego dane potencjalnemu pracodawcy, którego wybrał.

W kontekście opisanego tutaj przetwarzania danych możliwe jest również, że opisani powyżej wewnętrzni i zewnętrzni dostawcy usług mają dostęp do danych użytkownika.

Przetwarzamy dane użytkownika w celu wysyłania mu informacji promocyjnychnewsletterów i innych elektronicznych informacji promocyjnych, aby informować go o możliwościach zatrudnienia, raportach i spostrzeżeniach branżowych, wydarzeniach i innych treściach.

W tym kontekście możemy przetwarzać następujące dane:

  • imię i nazwisko, nazwa,
  • adres e-mail,
  • numer telefonu,
  • informacje marketingowe i preferencje dotyczące pracy.

Przetwarzanie danych opiera się na następujących podstawach prawnych:

art. 6 (1) (a) RODO - zgoda użytkownika,

art. 6 (1) (f) RODO nasz uzasadniony interes w działaniach marketingu bezpośredniego i wysyłaniu treści reklamowych.

Dane zbieramy bezpośrednio od użytkownika.

W kontekście opisanego tutaj przetwarzania danych możliwe jest również, że opisani powyżej wewnętrzni i zewnętrzni dostawcy usług mają dostęp do danych użytkownika:

  • marketing,
  • sprzedaż,
  • rozwiązania IT,
  • wsparcie IT,
  • usługi pocztowe i spedycyjne,
  • telekomunikacja,
  • analiza danych.

Przetwarzamy dane użytkownika w celu wysyłania mu ankiet satysfakcji, aby dowiedzieć się, czy jest zadowolony z naszych usług, aby ulepszać nasze istniejące usługi i rozwijać nowe usługi.

W tym kontekście możemy przetwarzać następujące dane:

  • imię i nazwisko, nazwa,
  • adres e-mail,
  • poprzednie pośrednictwa i świadczone usługi,
  • informacje podane w kwestionariuszu satysfakcji.

Przetwarzanie danych opiera się na następujących podstawach prawnych:

art. 6 (1) (a) RODO - zgoda użytkownika,

art. 6 (1) (f) RODO - nasz uzasadniony interes w zakresie działań marketingu bezpośredniego i wysyłania treści reklamowych, a także ulepszania i rozwoju naszych usług.

Dane zbieramy bezpośrednio od użytkownika.

W kontekście opisanego tutaj przetwarzania danych możliwe jest również, że opisani powyżej wewnętrzni i zewnętrzni dostawcy usług mają dostęp do danych użytkownika:

  • marketing,
  • sprzedaż,
  • rozwiązania IT,
  • wsparcie IT,
  • usługi pocztowe i spedycyjne,
  • telekomunikacja,
  • analiza danych,
  • dostawca usług w zakresie przeprowadzania ankiet,
  • dostawca usług prowadzący działania testowe i rozwojowe, świadczący usługi badawcze, mailingowe lub inne usługi marketingu bezpośredniego.

W niektórych przypadkach może być konieczne sprawdzenie podanych przez użytkownika informacji na temat jego historii zatrudnienia lub sprawdzenie, czy użytkownik posiada kwalifikacje i wiarygodność niezbędne na danym stanowisku pracy. W takich przypadkach przeprowadzamy tak zwaną weryfikację życiorysu. W tym celu konsultujemy się z podmiotami z referencji i instytucjami wczesnej edukacji. Ponadto prowadzimy badania w Internecie przy użyciu wyszukiwarek i publicznie dostępnych internetowych baz danych. Poza tym oceniamy prasę krajową i międzynarodową.

Tylko w bardzo ograniczonych przypadkach i tylko w zakresie, w jakim jesteśmy do tego prawnie zobowiązani, porównujemy dane podstawowe użytkownika z listami sankcyjnymi i innymi publicznymi listami i rejestrami, w tym z listami terrorystów i embarga oraz listami PEP (osób zajmujących eksponowane stanowiska polityczne).

W tym kontekście możemy przetwarzać następujące dane:

  • imię i nazwisko, nazwa i adres,
  • numer telefonu,
  • adres e-mail,
  • informacje zawarte w CV,
  • informacje o ścieżce edukacyjnej,
  • referencje,
  • doświadczenie zawodowe,
  • świadectwa pracy,
  • wyniki audytów bezpieczeństwa,
  • narodowość,
  • zezwolenie na pobyt i pracę,
  • zdjęcia,
  • znajomość języków,
  • wyniki testów oceny zintegrowanej,
  • wyroki skazujące, przestępstwa (np. oszustwa związane z zatrudnieniem, przestępstwa gospodarcze, przestępczość zorganizowana),
  • naruszenia prawa konkurencji lub prawa antymonopolowego,
  • naruszenia innych wymogów prawnych lub przepisów,
  • niewypłacalność,
  • istniejące konflikty interesów.

Przetwarzanie danych opiera się na następujących podstawach prawnych:

art. 6 (1) (a) RODO - zgoda użytkownika,

art. 6 (1) (c) RODO - nasz prawny obowiązek przeprowadzania weryfikacji życiorysu,

art. 6 (1) (b) RODO - zawarcie, wykonanie lub rozwiązanie umowy z użytkownikiem,

art. 6 (1) (f) RODO - nasz prawnie uzasadniony interes w przeprowadzaniu weryfikacji życiorysu w celu weryfikacji informacji o użytkowniku, nasz prawnie uzasadniony interes w przeprowadzaniu weryfikacji życiorysu w celu wypełnienia obowiązków prawnych naszych klientów, prawnie uzasadniony interes naszych klientów w przeprowadzaniu weryfikacji życiorysu w celu zapewnienia wymaganej przydatności i wiarygodności na specjalnych stanowiskach oraz weryfikacji informacji o użytkowniku.

Dane zbieramy bezpośrednio od użytkownika.

Ponadto możemy również gromadzić dane użytkownika od osób trzecich, takich, jak:

  • podmioty z referencji, takie jak poprzedni pracodawcy lub byli klienci w celu sprawdzenia danych użytkownika,
  • placówki edukacyjne - w celu sprawdzenia kwalifikacji w zakresie wykształcenia użytkownika;
  • publicznie dostępne sieci zawodowe, takie jak LinkedIn, Xing lub StepStone itp.,
  • listy sankcyjne oraz inne publiczne listy i rejestry, w tym listy terrorystów i embarga, a także listy PEP,
  • źródło publiczne, książki telefoniczne, artykuły prasowe,
  • ogólnie dostępne bazy danych.

Będziemy kontaktować się wyłącznie z tymi podmiotami z referencji, których wskazał nam użytkownik podczas procesu selekcji i korzystania z naszych usług.

W kontekście opisanego tutaj przetwarzania danych możliwe jest również, że opisani powyżej wewnętrzni i zewnętrzni dostawcy usług mają dostęp do danych użytkownika:

  • bezpieczeństwo IT,
  • rozwiązania IT,
  • hosting,
  • telekomunikacja,
  • dostawca usług przeprowadzający kontrolę referencji zawodowych,
  • dostawca usług przeprowadzający kontrolę kwalifikacji,
  • dostawca usług przeprowadza weryfikację wyroków skazujących (jeśli jest to wymagane),
  • dostawca usług w celu weryfikacji informacji dostarczonych przez użytkownika ze źródeł zewnętrznych,
  • dostawca usług przeprowadzający oceny psychometryczne lub testy umiejętności.

Nasi kontrahenci są przez nas zobowiązani umową do zachowania poufności i przestrzegania standardów i przepisów dotyczących ochrony danych.

Przeprowadzanie ankiet dotyczących trendów w zakresie talentów

Aby stale ulepszać nasze usługi i aktualizować je, będziemy wybiórczo zapraszać do udziału w ankietach dotyczących trendów w zakresie talentów.

W tym kontekście możemy przetwarzać następujące dane:

  • imię i nazwisko, nazwa,
  • poprzednie pośrednictwa i świadczone usługi,
  • adres e-mail,
  • informacje zawarte w kwestionariuszu ankiety.

Przetwarzanie danych opiera się na następujących podstawach prawnych:

art. 6 (1) (a) RODO - zgoda użytkownika,

art. 6 (1) (f) RODO - nasz prawnie uzasadniony interes polegający na identyfikowaniu aktualnych trendów w zakresie talentów oraz dalszym rozwijaniu naszych usług i ofert.

Dane zbieramy bezpośrednio od użytkownika.

W kontekście opisanego tutaj przetwarzania danych możliwe jest również, że opisani powyżej wewnętrzni i zewnętrzni dostawcy usług mają dostęp do danych użytkownika:

  • marketing,
  • badanie rynku,
  • analiza rynku,
  • sprzedaż,
  • rozwiązania IT,
  • wsparcie IT,
  • usługi pocztowe i spedycyjne,
  • telekomunikacja,
  • analiza danych,

Potencjalni kandydaci i klienci


Kategorie danych

Podstawa prawna/ uzasadniony interes

Gromadzenie danych

Kategorie odbiorców

Przetwarzamy dane osobowe użytkownika w celu prezentowania naszych usług oraz kontaktowania się z nim i odpowiadania na jego zapytania. Przetwarzamy dane osobowe użytkownika, które nam przekazuje, kontaktując się z nami i składając zapytanie. Ponadto możemy przetwarzać dane o użytkowniku uzyskane z publicznie dostępnych źródeł oraz z sieci zawodowych i społecznościowych, takich jak LinkedIn, Xing, StepStone, firmy lub innych portali z ofertami pracy, w celu skontaktowania się z użytkownikiem, jeśli uważamy, że może być zainteresowany naszymi usługami zatrudnienia.

Ponadto możemy dowiedzieć się o kandydacie poprzez rekomendację innego kandydata lub klienta i skontaktować się z nim.

Jeśli użytkownik działa jako osoba kontaktowa w imieniu firmy, będziemy przetwarzać jego służbowe dane kontaktowe.

W tym kontekście możemy przetwarzać następujące dane:

  • imię i nazwisko, nazwa i adres,
  • stanowisko w firmie,
  • numer telefonu,
  • adres e-mail,
  • profesjonalne dane kontaktowe,
  • nazwa firmy, dla której użytkownik pracuje,
  • informacje zawarte w CV, profilu zawodowym, profilu firmy,
  • informacje o ścieżce edukacyjnej,
  • referencje,
  • doświadczenie zawodowe,
  • świadectwa pracy,
  • oczekiwane wynagrodzenie,
  • aspiracje zawodowe,
  • otwarte ogłoszenia o pracę,
  • narodowość,
  • zdjęcia,
  • znajomość języków,
  • status w sieciach zawodowych, np. otwartość na oferty pracy.

art. 6 (1) (a) RODO - zgoda użytkownika,

art. 6 (1) (b) RODO - zawarcie, wykonanie lub rozwiązanie umowy z użytkownikiem,

art. 6 (1) (f) RODO - nasz prawnie uzasadniony interes w zakresie działań marketingu bezpośredniego i dystrybucji naszych usług rekrutacyjnych i pośrednictwa pracy, a także nasz prawnie uzasadniony interes w zakresie pozyskiwania nowych kontaktów biznesowych, klientów i potencjalnych kandydatów.

Dane zbieramy bezpośrednio od użytkownika.

Ponadto możemy również gromadzić dane użytkownika od osób trzecich, takich, jak:

  • Publicznie dostępne sieci zawodowe, strony internetowe, artykuły prasowe, ogłoszenia o pracę
  • sieci zawodowe, takie jak LinkedIn, StepStone,, Xing itp.
  • profile zawodowe lub firmowe użytkownika opublikowane w publicznych bazach danych,
  • inni kandydaci lub klienci.

W kontekście opisanego tutaj przetwarzania danych możliwe jest również, że opisani powyżej wewnętrzni i zewnętrzni dostawcy usług mają dostęp do danych użytkownika:

  • marketing,
  • sprzedaż,
  • rozwiązania IT,
  • wsparcie IT,
  • usługi pocztowe i spedycyjne,
  • telekomunikacja,
  • analiza danych,

Klienci (B2B) i nasze kontakty


Kategorie danych

Podstawa prawna/ uzasadniony interes

Gromadzenie danych

Kategorie odbiorców

Przetwarzamy dane użytkownika w celu świadczenia mu naszych usług rekrutacyjnych. W tym kontekście przetwarzamy dane użytkownika i jego kontaktów biznesowych w celu komunikacji z użytkownikiem i znalezienia odpowiednich kandydatów na wolne stanowiska pracy.

W tym kontekście możemy przetwarzać następujące dane:

  • nazwa firmy,
  • imię i nazwisko, nazwa i adres,
  • dane kontaktowe kontaktów biznesowych,
  • numer telefonu,
  • opinia użytkownika o kandydatach,
  • dane umowne i dane księgowe,
  • informacje o wakatach i profilach wymagań.

art. 6 (1) (b) RODO - zawarcie, wykonanie lub rozwiązanie umowy z użytkownikiem,

art. 6 (1) (f) RODO - nasz prawnie uzasadniony interes w efektywnych procesach organizacji pracy, współdzieleniu pracy i usług w ramach PageGroup.

Dane zbieramy bezpośrednio od użytkownika.

Ponadto możemy również gromadzić dane użytkownika od osób trzecich, takich, jak:

  • Publicznie dostępne sieci zawodowe, strony internetowe, artykuły prasowe, ogłoszenia o pracę
  • sieci zawodowe, takie jak LinkedIn, StepStone,, Xing itp.
  • profile zawodowe lub firmowe użytkownika opublikowane w publicznych bazach danych,
  • inni klienci i kandydaci.

W kontekście opisanego tutaj przetwarzania danych możliwe jest również, że opisani powyżej wewnętrzni i zewnętrzni dostawcy usług mają dostęp do danych użytkownika:

  • marketing,
  • sprzedaż,
  • rozwiązania IT,
  • wsparcie IT,
  • usługi pocztowe i spedycyjne,
  • telekomunikacja,
  • analiza danych,
  • księgowość,
  • administracja,
  • bankowość,
  • zarządzanie globalnymi, regionalnymi lub wyższymi stanowiskami kierowniczymi lub rozwój kluczowych klientów, który wymagałby współpracy różnych firm w całej grupie.

Przetwarzamy dane użytkownika w celu wysyłania mu ankiet satysfakcji, aby dowiedzieć się, czy jest zadowolony z naszych usług, aby ulepszać nasze istniejące usługi i rozwijać nowe usługi.

W tym kontekście możemy przetwarzać następujące dane:

  • nazwa firmy,
  • imię i nazwisko, nazwa i adres,
  • dane kontaktowe kontaktu biznesowego,
  • numer telefonu,
  • poprzednie pośrednictwa i świadczone usługi,

Przetwarzanie danych opiera się na następujących podstawach prawnych:

art. 6 (1) (a) RODO - zgoda użytkownika,

art. 6 (1) (f) RODO - nasz prawnie uzasadniony interes w działaniach marketingu bezpośredniego i wysyłaniu treści reklamowych oraz w dalszym rozwijaniu naszych usług i ofert.

Dane zbieramy bezpośrednio od użytkownika.

W kontekście opisanego tutaj przetwarzania danych możliwe jest również, że opisani powyżej wewnętrzni i zewnętrzni dostawcy usług mają dostęp do danych użytkownika:

  • marketing,
  • analiza rynku,
  • sprzedaż,
  • rozwiązania IT,
  • wsparcie IT,
  • usługi pocztowe i spedycyjne,
  • telekomunikacja,
  • analiza danych,

Przetwarzamy dane użytkownika w celu wysyłania mu informacji promocyjnychnewsletterów i innych elektronicznych informacji promocyjnych, aby informować go o możliwościach zatrudnienia, raportach i spostrzeżeniach branżowych, wydarzeniach i innych treściach.

W tym kontekście możemy przetwarzać następujące dane:

  • imię i nazwisko, nazwa,
  • adres e-mail,
  • numer telefonu,
  • informacje marketingowe i preferencje dotyczące pracy.

Przetwarzanie danych opiera się na następujących podstawach prawnych:

art. 6 (1) (a) RODO - zgoda użytkownika,

art. 6 (1) (f) RODO - nasz prawnie uzasadniony interes w działaniach marketingu bezpośredniego i wysyłaniu treści reklamowych.

Dane zbieramy bezpośrednio od użytkownika.

W kontekście opisanego tutaj przetwarzania danych możliwe jest również, że opisani powyżej wewnętrzni i zewnętrzni dostawcy usług mają dostęp do danych użytkownika:

  • marketing,
  • wysyłka newslettera,
  • sprzedaż,
  • rozwiązania IT,
  • wsparcie IT,
  • usługi pocztowe i spedycyjne,
  • telekomunikacja,
  • analiza danych,

Dostawcy usług i nasze kontakty biznesowe od naszych dostawców usług


Kategorie danych

Podstawa prawna/ uzasadniony interes

Gromadzenie danych

Odbiorcy danych użytkownika

Przetwarzamy dane osobowe użytkownika w celu zawarcia z nim umowy o świadczenie usług, otrzymywania od niego usług oraz komunikowania się z nim w kontekście naszych relacji biznesowych. Ponadto przetwarzamy dane użytkownika do celów księgowych.

W tym kontekście możemy przetwarzać następujące dane:

  • nazwa firmy,
  • imię i nazwisko, nazwa i adres,
  • dane kontaktowe osób kontaktowych,
  • numer telefonu,
  • przegląd świadczonych usług,
  • dane umowne i dane księgowe.

Przetwarzanie danych opiera się na następujących podstawach prawnych:

art. 6 (1) (b) RODO - zawarcie, wykonanie lub rozwiązanie umowy z użytkownikiem,

art. 6 (1) (f) RODO - nasz prawnie uzasadniony interes w efektywnych procesach organizacji pracy, współdzieleniu pracy i usług w ramach PageGroup.

Dane zbieramy bezpośrednio od użytkownika.

W kontekście opisanego tutaj przetwarzania danych możliwe jest również, że opisani powyżej wewnętrzni i zewnętrzni dostawcy usług mają dostęp do danych użytkownika:

  • marketing,
  • sprzedaż,
  • rozwiązania IT,
  • wsparcie IT,
  • usługi pocztowe i spedycyjne,
  • telekomunikacja,
  • analiza danych,
  • księgowość,
  • administracja,
  • bankowość,

Przetwarzamy dane osobowe użytkownika w celu oceny jego przydatności jako naszego dostawcy.

W celu zapewnienia zgodności z przepisami prawa, w bardzo ograniczonych przypadkach i tylko w zakresie, w jakim jesteśmy do tego prawnie zobowiązani, porównujemy dane podstawowe użytkownika z listami sankcyjnymi oraz innymi publicznymi listami i rejestrami, w tym listami terrorystów i embarga oraz listami PEP (osób zajmujących eksponowane stanowiska polityczne).

W tym kontekście możemy przetwarzać następujące dane:

  • nazwa firmy,
  • imię i nazwisko, nazwa i adres,
  • dane kontaktowe osób kontaktowych,
  • numer telefonu,
  • referencje,

Przetwarzanie danych opiera się na następujących podstawach prawnych:

art. 6 (1) (c) RODO - nasz prawny obowiązek przeprowadzania weryfikacji życiorysu,

art. 6 (1) (b) RODO - zawarcie, wykonanie lub rozwiązanie umowy z użytkownikiem,

art. 6 (1) (f) RODO - nasz prawnie uzasadniony interes w przeprowadzaniu ocen w celu określenia przydatności użytkownika.

Dane zbieramy bezpośrednio od użytkownika.

Możemy również wykorzystywać dane z rejestrów publicznych i list sankcyjnych.

W kontekście opisanego tutaj przetwarzania danych możliwe jest również, że opisani powyżej wewnętrzni i zewnętrzni dostawcy usług mają dostęp do danych użytkownika:

  • zamówienia,
  • rozwiązania IT,
  • wsparcie IT,
  • usługi pocztowe i spedycyjne,
  • telekomunikacja,
  • administracja,

Przetwarzanie danych w celu wypełnienia zobowiązań prawnych oraz obrony i dochodzenia roszczeń prawnych


Kategorie danych

Podstawa prawna/ uzasadniony interes

Gromadzenie danych

Odbiorcy danych użytkownika

Przetwarzamy dane użytkownika w zakresie, w jakim jest to konieczne do wypełnienia oficjalnych obowiązków w zakresie kontroli i monitorowania oraz audytu, w tym oficjalnych obowiązków w zakresie informowania i powiadamiania, a także obowiązków wynikających z prawa handlowego lub podatkowego.

W tym kontekście przetwarzamy następujące dane:

  • nazwa firmy,
  • imię i nazwisko, nazwa i adres,
  • dane kontaktowe osób kontaktowych,
  • numer telefonu,
  • przegląd świadczonych usług,
  • dane umowne i dane księgowe.
  • wymagane dane.

Przetwarzanie danych opiera się na następujących podstawach prawnych:

art. 6 (1) (c) RODO - zgodność z obowiązkami prawnymi

Dane zbieramy bezpośrednio od użytkownika.

W ramach opisanego tutaj przetwarzania danych możliwe jest, że następujący odbiorcy będą mieli dostęp do danych użytkownika:

  • organy ścigania lub inne podmioty publiczne,
  • sądy,
  • prawnicy,
  • konsultanci.

W indywidualnych przypadkach przetwarzamy również dane użytkownika w celu dochodzenia i obrony przed roszczeniami prawnymi.

W tym kontekście przetwarzamy następujące dane:

  • nazwa firmy,
  • imię i nazwisko, nazwa i adres,
  • dane kontaktowe osób kontaktowych,
  • numer telefonu,
  • przegląd świadczonych usług,
  • dane umowne i dane księgowe.
  • dane wymagane do obrony i dochodzenia roszczeń.

Przetwarzanie danych opiera się na następujących podstawach prawnych:

art. 6 (1) (f) RODO - nasz prawnie uzasadniony interes w zakresie obrony przed dochodzeniem roszczeń prawnych.

Dane zbieramy bezpośrednio od użytkownika.

W ramach opisanego tutaj przetwarzania danych możliwe jest, że następujący odbiorcy będą mieli dostęp do danych użytkownika:

  • prawnicy,
  • konsultanci,
  • sądy,
  • mediatorzy.

Będziemy przetwarzać dane użytkownika w przypadku restrukturyzacji, fuzji, sprzedaży, joint venture, cesji lub innego przeniesienia lub zbycia całości lub części naszej działalności w zakresie niezbędnym do tych celów.

W tym kontekście przetwarzamy następujące dane:

  • nazwa firmy,
  • imię i nazwisko, nazwa i adres,
  • dane kontaktowe osób kontaktowych,
  • numer telefonu,
  • przegląd świadczonych usług,
  • dane umowne i dane księgowe.

Przetwarzanie danych opiera się na następujących podstawach prawnych:

art. 6 (1) (f) RODO - nasz uzasadniony interes w restrukturyzacji, fuzji, sprzedaży, joint venture, cesji lub innym przeniesieniu lub zbyciu całości lub części naszej firmy,

art. 6 (1) (a) – za zgodą użytkownika.

Dane zbieramy bezpośrednio od użytkownika.

W ramach opisanego tutaj przetwarzania danych możliwe jest, że następujący odbiorcy będą mieli dostęp do danych użytkownika:

  • prawnicy,
  • nowi właściciele firm i ich doradcy,
  • sądy,

Przetwarzamy również dane osobowe użytkownika w celu wypełnienia naszych zobowiązań wynikających z przepisów o ochronie danych, w szczególności w celu zagwarantowania praw użytkownika jako osoby, której dane dotyczą.

W tym kontekście przetwarzamy następujące dane:

  • nazwa firmy,
  • imię i nazwisko, nazwa i adres,
  • dane kontaktowe osób kontaktowych,
  • numer telefonu,
  • dane dotyczące umów i rozliczeń,
  • oświadczenia o ochronie danych (np. oświadczenie o zgodzie na przetwarzanie),
  • oświadczenia o cofnięciu zgody udzielonej przez użytkownika,
  • oświadczenia o sprzeciwie wobec przetwarzania danych osobowych,
  • oświadczenia o dochodzeniu praw do informacji, sprostowania, usunięcia, ograniczenia przetwarzania, przenoszenia danych, w tym informacje, które użytkownik przekazuje nam, dochodząc swoich praw.

Przetwarzanie danych opiera się na następujących podstawach prawnych:

art. 6 (1) (c) RODO - zgodność z obowiązkami prawnymi

Dane zbieramy bezpośrednio od użytkownika.

W ramach opisanego tutaj przetwarzania danych możliwe jest, że następujący odbiorcy będą mieli dostęp do danych użytkownika:

  • prawnicy,
  • sądy,
  • wewnętrzni i zewnętrzni dostawcy usług z zakresu administracji, compliance, ochrony danych i wsparcia.

Pliki cookie, narzędzie analityczne i media społecznościowe

Korzystamy z mediów społecznościowych i stosujemy różne pliki cookie i inne technologie analityczne na naszej stronie internetowej. Więcej informacji można znaleźć w naszej Polityce dotyczącej plików cookie

Zautomatyzowane decyzje i profilowanie

Nie podejmujemy decyzji wyłącznie na podstawie zautomatyzowanego przetwarzania danych; przed podjęciem decyzji zawsze konieczna jest interwencja ludzka.
Na podstawie danych osobowych kandydatów tworzymy dwa rodzaje profili:

  • JobMatch to narzędzie dostępne na naszej stronie internetowej, umożliwiające kandydatom przesyłanie CV. Narzędzie to, dopasowane do umiejętności, aspiracji zawodowych i informacji zawartych w CV, pomaga nam rekomendować oferty pracy odpowiadające aspiracjom i umiejętnościom kandydata. Profilowanie to nie ogranicza jednak ani nie uniemożliwia dostępu do innych stanowisk pracy.
  • Korzystamy z narzędzia analitycznego opartego na technologii wyszukiwania semantycznego (rodzaj sztucznej inteligencji), które pozwala nam na inteligentne wyszukiwanie i filtrowanie CV z naszej bazy danych. Po wprowadzeniu do tego narzędzia odpowiednich słów kluczowych, takich jak lata doświadczenia lub dziedzina praktyki, wszystkie przesłane CV są następnie analizowane, a pula kandydatów jest dostarczana poprzez dopasowanie słów kluczowych w CV kandydatów i uszeregowanie kandydatów według ich przydatności do pracy. Używamy go, aby usprawnić nasze procesy rekrutacyjne, dzięki możliwości lepszego dopasowania kandydatów do bardziej odpowiednich ofert pracy. Jak wyjaśniono powyżej, proces ten jest zawsze kontrolowany przez rekrutera, więc decyzje nie są podejmowane w sposób zautomatyzowany.

Należy pamiętać, że żadna z tych czynności profilowania nie ma żadnych znaczących skutków prawnych ani podobnych skutków dla kandydatów. Jeśli jednak użytkownik chce dowiedzieć się więcej, może skontaktować się z nami.

Przekazywanie danych do krajów spoza EOG

W niektórych przypadkach przetwarzamy również dane osobowe użytkownika poza Europejskim Obszarem Gospodarczym (EOG). Jeśli przekazanie danych ma miejsce do jednego z wyżej wymienionych odbiorców, którego siedziba lub miejsce przetwarzania danych znajduje się poza EOG lub państwem, dla którego odpowiedni poziom ochrony danych został ustanowiony decyzją Komisji Europejskiej, przed przekazaniem danych upewnimy się, że jest ono objęte zezwoleniem prawnym i że istnieją gwarancje odpowiedniego poziomu ochrony danych w odniesieniu do przekazania danych (np. poprzez gwarancje umowne, oficjalnie uznane przepisy lub wiążące wewnętrzne przepisy dotyczące ochrony danych u odbiorcy) lub użytkownik wyraził zgodę na przekazanie danych. 

Wewnątrzgrupowe przekazywanie danych poza EOG

PageGroup to globalnie działająca grupa firm. Nasi eksperci ds. rekrutacji i kluczowi pracownicy biznesowi w takich działach jak wsparcie rekrutacji, zarządzanie płacami i wsparcie IT są zlokalizowani na całym świecie. W wyżej wymienionych celach, w kontekście naszej współpracy w ramach PageGroup, przekazujemy dane osobowe użytkownika zgodnie z art. 44 i nast. RODO również spółkom PageGroup spoza EOG lub zezwalamy pracownikom, którzy pracują w spółkach PageGroup spoza EOG, na dostęp do danych osobowych użytkownika w celu naszej współpracy i wypełnienia naszych zobowiązań umownych z użytkownikiem. Listę podmiotów PageGroup, które znajdują się poza EOG, można znaleźć tutaj.

Jeśli użytkownik przebywa, na przykład w Niemczech, odpowiednio do poszukiwanej pracy, lub jeśli poszukuje wykwalifikowanego specjalisty, który dołączy do jego organizacji lub partnera rekrutacyjnego, w razie potrzeby udostępniamy jego dane osobowe naszym rekruterom specjalizującym się w rynku niemieckim, którzy mają siedzibę w Turcji (szczegóły dotyczące tureckiej firmy można znaleźć na liście wspomnianej powyżej). Przetwarzają oni dane osobowe użytkowników w imieniu naszych niemieckich podmiotów. W związku z tym transferem zapewniony jest odpowiedni poziom ochrony danych zgodnie z umową wewnątrzgrupową spółki i SKU, jak opisano poniżej.

Jesteśmy w posiadaniu umowy o wewnątrzgrupowym przekazywaniu danych, zawierającą zatwierdzone przez Komisję Europejską Standardowe Klauzule Umowne (SKU), które umożliwiają transgraniczne przekazywanie danych osobowych z EOG do krajów trzecich poza EOG (ponieważ przepisy o ochronie danych poza EOG mogą nie zapewniać poziomu ochrony równoważnego z przepisami o ochronie danych w EOG).

Aby otrzymać kopię SKU, należy skontaktować się z nami, korzystając z poniższych danych kontaktowych.

Przekazywanie danych zewnętrznym dostawcom usług spoza EOG

Do wyżej wymienionych celów korzystamy z usług dostawców usług IT zlokalizowanych w Wielkiej Brytanii, USA i Izraelu. W celu ochrony danych użytkowników zawarliśmy standardowe klauzule umowne (SKU) tam, gdzie jest to wymagane.

Aby otrzymać kopię SKU, należy skontaktować się z nami, korzystając z poniższych danych kontaktowych.

Bezpieczeństwo danych osobowych użytkownika

Wdrożyliśmy i utrzymujemy odpowiednie środki techniczne i organizacyjne w celu ochrony danych osobowych użytkownika przed przypadkowym lub bezprawnym zniszczeniem, utratą, zmianą, nieuprawnionym ujawnieniem lub dostępem. Dostęp do danych osobowych mają wyłącznie upoważnieni pracownicy i zewnętrzni dostawcy usług na zasadzie ścisłej potrzeby i umownego zobowiązania do traktowania tych informacji jako poufne. 

Okres przechowywania danych osobowych użytkownika

Będziemy przechowywać dane osobowe użytkownika tak długo, jak będzie to konieczne do realizacji celu, dla którego je zebraliśmy, co może być celem ciągłym. Na przykład, jeśli użytkownik jest kandydatem, będziemy przechowywać jego dane osobowe przez cały okres trwania naszej relacji biznesowej z nim i dłużej, ponieważ często wspieramy kandydatów do pracy przez wiele lat i potencjalnie przez całą ich karierę. 

Niektóre dane osobowe przechowujemy dłużej niż pozostałe. W określeniu odpowiedniego okresu przechowywania danych osobowych, bierzemy pod uwagę takie czynniki, jak cele, dla których przetwarzamy dane osobowe, w tym zobowiązania prawne, regulacyjne, księgowe i sprawozdawcze, charakter i ilość przechowywanych danych osobowych użytkownika, a także potencjalne ryzyko wyrządzenia użytkownikowi szkody w wyniku nieuprawnionego wykorzystania lub ujawnienia danych osobowych. 

