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Lightweight remote procedure call

Published: 01 February 1990 Publication History


Lightweight Remote Procedure Call (LRPC) is a communication facility designed and optimized for communication between protection domains on the same machine. In contemporary small-kernel operating systems, existing RPC systems incur an unnecessarily high cost when used for the type of communication that predominates—between protection domains on the same machine. This cost leads system designers to coalesce weakly related subsystems into the same protection domain, trading safety for performance. By reducing the overhead of same-machine communication, LRPC encourages both safety and performance. LRPC combines the control transfer and communication model of capability systems with the programming semantics and large-grained protection model of RPC. LRPC achieves a factor-of-three performance improvement over more traditional approaches based on independent threads exchanging messages, reducing the cost of same-machine communication to nearly the lower bound imposed by conventional hardware. LRPC has been integrated into the Taos operating system of the DEC SRC Firefly multiprocessor workstation.


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Brett D. Fleisch

The lightweight remote procedure call (LRPC) facility was designed and optimized for intermachine communication. LRPC exploits the fact that the common case of same-machine communication passing small, simple arguments can have significantly better performance than a more general remote procedure call (RPC) mechanism. In RPC, local communication is treated as an instance of remote communication, and simple operations are treated similarly to more complex operations. This aspect of RPC violates a basic tenet of system design by failing to isolate and optimize performance for the common case. Four techniques used in LRPC to improve the performance of RPC systems are described: simplified control transfer, simplified data transfer using sharing techniques, optimized stubs, and optimizations for multiprocessors. Each of these techniques is explained in the context of an implementation on the C-VAX Firefly workstation. Performance measurements and comparisons examine where time is being spent in the implementation and how the optimizations affect performance. Perhaps even more important, the authors carefully consider the effects on LRPC of a number of uncommon cases. LRPC has to accommodate the uncommon cases gracefully and with acceptable performance. This paper is the result of state-of-the-art research into the form and structure of remote procedure call systems. It is intended for readers with a background in operating systems and programming languages and for people actively researching this area. The paper indisputably presents original and thoughtful insights on the issues. A possible weakness is in Section 2.1, where the paper uses a personal communication for a reference. The basic point of the section is well taken, however, and most of the background references can be located in the published literature.

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cover image ACM Transactions on Computer Systems
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems  Volume 8, Issue 1
Feb. 1990
82 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 February 1990
Published in TOCS Volume 8, Issue 1


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