POWER PORTFOLIO: Keep track of shares and funds, monitor your wealth and build separate investment pots

  • Access all the shares listed on the London Stock Exchange 
  • Choose from 90,000 funds - from unit trusts and Oeics to pensions 
  • Add other investments and cash holdings to monitor your overall net worth
  • Insert 'notes' to each entry - for example, to remind yourself why you bought it 
  • Super simple to use and update - start typing the name and choose from the list 

This is Money's Power Portfolio is FREE and it's the best way to monitor your investments - allowing you to track them in a better way than most DIY investing platform accounts.

Your Power Portfolio contains all the vital investor information you need and brings the ability to create separate pots, so that you can divide and track your portfolio in different ways.

We think it's brilliant as do thousands of our existing users. 

Login/create a portfolio 

Below are some useful tips on how to get started and to keep going.

Power portfolio: Track your shares, funds and other investments

Power portfolio: Track your shares, funds and other investments

New users - how does it work?

New users - a very warm welcome. To get going, register with This is Money, then go to the portfolio login page - create a portfolio and give it a name then scroll down and fill in the fields in the Add transaction section. 

Start typing the name of the company or fund and choose from the results. 

Easy to use: Start typing the name of a company and choose from the list

Easy to use: Start typing the name of a company and choose from the list

You can add 'Other investments' such as foreign stocks, cash, property that will contribute to your total net worth but you'll need to maintain the prices manually as they change over time. 

You can also access a wealth of information on the shares in your portfolio. 

Login/create a portfolio 

Shares: Use the tabs to see the vital information about your holdings

Shares: Use the tabs to see the vital information about your holdings 

Long-time users - do I need to start again?

If you've been using our portfolio for a long time but haven't done so in a while, you will see that your shares and funds have been successfully imported into your portfolios. The old cash function has been mothballed because too few people used it. You can now add cash as an 'Other investment' along with property, cars, wine as you wish. 

What do the tabs mean?  

Portfolio - shows all your investments on one page, divided into investment type 

News - official announcements for your shares (general news will be added later) 

Allocation - see at a glance the sectors and industries you're invested in

Statement - a ledger of when you added each entry to your portfolio 

Shares - this really allows you to drill down into fundamental data for your holdings 

Funds - is your fund clean or is your provider taking more charges than they need?

News: The official announcements for shares you're interested or invested in - all in one place

News: The official announcements for shares you're interested or invested in - all in one place 

Funds: We show you whether your funds are clean - those without hidden charges

Funds: We show you whether your funds are clean - those without hidden charges

Sometimes asked questions 

These were once called frequently asked questions but the new Power Portfolio is so intuitive and reliable we don't get asked many questions. But there'll always be a few things that need ironing out. 

Missing funds?

For those people whose portfolios were migrated from the old version, you might find that some funds are no longer available or recognised. In this case, it will be listed under a heading 'Other fund' and display the old Citicode, which we no longer use.

These are likely to be investment trusts that are now only available under shares, funds that have changed name or ownership and the odd random glitch. If you know the fund name please look it up and add it again. You'll be able to look up the date it was initially added.

Can’t delete entries?

One small bug reported to us by a few people that we’ve not been able to tackle yet is where you cannot delete some of the imported entries. Thankfully, a long-time fan worked out that if you enter it again you can then delete it. It works. We're working on a longer term fix. 

Can’t log in?

If you find you cannot log in and are presented with an infuriation graphic going round in circles until you want to throw expensive IT equipment out the window. Don’t. Simply clear the cache on your device and make sure you’re using the correct new link.


How often are prices updated?

Share prices are updated every few minutes throughout trading hours and fund prices once a day. Share data are from the London Stock Exchange and fund data from Morningstar via data specialist Webfg. The site was built by geniuses at Eck Technologies exclusively for This is Money. 

I've forgotten my password 

You can reset your password here

I'm stuck

Any problems please email [email protected] with details putting POWER PORTFOLIO in the subject line.

Finally, what have long-time users said about the new portfolio?

Ooh, glad you asked that.  Here's some of our favourites.

The new portfolio is easy to use – Andrew

I find the “Power Portfolio” very useful – another Andrew

I’m a long time user and a big fan of your This is Money portfolio tool – Anthony

I find it invaluable – Barry

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