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Healthy City, USA, is a community-led initiative developed by Portneuf Health Trust, community health partners and media partners in eastern Idaho. The goal of this initiative is to make our community a model of health in the country and to build health and wellness into our community's DNA.

For more information, visit the Healthy City, USA page by clicking here

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Summer is approaching, which means more activities in and around water. In the U.S., someone dies from drowning every ten minutes and one out …

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As discussed in a previous article, baby rashes are quite common and often have simple solutions. This article is a continuation of the previo…

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Baby skin can be very sensitive and when rashes appear, it can make a parent unsure of what to do. A rash is a swelling or irritation of the s…

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As we bid farewell to the old and usher in the new, many of us reflect on the past and contemplate resolutions for the year ahead. While the e…

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There are a lot of fun things to do in the winter, but we also need to be prepared for the bad weather. Winter storms create a higher risk of …

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Diabetes is becoming more prevalent in an age of information when that one would anticipate would help prevent it. Environment and lifestyle c…

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The humble pumpkin is making its way to front porches nationwide. Beyond its role as a decorative icon, this versatile vegetable is a nutritio…

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One unique and interesting cluster of individuals I have the pleasure of dealing with are judgmental people. Especially the ones who are quick…

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Have you ever heard of gleaning? Gleaning, or gathering leftover produce after a harvest, is gaining interest, especially since the price of f…

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WarrArguments continually occur at family gatherings, church events, school functions, and doctors’ offices about the effects of screen time o…

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Fall is here. That means cold and flu season. But, it also means the start of RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) season. RSV is a common respir…

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There are multiple theories on aging and the causes, reasons and views about disease states. Reality suggests that they are all correct, as ev…

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Whether it be dining in or dining out, when you or someone you care for is managing diabetes, finding something to eat can be a challenge. Dec…

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Fall is on the way! Days are getting shorter, leaves are changing colors, and school is starting. Here are a few safety tips to help enjoy thi…

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When your health care provider says that you need to eat more fruits and vegetables, it might not be beneficial, especially if you already eat…

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More than 50 million people in the United States have an allergic reaction each year. You are more likely to have allergies and a reaction if …

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As temperatures rise this summer, turning on the oven or cooking on the stove may be unappealing. Some older homes in Pocatello may not have a…

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This article could easily be viewed as a logical fallacy. A logical fallacy is a mistake in reasoning. It occurs when someone draws a conclusi…

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You’ve had a long morning at work, and you look at the clock and realize it’s already noon! Your stomach is grumbling, and you don’t know what…

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It is that time of year again, as we prepare for the chaos that is affectionately called “back-to-school.” I have often been asked by slightly…

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While working as a Registered Dietitian in a health clinic, many of my patients noted how they only drink diet sodas or use artificial sweeten…

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Summer is here! It’s time to kick back, relax and enjoy fun family adventures. From sunburns to heat exhaustion to insect bites to drowning, s…

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Weight loss is likely one of the most commonly shared ambitions amongst people of all shapes and sizes, one possible exception being winning t…

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Did you know skin is our largest organ? Our skin helps to regulate body temperature, control blood pressure, prevent moisture loss and protect…

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Boiling-water bath canning is a method of food preservation for acidic foods using pressure created by submerging glass jars in boiling water.…

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As a parent, it can be frustrating to have a picky eater. It can also be frustrating to be married to a picky eater. Picky eating is very norm…

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This may seem a bit premature with our lovely weather of late. (Side note: Whoever ticked off Mother Nature, I have an issue with you!) Eventu…

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The Centers for Disease Control issued a nationwide recall on April 28 for 2-pound, 5-pound and 10-pound bags of Gold Medal Bleached and Unble…

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Burly. Grizzly. Strong. Fearless. Nerves of Steel. Gutsy. All of those are synonyms for someone who can face danger and stand up to it.

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The sun is shining, and the birds are singing. Are you feeling inspired to tidy up? Make springtime the time to establish new food safety habi…

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Nutrition and sleep may seem unrelated, but in some ways, they are. The current understanding is that diet and sleep have a reciprocal relationship.

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According to indicators, one in five Americans will experience depressive symptoms in their lifetime, some far worse than others. A very large…

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This week's tribute to National Nutrition Month and Fuel for the Future theme will dive into how food is packaged and sold.

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March is National Nutrition Month, and the theme this year is strategizing how to create a more sustainable, healthy future. But understanding…

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I was in Salt Lake City visiting my daughter a few weeks ago and we decided to go get some lunch. She drove me around to a few places close to…

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March is National Nutrition Month and this year the theme encourages us to consider the environment when making food choices. The average Amer…

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One out of every five smoking-related deaths is caused by heart disease. Smoking is the most preventable cause of early death in the United St…

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The benefits of exercise cannot be overstated. One group of people we usually do not think about as participating in exercise due to their cur…

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To continue recognizing February Heart Month, let’s explore how sweetened beverages impact your heart. Reducing the intake of sweetened bevera…