
100percentEvil's place.

@100percentevil / 100percentevil.tumblr.com


Intro post!


my name is 100percent evil, but my moots call me Evil, 100, or Evi.

Im mostly going to be rebloging things and occasionally posting art, and i don't really have a schedule, so good luck!

Any pronouns, but xe/xim HIGHLY prefered. Mx and captain for titles.

I LOVE ASKS. Please send me asks!

If you need money, please go to r/assistance. I'm sorry, but i cant help with that.

Incest, pedophillia and porn DNI. I don't want you here.

have a great time everyone, love ya!


hey there LGBTQ kids who are also Christian/Jewish! If you feel like you’re disobeying God, questioning your faith, or feel wrong and dirty for loving who you love, there’s this fantastic site I found today called hoperemains that accurately and thoroughly combs through scripture and its (many) mistranslations, validates your orientation, and basically let’s you know that you’re not pissing off God. It’s insanely thorough and after reading through every page on the entire site it’s super helpful. Go check it out!

No no no! Jewish LGBTQ kinderlach! Go to Keshet

hoperemains is completely from a Christian perspective, and not pluralistic or interfaith at all.

If you reblogged the first post from me please reblog this amendment so the Jewish peeps can access this resource too! 

Trans Jewish kids, you can go to TransTorah as well!

Muslim LGBTQ kids, you can go to iamnotharaam! It’s run by a mod squad of different genders and orientations, and they take submissions from everybody!



Hey, just wanted to let you know that youre really great and im glad i met you. Toodles!


Oh, well thank you! You too! I don’t really know how to respond to that. Although forgive me for thinking this but this kind of comes off as a little… ominous? I really hope I’m wrong about that.


Ah shit, sorry. I just ment to let you know that i appreciate you, didnt mean to scare you. Sorry.


tw self harm mention

Hey i know this has probably been spread around alot but just incase someone cant find it here is the website where you can cut it and it will act like real cuts, blood and everything.

It helped me alot a few nights ago, when i was having a really bad time. I hope this can help someone else.


I love how the search function on this site is absolute garbage. I can look up a post word for word and I will NEVER find it

Pro tip:

Wanna find a post?

Write out what you remember into a Google search.

After you write that out, end with site:tumblr.com

Google will search for your text on just tumblr

In my experience, it’s way more effective than searching through Tumblr

(you can use site:SITENAME.com to search any site btws)

This usually works but for some reason a lot of posts get indexed on google from a person’s URL based on the posts that were recently reblogged on page 1, meaning that this is only a tiny bit more reliable.

I HAVE a solution to this, you have to write down site:tumblr.com/post “ “

and then write a direct quote (could be a fraction of a sentence) into the quotations, I’ve been doing this for years, and it’s so useful, it works like 99% of the time 

(the more popular a post is the more likely you’ll find it)

you’re a genius holy shit


Just used this to find a post I’ve been desperately searching for, thank you so much



It would be just as effective as a full on strike, without risking their jobs in anti union states. Especially if they made public newspaper announcements that this is what they will ALL be doing.


This is called “Work-To-Rule” (a form of malicious compliance), and is a very useful and effective tool in labor organization!

My dad did this! He’s a high school teacher, and he and all his colleagues refused to write college recommendation letters - which was dozens of hours of unpaid labor not in their contract - until they got a renegotiated contract, and it worked in like less than a week cause parents went apeshit. The education system would fucking collapse without unpaid teacher labor, and that’s a huge source of leverage


⚠️ superior shape 🟪

This stupid comic idia came to me when I was half asleep, and I really hope it's not too stupid and actually funny ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ

It's also the first comic I've ever done and English isn't my first language, so if I've made any mistakes, I'm terribly sorry (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)

Shapes and pines au by: @void-dude

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