
Absolutly No Answers

@questions-within-questions / questions-within-questions.tumblr.com

Diversity committed femenist

In time travel movies, when the time traveler asks 'What year is this?!?' they're always treated like they're being weird for asking.

When in reality, if you go 'What year is this?!?' people will just say '2024. Crazy huh.' and you go 'Wtf where has my youth gone.'

And if you ask 'And what month??' people won't judge you, they'll just go like 'SEPTEMBER!!! Can you believe it?!?!' and you go 'WHAT?!? Last time I checked we were in May?!?'


it actually is really insane that naked bodies are so legislated in our country that in most places you could be charged or at least fined for swimming naked. It’s weird to think how many people have never been naked outside of their own home, or outside of their own bedrooms or bathrooms. When I think about the fact that I can’t walk to a nearby river, that formed natural in this earth, take my clothes and swim in the water with my animal body that came from the same thing as the river, no more inherently indecent or threatening than a deer or a stone, it makes me feel claustrophobic. 

there are plenty places you can be nude legally with legal caveats along the lines of “as long as you aren’t shocking or aggressing people” and it’s like okay quickly, whose bodies do you think are most likely to be considered inherently shocking and aggressive? and who will be arrested? : )


toddler started playing a game a while ago where he points at dad and says "you're [toddler]. I'm Dada" and then they roleplay being each other. I gotta say. the schadenfreude, the absolute satisfaction, when toddler says "eat your hot dog" and dad says "no! I want a lot!!" (imitating what the toddler does when he refuses to eat unless he is given a GIANT PILE of food, which he will eat approximately 5% of) and toddler says "you can have this" (exactly what we say to him in this situation) and dad says "I WANT A LOT!!" and the toddler tries to think of a way to convince him and says "EAT IT!!" with visible frustration. exquisite. incredible


We owe fat LGBT people everything

Being fat and “attractive” always comes with an addendum of gender hyper performance- literally think about how many fat guys you’ve found attractive unless they were big bearded lumberjack flannel wearing daddies and think many fat chicks you’ve found attractive unless they were pompadour having poodle skirt wearing 50s pinup dolls.

Big unabashedly fat GNC homos are the lifeblood of our community I love big fat obtrusive butch bulldykes who sit with their legs spread and take up space and I love effeminate fruity limp wristed fat bears that wear short shorts and feather boas. Stupendous magnificent showstopping


the r/curatedtumblr -> tumblr migration is so funny to me. it's like going to the zoo and enjoying it so much you climb into the enclosure to live with the monkeys

this reply evokes such an incredible image in the mind’s eye


More of you need to realize that nobody in the queer community inherently "has it worse" because of their identity. The way circumstances surrounding individuals are ignored is baffling to me.

"All [x group] has it worse than [y group]" statements and beliefs are always false.

"Under the same circumstances someone of [x group] would have it worse than someone of [y group]" just completely ignores the fact that we are NOT all living under the same circumstances. It's a pointless hypothetical in most cases.

I can confidently say the cisgender gay man in a country that executes people for being gay has it far worse than me, a genderqueer & visibly intersex gnc person who lives in the imperial core and has a gaggle of queer friends who deeply care about me.

What about trans teens whose parents are violent bigots? What about intersex people who are not visibly intersex and live as cis people without issue? What about trans people with easy acess to HRT and undyingly supportive families who live in queer-friendly places? What about cis lesbians who have been subject to 'corrective' SA, what about bisexuals who are homeless bc they have been disowned by their families for alleged promiscuity? What about asexuals in countries where marriage and sex is legally required of them?

If you are even reading this post, that means you have a device, internet acess, and time to waste looking at social media, all of which are signs to me that you're doing a lot better than a lot of people whose voices are absent from platforms like this.


By the way: I can accept Shadow because of what a big deal he is with the fandom. It honestly shows remarkable restraint that they waited until the third film to introduce him.

