
Toastrack the FanFan

@techno-toister / techno-toister.tumblr.com

a local toaster and internet drifter that likes drawing, gemstones, robots, and also sometimes makes webcomics with my mouse

Simple Brainrot wasn't enough no no, My brain had to convince me to plan seasonal outfits for this subpar series I never actually finished

(Thank you to @catzgam3rz for pushing me to post this and yelling at me whenever I showed you the finished product :p)

Versions with just the outfits (Like the second Aphmau) Under the cut!

i'd die if i had to design or draw that many outfits


γ€ŒAmber」 HnK OC

AKA: γ€ŒHorns」

Mohs: 2.5

Job: Patrol/Fighter

Very old. Irritable, loner, pessimist. Perpetually tired. Cracks easily, but repairs himself with his own resin. Has a Japanese Rhinoceros Beetle trapped in his chest. The beetle's horn sticks out of their chest, so their shirt is always unbuttoned. He prefers to be called Amber, but everyone has adopted the nickname "Horns" for him because of his beetle. They only wear powder on their face, at the other gems' request (He prefers not to wear any at all). Amber resin can leak out of their body if they break or cry. Their arms and legs melt into resin during combat to trap their foes, or create a durable shield against waves of artillery. They do not carry a sword, as they believe they've perfected the art of fighting using their own body after many, many years.

**The base I made references the character concept design sheets made by Studio Orange

I want to share my HnK OCs (I have about 20), so we'll start with (White) Opal!

γ€ŒWhite Opal」 HnK OC

Mohs: 5.5

Partner: Moonstone

Siblings: Black Opal, Fire Opal, Boulder Opal

Opal is missing some parts of their body that was replaced by using Black Opal's hair. There are no inclusions in these parts but they are a decent placeholder for the limbs that White Opal lost.

**The base I made references the character concept design sheets made by Studio Orange
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