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Operation Iraqi Freedom - 2002-2003 Press Briefings

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2002-2003 OIF Briefings

December 31, 2003

December 30, 2003

December 24, 2003

December 23, 2003

  • Transcript: Defense Department Operational Update Briefing 23 Dec 2003 -- Participating; Gen. Richard Myers, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff / Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld
  • Transcript: Central Command Briefing CENTCOM 23 Dec 2003 -- "Multinational Division Southeast (...) has some 200 -- is about 275 miles wide, and it's just short -- about 260 miles deep. And it has over 600 miles of border with Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Iran. It covers about a quarter of Iraq and is made up of the four provinces of al- Basra, with Iraq's access to the Gulf, al-Muthanna, Dhi Qar and Maysan (...) The security situation in the Southeast is now relatively stable and improving, I sense, day by day. But we've had setbacks, such as the deaths in the summer of the nine Royal Military Police personnel, as well as a number of Iraqi civilians in separate outrages, and of course the tragic murder of the 19 Italian troops and civilians, as well as many Iraqis, in the bombing attack in An Nasiriyah last month. We continue to follow up on these attacks, and while they do not reflect the general trend of progress in the Southeast, we work extremely hard to disrupt and detain those who continue to plan such outrages against us and the community."

December 19, 2003

December 18, 2003

December 16, 2003

December 14, 2003

December 09, 2003

December 08, 2003

December 05, 2003

December 03, 2003

  • Coalition Provisional Authority Briefing 03 Dec 2003 -- "Ambassador Bremer continues to meet with members of the Governing Council as individuals and the entire group as we continue to work with them on implementation of the November 15th political agreement."

December 01, 2003

  • Transcript: Coalition Provisional Authority Briefing 01 Dec 2003 -- "Ambassador Bremer continues to work with the Governing Council on the implementation of the November 15th political agreement which lays the foundation for a free, democratic and sovereign Iraq. It does so with a framework and a set of principles and a schedule that includes the establishment -- the drafting of a transitional administrative law and the establishment of a provisional government over the next few months, culminating in the establishment of Iraqi sovereignty, political independence by July 2004; a deadline for elections, direct elections, for drafters of the new Iraqi constitution by March 2005; and then direct elections of a new Iraqi government, based under that constitution, by January 2006."

November 26, 2003

  • Transcript: Secretary Rumsfeld on Special Defense Department Operational Update 26 Nov 2003 -- "Consider what they've accomplished in just the week ending November 23rd. In that very short period, coalition forces conducted nearly 12,000 patrols and more than 230 targeted raids; they captured some 1,200 enemy forces and killed 40 to 50 enemy fighters, and wounded some 25 to 30. That's a one-week snapshot, but it provides a sense of the determined offensive pressure which the coalition is applying against the enemy."

November 20, 2003

  • Transcript: Brig. Gen. Dempsey Briefs on 1st Armored Division Operations in Iraq 20 Nov 2003 -- "Today we have U.S. Brigadier General (promotable) Martin Dempsey. Most of you probably already know General Dempsey. He's the commander of the 1st Armored Division, which is in -- in which the area of operation and responsibility for the city of Baghdad falls. He has graciously agreed to be here today to provide some insight into recent offensive operations that have been conducted this week in and around Baghdad. So he'll be first providing some prepared comments."

November 19, 2003

November 18, 2003

  • Transcript: Army Maj. Gen. Swannack Jr., Live Video Tele-conference from Baghdad 18 Nov 2003 -- "we extend all the way from south of Baghdad, in towns like Iskandariyah and Mahmudiya (sp), directly to the south, all the way out 530 kilometers to the borders with Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. And this battle space is about 410 kilometers north to south, or it's about the size of the state of Wyoming. Has some chief towns associated with it, most closest, and probably some that you want to ask me some questions about -- Fallujah, then it goes to Habbaniya, generally tracing the Euphrates River to the west, and then Ar Ramadi, and then up towards Husaybah, which is on the Syrian border. Matter of fact, it's a very important border port of entry. Down to the south, 850 kilometers of border with the three countries. Farthest south is the border crossing port called Tanif (sp) in southern Syria, then Tribil (sp) at Jordan, and then RR, that we've just started occupying on the Saudi Arabian border."

November 13, 2003

  • Transcript: Live Video Teleconference with General Abizaid 13 Nov 2003 -- "Clearly, it is not just the United States and its Western allies that fight this battle. This battle is being fought in Pakistan, it's being fought in Afghanistan, it's being fought in Iraq and Saudi Arabia and Yemen. It's being fought throughout the area. And as many Americans that get killed in this battle, you can also see that there are a number of Muslims that are killed in the battles as well. The terrorist enemy will inflict casualties just for the sake of inflicting casualties. Certainly, the battles in Iraq and Afghanistan are important to us. American forces are conducting stability operations there that are among the most important stability operations ever conducted by our armed forces."

November 11, 2003

  • Transcript: Coalition Provisional Authority Press Briefing CENTCOM - CPA 11 Nov 2003 -- "During the last few weeks, the pace and intensity of our offensive military operations has increased. We are taking the fight into the safe havens of the enemy, in the heartland of the country, where we continue to face former regime loyalists, criminals and foreign terrorists who are trying to isolate the coalition from the Iraqi people and trying to break the will of the coalition and the international community. They will fail. Not surprisingly, the enemy has reacted to our operations and our progress with increased violence, especially in the localized areas that benefited from the plunder and oppression of the former regime. The enemy has increasingly embraced terrorist acts. These acts are designed to attract media attention, to intimidate the Iraqi people, and, just as importantly, to create a picture of chaos in the country. The stark reality is that militarily, they cannot defeat us, and they know it. I remain supremely confident in this reality."

November 06, 2003

  • Transcript: DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers 06 Nov 2003 -- "The troops deployed in Operation Iraqi Freedom have a great deal to be proud of. (...) As we've indicated, the bulk of the U.S. troops that are currently in Iraq will be rotating out beginning next, I guess, January, February, March, April, in that period. And they will, needless to say, be replaced. The combat units serving in Iraq and most of the supporting units in the theater will be replaced over the coming period of months. We've notified some 85,000 combat personnel, comprising active units and three Guard combat brigades, that they'll be rotating into the theater. Two of these Guard units were alerted and mobilized over the past several weeks. The third will mobilize on November 15th."
  • Transcript: Briefing on the Force Rotation Plan 06 Nov 2003 -- "We are now at the point of announcing the plan for the next units, the next increment that will rotate into Iraq and Afghanistan in the first few months of next year. We are ready to announce most of the forces for Operation Enduring -- I should say Iraqi Freedom 2 and Operation Enduring Freedom 5. In the weeks ahead we will be announcing the remainder. The overall footprint of our forces derives from a number of considerations: as you heard earlier, clearly non-Iraqi coalition forces, U.S. forces, both active and reserve, contractors, and then Iraqi coalition forces.(...) It's important to note that there are about a thousand Navy sailors and perhaps 2,000 Air Force personnel who will provide direct support to the joint force on the ground in addition to those that are either at air bases in Iraq or at sea. But primarily today we will be addressing the ground force units as this unfolds."

October 29, 2003

  • Transcript: Comptroller and Undersecretary of Defense Dov Zakheim briefs on Iraq Donors Conference 29 Oct 2003 -- Obviously, we're very, very pleased with the outcome, for a number of reasons. First, 73 countries is, as I recollect, the most that have ever come together for anything like this. Second, the amount of money that was raised, 13 (billion) to 18 billion (dollars) -- and I'll explain what the range is about -- is the most that's ever been raised at a conference of this kind, or even, I'm told, with respect to some of the Balkan conferences, multiple conferences, of this kind.Third, what these numbers do not include, but are certainly not insignificant, are the contributions in kind of technical support, of export credits, of all kinds of educational support."

