What is The Cranbrook Schools Fund?

At Cranbrook Schools, we prepare students to thrive in and shape a complex world. We cultivate wonder and, through our comprehensive programs and world-class campus, create opportunity for intellectual, creative, and athletic excellence, personal well-being, and social accountability.

The Cranbrook Schools Fund helps realize this mission by supporting the greatest needs of our students, faculty, and campus. We rely on the annual tax-deductible support of our parents, alumni, parents of alumni, grandparents, friends, foundations, and corporations together, to provide the funds necessary to help nurture and challenge, inspire and empower students to be caring, passionate and purposeful.

As a non-profit institution, gifts to The Cranbrook Schools Fund help ensure we have the resources necessary to fulfill our mission. When you make the connection to the Schools through The Fund, you help create a meaningful impact now and for the future.  Each gift goes to work right away in the school year it is given, and you may direct your support to the area that resonates most to you and your family.

Make the connection through The Cranbrook Schools Fund and partner with us to help prepare students today to be leaders tomorrow.  

Select a topic below to learn more.

List of 5 items.

  • How does The Fund work?

    Between July 1 and June 30 each year, all parents, alumni, grandparents, parents of alumni and other friends are invited – through mailings, emails, and personal outreach – to make gifts to The Cranbrook Schools Fund.
  • Why should I give?

    Every Cranbrook Schools family and student benefits from The Fund, and each gift supports the opportunity of a lifetime – a Cranbrook education that changes young lives. Your donations help fulfill our yearly expenses, and signal to foundations, alumni, and other parents that Cranbrook Schools deserves their support as well.
  • Will my gift truly make a difference?

    Absolutely! The Fund’s strength is in the collective generosity of thousands of gifts of all sizes. Each year, approximately 60% of our gifts are for $500 or less. Together, all gifts to The Fund make a significant and important impact on the quality of academic, student, and residential life. Participation is the cornerstone of The Fund and a key indicator of the health of the school – your support counts! 

    You may designate your gift to an area(s) of The Fund that resonates for you including:

    • Area of Greatest Need
      Your gift goes to work immediately, supporting our mission to create a transformational journey for each student.
    • Arts
      Support our robust arts program with high quality faculty, programming, materials and equipment to nurture and ignite student creativity and maintain a tradition of excellence in the arts.
    • Athletics
      Provide critical resources for all 54 inter-scholastic teams and club sports by supporting coaching and athletic training professionals, equipment, transportation costs, and maintenance of the Schools’ athletic facilities and fields.
    • Financial Aid (Access)
      Your gift helps keep tuition far below the actual cost and helps change the lives of talented students who would otherwise not be able to attend Cranbrook Schools.
    • Campus and Classroom
      Enhance and maintain our historic campus and 319 acres while providing state of the art security, technology, and opportunities for indoor and outdoor experiential and place-based learning.
    • Faculty
      Help our faculty remain at the forefront of their fields through professional and curricular development, while also helping recruit and retain top teachers.
    By designating a purpose for your gift, you show Cranbrook Schools what you care most about and help determine future budget decisions. 
  • How do I make a gift?

    Cranbrook Schools gratefully accepts checks, credit card gifts, gifts of securities, and planned gifts. Please visit our Ways to Give page for more information or contact Teresa Anderson P`18, Director of The Cranbrook Schools Fund at 248.645.3407 or [email protected] for assistance.
  • How else can I get involved with Cranbrook Schools?

    There are many opportunities to get involved, including volunteering to help raise funds for The Cranbook Schools Fund. Please visit our Get Involved page for more information.

The 2022-23 Cranbrook Schools Fund Impact Report

2024-25 Cranbrook Schools Fund Goal

  1. 100
  2. 90
  3. 80
  4. 70
  5. 60
  6. 50
  7. 40
  8. 30
  9. 20
  10. 10
  11. 0
Goal $2,350,000.00
Current $60,625.00
Remaining $2,289,375.00
As of Date 8/31/2024
Last Year Amount $2,359,981.00