
I did it. I touched grass


24 | she/her | autism with personhood | writing, reading, questions, creatures, plants | Everything is worthy of curiosity.

you can just name your characters anything. you can name them Printer. you can name them Shnorpty. you can name them There Are Pillars. and peoppe will just have to accept it.


why are you skeptical of the current explaintion for Brachycephalus's landing issues? 👀


Basically, Brachycephalus are the only miniaturised frogs that seem to have these problems, and there are other frogs with equally small vestibular systems that work fine. I have seen tiny Stumpffia jump over a metre and then jump again moments later, which Brachycephalus are apparently incapable of.

Moreover, the behaviour we see in Brachycephalus is not just disorientation, which I think should be accompanied by wild flailing, but more closely resembles the spontaneous myotonic stiffening that occurs in fainting goats. Compare:

We also know that the entire otic capsule of Brachycephalus is, to use the scientific terminology, fucked, leading to the seemingly impossible but apparently confirmed consequence that they cannot hear their own calls. This is dramatically different from most if not all other miniaturised frogs.

So basically, I think Brachycephalus are a special case, and that the current explanation that supposes that the fluid of the semicircular canals cannot travel fast enough to allow orientation, is at best genus-specific and not miniaturisation-determined, and at worst simply wrong. Hence, I have a grant application seeking to test it in other miniaturised frogs. It has been rejected before, so I am not holding my breath, but it would be nice to be able to look into this.


hi if ur unaware georgia 🇬🇪 (where i live) has officially banned gay marriage, gay ‘propaganda’, gender reassignment surgery and anything ’promoting’ it. a trans model, kesaria abramidze, has been murdered as a direct consequence of this legislation. if you have a queer georgian in your life pls let them know they are loved and let this solidify why we Need pride and hope cause jesus fuck man

some of you drive me insane. i am not speaking about the usa or the state

i feel like i have the right to be very upset at the people who after reading this blatantly ignore me mentioning georgia as my country, with the flag and assume it's the state. please educate yourself you are making yourself look deeply ignorant this is very upsetting and frustrating. fucks sake


This is the funniest thing i’ve heard my entire life 😭


Truth xD


This is literally me as a kid.  Dad used to have the responsibility of giving out the well reports that came in on the friday night to anyone who phoned for the rest of the weekend.  The problem was, on saturday mornings, he was doing the food shopping, so I was given a list of approved callers and he’d leave the well report figures by the phone.

Theoretically I was just supposed to list off the numbers.  Except. Very early I started parsing the figures and give my own analysis.  Apparently engineers and geophysicists got a bit freaked out by a ten year old going ‘It’s not that good, the flow’s really slow compared to last week, and there’s gas pockets really screwing up the flow in the east pipe judging by the pressure report.’

Dad still got that yelled at him at conferences: ‘This is the fucker who used child labour to do well analysis!’

‘Was it wrong?’

‘That’s the not the point!’

We found him- the 20 year old with 10 years experience


Urgent please help me 🙏🚨

Hello everyone, I am Sondos Jad Al-Haq and I have a family of 4. I am a 24-year-old housewife who does not work. My husband, Mohammed Jad Al-Haq, is 30 years old. He had open heart surgery before the war and worked in a private medical analysis center where he holds a bachelor's degree. We had no income other than his work, which he lost due to the war. I have two sons, Ahmed, 4 years old, and Saleh, 2 years old.

During the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, we went through very difficult circumstances. We were displaced several times and lost our home, which we paid for with all our savings, due to enemy bombs shortly after our first displacement. We lost all the beautiful things that my family and I used to enjoy, and the most difficult beautiful thing we lost was security and living in peace, due to the violent bombing that surrounded us everywhere we fled to.

Our days were difficult to say the least, as there were no viable sources of work to get the money we needed to meet our needs. Our situation is tragic and we are still stuck in a tent with no healthy food, no medicine, no water, and no electricity.

During the displacement process, we lost the stable and entertaining life that I, my husband, and my children used to live. They lost all the toys they loved and played with all the time and were deprived of the beautiful childhood they lived in the first days of their childhood. My husband, who suffers all the time from fatigue, exhaustion, and displacement from one tent to another, which made us despair. We were in a beautiful house to a tent in the middle of the street with no place to sleep. I need your help in raising money to leave the Gaza Strip because of the war.