October 15, 2003

  • Transcript: CPA Briefs on Iraqi Currency Exchange 15 Oct 2003 -- "As you know, today the new Iraqi dinar has been put into circulation. The three-month exchange process began today. It is a one-for-one exchange for the old dinar versus the new dinar."

September 26, 2003

  • Transcript: Iraq Reconstruction Update Briefing with Ambassador Bremer 26 Sep 2003 -- "First of all, the $20 billion of the $87 billion for which the CPA would be responsible is an important part in the overall effort to win the war against terrorism in Iraq. This is an integrated budget request where no one part is more important than another, and the $20 billion is an essential part of supplementing the other $66 billion. And the proposition behind the $20 billion is that if we don't succeed in the reconstruction effort in Iraq, there is a very real risk, indeed, I think a likelihood, that Iraq will, because of the continued instability and poverty, become the kind breeding ground for terrorism that we've seen in other countries in the last 20 years."

September 17, 2003

September 04, 2003

September 02, 2003

  • Transcript: Coalition Provisional Authority Update Briefing from Baghdad, Iraq 02 Sep 2003 -- "With the appointment of a cabinet, Iraq has taken a third important step toward sovereign self-government. The first step was the formation of the Iraqi Governing Council in July. Last month, the Governing Council appointed a preparatory committee, which will determine the means by which Iraq will, for the first time, write her own constitution. And now, there are Iraqi ministers responsible for the executive functions of Iraq's government."

August 22, 2003

  • Transcript: Video-teleconference Briefing from Baghdad 22 Aug 2003 -- Video-teleconference from Baghdad. Participating were Sgt. Maj. Kenneth O. Preston, Command Sgt. Maj., V Corps; Sgt. Maj. Michael Bush, U.S. Army 1st Armored Division; and Sgt. Maj. Charles Fuss, U.S. Army 4th Infantry Division

August 21, 2003

August 13, 2003

August 07, 2003

August 05, 2003

  • Transcript: DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers 05 Aug 2003 -- "With the deaths of Uday and Qusay Hussein last month, confidence is growing in Iraq that the Ba'athists will not be returning to power. As a result, more Iraqis are coming forward to help the coalition as the coalition works to get the country back on a path of stability and self-government. And the people coming in are providing helpful information as the coalition deals with the remnants of the Ba'ath regime that are seeking to undermine their progress."

July 29, 2003

July 25, 2003

July 23, 2003

  • Transcript: Gen. Keane Press Briefing on Plans to Rotate Forces in Iraq 23 Jul 2003 -- "My purpose today is to present to you our rotation plan for Iraq. First, I want to give you a little historical perspective. (...) Since 1982, we've had a six-month unit rotation policy in the Sinai. In 1995, we began with a 12-month unit rotation in the Balkans, and shortly thereafter, changed it to a six-month rotation policy, which we are steady-stating today in Bosnia and Kosovo. Finally, our forces in Afghanistan are currently on a six-month unit rotation policy."
  • Transcript: Lt. Gen. Sanchez Briefing on the Confirmation of the Deaths of Uday and Qusay Hussein 23 Jul 2003 -- "Yesterday was a landmark day for the people and for the future of Iraq. Every single day we get closer to a secure and stable environment that will allow this country to flourish and assume its rightful place in the region and in the community of nations. The military forces of Coalition Joint Task Force 7 and the security elements of Iraq, in support of the coalition provisional authority, are fighting every day to defeat former regime leaders, Baathist elements and other non-compliant forces."
  • Transcript: Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Press Briefing on His Recent Trip to Iraq 23 Jul 2003 -- "I'm here just to brief on my trip, which was a four-and-a-half- day whirlwind tour of northern, central and southern Iraq. We just got back in the wee hours of Tuesday morning. I guess that was actually yesterday."

July 22, 2003

  • Transcript: Lt. Gen. Sanchez Press Briefing on Uday and Qusay Hussein 22 Jul 2003 -- "Today our coalition forces associated with the 101st Airborne Division, Special Forces and Air Force assets conducted an operation against suspected regime members. An Iraqi source informed the 101st Airborne division on today that several suspects, including Qusay and Uday, numbers two and three on the U.S. Central Command's most-wanted list, were hiding in a residence near the northern edge of the city."

July 16, 2003

July 07, 2003

June 30, 2003

June 24, 2003

  • Transcript: DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers 24 Jun 2003 -- "Regrettably, four American soldiers were killed during the past eight days in Iraq, three in grenade attacks, and another who was shot on guard duty at a propane distribution center (...) I also want to express sorrow that the British forces have sustained some losses in the past 24 hours. (...) To help ensure long-term stability and security, we are beginning the process of forming a new Iraqi army. (...) The search for Iraq's WMD continues."

June 18, 2003

June 12, 2003

June 05, 2003

June 04, 2003

  • Transcript: DoD Briefing on Policy and Intelligence Matters 04 Jun 2003 -- Briefing on policy and intelligence matters. Participating were Douglas J. Feith, under secretary of defense for policy, and William J. Luti, deputy under secretary of defense for special plans and Near East and South Asian affairs

June 03, 2003

  • Transcript: DoD Briefing on Operation Iraqi Freedom Lessons Learned Process 03 Jun 2003 -- Video-teleconference briefing on Operation Iraqi Freedom lessons learned process. Participating were Marine Corps Maj. Gen. Gordon C. Nash, commander of the U.S. Joint Forces Command Joint Warfighting Center, and Army Brig. Gen. Robert W. Cone, director of the Operation Iraqi Freedom Joint Lessons Learned Collection Team

May 15, 2003

May 13, 2003

  • Transcript: 101st Airborne Division Commander Live Briefing from Iraq 13 May 2003 -- Briefing from Mosul, Iraq, on the involvement of the 101st Airborne Division in the conflict and in post-war stabilization efforts. Participating were Bryan Whitman, deputy assistant secretary of defense for public affairs (media operations), and Army Maj. Gen. David H. Petraeus, commanding general, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault).

May 09, 2003

  • Defense Department Briefing Transcript Washington File 09 May 2003 -- Franks/Iraq plan, Operation/Iraqi Freedom, Iraq/democracy, Iraq/security, Iraq/essential services, Iraq/transition, stability/Red Sea, Persian Gulf/stability, Iraq/French role, Iraqi occupation/duration, U.S. force/global adjustments, East bloc/Russian talks, Army secretary/replacement, Franks/Army Chief, Iraqi oilfields/looting, Iraqi oil/infrastructure neglect, Iraqi/WMD hunt, Iraq/UN inspectors, Iraq/American killed, Iraqi sectors/no division, Iraqi antiquities/safekeeping, CENTCOM/Iraq plan

May 08, 2003

  • Transcript: Enemy Prisoner of War Briefing from Umm Qasr, Iraq 08 May 2003 -- Briefing on enemy prisoner of war status categories, releases and paroles via telephone from Umm Qasr, Iraq. Participating were Army Col. John Della Jacono, chief of staff for the Coalition Forces Land Component Commander, and Army Col. Karl M. Goetzke, staff judge advocate for the Coalition Forces Land Component Commander

May 07, 2003

  • Transcript: Fifth Corps Commander Live Briefing from Baghdad 07 May 2003 -- Satellite-videoteleconference briefing from Baghdad, Iraq, on the involvement of the 5th Corps in the conflict and in post-war stabilization efforts. Participating were Bryan Whitman, deputy assistant secretary of defense for public affairs, and Lt. Gen. William Scott Wallace, commander, U.S. Army 5th Corps
  • Transcript: Briefing on Weapons of Mass Destruction Exploitation in Iraq 07 May 2003 -- Briefing on weapons of mass destruction exploitation in Iraq. Participating were Stephen A. Cambone, under secretary of defense for intelligence, and Vice Adm. Lowell E. Jacoby, director, Defense Intelligence Agency

May 02, 2003

April 30, 2003

April 28, 2003

  • TRANSCRIPT OF TOWN HALL WITH TROOPS CENTCOM 28 Apr 2003 -- "Well, about six weeks ago, the Secretary of Defense outlined military objectives, as a matter of fact, he outlined eight of them for Operation Iraqi Freedom. Today the coalition has achieved a great many of these objectives, and the people in Iraq have begun a transition to independence."

