
As the 23rd anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks approaches, the Cattaraugus County Museum and Research Library has released a new educational film using local officials and veterans to tell the story of that seminal day in American history.

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New coronavirus vaccines are available, and state health officials encourage anyone 65 and older, at risk for severe COVID-19 or who has never received a COVID vaccine to get it as students return to school — and ahead of the respiratory illness season.

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ALBANY (TNS) — The potential for nuclear reactors and similar technology to become an integral part of New York’s clean energy goals was a central topic at an energy summit Thursday in Syracuse that was convened by Gov. Kathy Hochul’s administration as the state struggles to meet the mandate…

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DEAR RUSTY: This is a matter that I find particularly irksome. My wife — a retired teacher — was told that, should I predecease her, she is not eligible to get survivor benefits from my Social Security payments. I’m sure there is some arcane, bureaucratic justification for this, but I think …

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RICHBURG — Professional photographer Dan Jordan will offer a presentation of his wildlife photography at the next meeting of the Richburg-Wirt Historical Society, set for 7 p.m. Monday at the Museum, 243 Main St.

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OLEAN — Sue Conner and Katie Ford are this month’s Star Award recipients, Kaleida Health facilities Olean General Hospital (OGH) and Bradford (Pa.) Regional Medical Center (BRMC) recently announced.

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OLEAN — Olean General Hospital has received recognition from the American Heart Association for offering care to people experiencing a specific type of heart attack known as an ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), known to be more severe and dangerous than other types of heart attacks.

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ELLICOTTVILLE — The Nannen Arboretum at 28 Parkside Drive has seen many improvements and opportunities this summer with new trees, vine trellises, paint and public art awaiting visitors.

WEST VALLEY — The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management (EM) and its cleanup contractor at the West Valley Demonstration Project (WVDP) recently notched an annual cleanup priority ahead of schedule for a second consecutive year.

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NEW YORK — FBI agents this week searched the homes of New York City’s police commissioner and at least three top deputies to New York Mayor Eric Adams, according to people familiar with the matter.

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ALFRED — Health and Wellness Services and Campus Recreation have combined to open an 18-hole Disc Golf Course at Alfred State. The course starts right next to the throwing area above the parking lots surrounding Pioneer Stadium.

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