Jeśli przetwarzamy dane osobowe użytkownika dla celów marketingu bezpośredniego, będziemy to robić do momentu, w którym użytkownik zwróci się do nas z prośbą o zaprzestanie i przez krótki czas później (aby umożliwić nam realizację prośby użytkownika). Aby móc spełnić prośbę użytkownika, przechowujemy również informację o prośbie użytkownika odnośnie zaprzestania marketingu bezpośredniego lub bezterminowego nieprzetwarzania jego danych.

Prawa użytkownika do ochrony danych

Przepisy UE o ochronie danych osobowych dają użytkownikowi wiele praw w odniesieniu do przetwarzania dotyczących go danych. Prawa te obejmują prawo do wycofania zgody zgodnie z art. 7 (3) RODO, prawo dostępu do swoich danych osobowych oraz żądania kopii swoich danych osobowych (art. 15 RODO), prawo do sprostowania (art. 16 RODO), usunięcia (art. 17 RODO) lub ograniczenia przetwarzania swoich danych osobowych (art. 18 RODO), do uzyskania przekazanych nam przez użytkownika danych osobowych w ustrukturyzowanym formacie nadającym się do odczytu maszynowego oraz do zwrócenia się do nas o przekazanie tych danych innemu administratorowi danych (art. 20 RODO).

Zgodnie z art. 21 RODO, użytkownik ma prawo w dowolnym momencie wnieść sprzeciw wobec przetwarzania przez nas danych z przyczyn wynikających z jego szczególnej sytuacji, o ile wynika to z art. 6 (1) (e) RODO lub z ochrony „prawnie uzasadnionych interesów” zgodnie z art. 6 (1) (f) RODO. Jeśli użytkownik skorzysta z prawa do sprzeciwu, zaprzestaniemy przetwarzania danych, chyba że będziemy w stanie wykazać istotne uzasadnione podstawy do dalszego przetwarzania danych, które przeważają nad prawami i interesami użytkownika.

Użytkownik może wycofać raz udzieloną zgodę na otrzymywanie komunikatów marketingowych lub zrezygnować z przetwarzania danych do celów marketingu bezpośredniego, postępując zgodnie z krokami opisanymi w naszych powiadomieniach i rezygnując z otrzymywania komunikatów marketingowych lub kontaktując się z nami przy użyciu danych kontaktowych podanych w niniejszej Polityce prywatności. Utworzyliśmy również Centrum Preferencji Marketingowych, w którym użytkownik może przeglądać i wybierać swoje preferencje oraz zrezygnować z otrzymywania komunikatów marketingowych w dowolnym momencie. Aby uzyskać dostęp do Centrum Preferencji Marketingowych, należy postępować według kroków opisanych w komunikacie marketingowym. 

Należy pamiętać, że w niektórych przypadkach prawa te mogą być ograniczone. Prawa użytkownika mogą być ograniczone, na przykład, jeśli zastosowanie się do żądania użytkownika spowodowałoby ujawnienie danych osobowych innej osoby, jeśli naruszyłoby to prawa strony trzeciej (w tym nasze) lub jeśli użytkownik zażąda do nas usunięcia informacji, których zachowanie jest wymagane przez prawo lub których zachowanie leży w naszym prawnie uzasadnionym interesie. Odpowiadając na wniosek użytkownika, poinformujemy go o wszelkich stosownych wyłączeniach, na których się opieramy. 

Ponadto w przypadku operacji przetwarzania opartych na uzasadnionych interesach Spółek przeprowadziliśmy ocenę uzasadnionych interesów, aby upewnić się, że nasze interesy nie naruszają interesów użytkownika ani jego podstawowych praw i wolności; użytkownik może zażądać takiej oceny za pośrednictwem osób kontaktowych wymienionych na końcu niniejszej Polityki prywatności.

Pytania i skargi

W przypadku jakichkolwiek pytań dotyczących niniejszej Polityki prywatności lub przetwarzania danych osobowych, lub w celu złożenia skargi, można skorzystać z naszego formularza lub wysłać wiadomość e-mail do nas lub do naszego inspektora ochrony danych na adres [email protected].

W przypadku nierozstrzygniętych wątpliwości lub przekonania, że dane osobowe użytkownika zostały naruszone, ten może złożyć skargę do właściwego organu nadzorczego. Lista odpowiednich organów w EOG jest dostępna tutaj.


Korzystanie z praw użytkownika

Aby skorzystać ze swoich praw, wycofać zgodę na przetwarzanie lub zrezygnować z subskrypcji naszych komunikatów handlowych, użytkownik może:
•    wypełnić nasz formularz zgłoszeniowy tutaj lub
•    wysłać nam wiadomość e-mail na adres [email protected]lub
•    skontaktować się z nami lub z naszym inspektorem ochrony danych pod adresem: [email protected] 

Inspektor Ochrony Danych
Bird & Bird DPO Services SRL
Avenue Louise 235 box 1
1050 Bruksela

Page Group  
Compliance Department 
Plaza Europa 21 23, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, 08908 Barcelona

Zmiany w naszej Polityce prywatności

W dowolnej chwili możemy zmienić niniejszą politykę prywatności. Wszelkie istotne zmiany w niniejszej polityce prywatności będą należycie publikowane na tej stronie internetowej i będą przekazywane za pośrednictwem innych kanałów komunikacji, w stosownych przypadkach.


Privacy Policy

Who we are and how we process your personal data

PageGroup including its subsidiaries (hereinafter collectively: "PageGroup", "us" or "we") is a specialist recruitment company operating under the brands Michael Page, Page Personnel, Page Executive and Page Outsourcing. The protection of personal data relating to you is important to us. This Privacy Policy informs you about the categories of personal data we collect, the purposes for which we use them and how we process your data, when you visit our website, when you apply for a job with us, when we introduce ourselves to you, when we provide recruitment and employment services to you, when we maintain a relationship with you after we have provided a service for you or when you provide a service for us.

The following information is directed at you if you fall into one of the following categories of individuals:

  • candidates for whom we provide employment services or who apply to us for a vacant position and contact us through our website, job boards, social media pages or through other sources;
  • clients and their contacts with whom we have a business relationship and whom we support in filling vacant positions; 
  • potential candidates as well as potential clients and their contacts with whom we come into contact in order to present our prod-ucts and services;
  • service providers and their contacts who provide various services for us; 
  • users of our websites and apps

(jointly referred to as "you" or "yours"). 


The controller of your data is the PageGroup company that contacts you and processes data from you on its own responsibility when you visit the website, when the respective entity provides recruitment and employment services to you, maintains the relationship with you after the enti-ty has found a job for you, hires you for a vacant position or in case you provide a service to the to the respective entity. To access a complete list of PageGroup's European subsidiaries, including their contact details, please click here

Details of data processing

Below you will find an overview of what kind of personal data we process about you, for which purposes, on which legal basis and where we collect this data. 
If you do not provide us with your personal data, even though we need to collect it in order to process an order from you or fulfil a contract with you, or because we are required to do so by law, we may have to refuse your order or be unable to fulfil our contractual obligations to you. 

Users of our website or apps


Data categories

Legal basis

Collection of your Data

Recipients of your Data

When you visit our website or app, we process your data for the following purposes:

  • Calling up the website/app
  • Ensuring smooth connection establishment,
  • Ensuring and optimising the performance of our website and the user-friendliness of our website
  • Ensuring and evaluating system security and stability

In this context, we also use various cookies and other technologies. For further information, see our Cookie Policy.

In this context, we process the following data:

  • IP address of the requesting Internet-enabled device
  • Date and time of access
  • Name and URL of the retrieved file,
  • Website/application from which the access was made (referrer URL), the browser you use and, if applicable, the operating system of your Internet-enabled computer
  • Name of your access provider

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in the security, stability, and usability of our website

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR – your consent

We collect the data directly from you.

In context of this data processing, it is possible that the following internal and external service providers have access to your data:

  • IT service providers
  • Data analytics tool provider
  • Marketing service provider

We process your data to provide you with personalised advertising on the website based on your browsing behaviour. To do this, we use various cookies and other technologies. For further information, see our Cookie Policy.

In this context, we process the following data:

  • IP address of the requesting Internet-enabled device,
  • Date and time of access,
  • Name and URL of the retrieved file,
  • Website/application from which the access was made (referrer URL), the browser used by you and, if applicable, the operating system of your Internet-enabled computer,
  • Name of your access provider

The data processing is based on the following legal basis:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - your consent

We collect the data directly from you.

In context of this data processing, it is possible that the following internal or external service providers have access to your data:

  • IT service providers
  • Analysis tools providers
  • Marketing companies



Data categories

Legal basis/legitimate interest

Collection of your Data

Recipient categories

We process your data in order to provide employment & placement services to you or to conduct an application process with you to establish an employment relationship with you.

In this context, we may use your data to communicate with you, answer your questions, analyse your CV, and find a suitable position for you, create a candidate profile for you, providing salary advice, arrange interviews, conduct aptitude tests with you, forward your application documents to the employer of your choice.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name and address
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Information in your CV
  • Information about your educational path
  • References
  • Professional experience
  • Job references
  • Salary expectations,
  • Career aspirations
  • Results of security audits
  • Nationality
  • Residence and work permit
  • Photos
  • Language skills,
  • Test results from assessment centres,
  • In certain cases, special categories of data such as:
  • Disability,
  • Health information,
  • Occupational health examinations,
  • Convictions, criminal offences,

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you

Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR - compliance with legal obligations in the area of labour and social law

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in efficient work organisational processes, work & service-sharing within the PageGroup as well as our legitimate interest in maintaining our customer relationship with you.

We only process your special categories data on the basis of your consent pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR and insofar as we are obligated to do so for reasons of labour and social law, and finally for reasons of equal opportunity. In these cases, we base the processing of your data on Art. 9 (2) (b), (g) and (h) DSGVO.

We collect the data directly from you.

In addition, we may also collect your data from third parties, namely from

  • References, e.g., previous employers or former customer of you to confirm your credentials & qualifications
  • Educational institutions
  • Publicly accessible professional networks, such as LinkedIn, StepStone or Xing, to increase the information already available to us about you, so that we have a better chance of finding suitable positions for you;
  • Clients to whom we have provided your CV and who have been in contact with you as part of your job application.

We will only contact those reference providers, that you have indicated to us during the application process and our services.

In order to provide our employment services, we may share personal information about you with potential employers who offer job openings in which you are interested.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is also possible that both internal and external service providers have access to your data. These include processors as well as our controllers from the following areas:

  • IT support
  • Hosting, IT service
  • IT solutions to improve service quality
  • Data analytics
  • Recruiting support
  • Sales
  • Administration and management of global, regional, or executive positions or the development of key customers within the Page Group
  • Shipping and logistics companies
  • Telecommunications providers
  • Providers of professional networks
  • Providers of psychometric assessment or ability tests

Our contractors are contractually obligated by us to maintain confidentiality and to comply with data protection standards and regulations.

We process your data when you register with us and make your application data available to us and eventually to potential employers.

If you register with different PageGroup companies, we will combine the applicant data you have provided into one data record and one applicant account for you. A single record avoids duplicities and improve accuracy of the personal data. For these purposes, the PageGroup companies involved will share your personal information as independent data controllers.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name and address
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Information in your CV
  • Information about your educational path
  • References
  • Professional experience
  • Job references
  • Salary expectations,
  • Career aspirations
  • In certain cases, special categories of data on such as:
  • Disability,
  • health information,
  • Convictions, criminal offences

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - establishment, performance, or termination of the user contract with you for the provision of our candidate registration service.

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in efficient work organisational processes, in work & service-sharing within the PageGroup as well as our legitimate interest in maintaining our customer relationship with you

In this case, we only process your special categories of data on the basis of your consent pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (a), Art. 9 (2) (a) GDPR.

We collect the data directly from you.

If you apply for a specific position, we will pass your applicants data on to the potential employer you have requested.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is also possible that the internal as well as external service providers described above have access to your data.

We process your data to send you promotional informationnewsletters, and other electronic promotional information, to keep you informed about job opportunities, industry reports and insights, events, happenings and other content.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name,
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Your marketing information and job preferences

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - your consent

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR our legitimate interest in direct marketing measures and the sending of advertising content

We collect the data directly from you.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analysis

We process your data to send you satisfaction surveys to find out whether you are satisfied with our services, to improve our existing services and to develop new services.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Previous placements and services provided
  • Your information in the satisfaction questionnaire

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - your consent

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in direct marketing measures and sending of advertising content as well as the improvement and development of our services

We collect the data directly from you.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analysis
  • Service provider for conducting surveys
  • Service provider to conduct testing and development activities, provide research, mailing or other direct marketing services.

In certain cases, it may be necessary for us to check the information you have provided about your work-history, or to check whether you have the qualifications and the necessary reliability for a specific job position. In these cases, we conduct so-called background checks. For this purpose, we consult reference providers and early educational institutions. In addition, we conduct internet research using search engines and publicly accessible online databases. Furthermore, we evaluate national and international press.

Only in very limited cases and only insofar as we are legally obliged to do so do we compare your master data with sanctions lists and other public lists and registers, including terror and embargo lists and PEP lists (Politically Exposed Person).

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name and address
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Information in your CV
  • Information about your educational path
  • References
  • Professional experience
  • Job references
  • Results of security audits
  • Nationality
  • Residence and work permit
  • Photos
  • Language skills
  • Assessment centre test results
  • Convictions, criminal offences (e.g., employment fraud, economic crime, organised crime)
  • Infringements of competition or antitrust law
  • Violations of other legal requirements or regulations
  • Insolvencies
  • existing conflicts of interest

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - your consent

Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR - our legal obligation to conduct background checks

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - Establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in carrying out background checks to verify your information, our legitimate interest in carrying out background checks to fulfil legal obligations of our clients, the legitimate interest of our clients in carrying out background checks to ensure the required suitability and reliability for special positions and verification of your information.

We collect the data directly from you.

In addition, we may also collect your data from third parties, namely:

  • Reference providers, such as previous employers or former customers of you to check your details
  • Educational institutions - to check your academic qualifications
  • publicly available professional sources such as LinkedIn, Xing or StepStone, etc.
  • Sanction lists and other public lists and registers, including terror and embargo lists as well as PEP lists
  • Public source, telephone directories, newspaper articles
  • Generally accessible databases

We will only contact those reference providers that you have indicated to us during the selection process and our services.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • IT security
  • IT solutions
  • Hosting
  • Telecommunications
  • Service provider to carry out the check of work references
  • Service provider to carry out the check of qualifications
  • Service provider to conduct review in connection with criminal convictions (if required)
  • Service provider to verify the information you provide from third-party sources
  • Service provider to conduct psychometric evaluations or ability tests

Our contractors are contractually obligated by us to maintain confidentiality and to comply with data protection standards and regulations.

Conducting surveys on talent trends

In order to continuously improve our services and keep them up to date, we will selectively invite you to participate in surveys on talent trends.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name
  • Previous placements and services provided
  • Email address
  • Information in the survey questionnaire

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - your consent

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest to identify current talent trends and to further develop our services and offers.

We collect the data directly from you.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Market research
  • Market analysis
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analysis

Potential candidates and clients


Data categories

Legal basis/legitimate interest

Collection of the data

Recipient categories

In order to present our services and to be able to contact you and answer your enquiries, we process your personal data. We process the personal data about you that you provide to us when you contact us and make an enquiry. In addition, we may process data about you obtained from publicly available sources and from professional and social networks, such as LinkedIn, Xing, StepStone, company or other job boards, in order to contact you if we think you might be interested in our employment services.

In addition, we may have been made aware of you through recommendation from another candidate or client and contact you.

If you are acting as a business contact on behalf of a company, we will process your professional contact details.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name and address
  • Position in the company
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Professional contact details
  • Name of the company you work for,
  • Information in your CV, job profile, company profile
  • Information about your educational path,
  • References,
  • Professional experience,
  • Job references,
  • Salary expectations,
  • Career aspirations,
  • Open job advertisements,
  • Nationality,
  • Photos,
  • Language skills,
  • Status in professional networks, e.g., open for jobs

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - your consent

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in direct marketing measures and distribution of our recruiting and employment services as well as our legitimate interest in finding new business contacts, customers, and potential candidates

We collect the data directly from you.

In addition, we may also collect your data from third parties, namely:

  • Publicly accessible professional sources, homepages, newspaper articles, job advertisements
  • Professional networks, such as LinkedIn, StepStone,, Xing, etc.
  • Your job or company profiles published in public databases
  • Other candidates or clients

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analytics

Clients (B2B) and our contacts


Data categories

Legal basis/ Legitimate interest

Collection of the data

Recipient categories

We process your data in order to provide our recruiting services to you. In this context, we process your data and those of your business contacts in order to communicate with you and find suitable candidates for your vacancies.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the business contacts
  • Telephone number
  • Your feedback on candidates
  • Contract data and accounting data
  • Information on vacancies and requirement profiles

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - Establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in efficient work organisational processes, work & service sharing within the PageGroup group

We collect the data directly from you.

In addition, we may also collect your data from third parties, namely:

  • Publicly accessible professional sources, homepages, newspaper articles, job advertisements
  • Professional networks, such as LinkedIn, StepStone,, Xing, etc.
  • Your job or company profiles published in public databases
  • Other clients and candidates

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analysis
  • Accounting
  • Administration
  • Banking
  • Management of global, regional, or senior executive positions, or the development of key accounts, which would require the cooperation of different companies across the group.

We process your data to send you satisfaction surveys to find out whether you are satisfied with our services, to improve our existing services and to develop new services.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the business contact
  • Telephone number
  • Previous placements and services provided

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - your consent

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in direct marketing and sending of advertising content and to further develop our services and offers.

We collect the data directly from you.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Market analysis
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analytics

We process your data to send you promotional informationnewsletters, and other electronic promotional information, to keep you informed about job opportunities, industry reports and insights, events, happenings and other content.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name,
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Your marketing information and job preferences

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR - your consent

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in direct marketing and the sending of advertising content

We collect the data directly from you.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Newsletter dispatch
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analytics

Service providers and our business contacts from our service providers


Data categories

Legal basis/legitimate interest

Collection of the data

Recipients of your data

In order to enter into the service contract with you and to receive your services and to communicate with you in the context of our business relationship, we process your personal data. In addition, we process your data for accounting purposes.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the contact persons
  • Telephone number
  • Overview of services rendered
  • Contract data and accounting data

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR – establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR – our legitimate interest in efficient work organisational processes, work & service-sharing in the PageGroup group

We collect the data directly from you.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analysis
  • Accounting
  • Administration
  • Banking

We process your personal data to assess your suitability as a supplier of us.

For legal compliance obligations, in very limited cases and only insofar as we are legally obliged to do so do we compare your master data with sanctions lists and other public lists and registers, including terror and embargo lists and PEP lists (Politically Exposed Person).

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the contact persons
  • Telephone number
  • References

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR - our legal obligation to conduct background checks

Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR - establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR - our legitimate interest in carrying out assessments to assess your suitability

We collect the data directly from you.

We may also use data from public registers and sanction lists.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Procurement
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Administration

Data processing for compliance with legal obligations and defence and assertion of legal claims


Data categories

Legal basis/legitimate interest

Collection of the Data

Recipients of your Data

We process your data insofar as necessary to fulfil official control and monitoring and audit obligations, including official information and notification obligations as well as obligations under commercial or tax law.

In this context, we process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the contact persons
  • Telephone number
  • Overview of services rendered
  • Contract data and accounting data
  • Requested data

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR – Compliance with legal obligations

We collect the data directly from you.

Within the scope of the data processing de-scribed here, it is possible that the following recipients have access to your data:

  • Law enforcement authorities or other public entities
  • Courts
  • Lawyers
  • Consultants

In individual cases, we also process your data for the assertion of and defence against legal claims.

In this context, we process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the contact persons
  • Telephone number
  • Overview of services rendered
  • Contract data and accounting data
  • Data required for the defence and enforcement of claims

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR – our legitimate interest in defending against asserting legal claims.

We collect the data directly from you.

Within the scope of the data processing de-scribed here, it is possible that the following recipients have access to your data:

  • Lawyers,
  • Consultants
  • Courts
  • Mediators

We will process your data in the event of a restructuring, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment or other transfer or disposal of all or part of our business to the extent necessary for these purposes.

In this context, we process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the contact persons
  • Telephone number
  • Overview of services rendered
  • Contract data and accounting data

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR – our legit-imate interest in in a restructuring, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment or other transfer or disposal of all or part of our company

Art. 6 (1) (a) – your consent

We collect the data directly from you.

Within the scope of the data processing described here, it is possible that the following recipients have access to your data:

  • Lawyers
  • New business owners and their advisors
  • Courts

We also process your personal data in order to fulfil our obligations under data protection law, in particular to guarantee your rights as a data subject.

In this context, we process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the contact persons
  • Telephone number
  • Contract and billing data
  • Data protection declarations (e.g., declaration of consent to processing)
  • Declarations on the revocation of consent given by you
  • Declarations of objection to the processing of personal data
  • Declarations on the assertion of your rights to information, correction, deletion, restriction of processing, data transferability, including the information you provide to us when asserting your rights

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR – compliance with legal obligations

We collect the data directly from you.

Within the scope of the data processing de-scribed here, it is possible that the following recipients have access to your data:

  • Lawyers
  • Courts
  • Internal and external service providers in the area of administration, compliance, data protection and support.

Cookies, analytics tool & social media

We use social media and employ various cookies and other analysis technologies on our website. For further information, see our Cookie Policy.

Automated decisions and profiling

We do not make decisions based solely on automated data processing; there is always human intervention before a decision is made.

We draw up two types of profiles based on the candidates’ personal data:

  • JobMatch is a tool available on our website for candidates to upload their CVs. Matched to your skills, career aspirations and re-sume information, the tool helps us to recommend jobs that match your aspirations and skills. However, this profiling does not re-strict or exclude access to other jobs or positions.
  • We use an analysis tool powered by semantic search technology (a type of Artificial Intelligence) that allows us to intelligently search and filter CVs from our data-base. By entering relevant keywords such as years of experience or field of practice into this tool, all uploaded CVs are then analysed, and a pool of candidates is provided by matching the keywords in the candidates’ CVs and ranking the candidates according to their suitability for the job. We use it to make our recruitment processes more efficient, by being able to better match candidates to more suitable jobs. As explained above, there is always a recruiter checking this process, so there are no automated decisions.

Please note that none of these profiling activities have any significant legal or similar effects on candidates. However, if you would like to know more, please contact us.

Data transfers to countries outside the EEA

In some cases, we also process your personal data outside the European Economic Area (EEA). If a data transfer takes place to one of the above-mentioned recipients whose registered office or place of data processing is outside the EEA or a state for which an adequate level of data protection has been established by a decision of the European Commission, we will ensure prior to the transfer that the data transfer is covered by a legal authorization and that guarantees exist for an adequate level of data protection with regard to the data transfer (e.g., through contractual guarantees, officially recognized regulations or binding internal data protection regulations at the recipient) or you have given us consent to the data transfer. 

Intra-group data transfers outside the EEA

PageGroup is a globally active group of companies. Our recruitment experts and key business people in functions such as recruiting support, payroll management and IT support are located all over the world. For the above-mentioned purposes, in the context of our cooperation in PageGroup, we transfer your personal data in compliance with Art. 44 et seq. GDPR also to PageGroup companies outside the EEA or allow employees who work in PageGroup companies outside the EEA to access your personal data for the purpose of our cooperation and fulfilment of our contractual obligations with you. A list of PageGroup entities that are located outside the EEA can be found here.

If you are, for example, in Germany, as appropriate for your job search, or if you are looking for a qualified professional to join your organisation or a recruitment partner, we share your personal data with our recruiters specialised in the German market who are based in Turkey (details of the Turkish company can be found in the list mentioned above), if necessary. They process your personal data on behalf of our German entities. In relation to this transfer, an adequate level of data protection is ensured in accordance with the company’s intra-group agreement and the SCCs, as described below.

We have an intra-group data transfer agreement containing Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs) approved by the European Commission that allow for cross-border transfers of personal data from the EEA to third countries outside the EEA, (as data protection laws outside the EEA may not provide an equivalent level of protection to EEA data protection laws).

If you would like a copy of the SCCs, please contact us using the contact details below.

Data transfers to external service providers outside the EEA

For purposes mentioned above, we use IT service providers located in the United Kingdom, USA, and Israel. In order to protect your data, we have entered into standard contractual clauses (SCCs) where required.
Please contact us using the contact details below if you would like to receive a copy of the SCCs.

Keeping your personal data secure

We have implemented and maintain appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your personal data against accidental or un-lawful destruction, loss or alteration or unauthorised disclosure or access. Only authorised personnel and third-party service providers have access to personal data on a need-to-know basis, and these employees and service providers are contractually required to treat this infor-mation as confidential. 

How long we store your personal data

We will store your personal data for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purpose for which we have collected them, which may be an ongoing purpose. For example, if you are an applicant, we will store your personal data for the duration of our business relationship with you and beyond, as we often support applicants with jobs for many years and potentially for their entire career.
We keep some personal data longer than others. In determining the appropriate storage period for personal data, we take into account factors such as the purposes for which we process your personal data, including legal, regulatory, accounting and reporting obligations, the nature and amount of personal data we hold about you, and the potential risk of harm to you from unauthorised use or disclosure of your personal data.
Where we process your personal data for direct marketing purposes, we will do so until you ask us to stop, and for a short period of time after-wards (to allow us to carry out your request). We also keep a record of the fact that you have asked us not to send you direct marketing or to process your data indefinitely, so that we can respect your request.

Your data protection rights 

EU data protection legislation gives you many rights with regard to processing of data concerning you. These rights include the right withdraw your consent according to Art. 7 (3) GDPR, the right of access to your personal data, and to request  a copy of your personal data (Art. 15 GDPR), to rectify (Art. 16 GDPR), erase (Art. 17 GDPR), or restrict the processing of your personal data (Art. 18 GDPR), to obtain the personal data you provide to us in a structured, machine-readable format, and to ask us to transfer this data with another data controller (Art. 20 GDPR).

According to Art. 21 GDPR, you have the right to object to data processing by us at any time for reasons arising from your particular situa-tion, insofar as this is based on Art. 6 (1) (e) DSGVO or on the protection of "legitimate interests" according to Art. 6 (1) (f) DSGVO. If you exercise your right to object, we will cease processing unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for further processing that prevail your rights and interests.

You may withdraw your consent once given to receive marketing communications or opt out of data processing for direct marketing purposes by following the steps outlined in our notices and opting out of receiving marketing communications, or by contacting us using the contact de-tails provided in this Privacy Policy. We have also established a Marketing Preference Center where you can view and select your preferences and opt out of receiving marketing communications at any time. To access the Marketing Preference Center, please also follow the steps explained in the Marketing communication. 

Please note that these rights may be limited in certain cases. Your rights may be limited, for example, if complying with your request would dis-close personal data about another person, if it would infringe the rights of a third party (including ours) or if you ask us to delete information that we are required to retain by law or in whose storage we have overriding legitimate interests. We will inform you of any relevant exceptions on which we rely when we respond to your request. 

Furthermore, for processing operations based on the Companies' legitimate interests, we have carried out a legitimate interest assessment to ensure that our interests are not prejudiced by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms; you can request this assessment via the contacts listed at the end of this Privacy Policy.

Questions and complaints

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the processing of your personal data, or if you would like to make a complaint, you can use our form or send an email to us or to our Data Protection Officer at [email protected].

If you have unresolved concerns or believe that your personal data has been breached, you can lodge a complaint with the competent supervi-sory authority. A list of relevant authorities in the EEA is available here

How to contact us

Exercising your rights

To exercise your rights, withdraw your consent to processing or unsubscribe from our commercial communications, you can:
•    complete our application form here, or
•    send us an email to [email protected], or
•    please contact us or our Data Protection Officer at: [email protected] 

Data Protection Officer (DPO)
Bird & Bird DPO Services SRL
Avenue Louise 235 box 1
1050 Brussels

Page Group  
Compliance Department 
Plaza Europa 21 23, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, 08908 Barcelona

Changes to our privacy policy

We may update this privacy policy at any time. Any material changes to this privacy policy shall be duly posted on this website and shall be communicated through other communication channels where appropriate


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Privacy Policy

Quem somos e como tratamos seus dados pessoais

PageGroup é um recrutador especializado que opera sob as marcas Michael Page, Page Personnel, Page Executive e Page Outsourcing. Estamos empenhados em proteger a privacidade dos nossos candidatos, clientes e utilizadores do nosso website. O papel da entidade PageGroup como Responsável pelo tratamento dos seus dados dependerá dos serviços que prestamos ao utilizador, conforme descrito abaixo. Para aceder a uma lista completa de entidades do PageGroup Europeu clique aqui (as “Empresas”). 

Queremos proporcionar uma experiência de utilizador segura e fiável. Asseguraremos que as informações que nos enviar, ou que recolhermos, por vários canais (incluindo o nosso website, por correspondência escrita (incluindo e-mail), conversas ou reuniões com os nossos consultores, ou por qualquer de nossos escritórios ou websites de forma geral), sejam utilizadas somente para as finalidades estabelecidas na presente Política de Privacidade. 

Pela presente Política de Privacidade pretendemos informar sobre os tipos de dados pessoais que recolhemos, as finalidades para as quais utilizamos os dados e as formas como os dados são tratados.  Pretendemos também satisfazer a obrigação de transparência ao abrigo do Regulamento Geral sobre a Proteção de Dados 2016/679 (“RGPD”) da UE e das leis nacionais que possam ser aplicáveis.


A proteção dos seus dados pessoais é a nossa prioridade. A presente política de privacidade explica como as Empresas tratam e protegem os dados pessoais sobre:

  • candidatos que se inscrevem conosco para funções que estamos a gerir para outros empregadores e para funções nas Empresas, ou pelo nosso website, quadro de empregos, sites de redes sociais ou outras fontes;
  • potenciais candidatos;
  • potenciais clientes;
  • contactos comerciais com os nossos clientes e fornecedores; e
  • utilizadores dos nossos sites; 

(coletivamente “si” ou “seu”). 

Também lhe informa sobre os seus direitos de privacidade, incluindo o direito de se opor ao nosso tratamento. Caso queira entrar em contacto conosco, consulte a seção “Como nos contactar” desta política.

Dados pessoais que recolhemos


Quando se inscrever conosco como candidato para que lhe prestemos serviços de procura de emprego, tratamos os seus dados pessoais, incluindo mas não se limitando ao seu nome, dados de contacto e informações do seu CV. Quando permitido por lei, podemos também recolher informações relacionadas à sua saúde (por exemplo, informações sobre deficiência para ajuste razoável do trabalho), informações sobre diversidade, incluindo raça, origem étnica, orientação sexual e religião (para monitoramento de igualdade de oportunidades), bem como detalhes sobre quaisquer condenações penais não executadas, quando exigido por um cliente ou por nós, caso se candidate a uma função conosco. A entidade PageGroup atuando como Responsável pelo tratamento dos seus dados neste caso será aquela gerenciando o processo ao qual se candidatou.

Caso utilize nosso website, clique em links em e-mails que lhe enviamos, abra ou encaminhe esses emails, ou se inscreva para receber alertas de emprego ou outros de nossos conteúdos, também recolhemos dados pessoais dessas interações. 