April 24, 2003

  • Transcript: DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers 25 Apr 2003 -- "The number of officials of the former regime now in the hands of coalition forces continues to grow. This week, Saddam Hussein's trade minister was captured by coalition forces on the Iraqi-Syrian border. His director of military intelligence was captured near Baghdad. His deputy chief of tribal affairs and a former senior member of his Revolutionary Command Council were both apprehended by Free Iraqi Forces and turned over to the coalition. The commander of his air defense force was taken into custody West of Baghdad. The former head of the American desk of the Iraqi Intelligence Service was also captured after a shoot-out with coalition forces in Baghdad. And yesterday, of course, the former deputy prime minister and confidante of Saddam Hussein, Tariq Aziz, was taken into custody."

April 24, 2003

April 23, 2003

April 22, 2003

  • TRANSCRIPT OF 4/22 CENTCOM BRIEFING CENTCOM 22 Apr 2003 -- "This is the 33rd day of Operation Iraqi Freedom, since coalition forces entered Iraq. Currently, our operations have focused on actions related to establishing security and setting the conditions for a stable and free Iraq. The coalition is working closely with Iraqi citizens, Iraqi workers, and humanitarian organizations. Dangers are still evident, and there are continuing examples of lethal preparations being made by individuals who would seek instability instead of stability."

April 21, 2003

  • Transcript: DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers 21 Apr 2003 -- "Operations continue throughout Iraq. Earlier today, the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit was engaged in a firefight on the Mosul airfield in the north. One Marine was wounded. The Marines returned fire, but the attackers escaped and we have no idea who they were. Also in the north, U.S. Special Forces discovered a very large weapons cache south of Kirkuk. This cache is in 40 different bunkers; it contains multiple rocket-launch rockets, artillery rounds, and other munitions, including, significantly, 50 SA-7s, the hand-held surface-to-air missile."

April 18, 2003

  • TRANSCRIPT OF 4/18 CENTCOM BRIEFING CENTCOM 18 Apr 2003 -- "Coalition forces are interdicting free movement by regime members or paramilitary elements. Special operations forces continued their efforts to stabilize northern Iraq and western Iraq, while also conducting direct-action missions when appropriate. Last night, coalition special operations forces captured another key member of the regime. Samir Abd al-Aziz al-Najim, one of the top-55 leaders of the regime, was handed over to coalition forces by Iraqi Kurds near Mosul in northern Iraq. He was a Ba'ath Party official, a regional command chairman for the Baghdad district, and is believed to have first-hand knowledge of the Ba'ath Party central structure. The coalition is pursuing other regime leaders."

April 17, 2003

  • TRANSCRIPT OF 4/17 CENTCOM BRIEFING CENTCOM 17 Apr 2003 -- "Operation Iraqi Freedom is now in the 28th day since coalition forces entered Iraq. Iraq is more stable today than yesterday. Identified pockets of resistance are fewer yesterday."
  • Transcript: Media Briefing Australia's contribution to Global Operations Australian Department of Defence 17 Apr 2003 -- "As you may be aware, the coalition announced yesterday that the WMD threat in Iraq's western desert has been eliminated. Australia's Special Forces played an important role in removing that threat. Although there is still some work to be done to remove the WMD Threat entirely."
  • Transcript: Briefing From Tallil Forward Air Base 17 Apr 2003 -- "Joining us from Tallil Forward Air Base outside An Nasiriyah, Iraq, we have Army Brigadier General Jack Stoltz and Air Force Colonel John Dobbins. General Stoltz is the deputy commanding general of the 377th Theater Support Command, and he's in charge of all civil affairs activities in the An Nasiriyah region. Colonel Dobbins is the commanding officer of the Tallil Forward Air Base, the first forward air base that coalition forces were able to use for combat operations. These officers are going to talk to us about their roles in the conflict and in the post-conflict environment."

April 16, 2003

  • Transcript: DoD News Briefing - ASD PA Clarke and Maj. Gen. McChrystal 16 A0pr 2003 -- 'Coalition forces have taken Tikrit, Samarra and al Qaim. Our forces are securing key infrastructure in Baghdad; we are increasing our patrols of the city to provide security. And British forces are patrolling in southern Iraq, including joint patrols with Iraqi citizens."
  • TRANSCRIPT OF 4/16 CENTCOM BRIEFING CENTCOM 16 Apr 2003 -- "Operation Iraqi Freedom continues in the 27th day since coalition forces entered Iraq. With each day that passes, more Iraqis are experiencing freedom and more Iraqis are expressing their desires for a stable and free Iraq."
  • Transcript: Media Briefing Australia's contribution to Global Operations Australian Department of Defence 16 Apr 2003 -- "The Australian special forces task group continues its normal operations. Special forces troops continue their surveillance and reconnaissance missions inside Iraq with no significant incidents to report. (...) Our FA-18 Hornets continue their close air support missions in support of coalition ground forces, providing on-call aerial security if required. These missions have again been flown in the vicinity of Tikrit."

April 15, 2003

  • Transcript: DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers 15 Apr 2003 -- "Coalition forces now control Saddam Hussein's hometown of Tikrit, and only a few Iraqi cities remain contested. Our forces are now going back to the smaller cities and towns they initially bypassed, to deal with any regime forces that may remain. We'll continue these efforts until Saddam Hussein's regime has been removed from every corner of Iraq."
  • TRANSCRIPT OF 4/15 CENTCOM BRIEFING CENTCOM 15 Apr 2003 -- "Today is the 26th day since coalition forces entered Iraq to initiate Operation Iraqi Freedom. And we're moving ahead with our efforts to return Iraq to the Iraqi people. The focus of the coalition's operations in the last 24 hours has been on eliminating the remaining pockets of resistance, locating key regime leaders, and increasing military contributions to humanitarian assistance. Special operations forces have been active in expanding security in the northern Iraq areas of Mosul, Irbil and Kirkuk. And you have seen those pointed out before. Again, just as a reminder, Mosul, Irbil and Kirkuk."
  • Transcript: Media Briefing Australia's contribution to Global Operations Australian Department of Defence 15 Apr 2003 -- "I thought I'd take the opportunity to make a few political comments because we're obviously in the final stages of the conflict as far as it concerns securing areas that have been under regime control. You could say that really it was earlier last week that, from a central command perspective, the regime lost control. "

April 14, 2003

  • Transcript: DoD News Briefing - ASD PA Clarke and Maj. Gen. McChrystal 14 Apr 2003 -- "We continue to make progress on the war in Iraq. Coalition forces are rooting out remnants of the Iraqi regime, including in Tikrit, Saddam Hussein's hometown. The regime is at its end, and its leaders are either dead, surrendered, or on the run."
  • TRANSCRIPT OF 4/14 CENTCOM BRIEFING CENTCOM 14 Apr 2003 -- "We're in the 25th day since coalition forces entered Iraq to initiate Operation Iraqi Freedom. The coalition is expanding areas of influence throughout the country and concentrating efforts on security and stability. Gradually, the indications of every-day life are returning in Iraq, and the Iraqis are adjusting to the freedom from the tyranny of the regime. Today, the coalition is operating throughout Iraq to remove the final remnants of the regime from any areas of influence. "
  • Transcript: Media Briefing Australia's contribution to Global Operations Australian Department of Defence 14 Apr 2003 -- "Operations have continued in all areas over the last 24 hours and I'm happy to report that all our people remain safe and accounted for. First, I'd like to update you on OPERATION BAGHDAD ASSIST. The operation continues, with the two C-130s dispatched from Richmond yesterday making their way to the Middle East to deliver medical supplies."
  • PM: A strategy for peace in Iraq 10 Downing Street 14 Apr 2003 -- Prime Minister Tony Blair has emphasised there will be tough times ahead in Iraq but the country is a better place without Saddam. Laying out plans for peace in Iraq, the Prime Minister said the UN has a vital role to play. Mr Blair also expressed his pride for the role British Forces have played.
  • Secretary of State for Defence and the Chief of Defence Staff - Lobby briefing at the Foreign Press Association Ministry of Defence 14 Apr 2003 -- "Three and a half weeks into the military operation in Iraq, on Day 25, coalition forces have made extraordinary progress. But I do want to note that it is important that you realise that the situation varies greatly from one place to another in Iraq. UK and US forces are demonstrating impressive adaptability and flexibility in confronting a range of challenges right across the country. "

