The Latest

"If the City is required to return a portion of the funds to the Federal Government, it is possible that other priorities may have to be shifted in the future to provide the higher level of maintenance that will be required for this section of road."

How many people packed the park at the Mahomet Music Festival ... how much longer you’ll have to wait for some of the I-57/74 interchange ramps to open … when and where the 2024 COVID-19 vaccines will be available locally … and whether any local police officers provided mutual aid at the recent Republican and Democratic national conventions.

The proposed $498,970 contract states that the district is looking to enhance "multimodal accommodations" along Parkland Way from Perimeter Road to Mattis Avenue, provide connections to existing trails in the area and bring the road up to the city's "collector street standards."

A Bielfeldt-to-Huff Hall shuttle service for UI volleyball fans … Unit 4 students settling into the newly renovated Columbia Building/RISE Center … the rules at “dog-friendly” restaurants … and new street markings that have some central Champaign residents scratching their heads.

A change of venue for Coach Bielema’s radio show … why middle-schoolers’ backpacks aren’t full of textbooks anymore … and an odd-looking find at the Neil Street Plaza excavation site. 

Need to fill your tires up for free? Grab a bite to eat after a round of golf in Urbana? Hike in Mahomet? Maybe find some sunflowers for a dog-days-of-summer pick-me-up? We have answers — and plenty of them.

Where local fans can see Cardinals baseball games on TV … whether hummingbird numbers are down this year … a big ditch expansion in Philo Township … and who gets the photo-enforcement speeding ticket if the driver and owner of the vehicle aren’t the same person

Grocery stores, past and present … whether interstate rest areas have outlived their usefulness … and this year’s plans for a favorite family photo spot.

'It’s frightening when there are pedestrians or bicycles on the bridge and you can’t see until you come to the top of the bridge. You can’t see what’s on the other side.'

The latest on Altgeld Hall renovations ... a downtown Champaign eyesore … why those big, brick phone company buildings have few or no windows … and a fun item on the pros/cons of some newer automobile finishes.

As part of the $15.6 million project, IDOT is proposing to convert the Bradley-to-Springfield avenues stretch of Prospect — currently at four lanes, each about 9 to 10 feet wide — into two 11-foot-wide lanes, one in each direction, and one 10-foot wide middle turn lane.