Também obtemos dados pessoais seus de terceiros, incluindo, 

•    referências - quando lhe é oferecido um emprego;
•    antigos empregadores - para confirmar as datas de emprego;
•    instituições de ensino - para verificar as suas qualificações académicas;
•    agências de referência de crédito - se precisarmos verificar sua situação financeira;
•    fontes publicamente disponíveis, tais como LinkedIn e sites de mídia social para melhorar as informações que temos sobre si, para nos ajudar a lhe encontrar cargos mais adequados; 
•    clientes aos quais fornecemos o seu CV e que lhe contactaram como parte de uma candidatura de emprego ou que deram feedback sobre o seu CV. 

Potenciais Candidatos

Recolhemos seus dados pessoais, incluindo o seu nome e dados de contacto e dados biográficos profissionais obtidos de fontes publicamente disponíveis, tais como o LinkedIn e sites de currículos e de redes sociais, para que o possamos entrar em contato se acharmos que possa estar interessado nos nossos serviços de procura de emprego numa data futura.

Também podemos obter os seus dados pessoais através de outro candidato ou de um empregador que o recomende como contacto. A entidade PageGroup que atuará como

Responsável pelo tratamento de seus dados neste caso será a entidade à qual pertence o consultor que o identificou como potencial candidato.

Potenciais Clientes

Recolhemos os seus dados de contacto e dados relativos à sua função ou posição para estabelecer relações comerciais com a sua empresa. A entidade PageGroup que atuará como Responsável pelo tratamento de seus dados neste caso será a entidade à qual pertence o consultor que o identificou como potencial cliente. 

Utilizadores do nosso website ou aplicações.

Recolhemos dados pessoais, tais como o seu endereço IP e outros dados sobre o seu dispositivo, que precisamos para lhe fornecer o nosso conteúdo online. Também recolhemos dados sobre sua interação com o nosso site ou aplicações, tais como as páginas que visualiza.  Se entrar em contato conosco, também recolheremos informações sobre a sua consulta. Utilizamos cookies e tecnologias semelhantes para recolher muitas dessas informações, nossa política de cookies  informa melhor sobre o assunto. A entidade PageGroup atuando como Responsável pelo tratamento neste caso deverá ser a entidade à qual pertence o website, os detalhes da entidade podem ser encontrados no aviso legal do website ou na lista anexada ao início da presente Política de Privacidade.


Recolhemos dados pessoais como o seu nome, cargo e dados de contacto. Também tratamos dados pessoais sobre suas comunicações conosco, incluindo se abriu ou encaminhou algum e-mail, boletim informativo ou outro conteúdo que lhe enviamos. Também tratamos o feedback que nos fornece sobre nossos candidatos. A entidade PageGroup que atuará como Responsável pelo tratamento neste caso será a entidade que é a contraparte do contrato que assinamos com o utilizador ou com a empresa que o representa.

Se nos fornecer informações sobre um candidato (por exemplo, se confirmar que um candidato trabalhou consigo ou se fornecer uma referência), então obteremos seus dados do candidato e manteremos um registo dos dados pessoais que nos fornecer sobre esse candidato. 

Nós tratamos seus dados pessoais de fontes de domínio público como LinkedIn e sites de redes sociais ou porque já foi um representante em um de nossos eventos ou em um evento onde o organizador do evento tem permissão para compartilhar os detalhes do representante conosco.


Normalmente recolhemos o seu nome e detalhes de contacto como contacto comercial de sua organização. A entidade PageGroup que atuará como Responsável pelo tratamento neste caso será a entidade que é a contraparte do contrato que assinamos com o utilizador ou com a empresa que o representa.

Fornecimento dos seus dados pessoais

Em alguns casos, será necessário que nos forneça seus dados pessoais. Se não nos fornecer os dados pessoais que pedimos, podemos não ser capazes de lhe fornecer os nossos serviços. 

Como utilizamos os seus dados pessoais


Utilizamos os seus dados pessoais para:  

•    fornecer-lhe serviços de procura de trabalho;
•    comunicação;
•    permitir-lhe enviar o seu CV e candidatar-se a empregos;
•    personalizar a sua experiência criando um perfil de candidato; 
•    permitir-nos monitorar igualdade e diversidade;
•    fornecer-lhe conselhos salariais e sobre entrevistas; e
•    enviar-lhe comercialização direta com o objetivo de o informar sobre oportunidades de emprego, relatórios e insights do sector, eventos, promoções e concursos, e outros conteúdos de acordo com as suas escolhas de comercialização. 
•    Também geramos relevantes e direcionados banners publicitários em nosso website e dentro de suas redes sociais para apresentar-lhe trabalhos e conteúdos que acreditamos que serão de interesse. Direcionamos esses anúncios com base em suas interações anteriores com nosso website, nossos e-mails e consultores. A sua interação com os nossos anúncios pode ser utilizada para medir a eficácia das nossas campanhas publicitárias e para melhorar a nossa estratégia de comercialização. Este tratamento é feito por meio de Cookies e apenas se anteriormente tiver dado o seu consentimento.

Potenciais Candidatos e Clientes

Utilizamos os seus dados pessoais para:

•    determinar se pode estar interessado em nossos serviços e como podemos ajudá-lo;
•    contactar-lhe e descobrir se está interessado em nossos serviços.

Utilizadores do nosso site ou aplicações

Podemos utilizar seus dados pessoais para:

•    melhorar e personalizar a sua experiência quando utiliza o nosso site ou aplicações; e
•    personalizar a publicidade que recebe de nós.


Podemos utilizar os seus dados pessoais:

•    para prestar-lhe serviços de recrutamento; 
•    para comunicação;
•    para obter seu feedback sobre nossos serviços através de inquéritos de satisfação de clientes, a fim de melhorar nossos serviços e desenvolver novos serviços;
•    para manter a nossa mútua relação comercial;
•    para responder às suas perguntas quando nos contactar;
•    para cumprir as obrigações contratuais para consigo;
•    para estabelecer, exercer ou defender ações judiciais; e
•    para finalidades de comercialização direta.


Utilizamos os seus dados pessoais:

•    para comunicação;
•    para manter a nossa mútua relação comercial;
•    para responder às suas perguntas quando nos contactar;
•    para cumprir as obrigações contratuais para consigo;
•    para estabelecer, exercer ou defender ações judiciais; e 
•    para finalidades de comercialização direta.

Pode cancelar a sua inscrição de receber comunicações comerciais da nossa parte utilizando os métodos de cancelamento de inscrição contidos nas comunicações que lhe enviamos ou contactando-nos. Também estabelecemos um centro de preferências de comercialização onde se pode visualizar e tomar decisões sobre suas preferências de comercialização e optar a qualquer momento por não receber comercializações nossas.

Fundamentos legais para tratar seus dados pessoais

Segundo a RGPD, contamos com os seguintes fundamentos legais para tratar seus dados pessoais:
a) Execução de um contrato - a fim de cumprir nossas obrigações contratuais com o cliente, por exemplo, quando clientes contratam serviços e candidatos aceitam nossos termos e condições. Ou em relação a potenciais clientes ou candidatos para tomar medidas que seriam necessárias para celebrar um contrato connosco. 
(b) Cumprimento de uma obrigação jurídica - onde precisamos tratar seus dados pessoais para cumprir obrigações legais ou regulamentares.
(c) Nossos interesses legítimos ou os de terceiros - incluindo:

•    responder aos seus pedidos e consultas (o interesse legítimo das Empresas nesse caso é manter uma comunicação constante e atualizada com clientes e candidatos, o que faz parte de qualquer relação comercial);
•    otimizar o desempenho do nosso website e a experiência do utilizador;
•    contactar potenciais clientes a fim de estabelecer relações comerciais com clientes (o interesse legítimo de Page é manter relações de qualquer tipo com a empresa onde a pessoa de contacto trabalha).
•    informar sobre os nossos serviços, oportunidades de emprego, relatórios e insights da indústria, eventos, promoções e concursos (o interesse legítimo da Page é informar clientes e candidatos sobre serviços e produtos semelhantes) e;
•    assegurar que as nossas operações sejam conduzidas de forma eficiente ou fornecer inquéritos de satisfação dos nossos serviços.

Realizamos uma avaliação de interesse legítimo a fim de confirmar que nossos interesses não são anulados por seus interesses ou direitos e liberdades fundamentais, essa avaliação pode ser solicitada usando os detalhes de contacto abaixo.

(d) Consentimento Em certas circunstâncias, pediremos o seu consentimento para tratar os seus dados pessoais. Por exemplo, caso se registe para um emprego, ofereceremos a possibilidade de se registar para receber alerta de empregos semelhantes. Na medida em que tratamos os seus dados pessoais com fundamento no seu consentimento, tem o direito de retirar seu consentimento a qualquer momento.  Contacte-nos se quiser retirar o seu consentimento.

Decisões automatizadas e definição de perfis

Não tomamos decisões baseadas unicamente em tratamento automatizado; existe sempre intervenção humana antes de tomar uma decisão.

Realizamos dois tipos de análise de perfil com base nos dados pessoais do candidato:

  • JobMatch é uma ferramenta disponível no nosso website para que candidatos carreguem seus CVs e assim possamos recomendar empregos alinhados às nossas competências. Contudo, essa análise de perfil não restringe nem exclui o acesso a outros empregos e funções.
  • Matching de candidatos com a base de dados de nosso cliente nos permite filtrar CVs quando recebemos muitas candidaturas para vagas que anunciamos e introduzir palavras-chave relevantes, tais como anos de experiência ou campo de prática. Essa ferramenta de análise verifica então todos os currículos carregados a ela e fornece um grupo menor de candidatos, fazendo corresponder as palavras-chave nos currículos e classificando os candidatos de acordo com sua aptidão para a função. Como explicado acima, há sempre um recrutador que verifica esse processo, pelo que não há decisões automatizadas.

Note que nenhuma destas atividades de análise de perfil produz efeitos legais ou semelhantes para os candidatos, no entanto, se desejar saber mais, por favor contacte-nos.

Com quem partilhamos os seus dados pessoais

Em determinadas circunstâncias partilhamos os seus dados pessoais com:

Outras empresas do nosso Grupo

PageGroup é um grupo de empresas que opera a nível global. Os nossos recrutadores profissionais e membros-chave da empresa que gerem funções no âmbito da folha de pagamento e do apoio informático estão presentes em todo o mundo. Podemos partilhar ou dar acesso aos seus dados pessoais a empresas do PageGroup no Espaço Económico Europeu (EEE) e também colocadas fora do EEE, cumprindo as obrigações aplicáveis ao regime internacional de transferência de dados da GDPR. Pode encontrar aqui uma lista de entidades PageGroup e os países onde estão colocadas.

Por exemplo, se estiver na Alemanha ou na França, quando apropriado para a sua procura de emprego, ou se precisar de contratar um profissional qualificado na sua organização ou um parceiro de recrutamento, podemos partilhar os seus dados pessoais com os nossos recrutadores especializados en os mercados alemão e francês que estão sediados na Turquia (ver lista de entidades acima). Tratam os seus dados pessoais em nome das nossas entidades alemãs ou francesas, conforme for aplicável (ver lista acima). É assegurado um nível adequado de proteção de dados para esta transferência, com base no acordo intra-grupo da empresa e nas SCC, conforme descrito abaixo.

Temos em vigor um acordo de transferência de dados intra-grupo contendo Cláusulas Contratuais Padrão (SCC) aprovadas pela Comissão Europeia que permitem transferências transfronteiriças de dados pessoais de dentro do EEE para países terceiros de fora do EEE (uma vez que as leis de proteção de dados fora do EEE podem não fornecer um nível equivalente de segurança às leis de proteção de dados do EEE).

Se desejar uma cópia das SCCs, por favor contacte-nos.

Partilhar seus dados pessoais dentro do PageGroup tem por finalidade

i) fornecer serviços essenciais que estão centralizados em uma única entidade, como serviços de TI, serviços de apoio comercial e de suporte de vendas, nesse caso, essas entidades irão aceder e tratar seus dados pessoais como subcontratantes, seguindo as instruções de seu responsável pelo tratamento dos dados,

ii) gerenciar funções globais, regionais ou de executivo sênior, ou ainda o desenvolvimento de contas-chave, o que exigiria a cooperação de diferentes empresas em todo o grupo, e

iii) gerenciar funções que podem ser exercidas de forma remota. O fundamento jurídico aplicável a essas atividades de tratamento é a execução do contrato com clientes e candidatos ou a tomada de medidas necessárias para celebrar um contrato, assim como os interesses legítimos do PageGroup em prestar seus serviços utilizando recursos internos.

Favor observar que caso se registe como candidato em um país diferente do país onde originalmente aderiu ao PageGroup, um registo único será criado para si. Um registo único evita duplicatas e aumenta a precisão dos dados pessoais. Com este fim, as empresas PageGroup envolvidas partilharão suas informações pessoais como responsáveis independentes pelo tratamento.


Caso seja um candidato, partilhamos seus dados pessoais com clientes que têm vagas para empregos que lhe interessam. O fundamento jurídico aplicável nesse caso seria o mesmo descrito acima; execução do contrato com clientes e candidatos ou a tomada de medidas necessárias para celebrar um contrato, assim como os legítimos interesses do PageGroup em fornecer informações sobre os candidatos e serviços aos clientes.

Também partilhamos os seus dados pessoais e, quando necessário e permitido por lei, dados de categoria especial, com prestadores de serviços terceiros que desempenham serviços e funções em nosso nome, como por exemplo:

•    ao realizar verificações de referência de emprego;
•    ao realizar verificações de qualificação;
•    ao realizar verificações de condenações penais (conforme necessário);
•    ao verificar detalhes seus recebidos de fontes terceiras; 
•    ao realizar avaliações psicométricas ou testes de habilidades;
•    ao hospedar dados pessoais para nós;
•    ao dar-nos conselhos profissionais;
•    ao fornecer-nos análises de dados;
•    ao realizar trabalhos de teste e desenvolvimento em nossos sistemas tecnológicos de negócio;
•    ao aplicar pesquisas ou concursos em nosso nome; 
•    ao ajudar-nos a comunicar consigo; e
•    ao fornecer serviços de pesquisa e correio ou outros serviços de comercialização diretos. 

Nós exigimos contratualmente padrões mínimos de confidencialidade e proteção de dados de nossos prestadores de serviços terceiros. Se precisarmos enviar dados pessoais para fora do EEE, garantiremos a existência de salvaguardas adequadas, tais como as Cláusulas Modelo.

Outras Divulgações

Além disso, podemos divulgar os seus dados pessoais: 
•    se formos legalmente obrigados a fazer isso; 
•    para agências de aplicação da lei, reguladores ou outros funcionários do governo; e
•    aos novos proprietários e seus consultores no caso de uma reorganização, fusão, venda, joint venture, cessão ou outra transferência ou disposição de toda ou qualquer parte do nosso negócio.

Assegurando os seus dados pessoais

Implementamos e mantemos medidas técnicas e organizacionais adequadas para proteger os seus dados pessoais da destruição acidental ou ilegal, perda, alteração, divulgação ou acesso não autorizado. Apenas o pessoal autorizado e prestadores de serviços terceiros têm acesso aos dados pessoais com base na necessidade de saber, e estes funcionários e prestadores de serviços são contratualmente obrigados a tratar estas informações como confidenciais. 

Durante quanto tempo conservamos os seus dados pessoais

Conservaremos os seus dados pessoais durante o tempo necessário para cumprir a finalidade para a qual os recolhemos, que pode ser uma finalidade contínua. Por exemplo, se for um candidato, nós reteremos seus dados pessoais durante toda a sua relação comercial conosco e além, já que muitas vezes apoiamos candidatos com colocações de emprego durante muitos anos e potencialmente ao longo de suas carreiras. 

Nós conservamos alguns dados pessoais por mais tempo do que outros. Para determinar o período de conservação adequado para os dados pessoais, consideramos fatores tais como as finalidades para as quais tratamos os seus dados pessoais, incluindo quaisquer obrigações legais, regulamentares, contabilísticas e de comunicação, a natureza e quantidade de dados pessoais seus que temos e o risco potencial de danos devido a utilização não autorizada ou à divulgação dos seus dados pessoais. 

Onde tratamos os seus dados pessoais para finalidades de comercialização direta, fá-lo-emos até que nos peça para parar, e por um curto período de tempo após isso (para nos permitir implementar o seu pedido). Também mantemos um registo do fato de nos ter pedido que não enviemos comercialização direta ou tratarmos seus dados indefinidamente, para que possamos respeitar o seu pedido.

Os seus direitos em relação aos seus dados pessoais conosco 

Vários direitos sob as leis de proteção de dados da UE se aplicam a si. Estes direitos incluem o direito de nos pedir uma cópia dos seus dados pessoais, de retificar, apagar ou limitar o tratamento dos seus dados pessoais; de obter os dados pessoais que nos forneceu para um contrato ou com o seu consentimento num formato estruturado, de leitura automática, e de nos pedir para partilhar (portar) estes dados para outro responsável pelo tratamento.

Além disso, pode opor-se ao tratamento de seus dados pessoais em algumas circunstâncias (em particular, quando não tivermos que tratar seus dados pessoais para cumprir um requisito contratual ou outro requisito legal, ou quando estivermos utilizando os dados para comercialização direta). 

Estes direitos podem ser limitados, por exemplo, se o cumprimento do seu pedido revelar dados pessoais sobre outra pessoa, se infringir os direitos de terceiros (incluindo os nossos direitos) ou se nos pedir para apagar informações que somos obrigados por lei a conservar ou que temos interesses legítimos para conservar. Nós o informaremos de quaisquer isenções relevantes que usaremos como fundamento ao responder seu pedido. 

Como Nos Contactar

Exercer seus direitos

Para exercer seus direitos, ou para retirar seu consentimento ao tratamento ou cancelar a subscrição de receber comunicações de comercialização da nossa parte, suas opções são:

•    preencher nosso formulário de solicitação, ou
•    enviar-nos um e-mail para [email protected], ou
•    escrever-nos ou ao nosso encarregado da proteção de dados em: [email protected]

Bird & Bird DPO Services SRL
Avenue Louise 235 box 1
1050 Brussels

Page Group  
Compliance Department 
Plaza Europa 21 23, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, 08908 Barcelona – Espanha

Perguntas e Reclamações

Se tiver qualquer dúvida sobre a nossa política de privacidade, sobre o nosso tratamento dos seus dados pessoais, ou quiser fazer uma reclamação, preencher nosso formulário de reclamação, ou  pode enviar-nos um e-mail ou ao nosso encarregado da proteção de dados para [email protected].

Caso tenha preocupações não resolvidas, ou acredita que uma violação de dados pessoais aconteceu, tem o direito de reclamar à sua autoridade de supervisão competente. Uma lista de autoridades relevantes no EEE pode ser acedida aqui .

Alterações à nossa Política de Privacidade

Podemos alterar esta política de privacidade a qualquer momento. Se o fizermos, publicaremos atualizações neste site. 


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Privacy commitment

Data Protection and Privacy Policy

Michael Page's online service is committed to protecting the privacy of our users. We want to provide a safe and secure user experience. We will ensure that the information you submit to us via our website at ("The Michael Page Site") remains private, and is only used for the purposes set out in this policy.

The Information We Collect and How We Use It

Your personal details, including your name, e-mail address and CV, are held and used by us for the following purposes:

  1. For matching your coded details with job vacancies, to assist us in finding you the position that most suits you;

  2. For keeping you informed of Michael Page services, news and wider developments in your chosen field;

  3. For tailoring the version of our website you see when you log on to make it relevant to you; and/or

  4. For compiling salary and other surveys of our candidates.

Disclosures of your information

We will share your information within PageGroup where necessary in order to provide you with our recruitment services.

It is possible that Michael Page could merge or be acquired by another business. If this happens, we may share the information that relates to you with the new owners of the business and their advisers. You will be sent notice of such an event.

Your CV and related information will be sent to prospective employers but only where you give your consent. Such employers may be located both inside and outside the European Economic Area.

We may also release information relating to you to regulatory or law enforcement authorities, if required to do so. We also reserve the right to disclose the information we have collected about you to our professional advisors and to other persons to the extent that Michael Page contracts out any aspect of the operation of its recruitment agency services.  These third parties will be acting under similar undertakings of confidentiality as Michael Page.

Job Alerts

To subscribe to job alerts emails, you will be required to provide your e-mail address, which will be used for the purpose of keeping you informed, by e-mail, of the latest jobs in your nominated industry and/or industry news via job alerts.

Should you decide that you no longer wish to receive this information, unsubscribe links are provided in every job alert email that you receive.

Curriculum vitae ("CV")

We give you the option of submitting your CV via this website. You can do this either to apply for a specific advertised job or for consideration by our recruitment consultants for positions as they come up.  Although your CV will be stored online, it will only be accessible by PageGroup recruitment consultants, working both inside and outside the European Economic Area. Your CV will also be e-mailed directly to our recruitment consultants who review your details and enter them onto our central in-house database. This database, including the information relating to you, can be accessed by any of our recruitment consultants working in other offices of PageGroup, both inside and outside the European Economic Area.

You can update your CV at any time, simply by following the same procedure to submit a new CV. Your old CV will automatically be replaced.

Aggregate information about Michael Page online visitors

We gather information and statistics collectively about all visitors to this website and all of the Michael Page websites worldwide, for example, which area users access most frequently and which services users access the most. We only use such data in the aggregate form. This information helps us determine what is most beneficial for our users and how we can continually improve our online services to create a better overall experience for our users.  We also publish some of this information on the Michael Page websites worldwide.

Use of cookies

A cookie is a small data file which is sent from a web server to a web browser when that browser visits the server's site. Find out more about the use of cookies Cookies are used on the website to remember your login, to track web traffic on an aggregate basis so that no individuals are identified, to keep session information such as your last search (this information is disposed of every time you close your web browser). Most browsers allow you to turn off cookies. If you want to know how to do this, please look at the help menu on your browser. However, switching off cookies will restrict your use of our website.  


You have the right at any time to ask us for a copy of the information supplied by you that we hold. We have the right to charge an administrative fee for this service. If you would like to make a request for information, please contact [email protected]. You also have the right to ask Michael Page to stop using your information.

Other websites

Please note that clicking on to links and banner advertisements may result in your transferral to another website, where data privacy practices may be different to that of Michael Page. Visitors should consult the other websites' privacy policies as we are not responsible for, and have no control over, information that is submitted to or collected by these third parties.

Internet-based transfers

Given that the Internet is a global environment, using the Internet to collect and process personal data necessarily involves the transmission of data on an international basis. Therefore, by browsing this web site and communicating electronically with us, you acknowledge and agree to our processing of personal data in this way.

Changes to our privacy policy

This privacy policy may be changed by Michael Page at any time. If we change our privacy policy in the future, we will set out those changes here, so that you will always know what personal information we gather, the purposes we might use it for and to whom we might disclose it.

If, at any time, you have questions or concerns about Michael Page's online privacy commitment, please feel free to e-mail us at [email protected] or call your local office to speak to one of our representatives.

Equal Opportunities

Michael Page is an equal opportunities employer and a company committed to diversity. This means that all job applicants and members of staff will receive equal treatment and that we will not discriminate on grounds of gender, marital status, race, ethnic origin, colour, nationality, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, religion or age.

As part of our commitment to equal opportunities we may from time to time use information provided by you for the purposes of diversity monitoring. Any such information will be used on an anonymised basis in accordance with the terms of our Privacy Policy.

Site Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions govern your use of the Michael Page website at ("Michael Page Site") and your relationship with Michael Page ("Michael Page", "we" or "us"). Please read them carefully as they affect your rights and liabilities under the law. If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions, please do not use the Michael Page Site. If you have any questions on the Terms and Conditions, please contact [email protected].

If you are seeking to instruct Michael Page for the provision of recruitment services, our standard terms and conditions shall apply (copy available upon request).

Use of the Michael Page Site

We operate the Michael Page Site to assist you in understanding Michael Page's services and in communicating with us.

The Michael Page Site is provided for your personal use subject to these Terms and Conditions. By accessing or using the Michael Page Site, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.


We may update these Terms and Conditions from time to time for legal or regulatory reasons or to allow the proper operation of the Michael Page Site. We will make reasonable efforts to notify you of any changes. The changes will apply to the use of the Michael Page Site after we have given notice. If you do not wish to accept the new Terms and Conditions you should not continue to use the Michael Page Site. If you continue to use the Michael Page Site after the date on which the change comes into effect, your use of the Michael Page Site indicates your agreement to be bound by the new Terms and Conditions.

Your use of the Michael Page Site

You may not use the Michael Page Site for any of the following purposes:

  • disseminating any unlawful, harassing, libellous, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene, or otherwise objectionable material or otherwise breaching any laws;
  • transmitting material that encourages conduct that constitutes a criminal offence, results in civil liability or otherwise breaches any applicable laws, regulations or code of practice;
  • interfering with any other person's use or enjoyment of the Michael Page Site; or
  • making, transmitting or storing electronic copies of materials protected by copyright without the permission of the owner.

You will be responsible for our losses and costs resulting from your breach of this clause.

By submitting information through the Michael Page Site you agree and acknowledge that while we may contact you in response to the information you provide, we are not obliged to provide you with any particular product or services.


In order to access to receive job alerts you must register on the Michael Page Site. If you register, you must ensure that the details provided by you on registration or at any time are correct and complete.

You must inform us immediately of any changes to the information that you provided when registering by updating your personal details in order that we can communicate with you effectively.

If you register to use the Michael Page Site you will be asked to create a password. In order to prevent fraud, you must keep this password confidential and must not disclose it or share it with anyone. If you know or suspect that someone else knows your password you should notify us by contacting [email protected] immediately.

If Michael Page has reason to believe that there is likely to be a breach of security or misuse of the Michael Page Site, we may require you to change your password or we may suspend your account.

Right to suspend or cancel your registration

We may suspend or cancel your registration immediately at our reasonable discretion or if you breach any of your obligations under these Terms and Conditions.

You can cancel your registration at any time by logging onto the Michael Page Site through the "unsubscribe" link contained in the last Job Alerts email you received.

The suspension or cancellation of your registration and your right to use the Michael Page Site shall not affect either party's statutory rights or liabilities.


Whilst Michael Page uses reasonable care in compiling and presenting the content found on the Michael Page Site, it is provided purely for information and you should seek further guidance and make independent enquiries before relying upon it. If Michael Page is informed of any inaccuracies in the material on the Michael Page Site we will attempt to correct the inaccuracies as soon as we reasonably can.

If we are in breach of these Terms and Conditions, we will only be responsible for any losses that you suffer to the extent that they are a foreseeable consequence to both of us. Our liability shall not in any event include business losses such as lost data, lost profits or business interruption.

These Terms and Conditions shall not limit or affect our liability if something we do negligently causes death or personal injury.


Michael Page makes no representation or warranty in respect of any of the following:

  • the existence or availability of any appointment advertised on the Michael Page Site;
  • that any employer or client will ask for your CV, ask to interview you or recruit you;
  • that any employer or client will keep confidential any of your information or data provided to that employer or client; or
  • the final terms and duration of any appointment obtained through the Michael Page Site.

Availability of the Michael Page Site

We cannot guarantee that the service will be fault-free. If a fault occurs in the service you should report it to [email protected] and we will attempt to correct the fault as soon as we reasonably can. If Michael Page is informed of any inaccuracies in the material on the Michael Page Site we will attempt to correct the inaccuracies as soon as we reasonably can.

Your access to the Michael Page Site may be occasionally restricted to allow for repairs, maintenance or the introduction of new facilities or services. We will attempt to restore the service as soon as we reasonably can.

Intellectual Property

All information incorporated within the Michael Page Site is owned or licensed by Michael Page International. You may retrieve and display the content of the Michael Page Site on a computer screen, store such content in electronic form on disk (but not any server or other storage device connected to a network) or print one copy of such content for your own personal, non-commercial use, provided you keep intact all and any copyright and proprietary notices. You may not otherwise reproduce, modify, copy or distribute or use for commercial purposes any of the materials or content on the Michael Page Site without written permission from Michael Page.

Applicable Law

These terms and conditions will be subject to the laws of the Russian Federation. We will try to solve any disagreements quickly and efficiently. If you are not happy with the way we deal with any disagreement, and you want to take court proceedings, you must do so within the the Russian Federation.


You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms and Conditions to any other person. We may transfer our rights under these Terms and Conditions to another business where we reasonably believe your rights will not be affected.

If you breach these Terms and Conditions and Michael Page chooses to ignore this, Michael Page will still be entitled to use its rights and remedies at a later date or in any other situation where you breach the Terms and Conditions.

Michael Page shall not be responsible for any breach of these Terms and Conditions caused by circumstances beyond its reasonable control.

The Michael Page Site is owned and operated by Michael Page.

If you have any queries, please contact [email protected].

Michael Page Recruitment Limited Registration No. [04130921],

Last update: [13/04/06]


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Terms & Conditions

These website Terms and Conditions apply to your use of the website in conjunction with our PRIVACY POLICY. By using this website, you agree to comply with these Terms and Conditions as they apply from time to time. If you do not agree, please do not use the website.

Our recruitment services and our business relationship with you is also subject to our standard Terms and Conditions for clients and candidates, which can be provided by one of our specialist consultants when you are discussing your recruitment needs.

