Veeam Data Platform works better than DPM.
April 01, 2024

Veeam Data Platform works better than DPM.

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
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Software Version

Veeam Backup & Replication

Overall Satisfaction with Veeam Data Platform

We use Veeam Data Platform for our server backups. Both whole OS backups and file server file system backups. We had been using Microsoft's DPM but it kept giving us issues so we switched even though DPM was included in our System Center subscription.


  • Integrates well with 3rd party cloud backups particularly Wasabi which is very cost effective.
  • Allows you to send secondary backups to multiple locations like other disk, cloud, etc.
  • Sends good reporting emails when there is a failure.
  • Their tech support has been much more helpful and knowledgeable than Microsoft's was for DPM.


  • It could always be cheaper.
  • Virtualized workloads
  • Endpoints and physical servers running Windows & Linux
  • In addition to back up, we also replicate some of these workloads
  • Cloud-hosted VMs within AWS or Azure
  • NAS filers
  • Application-centric recovery using Veeam Explorers (for Exchange, SQL, Sharepoint, etc)
  • Immutable storage to protect against ransomware
  • Application-centric recovery using Veeam Explorers (for Exchange, SQL, Sharepoint, etc)
About 70 servers when you combine physical and virtual. It's what we expected. We still back up our test servers with Microsoft DPM to save money.
  • It gives me peace of mind because it is reliable whereas DPM was always breaking which was very stressful.
  • I love the primary backup destination being a Linux hardened server.
  • I love sending disk backups to another location for secondary backups and to the cloud for even more redundancy.
I want to rely on my backup solution and that was worth paying for. What caused us to switch to Veeam Data Platform was that Microsoft DPM kept breaking and even had to be reinstalled.
We have stored backups in the cloud specifically with Wasabi which allowed us to retire physical tapes.
We are not currently backing up a NAS.
Veeam Data Platform fails much less often.

Do you think Veeam Data Platform delivers good value for the price?


Are you happy with Veeam Data Platform's feature set?


Did Veeam Data Platform live up to sales and marketing promises?


Did implementation of Veeam Data Platform go as expected?


Would you buy Veeam Data Platform again?


I think it's important to go with something proven and reliable since backups are so critical to any organization's health.

Veeam Data Platform Feature Ratings

Universal recovery
Instant recovery
Recovery verification
Business application protection
Multiple backup destinations
Incremental backup identification
Backup to the cloud
Deduplication and file compression
Flexible deployment
Platform support
Retention options


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