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Target Iraq
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Operational Press Briefings & Updates

  • The U.S. Army in the Iraq War � Volume 1: Invasion � Insurgency � Civil War, 2003-2006 by COL Joel D. Rayburn, COL Frank K. Sobchak; Edited by: LTC Jeanne F. Godfroy, COL Matthew D. Morton, COL James S. Powell, LTC Matthew M. Zais US Army War College 17 Jan 2019
  • The U.S. Army in the Iraq War � Volume 2: Surge and Withdrawal, 2007-2011 by COL Joel D. Rayburn, COL Frank K. Sobchak; Edited by: LTC Jeanne F. Godfroy, COL Matthew D. Morton, COL James S. Powell, LTC Matthew M. Zais US Army War College 17 Jan 2019
  • The Report of the Iraq Inquiry The Iraq Inquiry Released 06 Jul 2016
  • REPORT TO THE PRESIDENT Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction 31 Mar 2005 -- "With this letter, we transmit the report of the Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction. Our unanimous report is based on a lengthy investigation, during which we interviewed hundreds of experts from inside and outside the Intelligence Community and reviewed thousands of documents. Our report offers 74 recommendations for improving the U.S. Intelligence Community (all but a handhl of which we believe can be implemented without statutory change). / This unclassified report is derived from a 692-page classified report that was delivered to the President on March 31, 2005." [PDF Version 3.3MB]

  • President Presents Medal of Freedom The White House 14 Dec 2004 -- "The Presidential Medal of Freedom is our nation's highest civil award given to men and women of exceptional merit, integrity and achievement. Today this honor goes to three men who have played pivotal roles in great events, and whose efforts have made our country more secure and advanced the cause of human liberty."

  • Operation Al Fajr Roll Up Multi-National Force - Iraq 28 Nov 2004 -- Slides used in Dec 3, 2004, DoD News Briefing [PPT 4.27 MB]

  • FMI 3-07.22: Counterinsurgency Operations October 2004

  • Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention and Iraq By Geoffrey Holland School of Social Sciences and Cultural Studies, University of Sussex October 2004 -- A report for Parliament on the British Government's response to the US supply of biological materials to Iraq [MS Word 426kb]

  • Report of an Inquiry into the Alternative Analysis of the Issue of an Iraq-al Qaeda Relationship Office of Senator Carl Levin (D-MI), Ranking Member, Senate Armed Services Committee 21 Oct 2004 [PDF 206 Kb]
  • Levin Releases Report on Pre-War Intelligence Office of Senator Carl Levin 21 Oct 2004 -- Senator Carl Levin (D-MI), the Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) released a report today of an inquiry he initiated on June 27, 2003 and conducted by the SASC Minority Staff.
  • Department of Defense Statement Regarding The Levin Minority Report 21 Oct 2004 -- The Levin report appears to depart from the bipartisan, consultative relationship that exists between the Department of Defense and the Senate Armed Services Committee. The Department cooperated carefully with Senator Levin's investigation, knowing that Senator Levin might decide, as he did, not to seek a unanimous -- or at least bipartisan -- report.

  • President Bush Discusses Iraq Report The White House 07 Oct 2004 -- "Chief weapons inspector, Charles Duelfer, has now issued a comprehensive report that confirms the earlier conclusion of David Kay that Iraq did not have the weapons that our intelligence believed were there."
  • Remarks by John Kerry on CIA report on Saddam Hussein's WMD John Kerry for President 07 Oct 2004 -- "Yesterday, the CIA released a wide-ranging report on Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction. The report concluded that Iraq had essentially dismantled its weapons of mass destruction and stopped any further military WMD production after the end of the first gulf war. (...) The President this morning was in absolute full spin mode about the CIA report."

  • Iraq Survey Group Final Report Central Intelligence Agency 30 Sep 2004 -- " Given Iraq's investments in technology and infrastructure improvements, an effective procurement network, skilled scientists, and designs already on the books for longer range missiles, ISG assesses that Saddam clearly intended to reconstitute long-range delivery systems and that the systems potentially were for WMD. (...) Iraq Survey Group (ISG) discovered further evidence of the maturity and signifi cance of the pre-1991 Iraqi Nuclear Program but found that Iraq's ability to reconstitute a nuclear weapons program progressively decayed after that date. (...) Saddam never abandoned his intentions to resume a CW effort when sanctions were lifted and conditions were judged favorable (...) In spite of exhaustive investigation, ISG found no evidence that Iraq possessed, or was developing BW agent production systems mounted on road vehicles or railway wagons."
  • Key Findings of the Comprehensive Report of the Special Advisor to the DCI on Iraq's WMD Special Advisor to the Director of Central Intelligence on Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction 30 Sep 2004 [PDF 193 Kb]

  • A Case to Answer: A first report on the potential impeachment of the Prime Minister for High Crimes and Misdemeanours in relation to the invasion of Iraq. by Glen Rangwala and Dan Plesch for Adam Price MP ImpeashBlair.org Aug 2004 -- "This report sets out compelling evidence of deliberate repeated distortion, seriously misleading statements and culpable negligence on the part of the Prime Minister. This misconduct is in itself more than sufficient to require his resignation. (...) The core conclusion of this report is that the impeachment of the Prime Minister has a strong basis in fact, and established precedent in parliamentary law. It is on this basis that a number of parliamentary colleagues have declared their intention to bring a Commons motion of impeachment as an indictment of the methods, practices and conduct of the Prime Minister in relation to the war in Iraq." [PDF 606 Kb]

  • AR 15-6 Investigation of the Abu Ghraib Prison and 205th Military Intelligence Brigade by LTG Anthony R. Jones and MG George R. Fay US Army 23 Aug 2004 [PDF 920 Kb]
  • Transcript: Special Defense Department Briefing on Results of Investigation of Military Intelligence Activities at Abu Ghraib Prison Facility 25 Aug 2004 -- General Paul Kern, Appointing Authority for The Investigation; Lieutenant General Anthony Jones, Lead Investigator; Major General George Fay, Investigating Officer
  • Transcript: Background Briefing on Investigations on Abu Ghraib 25 Aug 2004 -- Senior Army Official
  • Independent Panel to Review DoD Detention Operations August 2004 [PDF 5.71 Mb]
  • Transcript: Press Conference with Members of the Independent Panel to Review Department of Defense Detention Operations 24 Aug 2004 -- Former Secretary Of Defense Harold Brown; Former U.S. Representative Tillie Fowler (R-Fl); General Charles A. Horner, Usaf (Retired); Former Secretary Of Defense James R. Schlesinger
  • Detainee Operations Inspection Department of the Army: The Inspector General 21 Jul 2004 -- "This inspection report responds to the Acting Secretary of the Army's 10 February 2004 directive to conduct a functional analysis of the Army's conduct of detainee and interrogation operations to identify any capability shortfalls with respect to internment, enemy prisoner of war, detention operations, and interrogation procedures and recommend appropriate resolutions or changes if required." [PDF 2.287 Mb]

  • Military Operations: Fiscal Year 2004 Costs for the Global War on Terrorism Will Exceed Supplemental, Requiring DOD to Shift Funds from Other Uses (GAO-04-915) July 21, 2004 [PDF 304 Kb]

  • Report of the Inquiry into Australian Intelligence Agencies Australian Goverment 22 Jul 2004 -- "On 4 March 2004, the Prime Minister appointed Mr Philip Flood to inquire into the Australian intelligence agencies, consistent with a recommendation of the earlier report of the Parliamentary Joint Committee into ASIO, ASIS and DSD (PJCAAD) inquiry into intelligence on Iraq 's weapons of mass destruction. The report of this inquiry - Report of the Inquiry into Australian Intelligence Agencies - considers the effectiveness of the intelligence community's current oversight and accountability mechanisms and the delivery of high quality and independent intelligence advice to the government, and includes case studies on Iraq , Jemaah Islamiyah and the Solomon Islands."

  • Oral Answers to Questions - Iraq Hansard (House of Commons Daily Debates) 20 Jul 2004 -- "I said at the outset last week that I fully accepted Lord Butler's conclusions, and there are now four things that I would like to announce as a result."