April 13, 2003

  • Transcript: Australian Media Briefing Operation Falconer Australian Department of Defence 13 Apr 2003 -- "Obviously a key focus of Australian Defence Force operations over the past 24 hours has been the preparation and conduct of OPERATION BAGHDAD ASSIST, announced by Government yesterday. BAGHDAD ASSIST is being conducted to help relieve the humanitarian situation in Baghdad by getting much needed medical supplies into the city as quickly as possible so that the hospitals there can continue to function."

April 12, 2003

  • TRANSCRIPT OF 4/12 CENTCOM BRIEFING CENTCOM 12 Apr 2003 -- "The regime is in disarray and no longer in control of Iraq, and the coalition remains focused on the objectives of the campaign. The attainment of objectives to date has not come without cost, and as always, we pause to remember those who have lost their lives, and we extend our condolences to their families. The operations of the last 24 hours have been characterized by simultaneous actions in all parts of the country. Some focused on removing any remaining chance of the regime returning to power while others focused on setting the conditions for a stable and free Iraq."
  • Transcript: Media Briefing: Australia's contribution to global operations Australian Department of Defence 12 Apr 2003 -- "I've decided to participate in today's press briefing to announce the start of an operation which will be conducted within Operation Falconer. Operation Falconer being Australia's participation in Coalition operations in Iraq. This new operation is 'Operation Baghdad Assist'."
  • Transcript: Vice Adm Timothy Keating Briefing via Satellite-Teleconference from Bahrain 12 Apr 2003 -- "Since the 20 of March, aircraft flying from our carriers have flown over 7,000 sorties -- 7,000 sorties in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom as part of the air component command power projection mission. Maritime patrol aircraft, our big-wing P-3s principally, have provided valuable intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance of the battlefield forward into Iraq and over Baghdad as we speak in support of ground and sea assets. Vast sea-lift ships brought in equipment that support the ground forces and also our planes - and our jets are providing close air support for the marines and the soldiers who are all throughout Baghdad this morning."

April 11, 2003

  • TRANSCRIPT OF 4/11 CENTCOM BRIEFING CENTCOM 11 Apr 2003 -- "...campaign is in its 22nd day since the entry of coalition forces into Iraq. Regime leadership and control structures have been broken through most of the country. Pockets of resistance remain, and there are increasing indications of regime-associated individuals attempting to escape the coalition by fleeing into other countries. Regime instruments are still available to the remaining elements, and the coalition is continuing its efforts to find these instruments, as well as the regime elements and destroy them. In general terms, the coalition efforts focus on increasing the conditions of security and stability in liberated areas. We are conducting focused combat operations in areas not yet liberated."
  • Transcript: DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers 11 Apr 2003 -- "On the operational front, coalition forces continue to secure and stabilize cities and thoroughfares around Iraq, and to focus combat operations in those areas where resistance continues. Over the past 24 hours, coalition air forces have flown more than 1,000 sorties over Iraq, and we continue to provide urban close air support to our ground forces in and around Baghdad and throughout Iraq."
  • Transcript: Media Briefing Australia's contribution to Global Operations Australian Department of Defence 11 Apr 2003 -- "Our special forces continue their surveillance operations inside Iraq, with no significant incidents to report. (...) Our FA-18 Hornets have again been flying close support missions over Iraq in support of coalition ground forces. "
  • Written Ministerial Statement to the House of Commons by Secretary of State for Defence Ministry of Defence 11 Apr 2003 -- "As the pattern of coalition operations in Iraq changes, it will be possible for a number of units to proceed with other tasking or return to the United Kingdom."
  • Press Conference at the Ministry of Defence Ministry of Defence 11 Apr 2003 -- "Since I spoke to you last week, events have moved on at a remarkable pace, in particular over the last few days. We have all seen the extraordinary pictures in Baghdad, Mosul and Kirkuk of people tasting freedom, in many cases for the first time in their lives. Saddam Hussein has gone to ground, as have his murderous henchmen. The regime has collapsed."
  • Briefing Via Satellite-Teleconference on Medical Care Being Provided to Enemy POW's 11 Apr 2003 -- "This is our -- really, our third briefing with respect to issues regarding U.S. treatment of enemy prisoners of war. And today, we want to take you to another location, where enemy prisoners of war are being taken care of, aboard the USNS Comfort, the hospital ship."

April 10, 2003

  • Transcript: DoD News Briefing - ASD PA Clarke and Maj. Gen. McChrystal 10 Apr 2003 -- Operation Iraqi Freedom continues. As Ms. Clarke mentioned, and as the secretary and the chairman clearly stated yesterday, the conflict is not over. Since the Saddam statue was toppled yesterday, two U.S. servicemen were killed and several dozen injured in firefights throughout Baghdad and around the country. We continue to discover weapons caches and military equipment hidden and abandoned. Death squads still pose a threat. And there's still coalition forces fighting organized resistance in the north near Tikrit and Mosul."
  • TRANSCRIPT OF 4/10 CENTCOM BRIEFING CENTCOM 10 Apr 2003 -- "We have succeeded in maintaining a lethal pressure against Iraqi forces in northern Iraq, and consolidated some gains in the area of Mosul. I talked about that yesterday, up in this area, where Iraqi forces have been pushed back from what was the green line, and under coalition special operations force lead, supported by some Peshmerga, they've moved into that area and begun to consolidate around the area. It's not yet secure; there's still work to be done."
  • Transcript: Briefing With Free Iraqi Force Members 10 Apr 2003 -- "I've got soldiers now that are stretched all throughout Iraq with the advancing forces there in Baghdad, Karbala, An Najaf, An Nasiriyah, Basra and now here in Umm Qasr, where we started when we entered Iraq. "
  • Transcript: Media Briefing Australia's contribution to Global Operations Australian Department of Defence 10 Apr 2003 -- "We've all seen the dramatic images from Baghdad this morning, and as encouraging as they are, I think it is important to remember there is still a lot of work to be done."

April 09, 2003

  • Transcript: DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers 09 Apr 2003 -- "Tomorrow will mark three weeks since Operation Iraqi Freedom began and the progress of the men and women in uniform who make up the coalition forces has been nothing short of spectacular. They drove through the south up, braving dust storms and death squads to reach Baghdad in record time. They secured Iraq's southern oil fields for the Iraqi people, took out terrorist camps in the north and the south, secured large sections of western Iraq, preventing the regime from attacking its neighbors with Scud missiles. They've liberated cities and towns and are now in the Iraqi capital removing the regime from its seat of power and center of gravity."
  • TRANSCRIPT OF 4/9 CENTCOM BRIEFING CENTCOM 09 Apr 2003 -- "It has now been 20 days since coalition forces entered Iraq with clear objectives. Today the regime is in disarray and much of Iraq is free from years of oppression. "
  • Transcript: Media Briefing Australia's contribution to Operation Falconer Australian Department of Defence 09 Apr 2003 -- "Good morning, and welcome to our regular update on operations in the Middle East. It will be a short brief today as there have been no significant changes to our operations in the Middle East over the past 24 hours. Importantly, all our people remain safe and accounted for."
  • Transcript: Teleconference Briefing From Umm Qasr, Iraq on Enemy Prisoner of War Issues 09 Apr 2003 -- "We have planned this operation to handle EPWs for a significant amount of time. Planning has been occurring or has occurred, I would say, over the last eight or nine months."

