Cranbrook believes that extracurricular activities provide an important opportunity for students to pursue a special interest and to learn leadership skills and group cooperation. Students are encouraged to participate in one or more of the extracurricular activities listed here. Some student organizations are founded by students with faculty sponsorship. Meetings occur routinely with the faculty advisor.

Below is a list of some of the clubs offered this year, with a brief description of each.

List of 63 items.

  • African American Awareness Association

    The club advocates for a socially aware school atmosphere and provides a safe environment for global discussions. It will instill responsibility and encourage the ability to communicate and contribute to the larger global community.
  • Book Club 

    The CK Book Club’s mission is to bring together people who enjoy reading to discuss selected books; to promote a lifelong love of reading; and to hold fundraisers which will benefit public libraries in need. 
  • Boys Middle School Mentoring

    This club strives to provide positive influence on the next generation of CK Upper Schoolers through meaningful peer-to-peer discussions.
  • Bridge the Divide

    Bridge the Divide is a collaborative student leadership initiative that sponsors student-led experiences for intergroup dialogue at Cranbrook and community outreach in Dearborn and Detroit. We work to bring students together across social divisions to create a more inclusive and welcoming campus, where we appreciate the opportunity that differences bring to grow empathy and build meaningful and transformative relationships.
  • Brookside Tutoring Club 

    The Brookside Tutoring Club pairs upper school students with Brookside teachers. During an agreed upon time, the club member works in the classroom alongside the Brookside teacher helping in a variety of ways. 
  • Business Club 

    Through Launch X students learn about entrepreneurial experience by generating ideas, executing them, and pitching their ideas in a competition held at MIT. 
  • Cabinet 

    Cabinet plans & organizes volunteer efforts for community service, reaching out to a variety of causes in the metropolitan area & sometimes beyond. Cabinet organizes and presents the annual White Gifts Assembly, runs two Red Cross blood drives annually, and raises funds for emergency relief as occasions arise. 
  • CK Computer Science Club

    Students participate in the ACSL and discuss topics covered in this competition.
  • Cranbrook Chess Academy

    Members meet weekly after school to help Middle School students learn how to play chess. 
  • Cranbrook Chess Club

    This club encourages students to participate in chess games and tournaments.
  • Cranbrook Economics Club

    This club works to incite interest in economics and provide opportunities for students to learn more about economics through lecture discussion and competition preparation.
  • Crane-Clarion

    Maintaining a high standard of journalistic performance, the school newspaper provides opportunities for newsgathering, writing, editing, photography, design, graphics & cartooning, and business management.
  • Dance Club

    The club provides a friendly environment where male and female students of all skill levels can meet. Classes in various dance styles such as contemporary, jazz, hip hop are taught by students and guest teachers. Members have opportunities to attend dance concerts performed by professional companies and participate in outside master classes and workshops.
  • Debate Team 

    As a member of the Michigan Interscholastic Forensic Association, the Speech and Debate Team competes in speech contests during the winter season from early December until early spring. There are twelve different speaking events. Students participating receive one interscholastic credit for the season. 
  • Desi Club

    Description: This club helps share information on the south Asian population and their customs, culture, and languages. 
  • Drawing Club

    This club is committed to providing a welcoming environment for students to foster passion for visual expression.
  • Drone Club 

    The Drone Club aspires to educate students in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) through the design, building, programming and flying of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Drones will be built using a 3-D printer and other materials.
  • Eastern European

    The club strives to educate the student body on the culture and life of the Eurasian continent.
  • Economics Club

    This club works to incite interest in economics and provide opportunities for students to learn more about economics through lecture, discussion, and competition preparation.
  • Empty Bowls

    The club makes bowls which are sold with the profits going to charity, specifically to feed the hungry. 
  • Ergasterion 

    An organization representing the theater program at the schools, the group provides support services for annual theater productions. Activities include box office, lighting, set construction, costumes, make-up, sound engineering, house, and stage management. Casts for plays are selected from auditions open to all students. 
  • Feminist Movement

    The club spreads awareness about current issues and events regarding sexism both in the United States and around the world. 
  • French Club 

    As an extension of foreign language studies, students and faculty plan after-school programs that focus on the cultural life and use of French.
  • Gallimaufry 

    This award-winning School literary arts magazine provides a showcase for outstanding student literary and artistic work. The literary pieces, art, and photography are selected by students from work produced throughout the year. The group meets each week (open to all Cranbrook Kingswood Upper School students) to discuss student work and do writing exercises. Art editors and interested students meet each week to work out plans for the magazine’s design, and in April select the works to be included for publication in May. 
  • Gaming Club

    Students come together to share games, compete, and embrace all kinds of games. This club allows students to find others who would like to share their love of the game. 
  • Global Outreach Club

    This club works on global service projects that help people in other countries as well as our local community.
  • Gold Key 

    A service organization affiliated with the Admission Office of approximately 200 students who act as hosts for prospective students and their families by providing class visits and tours. Membership is open to all classes. 
  • Green Innovators Club

    Students learn more and educate others on the importance of renewable energy sources specifically solar, wind, and hydroelectric energy. Students use hands on experiments, projects, and lectures to learn more about the potential of green energy.
  • History Club 