  • Butler Report: Review of Intelligence on Weapons of Mass Destruction Committee of Privy Counsellors 14 Jul 2004 [PDF 1 MB]

  • Report on the U.S. Intelligence Community's Prewar Intelligence Assessments on Iraq: Conclusions Select Committe on Intelligence 09 Jul 2004 [PDF Version 1.89 MB]

  • On Point: The United States Army in Operation Iraqi Freedom Center for Army Lessons Learned 26 May 2004 -- "On Point is a study of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM (OIF) as soon after the fact as feasible. The Army leadership chartered this effort in a message to the major commands on 30 April 2003. In his guidance, Army Chief of Staff General Eric K. Shinseki directed "a quick, thorough review that looks at the US Army's performance, assesses the role it played in the joint and coalition team, and captures the strategic, operational, and tactical lessons that should be disseminated and applied in future fights.""

  • HEARING ARTICLE 15-6 INVESTIGATION OF THE 800th MILITARY POLICE BRIGADE On 19 January 2004, Lieutenant General (LTG) Ricardo S. Sanchez, Commander, Combined Joint Task Force Seven (CJTF-7) requested that the Commander, US Central Command, appoint an Investigating Officer (IO) in the grade of Major General (MG) or above to investigate the conduct of operations within the 800th Military Police (MP) Brigade.

  • Transcript: Deputy Under Secretary of Defense Molino Briefing on Remains Transfer Policy 22 Apr 2004 -- Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Military Community and Family Policy John Molino

  • Transcript: Secretary of Defense Interview with Bob Woodward - 20 Sept, 2003 19 Apr 2004 -- Interview with Bob Woodward of the Washington Post. Also participating was Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs Lawrence Di Rita
  • Transcript: Secretary of Defense Interview with Bob Woodward - 23 Oct, 2003 19 Apr 2004 -- Interview with Bob Woodward of the Washington Post. Also participating was Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs Lawrence Di Rita and the Senior Military Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, Lt. Gen. John Craddock

  • A-10 Friendly Fire Investigation Report CENTCOM 29 Mar 2004

  • Army's Mental Health Advisory Team (MHAT) Report Department of the Army March 2004 -- The Department of the Army announced today the results of the Army's Mental Health Advisory Team (MHAT). At the request of the commanding general, Combined Joint Task Force-7, U.S. Central Command, the Army surgeon general established and dispatched the Mental Health Advisory Team to assess and provide recommendations on Operation Iraqi Freedom-related mental health services, soldier access to those services in theater and after evacuation, and effective suicide prevention measures for Soldiers in active combat.

  • Inquiry into Intelligence on Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Australia Parliamentary Joint Committee on ASIO, ASIS and DSD Released on 01 Mar 2004 -- "The United States and the United Kingdom argued that war against Iraq was necessary because Iraq had defied, over a period of 12 years, United Nations Security Council resolutions, which sought the disarmament of Iraq of its weapons of mass destruction. In particular, both governments and the Australian government which joined in the coalition, argued that intelligence had revealed that Iraq continued to possess and indeed was increasing its holdings of weapons of mass destruction. (...) The arguments about the need to go to war were controversial (...) In Australia, the Senate referred this matter to the Joint Parliamentary Committee on ASIO, ASIS and DSD on 18 June 2003. The Committee was asked to consider the nature, accuracy and independence of the intelligence used by the Australian government and the accuracy and completeness of the presentation of that intelligence by the Australian government to the Parliament and people of Australian."

  • PM press conference - 26 February Number 10 Downing Street 26 Feb 2004 -- "QUESTION: Well, let's pick up on that last one then since you invite us to. What is your general attitude to surveillance or bugging of friendly countries or United Nations officials? Do you accept to do that would be against the Vienna Convention? PRIME MINISTER: I'm not going to comment on the work that our security services do. No Prime Minister has done that. I'm not going to comment on it. Do not take that as an indication that the allegations that were made by Clare Short this morning are true. Simply understand, I am not going to comment on the operations of our security services. "
  • PRESS BRIEFING: 3.45PM THURSDAY 26 FEBRUARY 2004: CLARE SHORT/KATHARINE GUN Number 10 Downing Street 26 Feb 2004 -- "Asked to explain the security implications in admitting whether or not the UK had been eavesdropping on Kofi Annan in the light of the fact that the Government had been perfectly happy to use intelligence to produce a dossier on Iraq, the PMOS pointed to the contrast between the dossier, which had been a response to a demand for public information and had been prepared in a very carefully controlled way so as not to reveal anything which might put the security services at risk, and remarks which, whether intentional or not, had served the purpose of undermining confidence in the securities services."
  • Statement On R v Katharine Gun 26 Feb 2004 -- "Senior Treasury Counsel prosecuting this case gave advice, with which the Director of Public Prosecutions fully concurred, that there was no longer a realistic prospect of convicting Katharine Gun."

  • Remarks as prepared for delivery by Director of Central Intelligence George J. Tenet at Georgetown University: Iraq and Weapons of Mass Destruction 5 February, 2004 -- "I have come here today to talk to you-and to the American people-about something important to our nation and central to our future: how the United States intelligence community evaluated Iraq's weapons of mass destruction programs over the past decade, leading to a National Intelligence Estimate in October of 2002. I want to tell you about our information and how we reached our judgments. I will tell you what I think-honestly and directly."

  • Report of the Inquiry into the Circumstances Surrounding the Death of Dr David Kelly C.M.G. by Lord Hutton The Hutton Inquiry 28 Jan 2004

  • Unravelling the Known Unknowns: Why no Weapons of Mass Destruction have been found in Iraq British American Security Information Council 25 Jan 2004 -- BASIC has today released a major research report that reviews the accumulated evidence of Iraq's suggested possession of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and concludes that the rationale for overthrowing Saddam Hussein's regime was bogus.

  • WMD in Iraq Carnegie Endowment for International Peace 07 Jan 2004 -- The following is taken from a new Carnegie study, WMD in Iraq: Evidence and Implications. This report attempts to summarize and clarify the complex story of WMD and the Iraq war. It examines the unclassified record of prewar intelligence, administration statements of Iraq's capabilities to produce nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons and long-range missiles, and the evidence found to date in Iraq.

  • Iraq: An Introduction To The Country And People Marine Corps Institute December 2003 [PDF 440 Kb]
  • Convoy Leader Training Handbook Center for Army Lessons Learned November 2003 -- The purpose of this handbook is to provide a quick-reference TTP guide for convoy commanders and their subordinates on how to train for and conduct tactical convoy operations on the asymmetric battlefield in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM. [PDF 1.68 Mb]

  • 1st Infantry Division Soldier's Handbook To Iraq 1st Infantry Division November 2003 -- "During your deployment to Iraq as a member of the Big Red One team, you should be aware of the unique customs and courtesies of the Iraqi people. This guide provides the basic information on Iraq's culture by offering you an overview of the country, its people and their language, as well as their lifestyle and beliefs." [PDF 3.66 Mb]

  • Iraqi weapons of mass destruction - Intelligence and Assessments UK Intelligence and Security Committee Sep 2003 -- "The purpose of this Report is to examine whether the available intelligence, which informed the decision to invade Iraq, was adequate and properly assessed and whether it was accurately reflected in Government publications. This Report does not judge whether the decision to invade Iraq was correct." [PDF 600 Kb]

  • PALESTINE HOTEL INVESTIGATION CONCLUDES CENTCOM 12 Aug 2003-- The investigation of the incident at the Palestine Hotel, Baghdad, Iraq on April 8th, 2003 is complete. The investigation was directed by the Land Component Commander, U.S. Central Command, and concludes that a tank from A Company, 4-64 Armor properly fired upon a suspected enemy hunter/killer team in a proportionate and justifiably measured response. The action was fully in accordance with the Rules of Engagement.

  • Statement by Director of Central Intelligence George J. Tenet on the 2002 National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on Iraq's Continuing Programs for Weapons of Mass Destruction Central Intelligence Agency 11 Aug 2003 -- "A great deal has been said and written about the 2002 National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on Iraq's Continuing Programs for Weapons of Mass Destruction. Much of this commentary has been misinformed, misleading, and just plain wrong. It is important to set the record straight. Let me make three points."