We may change these Terms and Conditions at our discretion and without notice and we suggest that you visit this page regularly to keep up to date with any changes.
Use of website
The purpose of this website is to provide you with our services and general information. You must not breach any term of our Acceptable Use Policy set out below.
Links to or from other Sites
This Site contains links to external websites and there may be any number of automatic links to other sites, which may interest you. PageGroup does not accept any responsibility in respect of the content of those sites nor can it be assumed that PageGroup has reviewed or approved of such sites or their content, nor do we warrant that he links to these sites work or are up to date. 
The information and material on this website is intended to provide a general guide only. While PageGroup uses reasonable care in compiling and presenting the information and material on this website, we make no representation or warranty whatsoever regarding the accuracy, currency, completeness, adequacy, suitability or operation of this website, any services we may provide through it or the information or material it contains.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, PageGroup shall not be responsible or liable for:
(a) any loss, liability or damage suffered or incurred arising out of or in connection with any access to or use of this website or any of its content;
(b) any reliance on, or decision made on the basis of, information or material shown on or omitted from this website;
(c) any representation or otherwise in respect of the existence or availability of any job, vacancy, assignment or other engagement or appointment advertised on this website;
(d) any representation or otherwise that any employer or client will ask for a candidate's information, ask to interview or hire a candidate, or that any candidates will be available or will meet the needs of any employer or client;
(e) any breach of these Terms and Conditions by PageGroup caused by circumstances beyond its reasonable control;
(f) any fault, delays, interruptions or lack of availability of this website and any of  the services provided through this website, which may occur due to intermittent failures of this website or the need for repairs, maintenance or the introduction of new facilities or services;
(h) any representation that data provided through this website will be free of worms, viruses, Trojan horses or any other computer code that may adversely affect any communication;
(k) any information or material carried on any website operated by a third party which may be accessed from this website.
If any warranty cannot be excluded, to the maximum extent permitted by law, PageGroup’s liability will be limited to resupply of the relevant service, the cost of resupplying the service or the cost of repairing the services, at our option. In any event, PageGroup will not be responsible or liable for any indirect, consequential, incidental, exemplary, punitive or special damages, loss, liability or expense.
Signing up on our website
If you upload your CV, submit your CV, apply for a job or  sign up for Job Alerts, you must ensure that the details provided by you at that or at any other time are accurate, up to date and complete.
You must immediately update and inform us of any changes to your information that you whether it be by making relevant changes to your CV, so that we can communicate with you effectively and provide accurate up to date information to potential employers.
Any information submitted may be accessed by PageGroup globally
Aggregate information 
We may gather information and statistics collectively about all visitors to this Site which may include the information supplied by you which will help us to understand our users thereby creating a better recruitment process. We will not disclose individual names or identifying information. All data will be in aggregate form only. We believe this information helps us determine what is most beneficial for our users and how we can continually improve our online service. We may share this kind of aggregate data with selected third parties to assist with these purposes.  Personal data is processed by us in accordance with our Privacy Policy. 
Intellectual property
All trade marks, trade names, logos, information and material available on this website are the property of Michael Page International Pte Ltd and its licensors.
Any unauthorised reproduction is prohibited.
You may only access, use and print the information and material on this website for non-commercial or personal use provided that you keep intact all copyright and proprietary notices. You must not otherwise reproduce, adapt, store, transmit, print, display, commercialise, publish or create derivative works from any part of the content, format or design of this website.
If you seek to reproduce or otherwise use the content in any way it is your responsibility to obtain approval from us for such use where necessary.
Acceptable use policy
You must only use the services provided through this website for their stated purpose. You must not use the services provided by this website to:
 (a) send, upload, display or disseminate or otherwise make available any unlawful, discriminatory, harassing, libellous, defamatory, abusive, threatening, harmful, offensive, obscene, tortious or otherwise objectionable material or otherwise breach any laws;
(b) display, upload or transmit material that encourages conduct that may constitute a criminal offence, result in civil liability or otherwise may breach any applicable laws, regulations or code of practice;
(c) interfere with any other person's privacy or use or enjoyment of this website;
(d) fraudulently or otherwise misrepresent yourself to be another person or a representative of another entity including, but not limited to, a PageGroup representative, or fraudulently or otherwise misrepresent that you have an affiliation with a person, entity or group;
Mislead or deceive PageGroup, its representatives and any third parties who may rely on the information provided by you, by providing inaccurate or false information, which includes omissions of information. 
(e) disguise the origin of any material transmitted through the services provided by the website (whether by forging message/packet headers or otherwise manipulating normal identification information);
(f) send, upload or otherwise make available material which infringes any intellectual or industrial property right of any person (such as copyright, trademarks, patents, or trade secrets, or other proprietary rights of any party);
(g) send, upload, display or disseminate or otherwise make available material containing or associated with spam, junk mail, advertising for pyramid schemes, chain letters, virus warnings (without first confirming the authenticity of the warning), or any other form of unauthorised advertising or promotional material;
(h) send, upload or otherwise make available material containing viruses, trojans or any other material designed to impair, destroy or interrupt the performance of any hardware or software;
(i) obtain unauthorised access to or interfere with the performance of the servers which provide the services or any servers on any associated networks or otherwise fail to comply with any policies or procedures relating to the use of those servers; or
(j) collect, whether aggregated or otherwise, data about other users of the services.
© PageGroup 2013.
March 2013

Privacy Policy

Michael Page International Pte Ltd and our related companies worldwide ("PageGroup") are committed to protecting the privacy of our candidates, clients and other users of our websites and services.
Where you provide us with your personal data, in person, by email, through this website or through any of our other international websites or offices, we will endeavour to ensure that such information remains private and is only used in accordance with this policy. By providing us with your personal data, you also consent for us to collect, hold, use and disclose your personal data in accordance with this policy. PageGroup must comply with the applicable privacy laws and similar laws in the countries in which we operate.
1. Collection of Personal Data
PageGroup may collect your personal information from you, including (without limitation) your name, contact details, qualifications, work history, your right to work in a particular country, languages spoken, professional memberships and accreditations, your work objectives and other information from your CV. If you are to be considered for a particular position, we may also collect references from your nominated referees. All the personal data we collect is held, used and disclosed for the purposes set out below.
2. Use and Disclosure of Personal Data
PageGroup holds, uses and discloses your personal data for the following purposes:
(a) to provide our services to you;
(b) to maintain our business relationship, where you are a user of our  website, a client or candidate;
(c) to enable you to submit your CV generally, to apply for specific jobs or to subscribe to our Job Alerts;
(d) to match your coded details with job vacancies, to assist us in finding a position that is most suitable for you and, where you provide your prior consent as a candidate, to send your personal data to clients in order to apply for jobs;
(e) to answer your inquiry;
(f) to direct-market products and services, advise you of news and industry updates, events, promotions and competitions, reports and other information. Where we do so, you will be able to unsubscribe from such communications;
(g) where you are registered as a candidate on our database, your personal data will be accessible by our other offices internationally, in the UK, Europe, Asia Pacific and the Americas;
(h) to different parts of the PageGroup worldwide to enable the development and marketing of other products and services and to improve our customer service and to make our services more valuable to you, including tailoring our website when you log on to make it relevant to you personally;
(i) to trusted third parties where we have retained them to provide services that you have requested, such as psychometric evaluations or skills tests, and who also provide services to us, such as professional advisers, IT consultants, mailing houses and function co-ordinators. These third parties must comply with similar undertakings of privacy and confidentiality as PageGroup;
(j) if Michael Page International merges with or is acquired by another business, we may share personal data with the new owners of the business and their advisers and if this happens, you will be sent notice of such an event;
(k) we may also release personal data to regulatory or law enforcement authorities, if they require us to do so; and
(l) we may also seek your consent to collect, hold, use and disclose your personal data for any other purpose not listed above.
3. Privacy on Our Websites
(a) Submitting Your Curriculum Vitae ("CV") and Applying for Jobs
You may submit your CV to PageGroup via this website, either for general consideration by our recruitment consultants for positions as they arise or to apply for a specific advertised job. Once submitted, your CV will be sent directly to the relevant PageGroup recruitment consultant who will review your details and advise you whether you are to be accepted by us for registration on our central database. This database, including your personal data, can be accessed by any of our recruitment consultants working in other offices of the PageGroup, both inside and outside Singapore. If you are accepted onto our database, our recruitment consultants should then contact you to set up an interview in person. You can update your CV at any time, simply by following the same procedure to submit a new CV via our websites.
(b) Job Alerts
You may sign up to receive emails that alert you to new jobs on our website (Job Alerts). To subscribe to Job Alerts, you need to provide your email address, which will be used for the purpose of keeping you informed by email of the latest jobs and/or news in your nominated industry. If you no longer wish to receive Job Alerts, unsubscribe links are provided in every Job Alert email that you receive.
(c) Aggregate Information About Website Visitors
We gather information and statistics about all visitors to this and all of our websites worldwide, including the most frequently accessed pages and most frequently used services. We only use such data in aggregate form (that is, the information does not identify any one individual). This information helps us determine the most beneficial parts of our websites and ways in which we can continually improve our online services to create a better overall experience for our users. We also publish some of this aggregate (non-identifiable) information on the PageGroup websites worldwide.
(d) Cookies
PageGroup uses Google Analytics to collect information about how you use our websites. The information collected is used to improve how our websites work or the effectiveness of our web services to you. Information collected include (but not limited to) your login details, to track web traffic on an aggregate basis and to keep session information in cache to assist your use of our website, such as your last search (however, this information is disposed of every time you close your web browser). You may wish to opt out by turning off cookies (please refer to the help menu on your browser) however, switching off cookies will restrict your use of our websites. For more information on analytics cookies, please visit Google’s website.
4. Access to Personal Data
You may request access to or updating of your personal data held at PageGroup by contacting the PageGroup privacy officer as set out below. We may ask to verify your identity and for more information about your request. Where we are legally permitted to do so, we may refuse your request and give you reasons for doing so. Where you request your personal data to be updated and there is a dispute about the facts, we will make a note on your personal data of such dispute. You may also request that PageGroup stops using your information and contacting you and we will comply with your request. However, if this involves a request for deletion of your file, please be aware that we may not be required or able to do so, particularly where your file also holds information about our clients. Where permitted to do so, we may charge an administrative fee for access and updating requests.
5. Security
PageGroup takes reasonable steps to keep personal data secure, accurate and up to date. The Internet is not always a secure method of transmitting information. Accordingly, while we seek to protect your personal data by implementing digital security systems in various parts of our website, PageGroup cannot accept responsibility for the security of information you send to or receive from us over the Internet or for any unauthorised access or use of that information. Where we have links to websites outside the PageGroup, we cannot ensure that your privacy will be protected in accordance with this policy. You should consult these other websites' privacy policies as we have no control over them and are not responsible for any information that is submitted to or collected by these third parties.
6. Changes to this Privacy Policy
PageGroup may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. We suggest that you visit our website regularly to keep up to date with any changes. 
7. Contact
You can contact our Privacy Officer as follows:
[email protected]                    
Michael Page International Pte Ltd
One Raffles Place
Office Tower 2, #09-61
Singapore 048616
Tel +61 6533 2777


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Site terms and conditions

These Terms and Conditions govern your use of the Michael Page International website at ("Michael Page Site") and your relationship with Michael Page International ("Michael Page International", "we" or "us").
Please read them carefully as they affect your rights and liabilities under the law. If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions, please do not use the Michael Page Site. If you have any questions on the Terms and Conditions, please contact [email protected].
If you are seeking to instruct Michael Page International for the provision of recruitment services, our standard terms and conditions shall apply (copy available upon request).
Use of the Michael Page site
We operate the Michael Page Site to assist you in understanding Michael Page International's services and in communicating with us.
The Michael Page Site is provided for your personal use subject to these Terms and Conditions. By accessing or using the Michael Page Site, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.
We may update these Terms and Conditions from time to time for legal or regulatory reasons or to allow the proper operation of the Michael Page Site.  We will make reasonable efforts to notify you of any changes. The changes will apply to the use of the Michael Page Site after we have given notice. If you do not wish to accept the new Terms and Conditions you should not continue to use the Michael Page Site. If you continue to use the Michael Page Site after the date on which the change comes into effect, your use of the Michael Page Site indicates your agreement to be bound by the new Terms and Conditions.
Your use of the Michael Page Site
You may not use the Michael Page Site for any of the following purposes: disseminating any unlawful, harassing, libellous, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene, or otherwise objectionable material or otherwise breaching any laws;
  • transmitting material that encourages conduct that constitutes a criminal offence, results in civil liability or otherwise breaches any applicable laws, regulations or code of practice;
  • interfering with any other person's use or enjoyment of the Michael Page Site; or making, transmitting or storing electronic copies of materials protected by copyright without the permission of the owner.

You will be responsible for our losses and costs resulting from your breach of this clause.By submitting information through the Michael Page Site you agree and acknowledge that while we may contact you in response to the information you provide, we are not obliged to provide you with any particular product or services.

In order to access to receive job alerts you must register on the Michael Page Site. If you register, you must ensure that the details provided by you on registration or at any time are correct and complete.
You must inform us immediately of any changes to the information that you provided when registering by updating your personal details in order that we can communicate with you effectively.
If you register to use the Michael Page Site you will be asked to create a password. In order to prevent fraud, you must keep this password confidential and must not disclose it or share it with anyone. If you know or suspect that someone else knows your password you should notify us by contacting [email protected] immediately.
If Michael Page International has reason to believe that there is likely to be a breach of security or misuse of the Michael Page Site, we may require you to change your password or we may suspend your account.
Right to suspend or cancel your registration
We may suspend or cancel your registration immediately at our reasonable discretion or if you breach any of your obligations under these Terms and Conditions.
You can cancel your registration at any time by logging onto the Michael Page Site through the "unsubscribe" link contained in the last Job Alerts email you received.
The suspension or cancellation of your registration and your right to use the Michael Page Site shall not affect either party's statutory rights or liabilities.
Whilst Michael Page International uses reasonable care in compiling and presenting the content found on the Michael Page Site, it is provided purely for information and you should seek further guidance and make independent enquiries before relying upon it.  If Michael Page International is informed of any inaccuracies in the material on the Michael Page Site we will attempt to correct the inaccuracies as soon as we reasonably can.
If we are in breach of these Terms and Conditions, we will only be responsible for any losses that you suffer to the extent that they are a foreseeable consequence to both of us.  Our liability shall not in any event include business losses such as lost data, lost profits or business interruption.
These Terms and Conditions shall not limit or affect our liability if something we do negligently causes death or personal injury.
Michael Page International makes no representation or warranty in respect of any of the following:
  • the existence or availability of any appointment advertised on the Michael Page Site; 
  • that any employer or client will ask for your CV, ask to interview you or recruit you;
  • that any employer or client will keep confidential any of your information or data provided to that employer or client; or
  • the final terms and duration of any appointment obtained through the Michael Page Site.
Availability of the Michael Page Site
We cannot guarantee that the service will be fault-free. If a fault occurs in the service you should report it to [email protected] and we will attempt to correct the fault as soon as we reasonably can. If Michael Page International is informed of any inaccuracies in the material on the Michael Page Site we will attempt to correct the inaccuracies as soon as we reasonably can.
Your access to the Michael Page Site may be occasionally restricted to allow for repairs, maintenance or the introduction of new facilities or services. We will attempt to restore the service as soon as we reasonably can.
Intellectual Property
All information incorporated within the Michael Page Site is owned or licensed by Michael Page International. You may retrieve and display the content of the Michael Page Site on a computer screen, store such content in electronic form on disk (but not any server or other storage device connected to a network) or print one copy of such content for your own personal, non-commercial use, provided you keep intact all and any copyright and proprietary notices. You may not otherwise reproduce, modify, copy or distribute or use for commercial purposes any of the materials or content on the Michael Page Site without written permission from the Michael Page International.
Equal Opportunities & Diversity
We may also release information relating to you to regulatory or law enforcement authorities, if required to do so. We may use the information we have collected about you on an anonymised basis for the purposes of monitoring in relation to our equal opportunities policy. We also reserve the right to disclosure the information we have collected about you to our professional advisers and to other persons to the extent that Michael Page International contracts out any aspect of the operation of its recruitment agency services. These third parties will be acting under similar undertakings of confidentiality as Michael Page International.
Applicable Law
These terms and conditions will be subject to the laws of England and Wales. We will try to solve any disagreements quickly and efficiently. If you are not happy with the way we deal with any disagreement, and you want to take court proceedings, you must do so within the United Kingdom.
You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms and Conditions to any other person. We may transfer our rights under these Terms and Conditions to another business where we reasonably believe your rights will not be affected.
If you breach these Terms and Conditions and Michael Page International chooses to ignore this, Michael Page International will still be entitled to use its rights and remedies at a later date or in any other situation where you breach the Terms and Conditions.
Michael Page International shall not be responsible for any breach of these Terms and Conditions caused by circumstances beyond its reasonable control.
The Michael Page Site is owned and operated Michael Page International.
If you have any queries, please contact [email protected].
Michael Page International (SA) (Pty.) Limited.  Registration No.[2005/034938/07]


  • All and any business undertaken by Michael Page International (SA) (Pty) Ltd, (“MP”) is transacted subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set out. MP is acting in the capacity of an employment agency.
  • Upon provision, by the work-seeker (“Candidate”), of a full and accurate curriculum vitae, MP shall, at its sole discretion, search for suitable employment positions on behalf of the Candidate.
  • Before any work finding services are provided the Candidate shall provide MP with satisfactory evidence of the Candidate’s identity which shall include, but not be limited to, a certified copy of the Candidate’s passport, birth certificate or identity document. The Candidate shall also provide MP with:

a) up to date copies of qualifications and/or authorisations; and

b) the names of two referees (who are not relatives of the Candidate) who the Candidate agrees that MP may approach at any time for the purpose of obtaining references about the Candidate.

  • The Candidate consents to the disclosure of all relevant information (which is reasonably required to progress any application) including but not limited to copies
  • of qualifications, authorisations and/or references by MP to the Client.
  • The Candidate shall immediately inform MP should there be any reason or circumstances under which it would be detrimental to the interests of MP, the Client or the Candidate for the Candidate to take up a particular position with a Client.
  • MP shall be under no obligation to find employment for the Candidate.
  • The Candidate should not engage in any conduct which is detrimental to the interests of MP, would negatively affect MP’s relationship with the Client or is likely to bring MP into disrepute.
  • The Candidate having any complaint in connection with the work finding services shall have the right to present a complaint in writing to a Director or Senior Manager of MP.
  • If, following an introduction from MP, the Candidate receives an offer of employment or engagement to work for or with a Client introduced by MP, the Candidate shall inform MP immediately and provide MP with full details of the offer including a copy of the offer letter/contract of employment if requested.
  • An offer of employment is not made until written details are received from the Client. MP does not accept any responsibility and shall not be liable for any loss suffered by the Candidate by reason of the Candidate’s decision to resign from his/her current employment or engagement before or after receipt of the Client’s written offer.

Privacy Policy

Data Protection and Privacy Policy

Michael Page International's online service is committed to protecting the privacy of our users. We want to provide a safe and secure user experience.  We will ensure that the information you submit to us via our website at ("The Michael Page International Site") remains private, and is only used for the purposes set out in this policy.

The Information We Collect and How We Use It

Your personal details, including your name, e-mail address and CV, are held and used by us for the following purposes:

  • For matching your coded details with job vacancies, to assist us in finding you the position that most suits you;
  • For keeping you informed of Michael Page services, news and wider developments in your chosen field;
  • For tailoring the version of our website you see when you log on to make it relevant to you; and/or
  • For compiling salary and other surveys of our candidates.
  • Disclosures of your information

We will share your information within the Michael Page International group of companies where necessary in order to provide you with our recruitment services.

It is possible that Michael Page International could merge or be acquired by another business. If this happens, we may share the information that relates to you with the new owners of the business and their advisers. You will be sent notice of such an event.

Your CV and related information will be sent to prospective employers but only where you give your consent. Such employers may be located both inside and outside the Republic of South Africa.

We may also release information relating to you to regulatory or law enforcement authorities, if required to do so. We also reserve the right to disclose the information we have collected about you to our professional advisors and to other persons to the extent that Michael Page International contracts out any aspect of the operation of its recruitment agency services.  These third parties will be acting under similar undertakings of confidentiality as Michael Page International.

Job Alerts

To subscribe to job alerts emails, you will be required to provide your e-mail address, which will be used for the purpose of keeping you informed, by e-mail, of the latest jobs in your nominated industry and/or industry news via job alerts.

Should you decide that you no longer wish to receive this information, unsubscribe links are provided in every job alert email that you receive.

Curriculum vitae ("CV")

We give you the option of submitting your CV via this website. You can do this either to apply for a specific advertised job or for consideration by our recruitment consultants for positions as they come up.  Although your CV will be stored online, it will only be accessible by Michael Page International group recruitment consultants, working both inside and outside the Republic of South Africa. Your CV will also be e-mailed directly to our recruitment consultants who review your details and enter them onto our central in-house database. This database, including the information relating to you, can be accessed by any of our recruitment consultants working in other offices of the Michael Page International group, both inside and outside the Republic of South Africa.
You can update your CV at any time, simply by following the same procedure to submit a new CV. Your old CV will automatically be replaced. 


Information about Michael Page International online visitors
We gather information and statistics collectively about all visitors to this website and all of the Michael Page websites worldwide, for example, which area users access most frequently and which services users access the most. We only use such data in the aggregate form. This information helps us determine what is most beneficial for our users and how we can continually improve our online services to create a better overall experience for our users.  We also publish some of this information on the Michael Page websites worldwide.

Use of cookies

A cookie is a small data file which is sent from a web server to a web browser when that browser visits the server's site. Find out more about the use of cookies Cookies are used on the website to remember your login, to track web traffic on an aggregate basis so that no individuals are identified, to keep session information such as your last search (this information is disposed of every time you close your web browser). Most browsers allow you to turn off cookies. If you want to know how to do this, please look at the help menu on your browser. However, switching off cookies will restrict your use of our website. 


You have the right at any time to ask us for a copy of the information supplied by you that we hold. We may have the right to charge an administrative fee for this service. If you would like to make a request for information, please contact [email protected]. You also have the right to ask Michael Page International to stop using your information.

Other websites

Please note that clicking on to links and banner advertisements may result in your transferral to another website, where data privacy practices may be different to that of Michael Page International. Visitors should consult the other websites' privacy policies as we are not responsible for, and have no control over, information that is submitted to or collected by these third parties.
Internet-based transfers

Given that the Internet is a global environment, using the Internet to collect and process personal data necessarily involves the transmission of data on an international basis. Therefore, by browsing this web site and communicating electronically with us, you acknowledge and agree to our processing of personal data in this way.

Changes to our privacy policy

This privacy policy may be changed by Michael Page International at any time. If we change our privacy policy in the future, we will set out those changes here, so that you will always know what personal information we gather, the purposes we might use it for and to whom we might disclose it.
If, at any time, you have questions or concerns about Michael Page International's online privacy commitment, please feel free to e-mail us at [email protected] or call your local office to speak to one of our representatives.

Equal opportunities

Michael Page International is an equal opportunities employer and a company committed to diversity.  This means that all job applicants and members of staff will receive equal treatment and that we will not discriminate on grounds of gender, marital status, race, ethnic origin, colour, nationality, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, religion or age.

As part of our commitment to equal opportunities we may from time to time use information provided by you for the purposes of diversity monitoring. Any such information will be used on an anonymised basis in accordance with the terms of our Privacy Policy.


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Privacy Policy

Quiénes somos y cómo tratamos sus datos personales

PageGroup, incluidas sus filiales (en lo sucesivo, denominadas colectivamente «PageGroup» o «nosotros»), es una empresa especializada en selección de personal que opera bajo las marcas Michael Page, Page Personnel, Page Executive y Page Outsourcing. La protección de sus datos personales es muy importante para nosotros. Esta Política de Privacidad le informa sobre las categorías de datos personales que recogemos, los fines para los que los utilizamos y cómo tratamos sus datos cuando visita nuestro sitio web, solicita un empleo con nosotros, nos presentamos ante usted, le prestamos servicios de contratación y empleo, mantenemos una relación con usted después de haberle prestado un servicio o cuando nos presta un servicio. Esta información le concierne si pertenece a alguna de las siguientes categorías:

  • candidatos a los que prestamos servicios de empleo o que envían su candidatura para un puesto vacante y se ponen en contacto con nosotros a través de nuestro sitio web, bolsas de trabajo, páginas de redes sociales u otros canales;
  • clientes (y sus contactos) con los que mantenemos una relación comercial y a los que ayudamos a cubrir puestos vacantes;
  • potenciales candidatos, así como potenciales clientes y sus contactos comerciales con los que entramos en contacto para presentar nuestros productos y servicios;
  • proveedores de servicios (y sus contactos comerciales) que nos prestan diversos servicios;
  • los usuarios de nuestros sitios web y aplicaciones móviles

(denominados conjuntamente «usted»).


Responsable del tratamiento

El responsable del tratamiento en relación con sus datos es la empresa de PageGroup que se comunica con usted y trata sus datos personales como responsable cuando visita el sitio web, cuando la entidad  en cuestión le presta servicios de personal y empleo, mantiene una relación con usted después de haberle encontrado un trabajo, le contrata para un puesto vacante, o en caso de que usted preste un servicio a la entidad en cuestión. Tiene a su disposición una lista completa de las filiales europeas de PageGroup con sus datos de contacto aquí.

Detalles del tratamiento de datos

A continuación encontrará un resumen de qué tipo de datos personales tratamos sobre usted, con qué fines, sobre qué base jurídica y dónde recogemos estos datos.

Si no nos facilita sus datos personales a pesar de que necesitemos recogerlos para tramitar una petición suya o cumplir un contrato con usted, o porque así nos lo exija la ley, es posible que tengamos que rechazar su petición o que no podamos cumplir nuestras obligaciones contractuales con usted.

Usuarios de nuestro sitio web o aplicaciones


Categorías de datos personales

Base jurídica

Recogida de sus datos

Destinatarios de sus datos

Cuando visita nuestro sitio web o nuestra aplicación, tratamos sus datos para las siguientes finalidades:

  • Acceder al sitio web o a la aplicación
  • Garantizar que la conexión establecida funciona correctamente
  • Garantizar y optimizar el rendimiento de nuestro sitio web y su accesibilidad
  • Garantizar y evaluar la seguridad y estabilidad del sistema

Para ello, también utilizamos cookies y otras tecnologías. Para más información, consulte nuestra Política de Cookies.

Para ello, tratamos los siguientes datos:

  • Dirección IP del dispositivo solicitante con conexión a Internet
  • Fecha y hora de acceso;
  • Nombre y URL del archivo recibido,
  • Sitio web/aplicación desde el que se ha accedido (URL de origen), navegador que utiliza y, cuando sea necesario, sistema operativo del dispositivo con conexión a Internet.
  • Nombre de su proveedor de internet

El tratamiento de datos se basa en las siguientes bases jurídicas:

Art. 6 (1) (b) RGPD - establecimiento, ejecución o rescisión de nuestro contrato con usted

Art. 6 (1) (f) RGPD - nuestro interés legítimo en la seguridad, estabilidad y facilidad de uso de nuestro sitio web

Art. 6 (1) (a) RGPD - su consentimiento

Recogemos los datos directamente de usted.

En el contexto de este tratamiento de datos, es posible que los siguientes proveedores de servicios internos y externos tengan acceso a sus datos:

  • Proveedores de servicios informáticos
  • Proveedores de herramientas de análisis de datos
  • Proveedores de servicios de comercialización

Tratamos sus datos para ofrecerle publicidad personalizada basada en su comportamiento en el sitio web. Para ello, utilizamos cookies y otras tecnologías. Para más información, consulte nuestra Política de Cookies.

Para ello, tratamos los siguientes datos:

  • Dirección IP del dispositivo solicitante con conexión a Internet,
  • Fecha y hora de acceso,
  • Nombre y URL del archivo recibido,
  • Sitio web/aplicación desde el que se ha accedido (URL de origen), navegador que utiliza y, cuando sea necesario, sistema operativo del dispositivo con conexión a Internet,
  • Nombre de su proveedor de internet

El tratamiento de datos se basa en la siguiente base jurídica:

Art. 6 (1) (a) RGPD - su consentimiento

Recogemos los datos directamente de usted.

En el contexto de este tratamiento de datos, es posible que los siguientes proveedores de servicios internos y externos tengan acceso a sus datos:

  • Proveedores de servicios informáticos
  • Proveedores de herramientas de análisis
  • Empresas de marketing



Categorías de datos personales

Base jurídica

Recogida de sus datos

Categorías de destinatarios

Tratamos sus datos para prestarle servicios de empleo y selección o para llevar a cabo un proceso de selección con usted con el fin establecer una relación laboral con usted.

En este contexto, podemos utilizar sus datos para comunicarnos con usted, responder a sus preguntas, analizar su CV y encontrar un puesto adecuado para usted, crear un perfil de candidato para usted, proporcionarle asesoramiento salarial, concertar entrevistas, realizar pruebas de aptitud o enviar sus documentos de candidatura al empleador que usted elija.

Para ello, podemos tratar los siguientes datos:

  • Nombre y dirección
  • Número de teléfono
  • Dirección de correo electrónico
  • Información presente en su CV
  • Información sobre su trayectoria formativa
  • Referencias
  • Experiencia profesional
  • Referencias laborales
  • Expectativas salariales
  • Aspiraciones profesionales
  • Resultados de auditorías de seguridad
  • Nacionalidad
  • Permiso de residencia y trabajo
  • Fotos
  • Conocimientos lingüísticos
  • Resultados de pruebas de centros de evaluación
  • En determinados casos, categorías especiales de datos como, por ejemplo:
  • Discapacidad
  • Información de salud
  • Reconocimientos médicos laborales
  • Condenas, infracciones penales

El tratamiento de datos se basa en las siguientes bases jurídicas:

Art. 6 (1) (b) RGPD - establecimiento, ejecución o rescisión de nuestro contrato con usted

Art. 6 (1) (c) RGPD - cumplimiento de las obligaciones legales de carácter laboral y social

Art. 6 (1) (f) RGPD - nuestro interés legítimo en procesos de organización de trabajo eficientes, trabajo y servicios compartidos dentro de PageGroup, así como nuestro interés legítimo en mantener nuestra relación de cliente con usted.

Sólo tratamos sus datos de categorías especiales contando con su consentimiento, de acuerdo con el Art. 6 (1) (a) RGPD, y en la medida en que estemos obligados a hacerlo por razones de derecho laboral y social y, por último, por razones de igualdad de oportunidades. En estos casos, basamos el tratamiento de sus datos en el Art. 9 (2) (b), (g) y (h) RGPD.

Recogemos los datos directamente de usted.

Además, también podemos recoger sus datos de terceros, concretamente de:

  • referencias, por ejemplo, empleadores anteriores o antiguos clientes suyos para confirmar sus credenciales y cualificaciones
  • Instituciones educativas
  • Redes profesionales de acceso público, como LinkedIn, para ampliar la información que ya disponemos sobre usted, de modo que tengamos más posibilidades de encontrar puestos adecuados para usted;
  • Clientes a los que hemos proporcionado su CV y que han estado en contacto con usted en relación con su candidatura.

Sólo nos pondremos en contacto con las referencias que nos haya indicado durante el proceso de solicitud y nuestros servicios.

Con el fin de prestar nuestros servicios de empleo, podemos compartir información personal sobre usted con potenciales empleadores que ofrezcan ofertas de trabajo en las que usted esté interesado.

Dentro del tratamiento de datos aquí descrito, también es posible que tanto proveedores de servicios internos como externos tengan acceso a sus datos. Entre ellos se incluyen encargados del tratamiento, así como nuestros responsables del tratamiento de las siguientes áreas:

  • Soporte informático
  • Alojamiento web, servicio informático
  • Soluciones informáticas para mejorar la calidad del servicio
  • Análisis de datos
  • Apoyo a la contratación
  • Ventas
  • Administración y gestión de puestos globales, regionales o ejecutivos o el desarrollo de clientes clave dentro de PageGroup.
  • Empresas de transporte y logística
  • Proveedores de telecomunicaciones
  • Proveedores de redes profesionales
  • Proveedores de evaluaciones psicométricas o pruebas de capacidad

Nuestros proveedores están obligados contractualmente por nosotros a mantener la confidencialidad y a cumplir las normas y reglamentos de protección de datos.

Tratamos sus datos cuando se registra con nosotros y pone sus datos de candidatura a nuestra disposición y, en su caso, a disposición de posibles empleadores.

Si usted se registra en diferentes empresas de PageGroup, combinaremos los datos de las candidaturas que nos haya proporcionado en un único registro de datos y una cuenta de candidato para usted. Un único registro evita duplicidades y mejora la exactitud de sus datos personales. Para ello, las empresas de PageGroup involucradas en el proceso compartirán entre ellas sus datos personales como responsables independientes del tratamiento.

Para ello, podemos tratar los siguientes datos:

  • Nombre y dirección
  • Número de teléfono
  • Dirección de correo electrónico
  • Información presente en su CV
  • Información sobre su trayectoria formativa
  • Referencias
  • Experiencia profesional
  • Referencias laborales
  • Expectativas salariales
  • Aspiraciones profesionales
  • En determinados casos, categorías especiales de datos como, por ejemplo:
  • Discapacidad
  • información de salud
  • Condenas, infracciones penales

El tratamiento de datos se basa en las siguientes bases jurídicas:

Art. 6 (1) (b) RGPD - establecimiento, ejecución o rescisión del contrato de usuario con usted para la prestación de nuestro servicio de registro de candidatos.

Art. 6 (1) (f) RGPD - nuestro interés legítimo en procesos de organización de trabajo eficientes, trabajo y servicios compartidos dentro de PageGroup, así como nuestro interés legítimo en mantener nuestra relación de cliente con usted.

En este caso, sólo tratamos sus categorías especiales de datos contando con su consentimiento de acuerdo con los Art. 6 (1) (a) y  9 (2) (a) RGPD.

