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Joe Mandese is the Editor in Chief of MediaPost. You can reach Joe at [email protected].

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  • DNC Day 2: When The Going Gets Weird... by Joe Mandese (Red, White & Blog on 08/21/2024)

    @Dan Ciccone: By all means, I hope you do.

  • DNC Day 1: 'The Best' by Joe Mandese (Red, White & Blog on 08/20/2024)

    @Dan Ciccone: This is a personal opinion column titled "Red, White & Blog: Truth, Mud & The American Media." It's supposed to be subjective.I write and edit plenty of MediaPost' straight news coverage that strives to be objectiveThey are two different things.That said, I subjectively disagree with your assessment of American media coverage of the elections. If anything, I think most media outlets have given Trump a free pass and would go ballistic if any normal candidate did, said or dog whistled what Trump has done I mean just look at how the White House press corps has treated Biden pressers vs. Trump's. There's no comparison.But you're entitled to your opinion and welcome to post comments on anything we publish.It's still a free country.

  • DNC Day 1: 'The Best' by Joe Mandese (Red, White & Blog on 08/20/2024)

    @Dan Ciccone: You should read up on the history of primaries in the U.S. For most of our democracy, they were not even a factor in presidential party nominations.That said, primary voters voted for a ticket (Biden/Harris), Biden stepped down and endorsed Harris, as did a majority of party delegates. The delegates will cast their votes during the convention, as they always have since we began electing presidents.Any other talking points?Now if you really want to kvetch about democracy, let's dig into the Electoral College.

  • The Joy Of A TikTok National Convention by Joe Mandese (Red, White & Blog on 08/14/2024)

    @Perry Nusbaum from Engagement Labs: Wow, I guess there is no joy in Mudville, or wherever you're posting from?I've been called a hypocrite, a liberal, and many other labels, but a fascist? Projection much?At least I've never suggested anyone should be crucified.I mean, all I did was write a column about the joy of Democrats leaning into TikTok as a media platform (that is what we cover at MediaPost, you know?).How in the world is that vile behavior? I apologize if it triggered something for you.

  • What's Black & White And Red, White & Blog All Over? by Joe Mandese (Red, White & Blog on 08/01/2024)

    @Dan Ciccone: Clearly, you've never seen me open a panel.

  • What's Black & White And Red, White & Blog All Over? by Joe Mandese (Red, White & Blog on 08/01/2024)

    @Dan Ciccone: Glad to see he reached you.

  • Yes She Can! by Joe Mandese (Red, White & Blog on 07/23/2024)

    @Dan Ciccone: Fake News!

  • Yes She Can! by Joe Mandese (Red, White & Blog on 07/23/2024)

    @Ken Fadner: Excellent point.There are many hypocritical elements to this particular MAGA Republican talking point about Kamala Harris' role vis a vis the southern border, and it is worthy of greater introspection and public debate.Personally, I think the reason they are doubling down on it, is because they don't have anything else they think will stick.The No. 1 issue for American voters -- the economy -- is doing great. And the latest consumer confidence data shows sentiment has even improved on the only lagging economic issue: inflation.(Ironically, the No. 2 issue is political extremism and threats to democracy, so obviously, they're not going to touch that one.)No. 3 is immigration -- due largely to MAGA Republican falehoods and rhetoric -- though that has been waning as a sticking point in recent months, probably because as President Joe Biden pointed out last night, there actually are fewer illegal immigrants coming across the border than during the last administration.Every other issue is an also-ran, and crime, which is a distant No. 4, also has gone down.Bottom line is they don't have anything to attack Kamala Harris on except a false fact, or trivial characteristics like the way she laughs.It will be hilarious if she laughs all the way to a seat behind the Resolute Desk.

  • Yes She Can! by Joe Mandese (Red, White & Blog on 07/23/2024)

    @D K from Retired: You are welcome to give her any grade you want for anything. Because that's your opinion.I just don't think you should be spreading misinformation about what she is actually repsonsible for. Because those are facts.

  • What's On IPG's Mind: Media, Especially The Principal Kind by Joe Mandese (MediaDailyNews on 07/24/2024)

    @Bill Duggan: Thank you for adding that.Long live media neutrality!

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