  • Transcript: Gen. Keane Press Briefing on Plans to Rotate Forces in Iraq 23 Jul 2003 -- "My purpose today is to present to you our rotation plan for Iraq. First, I want to give you a little historical perspective. (...) Since 1982, we've had a six-month unit rotation policy in the Sinai. In 1995, we began with a 12-month unit rotation in the Balkans, and shortly thereafter, changed it to a six-month rotation policy, which we are steady-stating today in Bosnia and Kosovo. Finally, our forces in Afghanistan are currently on a six-month unit rotation policy."
  • Transcript: Lt. Gen. Sanchez Briefing on the Confirmation of the Deaths of Uday and Qusay Hussein 23 Jul 2003 -- "Yesterday was a landmark day for the people and for the future of Iraq. Every single day we get closer to a secure and stable environment that will allow this country to flourish and assume its rightful place in the region and in the community of nations. The military forces of Coalition Joint Task Force 7 and the security elements of Iraq, in support of the coalition provisional authority, are fighting every day to defeat former regime leaders, Baathist elements and other non-compliant forces."
  • Transcript: Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Press Briefing on His Recent Trip to Iraq 23 Jul 2003 -- "I'm here just to brief on my trip, which was a four-and-a-half- day whirlwind tour of northern, central and southern Iraq. We just got back in the wee hours of Tuesday morning. I guess that was actually yesterday."

  • NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE ESTIMATE: IRAQ'S CONTINUING PROGRAMS FOR WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION [EXCERPTS] October 2002 -- As Released by The White House on July 18, 2003 -- "We judge that Iraq has continued its weapons of mass destruction (WMD) programs in defiance of UN resolutions and restrictions. Baghdad has chemical and biological weapons as well as missiles with ranges in excess of UN restrictions; if left unchecked, it probably will have a nuclear weapon during this decade. (See INR alternative view at the end of these Key Judgments.)"
  • SENIOR ADMINISTRATION OFFICIAL HOLDS BACKGROUND BRIEFING ON WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION IN IRAQ JULY 18, 2003 -- The National Intelligence Estimate is the work product of about six intelligence agencies that pulled together all the information -- this is a particular one with regards to the weapons of mass destruction program of Saddam Hussein, as you see. It is titled "Iraq's Continuing Programs For Weapons of Mass Destruction."

  • Prime Minister's speech to Congress 10 Downing Street 17 Jul 2003 -- "But if our critics are wrong, if we are right as I believe with every fibre of instinct and conviction I have that we are, and we do not act, then we will have hesitated in face of this menace, when we should have given leadership. That is something history will not forgive."
  • President Bush, Prime Minister Blair Discuss War on Terrorism The White House 17 Jul 2003 -- "The close partnership between the United States and Great Britain has been and remains essential to the peace and security of all nations. For more than 40 years of the Cold War we stood together to ensure that the conflicts of Europe did not once again destroy the peace of the world. The duties we accepted were demanding, as we found during the Berlin Blockade and other crises. Yet, British and American leaders held firm and our cause prevailed."

  • Press Release: CODEL Goss Visit to Baghdad Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, U.S. House Of Representatives July 15, 2003 -- "Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI), Porter Goss (R-FL), Ranking Democrat Jane Harman (D-CA), and Congressmen Jim Gibbons (R-NV) and Robert "Bud" Cramer (D-AL) conducted a 3-day oversight mission focused on Iraq. (...) On July 10th, the CODEL met Coalition officials in Baghdad to review the efforts underway to determine the status of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program and establish security in Iraq following Operation Iraqi Freedom." [PDF]

  • STATEMENT BY GEORGE J. TENET, DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE Central Intelligence Agency 11 Jul 2003 -- "Legitimate questions have arisen about how remarks on alleged Iraqi attempts to obtain uranium in Africa made it into the President's State of the Union speech. Let me be clear about several things right up front. First, CIA approved the President's State of the Union address before it was delivered. Second, I am responsible for the approval process in my Agency. And third, the President had every reason to believe that the text presented to him was sound. These 16 words should never have been included in the text written for the President."

  • The Decision to go to War in Iraq, Ninth Report of Session 2002-03, Volume I United Kingdom House of Commons, Foreign Affairs Committee July 7, 2003 -- "This Report seeks to establish whether the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, within the Government as a whole, presented accurate and complete information to Parliament in the period leading up to military action in Iraq, particularly in respect of weapons of mass destruction. The focus on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction is because their removal was the Government's prime objective." [PDF 1.03 Mb]

  • Iraq's Chemical Warfare Program Defense Intelligence Agency Released in June 2003 -- The declassified section on Iraq's chemical warfare program from the September 2002 classified Defense Intelligence Agency study. [PDF 82 Kb]

  • CIA Statement on Recently Acquired Iraqi Centrifuge Equipment Central Intelligence Agency 26 Jun 2003 -- The head of Iraq's pre-1991 centrifuge uranium enrichment program, Dr. Mahdi Shukur Ubaydi, approached U.S. officials in Baghdad and turned over a volume of centrifuge documents and components he had hidden in his garden from inspectors since 1991.

  • Transcript: Testimony on U.S. Military Presence in Iraq: Implications for Global Defense Posture 18 Jun 2003 -- As Prepared for Delivery for the House Armed Services Committee by Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, Washington, DC, Wednesday, June 18, 2003.

  • Notes for the briefing of the Security Council on the thirteenth quarterly report of UNMOVIC By Hans Blix, Executive Chairman of UNMOVIC UN News Centre 05 Jun 2003 -- The thirteenth quarterly report of UNMOVIC (document S/2003/580) is before the Council. It covers the period 1 March - 31 May. The Commission carried out inspections in Iraq up to and including Monday 17 March. The day thereafter, Tuesday 18 March, all international staff was withdrawn and the armed action commenced on 19 March.
  • Thirteenth quarterly report of the Executive Chairman of the United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission in accordance with paragraph 12 of Security Council resolution 1284 (1999) United Nations Security Council S/2003/580 30 May 2003 -- The Secretary-General has the honour to transmit to the Security Council the thirteenth quarterly report of the Executive Chairman of the United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission, which is submitted in accordance with paragraph 12 of Security Council resolution 1284 (1999) of 17 December 1999 (see annex). [PDF 281 Kb]
  • Transcript: Background Briefing on IAEA Nuclear Safeguards and the Tuwaitha Facility 05 Jun 2003 -- Background briefing on the upcoming IAEA nuclear safeguards inspection and the Tuwaitha Nuclear Facility in Iraq

  • Transcript: DoD Briefing on Policy and Intelligence Matters 04 Jun 2003 -- Briefing on policy and intelligence matters. Participating were Douglas J. Feith, under secretary of defense for policy, and William J. Luti, deputy under secretary of defense for special plans and Near East and South Asian affairs

  • Iraqi Mobile Biological Warfare Agent Production Plants Central intelligence Agency 28 May 2003 -- Coalition forces have uncovered the strongest evidence to date that Iraq was hiding a biological warfare program. (...) The design, equipment, and layout of the trailer found in late April is strikingly similar to descriptions provided by a source who was a chemical engineer that managed one of the mobile plants. Secretary of State Powell's description of the mobile plants in his speech in February 2003 to the United Nations (see inset below) was based primarily on reporting from this source.

  • Operation Iraqi Freedom - By the Numbers USCENTAF 30 April 2003 -- "To establish a single source of aggregated facts about Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) from the Combined Forces Air Component Commander's (CFACC) perspective. This [Unclassified] report is based on information collected during operations at the Combined Air Operations Center, Prince Sultan Air Base, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Additional reach-back support elements contributed to refinement of the data and tracking. We have consolidated numerous sources of information, cross-referencing each to select a single set of usable numbers. While our goal was to select the actual number wherever possible, in some cases the "best" number available from the most credible source was selected." [PDF 432 Kb]

  • Transcript: Briefing on Weapons of Mass Destruction Exploitation in Iraq 07 May 2003 -- Briefing on weapons of mass destruction exploitation in Iraq. Participating were Stephen A. Cambone, under secretary of defense for intelligence, and Vice Adm. Lowell E. Jacoby, director, Defense Intelligence Agency

  • Secretary Rumsfeld Message to the People of Iraq 30 Apr 2003 -- "Hello. I'm Don Rumsfeld, the American secretary of Defense. I am delighted to be able to visit Baghdad and Iraq, your country, to witness the liberation of the country. The American people share your joy and pleasure that the tyranny that was here is gone. "

  • Transcript: President Bush Announces Combat Operations in Iraq Have Ended The White House 01 May 2003 -- "Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed. And now our coalition is engaged in securing and reconstructing that country"

  • Foreign Press Center Briefing On Iraqi Interim Authority 25 Apr 2003 -- "Since our last briefing here at the Foreign Press Center, a great deal has been accomplished in Iraq. With each passing day, the situation is improving. There are still small-scale military operations in some areas. But we can now say that the Iraqi people have been liberated from a Republic of Fear. Today they are working alongside coalition forces to build a free Iraq."