April 08, 2003

April 07, 2003

  • Transcript: DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers 07 Apr 2003 -- "Operation Iraqi Freedom continues. The battlefield has certainly shifted since the last time we were at this podium on Thursday. We have over 340,000 coalition forces in the region, more than 125,000 inside Iraq. We've secured Baghdad International Airport and have begun using it for coalition missions. We've secured most of the major roads into and out of Baghdad. We've visited two of Saddam's presidential palaces. Republican Guard divisions have only been able to conduct sporadic attacks on our forces."
  • CENTCOM Operation Iraqi Freedom Briefing CENTCOM 07 Apr 2003 -- The operation continues. Let me provide you a short update on some of the activities that occurred in the last 24 hours
  • Statement by Air Marshal Brian Burridge, UK National Contingent Commander Ministry of Defence 07 Apr 2003 -- "The last 48 hours have been historic for the people of Basrah. After decades under the heel of Saddam's brutal regime, UK forces are in the process of delivering liberation to the people of Basrah."
  • Secretary of State for Defence, Geoff Hoon - Lobby briefing Ministry of Defence 07 Apr 2003 -- "I want to try and bring you up to date with the campaign in Iraq and then take your questions. (...) Recent days have seen further significant progress against our campaign objectives. The United States V Corps has seized Baghdad International Airport, defeated the Republican Guards Medina Division. The First Marine Expeditionary Force overcame the Baghdad and Alnida Divisions of the Republican Guard. This morning we have seen the pictures of US forces in the very centre of Baghdad."
  • Iraq (Military Operations) UK Parliament 07 Apr 2003 -- "The Secretary of State for Defence (Mr. Geoffrey Hoon): With permission, Mr. Speaker, I would like to make a further statement about military action in Iraq and the efforts that we are making to help the Iraqi people to rebuild their country. "
  • Transcript: Media Briefing Australia's contribution to Global Operations Australian Ministry of Defence 07 Apr 2003 -- "Again, there have been no significant incidents or changes to report regarding our forces deployed in the Middle East Area of Operations over the past 24 hours. All our personnel remain safe and accounted for."
  • Transcript: Briefing on Geneva Convention, EPW's and War Crimes 07 Apr 2003 -- This is the first in a series of our briefings on issues that are related to the U.S. military's treatment of enemy prisoners of war.

April 06, 2003

  • TRANSCRIPT OF 4/6 CENTCOM BRIEF CENTCOM 06 Apr 2003 -- "The coalition attacked regime leadership targets, military forces, command centers, communications nodes, and all located aircraft to break the military capacity of the regime. At this point, the coalition can operate throughout all of the airspace of Iraq."
  • Transcript: Defence Media Briefing Australian Ministry of Defence 06 Apr 2003 -- "There've been no significant issues or changes to our operations overnight, and I'm pleased again to report that all of our personnel are safe and well. I would like, before starting, to make a small clarification on a question on the location of forces in the push into Baghdad."

April 05, 2003

  • Transcript: Coalition Forces Air Component Command Briefing 05 Apr 2003 -- "You are going to be talking to Lieutenant General Michael Moseley who is the Coalition Forces Air Component Commander or the CFACC."
  • TRANSCRIPT OF 4/5 CENTCOM BRIEF CENTCOM 05 Apr 2003 -- "The focus of today's briefing is going to be a sort of an operational summary. There will be some history here, things that you've seen before, but my goal today is to try to put some of that in a context for you that will hopefully allow you to understand how the operations have flowed over time."
  • Transcript: Media briefing: Australia's contribution to global operations Australian Ministry of Defence 05 Apr 2003 -- "This morning's brief will be a little different. Apart from the venue, we have with us the Commander of the Royal Australian Air Force's Air Combat Group, Air Commodore John Quaife. And he will provide us with some briefing and background details on the characteristics and capabilities of the F/A-18 Hornet aircraft you see parked behind me."

April 04, 2003

  • Transcript: DoD News Briefing - ASD PA Clarke and Maj. Gen. McChrystal 04 Apr 2003 -- "Currently, the coalition has a substantial number of forces on the ground at Baghdad International Airport and we'll begin to increase our scope of control over additional areas nearby. We are still sporadically engaging forces on the airport grounds and clearing buildings there."
  • TRANSCRIPT OF 4/4 CENTCOM BRIEF CENTCOM 04 Apr 2003 -- "Fifteen days since the coalition's entry into Iraq, our coalition forces have preserved key resources for the future of Iraq, have provided water, food and medical support to liberated areas of Iraq, and have removed the influence of the regime throughout most of Iraq."
  • Press Conference at the Ministry of Defence, London Ministry of Defence 04 Apr 2003 -- "Since I spoke to you last Friday, the coalition has seen further steady progress both in terms of military advance and in terms of the other crucial battle that I spoke of last week, winning the confidence of the Iraqi people through increased normalisation and security. (...) The focus of this press conference will be the air campaign."
  • Transcript: Media Briefing Australia's contribution to Global Operations Australian Ministry of Defence 04 Apr 2003 -- "Good morning everyone, and welcome again to our regular update on operations in the Middle East. Today's brief will also include an update on some activities involving our troops that have taken place in East Timor during the week."

April 03, 2003

  • Transcript: DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers 03 Apr 2003 -- "Coalition ground, air, maritime and special forces have made remarkable progress in the first two weeks of Operation Iraqi Freedom. (...) We are continuing to move toward our objectives. (...) Air strikes continue. In the last 24 hours coalition air forces have flown more than 1,000 sorties over Iraq. Since the war began we have fired over 725 Tomahawks and dropped over 12,000 precision-guided munitions. We essentially control over 95 percent of Iraqi airspace."
  • Transcript: TRANSCRIPT OF 4/3 CENTCOM BRIEF CENTCOM 03 Apr 2003 -- "We are well into the 14th day since coalition forces entered Iraq. Our operations are achieving the desired effects"
  • Statement to the House of Commons - Secretary of State for Defence Ministry of Defence 03 Apr 2003 -- "With permission, Mr Speaker, I would like to make a further statement about military action in Iraq."
  • Transcript - Media briefing Thursday 3 April 2003 Australian Ministry of Defence 03 Apr 2003 -- "The Australian Defence Force contribution to the coalition continues to make its presence felt. Our Hornet aircraft have undertaken 130 combat sorties, totalling about 700 flying hours since operations commenced. In addition to defence of counter air sorties, approximately 70 strike missions have also been successfully prosecuted."
  • Transcript: Media Briefing Australia's contribution to Global Operations Australian Ministry of Defence 03 Apr 2003 -- 'Good morning everyone, and welcome again to our regular update on operations in the Middle East. While all our forces have again been busy conducting their respective tasks, I'm happy to report there have been no major incidents or casualties in the past 24 hours."