But so help me if the films introduce Silver before they introduce Amy, I will be very cross with Neil Moritz. (•̀⤙•́)


Everyone talks about the wonderbread guy but nobody talks about how the wonderbread isn't necessarily the fetish object - it's supposed to symbolize like overcommodification or something. Like wonderbread is such a synthetic suburban concoction it implies wherever it is, that area has become gentrified and mown over by capitalism and this like caricature of commodification. That's why all the other pics the dude commissions are women (typically white and blonde) chopping down forests and stuff. The fetish isn't the bread. The fetish is this extreme caricature of earth and culture being consumed by the unstoppable force of like. Sterile Kroger marketability and commerce. That's why the women are always BUYING the bread and not like, fucking it. Its not about the loaves people. It's about Karen Bad End TF.

Thank you for the additional information!! And also this is so much more succinct than my rant


tumblr mobile is so hilariously shitty because you’ll post something like “i need to shred his pussy like a six string guitar” and that bright blue banner will pop up at the bottom of your screen like “wow, what a great post you just made! do you wanna blaze it for others to see?” no actually this is the website i go to to make sure no one will ever see this


im going to have a stroke


Instead try… Person A: You know… the thing Person B: The “thing”? Person A: Yeah, the thing with the little-! *mutters under their breath* Como es que se llama esa mierda… THE FISHING ROD


As someone with multiple bilingual friends where English is not the first language, may I present to you a list of actual incidents I have witnessed:

  • Forgot a word in Spanish, while speaking Spanish to me, but remembered it in English. Became weirdly quiet as they seemed to lose their entire sense of identity.
  • Used a literal translation of a Russian idiomatic expression while speaking English. He actually does this quite regularly, because he somehow genuinely forgets which idioms belong to which language. It usually takes a minute of everyone staring at him in confused silence before he says “….Ah….. that must be a Russian one then….”
  • Had to count backwards for something. Could not count backwards in English. Counted backwards in French under her breath until she got to the number she needed, and then translated it into English.
  • Meant to inform her (French) parents that bread in America is baked with a lot of preservatives. Her brain was still halfway in English Mode so she used the word “préservatifes.” Ended up shocking her parents with the knowledge that apparently, bread in America is full of condoms.
  • Defined a slang term for me……. with another slang term. In the same language. Which I do not speak.
  • Was talking to both me and his mother in English when his mother had to revert to Russian to ask him a question about a word. He said “I don’t know” and turned to me and asked “Is there an English equivalent for Нумизматический?” and it took him a solid minute to realize there was no way I would be able to answer that. Meanwhile his mom quietly chuckled behind his back.
  • Said an expression in English but with Spanish grammar, which turned “How stressful!” into “What stressing!”

Bilingual characters are great but if you’re going to use a linguistic blunder, you have to really understand what they actually blunder over. And it’s usually 10x funnier than “Ooops it’s hard to switch back.”


150 years ago, a boy was born to my great-great grandmother. And that was the last time that happened anywhere on my maternal line until my son was born in 2016. This is a story about intersex people.

For 150 years, the women of my family kept having daughters, who either also had daughters, or they were oddly unable to have children. Strange quirk, we assumed. No boys.

In the late 1970s, my mother’s sister had a daughter with Down Syndrome. Genetic testing was done, and it was discovered that although she looked female, she actually possessed the male XY chromosome combination. Her sister was born three years later. And because of that genetic concern, her genes were checked. And she possessed … the XY chromosomes. A third daughter, born a few years later, possessed the usual XX.

Keeping in the tradition, my mother had two daughters. Because of our cousins’ genetic conditions, my sister and I were both checked. Both of us appeared typically XX. And so for more than thirty years, it was dismissed as a quirk, and no one said the word intersex because that wasn’t a thing in 1980.

In 2014 I had a son, breaking the chain of girls. It was an interesting story! I then had two daughters, and didn’t bother to do any genetic checking.

And then in 2020 my sister became pregnant. Early genetic testing said boy, XY. Twenty week anatomy scan said girl. Definitely 100% girl. Uhhh?! As expected, she*** was born genetically male, possessing only male gonads in the form of undescended testes, but female external genitalia.

