
Researchers conduct scientific expeditions to study fish in the creeks of BR-319.56, p. 23. News about the research work developed by researchers from the Laboratory of Ichthyology and Fisheries Management of the Madeira River Valley (Liop)/UFAM, published in the Informativo Observatório BR-319, nº 56, p. 23. Available online
A symposium supported by the Amazonas government discusses research in the area of ​​biodiversity in the Amazon. Report published on 06/27 on the FAPEAM website about the VI CENBAM and PPBio Western Amazon Symposium. Available online
Report entitled "The Amazon jungle has lost 20% of its original size" with the participation of Dr. William Ernest Magnusson, shown on TV España on 11/25/23.
Study produces educational games based on the diversity of snakes and fish in Humaitá. Report published on the FAPEAM website with Inpa researcher Dr. William Ernest Magnusson, coordinator of the Biodiversity Research Program in Western Amazonia (PPBio AmOc) on 11/24/2023. Available online

Aretha F. Guimarães, Helena Godoy Bergallo, Sergio Santorelli Junior, Fabrício Beggiato Baccaro, Tainara V. Sobroza, William Ernest Magnusson. Fast and collaborative system for biodiversity study. Article published in the magazine Science Today, July 2023 (CH 400). Available online

The importance of scientific feedback in indigenous language in Humaitá and region. Report released in February with Dr. Sérgio Santorelli on the BR-319 Observatory channel, n.40, v.3, p. 18.

Inclusive science on the road: the biodiversity of BR-319 in the indigenous language Tupi-Kagigwahiva. News released in the BR-319 Observatory newsletter (online) on 04/28/2023 by Sérgio Santorelli Junior. BR-319 Observatory nº42 April/2023, pg. 20. Available online

Hunger for salt in the Amazon. News released in the BR-319 Observatory Newsletter (online) on 04/28/2023 by Sérgio Santorelli Junior. BR-319 Observatory Newsletter nº 38, Dec/2022, pg. 20. Available online

They're not vampires at all: who are the bats of BR-319? News released on 04/03/23 in the BR-319 Observatory Newsletter by Daniella Bôlla and Sérgio Santorelli Junior. Observatoriobr319.org.br, p.1-20, April 3, 2023. Available online

The importance of scientific feedback in indigenous language in Humaitá and region. News released in the BR-319 Observatory newsletter on 02/28/23 by Sérgio Santorelli Junior. BR-319 Observatory nº40 February /2023, pg. 18. Available online

Keep an eye on the road, there's an animal crossing. News released in the BR-319 Observatory newsletter (online) on 01/31/2023 by Sérgio Santorelli Junior and Clarissa Rosa. BR-319 Observatory Newsletter nº39 Jan/2023, v. 3, pg. 18. Available online

Sérgio Santorelli and the curious animals booklet. Interview given to Evaldo Ferreira in the Commerce Journal on 12/30/2022 emphasizing that the booklets about curious species of frogs, snakes, and fish found in the Humaitá region are highlighted in a scientific article. Available online

Moreno, E.; Santorelli Junior, S.; Ferrão, M.; Pequeno, P.; Lima, A.; Magnusson, W. Frog species still unknown to science along BR-319 begins to be studied by researchers. News by Eduardo Moreno et al. 2022 released on 11/02/2022 in the BR-319 Observatory Newsletter nº36 Oct/2022, pg. 19. Available online

Ecological Research Program in the southwest Amazon reactivates study base on BR-319. News released on 09/30/2022 in the BR-319 Observatory Newsletter (online). BR-319 Observatory Newsletter nº 35 Sep/2022, pg. 20. Available online

Venomous snakes, colorful frogs and curious fish of BR-319. News released in the BR-319 Observatory Newsletter by Sérgio Santorelli Junior, Liz F. Stegmann and Rafael de Fraga. BR-319 Observatory nº37 Nov/2022, pg. 20. Available online

Biologist launches book that informs the diversity of bat species. News published on 10/04/23 on the Engeplus website. Available at: https://www.engeplus.com.br/noticia/geral/2023/biologa-lanca-livro-que-informa-a-diversidade-das-especies-de-morcegos


LIOP UFAM. Popularizing science: Liop action takes science to public schools in southern Amazonas. Notícia divulgada no canal do LIOP/UFAM no dia 11/11/2022, divulgando a ação do projeto Espaço Educadores e o lançamento do Guia Ilustrado de Peixes de Igarapés da BR-319.