  • Transcript: Coalition Troops Want to Leave Behind a Stable Iraq, Says Powell Washington File 24 Apr 2003 -- Secretary of State Colin Powell told Arab television audiences April 24 that U.S. and coalition forces in Iraq do not wish to stay in the country "one day longer" than they have to, but want to ensure that they are leaving behind a stable and functioning country.
  • Bush: U.S. "Used Might In The Name of Peace and Freedom" in Iraq Washington File 24 Apr 2003 -- President Bush told an audience at an army tank plant in Lima, Ohio, April 24 that thanks to the courage and might of the U.S. military and its coalition partners Iraq is no longer a threat, and the people of Iraq have been liberated from a "cruel dictator" who ruled "by torture and fear."

  • President's Message to America's Military and Their Families White House 14 Apr 2003 -- In a video message, President Bush thanked America's armed services personnel and their families. The video is airing on armed services TV networks around the country and around the world, wherever American servicemen and women are based, including in the area of hostilities.

  • IRAQI TOP 55 CENTCOM 12 Apr 2003

  • Personality identification playing cards deck US Dept. of Defense 08 Apr 2003 -- Iraqi Regime Leadership Playing Cards Deck [PDF 22.2 MB]
  • Personality identification playing cards deck US Dept. of Defense 08 Apr 2003 -- Iraqi Regime Leadership Playing Cards Deck [PDF 702 Kb]

  • President's Message to the Iraqi People 10 Apr 2003 -- "This is George W Bush, the President of the United States. At this moment, the regime of Saddam Hussein is being removed from power, and a long era of fear and cruelty is ending. American and coalition forces are now operating inside Baghdad - and we will not stop until Saddam's corrupt gang is gone. The government of Iraq, and the future of your country, will soon belong to you."
  • PM Blair's message broadcast to Iraqi people 10 Downing Street 10 Apr 2003 -- "We want to give you the chance to rebuild your country; to rebuild your lives; to give your families a chance of a better future. It is in the spirit of friendship and goodwill that we now offer our help."

  • Joint Statement By President George W. Bush And Prime Minister Tony Blair On Iraq Washington File 08 Apr 2003 -- The future of Iraq, say President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair, belongs to the Iraqi people.


  • Statement of Support from Coalition White House 26 Mar 2003
  • Press Release SC/7705 UN Security Council 26 Mar 2003 -- The Security Council met this afternoon to hold an open debate on Iraq, the first since hostilities began last week. The meeting is being held upon the requests of the Arab Group and the Non-Aligned Movement, as contained in their respective letters to the Council President
  • President Rallies Troops at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa White House 26 Mar 2003 -- Our military is making good progress in Iraq; yet this war is far from over. As they approach Baghdad, our fighting units are facing the most desperate elements of a doomed regime. We cannot know the duration of this war, but we are prepared for the battle ahead. We cannot predict the final day of the Iraqi regime, but I can assure you, and I assure the long-suffering people of Iraq, there will be a day of reckoning for the Iraqi regime, and that day is drawing near.

  • On-the-Record Briefing: U.S. Humanitarian Relief and Reconstruction Efforts with Andrew S. Natsios , U.S. Agency for International Development Administrator 25 Mar 2003 -- "Now that the President has submitted the supplemental budget to the Congress we have, potentially a large pool of money: $2.4 billion both for the relief and the reconstruction of the country. We have awarded as of yesterday the contract for the management of the port, and four people have headed out this weekend from that company to set up shop and begin to recruit people in order to manage the port when the British military turns it over to us for civilian purposes."

  • Bush Informs Congress of Start of Coalition Operations in Iraq Washington File 21 Mar 2003 -- Citing his decision "that further diplomatic and other peaceful means alone will neither adequately protect the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq, nor lead to enforcement of all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq," President Bush sent a letter to Congressional leaders March 21 officially informing them that coalition military operations to disarm Iraq had commenced.

  • The Prime Minister's Address to the Nation, March 20, 2003 Prime Minister of Australia 20 Mar 2003 -- "The Government has decided to commit Australian forces to action to disarm Iraq because we believe it is right, it is lawful and it's in Australia's national interest. We are determined to join other countries to deprive Iraq of its weapons of mass destruction, its chemical and biological weapons, which even in minute quantities are capable of causing death and destruction on a mammoth scale."
  • SENATE QUESTION TIME Australian Parliament House 20 Mar 2003 -- "What I was saying is that now more than 40 nations will participate in or support the coalition to disarm Iraq. Among those who have publicly stated their support are Japan, South Korea, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, the Czech Republic, the Philippines and Denmark. It is said by some on the other side that they are not part of the operation and that all they are doing is providing base or overflight rights."
  • Prime Minister's Address to the Nation 10 Downing Street 20 Mar 2003 -- "On Tuesday night I gave the order for British forces to take part in military action in Iraq. Tonight, British servicemen and women are engaged from air, land and sea. Their mission: to remove Saddam Hussein from power, and disarm Iraq of its weapons of mass destruction."
  • IRAQ: MILITARY CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVES 10 Downing Street 20 Mar 2003 -- "Our policy objectives were set out in Parliament on 7 January 2003. The prime objective remains to rid Iraq of its weapons of mass destruction and their associated programmes and means of delivery, including prohibited ballistic missiles, as set out in relevant United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSCRs)." [PDF 11Kb]
  • White House Releases List of Coalition Members Washington File 20 mar 2003 -- The White House March 20 issued a list of more than 40 Coalition member nations, working to disarm Iraq of its weapons of mass destruction and "liberate the Iraqi people from one of the worst tyrants and most brutal regimes on earth."
  • Secretary's Message to the Troops on Operation Iraqi Freedom 20 Mar 2003 -- "On Monday night, President George W. Bush, our Commander in Chief delivered an ultimatum to Saddam Hussein: to leave Iraq within 48 hours. Refusal to do so will result in military conflict. In rejecting the President's ultimatum, the Iraqi regime has chosen war over peaceful disarmament. Saddam Hussein's regime will be now removed from power -- and the Iraqi people will be liberated."

  • Statement to the House of Commons - Secretary of State for Defence on 20 March 2003 UK Ministry of Defence 20 Mar 2003 -- Our forces will make a substantial contribution to the military action to disarm Iraq, which we will pursue at a time and on a schedule of our own choosing. Thet are trained, equipped and ready for the tasks they may now need to undertake. British forces are already engaged in some military operations, although the House will understand why I cannot give further details at this stage.

  • President Bush Addresses the Nation The White House 19 Mar 2003 -- My fellow citizens, at this hour, American and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to free its people and to defend the world from grave danger. On my orders, coalition forces have begun striking selected targets of military importance to undermine Saddam Hussein's ability to wage war.
  • Text: Bush Tells Congress Diplomacy Alone Will Not Resolve Iraq Crisis Washington File 19 Mar 2003 -- President Bush formally informed the U.S. Congress of his determination that diplomatic and peaceful means alone would not lead to Iraqi compliance with United Nations demands that it would disarm.
  • Transcript: Effects Based Operations Briefing 19 Mar 2003 -- " And one of the challenges I know we face when we talk with the media and the types of operations we do is just trying to get to some sort of common understanding of when I say "effects based operation" what is that? Is it -- I mean, rocket science? Is it secret code? Is it something like that? "

  • Transcript of the Prime Minister The Hon Jouhn Howard MP Address to The House od Representatives, Parliament House, Canberra Prime Minister of Australia 18 Mar 2003 -- "This morning I announced that Australia had joined a coalition, led by the United States, which intends to disarm Iraq of its prohibited weapons of mass destruction. The government has now authorised our defence forces, which were predeployed to the gulf to acclimatise and contribute to the campaign to persuade Saddam Hussein into compliance, to take part in coalition operations."