April 02, 2003

  • Transcript: DoD News Briefing - ASD PA Clarke and Maj. Gen. McChrystal 02 Apr 2003 -- "Operation Iraqi Freedom moves into its 13th day since major ground forces moved into Iraq. We're now engaging the Republican Guard divisions defending the outskirts of Baghdad, and irregular forces throughout the south supporting the Iraqi regime. We've moved to within 30 miles of Baghdad, but there remains tough fighting ahead."
  • TRANSCRIPT OF 4/2 CENTCOM BRIEF CENTCOM 02 Apr 2003 -- "On this 13th day since coalition forces entered Iraq, we continue our pursuit of the objectives set forth in this campaign. (...) The coalition conducted simultaneous attacks over the last 24 hours against regime targets in Baghdad and against regime forces throughout the country."
  • Transcript: Media briefing Australia's contribution to Global Operations Australian Ministry of Defence 02 Apr 2003

April 01, 2003

  • Transcript: DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers 01 Apr 2003 -- "We are 12 days into the war. Coalition forces have made good progress in that still short period of time. To get a sense of how coalition forces are doing, I think it's useful to put yourself in Baghdad, in the shoes of those in the Iraqi regime, and ask "what do you think they're seeing after 12 days of war." They probably expected it would be much like the first Gulf War. It seems an awful lot of people in the world expected that it would be a lot like the first Gulf War. In that case, as you'll recall, it was a sustained 38-day air campaign, followed by a brief ground attack. Instead, in this case, the ground attack actually started before the air war, with thousands of Special Forces pouring into all regions of the country and a large force rolling across the Kuwaiti border into southern Iraq."
  • TRANSCRIPT OF 4/1 CENTCOM BRIEF CENTCOM 01 Apr 2003 -- "The coalition attacked regime targets over the last 24 hours in Baghdad and areas throughout the country. Precision attacks against surface-to-surface missiles and Republican Guard forces also continued. The coalition remains focused on every aspect of the regime."
  • Transcript: Media briefing Australia's contribution to Global Operations Australian Ministry of Defence 01 Apr 2003 -- "After less than two weeks, large sections of Iraq are under Coalition control, and the Iraqi Army has been severely weakened. The regime has been hit precisely and hard."

March 31, 2003

  • Transcript: DoD News Briefing - ASD PA Clarke and Maj. Gen. McChrystal 31 Mar 2003 -- "Operation Iraqi Freedom continues. More than 300,000 coalition forces are deployed in support of combat operations, with more than a third of those inside Iraq. Our ground operations are continuing to engage enemy positions throughout Iraq. General Brooks gave an overall accounting earlier today. We've seized additional key bridges over the Euphrates River and conducted offensive operations to isolate As Samawa and An Nasiriyah in order to destroy irregular forces in those areas. The air campaign continues as well. We flew about 1,000 sorties over Iraq yesterday, mostly against the Medina, Hammurabi, Baghdad and Al Nida divisions. We also hit command, control and communications targets and air defense sites in Baghdad and in northern Iraq."
  • Transcript: CENTCOM Operation Iraqi Freedom Briefing CENTCOM 31 Mar 2003 -- "The coalition attacked regime targets over the last 48 hours in Baghdad and several cities throughout the country. Additionally, there were precision attacks against surface-to-surface missiles and Republican Guard forces. Our efforts are focused on every aspect of the regime. Here are some examples of recent attacks, and they illustrate our approach."
  • Transcript: Media Briefing Australia's contribution to Global Operations Australian Ministry of Defence 31 Mar 2003

March 30, 2003

  • TRANSCRIPT OF 3/30 CENTCOM BRIEFING CENTCOM 30 Mar 2003 -- "We're in the 11th day of combat in Operation Iraqi Freedom, and a growing coalition of nearly 50 nations stands one day closer to liberating Iraq and removing the threat of the regime's weapons of mass destruction. Every day we diminish the regime's ability to command and control its forces. You've all seen that. And every day we erode the regime's grip over the Iraqi people. We're in fact on plan. And where we stand today is not only acceptable in my view, it is truly remarkable."
  • Transcript: Media Briefing - Australia's Contribution to Global Operations Australian Ministry of Defence 30 Mar 2003 -- "Turning to land operations, our SAS carry out their task of long-range reconnaissance and surveillance inside Iraq, and there have been no significant issues or matter to report over the last period."

March 29, 2003

  • Transcript: DoD News Briefing - ASD PA Clarke and Maj. Gen. McChrystal 29 Mar 2003 -- "Operation Iraqi Freedom continues. More than 290,000 coalition forces are deployed in support of combat operations, more than a third of those inside Iraq. Our ground operations are progressing well. There continues to be sporadic resistance in the south. However, our supply lines are working well and we continue to re-supply our front-line forces. The air campaign continues as well. We flew more than 1,000 sorties over Iraq yesterday, mostly against Iraqi regime and leadership targets, command and control, and Republican Guard divisions."
  • Transcript: CENTCOM Operation Iraqi Freedom Briefing CENTCOM 29 Mar 2003 -- "And Operation Iraqi Freedom continues. We continue to make good progress in accordance with our plan. We continue to believe it's a well-orchestrated plan, it's flexible, and it's producing the daily successes that we need on the battlefield. We continue to apply good pressure across a broad area of lines of operations. This allows us to put pressure on the regime. It allows us to communicate with the Iraqi civilian leaders in the various communities and to take that information and then target some of these terror cells that are holding hostage many of these cities of Southern Iraq. It also allows us to work in the west and in the north with a number of tribal leaders to continue to expand influence of free Iraqis throughout those parts of the country."
  • Transcript - OP FALCONER MEDIA BRIEF Australian Department of Defence 29 Mar 2003 -- "Our Special Forces elements continue to operate deep inside Iraq. There have been no significant incidents over the period. And now to Air Operations. Over the past 24 hours our FA-18s have conducted Defensive Counter Air, strike and close air support missions"

March 28, 2003

  • Transcript: DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers 28 Mar 2003 -- "One week and a few minutes ago, the air war began in Iraq. So Operation Iraqi Freedom is now just a little over one week old. In that brief period of time, the coalition forces have made solid progress. And interestingly, in that short period of a week, we have seen mood swings in the media from highs to lows to highs and back again, sometimes in a single 24-hour period. "
  • TRANSCRIPT OF 3/28 CENTCOM BRIEFING CENTCOM 28 Mar 2003 -- "Iraqi Freedom continues this eighth day since the coalition ground forces entered Iraq. The coalition is setting the conditions for future operations, and we remain focused on the key objective of removing the regime and disarming Iraq."
  • Transcript: Press Conference at the Ministry of Defence UK Ministry of Defence 28 Mar 2003 -- "Within south east Iraq, 3 Commando Brigade remain in control on the Al Faw peninsula, and as you heard from the Minister, are dealing amongst other things with the arrival of humanitarian aid. 7 Armoured Brigade continue to keep watch on Basrah, to start to change the circumstances there, to exploit wherever we can ways of unhinging the regime's control from the populous. There have been a number of quite successful, highly successful I would say, engagements around Basrah well reported, and 16 Air Assault Brigade continue to secure and control the Ramaila oil complex, denying it to the enemy, and allowing work and production there to recommence, and hopefully quite soon."
  • Transcript: Media Briefing Australia's contribution to Global Operations Australian Department of Defence 28 Mar 2003 -- "Our divers continue their vital role in the clearance of mines, obstacles and potential booby traps in the murky waters of Umm Qsar and the port facility. Mine Divers warning was increased over night after the discovery of some explosive charges.(...) Our special forces continue with their job, undertaking vital reconnaissance work deep inside Iraq. (..) All our aircraft have continued with flying operations overnight without significant incident. Our FA-18 Hornets have again conducted a Close Air Support mission attacking a designated enemy position."