It was Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, a genetic mutation carried on the X chromosome. See, all bodies start female. Then, when the hormonal influence of the Y chromosome kicks in, instructions on the X are supposed to detect the testosterone and create male genitalia. Except a person with AIS is non-reactive to testosterone, and the body stays, at least superficially, female. Genetic check would say boy. Presence of testes says boy. Pants check says girl. Making the question of sex (sex. Gender is something else, ok?) distinctly complicated.

If someone has a mother who is a carrier of AIS, there are 4 possibilities. Unaffected XY, and so genetically and structurally male. Affected XY, and so intersex. Affected XX, and so a female carrier. Unaffected XX female and entirely unaffected.

My grandmother was a carrier. My aunt and mother are carriers. My sister is a carrier. When my niece was born, my single non-intersex cousin and I did genetic testing. And we are both carriers as well. My son is an unaffected XY male. My niece is affected XY intersex. Both my cousin and I also have 2 daughters each. And, because it is medically and psychologically relevant, we had them tested. All XX.****

And I was ready to check one more thing: are my daughters carriers? There is a 50/50 chance. And then I stopped, because they are preschoolers, and that is their reproductive decision. They know three intersex people. And if they care, someday they can check their genes and the odds that my grandchildren will be intersex. The intersex people they know will, I hope, be able to talk to them about the beauty of their lives as one of the wonderful variations of humanity.

Reblogging today, for reasons


[Image Description: the Intersex pride flag, a purple circle on a yellow field. End I.D]


you tell a bitch to keep their cat indoors and suddenly their town is the first in the world to have eradicated every viral, bacterial and parasitic disease, they invented completely harmless cars, dogs and predators dont exist either but somehow the native songbird population is fine since the cats in this place have lost the hunting instinct, there's no pollutants or toxic plants and human cruelty has ceased to exist. and mr mittens has a chip in his brain that will explode if he doesnt go outside 10 hours of the day


It is for this specific reason that I CANNOT post on our local Facebook group. Every few days there's a post from someone new that that is basically "has anyone seen our outdoor cat? 1.5 years old, usually comes home every day for dinner but we haven't seen him this week. Has someone thought him a stray and brought him inside? Just let him out, he knows where he lives!" and I have to shut the app down to prevent myself from responding .

We live in the country! We have coyotes you stupid asshole! Every night I can hear them in the trees across the street eviscerating rabbits, why do you think your cat can outsmart and outrun a whole pack of them? We also have cars! Parasites! Hawks! People who let their dogs free-roam on their property! People setting out poison! Crop spraying! Active cargo train tracks! If you don't want to be in this cycle of getting a new cat after the old one goes missing several times a year, THEN MAYBE KEEP YOUR CAT INDOORS! And if you don't want to or can't afford keeping your cat up to date on shots, getting it fixed or cleaning a litter box, you don't actually need to have a cat! You can just not have a cat! Nobody is forcing you to repeatedly get new free barn kittens to neglect, you can just get a pet that is more suitable to your circumstances or not have one at all!

Also, to add, because I saw this in the tags:

Farm cats are just as susceptible to being predated upon by coyotes and hawks, getting parasites and also rabies since they are direclty interacting with vermin. Their rates of actually catching and consuming mice are also up for debate.

If you desperately need to control vermin population in a farm scenario, you are better off getting and training a rat terrier who will hunt and kill vermin and bring them to you to be rewarded rather than eat them, are infinitely more trainable and have actual recall, and can be trained to leave smaller livestock like chickens alone the same way you train guardian breeds to not fuck with your chickens. You can also keep them indoors at night during coyote hours and let your guardian dog be in charge.

I know some rescues will adopt out working cats, usually ferals that will not do well indoors, but giving them a fancy title will not keep them safe. If they are outdoors, they're exactly as safe as any other outdoor cat in the area who doesn't have a job, which is to say not at all. Are they safer in the country than in the city where they are more likely to be pancake by a car, just by virtue of there being less traffic? Sure. But it's still not good for them, or your local songbird or turtle hatchling populations.


The really tricky part is that, no matter your viewpoint, there is no outcome where your outdoor cat isn’t negatively impacting the ecosystem. Even if you take good care of them otherwise, even if your area is ‘safe’, even if they’re a working cat.

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