  • Remarks by the President in Address to the Nation 17 Mar 2003 -- "All the decades of deceit and cruelty have now reached an end. Saddam Hussein and his sons must leave Iraq within 48 hours. Their refusal to do so will result in military conflict, commenced at a time of our choosing. For their own safety, all foreign nationals -- including journalists and inspectors -- should leave Iraq immediately."
  • Personnal Statement by Mr. Robin Cook The United Kingdom Parliament 17 Mar 2003 -- "I applaud the heroic efforts that the Prime Minister has made in trying to secure a second resolution. (..) But the very intensity of those attempts underlines how important it was to succeed. Now that those attempts have failed, we cannot pretend that getting a second resolution was of no importance. (...) We delude ourselves if we think that the degree of international hostility is all the result of President Chirac. The reality is that Britain is being asked to embark on a war without agreement in any of the international bodies of which we are a leading partner-not NATO, not the European Union and, now, not the Security Council. To end up in such diplomatic weakness is a serious reverse. Only a year ago, we and the United States were part of a coalition against terrorism that was wider and more diverse than I would ever have imagined possible. History will be astonished at the diplomatic miscalculations that led so quickly to the disintegration of that powerful coalition. The US can afford to go it alone, but Britain is not a superpower. Our interests are best protected not by unilateral action but by multilateral agreement and a world order governed by rules."
  • Briefing on Situation With Iraq w/ Secretary Colin L. Powell State Department 17 Mar 2003 -- As a result of this, the United Kingdom, the United States and Spain decided to not call for a vote on this resolution. We spent a great deal of time overnight and early this morning talking to friends and colleagues around the world about the resolution and it was our judgment, reached by the United States, the United Kingdom and Spain that no further purpose would be served by pushing this resolution. So we are not going to ask for a vote on the resolution. The resolution will die anyway, because it had a built-in date of 17 March within the resolution, which has not been modified.
  • White House Report, March 17: Bush to Address Nation on Iraq Washington File 17 Mar 2003 -- President Bush will issue an ultimatum to Saddam Hussein, telling him to leave Iraq or face military action, in a televised address to the United States at 8 p.m. March 17, Washington time, White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer told reporters.

  • PM outlines vision for Iraq and the Iraqi people: A Vision For Iraq And The Iraqi People 10 Downing Street 16 Mar 2003 -- "If Saddam refuses even now to co-operate fully with the UN, and he forces us to take the military route to achieve the disarmament of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, we will do all that we can to limit civilian casualties and damage to essential economic infrastructure. We will mobilise the international community to provide emergency humanitarian relief. Our aim is to disarm Saddam of his weapons of mass destruction, which threaten his neighbours and his people. Our presence in Iraq if military action is required to secure compliance with UN resolutions will be temporary. But our commitment to support the people of Iraq will be for the long term."

  • DoD Understates Heat Danger in NBC Defensive Gear By Bernard J. Fine, March 2003 -- On March 3, 2003, the Department of Defense conducted a news briefing on the U.S. military's chemical and biological defense readiness. The presentation was not at all helpful in terms of informing us of the actual dangers from heat injuries that our troops in the Persian Gulf can be expected to face when wearing chemical-biological protective clothing. (...) When taken in the context of the known environment of Iraq, these statements appear to be at variance with both the scientific information available and Army policy pertaining to operations in the heat. [MS Word 71.5Kb]
  • Iraq's Vision of the Nuclear battlefield By Norman Cigar, U.S. Marine Corps Command and Staff College, Marine Corps University Foundation: Contributions to War Studies #3 Mar 2003 -- Iraq has long sought to acquire nuclear weapons and the Iraqi leadership has vieewed nuclear weapons as a practical warfighting tool rather than only as a doomsday deterrent with a largely political significance. (...) The conclusions in this study are based on a recently-discovered Iraqi doctrinal manual devoted to teh role of nuclear weapons at teh tactical level (...) which was captured by U.S. forces during the Gulf War and has since been declassified. [PDF 2.76 Mb]
  • Iraq and GPS: Some Frequently Asked Questions By Richard B. Langley, Dept. of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, University of New Brunswick, 13 March 2003 -- This documents provides answers to the following questions: 1. If a war starts with Iraq, will GPS be turned off or will there be a global reduction in available accuracy? 2. Will the U.S. jam GPS in Iraq? 3. Will the Iraqi military jam GPS? 4. Where can I learn more about GPS and its military uses and jamming and anti-jamming technologies? [PDF 17.6 Kb]

  • Transcript: Briefing on Depleted Uranium 14 Mar 2003 -- Today's briefing is on depleted uranium. Depleted uranium is something that I think we have not done a good enough job in making sure that everybody understands what depleted uranium is and what it isn't. And as we go forward, and if there is a conflict in Iraq, I think it's important for everybody to have a good understanding of depleted uranium, because there is an awful lot of misinformation out there about depleted uranium.
  • SADDAM'S CHEMICAL WEAPONS CAMPAIGN: Halabja, March 16, 1988 State Department 14 Mar 2003 -- SADDAM HUSSEIN IS THE FIRST WORLD LEADER IN MODERN TIMES TO HAVE BRUTALLY USED CHEMICAL WEAPONS AGAINST HIS OWN PEOPLE. His goals were to systematically terrorize and exterminate the Kurdish population in northern Iraq, to silence his critics, and to test the effectiveness of his chemical and biological weapons. Hussein launched chemical attacks against 40 Kurdish villages and thousands of innocent civilians in 1987-88, using them as testing grounds. The worst of these attacks devastated the city of Halabja on March 16, 1988. [PDF 323 Kb]

  • "The Right War for the Right Reasons," by Senator John McCain Washington File 12 Mar 2003 -- "American and British armed forces will likely soon begin to disarm Iraq by destroying the regime of Saddam Hussein. We do not know whether they will have the explicit authorization of veto-wielding members of the United Nations Security Council. But either way, the men and women ordered to undertake this mission can take pride in the justice of their cause."

  • A Commitment to Post-War Iraq DefendAmerica.mil 12 Apr 2003 -- If U.S. and other coalition forces take military action in Iraq, they will have contributions to make to the country's temporary administration and the welfare of the Iraqi people. It will be necessary to provide humanitarian relief, organize basic services and work to establish security for the liberated Iraqis. Actions would include the following steps

  • Transcript: Backgrounder on Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance in Post-War 11 Mar 2003 -- "This is going to be a background briefing on the Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance."


  • FACT SHEET: Historic Review of UNMOVIC's Report on Unresolved Disarmament Issues U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE March 10, 2003 -- This fact sheet carefully reviews UNMOVIC's report (the "Cluster Document") delivered on March 7 before the UN Security Council concerning the Iraqi government and its refusal to carry out full and complete disarmament of its weapons of mass destruction. The report demonstrates that Iraq and its leadership have pursued a consistent strategy of concealing its weapons of mass destruction and deceiving inspectors in direct violation of its international obligations. Iraq's weapons of mass destruction remain a direct and active threat to their neighbors and to the international community.

  • Spain, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States of America: draft resolution Provisional, 7 March 2003 -- "Decides that Iraq will have failed to take the final opportunity afforded by resolution 1441 (2002) unless, on or before 17 March 2003, the Council concludes that Iraq has demonstrated full, unconditional, immedia te and active cooperation in accordance with its disarmament obligations under resolution 1441 (2002) and previous relevant resolutions, and is yielding possession to UNMOVIC and the IAEA of all weapons, weapon delivery and support systems and structures, prohibited by resolution 687 (1991) and all subsequent relevant resolutions, and all information regarding prior destruction of such items;" [PDF 13 Kb]
  • Powell Discounts Need for U.N. Security Council Summit to Deal with Washington File 07 Mar 2003 -- Secretary of State Colin Powell says the United States does not see a need for the heads of state or government of the countries that sit on the U.N. Security Council to meet in an effort to resolve the impasse over what to do about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.

  • "THE STATUS OF NUCLEAR INSPECTIONS IN IRAQ: AN UPDATE" by Mohamed ElBaradei, IAEA Director General 07 Mar 2003 -- "When I reported last to the Council, on 14 February, I explained that the Agency's inspection activities had moved well beyond the "reconnaissance phase" - that is, re-establishing our knowledge base regarding Iraq's nuclear capabilities - into the "investigative phase", which focuses on the central question before the IAEA relevant to disarmament: whether Iraq has revived or attempted to revive its defunct nuclear weapons programme over the last four years." [PDF 36 Kb]
  • Oral introduction of the 12th quarterly report of UNMOVIC by Executive Chairman Dr. Hans Blix 07 Mar 2003 -- "Inspections in Iraq resumed on 27 November 2002. In matters relating to process, notably prompt access to sites, we have faced relatively few difficulties and certainly much less than those that were faced by UNSCOM in the period 1991 to 1998. This may well be due to the strong outside pressure."

