

@bookswithdylanw / bookswithdylanw.tumblr.com

My name is Dylan, I live in Sydney, and I love books. I also have blue hair, watch way too much tv, and make videos about books on Youtube. You can find my videos by clicking here.

look if you're cis dont reply to jk rowling and then screenshot your tweet and post it. donate to trans charities, specifically british trans charities, because jk lives here and has been informed by british politics. thats why shes a terf.

i know everyone likes to pretend trans rights issues are universally similar, but trans rights issues in the uk are wildly different. fight on the context she is

mermaidsuk, which helps trans youth get help

albert kennedy trust, helps homeless lgbt people (the uk currently has one dedicated homeless shelter for lgbt people, and its in london)

all about trans, which is trying ensure trans people are better represented in the media

trans rights are human rights, and trans people in the uk deserve our voices heard as much as trans americans. jk rowling is not an anomaly, and represents the average british feminist. fighting against terfs requires systematic change, something british trans people not only cant do alone, but something we have to try and do as terfs actively lobby the government to take away our human rights (with there currently being talk of a bill which would cause under 18s to lose the ability to begin transitioning in any form, and a member of the house of lords currently waxing romantically about having trans rights removed in multiple areas)

you have to understand that talking to jk doesn't work. she doesnt care. use your time productively and spread these charities around. dont even reblog this post if you dont want to, make your own. just make it known that trans people in the uk are used to people acting like this, and soon we may not be able to do anything about them at all


2020 is so fucking surreal like it started off with all of australia burning & a potential 3rd world war, then a worldwide pandemic is forcing everyone to stay home and now there’s another twilight book


Happy Pride Month Eleanor Roosevelt was queer, the Little Mermaid is a gay love story, James Dean liked men, Emily Dickinson was a lesbian, Nikola Tesla was asexual, Freddie Mercury was bisexual & British Indian, and black trans women pioneered the gay rights movement.

Florence Nightingale was a lesbian, Leonardo da Vinci was gay, Michelangelo too, Jane Austen liked women, Hatshepsut was not cisgender, and Alexander the Great was a power bottom

Honestly just reblogging for that last one

Probably not historically backed but fuck yes


Freddie Mercury is well known for his attraction to men but was also linked to several women, including Barbara Valentin whom he lived with shortly before he died. Friends have talked about being invited into their bed and walking in on them having sex (documentary Freddie Mercury: The Great Pretender) 

Jane Austin never married and wrote about sharing a bed with women (Jane Austen At Home: A Biography by Lucy Worsley)

I want to hire you to follow me around and defend my honor with meticulous research


My tablet’s still busted, but I wanted to do somethin cute for Halloween

Click to see what these silly ghosts are up to~

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