Recogemos los datos directamente de usted.

Si solicita un puesto concreto, transmitiremos sus datos de candidato al potencial empleador que haya solicitado.

En el contexto del tratamiento de datos aquí descrito, también es posible que los proveedores de servicios internos y externos descritos anteriormente tengan acceso a sus datos.

Tratamos sus datos para enviarle información promocionalboletines informativos y otra información promocional por vía electrónica, para mantenerle informado sobre oportunidades de empleo, informes y perspectivas del sector, eventos, acontecimientos y otros contenidos.

Para ello, podemos tratar los siguientes datos:

  • Nombre
  • Dirección de correo electrónico
  • Número de teléfono
  • Su información comercial y sus preferencias laborales

El tratamiento de datos se basa en las siguientes bases jurídicas:

Art. 6 (1) (a) RGPD - su consentimiento

Art. 6 (1) (f) RGPD - nuestro interés legítimo en medidas de mercadotecnia directa y el envío de contenidos publicitarios

Recogemos los datos directamente de usted.

En el contexto del tratamiento de datos aquí descrito, es posible que tengan acceso a sus datos proveedores de servicios internos y externos de las siguientes áreas:

  • Comercialización
  • Ventas
  • Soluciones informáticas
  • Soporte informático
  • Servicios postales y de envío
  • Telecomunicaciones
  • Análisis de datos

Tratamos sus datos para enviarle encuestas de satisfacción acerca de nuestros servicios, mejorar  los servicios existentes y desarrollar otros nuevos.

Para ello, podemos tratar los siguientes datos:

  • Nombre
  • Dirección de correo electrónico
  • Ocupaciones anteriores y servicios prestados
  • Sus datos en el cuestionario de satisfacción

El tratamiento de datos se basa en las siguientes bases jurídicas:

Art. 6 (1) (a) RGPD - su consentimiento

Art. 6 (1) (f) RGPD - nuestro interés legítimo en medidas de mercadotecnia directa y el envío de contenidos publicitarios, así como la mejora y el desarrollo de nuestros servicios.

Recogemos los datos directamente de usted.

En el contexto del tratamiento de datos aquí descrito, es posible que tengan acceso a sus datos proveedores de servicios internos y externos de las siguientes áreas:

  • Comercialización
  • Ventas
  • Soluciones informáticas
  • Soporte informático
  • Servicios postales y de envío
  • Telecomunicaciones
  • Análisis de datos
  • Proveedores de servicios para la realización de encuestas
  • Proveedores de servicios para llevar a cabo actividades de prueba y desarrollo, prestar servicios de investigación, envío de correos u otros servicios de mercadotecnia directa.

En determinados casos, puede ser necesario que comprobemos la información que nos ha facilitado sobre su historial laboral, o que verifiquemos si posee las cualificaciones y la fiabilidad necesarias para un puesto de trabajo específico. En estos casos, realizamos las llamadas comprobaciones de antecedentes. Para ello, consultamos proveedores de referencias y sus instituciones de educación anteriores, además de investigar en Internet utilizando motores de búsqueda y bases de datos en línea de acceso público. Asimismo, evaluamos la prensa nacional e internacional.

Sólo en casos muy limitados y en la medida en que estemos legalmente obligados a ello, comparamos sus datos con listas de sanciones y otras listas y registros públicos, incluidas las listas de terroristas y embargos, y las listas PEP (Personas Políticamente Expuestas).

Para ello, podemos tratar los siguientes datos:

  • Nombre y dirección
  • Número de teléfono
  • Dirección de correo electrónico
  • Información presente en su CV
  • Información sobre su trayectoria formativa
  • Referencias
  • Experiencia profesional
  • Referencias laborales
  • Resultados de auditorías de seguridad
  • Nacionalidad
  • Permiso de residencia y trabajo
  • Fotos
  • Conocimientos lingüísticos
  • Resultados de pruebas de centros de evaluación
  • Condenas, infracciones penales (por ejemplo, fraude laboral, delitos económicos, delincuencia organizada)
  • Infracciones de la legislación sobre competencia o antimonopolio
  • Infracciones de otros requisitos legales o reglamentarios
  • Insolvencias
  • Conflictos de intereses existentes

El tratamiento de datos se basa en las siguientes bases jurídicas:

Art. 6 (1) (a) RGPD - su consentimiento

Art. 6 (1) (c) RGPD - nuestra obligación legal de realizar comprobaciones de antecedentes

Art. 6 (1) (b) RGPD - establecimiento, ejecución o rescisión de nuestro contrato con usted

Art. 6 (1) (f) RGPD - nuestro interés legítimo en llevar a cabo verificaciones de antecedentes para verificar su información o para cumplir con las obligaciones legales de nuestros clientes, el interés legítimo de nuestros clientes en llevar a cabo verificaciones de antecedentes para garantizar la idoneidad y fiabilidad requeridas para puestos especiales y la verificación de su información.

Recogemos los datos directamente de usted.

Además, también podemos recoger sus datos de terceros, a saber:

  • Proveedores de referencias, como empleadores anteriores o antiguos clientes suyos para comprobar sus datos
  • Instituciones educativas (para comprobar sus calificaciones académicas)
  • Fuentes profesionales disponibles públicamente, como LinkedIn, etc.
  • Listas de sanciones y otras listas y registros públicos, incluidas las listas de terroristas y de embargos, así como las listas PEP
  • Fuentes públicas, guías telefónicas, artículos de prensa
  • Bases de datos de acceso general

Sólo nos pondremos en contacto con las referencias que nos haya indicado durante el proceso de selección y nuestros servicios.

En el contexto del tratamiento de datos aquí descrito, es posible que tengan acceso a sus datos proveedores de servicios internos y externos de las siguientes áreas:

  • Seguridad informática
  • Soluciones informáticas
  • Alojamiento web
  • Telecomunicaciones
  • Proveedor de servicios para realizar la comprobación de referencias laborales
  • Proveedor de servicios para realizar la comprobación de cualificaciones
  • El proveedor de servicios realizará una revisión en relación con las condenas (si fuese necesario)
  • Proveedor de servicios para verificar la información que proporcione de fuentes de terceros
  • Proveedor de servicios para realizar evaluaciones psicométricas o pruebas de capacidad

Nuestros proveedores están obligados contractualmente por nosotros a mantener la confidencialidad y a cumplir las normas y reglamentos de protección de datos.

Realización de encuestas sobre tendencias de talento

Con el fin de mejorar continuamente nuestros servicios y mantenerlos actualizados, le invitaremos puntualmente a participar en encuestas sobre tendencias de talento.

Para ello, podemos tratar los siguientes datos:

  • Nombre
  • Ocupaciones anteriores y servicios prestados
  • Dirección de correo electrónico
  • Información en el cuestionario de la encuesta

El tratamiento de datos se basa en las siguientes bases jurídicas:

Art. 6 (1) (a) RGPD - su consentimiento

Art. 6 (1) (f) RGPD - nuestro interés legítimo para identificar las tendencias actuales de talento y seguir desarrollando nuestros servicios y ofertas.

Recogemos los datos directamente de usted.

En el contexto del tratamiento de datos aquí descrito, es posible que tengan acceso a sus datos proveedores de servicios internos y externos de las siguientes áreas:

  • Comercialización
  • Estudio de mercado
  • Análisis del mercado
  • Ventas
  • Soluciones informáticas
  • Soporte informático
  • Servicios postales y de envío
  • Telecomunicaciones
  • Análisis de datos

Candidatos y clientes potenciales


Categorías de datos personales

Base jurídica

Recogida de los datos

Categorías de destinatarios

Tratamos sus datos personales para presentarle nuestros servicios poder ponernos en contacto con usted y responder a sus consultas. Tratamos los datos personales que nos facilita cuando se pone en contacto con nosotros y nos hace una consulta. Además, podemos tratar datos sobre usted obtenidos de fuentes de acceso público y de redes profesionales y sociales, como LinkedIn, la empresa u otros portales de empleo, con el fin de ponernos en contacto con usted si consideramos que podría estar interesado en nuestros servicios de empleo.

Además, es posible que hayamos tenido conocimiento de usted por recomendación de otro candidato o cliente y nos pongamos en contacto con usted.

Si actúa como contacto comercial por cuenta de una empresa, trataremos sus datos de contacto profesionales.

Para ello, podemos tratar los siguientes datos:

  • Nombre y dirección
  • Cargo en la empresa
  • Número de teléfono
  • Dirección de correo electrónico
  • Datos profesionales
  • Nombre de la empresa para la que trabaja
  • Información en su CV, perfil profesional, perfil de empresa
  • Información sobre su trayectoria formativa
  • Referencias
  • Experiencia profesional
  • Referencias laborales
  • Expectativas salariales
  • Aspiraciones profesionales
  • Anuncios de empleo abiertos
  • Nacionalidad
  • Fotos
  • Conocimientos lingüísticos
  • Estado en sus redes profesionales, por ejemplo, si está abierto a ofertas de empleo

Art. 6 (1) (a) RGPD - su consentimiento

Art. 6 (1) (b) RGPD - establecimiento, ejecución o rescisión de nuestro contrato con usted

Art. 6 (1) (f) RGPD - nuestro interés legítimo en medidas de mercadotecnia directa y distribución de nuestros servicios de contratación y empleo, así como nuestro interés legítimo en encontrar nuevos contactos comerciales, clientes y candidatos potenciales

Recogemos los datos directamente de usted.

Además, también podemos recoger sus datos de terceros, a saber:

  • Fuentes profesionales de acceso público, páginas de inicio, artículos de prensa, anuncios de empleo
  • Redes profesionales como LinkedIn
  • Sus perfiles laborales o empresariales publicados en bases de datos públicas
  • Otros candidatos o clientes

En el contexto del tratamiento de datos aquí descrito, es posible que tengan acceso a sus datos proveedores de servicios internos y externos de las siguientes áreas:

  • Comercialización
  • Ventas
  • Soluciones informáticas
  • Soporte informático
  • Servicios postales y de envío
  • Telecomunicaciones
  • Análisis de datos

Clientes (B2B) y nuestros contactos


Categorías de datos personales

Base jurídica

Recogida de los datos

Categorías de destinatarios

Tratamos sus datos para prestarle nuestros servicios de contratación. Para ello, tratamos sus datos y los de sus contactos comerciales para comunicarnos con usted y encontrar candidatos adecuados para sus vacantes.

Para ello, podemos tratar los siguientes datos:

  • Nombre de la empresa
  • Nombre y dirección
  • Datos de contacto de la empresa
  • Número de teléfono
  • Su opinión sobre los candidatos
  • Datos contractuales y contables
  • Información sobre vacantes y perfiles de requisitos

Art. 6 (1) (b) RGPD - establecimiento, ejecución o rescisión de nuestro contrato con usted

Art. 6 (1) (f) RGPD - nuestro interés legítimo en procesos organizativos de trabajo eficientes, trabajo y servicios compartidos dentro de PageGroup

Recogemos los datos directamente de usted.

Además, también podemos recoger sus datos de terceros, a saber:

  • Fuentes profesionales de acceso público, páginas de inicio, artículos de prensa, anuncios de empleo
  • Redes profesionales como LinkedIn
  • Sus perfiles laborales o empresariales publicados en bases de datos públicas
  • Otros clientes y candidatos

En el contexto del tratamiento de datos aquí descrito, es posible que tengan acceso a sus datos proveedores de servicios internos y externos de las siguientes áreas:

  • Comercialización
  • Ventas
  • Soluciones informáticas
  • Soporte informático
  • Servicios postales y de envío
  • Telecomunicaciones
  • Análisis de datos
  • Contabilidad
  • Administración
  • Banca
  • Gestión de puestos ejecutivos globales, regionales o de alto nivel, o el desarrollo de cuentas clave, lo que requeriría la cooperación de distintas empresas del grupo.

Tratamos sus datos para enviarle encuestas de satisfacción acerca de nuestros servicios para mejorar  los servicios existentes y desarrollar otros nuevos.

Para ello, podemos tratar los siguientes datos:

  • Nombre de la empresa
  • Nombre y dirección
  • Datos de contacto de la empresa
  • Número de teléfono
  • Ocupaciones anteriores y servicios prestados

El tratamiento de datos se basa en las siguientes bases jurídicas:

Art. 6 (1) (a) RGPD - su consentimiento

Art. 6 (1) (f) RGPD - nuestro interés legítimo en mercadotecnia directa y el envío de contenidos publicitarios, así como el desarrollo de nuestros servicios y ofertas

Recogemos los datos directamente de usted.

En el contexto del tratamiento de datos aquí descrito, es posible que tengan acceso a sus datos proveedores de servicios internos y externos de las siguientes áreas:

  • Comercialización
  • Análisis del mercado
  • Ventas
  • Soluciones informáticas
  • Soporte informático
  • Servicios postales y de envío
  • Telecomunicaciones
  • Análisis de datos

Tratamos sus datos para enviarle información promocionalboletines informativos y otra información promocional por vía electrónica, para mantenerle informado sobre oportunidades de empleo, informes y perspectivas del sector, eventos, acontecimientos y otros contenidos.

Para ello, podemos tratar los siguientes datos:

  • Nombre
  • Dirección de correo electrónico
  • Número de teléfono
  • Su información comercial y sus preferencias laborales

El tratamiento de datos se basa en las siguientes bases jurídicas:

Art. 6 (1) (a) RGPD - su consentimiento

Art. 6 (1) (f) RGPD - nuestro interés legítimo en mercadotecnia directa y el envío de contenidos publicitarios

Recogemos los datos directamente de usted.

En el contexto del tratamiento de datos aquí descrito, es posible que tengan acceso a sus datos proveedores de servicios internos y externos de las siguientes áreas:

  • Comercialización
  • Envío de boletines informativos
  • Ventas
  • Soluciones informáticas
  • Soporte informático
  • Servicios postales y de envío
  • Telecomunicaciones
  • Análisis de datos

Proveedores de servicios y contactos comerciales de nuestros proveedores de servicios


Categorías de datos personales

Base jurídica

Recogida de los datos

Destinatarios de sus datos

Tratamos sus datos personales para celebrar el contrato de servicios con usted y recibir sus servicios, así como para comunicarnos con usted en el contexto de nuestra relación comercial. Además, tratamos sus datos con fines contables.

Para ello, podemos tratar los siguientes datos:

  • Nombre de la empresa
  • Nombre y dirección
  • Datos de las personas de contacto
  • Número de teléfono
  • Resumen de los servicios prestados
  • Datos contractuales y contables

El tratamiento de datos se basa en las siguientes bases jurídicas:

Art. 6 (1) (b) RGPD - establecimiento, ejecución o rescisión de nuestro contrato con usted

Art. 6 (1) (f) RGPD - nuestro interés legítimo en procesos organizativos de trabajo eficientes, trabajo y servicios compartidos dentro de PageGroup

Recogemos los datos directamente de usted.

En el contexto del tratamiento de datos aquí descrito, es posible que tengan acceso a sus datos proveedores de servicios internos y externos de las siguientes áreas:

  • Comercialización
  • Ventas
  • Soluciones informáticas
  • Soporte informático
  • Servicios postales y de envío
  • Telecomunicaciones
  • Análisis de datos
  • Contabilidad
  • Administración
  • Banca

Tratamos sus datos personales para evaluar su idoneidad como proveedor nuestro.

Sólo en casos muy limitados y en la medida en que estemos legalmente obligados a ello, comparamos sus datos con listas de sanciones y otras listas y registros públicos, incluidas las listas de terroristas y embargos y las listas PEP (Personas Políticamente Expuestas).

Para ello, podemos tratar los siguientes datos:

  • Nombre de la empresa
  • Nombre y dirección
  • Datos de las personas de contacto
  • Número de teléfono
  • Referencias

El tratamiento de datos se basa en las siguientes bases jurídicas:

Art. 6 (1) (c) RGPD - nuestra obligación legal de realizar comprobaciones de antecedentes

Art. 6 (1) (b) RGPD - establecimiento, ejecución o rescisión de nuestro contrato con usted

Art. 6 (1) (f) RGPD - nuestro interés legítimo en llevar a cabo evaluaciones para valorar su idoneidad

Recogemos los datos directamente de usted.

También podemos utilizar datos de registros públicos y listas de sanciones.

En el contexto del tratamiento de datos aquí descrito, es posible que tengan acceso a sus datos proveedores de servicios internos y externos de las siguientes áreas:

  • Contrataciones
  • Soluciones informáticas
  • Soporte informático
  • Servicios postales y de envío
  • Telecomunicaciones
  • Administración

Tratamiento de datos para el cumplimiento de obligaciones legales y la formulación y defensa de reclamaciones


Categorías de datos personales

Base jurídica

Recogida de los datos

Destinatarios de sus datos

Tratamos sus datos en la medida en que sea necesario para cumplir las obligaciones oficiales de control, supervisión y auditoría, incluidas las obligaciones oficiales de información y notificación, así como las obligaciones legales mercantiles o fiscales.

Para ello, tratamos los siguientes datos:

  • Nombre de la empresa
  • Nombre y dirección
  • Datos de las personas de contacto
  • Número de teléfono
  • Resumen de los servicios prestados
  • Datos contractuales y contables
  • Datos solicitados

El tratamiento de datos se basa en las siguientes bases jurídicas:

Art. 6 (1) (c) RGPD - Cumplimiento de obligaciones legales

Recogemos los datos directamente de usted.

En el ámbito del tratamiento de datos aquí descrito, es posible que los siguientes destinatarios tengan acceso a sus datos:

  • Autoridades policiales u otras entidades públicas
  • Tribunales
  • Abogados
  • Consultores

En casos concretos, también tratamos sus datos para la formulación y la defensa de reclamaciones.

Para ello, tratamos los siguientes datos:

  • Nombre de la empresa
  • Nombre y dirección
  • Datos de las personas de contacto
  • Número de teléfono
  • Resumen de los servicios prestados
  • Datos contractuales y contables
  • Datos necesarios para la defensa y ejecución de reclamaciones

El tratamiento de datos se basa en las siguientes bases jurídicas:

Art. 6 (1) (f) RGPD - nuestro interés legítimo en la defensa de reclamaciones

Recogemos los datos directamente de usted.

En el ámbito del tratamiento de datos aquí descrito, es posible que los siguientes destinatarios tengan acceso a sus datos:

  • Abogados
  • Consultores
  • Tribunales
  • Mediadores

Trataremos sus datos en caso de reestructuración, fusión, venta, empresa conjunta, cesión u otra transferencia o enajenación de la totalidad o parte de nuestro negocio,  en la medida necesaria para estos fines.

Para ello, tratamos los siguientes datos:

  • Nombre de la empresa
  • Nombre y dirección
  • Datos de las personas de contacto
  • Número de teléfono
  • Resumen de los servicios prestados
  • Datos contractuales y contables

El tratamiento de datos se basa en las siguientes bases jurídicas:

Art. 6 (1) (f) RGPD - nuestro interés legítimo en caso de reestructuración, fusión, venta, empresa conjunta, cesión u otra transferencia o disposición de la totalidad o parte de nuestra empresa.

Art. 6 (1) (a) RGPD - su consentimiento

Recogemos los datos directamente de usted.

En el ámbito del tratamiento de datos aquí descrito, es posible que los siguientes destinatarios tengan acceso a sus datos:

  • Abogados
  • Nuevos empresarios y sus asesores
  • Tribunales

También tratamos sus datos personales para cumplir las obligaciones que nos impone la legislación sobre protección de datos, en particular para garantizar sus derechos como interesado.

Para ello, tratamos los siguientes datos:

  • Nombre de la empresa
  • Nombre y dirección
  • Datos de las personas de contacto
  • Número de teléfono
  • Datos contractuales y de facturación
  • Declaraciones de protección de datos (por ejemplo, declaración de consentimiento para el tratamiento)
  • Declaraciones sobre la revocación del consentimiento dado por usted
  • Declaraciones de oposición al tratamiento de datos personales
  • Declaraciones sobre el ejercicio de sus derechos de información, rectificación, supresión, limitación del tratamiento, transferibilidad de datos, incluida la información que nos facilite al hacer valer sus derechos.

El tratamiento de datos se basa en las siguientes bases jurídicas:

Art. 6 (1) (c) RGPD - Cumplimiento de obligaciones legales

Recogemos los datos directamente de usted.

En el ámbito del tratamiento de datos aquí descrito, es posible que los siguientes destinatarios tengan acceso a sus datos:

  • Abogados
  • Tribunales
  • Proveedores de servicios internos y externos de las áreas de administración, cumplimiento normativo, protección de datos y apoyo.

Cookies, herramientas de análisis y redes sociales

Estamos presentes en redes sociales y utilizamos diversas cookies y otras tecnologías de análisis en nuestro sitio web. Para más información, consulte nuestra Política de Cookies.

Decisiones automatizadas y elaboración de perfiles

No tomamos decisiones basadas únicamente en un tratamiento de datos automatizado; siempre hay una intervención humana antes de tomar una decisión.

Elaboramos dos tipos de perfiles a partir de los datos personales de los candidatos:

  • JobMatch es una herramienta disponible en nuestro sitio web para que los candidatos suban sus CV. En función de sus competencias, aspiraciones profesionales e información sobre su currículum, la herramienta nos ayuda a recomendarle puestos de trabajo que se ajustan a sus aspiraciones y competencias. Sin embargo, este perfil no restringe ni excluye el acceso a otros empleos y puestos.
  • Utilizamos una herramienta de análisis basada en tecnología de búsqueda semántica (un tipo de Inteligencia Artificial) que nos permite realizar búsquedas inteligentes y filtrar los CV de nuestra base de datos. Al introducir en esta herramienta determinadas palabras clave como «años de experiencia» o «campo de especialidad», se analizan todos los CV subidos y se ofrece una lista de candidatos, cotejando las palabras clave de los CV de los candidatos y clasificando los candidatos según su idoneidad para el puesto. Utilizamos esta tecnología para mejorar la eficacia de nuestros procesos de selección, pues nos permite identificar mejor a los candidatos para puestos de trabajo más adecuados. Como se ha explicado anteriormente, siempre hay un técnico de selección que verifica este proceso, por lo que no hay decisiones automatizadas. 

Tenga en cuenta que ninguna de estas actividades de elaboración de perfiles tiene efectos legales o similares significativos sobre los candidatos. No obstante, si necesita más información, póngase en contacto con nosotros.

Transferencia de datos a países no pertenecientes al EEE

En algunos casos, también tratamos sus datos personales fuera del Espacio Económico Europeo (EEE). Si se produce una transferencia de datos a alguno de los destinatarios antes mencionados cuyo domicilio social o lugar de tratamiento de datos se encuentre fuera del EEE o de un Estado para el que la Comisión Europea considere que goza de un nivel adecuado de protección de datos, antes de llevar a cabo la transferencia nos aseguraremos de que ésta esté autorizada legalmente y de que existan garantías suficientes que garanticen un nivel adecuado de protección de datos con respecto a la transferencia de datos (por ejemplo, mediante garantías contractuales, normativas reconocidas oficialmente o normativas internas vinculantes de protección de datos en el destinatario) o de que usted nos haya dado su consentimiento para esa transferencia de datos.

Transferencias de datos intragrupo fuera del EEE

PageGroup es un grupo de empresas activo en todo el mundo. Nuestros expertos en contratación y personal clave en funciones como el apoyo a la contratación, la gestión de nóminas y apoyo informático están ubicados en todo el mundo. Para los fines mencionados, en el contexto de nuestra cooperación en el grupo PageGroup, transferimos sus datos personales de conformidad con el Art. 44 y ss. RGPD también a empresas de PageGroup fuera del EEE, o permitimos que los empleados que trabajan en empresas de PageGroup fuera del EEE accedan a sus datos personales con el propósito de nuestra cooperación y cumplimiento de nuestras obligaciones contractuales con usted. Tiene a su disposición una lista completa de las entidades de PageGroup ubicadas fuera del EEE aquí.

Si se encuentra, por ejemplo, en Alemania, según convenga para su búsqueda de empleo, o si está buscando un profesional cualificado para incorporarse a su organización o un socio de contratación, compartiremos, si fuera necesario, sus datos personales con nuestros técnicos de selección especializados en el mercado alemán, que tienen su sede en Turquía (los datos de la empresa turca figuran en la lista mencionada anteriormente). Éstos tratarán sus datos personales por cuenta de nuestras filiales alemanas. En relación con esta transferencia, se garantiza un nivel adecuado de protección de datos de conformidad con el acuerdo intragrupo de la empresa y las Cláusulas Contractuales Tipo (CCT), como se describe a continuación.

Contamos con un acuerdo de transferencia de datos intragrupo que contiene unas Cláusulas Contractuales Tipo (CCT) aprobadas por la Comisión Europea que permiten las transferencias transfronterizas de datos personales desde el EEE a terceros países fuera del EEE (ya que las leyes de protección de datos fuera del EEE pueden no proporcionar un nivel de protección equivalente a las leyes de protección de datos del EEE).

Si desea recibir una copia de estas CCT, póngase en contacto con nosotros a través de los datos que figuran más abajo.

Transferencias de datos a proveedores de servicios externos fuera del EEE

Para los fines mencionados, utilizamos proveedores de servicios informáticos ubicados en el Reino Unido, EE.UU. e Israel. Para proteger sus datos, hemos suscrito las CCT en caso necesario.

Si desea recibir una copia de estas CCT, póngase en contacto con nosotros a través de los datos que figuran a continuación.

Mantener la seguridad de sus datos personales

Hemos implantado y mantenemos medidas técnicas y organizativas adecuadas para proteger sus datos personales contra la destrucción, pérdida o alteración accidental o ilícita o la comunicación o acceso no autorizados. Sólo el personal autorizado y los proveedores de servicios de terceros tienen acceso a los datos personales en función de su necesidad de conocerlos; además, estos empleados y proveedores de servicios están obligados por contrato a tratar esta información de manera confidencial. 

Durante cuánto tiempo conservamos sus datos personales

Conservaremos sus datos personales durante el tiempo que sea necesario para cumplir con la finalidad para la que fueron recogidos, que puede ser una finalidad continua. Por ejemplo, si usted es un candidato, conservaremos sus datos personales mientras dure nuestra relación comercial con usted y más allá, ya que a menudo apoyamos a nuestros candidatos en su búsqueda de empleo durante muchos años y, potencialmente, durante toda su carrera. 

Conservamos algunos datos personales durante más tiempo que otros. Para determinar el periodo de conservación adecuado de los datos personales, tenemos en cuenta factores como las finalidades para las que tratamos sus datos personales, incluidas las obligaciones legales, reglamentarias, contables y de información, la naturaleza y la cantidad de datos personales que tenemos sobre usted, y el riesgo potencial de que le perjudique el uso o la divulgación no autorizados de sus datos personales. 

Cuando tratemos sus datos personales con fines de márketing, lo haremos mientras usted no nos solicite que dejemos de hacerlo y durante un breve periodo de tiempo después (para permitirnos completar su petición). También guardamos un registro del hecho de que usted nos ha pedido que no le enviemos comunicaciones de márketing o que tratemos sus datos indefinidamente, para poder respetar su petición. 

Sus derechos en materia de protección de datos 

Según el Art. 21 RGPD, tiene derecho a oponerse al tratamiento de datos por nuestra parte en cualquier momento por motivos derivados de su situación particular, en la medida en que se base en el art. 6 (1) (e) RGPD o en la protección de «intereses legítimos» según el Art. 6 (1) (f) RGPD. Si ejerce su derecho de oposición, cesaremos el tratamiento, a menos que podamos demostrar motivos legítimos de peso que prevalezcan sobre sus derechos e intereses para continuar el tratamiento.

La legislación europea sobre protección de datos le otorga un gran número de derechos en relación con el tratamiento de sus datos personales. Estos derechos incluyen el derecho a retirar su consentimiento de conformidad con el art. 7 (3) RGPD, el derecho de acceso y a solicitar una copia de sus datos personales (Art. 15 RGPD), a rectificarlos (Art. 16 RGPD), suprimirlos (Art. 17 RGPD) o limitar su tratamiento (Art. 18 RGPD), a obtener los datos personales que nos facilite en un formato estructurado y de lectura mecánica y a pedirnos que transfiramos estos datos a otro responsable del tratamiento (art. 20 RGPD).

Puede retirar su consentimiento para recibir comunicaciones comerciales o darse de baja del tratamiento de datos con fines de márketing directo siguiendo los pasos indicados en nuestros avisos, dándose de baja de la recepción de comunicaciones comerciales, o poniéndose en contacto con nosotros a través delos datos de contacto indicados en esta Política de Privacidad. También tiene a su disposición un Centro de Preferencias de Marketing donde puede, en cualquier momento, ver y seleccionar sus preferencias, además de darse de baja de recibir comunicaciones comerciales. Encontrará el link para acceder al Centro de Preferencias de Marketing en nuestras comunicaciones comerciales.

Tenga en cuenta que estos derechos pueden estar limitados en determinados casos. Sus derechos pueden verse limitados, por ejemplo, si el cumplimiento de su solicitud revelara datos personales de otra persona, si infringiera los derechos de un tercero (incluidos los nuestros), o si nos pidiera que elimináramos información que estamos obligados a conservar por ley o sobre cuya conservación tenemos intereses legítimos. Le informaremos de cualquier excepción pertinente en la que nos basemos cuando respondamos a su solicitud. 

Además, para las operaciones de tratamiento basadas en los intereses legítimos de las empresas, hemos llevado a cabo una evaluación de los intereses legítimos para garantizar que nuestros intereses no se vean perjudicados por sus intereses o sus derechos y libertades fundamentales; puede solicitar esta evaluación a través de los contactos que figuran al final de esta Política de Privacidad.

Preguntas y reclamaciones

Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre esta Política de Privacidad o sobre el tratamiento de sus datos personales, o si desea presentar una queja, puede utilizar nuestro formulario o enviar un correo electrónico a nosotros o a nuestro Delegado de Protección de Datos a [email protected].

Si tiene más dudas o cree que se han vulnerado sus datos personales, puede presentar una reclamación ante la autoridad de control competente. Dispone de una lista de las autoridades competentes en el EEE aquí.

Cómo ponerse en contacto con nosotros

Ejercer sus derechos

Para ejercer sus derechos, retirar su consentimiento al tratamiento o darse de baja de nuestras comunicaciones comerciales, puede:

  • rellenar nuestro formulario de solicitud aquí,
  • enviarnos un correo electrónico a [email protected] o
  • ponerse en contacto con nosotros o con nuestro Delegado de Protección de Datos en [email protected]

Delegado de protección de datos (DPO)
Bird & Bird DPO Services SRL
Avenue Louise 235 box 1
1050 Brussels

Page Group 
Compliance Department
Plaza Europa 21-23, 08908 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona

Cambios en nuestra Política de Privacidad

Podemos actualizar esta Política de Privacidad en cualquier momento. Cualquier cambio esencial en esta Política de Privacidad se publicará debidamente en este sitio web y se comunicará a través de otros canales de comunicación cuando proceda.


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Privacy Policy

Who we are and how we process your personal data

PageGroup including its subsidiaries (hereinafter collectively: "PageGroup", "us" or "we") is a specialist recruitment company operating under the brands Michael Page, Page Personnel, Page Executive and Page Outsourcing. The protection of personal data relating to you is important to us. This Privacy Policy informs you about the categories of personal data we collect, the purposes for which we use them and how we process your data, when you visit our website, when you apply for a job with us, when we introduce ourselves to you, when we provide recruitment and employment services to you, when we maintain a relationship with you after we have provided a service for you or when you provide a service for us. The following information is directed at you if you fall into one of the following categories of individuals:

  • candidates for whom we provide employment services or who apply to us for a vacant position and contact us through our website, job boards, social media pages or through other sources;
  • clients and their contacts with whom we have a business relationship and whom we support in filling vacant positions; 
  • potential candidates as well as potential clients and their contacts with whom we come into contact in order to present our prod-ucts and services;
  • service providers and their contacts who provide various services for us; 
  • users of our websites and apps

(jointly referred to as "you" or "yours").