  • Unresolved Disarmament Issues: Iraq's proscribed weapons programmes UNMOVIC 06 Mar 2003 -- Declassified UNMOVIC report made available to Security Council members -- Security Council resolution 1284 (1999) requires UNMOVIC to "address unresolved disarmament issues" and to identify "key remaining disarmament tasks." (...) The principal part of this document thus presents clusters of "unresolved disarmament issues", which are to be addressed by the inspection process (and Iraq) and from which "key remaining disarmament tasks" are to be identified and selected for early solution. [PDF 1.42 Mb]

  • Transcript: Bush Says U.S. Will Call for Vote on New Iraq Resolution Washington File 06 Mar 2003 -- President Bush said March 6 that the United States will call for a vote on a new U.N. Security Council resolution it has introduced along with Great Britain and Spain that states that Saddam Hussein has failed to fully disarm as called for by the council's earlier Resolution 1441.

  • Transcript: Powell: "Iraq: Still Failing to Disarm" US Department of State 05 Mar 2003 -- "Inspections will amount to little more than casting at shadows unless Iraq lifts the fog of denial and deception that prevents inspectors from seeing the true magnitude of what they're up against. It is for Iraq to prove to the Security Council and to the world that it has disarmed."

  • Transcript: Background Briefing On Targeting 05 Mar 2003 -- "'International law draws a clear distinction between civilians and combatants. (...) Saddam Hussein makes no such distinctions. (...) So today we are joined by a senior official from the coalition headquarters at CentCom to shed some light on how we go about striking legitimate military targets while sparing no effort to protect innocent civilians."

  • Shock and Awe: Achieving Rapid Dominance By Harlan K. Ullman and James P. Wade, with L.A. "Bud" Edney, Fred M. Franks, Charles A. Horner, Jonathan T. Howe, and Keith Brendley NDU Press Book December 1996 -- The purpose of this paper is to explore alternative concepts for structuring mission capability packages (MCPs) around which future U. S. military forces might be configured. (...) The goal of Rapid Dominance will be to destroy or so confound the will to resist that an adversary will have no alternative except to accept our strategic aims and military objectives. To achieve this outcome, Rapid Dominance must control the operational environment and through that dominance, control what the adversary perceives, understands, and knows, as well as control or regulate what is not perceived, understood, or known.

  • Briefing on Chemical and Biological Defense Readiness 03 Mar 2003 -- "Today we're going to host a -- what's called -- we call a roundtable, but it's an opportunity for some very trained and professional individuals to talk to you about Army training and readiness in nuclear, biological and chemical defense."

  • Twelfth quarterly report of the Executive Chairman of the United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission in accordance with paragraph 12 of Security Council resolution 1284 (1999) 2003 -- The present report, which is the twelfth submitted in accordance with paragraph 12 of Security Council resolution 1284 (1999), covers the activities of the United Nations-Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC) during the period from 1 December 2002 to 28 February 2003.

  • General Hussein Kamal UNSCOM/IAEA Briefing UNSCOM/IAEA 22 August 1995 -- In the evening of 22 August 1995, the Executive Chairman of the Special Commission met with General Hussein Kamal in Amman. The meeting was attended by Prof. M Zifferero (IAEA), N. Smidovich, anda a person from King of Jordan court who served as an interpreter. The meeting started at 1950 hrs and lasted approximately three hours. The General spoke in Arabic with the follow-up translation by the interpreter.

  • Iraq's Hidden Weapons: Failing to Disclose and Disarm US Department of State 27 Feb 2003 -- THE UNITED NATIONS SECURITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 1441 SET TWO TESTS FOR SADDAM HUSSEIN: to fully disclose his weapons of mass destruction and to immediately, unconditionally, and actively cooperate with United Nations (UN) inspectors. Saddam's regime failed both. He did not file a full, complete, and accurate declaration of his weapons to the UN and has not cooperated fully with UN inspections. He has not complied with Resolution 1441 which offered him a final opportunity to disarm peacefully. It is time for the UN Security Council to step up to its responsibilities and uphold Resolution 1441. [PDF 294 Kb]

  • Transcript: Briefing on Human Shields in Iraq 26 Feb 2003 -- "This is a very brief presentation on a rather complicated aspect of Iraq's use of human shields and what we call deceptive sanctuaries. We describe these activities as countertargeting. It's kind of a unique, catchy phrase. And these -- countertargeting describes the techniques which can be used against military operations, overhead reconnaissance or even U.N. inspectors. "
  • Transcript: Briefing on Humanitarian Relief Planning for Iraq 25 Feb 2003 -- "As you know, the president has not made a decision on the use of military force with respect to Iraq, but military planning continues, and a very important part of that military planning is preparing to deliver humanitarian aid to the Iraqi people while also conducting military operations. The department has been working with other agencies for some months now on a relief strategy. Our goal would be to minimize the displacement of Iraqi people, limit any damage to infrastructure, and avoid the disruption of services to the greatest extent possible."

  • Fact Sheet Details Timeline of U.N.-Iraq-Coalition Activity 1991-2002 Washington File 25 Feb 2003 -- The following fact sheet records United Nations, Iraqi, and coalition-related events from March 2, 1991-November 18, 2002.
  • Draft Resolution on Iraq Offered by U.S., U.K., Spain Washington File 24 Feb 2003 -- Following is the text of a draft U.N. Security Council resolution on Iraqi disarmament, submitted February 24 by Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States


  • Decision Sheet of the Defence Planning Committee: NATO Support to Turkey with in the Framework of Article 4 of the North Atlantic Treaty NATO Press Release 16 Feb 2003 -- At the Prague Summit, the NATO Allies committed themselves to take effective action to assist and support the efforts of the United Nations to ensure full and immediate compliance by Iraq, without conditions or restrictions, with UN Security Council Resolution 1441. This remains our policy. Following Turkey's request for consultations within the framework of Article 4 of the North Atlantic Treaty, as expressed in its letter of 10 February 2003, and pursuant to Article 4 of the Treaty which states that "the Parties will consult whenever, in the opinion of any of them, the territorial integrity, political independence or security of any of the Parties is threatened", Allies have begun consultations.

  • DoD Confirms Current Method of Handling Remains AFPS 14 Feb 2003 -- The current method of handling the remains of U.S. service members will remain in place, DoD officials said today.

  • Remarks to the United Nations Security Council by Secretary Colin L. Powell State Department 14 Feb 2003 -- I want to express my appreciation to Dr. Blix and Dr. ElBaradei for their presentation this morning. They took up a difficult challenge when they went back into Iraq last fall in pursuit of disarmament, as required by Resolution 1441. And I listened very attentively to all they said this morning and I am pleased that there have been improvements with respect to process. I'm pleased that there have been improvements with respect to not having five minders with each inspector, down to something less than five minders with each inspector. But I think they still are being minded, they are still being watched, they are still being bugged. They still do not have the freedom of access around Iraq that they need to do their job well.
  • The Status of Nuclear Inspections in Iraq: 14 February 2003 Update by IAEA Director General Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei 14 Feb 2003 -- My report to the Council today is an update on the status of the IAEA's nuclear verification activities in Iraq pursuant to Security Council resolution 1441 and other relevant resolutions. Less than three weeks have passed since my last update to the Council, on 27 January - a relatively short period in the overall inspection process. However, I believe it is important for the Council to remain actively engaged and fully informed at this crucial time.
  • BRIEFING OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL, 14 FEBRUARY 2003 by Executive Chairman of UNMOVIC, Dr. Hans Blix -- Since I reported to the Security Council on 27 January, UNMOVIC has had two further weeks of operational and analytical work in New York and active inspections in Iraq. This brings the total period of inspections so far to 11 weeks. Since then, we have also listened on 5 February to the presentation to the Council by the US Secretary of State and the discussion that followed. Lastly, Dr. ElBaradei and I have held another round of talks in Baghdad with our counterparts and with Vice President Ramadan on 8 and 9 February.

  • Iraq Failing To Disarm: PDF of the Secretary's Presentation to the UNSC 05 Feb 2003 [PDF 1.13 Mb]
  • Remarks to the United Nations Security Council by Secretary Colin L. Powell 05 Feb 2003 -- This is important day for us all as we review the situation with respect to Iraq and its disarmament obligations under U.N. Security Council Resolution 1441. Last November 8, this council passed Resolution 1441 by a unanimous vote. The purpose of that resolution was to disarm Iraq of its weapons of mass destruction. Iraq had already been found guilty of material breach of its obligations, stretching back over 16 previous resolutions and 12 years. Resolution 1441 was not dealing with an innocent party, but a regime this council has repeatedly convicted over the years. Resolution 1441 gave Iraq one last chance, one last chance to come into compliance or to face serious consequences. No council member present in voting on that day had any allusions about the nature and intent of the resolution or what serious consequences meant if Iraq did not comply. And to assist in its disarmament, we called on Iraq to cooperate with returning inspectors from UNMOVIC and IAEA. We laid down tough standards for Iraq to meet to allow the inspectors to do their job.