This requires me to raise $20,000 that will cover the evacuation fees and our travel and transportation expenses, and about $30,000 that will go to rebuild our house when we return, God willing, so that the total amount I need will be $50,000.

I need to raise money to restore a beautiful life and stability outside the Gaza Strip. Everything I say only reaches a small amount of the suffering we are living. This is a glimpse into the contrast between our lives before the aggression and the nightmare we are suffering now under the aggression. Thank you for your support and solidarity.

Please donate to me on the link👇👇


$77 / $30,000 as of September 19.


straight up not true i have spoken to many of the people that have sent me messages and this is a dangerous thing to spread. i won’t deny that there are probably bots but just use common sense. this same post says that the vetting process is just “trust me bro” and that also isn’t true. this post encourages donating to organizations that benefit palestinians instead, and that’s Fine, but to say every single message from an individual is a scam is frankly ridiculous. and harmful


“Speak softly lest my fangs find you.”

Recent comm of a badass Saurian character and his signature weapon, Mancatcher. Lineart is below the cut!
I have a few slots available for commissions!
Anything I can’t post here is on my Patreon, Patreon.com/JellisDraws

hot take apparently but i think it's good for white people to relate to poc's art. i think it's good for straight people to relate to queer art. stop acting like we're different species who could never possibly understand each other what the fuck is wrong with you


Not telling your kid they have a learning disability, chronic illness, mental illness etc. so they can “feel normal” actually does the opposite. They will not feel normal if they do not have the context to understand that their normal will be different from that of their peers.

The amount of times I’ve heard a parent say something like “I’m just not going to tell my son he has ADHD, I want him to feel normal.” HE DOES NOT. HE DOES NOT FEEL NORMAL. HE IS WONDERING WHY HE IS STRUGGLING AND COMING TO THE CONCLUSION HE IS AN IRREDEEMABLE FAILURE.


the idea of protists is really funny. Ah yes, the kingdoms of life: Animals, Plants, Fungi, and Don't worry about it:)

i just started taking my first botany course and politely op what the fuck is this supposed to mean




All creatures with cells that have the fancy stuff like nucleus and mitochondria are Eukaryotes. That picture is from the Wikipedia page for Eukaryotes.

Long ago there was just the Bacteria and Archaea. Then something weird happened and an Archaean ate a bacterium but the bacterium was not consumed, instead they became friends. By "friends" I mean "permanently merged together into an entirely new kind of life form that can do all kinds of fancy stuff with its cells." This life form is your ancestor and the ancestor of all Eukaryotes.

One of those new, fancy life forms ate a cyanobacteria and made it into chloroplasts. This created the plants.

A few others decided to go multicellular and form tubes out of cells that could wriggle around, and they became animals.

A few decided to also go multicellular and team up into big networks of interconnected thread-like tendrils, and they became fungi.

But most of them just kind of went off and did their own thing, going about their single-celled business, evolving into all kinds of weird stuff without doing anything multicellular. And all of those guys got called protists. Every eukaryote that didn't become multicellular is a protist.

The guys that went multicellular are just a few weirdos in these random corners of the tree of life, but they get all the attention cause we multicellular organisms are kind of self-absorbed (and we had to do some strange things to sand to turn it into lenses to see the single-celled organisms).

If each of those multicellular clades counts as a "kingdom," how many kingdoms do the single-celled guys make? Good luck with that one. We keep finding more of them.

Every time we look at some more pond water, the taxonomists collapse into sobbing again. There are too many ways to be a little guy. Every time there's a cilium or a flagellum somewhere it's not supposed to be, or there's something suspicious going on with microtubules or zoospores or helical structures something, or god forbid two guys get freaky and do another endosymbiosis again, they have to rewrite everything and there's at least two fistfights and one brawl.

Protists: Just don't worry about it.

Also I lied and there are plenty of eukaryotes that are multicellular and not animals, plants, or fungi, such as giant kelp

However those get called protists half the time too because with kelp, it's easier than trying to explain what the fuck it is if it isn't a plant, and with everything else, talking about it just starts an argument about what counts as a "cell" and what counts as "multi" for that matter and nothing good comes of it.

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