The controller of your data is the PageGroup company that contacts you and processes data from you on its own responsibility when you visit the website, when the respective entity provides recruitment and employment services to you, maintains the relationship with you after the enti-ty has found a job for you, hires you for a vacant position or in case you provide a service to the to the respective entity. For the provision of our services in Switzerland, the controller of your personal data is Michael Page International Switzerland SA. However, in certain circumstances, as mentioned above, other PageGroup EU subsidiaries may act as controller of your personal data. To access a complete list of PageGroup's European subsidiaries, including their contact details, please click here

Details of data processing

Below you will find an overview of what kind of personal data we process about you, for which purposes and where we collect this data. 
If you do not provide us with your personal data, even though we need to collect it in order to process an order from you or fulfil a contract with you, or because we are required to do so by law, we may have to refuse your order or be unable to fulfil our contractual obligations to you. 
Users of our website or apps


Data categories

Legal basis

Collection of your Data

Recipients of your Data

When you visit our website or app, we process your data for the following purposes:

  • Calling up the website/app
  • Ensuring smooth connection establishment,
  • Ensuring and optimising the performance of our website and the user-friendliness of our website
  • Ensuring and evaluating system security and stability

In this context, we also use various cookies and other technologies. For further information, see our Cookie Policy.

In this context, we process the following data:

  • IP address of the requesting Internet-enabled device
  • Date and time of access
  • Name and URL of the retrieved file,
  • Website/application from which the access was made (referrer URL), the browser you use and, if applicable, the operating system of your Internet-enabled computer
  • Name of your access provider

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

  • Establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you.
  • Our legitimate interest in the security, stability, and usability of our website.
  • Your consent.

We collect the data directly from you.

In context of this data processing, it is possible that the following internal and external service providers have access to your data:

  • IT service providers
  • Data analytics tool provider
  • Marketing service provider

We process your data to provide you with personalised advertising on the website based on your browsing behaviour. To do this, we use various cookies and other technologies. For further information, see our Cookie Policy.

In this context, we process the following data:

  • IP address of the requesting Internet-enabled device,
  • Date and time of access,
  • Name and URL of the retrieved file,
  • Website/application from which the access was made (referrer URL), the browser used by you and, if applicable, the operating system of your Internet-enabled computer,
  • Name of your access provider

The data processing is based on the following legal basis:

Your consent.

We collect the data directly from you.

In context of this data processing, it is possible that the following internal or external service providers have access to your data:

  • IT service providers
  • Analysis tools providers
  • Marketing companies



Data categories

Legal basis/legitimate interest

Collection of your Data

Recipient categories

We process your data in order to provide employment & placement services to you or to conduct an application process with you to establish an employment relationship with you.

In this context, we may use your data to communicate with you, answer your questions, analyse your CV, and find a suitable position for you, create a candidate profile for you, providing salary advice, arrange interviews, conduct aptitude tests with you, forward your application documents to the employer of your choice.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name and address
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Information in your CV
  • Information about your educational path
  • References
  • Professional experience
  • Job references
  • Salary expectations,
  • Career aspirations
  • Results of security audits
  • Nationality
  • Residence and work permit
  • Photos
  • Language skills,
  • Test results from assessment centres,
  • In certain cases, special categories of data such as:
  • Disability,
  • Health information,
  • Occupational health examinations,
  • Convictions, criminal offences,

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you

Compliance with legal obligations in the area of labour and social law

Our legitimate interest in efficient work organisational processes, work & service-sharing within the PageGroup as well as our legitimate interest in maintaining our customer relationship with you.

We only process your sensitive personal data on the basis of your consent and insofar as we are obligated to do so for reasons of labour and social law, and finally for reasons of equal opportunity.

We collect the data directly from you.

In addition, we may also collect your data from third parties, namely from

  • References, e.g., previous employers or former customer of you to confirm your credentials & qualifications
  • Educational institutions
  • Publicly accessible professional networks, such as LinkedIn, StepStone or Xing, to increase the information already available to us about you, so that we have a better chance of finding suitable positions for you;
  • Clients to whom we have provided your CV and who have been in contact with you as part of your job application.

We will only contact those reference providers, that you have indicated to us during the application process and our services.

In order to provide our employment services, we may share personal information about you with potential employers who offer job openings in which you are interested.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is also possible that both internal and external service providers have access to your data. These include processors as well as our controllers from the following areas:

  • IT support
  • Hosting, IT service
  • IT solutions to improve service quality
  • Data analytics
  • Recruiting support
  • Sales
  • Administration and management of global, regional, or executive positions or the development of key customers within the Page Group
  • Shipping and logistics companies
  • Telecommunications providers
  • Providers of professional networks
  • Providers of psychometric assessment or ability tests

Our contractors are contractually obligated by us to maintain confidentiality and to comply with data protection standards and regulations.

We process your data when you register with us and make your application data available to us and eventually to potential employers.

If you register with different PageGroup companies, we will combine the applicant data you have provided into one data record and one applicant account for you. A single record avoids duplicities and improve accuracy of the personal data. For these purposes, the PageGroup companies involved will share your personal information as independent data controllers.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name and address
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Information in your CV
  • Information about your educational path
  • References
  • Professional experience
  • Job references
  • Salary expectations,
  • Career aspirations
  • In certain cases, special categories of data on such as:
  • Disability,
  • health information,
  • Convictions, criminal offences

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

  • Establishment, performance, or termination of the user contract with you for the provision of our candidate registration service.
  • Our legitimate interest in efficient work organisational processes, in work & service-sharing within the PageGroup as well as our legitimate interest in maintaining our customer relationship with you.

In this case, we only process your sensitive data on the basis of your consent.

We collect the data directly from you.

If you apply for a specific position, we will pass your applicants data on to the potential employer you have requested.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is also possible that the internal as well as external service providers described above have access to your data.

We process your data to send you promotional informationnewsletters, and other electronic promotional information, to keep you informed about job opportunities, industry reports and insights, events, happenings and other content.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name,
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Your marketing information and job preferences

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

  • Your consent.
  • Our legitimate interest in direct marketing measures and the sending of advertising content.

We collect the data directly from you.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analysis

We process your data to send you satisfaction surveys to find out whether you are satisfied with our services, to improve our existing services and to develop new services.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Previous placements and services provided
  • Your information in the satisfaction questionnaire

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

  • Your consent.
  • Our legitimate interest in direct marketing measures and sending of advertising content as well as the improvement and development of our services.

We collect the data directly from you.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analysis
  • Service provider for conducting surveys
  • Service provider to conduct testing and development activities, provide research, mailing or other direct marketing services.

In certain cases, it may be necessary for us to check the information you have provided about your work-history, or to check whether you have the qualifications and the necessary reliability for a specific job position. In these cases, we conduct so-called background checks. For this purpose, we consult reference providers and early educational institutions. In addition, we conduct internet research using search engines and publicly accessible online databases. Furthermore, we evaluate national and international press.

Only in very limited cases and only insofar as we are legally obliged to do so do we compare your master data with sanctions lists and other public lists and registers, including terror and embargo lists and PEP lists (Politically Exposed Person).

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name and address
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Information in your CV
  • Information about your educational path
  • References
  • Professional experience
  • Job references
  • Results of security audits
  • Nationality
  • Residence and work permit
  • Photos
  • Language skills
  • Assessment centre test results
  • Convictions, criminal offences (e.g., employment fraud, economic crime, organised crime)
  • Infringements of competition or antitrust law
  • Violations of other legal requirements or regulations
  • Insolvencies
  • existing conflicts of interest

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

  • Your consent.
  • Our legal obligation to conduct background checks.
  • Establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you.
  • Our legitimate interest in carrying out background checks to verify your information, our legitimate interest in carrying out background checks to fulfil legal obligations of our clients, the legitimate interest of our clients in carrying out background checks to ensure the required suitability and reliability for special positions and verification of your information.

We collect the data directly from you.

In addition, we may also collect your data from third parties, namely:

  • Reference providers, such as previous employers or former customers of you to check your details
  • Educational institutions - to check your academic qualifications
  • publicly available professional sources such as LinkedIn, Xing or StepStone, etc.
  • Sanction lists and other public lists and registers, including terror and embargo lists as well as PEP lists
  • Public source, telephone directories, newspaper articles
  • Generally accessible databases

We will only contact those reference providers that you have indicated to us during the selection process and our services.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • IT security
  • IT solutions
  • Hosting
  • Telecommunications
  • Service provider to carry out the check of work references
  • Service provider to carry out the check of qualifications
  • Service provider to conduct review in connection with criminal convictions (if required)
  • Service provider to verify the information you provide from third-party sources
  • Service provider to conduct psychometric evaluations or ability tests

Our contractors are contractually obligated by us to maintain confidentiality and to comply with data protection standards and regulations.

Conducting surveys on talent trends

In order to continuously improve our services and keep them up to date, we will selectively invite you to participate in surveys on talent trends.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name
  • Previous placements and services provided
  • Email address
  • Information in the survey questionnaire

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

  • Your consent.
  • Our legitimate interest to identify current talent trends and to further develop our services and offers.

We collect the data directly from you.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Market research
  • Market analysis
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analysis

Potential candidates and clients


Data categories

Legal basis/legitimate interest

Collection of the data

Recipient categories

In order to present our services and to be able to contact you and answer your enquiries, we process your personal data. We process the personal data about you that you provide to us when you contact us and make an enquiry. In addition, we may process data about you obtained from publicly available sources and from professional and social networks, such as LinkedIn, Xing, StepStone, company or other job boards, in order to contact you if we think you might be interested in our employment services.

In addition, we may have been made aware of you through recommendation from another candidate or client and contact you.

If you are acting as a business contact on behalf of a company, we will process your professional contact details.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name and address
  • Position in the company
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Professional contact details
  • Name of the company you work for,
  • Information in your CV, job profile, company profile
  • Information about your educational path,
  • References,
  • Professional experience,
  • Job references,
  • Salary expectations,
  • Career aspirations,
  • Open job advertisements,
  • Nationality,
  • Photos,
  • Language skills,
  • Status in professional networks, e.g., open for jobs
  • Your consent.
  • Establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you.
  • Our legitimate interest in direct marketing measures and distribution of our recruiting and employment services as well as our legitimate interest in finding new business contacts, customers, and potential candidates

We collect the data directly from you.

In addition, we may also collect your data from third parties, namely:

  • Publicly accessible professional sources, homepages, newspaper articles, job advertisements
  • Professional networks, such as LinkedIn, StepStone,, Xing, etc.
  • Your job or company profiles published in public databases
  • Other candidates or clients

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analytics

Clients (B2B) and our contacts


Data categories

Legal basis/ Legitimate interest

Collection of the data

Recipient categories

We process your data in order to provide our recruiting services to you. In this context, we process your data and those of your business contacts in order to communicate with you and find suitable candidates for your vacancies.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the business contacts
  • Telephone number
  • Your feedback on candidates
  • Contract data and accounting data
  • Information on vacancies and requirement profiles
  • Establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you.
  • Our legitimate interest in efficient work organisational processes, work & service sharing within the PageGroup group.

We collect the data directly from you.

In addition, we may also collect your data from third parties, namely:

  • Publicly accessible professional sources, homepages, newspaper articles, job advertisements
  • Professional networks, such as LinkedIn, StepStone,, Xing, etc.
  • Your job or company profiles published in public databases
  • Other clients and candidates

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analysis
  • Accounting
  • Administration
  • Banking
  • Management of global, regional, or senior executive positions, or the development of key accounts, which would require the cooperation of different companies across the group.

We process your data to send you satisfaction surveys to find out whether you are satisfied with our services, to improve our existing services and to develop new services.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the business contact
  • Telephone number
  • Previous placements and services provided

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

  • Your consent.
  • Our legitimate interest in direct marketing and sending of advertising content and to further develop our services and offers.

We collect the data directly from you.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Market analysis
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analytics

We process your data to send you promotional informationnewsletters, and other electronic promotional information, to keep you informed about job opportunities, industry reports and insights, events, happenings and other content.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Name,
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Your marketing information and job preferences

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

  • Your consent.
  • Our legitimate interest in direct marketing and the sending of advertising content.

We collect the data directly from you.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Newsletter dispatch
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analytics

Service providers and our business contacts from our service providers


Data categories

Legal basis/legitimate interest

Collection of the data

Recipients of your data

In order to enter into the service contract with you and to receive your services and to communicate with you in the context of our business relationship, we process your personal data. In addition, we process your data for accounting purposes.

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the contact persons
  • Telephone number
  • Overview of services rendered
  • Contract data and accounting data

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

  • Establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you.
  • Our legitimate interest in efficient work organisational processes, work & service-sharing in the PageGroup group.

We collect the data directly from you.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Data analysis
  • Accounting
  • Administration
  • Banking

We process your personal data to assess your suitability as a supplier of us.

For legal compliance obligations, in very limited cases and only insofar as we are legally obliged to do so do we compare your master data with sanctions lists and other public lists and registers, including terror and embargo lists and PEP lists (Politically Exposed Person).

In this context, we may process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the contact persons
  • Telephone number
  • References

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

  • Our legal obligation to conduct background checks.
  • Establishment, performance, or termination of the contract with you.
  • Our legitimate interest in carrying out assessments to assess your suitability.

We collect the data directly from you.

We may also use data from public registers and sanction lists.

In the context of the data processing described here, it is possible that both internal and external service providers from the following areas have access to your data:

  • Procurement
  • IT solutions
  • IT support
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Telecommunications
  • Administration

Data processing for compliance with legal obligations and defence and assertion of legal claims


Data categories

Legal basis/legitimate interest

Collection of the Data

Recipients of your Data

We process your data insofar as necessary to fulfil official control and monitoring and audit obligations, including official information and notification obligations as well as obligations under commercial or tax law.

In this context, we process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the contact persons
  • Telephone number
  • Overview of services rendered
  • Contract data and accounting data
  • Requested data

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Compliance with legal obligations

We collect the data directly from you.

Within the scope of the data processing de-scribed here, it is possible that the following recipients have access to your data:

  • Law enforcement authorities or other public entities
  • Courts
  • Lawyers
  • Consultants

In individual cases, we also process your data for the assertion of and defence against legal claims.

In this context, we process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the contact persons
  • Telephone number
  • Overview of services rendered
  • Contract data and accounting data
  • Data required for the defence and enforcement of claims

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Our legitimate interest in defending against asserting legal claims.

We collect the data directly from you.

Within the scope of the data processing de-scribed here, it is possible that the following recipients have access to your data:

  • Lawyers,
  • Consultants
  • Courts
  • Mediators

We will process your data in the event of a restructuring, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment or other transfer or disposal of all or part of our business to the extent necessary for these purposes.

In this context, we process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the contact persons
  • Telephone number
  • Overview of services rendered
  • Contract data and accounting data

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

  • Our legitimate interest in in a restructuring, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment or other transfer or disposal of all or part of our company.
  • Your consent.

We collect the data directly from you.

Within the scope of the data processing described here, it is possible that the following recipients have access to your data:

  • Lawyers
  • New business owners and their advisors
  • Courts

We also process your personal data in order to fulfil our obligations under data protection law, in particular to guarantee your rights as a data subject.

In this context, we process the following data:

  • Company name
  • Name and address
  • Contact details of the contact persons
  • Telephone number
  • Contract and billing data
  • Data protection declarations (e.g., declaration of consent to processing)
  • Declarations on the revocation of consent given by you
  • Declarations of objection to the processing of personal data
  • Declarations on the assertion of your rights to information, correction, deletion, restriction of processing, data transferability, including the information you provide to us when asserting your rights

The data processing is based on the following legal bases:

Compliance with legal obligations.

We collect the data directly from you.

Within the scope of the data processing de-scribed here, it is possible that the following recipients have access to your data:

  • Lawyers
  • Courts
  • Internal and external service providers in the areas of administration, compliance, data protection and support

Cookies, analytics tool & social media

We use social media and employ various cookies and other analysis technologies on our website. For further information, see our Cookie Policy

Automated individual decisions and profiling

We do not make decisions based solely on automated data processing; there is always human intervention before a decision is made.

We draw up two types of profiles based on the candidates’ personal data:

  • JobMatch is a tool available on our website for candidates to upload their CVs. Matched to your skills, career aspirations and re-sume information, the tool helps us to recommend jobs that match your aspirations and skills. However, this profiling does not re-strict or exclude access to other jobs or positions.
  • We use an analysis tool powered by semantic search technology (a type of Artificial Intelligence) that allows us to intelligently search and filter CVs from our data-base. By entering relevant keywords such as years of experience or field of practice into this tool, all uploaded CVs are then analysed, and a pool of candidates is provided by matching the keywords in the candidates’ CVs and ranking the candidates according to their suitability for the job. We use it to make our recruitment processes more efficient, by being able to better match candidates to more suitable jobs. As explained above, there is always a recruiter checking this process, so there are no automated decisions.

Please note that none of these profiling activities have any significant legal or similar effects on candidates. However, if you would like to know more, please contact us.

Data transfers to third countries 

In some cases, we may also process your personal data outside Switzerland or the European Economic Area (EEA). If a data transfer takes place to one of the above-mentioned recipients whose registered office or place of data processing is outside Switzerland, the EEA, or a state for which an adequate level of data protection has not been established by a decision of the Swiss Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner or the European Commission, we will ensure prior to the transfer that the data transfer is covered by a legal authorization and that guarantees exist for an adequate level of data protection with regard to the data transfer (e.g., through contractual guarantees, officially recognized regulations or binding internal data protection regulations at the recipient) or you have given us consent to the data transfer. 

Intra-group data transfers outside Switzerland or the EEA

PageGroup is a globally active group of companies. Our recruitment experts and key business people in functions such as recruiting support, payroll management and IT support are located all over the world. For the above-mentioned purposes, in the context of our cooperation in PageGroup, we transfer your personal data in compliance with the Swiss Federal Data Protection Act and the GDPR to PageGroup companies outside Switzerland or the EEA, or allow employees who work in PageGroup companies outside the EEA or Switzerland to access your personal data for the purpose of our cooperation and fulfilment of our contractual obligations with you. A list of PageGroup entities that are located out-side Switzerland/the EEA can be found here.

For example, where appropriate for your job search, or if you are looking for a qualified professional to join your organisation or a recruitment partner, we share your personal data with our recruiters specialised in the Swiss market located in Spain. Additionally, your personal data could also be accessed by our support function teams, which are primarily based in Spain, but also in the United Kingdom, Australia, Singapore, Argentina or United States, and who process your personal data on behalf of our Swiss entity.

We have an intra-group data transfer agreement containing Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs) approved by the European Commission adapted also for Switzerland that allow for cross-border transfers of personal data from Switzerland and the EEA to third countries outside Switzerland/the EEA, (as data protection laws outside Switzerland/the EEA may not provide an equivalent level of protection to Swiss/EU data protection laws).

If you would like a copy of the SCCs, please contact us using the contact details below.

Data transfers to external service providers in third countries

For purposes mentioned above, we use IT service providers located in the United Kingdom, USA, and Israel. In order to protect your data, we have entered into standard contractual clauses (SCCs) adapted to Switzerland, where required.

Please contact us using the contact details below if you would like to receive a copy of the SCCs.

Keeping your personal data secure

We have implemented and maintain appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your personal data against accidental or un-lawful destruction, loss or alteration or unauthorised disclosure or access. Only authorised personnel and third-party service providers have access to personal data on a need-to-know basis, and these employees and service providers are contractually required to treat this infor-mation as confidential. 

How long we store your personal data

We will store your personal data for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purpose for which we have collected them, which may be an ongoing purpose. For example, if you are an applicant, we will store your personal data for the duration of our business relationship with you and beyond, as we often support applicants with jobs for many years and potentially for their entire career. 

We keep some personal data longer than others. In determining the appropriate storage period for personal data, we take into account factors such as the purposes for which we process your personal data, including legal, regulatory, accounting and reporting obligations, the nature and amount of personal data we hold about you, and the potential risk of harm to you from unauthorised use or disclosure of your personal data. 

Where we process your personal data for direct marketing purposes, we will do so until you ask us to stop, and for a short period of time after-wards (to allow us to carry out your request). We also keep a record of the fact that you have asked us not to send you direct marketing or to process your data indefinitely, so that we can respect your request.

Your data protection rights 

Data protection legislation gives you many rights with regard to processing of data concerning you. These rights include the right withdraw your consent, the right of access to your personal data, to rectify, erase or restrict the processing of your personal data, to obtain the personal data you provide to us in a structured, machine-readable format, and to ask us to transfer this data with another data controller.

You have the right to object to data processing by us at any time. If you exercise your right to object, we will cease processing unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for further processing that prevail your rights and interests.

You may withdraw your consent once given to receive marketing communications or opt out of data processing for direct marketing purposes by following the steps outlined in our notices and opting out of receiving marketing communications, or by contacting us using the contact de-tails provided in this Privacy Policy. We have also established a Marketing Preference Center where you can view and select your preferences and opt out of receiving marketing communications at any time. To access the Marketing Preference Center, please also follow the steps ex-plained in the Marketing communication. 

Please note that these rights may be limited in certain cases. Your rights may be limited, for example, if complying with your request would dis-close personal data about another person, if it would infringe the rights of a third party (including ours) or if you ask us to delete information that we are required to retain by law or in whose storage we have overriding legitimate interests. We will inform you of any relevant exceptions on which we rely when we respond to your request.

Questions and complaints

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the processing of your personal data, or if you would like to make a complaint, you can use our form or send us an email as per below.

If you have unresolved concerns or believe that your personal data has been breached, you can lodge a complaint with the competent supervi-sory authority. Please find here the contact for the Swiss Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner, and here a list of the relevant authorities in the EEA.

How to contact us

Exercising your rights

To exercise your rights, withdraw your consent to processing or unsubscribe from our commercial communications, you can:

Page Group
Compliance Department 
Plaza Europa 21 23, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, 08908 Barcelona

Changes to our privacy policy

We may update this privacy policy at any time. Any material changes to this privacy policy shall be duly posted on this website and shall be communicated through other communication channels where appropriate.


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Page Executive,保障您的隱私是我們的優先要務。











我們可能會與 PageGroup 的任何成員及其他信任的第三方分享您的資料,協助我們為您提供服務。在特定情況下,主管機關或執法機構可能也會要求我們揭露部分個人資訊。











我們的 Cookie 政策是什麼?

我們希望您擁有最好的使用者體驗,這是我們使用 Cookie 的原因。Cookie 是存放在您裝置上的小型文字檔,用以收集資料並協助我們改進網站與線上服務。






全球法律資訊 - 文章


Page Executive 為 PageGroup 集團的商業名稱。








































您使用 網站,即適用本網站使用條款及我們的隱私權政策。 




本網站旨在為您提供我們的服務與一般資訊。您不得違反以下「可接受使用方式政策」(Acceptable Use Policy) 中的任何條款。


本網站包含外部網站的連結,或可自動連結至您可能感興趣的其他網站。PageGroup 對於此類網站的內容概不負責,敬請不要假定 PageGroup 已審查或核准此類網站或其內容,我們亦不保證相關網站連結仍然有效或為最新的連結。 


雖然 PageGroup 採取合理謹慎的態度編輯與呈現本網站的資訊/資料,但我們並未聲明或保證本網站、我們透過本網站提供的服務或所含資訊/資料,一定準確、最新、完整、適當、適用或有作用。
在法律允許的最大範圍內,PageGroup 對下列事項恕不負責亦不承擔任何責任:

(a) 因存取或使用本網站或其中內容,而產生或與之相關的任何損失、責任或損害;

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(c) 在本網站刊登現有職位、職缺、任務、其他聘雇或約定時,所做的相關陳述或其他聲明;

(d) 任何陳述或其他聲明,表示雇主或客戶要求提供求職者的資料、要求面試或聘用求職者,或將有適合的求職者,或求職者能滿足雇主或客戶的需求等;

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(h) 任何聲明,表示透過本網站提供的資料,完全不含電腦蠕蟲、病毒、特洛伊木馬程式或其他可能對通訊產生不利影響的電腦程式;

(k) 經由本網站連結至第三方網站,該第三方網站所顯示的任何資訊/資料。

如有未能排除的保證事項,在法律允許的最大範圍內,PageGroup 的責任限制應僅限於再次提供相關服務、再次提供服務的成本或維修服務的成本,且應由我們自行判定選擇。無論任何情況,PageGroup 對任何間接、衍生、附帶、懲戒、懲罰或特殊的傷害、損失、責任或費用,恕不承擔任何責任。

如果您上傳履歷、提交履歷、應徵工作、訂閱工作提醒 (Job alerts) 或建立 My Page 帳戶,請務必確定您在任何時候提供的詳細資料,都是正確且完整的最新資料。

如果您的資料有任何變更,請務必立即更新並通知我們,您可以在履歷上進行相關變更,或使用 My Page 工具更新個人詳細資料,如此我們就能有效與您溝通,並向潛在雇主提供正確的最新資料。

如果您註冊使用 My Page,系統會要求您建立一組密碼和登錄帳號。為防止詐欺,此密碼請務必保密,切勿外洩或告知任何人。如果您發現或懷疑其人知道您的密碼,請立即通知我們。對於未經授權的使用情形,我們恕不負責。

使用本網站,即表示您同意對所有使用情況承擔全部責任,包括您的 My Page 帳戶應維持最新、準確、完整的資訊,且上傳的資料不得違反或侵犯第三方智慧財產權。

如果 PageGroup 合理相信發生違反安全或濫用本網站的情形,我們可能會要求您變更密碼或暫停您的 My Page 帳戶。[segtodelete] 


您可以隨時登錄 My Page 帳戶並選擇「刪除帳戶」(Delete Account) 連結,即可刪除您的 My Page 帳戶與帳戶中任何工作提醒。 

暫停或取消您的 My Page 帳戶以及使用本網站的權利,並不影響任何一方的法定權利或責任。

您所提交的任何資訊皆可由 PageGroup 在全球各處存取。






本網站出現的所有商標、商業名稱、標誌、資訊、材料等,皆為 PageGroup 與其授權人的財產。





(a) 寄送、上傳、展示、散佈或以其他方式,提供非法、歧視、騷擾、誹謗、破壞名譽、侮辱、威脅、傷害、冒犯、猥褻、侵犯或其他令人反感的資料,或以其他方式違反法律;

(b) 展示、上傳、傳送可能鼓勵犯罪的資料,相關行為可能構成刑事犯罪或導致民事責任,或是可能違反適用的法律、規定或業界規範;

(c) 干擾其他人於本網站的隱私、使用或享用;

(d) 以欺騙或其他方式謊稱自己是他人或其他實體的代表,包括但不限於 PageGroup 代表,或以欺騙或其他方式謊稱您與某人、某實體或某團體有關係;

提供不正確資訊或蓄意遺漏資訊,藉此誤導或欺騙可能仰賴此類資訊的 PageGroup 代表與第三方。

(e) 針對透過本網站提供的服務,掩蓋其傳送的資料來源 (無論是偽造訊息/封包標頭,還是以其他方式篡改一般辨識資料);

(f) 傳送、上傳或以其他方式提供的資料,侵犯他人智慧財產權或工業產權 (例如任一方的著作權、商標、專利、營業秘密其他所有權);

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(h) 傳送、上傳或以其他方式提供含有病毒、特洛伊木馬程式的資料,或其他意圖損害、破壞、中斷硬體或軟體功能的資料;

(i) 未經授權存取或干擾提供服務的伺服器效能,或相關網路的伺服器效能,或未遵守使用此類伺服器的相關政策或程序;或

(j) 收集其他服務使用者相關資料,無論為彙整的資料或其他形式的資料。

© PageGroup 2013 年版權所有。
2013 年 3 月。


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Gizlilik Politikası

PageGroup’un bir parçası olan Michael Page International Nem Istihdam Danışmanlığı Limited Şirketi ("MPI") Michael Page, Page Personnel, Page Executive ve Page Outsourcing markaları altında faaliyet göstermektedir.

Şirketimiz kişisel verilerinizin korunmasına öncelik vermektedir. Bu gizlilik politikası, MPI'nin aşağıda belirtilen kişilere ait kişisel verileri 2016/679 sayılı AB Genel Veri Koruma Tüzüğü’ne ("GDPR") ve 6698 sayılı Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu’na ("Kanun") uygun olarak nasıl işlediğini ve koruduğunu açıklamaktadır:

  • diğer işverenler için personel alımı işini yönettiğimiz pozisyonlara ve Michael Page'deki açık pozisyonlara başvurmak için veya web sitemiz, iş ilanlarımız, sosyal medya sayfalarımız veya diğer kaynaklar aracılığıyla MPI’ye kaydolan adaylar;
  • potansiyel adaylar,
  • müşterilerimiz ve tedarikçilerimizdeki iş bağlantıları ve
  • web sitelerimizin kullanıcıları; 

(hepsi birlikte "siz" veya "sizin"). 

Bu gizlilik politikası ayrıca, kişisel verileri işlememize itiraz etme hakkınız da dahil olmak üzere sahip olduğunuz gizlilik haklarınız hakkında bilgi vermektedir. Bizimle iletişime geçmek isterseniz, lütfen bu gizlilik politikasının "Bizimle Nasıl İletişime Geçebilirsiniz" bölümüne bakın.

Topladığımız Kişisel Bilgiler

Adaylar: Aday olarak iş bulma hizmetlerimizden yararlanmak için web sitemize kaydolduğunuzda bunlarla sınırlı olmamak üzere adınızı, iletişim bilgilerinizi ve CV'nizdeki bilgileri de içeren kişisel verilerinizi işlemekteyiz. Kanun uyarınca, sağlığınızla ilgili (örneğin işle ilgili makul düzenlemeleri yapmak amacıyla engellilik durumu hakkındaki bilgiler) belirli hassas kişisel verileri (Kanunda özel veri kategorileri olarak geçmektedir) ve ırk, etnik köken, cinsel yönelim ve din dahil kültürel çeşitlilik bilgilerini (herkese fırsat eşitliği sunulduğunu izlemek amacıyla) toplayabiliriz. Kanun uyarınca bu tür hassas verileri kullanımımızı ve ifşa etmemizi sınırlamak amacıyla birtakım süreçler uygulamaktayız.   

Web sitemizi kullanmanız, size gönderdiğimiz e-postalardaki bağlantılara tıklamanız, bunları açmanız veya başkalarına yönlendirmeniz veya bizden iş bildirimleri veya başka içerikler almak için sitemize kaydolmanız durumunda da bu etkileşimler sırasında verdiğiniz kişisel verilerinizi toplamaktayız. 

Ayrıca, aşağıdakilerin de aralarında bulunduğu  üçüncü şahıslardan sizinle ilgili kişisel veriler toplamaktayız:

  • bir iş teklifi aldığınızda size referans verenler;
  • istihdam tarihlerini teyit etmek için önceki işverenler;
  • akademik yeterlilikleri kontrol etmek için eğitim kurumları;
  • mali durumunuzu kontrol etmemiz gerektiği durumlarda kredi referans kuruluşları;
  • sizin için daha uygun roller bulmamıza yardımcı olması için elimizde bulunan bilgilerinizi geliştirmek amacıyla LinkedIn ve sosyal medya siteleri gibi herkese açık kaynaklar; 
  • CV'nizi sunduğumuz ve iş başvurunuzla ilgili olarak sizinle iletişime geçen veya CV'niz hakkında geri bildirimde bulunan müşteriler. 