  • Iraq - Its Infrastructure of Concealment, Deception and Intimidation UK Foreign Commonwealth Office 03 Feb 2003 -- "This report draws upon a number of sources, including intelligence material, and shows how the Iraqi regime is constructed to have, and to keep, WMD, and is now engaged in a campaign of obstruction of the United Nations Weapons Inspectors." [PDF 205 Kb] The report was later discovered to have been in large part plagiarized from open sources, raising credibility issues for the British government which clumsily portrayed the information contained in the report as unique, up-to-date "intelligence" and the result of its own work See Steve Aftergood's Project on Government Secrecy

  • Human Performance of Military Tasks While Wearing Chemical Protective Clothing 23 September 2002 By Bernard J. Fine -- "The purpose of this letter is to provide you with a brief overview of the ability of U.S. troops to function in a chemical-biological warfare environment in the hope that it will raise in your mind the advisability of asking certain questions of those in the administration who are so eager to wage war using other people's children (...) A worst case scenario can only predict a disaster of major proportions. Wearing chemical protective clothing while under enemy fire in a hot ambient temperature is a stress of the very highest order"

  • Transcript: Background Briefing on Oil as a Weapon of Terror 24 Jan 2003 -- "...there are a variety of intelligence sources that leave us with the impression and, in fact, belief that Iraq and specifically the regime has a capability and, in fact, an intent to cause damage or destruction to their oil fields. We see that as a real potential crisis. And as we have crafted our -- a variety of plans, we have taken that into consideration in a fashion that would allow us to preserve and protect that natural resource, that economic future for the Iraqi people at some point in the future. And then it's also important to understand that the nations surrounding Iraq are also vitally interested in what happens to those oil fields. Whether it's an economic impact or an environmental impact, destruction of the oil fields will have significant effects on the neighbors of Iraq and we would like to try to preserve that from happening as best we can. (...) Destruction of the oil fields truly would be an act of terror."

  • Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Speech on Iraq Disarmament 23 Jan 2003 -- "In Iraq's case, unfortunately, the situation is the opposite. U.N. Security Council Resolution 1441 gave Saddam Hussein one last chance to choose a path of cooperative disarmament, one that he was obliged to take and agreed to take 12 years ago. We were under no illusions that the Baghdad regime had undergone the fundamental change of heart that underpinned the successes I just mentioned. Nevertheless, there is still the hope -- if Saddam is faced with a serious enough threat that he would otherwise be disarmed forcibly and removed from power -- there is still the hope that he might decide to adopt a fundamentally different course. But time is running out"

  • Senator John Kerry Remarks at Georgetown University January 23, 2003 -- "The Bush Administration has a plan for waging war but no plan for winning the peace. It has invested mightily in the tools of destruction but meagerly in the tools of peaceful construction. It offers the peoples in the greater Middle East retribution and war but little hope for liberty and prosperity. What America needs today is a smarter, more comprehensive and far-sighted strategy for modernizing the greater Middle East. It should draw on all of our nation's strengths: military might, the world's largest economy, the immense moral prestige of freedom and democracy - and our powerful alliances."

    Terrain and Trafficability 3.5 MB PPT slide

  • What Does Disarmament Look Like? 23 Jan 2003 -- On September 12, 2002, President Bush called on the United Nations to live up to its founding purpose and enforce the determination of the international community - expressed in 16 UN Security Council resolutions - that the outlaw Iraqi regime be disarmed of its weapons of mass destruction. [PDF 108 Kb]

  • "Why We Know Iraq Is Lying," by Condoleezza Rice 23 Jan 2003 Washington File -- Eleven weeks after the United Nations Security Council unanimously passed a resolution demanding - yet again - that Iraq disclose and disarm all its nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs, it is appropriate to ask, "Has Saddam Hussein finally decided to voluntarily disarm?" Unfortunately, the answer is a clear and resounding no

  • Apparatus of Lies: Saddam's Disinformation and Propaganda (1990-2003) -- "In December 1998, when U.N weapons inspector Dr. Richard Spertzel became exasperated by Iraqi evasions and misrepresentations, he confronted Dr. Rihab Taha, the woman the Iraqis identified as the head of their biological weapons program and asked her directly, "You know that we know you are lying. So why do you do it?" She straightened herself up and replied, "Dr. Spertzel, it's not a lie when you are ordered to lie." Dr. Taha's brief reply is one symbol of a highly developed, well disciplined, and expertly organized program designed to win support for the Iraqi regime through outright deceit. This elaborate program is one of the regime's most potent weapons for advancing its political, military, and diplomatic objectives. In their disinformation and propaganda campaigns, the Iraqis use elaborate ruses and obvious falsehoods, covert actions and false on-the-record statements, and sophisticated preparation and spontaneous exploitation of opportunities. Many of the techniques are not new, but this regime exploits them more aggressively and effectively - and to more harmful effect - than any other regime in power today." [PDF 4 Mb]

  • Transcript: Uniting America in Common Purpose: Meeting America's Real Challenges at Home and Abroad -- Speech by Senator Edwards M. Kennedy 21 Jan 2003 -- "As we meet, one hundred fifty thousand members of our armed forces will be in the Gulf by the end of the month, ready to go to war if the President gives the order. I continue to be convinced that this is the wrong war at the wrong time. The threat from Iraq is not imminent, and it will distract America from the two more immediate threats to our security - the clear and present danger of terrorism and the crisis with North Korea"

  • NOTES FOR BRIEFING THE SECURITY COUNCIL: Dr. Hans Blix, Executive Chairman, UNMOVIC 09 Jan 2003 United Nations -- As I see it, my briefing today and the "updating" due on 27 January are part of a more frequent reporting that is needed after the adoption of resolution 1441 (2002) and the resumption of inspections. UNMOVIC's next quarterly report to the Council is not due until 1 March but new "updates" can obviously be given whenever the Council wishes. Should some inspection event call for an immediate report to the Council, I would, of course, ask permission to present it, as allowed for in paragraph 11 of resolution 1441 (2002).

  • State Department Cites Gaps in Iraq Weapons Declaration Washington File 19 Dec 2002-- The State Department released a fact sheet giving examples of alleged omissions from Iraq's declaration to the United Nations Security Council concerning its chemical, biological and nuclear weapons capabilities.
  • Saddam Hussein: Crimes & Human Rights Abuses A report by the Foreign & Commonwealth Office on the human cost of Saddam's policies, published 2 December 2002 [PDF, 197K]

  • Iraq Country Handbook September 2002 -- This handbook provides basic reference information on Iraq, including its geography, history, government, military forces, and communications and transportation networks. This information is intended to familiarize military personnel with local customs and area knowledge to assist them during their assignment to Iraq. This product reflects the coordinated U.S. Defense Intelligence Community position on Iraq.

  • Iraq Purple Book - Operational Support Guide for Joint Service EOD for Iraq Area of Operations November 1, 2002, Naval Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Division -- The Naval Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Division (NAVEODTECHDIV) generated this Operational Support Guide in support of the Joint Service EOD initiative in Iraq. The purpose of the guide is to provide ordnance identification information to ground troops.
  • MIDDLE EAST OVERVIEW, 18 October 2002 -- The Powerpoint Presentation provides Army Support Squadron Officers a current situational overview covering the Middle-East Theater of Operations.

