In January 2022, Carrie Fox set out on a blog series called Finding the Words because she had something to say. By the end of the year, you were doing more than listening. You were deeply in this work with her. And because of you, we’re keeping this series going, every week through 2023 and beyond. Our promise: Carrie will keep delivering these essays each Wednesday morning to further support your work as a communicator for change. Your promise: keep telling us how these insights are impacting and influencing your work.

Here are some of the most regularly shared columns. If you like what you see, then subscribe here.

Carrie Fox Carrie Fox

Common Ground.

Lederach is a renowned peacebuilding leader who has engaged with peace processes around the world for four decades. In his latest book, available as a free download on his site, he offers practical insights grounded in global experience to help readers navigate and address the conflicts we face in our communities and country. John Paul gives context, structure, and a frame for finding common ground, and for re-investing in the power of "improbable dialogue."

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Crisis Response.

As if the scorching summer temperatures weren't enough, American politics have also heated up to a rolling boil this summer, with this past weekend's assassination attempt on one of our presidential candidates being considered by many a critical tipping point. Parties and politics aside, leaders at every level are being called to comment, weigh in, and do something.

So, what are you to do? What role do these weekend’s events have on you, your organization, and your community? If you think none, I suggest you think again.

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Purpose at Work Carrie Fox Purpose at Work Carrie Fox

Your Body Language is Talking Even When You Aren't.

93% of what we communicate is nonverbal, so the little things we communicate through our bodies make a big difference to our audience. Use your body, tone, and the instrument that is your voice to help convey confidence, trust, and engagement to your audience. It may never be as good as face-to-face communication, but good digital body language can do wonders to bridge physical divides.

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Courageous Leadership Carrie Fox Courageous Leadership Carrie Fox

Confidence Boost.

When it comes to communicating confidence, remember this: we are often much better than we let ourselves believe. Start with some appreciation—for yourself, your skills, and how far you’ve come—and see how much more confident you'll feel as a result.

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Courageous Leadership Carrie Fox Courageous Leadership Carrie Fox

Planting Seeds.

Just as in gardening, delivering hard messages can be made more effective with preparation and care. Practice planting seeds to help your audience process information and support them in understanding important news. With time and attention, your audiences will hear just what you need them to, and they’ll grow through the news, too.

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Purpose at Work Carrie Fox Purpose at Work Carrie Fox

Values at Work.

We will all have bad days and losses that can feel hard to swallow. Those moments may discourage you, but don’t let them distract you from your values. Because when your values are clear, the impact is undeniable.

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Purpose at Work Carrie Fox Purpose at Work Carrie Fox

Find the Good.

It’s easy to become overwhelmed by the uncertainty and chaos around us. It’s natural to feel lost. When you do, pause and take stock of the light you carry. Because in moments of chaos, you can always be the change.

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Purpose at Work Carrie Fox Purpose at Work Carrie Fox

Civility at Work.

Incivility at work is an intensifying reality. It can get the better of us and bring out the worst in us. This week, practice “ventilating your soul with tenderness,” and work to create spaces that foster civil conversation and muscle building. I think you’ll find the whole team gets stronger as a result.

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Carrie Fox Carrie Fox

Healthy Communication, Part 2.

It's common to feel at a loss when you need to communicate critical information, and you don’t feel equipped to do so. With these healthy communication skills, you can ensure that you get your message across, while also building deeper connections and trust with your audience.

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Purpose at Work Carrie Fox Purpose at Work Carrie Fox

Life Through a Different Lens.

The generation gap isn’t an excuse for disconnection and engagement—it’s an invitation to get closer. If you’re leading or managing a team, take this week’s column as a prompt to initiate conversations that can help build back the social support systems we’ve been losing in recent years.

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Courageous Leadership Carrie Fox Courageous Leadership Carrie Fox

Handle Hard Better.

Lean into what’s ahead. Grow through the hard moments. Embrace the adversity and the struggles thrown at you so you can be stronger, more prepared, and ready for what’s ahead. You are capable of great things, my friend. Don't let yourself forget it.

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Purpose at Work Carrie Fox Purpose at Work Carrie Fox

Good To Be Here.

While a “no-agenda” lunch with an old friend won’t solve the complexity of problems we face today, it is something—and something particularly important—to help counteract social isolation and build back up social networks. The real kind. Yes, it’s good to be together. And it’s due time that we take a break from our devices to make it happen.

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Read the first year of Finding the Words articles.