March 27, 2003

  • TRANSCRIPT OF 3/27 CENTCOM BRIEFING CENTCOM 27 Mar 2003 -- "Today is the seventh day since the coalition ground forces entered Iraq. Our plan is working, and we're one day closer to achieving our objectives. We will continue until all of our objectives are attained. Day by day, we significantly diminish the regime's ability to command and control its forces. As we do, we witness the regime's forces becoming more and more desperate in their actions."
  • Transcript: Press Conference at the Ministry of Defence UK MInistry of Defence 27 Mar 2003 -- "The poor weather that they have been experiencing out there in Iraq over the last couple of days, the reduced visibility, now has been clearing. But the slowdown that it caused has allowed our combat power close to Baghdad and Basrah, that is to say the armour, the infantry and the vital sustained logistics, it has allowed them some sphere of consolidation and recuperation. The air campaign is continuing apace with the Royal Air Force flying around 100 sorties a day, and they have successfully attacked and destroyed targets, ranging from regime headquarters to Iraqi forces in the field, and they have knocked out numerous tanks. And in addition, our helicopters have also been supporting our forces throughout the United Kingdom area of operations."
  • Statement by Air Marshal Brian Burridge, UK National Contingent Commander UK Ministry of Defence 27 Mar 2003 -- 'should like to start by addressing the shocking close up pictures broadcast by Al Jazeera last night. They claim that these show UK personnel killed during recent operations. Quite apart from the obvious distress that such pictures could cause friends and families of the personnel concerned, such disgraceful behaviour is a flagrant breach of the Geneva Convention. We have yet to undertake formal identification but it is probable that these are the two UK personnel who were listed as missing last Sunday. "
  • Transcript: Media Briefing Australia's contribution to global operations Australian Department of Defence 27 Mar 2003 -- "To begin today, there are a number of media reports that I'd like to correct from yesterday. The first is a report that Australian C-130 aircraft are operating in Iraq. This report is wrong. They are not."

March 26, 2003

  • TRANSCRIPT FOR 3/26 CENTCOM BRIEFING CENTCOM 26 Mar 2003 -- "Let me begin by saying the coalition continues Operation Iraqi Freedom on our sixth day since the coalition ground forces began their attack into Iraq. We remain on plan, and we're confident that we will accomplish our objectives."
  • Transcript: DoD News Briefing - ASD PA Clarke and Maj. Gen. McChrystal 26 Mar 2003 -- "This is the sixth day of the coalition campaign to end the Iraqi regime, destroy their weapons of mass destruction, and free the Iraqi people from decades of torture and oppression. We are making good progress on the land, the sea, and in the air with the invaluable help of many coalition allies. As President Bush said this morning in Tampa, the world is witnessing the skill and humanity of the American military."
  • Statement to the House of Commons - Secretary of State for Defence UK Ministry of Defence 26 Mar 2003 -- "With permission, Mr Speaker, I would like to make a further statement about military action in Iraq. Coalition forces have made significant progress since my statement to the House last Friday."
  • Transcript: Media Briefing Australia's contribution to Global Operation Australian Department of Defence 26 Mar 2003 -- "As you are probably aware from media reporting, there have been rather severe weather conditions in the area of operations. This includes fierce sandstorms, which have significantly reduced visibility and is making life pretty uncomfortable - particularly for those operating on the ground."

March 25, 2003

  • Transcript: DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers 25 Mar 2003 -- "Operation Iraqi Freedom continues. I don't have much additional information following CENTCOM's brief, but wanted to update you on the overall picture. On the ground, our forces are nearing Baghdad. They have moved some 200-plus miles into Iraq in less than five days of the ground campaign. We are now poised for the next objectives and our plan is on track. The air campaign is continuing well. We flew nearly 1,000 sorties over Iraq yesterday, most against Republican Guard units, and conducted close air support for the ground advance in the south and Special Forces in the west. Coalition forces have secured the port of Umm Qsar and are preparing the port for the arrival of humanitarian aid to the people of Iraq."
  • TRANSCRIPT OF 3/25 CENTCOM BRIEFING CENTCOM 25 Mar 2003 -- We continue to progress with our operations in support of Iraqi Freedom. Coalition forces are on plan to achieve our objectives, and we're doing so on our planned time line.
  • Transcript: Media Briefing: Australia's commitment to Global Operations Australian Department of Defence 25 Mar 2003 -- "Weather has deteriorated in the AO. Wind and limited visibility is affecting air operations. (...) Weather has deteriorated in the AO. Wind and limited visibility is affecting air operations."

March 24, 2003

  • Transcript: DoD News Briefing - ASD PA Clarke and Maj. Gen. McChrystal 24 Mar 2003 -- "Operation Iraqi Freedom continues. Coalition ground forces continue their attack towards Baghdad, and we are now more than 200 miles into Iraqi territory. Forces are meeting sporadic resistance. Coalition forces have engaged Republican Guard Medina Division troops with attack helicopters. And as General Franks mentioned, one Apache helicopter went down during this engagement. The crew is listed as missing."
  • CENTCOM Operation Iraqi Freedom Briefing CENTCOM 24 Mar 2003 -- "Well, we are in our fifth day of combat operations of Iraqi Freedom. Our forces are operating throughout Iraq, on the ground and in the air. United Kingdom and American marine forces are in the southern oil fields as we speak protecting Iraqis' future. Our air forces continue to strike regime command and control and military formations virtually all over the country with precision munitions and precision application of those munitions. Our special operations forces -- from the United Kingdom, the U.S., Australia -- are conducting direct action and strategic reconnaissance operations across the country. And major land combat formations continue to move, as you have seen them move over the last three or four days. Progress towards our objectives has been rapid and in some cases dramatic."
  • Secretary of State for Defence, Geoff Hoon - Lobby briefing at the Foreign Press Association UK Ministry of Defence 24 Mar 2003 -- "Turning to the military action, it is worth noting that before the campaign actually began, most people were predicting an initial phase of air strikes lasting for days, if not weeks, before any ground operations. In fact the start of the land operations, including 3 Commando Brigade's assault on the Al Faw Peninsula, was just as significant to the early part of the campaign as the use of air power."
  • Transcript: Op Falconer Media Brief Australian Department of Defence 24 Mar 2003 -- "Before we start in detail, I would like to clarify two key points from yesterdays brief. Firstly, the HMAS ANZAC did not fire missiles whilst providing gunfire support, as detailed in some media reports. The ANZAC used its main armament, which is a 5" Gun. Secondly, I would like to recap yesterday's story about the aborted FA18 strike mission. Some reporting of the incident would lead you to believe that this was an exceptional event likely to cause friction between coalition partners. This is not the case. Any coalition pilot would make the same decision in any case where there is insufficient information or support available to positively identify and hit a target"

March 23, 2003

  • CENTCOM Operation Iraqi Freedom Briefing CENTCOM 23 Mar 2003 -- "We're now in the fourth day of operations in Iraq and continue to make good progress on the ground, in the air and at sea and in accordance with our military campaign plan. Operations in the west continue to put pressure on Iraqi units. We continue to hit command- and-control centers and logistics nodes in that area as well."
  • Transcript: Operation Falconer Media Brief Australian Department of Defence 23 Mar 2003 -- "In all, our boarding parties apprehended a total of three enemy vessels carrying a total of 86 mines and a wide array of military weaponry during the operation. These mines were destined for the waterways where our and other coalition ships are currently operating. The types of mines captured were the Manta seabed influence mine and the LUGM 145 buoyant contact mine. The Manta mine is a fairly sophisticated weapon that is laid on the ocean floor and is set off by a ship's magnetic, acoustic or pressure signature. The LUGM 145 is a more conventional sea mine that is moored on a chain or drifts on the surface and is set off by contact with a ship."

