Hunting squirrels with a rimfire rifle is one of the ultimate tests of a hunter’s stalking and shooting skills and also one of the most enjoyable. Squirrels constantly challenge your patience, eyesight, ability to move stealthily through the forests and, perhaps most critical, the skill and …

It is with profound disapproval that I’ve listened to several individuals predicting a severe, nasty, snowy winter. The sad part of that is the signs seem to be pointing that way. It’s not even September yet and the leaves are beginning to turn here and there. We’ve had some unusually cold n…

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The action is heating up on Northcentral Pennsylvania’s elk range, and the Pennsylvania Game Commission invites people everywhere to view it in real time online.

Value, what is or may be valuable is something that’s perceived. What may be of value to one is of little or possibly no value to another. Such things can be a matter of culture, upbringing or even a fascination of one particular individual.

A fit young man and his pretty girlfriend were fishing a little inlet on Chautauqua Lake. My wife and I caught a bucketful of perch quickly, but noticed they’d only landed one or two. How was that possible? Simply cast a piece of worm out and wait for a hit, generally less than 30 seconds.


New York hunting and trapping licenses and deer management permits for the 2024-25 season are on sale, with distribution kicking off the first time that all licenses and associated tags will be printed on plain paper rather than plastic stock.

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A new record for largemouth bass in New York state was set July 11 when James Britenbaugh of Pennsylvania reeled in a 12-pound, 6-ounce “hog” from Cayuga Lake.

If you spend time outdoors hunting and fishing you begin to encounter and consider things city folk would never imagine or even find it possible to believe. One of these is the wind.

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From my earliest years I’ve been a fishing addict, a rod in my hand anywhere at any time for anything with fins or scales. Shiners or suckers in Tuna Creek, native trout in the area’s numerous tributaries, no logging roads then, you had to walk. Ponds, lakes, the Allegheny before the dam. If…


As I mentioned in an earlier column, I’ve taken up cycling and I’ve spent the last few months relearning how to ride — you can forget the old adage that says you never forget how to ride a bicycle — and exploring new areas.

Human minds are marvelous beyond belief. What they can accomplish is simply incredible and if raised in the proper environment and having developed some self-discipline will, for the most part, lead happy, productive lives. Oh, there will be challenges for sure, there is an opposition decree…

The canoe drifted around a corner of tall reeds surprising a great blue heron only 20 yards away.

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In my last column I wrote about my excitement at locating three nesting prothonotary warblers at Magee Marsh in Ohio over the Memorial Day Weekend. Part of that excitement was being able to photograph a bird that, until that time, I had only seen at a distance many years ago at Montezuma Nat…

The annual Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association meeting was held this year at Wilkes Barre, Pa. One of Friday’s activities presented members the opportunity to float and fish a 3.5 mile stretch of the Susquehanna River which I immediately signed up for. But a habit of mine is researching…

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Many things in life become popular, then fall away and are forgotten, only to become accepted again years later. There was a time when almost every hunter used a box call. Naturally, the gobblers became extremely suspicious over a potential girlfriend hen whose voice resembled the traditiona…

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As one reviews their life it can occasionally be discouraging remetmbering opportunities lost, poor decisions made, relationships that should have been cherished more carefully, loving words never spoken.

The still morning air was deathly still, as silent as only the moments before dawn can be. I stood listening for gobblers and for a curious moment I felt something just wasn’t right. The cagey gobblers remained silent and as it grew steadily lighter the small birds and woodpeckers began waki…

I looked up in the predawn darkness and contemplated the countless stars shining brightly above me, sparkling happily in the infinite black sky, winking their secrets and mystery.

I’m occasionally asked if I miss working. Even after having been retired for years the question still startles me a little.

The clock has whirled rapidly around, the circle has completed itself and another spring is upon us. Another month of spring turkey lies ahead. I myself love and dread gobbler season. I love the quest, everything about it, even the many defeats and frustrations, but dread the agony of those …

OLEAN — Growing up in Allegany, Steve Dombek wished there was something like the trap shooting club that now exists for Allegany-Limestone Central School students.

It’s been a tradition of mine for the last few years to drive to Rhode Island for my grandson Nate’s school break.

This year as the first day of New York trout season rolled around I felt that old thrill of excitement growing yet again, just as it had when a boy.

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EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the first in a series, “Headwater Heroes,” by Emily Shosh of the Potter County (Pa.) Conservation District. The series showcases several individuals who have been working hard behind the scenes to improve stream health in the vital yet fragile headwaters region.

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Successful trout fisherman have one trait in common, they are able to make decisions which enable them to catch trout over a wide variety of circumstances. In other words, they’re adaptable and willing to do whatever it takes to catch fish.


CUBA — "CRCS Outdoors" is back for a 13th season with an array of televised adventures, from sturgeon fishing on the Snake River in Idaho to hunting red stag and fallow deer in New Zealand. 

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