Scientists create ecological trail in unknown region of the Amazon. Notícia divulgada no jornal "Segundo a Segundo" (versão da internet) no dia 28/11/2022, divulgando as ações realizadas pelo Projeto "Biodiversidade e Turismo na RDS Rio Negro", coordenado pelo Dr. William Ernest Magnusson e apoiado pela FAPEAM.2019


GAMA, P. Indigenous women launch book on basketry art. News published on the Amazonas G1 channel, in the Jornal do Bom DIA AM, on 06/28/2019.

FERREIRA, E. Mushrooms almost unexplored Amazon wealth. News published on 11/7/2019 by Jornal do Comércio with Dr. Noemia Kazue Ishikawa.

LEITE, M. Women from the village of Maturacá (Am) discover a species of fungus used in basketry. News released on 06/28/2019 by the Folha de São Paulo newspaper with the participation of Dr. Noemia Kazue Ishikawa.

MEDEIROS, C. Frogs from the Amazon will be 'castrated' with advances in the release of the use of the pesticide. News published on Acrítica's website on 06/28/2019, with the participation of Dr. Domingos Rodrigues, researcher at CENBAM / PPBio Amazônia Ocidental.

THE CRITIC PORTAL. Researchers discover a species of frog that emits two distinct calls. News published on the website of Portal A Crítica on 02/02/2019, with the participation of Dr. Albertina Lima and Igor Kaefer, both members of the CENBAM / PPBio Amazônia Ocidental projects. Available in:


COSTA, C. How mushrooms discovered by indigenous Brazilians, they are winning over renowned chefs. News released on 3/2/2018 on BBC Brasil channel in São Paulo (internet) with Dr. Noemia Kazue Ishikawa. 

DUARTE, N. Pancs: Food of the Future. News released on 3/30/2018 on the channel g1.globo.com (Television and internet).

GIANNINI, D. Science is not yet able to distinguish edible and poisonous mushrooms. News released on 5/1/2018 on UOL website with the participation of Dr. Noemia Kazue Ishikawa. 

PEDREIRA, I. Children's book talks about the importance of embaúba for the forest. News released on 3/4/2018 on the g1.globo.com channel (internet).

PEDROSA, L. Noemia Ishikawa highlights in Aula Magna do Inpa valuation of the simple and accessible. News released on 3/5/2018 on the Inpa portal.

VIEIRA, V. The rise of mushrooms: benefits and how to choose and use. Interview published on 2/28/2018 in Revista Saúde (Magazine and internet) with the participation of Dr. Noemia Kazue Ishikawa.



AZEVEDO, L. Alex Atala comes to Belém to talk about "Pancs". News published in the Diário do Pará on 4/15/2017.


KAWABATA, B. Kinoko no kenkyū de sekai no kakehashi ni Ishikawa noemia-san rōdō shihō kunshō o jushō. News released on 9/13/2017 in São Paulo Shimbu (Newspaper and internet).


KAWABATA, B. Dai 59-kai jabuchi-shō ga kettei ryōri bun'ya de yanomami-zoku kinoko shoseki ga jushō chōsa shita ishikawa shi to tokimoto-shi-ra ga yorokobi no koe. News released on 17/11/2017 in São Paulo Shimbu (Newspaper and internet).


OGAWA, V. London mushroom book competes for prize. News released on 10/11/2017 in Folha de Londrina (Newspaper and internet).


OGAWA, V. Science and entrepreneurship: Opening paths for the Brazilian mushroom. News released on 9/13/2017 in Folha de Londrinha (Newspaper and internet).


MENDONÇA, R. Researcher at Inpa receives Judicial Labor Merit Order. News released on 8/15/2017 on the portal Acrítica.


MAICONI, P .; OGAWA, V. Londrinenses win the Jabuti Award. News released on 11/1/2017 in Folha de Londrina (Newspaper and internet).


PEDROSA, L. Inpa takes "Floresta da Ciência" to the Show da Luna at Amazonas Shopping. News released on 3/30/2017 on the INPA portal


PEDROSA, L. Book on edible mushrooms prepared with the participation of Inpa competes for the Jabuti Award. News released on 6/10/2017 on the INPA portal.


PEDROSA, L. Researcher at Inpa will receive an award from the Order of Judicial Merit of Labor. News released on 10/10/2017 on the Inpa portal.


PEDROSA, L .; BARROS, C. Inpa Researcher is one of the winners of the Jabuti Award in the Gastronomy category. News released on 7/11/2017 on the Inpa Portal.


RENAULT, A. Brazilian chefs: Felipe Schaedler. News released on 10/15/2017 on the Globosat channel (television and internet).