  • Second Iraqi Letter to the United Nations in Response to UN Security Council Resolution 1441 23 Nov 2002 -- "Your Excellency, this letter is connected with my letter dated 13 November 2002, in which I informed you that the Government of the Republic of Iraq had decided to deal with UN Security Council Resolution 1441 (2002) despite the bad provisions of the resolution. I would like to present our observations on the resolution's provisions, claims and measures that contravene international law, the UN Charter, relevant UN resolutions, and UN documents related to the issue of inspection and monitoring in Iraq"
  • Letter Submitted by Iraq to the United Nations 13 Nov. 2002-- "Dealing with the inspectors, the government of Iraq will also take into consideration their way of conduct, the intentions of those who are ill-intentioned amongst them, and their improper approach in showing respect to the people's national dignity, their independence and security, and their country's security, independence and sovereignty. We are eager to see them perform their duties in accordance with the international law as soon as possible. If they do so, professionally and lawfully, without any premeditated intentions, the liars' lies will be exposed to public opinion, and the declared objective of the Security Council will be achieved."
  • Statement on Iraq - United States Conference of Catholic Bishops - November 13, 2002 -- Based on the facts that are known to us, we continue to find it difficult to justify the resort to war against Iraq, lacking clear and adequate evidence of an imminent attack of a grave nature. With the Holy See and bishops from the Middle East and around the world, we fear that resort to war, under present circumstances and in light of current public information, would not meet the strict conditions in Catholic teaching for overriding the strong presumption against the use of military force.
  • Text of New U.N. Resolution on Iraq 08 Nov. 2002-- The Security Council, (...) Decides that Iraq has been and remains in material breach of its obligations under relevant resolutions, including resolution 687 (1991), in particular through Iraq's failure to cooperate with United Nations inspectors and the IAEA, and to complete the actions required under paragraphs 8 to 13 of resolution 687 (1991);(...)"
  • Draft Resolution to Security Council on Iraqi Disarmament, Submitted by the United States 23 Oct 2002 -- "Decides further that Iraq shall not take or threaten hostile acts directed against any representative or personnel of the United Nations or of any Member State taking action to uphold any Security Council resolution;"
  • Joint Resolution Authorizing Use of Force Against Iraq 10 Oct 2002 -- "The President is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and appropriate"

  • DoD Briefing on Iraqi Denial and Deception 08 Oct. 2002 -- "What we will do is try to demonstrate the extensive history of the Hussein regime's denial and deception techniques. And they are much more than techniques and tactics. Iraqi denial and deception is a highly organized and comprehensive program to hide weapons of mass destruction and their development."
  • C.I.A. Letter to Senate on Baghdad's Intentions 07 Oct 2002 -- Letter dated Oct. 7 to Senator Bob Graham, Democrat of Florida and chairman of the Intelligence Committee, by George J. Tenet, director of central intelligence, about decisions to declassify material related to the debate about Iraq
  • Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction Programs 04 October 2002 Central Intelligence Agency -- "Iraq has continued its weapons of mass destruction (WMD) programs in defiance of UN resolutions and restrictions. Baghdad has chemical and biological weapons as well as missiles with ranges in excess of UN restrictions; if left unchecked, it probably will have a nuclear weapon during this decade. Baghdad hides large portions of Iraq's WMD efforts. Revelations after the Gulf war starkly demonstrate the extensive efforts undertaken by Iraq to deny information"

  • Estimated Costs of a Potential Conflict with Iraq September 2002 -- "In response to your request of September 20, 2002, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has estimated the cost of activities related to possible military operations in Iraq. Estimates of the total cost of a military conflict with Iraq and such a conflict's aftermath are highly uncertain. They depend on many factors that are unknown at this time, including the size of the actual force that is deployed, the strategy to be used, the duration of the conflict, the number of casualties, the equipment lost, and the need for reconstruction of Iraq's infrastructure. Of the many options being discussed for force structures, CBO examined two representative examples that vary in their emphasis on ground or air forces. Under the assumptions of those examples, CBO estimated that the incremental costs of deploying a force to the Persian Gulf (the costs that would be incurred above those budgeted for routine operations) would be between $9 billion and $13 billion. Prosecuting a war would cost between $6 billion and $9 billion a month--although CBO cannot estimate how long such a war is likely to last. After hostilities end, the costs to return U.S. forces to their home bases would range between $5 billion and $7 billion. Further, the incremental cost of an occupation following combat operations could vary from about $1 billion to $4 billion a month. "[PDF Version 72 Kb]

  • Reply of the Iraq Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Blair's Report

  • British Dossier on Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction 24 Sept 2002 -- Iraq has "military plans" for the use of chemical and biological weapons, Britain said September 24, in a dossier of evidence about Iraq's development of weapons of mass destruction.
  • Iraq's Decade of Defiance September 2002 -- "serves as a background paper for President George W. Bush's September 12th speech to the United Nations General Assembly. This document provides specific examples of how Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has systematically and continually violated 16 United Nations Security Council resolutions over the past decade. This document is not designed to catalogue all of the violations of UN resolutions or other abuses of Saddam Hussein's regime over the years."

  • Transcript of Parliament Meeting 24 Sept 2002 -- Blair: So the only question remaining is whether he has the motive to strike against Britain, and I believe that it is fair to assume that he would. We have repeatedly supported Security Council resolutions against Iraq, we were a major component of the allied coalition during the Gulf war, and today British forces are still engaged in Iraq policing the no-fly zones to protect Kurds in the north of the country and Shi'ite Muslims in the south.

  • Al Gore's Iraq Speech 23 Sept 2002 -- Gore: The problem with preemption is that in the first instance it is not needed in order to give the United States the means to act in its own defense against terrorism in general or Iraq in particular. But that is a relatively minor issue compared to the longer-term consequences that can be foreseen for this doctrine. To begin with, the doctrine is presented in open-ended terms, which means that if Iraq if the first point of application, it is not necessarily the last. In fact, the very logic of the concept suggests a string of military engagements against a succession of sovereign states: Syria, Libya, North Korea, Iran, etc., wherever the combination exists of an interest in weapons of mass destruction together with an ongoing role as host to or participant in terrorist operations. It means also that if the Congress approves the Iraq resolution just proposed by the Administration it is simultaneously creating the precedent for preemptive action anywhere, anytime this or any future president so decides.

  • National Security Strategy Report, September 2002 -- Bush pointed out that the development and acquisition of Weapons of Mass Destruction by terrorists and rogue states will require the US to identify and destroy any terrorist threat before it reaches the United States.

  • Bush's Proposed Congressional Resolution 19 Sept 2002 -- The President is authorized to use all means that he determines to be appropriate, including force, in order to enforce the United Nations Security Council resolutions referenced above, defend the national security interests of the United States against the threat posed by Iraq, and restore international peace and security in the region.

  • Text of Iraqi President's Letter to UNGA Iraqi TV 19 Sept 2002 -- Hussein: Friendly brothers and gentlemen, the US president, in order to rally the sentiments of his listeners against Iraq, wanted or labored the illusion that he can influence the Iraqi people into disavowing their great national legacy. He said the Iraqi people deserve to exercise power democratically the American way. He pretended that he and his government are seeking to help the people of Iraq to achieve this, although he did not mention what kind of democracy he is calling for. Is it the democracy that existed before or after 11 September 2001? The US President talked about the importance of the regime in Iraq exercising democracy. He pretended to care for the people of Iraq after he and his predecessors killed with weapons, including the depleted uranium and the 12-month-old embargo, 1.7 million innocent people out of an Iraqi population of 25 million. I wonder how many people in the world he and the coming US administrations would kill

  • A Decade of Deception and Defiance: Saddam Hussein's Defiance of the United Nations US White Paper Sept 12, 2002 -- A Decade of Deception and Defiance serves as a background paper for President George W. Bush's September 12th speech to the United Nations General Assembly. This document provides specific examples of how Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has systematically and continually violated 16 United Nations Security Council resolutions over the past decade. This document is not designed to catalogue all of the violations of UN resolutions or other abuses of Saddam Hussein's regime over the years.

  • President's Remarks at the United Nations 12 Sept 2002 -- Bush: If the Iraqi regime wishes peace, it will immediately and unconditionally forswear, disclose, and remove or destroy all weapons of mass destruction, long-range missiles, and all related material.

  • Bush's West Point Speech 01 June 2002-- Bush: For much of the last century, America's defense relied on the Cold War doctrines of deterrence and containment. In some cases, those strategies still apply. But new threats also require new thinking. Deterrence -- the promise of massive retaliation against nations -- means nothing against shadowy terrorist networks with no nation or citizens to defend. Containment is not possible when unbalanced dictators with weapons of mass destruction can deliver those weapons on missiles or secretly provide them to terrorist allies.

  • President Bush's State of the Union Address 29 Jan. 2002 -- Bush: Our second goal is to prevent regimes that sponsor terror from threatening America or our friends and allies with weapons of mass destruction. Some of these regimes have been pretty quiet since September the 11th. But we know their true nature.

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