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Since ‎03-23-2021

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Hi @ShirleyN @kevinzlin I understand that this is a difficult problem because ASDB is a service based on Google Tables, but I report it because it is an obvious bug for the citizen developers that AppSheet is targeting. Enum in AppSheet Database only...
Hi @lizlynch @devingu @Arthur_Rallu Under Edit Action, the Desktop mode behavior is set to Preview.I am assuming that since Desktop mode has been GA'd, this setting is no longer in Preview, am I correct? If it is still in Preview, please update the P...
Hi @devingu @lizlynch Just a minor point, but is the JSON format described in the current help incorrect?,%7B%0A%C2%A0%C2%A0%...
Hi @lizlynch @devingu The specifications of the holiday calendar for each region in Google Calendar have been changed.For example, the Japanese holiday calendar has,Other observances, which are not holidays, have been added to the Japanese holiday ca...
First of all, this workaround is not perfect.I expect the following features to be implemented Usage image   Create the following code in GAS. // Code...

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