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A haptic teleoperation study using wave variables and scaling matrices
A haptics investigation is conducted when human subjects have to deal with a bilateral teleoperation system with two levels of time delay (400 and 1,000 ms) and four types of scaling matrices that provide a passivity form of stabilization. The wave ...
Omnidirectional robotic telepresence through augmented virtuality for increased situation awareness in hazardous environments
This paper proposes a novel low-cost robotic telepresence approach to situation awareness, initially aimed for hazardous environments. The robot supports omnidirectional movement, wide field of vision, haptic feedback and binaural sound. It is ...
Compensating device inertia for 6-DOF haptic rendering
In this paper, the importance of the user's primary holding pivot point on the end effector of a haptic interface is discussed. Both theoretical analysis and experimental results demonstrate that this holding pivot point is critical for the correct ...
Algorithm optimizations for low-complexity eye tracking
This paper investigates techniques for reducing computational complexity of tracking eyes of computer user. By empirical evaluation of a number of techniques we define a technology capable of monitoring eyes of computer user in real time with high ...
Fuzzy virtual impedance controller in human-vehicle interaction
In the previous studies mechanical impedance has become well implement in the field of human-machine interaction. However, in human-vehicle interaction there is a variant environment when driving a vehicle, thus apart from interacting with human, ...
Navigation in eight cardinal directions with pseudo-attraction force for the visually impaired
We have proposed a haptic direction indicator that will help visually impaired pedestrians to travel a path and avoid hazards areas intuitively and safely by means of force-based navigation. The haptic direction indicator uses the pseudoattraction force ...
Target acquisition by a hands-free wireless tilt mouse
Today the effective use of computers (e.g. those with Internet browsers and graphical interfaces) involves the use of some sort of cursor control like what a mouse provides. However, a standard mouse is not always the best option for all users. There ...
Predictive validity of wheelchair driving behavior for fine motor abilities: definition of input variables for an adaptive wheelchair system
This paper introduces an approach for dynamically adapting the level of automation of a wheelchair system on the basis of the current level of the user's motor abilities. For this purpose, a study is described, during which participants drove through a ...
Towards a 2D tactile vocabulary for navigation of blind and visually impaired
In this paper we present research work towards a 2D tactile vocabulary for training visually impaired for their independent mobility. The vocabulary is associated to a 2D tactile array (vibration array), which is a part of a wearable navigation ...
New computer protocol with subsensory stimulation and visual/auditory biofeedback for balance assessment in amputees
In this study, we hypothesized that the static standing weight bearing steadiness and dynamic walking weight shifting stability could be improved by providing neuromuscular facilitation using subeensory stimulation and visual-auditory biofeedback in ...
Network intrusion detection using fuzzy class association rule mining based on genetic network programming
Computer Systems are exposed to an increasing number and type of security threats due to the expanding of internet in recent years. How to detect network intrusions effectively becomes an important techniques. This paper presents a novel fuzzy class ...
Design of a lattice-based access control scheme
- Chia-Chu Chiang,
- Coskun Bayrak,
- Remzi Seker,
- Umit Topaloglu,
- Murat Demirer,
- Nasrola Samadi,
- Suleyman Tek,
- Bian Jiang,
- GuangXu Zhou,
- Xiaoran Wang
We survey the literature for access control schemes in a user hierarchy. Some schemes have already been shown to be insecure or incorrect. Many schemes assume very restrictive subordinating relationships existing in a hierarchy where users are grouped ...
Sh@re: negotiated audit in social networks
With the growth in the popularity of social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace, there is an increasing concern about privacy of content posted by users. Many users enter personal details about themselves but have poor understanding of theats ...
Keystroke-based authentication by key press intervals as a complementary behavioral biometric
Analysis of keystroke dynamics can be useful in protecting personal data because an individual is authenticated not only by password, but also by that individual's keystroke patterns. In this way, intrusion becomes more difficult because the username/...
