Was expecting a lot more from this than it provided. Have had a history of Multi effects going back over a decade - Digitech GNX3000, Boss GT3, GT10, Various Zoom pedals, Boss ME25 (very underrated!) and others. This was underwhelming. The sounds were very similar and tweaking didn't seem to change all that much, was outputting to the power stage of my ancient Valvestate 8040 as well as direct into the pre with all knobs at 12 o'clock, also used it with a Y splitter into my Focusrite 2i4 set at Line, didn't find the touch screen as responsive as YouTube would have you believe - and I haven't got fat fingers. Once I get refunded I will try the HB DNA GiT Advanced and see how that goes. I can't justify the cost of Kempers, Neural Cortexes or Helixes so budget it where I stay!