March 22, 2003

  • Transcript:DoD News Briefing - ASD PA Clarke and Maj. Gen. McChrystal 22 Mar 2003 -- "It is only a matter of time before the Iraqi regime is destroyed and its threat to region and the world is ended. As we've made clear from the beginning, this is not a war against a people, a country or a religion, and the Iraqi people who are welcoming coalition forces are clear evidence that they know this to be true."
  • Transcript: Briefing with CENTCOM Commander General Tommy Franks CENTCOM 22 Mar 2003 -- Let me begin by saying this will be a campaign unlike any other in history, a campaign characterized by shock, by surprise, by flexibility, by the employment of precise munitions on a scale never before seen, and by the application of overwhelming force. (...) Our plan introduces these forces across the breadth and depth of Iraq, in some cases simultaneously and in some cases sequentially.
  • Transcript: Defence Secretary and Chief of the Defence Staff: Press Conference at the Ministry of Defence, London UK Ministry of Defence 22 Mar 2003 -- "Over the past 24 hours you will have seen the military plan start to take shape on the ground. What we are looking to do is to achieve a series of effects to which the Iraqi regime simply cannot respond. We can do this whilst at the same time reducing the risk of civilian casualties. Indeed we believe that this is the right way to minimise such risk. The coalition is now therefore working simultaneously along several lines of operation. First of all, through information operations, we are making clear to the Iraqi Armed Forces and to Iraq's civilian population, the coalition's resolve to achieve our objectives - the removal of Saddam Hussein's regime and its weapons of mass destruction. You will have seen pictures of the Iraqi Armed Forces responding to this and recognising that there is no need for them to fight for Saddam Hussein. Through ground manoeuvre we are rapidly securing Iraqi territory. "
  • Transcript Of Media Doorstop 22 Mar 03 (Aedt) At The Coalition Media Centre, Middle East Area Of Operations Australian Department of Defence 22 Mar 2003 -- "Our SAS have inserted into Iraq and have been there for a couple of days. Any suggestion that they have been there previously is nonsense - in the last couple of days they were given the EXECUTO by the government. They are now deep inside Iraq. Their primary role is strategic reconnaissance though in some cases we are a command and control node which are used to detect communications control in WMD. We will in some cases have taken direct action against those."
  • Transcript: Media Briefing Operation Falconer Australian Department of Defence 22 Mar 2003 -- "The first thing I'd like to draw to your attention - without us delving too far into what you might call the whole of the coalition activity - but it is important to note that the southern oil fields have been secured and that the damage has been assessed as minimal. This is a significant success as it has enabled all of us to avoid potential ecological disaster."

March 21, 2003

  • Transcript: DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld And Gen. Myers 21 Mar 2003 -- On the president's order, coalition forces began the ground war to disarm Iraq and liberate the Iraqi people yesterday. And a few minutes ago, the air war in Iraq began.
  • Transcript: Press Conference at the Ministry of Defence UK Ministry of Defence 21 Mar 2003 -- "Well as you know, our coalition forces were engaged overnight last night in some attacks on regime positions and infrastructure and a lot of details, especially with regard to the attacks on regime targets in Baghdad, have already been made available to you, so I don't intend to go over those again. However, I can tell you that those operations included the firing of several tomahawk missiles from British submarines in the region, and these missiles were targeted at regime command and control centres in the Iraqi capital, and also that all their weapons hit their targets as planned."
  • SENATE QUESTION TIME Australian Parliament House 21 Mar 2003 -- "I'm pleased to report to the Senate that all Australian troops deployed on Operation FALCONER are safe and well. Personnel from all three services continue to play a vital part at the forefront of coalition operations against Iraq."
  • Transcript: Update on the Australian Defence Force's contributions to Global Operations Australian Department of Defence 21 Mar 2003 -- "Now, following US missile strikes against the Iraqi leadership, the Iraqis have responded by firing a number of scud missiles from around the Basra area into Northern Kuwait. We know that two missiles were successfully intercepted by Patriot air defence missiles and destroyed. Others landed in the desert near Kuwait City."

March 20, 2003

  • Transcript: DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld And Gen. Myers 20 Mar 2003 -- "The United States and the international community have made every effort to avoid war. Diplomacy and sanctions over more than a decade have not worked. And now, by rejecting President Bush's ultimatum, the Iraqi regime has chosen military conflict over peaceful disarmament."
  • Transcript: Media Briefing Australia's commitment to Global Operations Australian Ministry of Defence 20 Mar 2003 -- "Operation Falconer* is the name given to the ADF contribution to the coalition to disarm Iraq. These briefings will be given regularly throughout the operation. The frequency will depend on the tempo of operations, however we will tend to provide briefings even when there's not too much new information, so that at least there's an opportunity for you to ask questions and of course so there's an opportunity for us to distribute any new vision. It's likely we'll move to daily briefings when that becomes appropriate."

March 19, 2003

  • Transcript: Effects Based Operations Briefing 19 Mar 2003 -- " And one of the challenges I know we face when we talk with the media and the types of operations we do is just trying to get to some sort of common understanding of when I say "effects based operation" what is that? Is it -- I mean, rocket science? Is it secret code? Is it something like that? "

March 14, 2003

  • Transcript: Briefing on Depleted Uranium 14 Mar 2003 -- Today's briefing is on depleted uranium. Depleted uranium is something that I think we have not done a good enough job in making sure that everybody understands what depleted uranium is and what it isn't. And as we go forward, and if there is a conflict in Iraq, I think it's important for everybody to have a good understanding of depleted uranium, because there is an awful lot of misinformation out there about depleted uranium.

March 11, 2003

March 05, 2003

  • Transcript: Background Briefing On Targeting 05 Mar 2003 -- "'International law draws a clear distinction between civilians and combatants. (...) Saddam Hussein makes no such distinctions. (...) So today we are joined by a senior official from the coalition headquarters at CentCom to shed some light on how we go about striking legitimate military targets while sparing no effort to protect innocent civilians."

March 03, 2003

  • Briefing on Chemical and Biological Defense Readiness 03 Mar 2003 -- "Today we're going to host a -- what's called -- we call a roundtable, but it's an opportunity for some very trained and professional individuals to talk to you about Army training and readiness in nuclear, biological and chemical defense."

February 26, 2003

  • Transcript: Briefing on Human Shields in Iraq 26 Feb 2003 -- "This is a very brief presentation on a rather complicated aspect of Iraq's use of human shields and what we call deceptive sanctuaries. We describe these activities as countertargeting. It's kind of a unique, catchy phrase. And these -- countertargeting describes the techniques which can be used against military operations, overhead reconnaissance or even U.N. inspectors. "

February 25, 2003

  • Transcript: Briefing on Humanitarian Relief Planning for Iraq 25 Feb 2003 -- "As you know, the president has not made a decision on the use of military force with respect to Iraq, but military planning continues, and a very important part of that military planning is preparing to deliver humanitarian aid to the Iraqi people while also conducting military operations. The department has been working with other agencies for some months now on a relief strategy. Our goal would be to minimize the displacement of Iraqi people, limit any damage to infrastructure, and avoid the disruption of services to the greatest extent possible."

January 24, 2003

  • Transcript: Background Briefing on Oil as a Weapon of Terror 24 Jan 2003 -- "...there are a variety of intelligence sources that leave us with the impression and, in fact, belief that Iraq and specifically the regime has a capability and, in fact, an intent to cause damage or destruction to their oil fields. We see that as a real potential crisis. And as we have crafted our -- a variety of plans, we have taken that into consideration in a fashion that would allow us to preserve and protect that natural resource, that economic future for the Iraqi people at some point in the future. And then it's also important to understand that the nations surrounding Iraq are also vitally interested in what happens to those oil fields. Whether it's an economic impact or an environmental impact, destruction of the oil fields will have significant effects on the neighbors of Iraq and we would like to try to preserve that from happening as best we can. (...) Destruction of the oil fields truly would be an act of terror."

October 08, 2002

  • DoD Briefing on Iraqi Denial and Deception 08 Oct. 2002 -- "What we will do is try to demonstrate the extensive history of the Hussein regime's denial and deception techniques. And they are much more than techniques and tactics. Iraqi denial and deception is a highly organized and comprehensive program to hide weapons of mass destruction and their development."

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