Technical Workshop on Climate-Energy Policy Approaches for the Industrial Sector
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Participants will share details and analysis regarding existing climate change policies for industries in their respective countries and discuss lessons learned from different policy options. The workshop will also consider the potential role of voluntary approaches.
1. Opening remarks
- Takashi Hattori, International Energy Agency (IEA)
- Hiroki Kudo, Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ)
2. IEA work and Q&A
3. Lessons learned and best practices: Climate change policy measures in industry
- Sweden: Patrik Thollander, Linköping University
- Belgium: Erwin Cornelis, VITO
- Germany: Clemens Rohde, Fraunhofer ISI
- Japan: Keigo Akimoto, Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE)
- Q&A
4. Roundtable discussion: Considering further approaches for climate change policy measure in industry – role of regulation, market and voluntary approaches
- Introduction: Takashi Hattori and Liwayway Adkins, IEA
- Presentations:
- Responses:
- Discussion: Liwayway Adkins, IEA
5. Closing remarks
- Takashi Hattori, IEA
- Hiroki Kudo, IEEJ