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Cross-Language Interoperability in a Multi-Language Runtime

Published: 28 May 2018 Publication History

Editorial Notes

A corrigendum was issued for this article on November 9, 2018. You can download the corrigendum from the supplemental material section of this citation page.


In large-scale software applications, programmers often combine different programming languages because this allows them to use the most suitable language for a given problem, to gradually migrate existing projects from one language to another, or to reuse existing source code. However, different programming languages have fundamentally different implementations, which are hard to combine. The composition of language implementations often results in complex interfaces between languages, insufficient flexibility, or poor performance.
We propose TruffleVM, a virtual machine (VM) that can execute different programming languages and is able to compose them in a seamless way. TruffleVM supports dynamically-typed languages (e.g., JavaScript and Ruby) as well as statically typed low-level languages (e.g., C). It consists of individual language implementations, which translate source code to an intermediate representation that is executed by a shared VM. TruffleVM composes these different language implementations via generic access. Generic access is a language-agnostic mechanism that language implementations use to access foreign data or call foreign functions. It features language-agnostic messages that the TruffleVM resolves to efficient foreign-language-specific operations at runtime. Generic access supports multiple languages, enables an efficient multi-language development, and ensures high performance.
We evaluate generic access with two case studies. The first one explains the transparent composition of JavaScript, Ruby, and C. The second one shows an implementation of the C extensions application programming interface (API) for Ruby. We show that generic access guarantees good runtime performance. It avoids conversion or marshalling of foreign objects at the language boundary and allows the dynamic compiler to perform its optimizations across language boundaries.

Supplementary Material

a18-Grimmer-corrigendum (a18-corrigendum.pdf)
Corrigendum to "Cross-Language Interoperability in a Multi-Language Runtime", by Grimmer et al., ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) Volume 40, Issue 2, Article No. 8
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ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems  Volume 40, Issue 2
June 2018
223 pages
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Publication History

Published: 28 May 2018
Accepted: 01 February 2018
Revised: 01 October 2017
Received: 01 March 2016
Published in TOPLAS Volume 40, Issue 2


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  1. Cross-language
  2. language implementation
  3. language interoperability
  4. optimization
  5. virtual machine


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