Adapting to the data explosion: ensuring justice for all
The age of electronic information will continue to engender a technological evolution to which the efforts of human beings will have to adjust. In the legal realm in the United States, the time and costs associated with meeting a party's obligations to ...
The centrality of user modeling to high recall with high precision search
The objective of Search is to find documents relevant to a particular user's notion of relevance. However, relevance is often a moving target: imperfectly defined and subject to change as more documents are seen. In this paper, we report on systematic ...
Impedance matching of humans * machines in high-Q information retrieval systems
Treating the information retrieval (IR) task as one of classification has been shown to be the most effective way to achieve high performance. In real-world Systems, a human is the ultimate determinant of relevance and must be integrated symbiotically ...
Replication and automation of expert judgments: information engineering in legal E-discovery
The retrieval of digital evidence responsive to discovery requests in civil litigation, known in the United States as "e-discovery," presents several important and understudied conditions and challenges. Among the most important of these are (i) that ...
Human aided computer assessment for exhaustive search
Human-computer interaction has been proposed as a means for more effectively dealing with the challenges posed by information retrieval. However, within the hierarchy of information needs, certain kinds of needs are only poorly handled by existing ...
Self-supervised learning by information enhancement: target-generating and spontaneous learning for competitive learning
In this paper, we propose a new self-supervised learning method for competitive learning as well as self-organizing maps. In this model, a network enhances its state by itself, and this enhanced state is to be imitated by another state of the network. ...
An interactive evolutionary approach for content based image retrieval
Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) systems aim to provide a means to find pictures in large repositories without using any other information except its contents usually as low-level descriptors. Since these descriptors do not exactly match the high ...
Design principle of two mass jumping system
In our previous research, we developed a jumping legged robot aiming at expansion of mobile robot's activities. In jumping motion, the velocity and mass of robot have large effect on jumping height and motion. In order to analyze the jumping motion, one-...
The simulation of MRT transfer system based on bus holding strategies with platform constraints
This research aims at the bus holding strategies for the simulation of Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) transferring system in a terminal station with platform constraints for bus in the metropolitan area. We developed and evaluated the transfer system through ...
Motion planning with obstacle avoidance for kinematically redundant manipulators based on two recurrent neural networks
Inverse kinematic motion planning of redundant manipulators by using recurrent neural networks in the presence of obstacles and uncertainties is a real-time nonlinear optimization problem. To tackle this problem, two subproblems should be resolved in ...
Simulating inertial and centripetal forces for segmentation of overlapped handwritten digits
This paper presents a new algorithm for segmentation of overlapped cursive handwritten digits. Segmentation is a common issue for automatic character recognition. The work in digits is common in applications as bank check or postal code processing. Our ...
A filtering algorithm for highly noisy images of brazilian ATM bank checks
This paper presents a new algorithm for filtering images of Brazilian bank checks. These images were generated by ATM machines and they present several kind of noise imposed by the digitization process. A new wavelet-based filtering algorithm is ...
New formula for image reconstruction from projections by the 2-D paired transformation
To solve the problem of image reconstruction from projections, we describe an effective representation of the image by the paired transform which is a frequency and time representation of the image. We present a new effective formula for the inverse 2-D ...
Two-view face recognition using bayesian fusion
Two-dimensional face recognition suffered from pose changes, while three-dimensional approaches are with high computational complexity. Motivated by this, a two-view face recognition system for digital home is presented in this paper. Besides the ...
Charged active contour model
A novel, physical-based force, called as Lorentz force inspired by classical electrodynamics is introduced for the active contour models, and the truncation computing method of Lorentz Force is detailed. Several comparative results indicate that the new ...
A comprehensive audio-visual corpus for teaching sound persian phoneme articulation
Building an audio-visual data corpus is one significant step in audio-visual research. One of the most challenging tasks in computer science is computer-aided speech therapy and language learning. Developing computer applications for training and ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE international conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics