Zero Trust Segmentation

Assume breach. Minimize impact. Increase resilience.

Welcome to the new era of Zero Trust Segmentation

Unlike prevention and detection technologies, Zero Trust Segmentation (ZTS) contains the spread of breaches and ransomware across the hybrid attack surface by continually visualizing how workloads and devices are communicating, creating granular policies that only allow wanted and necessary communication, and automatically isolating breaches by restricting lateral movement proactively or during an active attack. ZTS is a foundational and strategic pillar of any Zero Trust architecture.

Breach Containment: The New Paradigm.

It seems everything has to be connected to the internet these days. Convenient to many, but a significant challenge for CISOs, security, and IT teams. IT environments are moving from on-premises to a hybrid, cloud-first, hyper-connected landscape. Digital transformation is dramatically expanding the attack surface, and attacks like ransomware are more pervasive than ever. In the past two years alone, 76% of organizations were attacked by ransomware, and ransomware attacks occur every 11 seconds. All these factors are increasing risk.

of organizations

In the past 2 years, 76% of organizations were attacked by ransomware


Ransomware attacks occur every 11 seconds

Speed, Sprawl, and Volume of Attacks are the Culprits

Modern hybrid IT is messy, and it creates new risks every day. The sprawl of hybrid IT is introducing significant gaps in the attack surface. Attackers are feasting on a landscape of multiple clouds, endpoints, data centers, containers, VMs, mainframes, production and development environments, OT and IT, and whatever lies around the corner.

All these apps and systems are continually creating new attack vectors as they communicate with each other, and with the internet, in ways you might never have imagined...but attackers have. This relatively new interconnectivity is how attacks move quickly from the initial breach to their ultimate target.

This is how breaches and ransomware attacks move quickly from the initial breach to their ultimate target. | Illumio

A History of Zero Trust Segmentation

2000s and 2010s

The tools traditionally used for security cannot solve this new problem. In the prevention era of the early 2000s, the ethos was “keep them out” by building a moat. However, a series of high-profile breaches in the early 2010s highlighted the fact that attackers move fast and leverage new attack vectors and led to the detection era and a mantra of "find them quickly."

Prevention and detection tools like firewalls, EDRs, or SIEM only give surface-level visibility into traffic flows that connect these applications, systems, and devices that are communicating across IT. They were not built to contain and stop the spread of breaches.

2020s and beyond

The movement to Zero Trust and containment is fueling a tectonic shift in security approaches and technologies we haven’t seen for over a decade. We’ve now entered the new era of containment. Since the attack surface continues to rise in complexity, organizations are rapidly embracing the Zero Trust principle of “assume breach” — changing the focus to stopping the spread and minimizing the impact of a breach.

It’s time for a new approach and technology which moves us from the “find and fix” mindset to the ”limit and contain” reality and applies the principles of Zero Trust to focus on breach containment, not just prevention and detection.

What is Zero Trust Segmentation? A history. | Illumio

One platform. One console. Any environment.

The Illumio Zero Trust Segmentation (ZTS) Platform is the industry’s first platform for breach containment.

Scalable yet easy to use, Illumio ZTS provides a consistent approach to microsegmentation across the entire hybrid attack surface — from multi-cloud to data center to remote endpoints, from IT to OT. With Illumio ZTS, organizations can quickly and easily see risk, set policy, and stop the spread of breaches.

Illumio ZTS provides a consistent approach to microsegmentation across the entire hybrid, multi-cloud attack surface.

Protect workloads and devices with the industry's first platform for breach containment

  • A magnifying glass hovering over an exclamation point

    See risk

    See risk by visualizing all communication and traffic between workloads and devices across the entire hybrid attack surface. For example, which servers are talking to business-critical apps, and which applications have open lines to the internet.

  • A magnifying glass hovering over a locked document

    Set policy

    With every change, automatically set granular and flexible segmentation policies that control communication between workloads and devices to only allow what is necessary and wanted. For example, restrict server-to-app communications, dev to prod, or IT to OT.

  • A lock imposed over a cloud

    Stop the spread

    Proactively isolate high-value assets or reactively isolate compromised systems during an active attack to stop the spread of a breach. For example, see how a global law firm instantly isolated a ransomware breach.

The power of Zero Trust Segmentation

Illumio ZTS Platform is adopted by organizations of all sizes to help solve some of the hardest security challenges.

  • ZTS helps organizations ringfence and protect high-value applications and data by restricting access to only that which is critical and necessary.
  • ZTS helps organizations migrate to the cloud by visualizing hybrid and multi-cloud application workload communications that highlight major security gaps across dispersed architectures.
  • ZTS provides complete visibility of assets and traffic flows to overcome incomplete or fragmented visibility into risk.
  • ZTS is used to create boundaries between IT and OT systems to stop the spread of OT attacks that easily come in from IT.
  • ZTS is used in incident response to defend against active ransomware attacks in minutes.
  • ZTS automates effective and consistent cloud security enforcement across hybrid and multi-cloud deployments.

The business results speak for themselves

Organizations leveraging Illumio ZTS Platform:

  • A stopwatch hurtling through the air

    Stop ransomware attacks in ten minutes, 4x faster than detection and response alone

  • A magnifying glass hovering over a checkmark next to a warning

    2.1x more likely to have avoided a critical outage during an attack in the past two years

  • Illustration of a speedometer

    2.7x more likely to have a highly effective attack response process

  • A depiction of money and cash bags

    Save $20.1 million in annual downtime costs

  • An illustration of a calendar with key dates highlighted

    Avert 5 cyber disasters annually

  • An illustration of a web-browser with a gear poking over the top of the page

    Accelerate 14 more digital transformation projects

Ready to learn more about Zero Trust Segmentation?