Middle-class parents priced out of holidays: Soaring costs mean most can no longer afford to go away during the school breaks

  • Poll by a holiday firm claimed even those earning £50,000 felt the pinch
  • Term-time absences are all but banned, leading firms to raise prices
  • One father's complaint about Center Parcs could trigger Commons debate

Most middle-class parents can no longer afford to take their children abroad because of the soaring cost of going away in the school holidays, a survey has found.

Three-quarters of those paid up to £24,000 – close to the average income – said they had difficulty saving up, and half of families with a combined income of between £44,000 and £54,000 said they had to make sacrifices to spend on a holiday.

Even those earning £74,000 to £84,000 are feeling the pinch, with more than a third complaining about prices.

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Money worries? Even couples earning £50,000 worry about the cost of a holiday outside school term time

Money worries? Even couples earning £50,000 worry about the cost of a holiday outside school term time

It is only when household income reaches £84,000 or more that the vast majority - 93 per cent - say they are not concerned about the cost.

Holiday prices can soar by as much as 200 per cent during school breaks.

More than two-fifths of parents said they had got around this by going away in term time, with one in seven admitting to lying to keep their children off school including making up stories about illnesses or deaths in the family, the survey by holiday firm Hogan's Irish Cottages found.

Seven in ten of the 1,000 parents who took part in the survey agreed a policy on term-time absences should be in place - but complained it shouldn’t be as strict.

It comes after a Facebook rant about the cost of breaks at Center Parcs by father Paul Cookson went viral and led to more than 100,000 signing an online petition calling for a cap on price increases in school holidays.

What a rip-off! Paul Cookson was angered by the cost of holidays outside term time at Center Parcs

What a rip-off! Paul Cookson was angered by the cost of holidays outside term time at Center Parcs


It means the issue could now be debated in Parliament.

Studies have shown that travel firms, airlines, hotels and other businesses inflate prices when schools close.

Others parents were granted authorised absences of up to ten days by sympathetic headteachers but this has been banned except in ‘exceptional circumstances’ since September.

Breaches are dealt with by fines of up to £2,500 or three months in jail.

The Department for Education took action to improve academic standards by preventing children from missing classes - but it is also increasing the affordability crisis.

Last month it emerged a couple had been fined a total of almost £1,000 by magistrates after taking their three children away.

Defying the law: Stewart and Natasha Sutherland were fined £1,000 for taking their three children abroad during term time

Defying the law: Stewart and Natasha Sutherland were fined £1,000 for taking their three children abroad during term time

Stewart and Natasha Sutherland remained defiant afterwards, saying the penalty, on top of the cost of the holiday, was still cheaper than going away during the school break.

The Department for Education said children who attend school regularly are nearly four times more likely to achieve five or more good GCSEs than those who are regularly absent.

A spokeswoman added: ‘We are giving all schools the freedom to set their own term dates. Academies and free schools already have this freedom.

‘This means that parents and teachers can benefit from cheaper holidays at the end of September. We want schools to consider changes to term dates that will work for their pupils and their families.’

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