Potansiyel Adaylar: Gelecekte iş bulma hizmetlerimizle ilgilenebileceğinizi düşündüğümüzde sizinle iletişim kurabilmemiz için adınız, iletişim bilgileriniz ve LinkedIn ve sosyal medya siteleri gibi herkese açık kaynaklardan topladığımız mesleki biyografik bilgileriniz de dahil hakkınızdaki kişisel verileri toplamaktayız. Kişisel verilerinizi bir başka aday veya sizi tavsiye eden bağlantıda olduğunuz bir işveren aracılığıyla da toplayabiliriz. 

Web sitemizin veya uygulamalarımızın kullanıcıları: Çevrimiçi içeriklerimizi size sunabilmemiz için gerekli olan IP adresiniz ve cihazınızla ilgili diğer veriler gibi kişisel veriler toplamaktayız. Görüntülediğiniz sayfalar gibi web sitemiz veya uygulamalarımızdaki etkileşimleriniz hakkında da veri toplamaktayız.  Bizimle iletişime geçmeniz halinde bize sorduğunuz sorular hakkında da bilgi toplarız.

Müşteriler: Adınız, unvanınız ve iletişim bilgileriniz gibi kişisel verilerinizi toplamaktayız. Size gönderdiğimiz, okuduğunuz veya başkasına yönlendirdiğiniz e-postalar, haber bültenleri veya diğer içerikler de dahil sizinle olan iletişimlerimizden edindiğimiz kişisel verilerinizi de işlemekteyiz. Adaylarımız hakkında verdiğiniz geri bildirimleri de işlemekteyiz. 

Bize bir aday hakkında bilgi vermeniz durumunda (örneğin, bir adayın daha önce sizinle birlikte çalıştığını teyit ettiğinizde veya bir adaya referans olduğunuzda) bu adaydan sizin hakkınızda edindiğimiz kişisel verilerinizin ve bu aday hakkında bize verdiğiniz kişisel verilerin kaydını tutarız. 

Sizinle ilgili olarak LinkedIn ve sosyal ağlar gibi herkese açık kaynaklardan edindiğimiz ya da bizim düzenlediğimiz bir etkinlikte veya etkinlik düzenleyicinin katılımcı bilgilerini bizimle paylaşma iznine sahip olduğu bir etkinlikte katılımcı olarak bulunmanız dolayısıyla edindiğimiz kişisel verilerinizi işlemekteyiz.

Tedarikçiler: Kuruluşunuz için bir iş bağlantısı olarak genellikle adınızı ve iletişim bilgilerinizi toplamaktayız.

Kişisel verilerinizi bize vermeniz

Bazı durumlarda kişisel verilerinizi bize vermeniz gerekecektir. Talep ettiğimiz kişisel verileri vermemeniz halinde size bazı hizmetleri sunmamız mümkün olmayabilir.  

Kişisel verilerinizi nasıl kullanıyoruz


Kişisel verileriniz şu amaçlarla kullanıyoruz:  

  • size iş bulma hizmeti sunmak;
  • sizinle iletişime geçmek;
  • CV'nizi yüklemenizi ve iş ilanlarına başvuruda bulunmanızı sağlamak;
  • aday profili oluşturarak deneyiminizi kişiselleştirmek; 
  • tüm adaylara fırsat eşitliği sağlandığını ve çeşitliliğin gözetildiğini takip etmek;
  • size mülakat ve maaş önerilerinde bulunmak ve
  • pazarlama tercihlerinize uygun şekilde iş fırsatları, sektör raporları ve içgörüler, etkinlikler, promosyonlar, yarışmalar ve diğer içerikler hakkında bilgilendirmek amacıyla size doğrudan pazarlama iletileri göndermek. Sizin ve diğer kişilerin ilgi duyacağına inandığımız iş fırsatlarını ve içerikleri sunmak amacıyla web sitemizde ve sosyal ağlarınızda hedefe yönelik ve size uygun banner reklamlar gösteriyoruz. Bu reklamların size uygunluğunu, web sitemizdeki önceki etkileşimlerinize, bize gönderdiğiniz e-postalara ve danışmanlarımızla yaptığınız görüşmelere göre belirliyoruz. Reklamlarımızla etkileşiminiz, reklam kampanyalarımızın etkililiğini ölçmek ve pazarlama stratejimizi iyileştirmek için kullanılabilir.

Potansiyel Adaylar 

Kişisel verileriniz şu amaçlarla kullanıyoruz:

  • hizmetlerimizle ilgilenip ilgilenmediğinizi ve size nasıl yardımcı olabileceğimizi belirlemek;
  • sizinle iletişim kurmak ve hizmetlerimizle ilgilenip ilgilenmediğinizi öğrenmek.

Web sitemizin veya uygulamalarımızın kullanıcıları

Kişisel verilerinizi şu amaçlarla kullanabiliriz:

  • web sitemizi veya uygulamalarımızı kullanma deneyiminizi iyileştirmek ve kişiselleştirmek ve
  • bizden aldığınız reklamları kişiselleştirmek.


Kişisel verilerinizi şu amaçlarla kullanabiliriz:

  • size işe alım hizmetleri sunmak; 
  • sizinle iletişime geçmek;
  • hizmetlerimizi iyileştirmek ve yeni hizmetler geliştirmek için müşteri memnuniyeti anketleri aracılığıyla hizmetlerimiz hakkında sizden geri bildirim almak;
  • sizinle iş ilişkimizi sürdürmek;
  • bizimle iletişime geçtiğinizde sorularınızı yanıtlamak;
  • size karşı akdi yükümlülüklerimizi yerine getirmek;
  • yasal haklarımızı tesis etmek, kullanmak ya da savunmak ve
  • doğrudan pazarlama amaçları.


  • Kişisel verilerinizi şu amaçlarla kullanıyoruz:
  • sizinle iletişime geçmek;
  • sizinle iş ilişkimizi sürdürmek;
  • bizimle iletişime geçtiğinizde sorularınızı yanıtlamak;
  • size karşı akdi yükümlülüklerimizi yerine getirmek;
  • yasal haklarımızı tesis etmek, kullanmak ya da savunmak ve 
  • doğrudan pazarlama amaçları.

Size gönderdiğimiz iletişimlerde bulunan abonelikten çıkma yöntemlerini kullanarak veya bizimle iletişime geçerek pazarlama iletişimleri listemizden çıkabilirsiniz. Ayrıca, pazarlama tercihlerinizi görüntüleyip bunlarla ilgili kararlar verebileceğiniz ve istediğiniz zaman bizden pazarlama iletileri almaktan vazgeçebileceğiniz bir pazarlama tercihi merkezi kurduk.

Başa dön ↑

Kişisel Verilerinizin İşlenmesinin Yasal Dayanakları

Kanun'un 5. ve 6. maddeleri uyarınca, kişisel verilerinizi aşağıdaki yasal dayanaklar çerçevesinde işlemekteyiz:

(a) Bir sözleşmeyi ifa etmek - sizinle aramızda olan bir sözleşme kapsamındaki yükümlülüklerimizi yerine getirmek veya bizimle sözleşme imzalama talebiniz doğrultusunda gerekli adımları atmak için kişisel verilerinizi işlememiz gerekli olduğunda; 

(b) Bir yasal yükümlülüğe uyum - yasal veya düzenleyici yükümlülüklere uymak için kişisel verilerinizi işlememiz gerektiğinde.

(c) Bizim veya üçüncü bir tarafın meşru menfaatleri - bu bölüme aşağıdakiler dahildir:

  • hizmetlerimizi size sunmak;
  • taleplerinize ve sorularınıza yanıt vermek;
  • web sitemizin ve kullanıcı deneyimi performansını optimize etmek;
  • sizi hizmetlerimiz hakkında bilgilendirmek ve
  • faaliyetlerimizin verimli bir şekilde yürütülmesini sağlamak.

(d) Rıza Bazı durumlarda, örneğin bir kullanıcı profili oluşturmanız veya iş bildirimlerimizi ya da diğer içeriklerimizi almak için kayıt yapmanız durumunda, kişisel verilerinizi belli bir şekilde işlemek için rızanızı talep edeceğiz. Kişisel verilerinizi rızanıza bağlı olarak işlediğimiz ölçüde, rızanızı istediğiniz zaman geri çekme hakkına sahipsiniz.  Rızanızı geri çekmek istiyorsanız lütfen bizimle iletişime geçin.

Otomatik Karar Verme

Çok başvuru aldığımız iş ilanları için CV’ler arasında eleme yapmamıza ve deneyim süresi veya çalışma alanı gibi ilgili anahtar kelimeleri girmemize olanak sağlayan bir CV tasnif aracı kullanıyoruz. Bu araç, araca yüklenen tüm özgeçmişleri analiz edip adayların özgeçmişlerindeki anahtar kelimeleri eşleştirerek ve adayları işe uygunluklarına göre sıralayarak daha küçük bir aday havuzu sunar. Böylelikle arama kriterlerine uymayan adayları eler. Bu işleme faaliyeti için yasal dayanağımız, sözleşme imzalamamız için gerekli olmasıdır. 

Otomatik karar verme mekanizmasının kullanımına itiraz etme ve sürece bir insanın müdahil olmasını talep etme hakkına sahipsiniz. Bu hakkınızı kullanmak istiyorsanız lütfen bizimle iletişime geçin.

Kişisel verilerinizi kimlerle paylaşıyoruz

Bazı durumlarda kişisel verilerinizi aşağıdakilerle paylaşıyoruz: 

Grubumuz bünyesindeki diğer şirketler 

MPI, dünya çapında faaliyet gösteren PageGroup şirketlerinin bir parçasıdır. Kişisel verileriniz, Türkiye Kişisel Verileri Koruma Kurumu’nun (“Kurum”) yeterli koruma tedbiri uyguladığını açıkladığı ülkelerde (“Ülkeler”) bulunan, veya daha önce açıkça rıza vermeniz durumunda, PageGroup bünyesindeki diğer şirketlerle paylaşılabilir veya bunların erişimine sunulabilir.

Ayrıca, (AEA dışındaki veri koruma kanunları AEA veri koruma yasalarına eşdeğer düzeyde koruma sağlayamayabileceğinden )kişisel verilerin AEA içinden AEA dışındaki üçüncü ülkelere sınır ötesi aktarımına izin veren ve Avrupa Komisyonu tarafından onaylanmış örnek maddeleri içeren bir grup içi veri aktarımı anlaşmamız bulunmaktadır  ("Örnek Maddeler"). 

Örnek Maddelerin bir kopyasını almak isterseniz lütfen bizimle iletişime geçin.

Bu bağlantıdan Avrupa’da yerleşik Page şirketlerinin tam listesine erişebilirsiniz.

Kişisel verilerin yukarıda belirtilen amaçlar için AEA dışındaki başka bir PageGroup şirketine aktarılması gerektiğinde, önceden açık rızanızı talep edebiliriz. Böyle bir durumda yerel kanunun veri aktarımıyla ilgili tüm gerekliliklerine uyacağız.

Üçüncü Taraflar

Aday olarak kaydolduğunuzda, kişisel verileriniz ilgilendiğiniz işler için personel arayan müşterilerimizle paylaşılır.

Kişisel verilerinizi ve gerekli durumlarda özel veri kategorilerini, aşağıdaki gibi durumlarda bizim adımıza hizmetler veren ve işler yapan üçüncü taraf hizmet sağlayıcıları ile paylaşıyoruz:

  • işe alım referans kontrolleri yapmak;
  • yeterlilik kontrolleri yapmak;
  • verdiğiniz bilgileri üçüncü taraf kaynaklar aracılığıyla doğrulamak; 
  • psikometrik değerlendirmeler veya beceri testleri yürütmek;
  • kişisel verileri bizim için saklamak;
  • profesyonel tavsiyeler almak;
  • veri analizi hizmeti almak;
  • iş teknolojisi sistemlerimizde test ve geliştirme çalışmaları yürütmek;
  • bizim adımıza anketleri veya yarışmaları yönetmek; 
  • sizinle olan iletişimlerimiz için yardım almak ve
  • araştırma ve posta dağıtım hizmetleri veya diğer doğrudan pazarlama hizmetleri sağlamak. 

Üçüncü taraf hizmet sağlayıcılarımızın sözleşme çerçevesinde asgari gizlilik standartlarına uymalarını ve veri koruma tedbirleri uygulamalarını şart koşuyoruz. Kişisel verileri Ülkeleri dışına göndermemiz gerektiğinde, Kanun uyarınca yeterli koruma tedbirlerinin alınmasını temin edeceğiz.

Diğer İfşaatlar

Kişisel verilerinizi ayrıca aşağıdaki durumlarda ifşa edebiliriz: 

  • yasal olarak ifşa etmemiz zorunlu olduğunda; 
  • kolluk kuvvetlerinin, düzenleyici makamların veya diğer devlet görevlilerinin talebi üzerine;
  • sizinle olan sözleşmemizi uygulamak için ve
  • işletmemizin tamamının veya herhangi bir kısmının yeniden organizasyonu, başka bir şirketle birleşmesi, satışı, ortak girişim kurması, temlik edilmesi veya başka bir şekilde devredilmesi veya satışı durumunda yeni işletme sahiplerine ve onların danışmanlarına.

Kişisel verilerinizin güvenliği

Kişisel verilerinizi kazara veya yasa dışı imhaya, kaybolmaya, tahrifata, izinsiz ifşaya veya erişime karşı korumak için uygun teknik ve organizasyonel tedbirleri uygulamakta ve sürdürmekteyiz. Yalnızca bilmesi gereken yetkili personelin ve üçüncü taraf hizmet sağlayıcıların kişisel verilere erişimine izin verilmekte olup, bu çalışanlar ve hizmet sağlayıcılar sözleşme tahtında bu bilgileri gizli tutmakla yükümlüdür. 

Kişisel verilerinizi ne kadar süreyle saklıyoruz

Kişisel verilerinizi, toplama amacımızı (ki bu sürekli bir amaç olabilir) yerine getirmek için bu verilere ihtiyacımız olduğu sürece saklayacağız. Örneğin, genellikle adaylarımıza yıllar boyunca ve muhtemelen kariyerleri süresince işe yerleştirme desteği vermemiz sebebiyle, bir adaysanız kişisel verileriniz sizinle olan iş ilişkimiz devam ettiği sürece ve sonrasında saklanacaktır. 

Bazı kişisel verileri diğerlerinden daha uzun süre saklamaktayız. Kişisel verilerin uygun saklama süresini belirlemek için, tüm yasa ve düzenlemeler tahtındaki ve muhasebe kayıtları ve raporlamayla ilgili yükümlülükler dahil kişisel verilerinizi işleme amaçlarımız, hakkınızda tuttuğumuz kişisel verilerin niteliği ve miktarı ve kişisel verilerinizin yetkisiz kullanımı veya ifşa edilmesi durumunda maruz kalacağınız olası zarar riski gibi faktörleri dikkate alıyoruz. 

Kişisel verilerinizi doğrudan pazarlama amaçlarıyla işlediğimiz durumlarda, siz işlemeyi durdurmamızı talep edene dek ve bu talebinizin ardından kısa bir süre boyunca (talebinizi uygulamaya koyabilmek için) verilerinizi işlemeye devam edeceğiz. Ayrıca doğrudan pazarlama iletişimlerinin gönderilmesinin sonlandırılmasına veya verilerinizin işlenmesinin süresiz olarak durdurulmasına yönelik taleplerinizi kaydederek bu taleplerinize uygun hareket edilmesini sağlarız.

Hakkınızda tuttuğumuz kişisel verilerle ilgili haklarınız 

Kanun’un 11. maddesi kapsamında bazı haklarınız bulunmaktadır. Bu haklar arasında, kişisel verilerinizi işleyip işlemediğimize dair bilgi alma hakkı, bu işleme faaliyeti hakkında daha fazla bilgi alma hakkı ve veri işlemenin amacını ve verilerinizin bu amaçla kullanılıp kullanılmadığını bilme hakkı olabilir. Ayrıca, kişisel verilerinizin aktarıldığı (yurt içi veya yurt dışı) üçüncü şahıslar hakkında bilgi alma, bizden kişisel verilerinizi düzeltmemizi veya silmemizi isteme ve verilerinizin otomatik sistemler aracılığıyla analiz edilmesinin yol açtığı aleyhinize olan sonuçlara itiraz etme hakkına da sahipsiniz.Ek olarak, bazı durumlarda (özellikle kişisel verilerinizin sözleşmeden doğan veya başka bir yasal gerekliliği yerine getirmek için işlenmesi gerekmediğinde veya verilerin doğrudan pazarlama için kullanıldığı durumlarda) kişisel verilerinizin işlenmesine itiraz edebilirsiniz.

Bu haklar, örneğin talebinizin gerçekleştirilmesinin başka bir kişinin kişisel verilerini ifşa edecek olması veya başkalarının haklarını (ve bizim haklarımızı) ihlal edecek olması durumunda ya da kanun uyarınca saklamakla yükümlü olduğumuz bilgileri silmemizi talep etmeniz durumunda ya da zorlayıcı meşru çıkarlarımızın verileri saklamamızı gerektirdiği durumlarda bu haklar sınırlandırılabilir. Talebinize verdiğimiz yanıtta verilerinizi işleme dayanağı olarak itimat ettiğimiz istisnalar hakkında size bilgi vereceğiz. 

Bizimle Nasıl İletişime Geçebilirsiniz

Hakların kullanılması

Haklarınızı kullanmak veya işleme için verdiğiniz rızanızı geri çekmek ya da pazarlama iletişimleri aboneliğinizi iptal etmek için:

  • talep formumuzu buradan doldurabilir ya da
  • [email protected] adresinden bize e-posta gönderebilir  veya
  • şu adrese yazabilirsiniz:

Michael Page International Nem Istihdam Danışmanlığı Limited Şirketi
Büyükdere Cad. Kanyon Ofis Binası No 185 Kat 21, 34394 
Levent İstanbul, Türkiye

Sorular ve Şikayetler

Gizlilik politikamız veya kişisel verilerinizin işlenmesi hakkında herhangi bir sorunuz varsa ya da şikayette bulunmak istiyorsanız [email protected] adresinden bize e-posta gönderebilirsiniz. 

Gizlilik Politikamız hakkında hala kaygılarınız varsa veya bir kişisel veri ihlali meydana geldiğini düşünüyorsanız, Kanun uyarınca Türkiye Veri Koruma Kurumu'na şikayette bulunma hakkına sahipsiniz.

Gizlilik Politikamızdaki Değişiklikler

Bu gizlilik politikasını istediğimiz herhangi bir tarihte değiştirebiliriz. Değişiklik halinde güncellemeler bu siteye  yüklenecektir. 


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If you register to use the Michael Page Site you will be asked to create a password. In order to prevent fraud, you must keep this password confidential and must not disclose it or share it with anyone. If you know or suspect that someone else knows your password you should notify us by contacting [email protected] immediately.
If Michael Page International has reason to believe that there is likely to be a breach of security or misuse of the Michael Page Site, we may require you to change your password or we may suspend your account.
Right to suspend or cancel your registration
We may suspend or cancel your registration immediately at our reasonable discretion or if you breach any of your obligations under these Terms and Conditions.
You can cancel your registration at any time by logging onto the Michael Page Site through the "unsubscribe" link contained in the last Job Alerts email you received.
The suspension or cancellation of your registration and your right to use the Michael Page Site shall not affect either party's statutory rights or liabilities.
Whilst Michael Page International uses reasonable care in compiling and presenting the content found on the Michael Page Site, it is provided purely for information and you should seek further guidance and make independent enquiries before relying upon it.  If Michael Page International is informed of any inaccuracies in the material on the Michael Page Site we will attempt to correct the inaccuracies as soon as we reasonably can.
If we are in breach of these Terms and Conditions, we will only be responsible for any losses that you suffer to the extent that they are a foreseeable consequence to both of us.  Our liability shall not in any event include business losses such as lost data, lost profits or business interruption.
These Terms and Conditions shall not limit or affect our liability if something we do negligently causes death or personal injury.
Michael Page International makes no representation or warranty in respect of any of the following:
  • the existence or availability of any appointment advertised on the Michael Page Site; 
  • that any employer or client will ask for your CV, ask to interview you or recruit you;
  • that any employer or client will keep confidential any of your information or data provided to that employer or client; or
  • the final terms and duration of any appointment obtained through the Michael Page Site.
Availability of the Michael Page Site
We cannot guarantee that the service will be fault-free. If a fault occurs in the service you should report it to [email protected] and we will attempt to correct the fault as soon as we reasonably can. If Michael Page International is informed of any inaccuracies in the material on the Michael Page Site we will attempt to correct the inaccuracies as soon as we reasonably can.
Your access to the Michael Page Site may be occasionally restricted to allow for repairs, maintenance or the introduction of new facilities or services. We will attempt to restore the service as soon as we reasonably can.
Intellectual Property
All information incorporated within the Michael Page Site is owned or licensed by Michael Page International. You may retrieve and display the content of the Michael Page Site on a computer screen, store such content in electronic form on disk (but not any server or other storage device connected to a network) or print one copy of such content for your own personal, non-commercial use, provided you keep intact all and any copyright and proprietary notices. You may not otherwise reproduce, modify, copy or distribute or use for commercial purposes any of the materials or content on the Michael Page Site without written permission from the Michael Page International.
Equal Opportunities & Diversity
We may also release information relating to you to regulatory or law enforcement authorities, if required to do so. We may use the information we have collected about you on an anonymised basis for the purposes of monitoring in relation to our equal opportunities policy. We also reserve the right to disclosure the information we have collected about you to our professional advisers and to other persons to the extent that Michael Page International contracts out any aspect of the operation of its recruitment agency services. These third parties will be acting under similar undertakings of confidentiality as Michael Page International.
Applicable Law
These terms and conditions will be subject to the laws of England and Wales. We will try to solve any disagreements quickly and efficiently. If you are not happy with the way we deal with any disagreement, and you want to take court proceedings, you must do so within the United Kingdom.
You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms and Conditions to any other person. We may transfer our rights under these Terms and Conditions to another business where we reasonably believe your rights will not be affected.
If you breach these Terms and Conditions and Michael Page International chooses to ignore this, Michael Page International will still be entitled to use its rights and remedies at a later date or in any other situation where you breach the Terms and Conditions.
Michael Page International shall not be responsible for any breach of these Terms and Conditions caused by circumstances beyond its reasonable control.
The Michael Page Site is owned and operated Michael Page International.
If you have any queries, please contact [email protected].
Michael Page International Recruitment Limited Registration No. [04130921], registered in the United Kingdom with a registered office at Page House, 1 Dashwood Lang Road, Bourne Business Park, Addlestone KT15 2QW, Surrey

Michael Page International Recruitment Limited. Registered in England No. 4130921. Registered Office: Page House, 1 Dashwood Lang Road, Addlestone, Weybridge KT15 2QW.

England & Wales: 1-3 | Scotland: 4-6 TC7MPSC | Effective from 06.03.2012 |

Standard Terms & Conditions for Temporary Workers

Temporary Workers are engaged by Michael Page International Recruitment Limited (including Michael Page International Recruitment Limited trading as Page Executive) (MP), under a contract for services, the terms of which are set out below and which apply to each and every assignment.

Assignment means work performed by the Temporary Worker for the client for a period of time during which the Temporary Worker is supplied by MP to work temporarily for and under the supervision and direction of the Client;

AWR means the Agency Workers Regulations 2010;

Calendar Week means any period of seven days starting on a Sunday and ending on the following Saturday which counts towards the Qualifying Period;

Client means the person, firm or corporate body together with any subsidiary or associated person, firm or corporate body (as the case may be) to whom the Temporary Worker is supplied or introduced;
Pay means any sums payable to a worker in connection with the worker’s Assignment including, basic gross salary, any fee, bonus attributable to individual performance, commission, paid holiday entitlement including statutory paid holiday and any additional contractual paid holiday entitlement, vouchers with a cash value, overtime, dangerous of difficult work or other shift premium and any other emolument referable to the Assignment but excluding any payments within

Regulation 6 (3) of the AWR;

Qualifying Period means 12 continuous (as defined by Regulation 7 of the AWR) Calendar Weeks during the whole or part of which the Temporary Worker is supplied to work for and under the direction and control of the Client in the same role by MP or other temporary work agency (as defined by Regulation 4 of the AWR);

Temporary Worker means the worker supplied by MP to provide services to the Client under the direct control, supervision and direction of the Client;

1. All and any business undertaken by Michael Page International Recruitment Ltd and or its UK trading subsidiaries, (“MP”) is transacted subject to these terms and conditions. MP is operating in the capacity of an employment business. MP is operating in the capacity of an employment business.

2. MP will endeavour to obtain suitable Assignments for the Temporary Worker with Clients requiring such a Temporary Worker. The types of work and expected rates of pay to be sought on behalf of the Temporary Worker are outlined in the candidate registration schedule, provided to the Candidate on first registering with MP. Final terms and conditions will be issued at the commencement of an assignment, detailing the actual rate of pay and the type of work to be undertaken.

3. MP reserves the right to offer any Assignment to such Temporary Worker as it may elect where that Assignment is suitable for several Temporary Workers.The Temporary Worker is under no obligation to accept such an offer but, if accepted, he/she owes the normal common law duties of a worker as far as theyare reasonably applicable.

The Temporary Worker is under no obligation to accept such an offer but, if accepted, he/she owes the normal common law duties of a worker as far as they are reasonably applicable.

4. It is a condition of this Agreement that the Temporary Worker shall, before the commencement of any assignment, have provided MP with:

(i) details of any work since 1 October 2011 the Temporary Worker has performed for the Client in the same or a similar role to the Assignment via any third party which may count towards the Qualifying Period to enable MP to comply with its obligations under the AWR;

(ii) satisfactory evidence of the Temporary Worker’s identity (which shall include, but not be limited to, a certified copy of the Temporary Worker’s passport or birth certificate and National Insurance documentation);

(iii) confirmation of the Temporary Worker’s right to work in the UK or other location as specified by the Client. For the avoidance of doubt, MP shall be entitled to terminate, cancel or withdraw any assignment, without any liability to the Temporary Worker in the event that the Temporary Worker’s right to work is cancelled or expires for any reason or in the event that the Temporary Worker is not able to satisfy MP’s requirements under this clause 4.

5. If, in respect of any assignment, the Temporary Worker is required by law, any professional body or by the Client to hold any qualifications and/or authorisations,the Temporary Worker shall provide MP with: (a) up to date copies of such qualifications or authorisations; and (b) the names of two referees (who are notrelatives of the Temporary Worker) who the Temporary Worker agrees that MP may approach for the purpose of obtaining references about the TemporaryWorker. The Temporary Worker also consents to the disclosure of such qualifications, authorisations and/or references by MP to the Client.

6. (a) MP shall pay to the Temporary Worker wages calculated at an hourly/daily/weekly/monthly rate, to be determined prior to the commencement of theassignment, subject to deductions for the purpose of National Insurance, PAYE, or any other purpose for which MP is required by law to make deductions.The standard payment interval will be weekly or as otherwise agreed prior to the Assignment commencing. The Temporary Worker shall be required toprovide time sheets duly authorised by the Client, as directed by MP, agreeing the hours worked by the Temporary Worker on a weekly basis.

(b) The Temporary Worker shall promptly comply with any other rule or request (either from the Client or MP) to provide information and/or documentation in respect of the hours worked by the Temporary Worker. Failure by the Temporary Worker to provide any evidence of hours worked may delay payment for such hours. MP will not withhold payment of the Temporary Worker’s wages through reason of non-receipt of payments from the Client.

(c) The Temporary Worker becomes entitled under the AWR to Pay after the end of the Qualifying Period. Pay is calculated by MP in consultation with the Client prior to the start of each Assignment. For the avoidance of doubt Pay as defined in these terms will be the remuneration the Temporary Worker would have received had the Temporary Worker been directly engaged by the Client at the start of the Qualifying Period.

(d) The Temporary Worker is not obliged to work any particular number of hours per day or week. However if the Client requests the Temporary Worker to perform any work outside the normal working hours of the Client’s business it will be entirely at the Temporary Worker’s discretion whether s/he performssuch work. If the Temporary Worker agrees to perform work outside the Client’s normal working hours the Temporary Worker will be paid for those hours at the rate s/he would have received had the Temporary Worker been directly engaged by the Client at the start of the Qualifying Period.

7. (a) The holiday year runs from 1 January to 31 December each year. The Temporary Worker will have a statutory annual entitlement to 5.6 weeks paid holiday per year. If the statutory paid holiday entitlement is subsequently decreased or increased then entitlement to leave under this clause will be decreased or increased accordingly for any period in which work is carried out. The Temporary Worker’s holiday pay for the 4 week statutory minimum holiday entitlement under the Working Time Directive will be calculated on their basic pay rate together with any additional payment intrinsically linked to tasks the Temporary Worker is required to carry out on Assignment.

(b) Entitlement to payment for holiday accrues in proportion to the amount of time worked continuously by the Temporary Worker on Assignment during the leave year. Payment is calculated on the basis of rates paid during the Client’s normal working hours. The Temporary Worker is paid for holiday entitlement on an hourly basis in advance and MP will set off such payments made in advance against entitlement to paid holiday either during the course of an Assignment or on termination of an assignment. Payment for statutory paid holiday entitlement is made on top of and in addition to the Temporary

Worker’s hourly/daily/ weekly/monthly pay rate. Any bank or statutory holidays taken as paid holiday will be included within this entitlement.

(c) In addition to the statutory minimum paid holiday entitlement under the Working Time Regulations 1998, the Temporary Worker is entitled under AWR to any additional contractual paid holiday applicable to the role at the end of the Qualifying Period. Any additional contractual entitlement will be accounted for in the Temporary Worker’s Pay in accordance with the provisions of clause 6(c).

(d) Any holiday not taken by the end of the holiday year in which the entitlement arises is forfeited. It may not be carried forward and MP will not make any payment in lieu.

(e) Where a Temporary Worker wishes to take holiday during the course of an Assignment he/she should notify MP of the intended holiday dates giving notice of at least twice the length of the period of leave he/she wishes to take. In certain circumstances MP may give written counter-notice to the Temporary Worker to postpone or reduce the amount of leave that the Temporary Worker wishes to take giving the Temporary Worker at least the same length of notice as the period of leave that it wishes to postpone or reduce it by.

8. The Temporary Worker shall at all times when services are due to a Client comply with the following conditions:

(a) Not to engage in any conduct detrimental to the interests of the Client;

(b) To be present during the times or for the total number of hours during each day and/or week as may be agreed with the Client. The Temporary Worker agrees that in accordance with Regulation 5 of the Working Time Regulations 1998, the provisions contained in Regulation 4, stating that working time shall not exceed an average of 48 hours for each seven day period (running Sunday to Saturday) should not apply. The Temporary Worker may withdraw from this option on giving 14 days written notice. If the Temporary Worker provides services through a limited company, these terms constitute consent for the purpose of Regulation 5 unless consent is withdrawn on notice and in writing to both the limited company and to MP;

(c) To take all reasonable steps to safeguard his/her own safety and the safety of any other person who may be affected by his/her actions at work;

(d) To comply with any rules or obligations relating to discipline and/or health and safety in force from time to time at the premises where services are performed to the extent that they are reasonably applicable;

(e) To comply with all reasonable instructions and requests regarding the scope of the agreed services made by the Client;

(f) Not to at any time during or after any Assignment divulge or make known to any person or any competitor of the Client, nor use for his/her own or any other person’s benefit any confidential information (which shall remain the property of the Client) in relation to the trade secrets, operations and business affairs of the Client. Further to immediately surrender all documents, samples, tools and equipment provided by the Client on the cessation of the assignment.

