
girl help


my blog colours are awful on purpose I hope you hate them :)


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Halfbody: £40

Getting some practice in before uni starts up again!! 3 slots available, just flat colours & lineart for now.

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"We are going to defeat Dracula with two things: Garlic, and the ✨Power Of Friendship ✨💕💫😻😽😸🥳🫶🤩🥰🥰. Here, I made crucifix Friendship bracelets! 🥰✝️📿" - Abraham Van Helsing, Dracula


non muslims saying "middle east" and "islamic (insert military term)" always gets my suspicion meter up

"islamic terror attack" any reasons why u dont word it in such ways for other religions?


I hope people know the "eating peoples' pet dogs in the street" thing is like a racist conspiracy theory and not moment of randomness from Trump. Like the "trans people put litter boxes in elementary schools" thing it sounds nonsensical but is believed unironically by a lot of conservatives


yknow the other thing that's annoying as fuck about people who act all jingoistically weepy for the 9/11 deaths is that this event has been cemented in US public consciousness as like, oh there was nothing the poor government could have done... death by plane... which is bullshit actually because the towers were dangerously constructed and designed, and this was no secret among regulators and inspectors who had looked at it. so much of the death on the day-of was because people got trapped in shittily designed buildings with crap fire exits and choked on the smoke. and the towers stood that way because they were, like many large and '''innovative''' buildings, political symbols for nationalists invested in a fiction of usamerican greatness.


“sync your contacts” i’d rather be waterboarded to death actually tysm tho

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