
OPACS (Online Public Access Catalogues)

The OPAC computers are located near the Research Help desk and provide access to the online library Catalogue, to the KPU Library web page and the internet.

There are at least two express or guest stations at each Library that can be used for research or registration for non-KPU students. View our express stations guidelines  online.

Users in the Library must adhere to KPU's computer usage policy.

Library Teaching Labs

The Library Teaching Lab computers are used primarily for Library research but also offer access to the Internet and come installed with Microsoft Office applications. The Library Teaching Lab is reserved for Library instruction during orientations and will not be open to students during these times. Always check the white board outside the room to see if any orientations are booked. You must have an active student account in order to use the computers in the lab. Ask a Librarian for assistance if you are having problems accessing the computers in the lab.

The Library Teaching labs are open labs designated for student use and are non bookable for classroom instruction other than by the library. To find a bookable teaching lab, KPU faculty should refer to

Campus WiFi

KPU offers wireless (Wi-Fi) network service to KPU employees and currently-registered students in all internal locations on the Cloverdale, Langley, Surrey and Richmond campuses.

For step by step access directions, please visit

Learn more about using Eduroam at KPU if you are from a participating institution.

Username & Password

For information on your KPU username and password, please visit

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