9. All intellectual property conceived or made by the Temporary Worker (either alone or with others) in the course of any Assignment shall belong to the Client and the Temporary Worker agrees to assign all his/her interest in any such intellectual property to the Client or its nominee. If requested to do so, the Temporary Worker shall execute any documentation which the Client shall deem necessary to give effect to this provision.

10. The Temporary Worker shall immediately inform MP should he/she become aware of any reason or circumstances under which it would be detrimental to the interests of MP, the Client or the Temporary Worker for the assignment to continue.

11. MP shall be under no obligation to provide work for the Temporary Worker and this Agreement creates no obligation on MP to provide the Temporary Worker with a specified number of hours work in any day or any week.

12. Either MP or the Client may terminate an assignment without notice or liability at any time and for any reason and instruct the Temporary Worker to leave the assignment accordingly. Equally the Temporary Worker may terminate an assignment at any time without prior notice or liability.

13. The Temporary Worker should not engage in any conduct, which is detrimental to the interests of MP, would negatively affect MP’s relationship with the Client or is likely to bring MP into disrepute.

14. The Temporary Worker having any complaint in connection with the temporary work, or the conduct or relations with MP or the Client or any employee of MP or the Client shall have the right to present a complaint in writing to the Quality Care team at MP.

15. The Temporary Worker and MP acknowledge and agree that this Agreement constitutes a contract for services and shall not create an employer/employee relationship between MP and the Temporary Worker.

16. MP does not accept any responsibility and shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by the Temporary Worker as a result of this assignment being terminated by either MP or the Client.

17. Unless agreed otherwise in writing the Temporary Worker shall be paid on a PAYE basis. For the avoidance of doubt, the Temporary Worker shall not be treated as an employee of a limited company until all the required documentation has been provided by the Temporary Worker and/or the limited company to the satisfaction of MP.

18. MP may deduct from the Temporary Worker’s Pay any sums owed by the Temporary Worker to MP including, but not limited to, any outstanding advances, overpayments and excess holiday pay. The Temporary Worker further agrees to immediately repay any sums overpaid to him/her as demanded by MP in writing.

Standard Conditions and Guidance for Permanent Candidates

1. All and any business undertaken by Michael Page International Recruitment Ltd and or its UK trading subsidiaries, (“MP”) is transacted subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set out. MP is acting in the capacity of an employment agency.

2. Upon provision by the work-seeker (“Candidate”) of a full and accurate Curriculum Vitae, MP shall, at its sole discretion, search for suitable employmentpositions on behalf of the Candidate. The type of employment sought for the Candidate will be as detailed on the Candidate Registration Schedule.

3. Before any work finding services are provided the Candidate shall provide MP with satisfactory evidence of the Candidate’s identity which shall include, butnot be limited to, a copy of the Candidate’s passport or birth certificate.

If, in respect of any prospective employment, the Candidate is required by law, any professional body or by the hirer (“Client”) to hold or have any experience,
training qualifications and/or authorisations, the Candidate shall provide MP with:

(a) up to date copies of such qualifications and/or authorisations; and

(b) the names of two referees (who are not relatives of the Candidate) who the Candidate agrees that MP may approach at any time for the purpose of obtaining references about the Candidate.

4. The Candidate consents to the disclosure of all relevant information (which is reasonably required to progress any application) including but not limited to copies of qualifications, authorisations and/or references by MP to the Client.

5. The Candidate shall immediately inform MP should there be any reason or circumstances of which he/she is aware under which it would be detrimental to the interests of MP, the Client or the Candidate for the Candidate to take up a particular position with the Client.

6. MP shall be under no obligation to find employment for the Candidate.

7. The Candidate should not engage in any conduct which is detrimental to the interests of MP, would negatively affect MP’s relationship with the Client or is likely to bring MP into disrepute.

8. The Candidate having any complaint in connection with the work finding services shall have the right to present a complaint in writing to the Quality Care team at MP.

9. An offer of employment is not made until written details are received from the Client. MP does not accept any responsibility and shall not be liable for any loss suffered by the Candidate by reason of the Candidate’s decision to resign from his/her current employment or engagement before or after receipt of the client’s written offer. Furthermore, MP does not accept any responsibility and shall not be liable for any loss suffered by the Candidate by reason of the Client withdrawing the offer of employment at any time for any reason.

10. An offer of employment made by the Client may be subject to the Client obtaining satisfactory references or background checks on the Candidate.

Privacy Policy for Page Executive International Recruitment Limited

Right to Object: You have a legal right to object at any time to:
(i) use of your personal information for direct marketing purposes; and
(ii) processing of your personal information which is based on our legitimate interests, unless there are compelling legitimate ground for our continued processing.
Page Executive International Recruitment Limited (company number 4130921) ("MPIR", "we", "us" or "our") is committed to protecting the privacy of our candidates, clients and users of our website. We want to provide a safe and secure user experience. We will ensure that the information you submit to us, or which we collect, via various channels (including our website, through written correspondence (including e-mail), conversations or meetings with our consultants, or through any of our offices or websites globally), is only used for the purposes set out in this policy.  
Through this Privacy Policy we aim to inform you about the types of personal data we collect from candidates, the purposes for which we use the data and the ways in which the data is handled.  We also aim to satisfy the obligation of transparency under the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 ("GDPR") and national laws implementing GDPR.
For the purpose of this Privacy Policy the controller of personal data is MPIR and our contact details are set out in the Contact section at the end of this Privacy Policy. References in this Privacy Policy to our Group of companies is to the parent company of MPIR, PageGroup plc, and to other trading subsidiaries of PageGroup plc.

The Information we collect

We will collect your personal details, including but not limited to your name and contact details (together with your e-mail address) and other relevant information from your Curriculum Vitae ("CV"). On occasion this will also include sensitive personal information such as details of criminal convictions and ethnic origin.  When we receive your details and CV electronically, this may be through a direct application on one of our websites or an application that you have made through a third party job board.

We will likely obtain further personal information about you during the course of our relationship with you.  This information may be obtained from you directly or from third parties, such as organisations to whom we have provided your CV and who have engaged with you as part of a job application.

How we use your Personal Information

We will hold, use and disclose your personal information, for our legitimate business purposes including: 
  1. to provide our services to you;
  2. to maintain our business relationship, where you are a user of our website, a client or candidate;
  3. to enable you to submit your CV for general applications, to apply for specific jobs or to subscribe to our job alerts. Please see the separate section on your CV below which outlines additional uses and disclosures;
  4. to match your details with job vacancies, to assist us in finding a position that is most suitable for you and to send your personal information (including sensitive personal information) to clients in order to apply for jobs;
  5. to retain your details and notify you about future job opportunities other than the specific role for which you have contacted us;
  6. to answer your enquiries;
  7. to direct-market products and services, advise you of news and industry updates, events, promotions and competitions, reports and other information. Before we do so, you will be given an option to opt-out of such communications and an option to unsubscribe will also be provided with each communication;
  8. to fulfil contractual obligations with our clients;
  9. to provide further services to you by sharing your personal information with other companies within our Group of companies as well as trusted third parties. Further details about this are set out in the separate section below on Sharing your Personal Information;
  10. to release personal information to regulatory or law enforcement agencies, if we are required or permitted to do so;
  11. our website uses a website recording service which can record mouse clicks, mouse movements, page scrolling and any text keyed into website forms. Data collected by this service is used to improve our website usability. The information collected is stored and is used for aggregated and statistical reporting, and is not shared with anybody else.
  12. In order to provide you with personalised content on our website, with more relevant communication in our emails, and with a tailored service from our consultants, we track and record your usage and interaction with our website and emails. We employ a third party service provider to help us record, store and analyse this information to determine how we might best deliver your engagement. We ensure that no personally identifiable attributes are recorded in this database and, other than our chosen service provider, we do not share this information with any other business or affiliate.
We may process, in accordance with local regulations, certain sensitive personal data (known as special category data in GDPR) where you include it in information you send to us e.g. if you include information about your health, religion or ethnic origin in the CV you send to us.  We may also be required to conduct a criminal records check against your details.  We have processes in place to limit our use and disclosure of such sensitive data other than where permitted by law.

The Legal Basis for Processing your Personal Information

Under GDPR, the main grounds that we rely upon in order to process personal information of clients and candidates are the following:

(a) Necessary for entering into, or performing, a contract – in order to perform obligations that we undertake in providing a service to you, or in order to take steps at your request to enter into a contract with us, it will be necessary for us to process your personal data; 
(b) Necessary for compliance with a legal obligation – we are subject to certain legal requirements which may require us to process your personal data.   We may also be obliged by law to disclose your personal data to a regulatory body or law enforcement agency;
(c) Necessary for the purposes of legitimate interests -  either we, or a third party, will need to process your personal data for the purposes of our (or a third party's) legitimate interests, provided we have established that those interests are not overridden by your rights and freedoms, including your right to have your personal data protected.  Our legitimate interests include responding to requests and enquiries from you or a third party, optimising our website and customer experience, informing you about our products and services and ensuring that our operations are conducted in an appropriate and efficient manner;
(d) Consent – in some circumstances, we may ask for your consent to process your personal data in a particular way. 

How we share your Personal Information

In certain circumstances we will share your personal information with other parties.  Details of those parties are set out below along with the reasons for sharing it.

Other Companies within our Group within the EEA

Where you are registered as a candidate on our database, we will share your personal information with other companies in the Page Group of companies in the European Economic Area ("EEA"). 
We will share your personal information as above for any or all of the following purposes:
  • to provide you with recruitment services;
  • for business development;
  • for systems development and testing;
  • for development and marketing of other products and services;
  • to improve our customer service and to make our services more valuable to you; and/or
  • to tailor our website and the websites of other companies in our Group when you log on to make them relevant to you personally.

Other companies within our Group outside the EEA

In the event you require us to explore job opportunities for you outside the EEA, we will notify you that we intend to pass your personal information to, or allow access to such information by, other companies within our Group of companies worldwide so they can use it for the purposes set out above.  
A list of all the companies within our Group of companies which are outside the EEA and their addresses can be accessed here.
If you would like details of the particular companies within our Group which can access your personal information, please contact us using the details in the Contact section below.  
We apply equal rigour to the security of data held and processed across the whole of our global network. Each company within our Group of companies outside the EEA with access to data in the UK, enters into a specific data protection agreement with MPIR thereby undertaking to meet the same standards of data security and to act in accordance with data protection principles applicable under the strict European data protection laws.  This agreement is based on the Model Clauses as approved by the EU Commission.  If you would like a copy of this agreement, please contact us using the details in the Contact section below.


We disclose your personal information to clients who have vacancies for jobs in which you are interested.

Trusted Third Parties

We will share your personal information and, where necessary, your sensitive personal information with trusted third parties where we have retained them to provide services that you or our clients have requested, such as:
  • employment reference checking;
  • qualification checking;
  • criminal reference checking (as required);
  • verification of details you have provided from third party sources; and/or
  • psychometric evaluations or skills tests. 
We will also share your personal information with third parties who perform functions on our behalf and provide services to us such as:
  • professional advisors;
  • data analytics providers;
  • IT consultants carrying out testing and development work on our business technology systems;
  • research and mailing houses; and/or
  • function co-ordinators.
We require minimum standards of confidentiality and data protection from such third parties.  To the extent that any personal information is provided to third parties outside the EEA, or who will access the information from outside the EEA, we will ensure that approved safeguards are in place, such as the approved Model Clauses or the EU/US Privacy Shield.

Regulatory and Law Enforcement Agencies

As noted above, if we receive a request from a regulatory body or law enforcement agency, and if permitted under GDPR and other laws, we may disclose certain personal information to such bodies or agencies.

New business owners

If we or our business merges with or is acquired by another business or company, we will share your personal information with the new owners of the business or company and their advisors.  If this happens, you will be sent notice of such event.

How long we will hold your information

The length of time we will hold or store your personal information for will depend on the services we perform for you and for how long you require these.  As we often support candidates with placements over many years, and potentially throughout their careers, the purpose for which we retain candidate data is often an ongoing purpose.  We conduct regular data-cleansing and updating exercises with our candidates to ensure that (a) the data that we hold is accurate and (b) we are not holding data for too long.
Our standard terms of business state that our clients should retain candidate data such as CVs for the purposes of the specific role you apply for and that, as controllers of your data, they should inform you if they plan to retain your CV on file in order to notify you about potential future roles, or to otherwise hold or use your data for other purposes.

Your rights on Information we hold about you 

You have certain rights in relation to personal information we hold about you. Details of these rights and how to exercise them are set out below.  We will require evidence of your identity before we are able to act on your request.

Right of Access

You have the right at any time to ask us for a copy of the personal information about you that we hold.  Where we have good reason, and if the GDPR permits, we can refuse your request for a copy of your personal information, or certain elements of the request. If we refuse your request or any element of it, we will provide you with our reasons for doing so.

Right of Correction or Completion

If personal information we hold about you is not accurate, out of date or incomplete, you have a right to have the data rectified, updated or completed.  You can let us know by contacting us using any of the methods in the Contact section below.

Right of Erasure

In certain circumstances, you have the right to request that personal information we hold about you is erased e.g. if the information is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or processed or our processing of the information is based on your consent and there are no other legal grounds on which we may process the information.

Right to object to or restrict processing

In certain circumstances, you have the right to object to our processing of your personal information by contacting us using any of the methods in the Contact section below.  For example, if we are processing your information on the basis of our legitimate interests and there are no compelling legitimate grounds for our processing which override your rights and interests. You also have the right to object to use of your personal information for direct marketing purposes.
You may also have the right to restrict our use of your personal information, such as in circumstances where you have challenged the accuracy of the information and during the period where we are verifying its accuracy.

Right of Data Portability

In certain instances, you have a right to receive any personal information that we hold about you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. 
You can ask us to transmit that information to you or directly to a third party organisation. 
The above right exists only in respect of personal information that:
  • you have provided to us previously; and
  • is processed by us using automated means.
While we are happy for such requests to be made, we are not able to guarantee technical compatibility with a third party organisation's systems. We are also unable to comply with requests that relate to personal information of others without their consent.  
You can exercise any of the above rights by contacting us using any of the methods in the Contact section below.
Most of the above rights are subject to limitations and exceptions.  We will provide reasons if we are unable to comply with any request for the exercise of your rights.


To the extent that we are processing your personal information based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.  You can do this by contacting us using the details in the Contact section below.

Job Alerts

To subscribe to job alerts emails, you will be required to provide your name and e-mail address, which will be used for the purpose of keeping you informed, by e-mail, of the latest jobs in your nominated industry and to provide you with industry news and other information related to our services.
Should you decide that you no longer wish to receive this information, unsubscribe links are provided in every job alert email that you receive. 
Job alerts emails are sent by MPIR or a company within our Group of companies. Where the sender is based outside the EEA your details will be sent to or accessed by that entity to enable them to issue the relevant job e-mail alert to you. 
Please here for details of all the companies within our Group of companies. 

Curriculum Vitae

We give you the option of submitting your CV via our website or by providing your CV to one of our consultants. You can do this either to apply for a specific advertised job or for consideration by our recruitment consultants for positions as they come up. 
Your CV will be stored in our database, and will be accessible by our recruitment consultants. 
Your CV may also be emailed directly to other companies within our Group of companies for review and entry onto their database to enable them to provide their services to you. You are able to withdraw your permission for your data being processed outside the EEA upon completing your registration form with us. 
You can update your CV at any time, simply by following the same procedure to submit a new CV. Your old CV will automatically be archived providing the submission details remain the same (for example you submit both CVs using the same email address or you advise the relevant contact of your new submission).


We may pass your name and email address on to our customer reviews partner Feefo.  Feefo is an independent company specialising in collecting impartial customer feedback. Any feedback you provide will be publicly visible on Feefo's website, but your name and email address is not made publicly available.
You have no obligation to leave feedback for us, and Feefo will not share your information in any way. If you wish to opt out of being asked by Feefo to provide your feedback, please contact us using any of the methods in the Contact section below.

Aggregate Information about MPIR online visitors

We gather information and statistics collectively about all visitors to our website and the websites of all of the companies in the Page Group Plc Group of companies, for example:
  • which area users access most frequently; and/or
  • which services users access the most. 
We only use such data in the aggregate form. This information helps us determine what is most beneficial for our users and how we can continually improve our online services to create a better overall experience for our users. 
We also publish this information on the websites of companies within the MPIR Group of companies worldwide
We use Hotjar in order to better understand our users’ needs and to optimise our service and your experience. Hotjar is a technology service that helps us better understand our users experience (e.g. how much time they spend on which pages, which links they choose to click, what users do and don’t like, etc.) and this enables us to build and maintain our service with user feedback. Hotjar uses cookies and other technologies to collect data on our users’ behaviour and their devices (in particular device's IP address (captured and stored only in anonymized form), device screen size, device type (unique device identifiers), browser information, geographic location (country only), preferred language used to display our website). Hotjar stores this information in a pseudonymized user profile. Neither Hotjar nor we will ever use this information to identify individual users or to match it with further data on an individual user.
You can opt-out to the creation of a user profile, Hotjar’s storing of data about your usage of our site and Hotjar’s use of tracking cookies on other websites by following this opt-out link

Use of Cookies

Like most websites, when you visit our sites we place cookies on your computer or other device.  For the most part, these cookies are used to enable the websites' functionality, improve the user experience or help us to optimise our websites, measure traffic and other internal management purposes.  
We run targeted and relevant banner advertising on a number of whitelisted websites around the world to present you with jobs and content that we believe will be of interest. We target these adverts based on your previous interactions with our website, with our emails and through your engagements with our consultants. Your interaction with our advertising may be used to measure the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns and to improve our marketing strategy in accordance with our legitimate interests. No advertising campaigns or advertising tracking technology records your personally identifiable information. 
You can find out more about our use of cookies, including how to reject cookies, in our Cookie Policy here.


If you are unhappy about our use of your personal information, you can contact us using the details in the Contact section below. You are also entitled to lodge a complaint with the UK Information Commissioner's Office using any of the below contact methods:
Telephone: 0303 123 11113
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
If you live or work outside the UK or you have a complaint concerning our activities outside the UK, you may prefer to lodge a complaint with a different supervisory authority.  A list of relevant authorities in the EEA and the European Free Trade Area can be accessed here.

Other websites

Please note that clicking on links and banner advertisements on our websites can result in your browser accessing a third party website, where data privacy practices are different to that of MPIR. 
We are not responsible for, and have no control over, information that is submitted to or collected by these third parties and you should consult their privacy policies. 

Internet-based transfers

Given that the Internet is a global environment, using the Internet to collect and process personal data necessarily involves the transmission of data on an international basis.   Unfortunately the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although we will do our best to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted to our site via third party networks; any transmission is at your own risk. Once we have received your information, we will use strict procedures and security features to try to prevent unauthorised access.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

This privacy policy can be changed by MPIR at any time. If we change our privacy policy in the future, we will advise you of material changes or updates to our privacy policy by email, where you have provided us with your email address. 

Equal Opportunities

MPIR is an equal opportunities employer and a company committed to diversity. This means that all job applicants and members of staff will receive equal treatment and that we will not discriminate on grounds of gender, marital status, race, ethnic origin, colour, nationality, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, religion or age.
As part of our commitment to equal opportunities we will from time to time use information provided by you for the purposes of diversity monitoring. All such information will be used on an anonymised basis. Please click here for more information on diversity.


If you have any enquires or if you would like to contact us about our processing of your personal information, including to exercise your rights as outlined above, please contact us either by email or letter to the following address:-
Quality Care Department
Michael Page International Recruitment Limited
11th Floor 
5 Aldermanbury Square 
If you have a complaint please contact us either by email or letter to the following address:-
Contact name: Bird & Bird DPO Services SRL (Data Protection Officer)
Avenue Louise 235 box 1
1050 Brussels
When you contact us, we will ask you to verify your identity. 
Our registered office is at:
Michael Page International Recruitment Limited
Page House
1 Dashwood Lang Road
The Bourne Business Park
KT15 2QW

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Terms & Conditions

Standard Conditions for Permanent Candidates

1. All and any business undertaken by Michael Page International (“MP”) is transacted subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set out. MP is acting in the capacity of an employment agency.

2. Upon provision, by the work-seeker (“Candidate”), of a full and accurate resume, MP shall, at its sole discretion, search for suitable employment positions on behalf of the Candidate. The type of employment sought for the Candidate will be as detailed on the Candidate Registration Schedule.

3. Before any work finding services are provided the Candidate shall provide MP with satisfactory evidence of the Candidate’s identity which shall include, but not be limited to, a certified copy of the Candidate’s passport or birth certificate. If, in respect of any prospective employment, the Candidate is required by law, any professional body or by the hirer (“Client”) to hold or have any experience, training qualifications and/or authorizations, the Candidate shall provide MP with:

(a) up to date copies of such qualifications and/or authorizations; and

(b) the names of two referees (who are not relatives of the Candidate) who the Candidate agrees that MP may approach at any time for the purpose of obtaining references about the Candidate.

4. The Candidate consents to the disclosure of all relevant information (which is reasonably required to progress any application) including but not limited to copies of qualifications, authorizations and/or references by MP to the Client.

5. The Candidate shall immediately inform MP should there be any reason or circumstance under which it would be detrimental to the interests of MP, the Client or the Candidate for the Candidate to take up a particular position with a Client.

6. MP shall be under no obligation to find employment for the Candidate.

7. The Candidate should not engage in any conduct which is detrimental to the interests of MP, would negatively affect MP’s relationship with the Client or is likely to bring MP into disrepute.

8. The Candidate having any complaint in connection with the work finding services shall have the right to present a complaint in writing to a Director or Senior Manager of MP.

9. If, following an introduction from MP, the Candidate receives an offer of employment or engagement to work for or with a Client introduced by MP, the

Candidate shall inform MP immediately and provide MP with full details of the offer including a copy of the offer letter/contract of employment if requested.

10. An offer of employment is not made until written details are received from the Client. MP does not accept any responsibility and shall not be liable for any loss suffered by the Candidate by reason of the Candidate’s decision to resign from his/her current employment or engagement before or after receipt of the client’s written offer.

Standard Conditions for Temporary Workers

Temporary Workers are engaged under a contract for services, the terms of which are set out below and which apply to each and every assignment.

1. All and any business undertaken by Michael Page International (“MP”) is transacted subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set out each of which shall be incorporated or implied in any agreement between MP and the work-seeker (“Temporary Worker”). MP is operating in the capacity of an employment business.

2. MP agrees to offer suitable assignment work to the Temporary Worker with a hirer (“Client”) requiring such a Temporary Worker. The types of work and expected rates of pay to be sought on behalf of the Temporary Worker are outlined in the Candidate Registration Schedule. Final terms and conditions will be issued at the commencement of an assignment, detailing the actual rate of pay and the type of work to be undertaken.

3. MP reserves the right to offer any assignment as it may elect to such Temporary Worker where that assignment is suitable for several Temporary Workers.

The Temporary Worker is under no obligation to accept such an offer but, if accepted, he/she owes the normal common law duties of a worker as far as they are reasonably applicable.

4. It is a condition of this Agreement that the Temporary Worker shall, before the commencement of any assignment, have provided MP with satisfactory evidence of the Temporary Worker’s identity which shall include, but not be limited to, a certified copy of the Temporary Worker’s passport or a birth certificate.

5. If, in respect of any assignment, the Temporary Worker is required by law, any professional body or by the Client to hold any qualifications and/or authorizations, the Temporary Worker shall provide MP with:

(a) up to date copies of such qualifications or authorizations; and

(b) the names of two referees (who are not relatives of the Temporary Worker) who the Temporary Worker agrees that MP may approach for the purpose of obtaining references about the Temporary Worker. The Temporary Worker also consents to the disclosure of such qualifications, authorizations and/or references by MP to the Client.

6. MP shall pay to the Temporary Worker wages calculated at an hourly rate, to be determined prior to the commencement of the assignment, subject to deductions for which MP is required by law to make deductions. The standard payment interval will be weekly with any alternative interval being notified prior to the individual assignment. The Temporary Worker shall be required to provide time sheets signed by the Client agreeing the hours worked by the Temporary Worker on a weekly basis. In addition, the Temporary Worker shall promptly comply with any other rule or request (either from the Client or MP) to provide information and/or documentation in respect of the hours worked by the Temporary Worker. Failure by the Temporary Worker to provide any evidence of hours worked may delay payment for such hours. MP will not withhold payment of the Temporary Worker’s wages through reason of non-receipt of payments from the Client.

7. The Temporary Worker shall at all times when services are due to a Client comply with the following conditions:

(a) Not to engage in any conduct detrimental to the interests of the Client;

(b) To be present during the times or for the total number of hours during each day and/or week as may be agreed with the Client. In this respect the

Temporary Worker agrees that he/she may from time to time agree to work for more than an average of 48 hours per week in any period of 17 consecutive weeks. The Temporary Worker may withdraw from this option on giving three months written notice to the Client. For administration purposes, the

Temporary Worker should also notify MP of the withdrawal of consent at the same time as he/she notifies the Client.

(c) To take all reasonable steps to safeguard his/her own safety and the safety of any other person who may be affected by his/her actions at work;

(d) To comply with any rules or obligations relating to discipline and/or health and safety in force from time to time at the premises where services are performed to the extent that they are reasonably applicable;

(e) To comply with all reasonable instructions and requests regarding the scope of the agreed services made by the Client;

(f) Not to at any time during or after any assignment divulge or make known to any person or any competitor of the Client, nor use for his/her own or any other person’s benefit any confidential information (which shall remain the property of the Client) in relation to the trade secrets, operations and business affairs of the Client. Further to immediately surrender all documents, samples, tools and equipment provided by the Client on the cessation of the assignment.

8. All intellectual property conceived or made by the Temporary Worker (either alone or with others) in the course of any assignment shall belong to the Client and the Temporary Worker agrees to assign all its interest in any such intellectual property to the Client or its nominee. If requested to do so, the Temporary

Worker shall execute any documentation which the Client shall deem necessary to give effect to this provision.

9. The Temporary Worker shall immediately inform MP and the Client should there be any reason or circumstance under which it would be detrimental to the interests of MP, the Client or the Temporary Worker for the assignment to continue.

10. The Temporary Worker is requested to advise MP of any other assignment or vacancies that he/she may have been informed of by the Client. The Temporary

Worker is requested to inform MP of any offer of extended assignment or permanent employment with the Client. If an offer of employment, arising from an assignment or secondment is made within twelve months then the Temporary Worker is requested to advise MP of his/her employment.

11. MP shall be under no obligation to provide work for the Temporary Worker and this Agreement creates no obligation on MP to provide the Temporary Worker with a specified number of hours work in any day or any week.

12. MP may terminate this agreement without notice at any time and for any reason at MP’s sole discretion and instruct the Temporary Worker to end an assignment with a Client at any time. The Temporary Worker may terminate this agreement on 24 hours written notice.

13. The Temporary Worker should not engage in any conduct, which is detrimental to the interests of MP, would negatively affect MP’s relationship with the

Client or is likely to bring MP into disrepute.

14. The Temporary Worker having any complaint in connection with the temporary work, or the conduct of or relations with the Client or any employee of the

Client shall have the right to present a complaint in writing to a Director or Senior Manager of the Company.

15. The Temporary Worker and MP acknowledge and agree that this Agreement shall not create an employer-employee relationship between MP and the Temporary Worker.

16. MP does not accept any responsibility and shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by the Temporary Worker as a result of this assignment being terminated by either MP or the Client.

Privacy Policy

Data Protection and Privacy Policy

Michael Page's online service is committed to protecting the privacy of our users. We want to provide a safe and secure user experience.  We will ensure that the information you submit to us via our website at (The Michael Page Site) remains private, and is only used for the purposes set out in this policy.

The Information We Collect and How We Use It

Your personal details, including your name, e-mail address and CV, are held and used by us for the following purposes:

  • For matching your coded details with job vacancies, to assist us in finding you the position that most suits you;
  • For keeping you informed of Michael Page services, news and wider developments in your chosen field;
  • For tailoring the version of our website you see when you log on to make it relevant to you; and/or
  • For compiling salary and other surveys of our candidates.

Disclosures of your information

We will share your information within the Michael Page group of companies where necessary in order to provide you with our recruitment services.

It is possible that Michael Page could merge or be acquired by another business. If this happens, we may share the information that relates to you with the new owners of the business and their advisers. You will be sent notice of such an event.

Your CV and related information will be sent to prospective employers but only where you give your consent.

We may also release information relating to you to regulatory or law enforcement authorities, if required to do so. We also reserve the right to disclose the information we have collected about you to our professional advisors and to other persons to the extent that Michael Page contracts out any aspect of the operation of its recruitment agency services.  These third parties will be acting under similar undertakings of confidentiality as Michael Page.

Job Alerts

To subscribe to job alerts emails, you will be required to provide your e-mail address, which will be used for the purpose of keeping you informed, by e-mail, of the latest jobs in your nominated industry and/or industry news via job alerts.

Should you decide that you no longer wish to receive this information, unsubscribe links are provided in every job alert email that you receive.

Job alerts can also be received via RSS feeds without having to provide your email address.

Curriculum vitae ('CV')

We give you the option of submitting your CV via this website. You can do this either to apply for a specific advertised job or for consideration by our recruitment consultants for positions as they come up. Although your CV will be stored online, it will only be accessible by Michael Page group recruitment consultants. Your CV will also be e-mailed directly to our recruitment consultants who review your details and enter them onto our central in-house database.

You can update your CV at any time, simply by following the same procedure to submit a new CV. Your old CV will automatically be replaced. 

Aggregate Information about Michael Page online visitors

We gather information and statistics collectively about all visitors to this website and all of the Michael Page websites worldwide, for example, which area users' access most frequently and which services users' access the most. We only use such data in the aggregate form. This information helps us determine what is most beneficial for our users and how we can continually improve our online services to create a better overall experience for our users.  We also publish some of this information on the Michael Page websites worldwide.

Use of Cookies

A cookie is a small data file which is sent from a web server to a web browser when that browser visits the server's site. Find out more about the use of cookies Cookies are used, on the website to remember your login, to track web traffic on an aggregate basis so that no individuals are identified, to keep session information such as your last search (this information is disposed of every time you close your web browser). Most browsers allow you to turn off cookies. If you want to know how to do this please look at the help menu on your browser[1]. However, switching off cookies will restrict your use of our website.  


You have the right at any time to ask us for a copy of the information supplied by you that we hold. We have the right to charge an administrative fee for this service. If you would like to make a request for information, please contact [email protected]. You also have the right to ask Michael Page to stop using your information.

Other websites

Please note that clicking on to links and banner advertisements may result in your transfer to another website, where data privacy practices may be different to that of Michael Page. Visitors should consult the other websites' privacy policies as we are not responsible for, and have no control over, information that is submitted to or collected by these third parties.

Internet-based transfers

Given that the Internet is a global environment, using the Internet to collect and process personal data necessarily involves the transmission of data on an basis. Therefore, by browsing this web site and communicating electronically with us, you acknowledge and agree to our processing of personal data in this way.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

This privacy policy may be changed by Michael Page at any time.  If we change our privacy policy in the future, we will set out those changes here, so that you will always know what personal information we gather, the purposes we might use it for and to whom we might disclose it. If, at any time, you have questions or concerns about Michael Page's online privacy commitment, please feel free to e-mail us at [email protected] or call your local office to speak to one of our representatives