Cranbrook Kingswood Alumni Association

The Cranbrook Kingswood Alumni Association (CKAA) is committed to fostering and strengthening the relationship between Association Members and the School and its students.  Through such endeavors, the Association shall actively support and advance the mission of the School.

Support the CKAA
Get Involved
The Board meets once a month throughout the school year. Committees of the Alumni Board are the Service/Student Engagement Committee, Social/Alumni Engagement Committee Finance Committee, Cranbrook Initiatives, Kingswood Initiatives, and the Merchandise Committee. We sponsor a career fair for juniors and seniors on campus every year, and host in-person and remote career panels for classes and student clubs. Please click here if you want to get involved in the activities of the association, to volunteer for mentoring initiatives, or put forward your name or that of a classmate for consideration as a campus speaker or Distinguished Alum.

To make a contribution to benefit initiatives of the CKAA, click here. To view the selection of alumni spiritwear offered by the CKAA Click here. Merchandise sales benefit the organization. Click here for information on the line of bronze commemorative items featuring the iconic school symbols, the archer and the tree. Proceeds benefit initiatives of the CKAA. Email [email protected]  for more information on Alumni Association activities. View photos of this year's kick off event and other alumni events here.

Committee of Regional Alumni Networks (CRAN)

Keep in touch with Cranbrook Schools by participating in a local Alumni Network. Set up in cities and states across the country, Alumni Networks host events and provide many opportunities to see old friends and meet new people. These networks are already established in:

New England (MA, NH, VT, ME, RI)
New York (NY, NJ, CT)
Northern California
North Carolina
Southern California
Washington, D.C. (DC, VA, MD)

In the 2023-24 school year, we held regional events in Atlanta, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Austin, Washington D.C., Ann Arbor, Portland and Chicago. We are working with our CRAN committees to continue the momentum in those regions, and also plan to be in Boston London and Denver in the coming year. Below is a list of CRAN committee members. Contact the alumni office at [email protected] if you would like to touch base with representatives in your region, or if you are interested in learning more about upcoming events or getting involved with your network.

Regional Directors:
Avery Kerr Gordon '03, Chicago
Lydia Jeneras '04, Chicago
Eric Rothfeder '98, Chicago
Aaron Gillum '96, Indiana/Chicago
Max He '09, China
Gregg Barker '80, Colorado
Missy Christie de Koning '80, Colorado
Meg Richard Ferron '92, Colorado
Betsy Rumely '72, Colorado
Aiko Alee Ortega '03, Florida
Sarah Yi '06, Korea
Hyunjong Na '05, Korea
Jackie Bethea Cuyvers '96, London
John Matter '93, Louisville/Cincinnati
Andrew Georgeson '12, New England
Christopher Sower '98, New England
Carmen Chan '18, New York
Joe Cybulski '07, New York
Amber Dawkins-Gavritsas '97, New York
Austen Hohendorf '09, New York
George Tepe '10, New York
Chase Brand '79, Portland
Terry Goldberg Axelrod '67, Seattle
Ryan Bradley '91, Southern California
Meredith Gannes Alves '03, Southern California
Glendon Palmer '89, Southern California
Margot Sherr Shapiro '79, Southern California
Jonathan Benninson '97, Washington, D.C.
Charlie Panfil '18, Washington, D.C.
Jeff Wells '80, Washington, D.C.
Daniel Jefferson '92, North Carolina
Ferdinand Hauslein '61, Texas
Alex Paul '07, Local CRAN Chair and Ex-Officio CKAA

Board Members

Ekta Lobo Wilcox ‘89, President
Ian Perkins '05, President-Elect
Jennifer Cook '99, Secretary
Grant Drzyzga '10, Treasurer
Alex Paul '07, Ex-Officio
Board Members
Rebecca Applebaum-Wyett '14
Priscilla Crockett-Femster '96
Jason Eddleston '95
Sharell Elam '99
Marilyn Franklin '96
Paul Gamble '82
Elizabeth Groth '99
Rebecca McLaughlin Haines '07
Jen Miller Heath '00
Rob Kremhelmer '96
Symone Jackson Kumar '07
Robert Li '15
Tarian Marks '97
Christian Ohanian '04
Emme Reasoner '13
Nicola Reasoner '11
Ida Rubino '84
Erik Stamell '89
Scott Weinberg '80
Emeritus Members
Ken Bassey ‘86
Dave Baumhart ‘62
Laurie Frankel '79
Ann Osborn Hartzell-Kneen ‘54
Bill Hill '80
Sarah Levine Jacobs '82
Wade Mezey ‘76
Helen Billig Reasoner '82
Jan Mittenthal Rosen '83