SMERALDI, R. The moment is PANC. News published on 4/20/2017 newspaper O Estado de São Paulo (print and online version). Available online




AGÊNCIA FAPESP. Inpa study describes a species of frog that uses a mechanism to live in an anthill. News released on 10/11/2016 on the website of Agência FAPESP.


LEITE, M. Ianomâmis teach which mushrooms can be eaten without risk. Interview with Noemia Kazue Ishikawa, granted to the Folha de São Paulo newspaper (Folha Digital) on 08/07/2016.


MORAES, B. William Magnusson: citizen science enhances change. Interview with Dr. William Magnusson on the website ((O)) Eco on 3/8/2016.


PEDROSA, L. INPA researcher launches a trilingual book on the Embaúba tree for children. News published on 10/10/2016 on the INPA portal.



SANTOS, J. Inpa research identifies an Amazonian frog species that uses necrophilia to prevent loss of eggs from dead females. News released on 27/3/2013 on the Inpa portal.


TOURINHO, A. L. Disclosure article by harvestmen in the Amazon: Unknown and Threatened. Biological Sheet, v.4 (1), p. 2-3, Jan-Feb 2013. Federal University of Viçosa, Campus of Rio Paranaíba. Available online



SOUZA, J. L. P.; RASMUSSEN, R.. Ants from the Amazon. 2012. (TV Show / Interview). Planeta Selvagem program shown by National Geographic Brasil.






FONSECA, V. Biodiversity in the Amazon: much is still too little. The Amazon Eco. Interview with William Magnusson on 11/17/2010.



BRAGA-NETO, R .; STEVANI, C. V. The luminous universe of bioluminescent fungi. Scientific American Brasil, São Paulo, Vol. 86, p. 62 - 67, June 23 2009.


THENÓRIO, I .; BRAGA-NETO, R. Scientist seeks luminous mushrooms in the Amazon. News published on the site globo.com on 3/16/2009.



ALBUQUERQUE, R. Chuvas reduce the number of fish in small streams. Jornal Amazonas Em Tempo, Manaus, p.C8, 11/30/2008. Available online


ALBUQUERQUE, R .; BRAGA-NETO, R. Scientists study riparian forests of the Ducke Reserve. Newspaper Amazonas Em Tempo, Manaus, p. C8, 1/17/2008. Available online


ALBUQUERQUE, R .; BRAGA-NETO, R. INPA stimulates science in the State. Newspaper Amazonas Em Tempo, Manaus, p. C7, 2/16/2008. Available online


ALBUQUERQUE, R .; BRAGA-NETO, R. Atlas of the UN suggests link between carbon and biodiversity. Jornal Amazonas em Tempo, Manaus, Vol. C7, 12/14/2008. Available online


BACCARO, F. B .; BRAGA-NETO, R.; OLIVEIRA, M. L.; MAGNUSSON, W. E. Reserva Ducke - The experience of the Biodiversity Research Program - PPBio. Manaus: Attema, 2008 (CD-Rom).


BACCARO, F. B .; SCHIETTI, J.; GUARIENTO, F. H .; OLIVEIRA, Marcio L.; MAGALHÃES, C. U. Valuation of a heritage. Scientific American Brasil - Especial Amazônia, São Paulo, p. 24 - 29, 09/10/2008.


BRAGA-NETO, R .; BACCARO, F .; PENHA, J .; MENIN, M .; COSTA, F .; FRANKLIN, E .; OLIVEIRA, M.L .; MAGNUSSON, W. Challenges in the path of knowledge. Scientific American Brasil - Amazônia, São Paulo, p. 30 - 35, 09/01/2008.


BRAGA-NETO, R .; JESUS, M.A.de. INPA researchers carry out training and collection of fungi in the Ducke Reserve. Available on the PPBio Portal on 12/2/2008.


DIAS, M. S .; ZUANON, J. A. S. Researchers from Inpa study the effects of forest management on fish in streams. Diário do Amazonas, Manaus, 9/14/2008.


ZUQUIM, G .; COSTA, F. R.C .; FIGUEIREDO, F.O.G .; ESPINELLI, F. P. REBIO Uatumã, a very special place for small plants. IN: Research Projects at REBIO Uatumã. Balbina, AM .: ICMBio / REBIO Uatumã, 2008 (Educational material).



ALBUQUERQUE, R .; BRAGA-NETO, R. New 'luminous' fungus found on BR-319. Newspaper Amazonas Em Tempo, Manaus, p. C8, 10/10/2007. Available online