    This club seeks to promote the understanding of history on campus and provide a place for discussion among those who are interested. Enthusiasts will have a chance to deepen their pursuit of history.
  • HUB Garden Club

    Our goal is to educate members about growing and harvesting fruits and vegetables and to become aware of the health benefits of fresh produce, while giving to communities that may not have access to healthy goods. 
  • Investment Club 

    The club helps to educate students about stocks, investing money, analyzing stocks, and bringing business leaders to campus to share their knowledge about investing. 
  • Japanese Club

    The club provides opportunities for members to explore and increase awareness of Japanese culture.
  • Jewish Culture Club

    This club helps to make all students aware of Jewish culture while striving to express diversity and inclusivity.
  • Korean Club 

    This group introduces its cultural elements to others by promoting national traditions and food through the Chuseok Festival. The club, through its fundraising, supports White Gifts and World Night. 
  • Latin Club

    Latin students interested in Roman culture pursue activities and educate the community on the classical world.
  • Leaders in the Environment 

    LITE members inform the community concerning environmental issues and engage in activities that support the local and global environment. 
  • Make-A-Wish

    Students work with the national organization Make-A-Wish to help sick children realize their dream.
  • Math Club

    Students improve their problem-solving ability, and develop their skills through weekly contests, chalk talks, and the MMPC/AMC training sessions
  • Michigan Youth in Government

    It offers students a hands-on opportunity to become familiar with state-level government, political debate, and the legal process. Students participate by drafting bills and learning parliamentary procedures; others become involved in the Mock Trial program. 
  • Model UN 

    Model UN is a co-curricular activity that provides students an opportunity to research and debate world political and economic issues. Students participate in regional and national debate competitions. 
  • Music Industry Club   

    Students learn about the music industry by making a compact version of the music making process.  Students can learn about producing their own music, choreographing, videos etc.
  • Muslim Student Association Club

    The club encourages awareness of Muslim holidays and traditions while helping the student body to be better educated about Islam.
  • Namtenga Club 

    The Namtenga project works with a small village in Burkina Faso called Namtenga that supports a sister weaving studio established by CK in 2007. The club's primary activity is to find ways to sell the striking Namtenga textiles and products.
  • Peer to Peer  

    All upper school students are eligible to attend peer-led group discussions every Monday evening in the Tremain Commons area. The primary purpose of P2P is to provide a safe space for students to “decompress” and discuss a variety of topics. 
  • Photography Club

    This club aims to foster the passion of photography among students and provide an outlet for CK’s camera enthusiasts to creatively express themselves.
  • Ping Pong Club

    This club teaches the style and etiquette of ping pong from various cultures while bringing together students from around the world to play the game.
  • Quiz Bowl    

    Quiz Bowl’s purpose is to gain knowledge and experience in various subjects. It is a competitive, academic, interscholastic activity, where students can attend practices and then represent their school at tournaments.
  • RAID (Robotics and Artificial Intelligence) Club

    Students develop projects utilizing robotics and AI and teach members about different methods and techniques used in hardware and software.
  • Red Cross Club

    An extension of the American Red Cross, where students explore ideas of emergency/disaster preparations, health, safety, biomedical services and more.
  • Research Club

    This club introduces high-level scientific research coordination between CK students and professors at college institutions. Individual projects can be submitted to compete in competitions such as Siemens and Intel.
  • Robotics Club        

    Students participate in the Vex Robotics Program. Teams design, build & program their robots. Lab sessions take place on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays with tournaments on select Saturdays. Teams compete in local qualifying competitions for the chance to attend State & World Championship events.
  • Science Journal Club

    This club provides opportunities for students to submit to journals and participate in team competitions in Biomedical Sciences. Students will gain experience in data gathering and publishing.
  • Science Olympiad Club 

    The club will compete in Science Olympiad competitions and assists students at the Brookside Science Fair and mentor Middle Schoolers who are interested in STEM
  • Sino Club

    Sino Club seeks to introduce and present Chinese history and culture to all interested students and faculty.
  • Space Club

    The club helps students apply STEM skills to the next wave of space exploration and inspires the CK community to become more involved in events surrounding space exploration.
  • Spanish/Latino Club

    Students in this club will expand their knowledge of culture in Spanish speaking countries.
  • Spectrum    

    Spectrum, founded in 2001, exists to give students a place to discuss issues of sexuality and sexual orientation, in the context of the school’s core values: health, safety, respect and integrity. 
  • Student Council    

    Student Council works with all upper school clubs to ensure their success. They also sponsor Homecoming, the Talent Show, Club Fair, and a community service event. 
  • Teen Arts Council Club

    Advanced Studio Arts students work with the CK Academy and Museum in displaying juried student work.
  • Tri-M Honors Society Club

    This club seeks to celebrate musical passion and talent in students while spreading the joy of music through performance outreaches, facilitated private lessons, and concert field trips.
  • Vietnamese Club

    The club integrates Vietnamese Americans with traditional Vietnamese culture and provides community awareness of the culture.
  • Wellness Club

    This club aims to harness student voice to take action around building community, informing students of wellness resources and opportunities, and influencing and building campus systems of support for student’s well-being.
  • Yearbook Club 

    The club works to put together the yearbook representing the entire student body.