Silence of the Heart Quotes
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Silence of the Heart Quotes
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“You must want to be free. It must become first with you before anything else. Everything that you’ve done all your life, is only a game, a game you’re playing with your self, only it seems to be real. The only reality is the Self and you are That. Why look for anything else? Everything else will take care of itself. You’ve got to abide in the Self, just in the Self. Everything else will take care of itself in a beautiful way. You are boundless space, like the ocean, like the sky, all-pervasive. This is your real nature. But for some reason you believe you are a body, confined to a small space. This is not you. It’s illusion. You are all-pervading absolute reality. This is your true nature. This is who you really are.
Just by thinking about these things all the time, something begins to happen to you, something wonderful. Do not think about the weather, or about the day’s work or your problems. For all the thinkers, who thinks? Find out who has the problems? Find out who you really are, who am I? It’s up to you to awaken from this mortal dream. You can keep on going like you are right now, with the good things and the bad things. Yet you live in a universe of dualities, which means for every good there is a bad. For every bad there is a good. It’s a false world in which you live. You need to awaken to this truth.
Be aware of yourself, always. The world goes through its own karma. It has absolutely nothing to do with you. You belong to God. Everything you see is God. This is why you should be nonjudgemental. Leave everything alone. By practising these things, you become radiantly happy. Everyone wants something. If your mind stops thinking, what happens? Some of you believe you will not have anything, that you will have more problems. But it’s in reverse. You experience bliss, joy and happiness when you don’t want anything. From what we know, people want something and when they get it, they become more miserable than ever before.
Nothing is wrong. Everything is right just the way it is. Do not try to understand this or figure it out. Leave it alone. It will happen by itself, by keeping yourself quiet and still. You quiet the mind because of realization. Let it be calm. In all situations be calm. Let it be still and quiet. The world doesn’t need any help from you. Aren’t you the world, aren’t you the Creator? You created the world the way it is. It came out of you, of your mind. The world that you are in, is a creation of your own mind. When the mind becomes still, the world begins to disappear. And you’re in divine harmony and joy. Therefore, happiness comes to you when you stop thinking, when you stop judging, when you stop being afraid. When you begin to contemplate what is happiness. All the answers are within you. Everything you’re looking for is within you, everything.
Nobody can help but your Self. Know who you are. You are the power. All the
power of the universe is within you. You have all the power you need. All is well, exceedingly well. It has always been well, it will always be well. When you leave here today act like a god or a goddess. Do not act like a human being any longer. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, saying you’re unhappy. Stand up tall. Know the truth about yourself. Become the witness of all phenomena that you see and be free. Peace.”
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
Just by thinking about these things all the time, something begins to happen to you, something wonderful. Do not think about the weather, or about the day’s work or your problems. For all the thinkers, who thinks? Find out who has the problems? Find out who you really are, who am I? It’s up to you to awaken from this mortal dream. You can keep on going like you are right now, with the good things and the bad things. Yet you live in a universe of dualities, which means for every good there is a bad. For every bad there is a good. It’s a false world in which you live. You need to awaken to this truth.
Be aware of yourself, always. The world goes through its own karma. It has absolutely nothing to do with you. You belong to God. Everything you see is God. This is why you should be nonjudgemental. Leave everything alone. By practising these things, you become radiantly happy. Everyone wants something. If your mind stops thinking, what happens? Some of you believe you will not have anything, that you will have more problems. But it’s in reverse. You experience bliss, joy and happiness when you don’t want anything. From what we know, people want something and when they get it, they become more miserable than ever before.
Nothing is wrong. Everything is right just the way it is. Do not try to understand this or figure it out. Leave it alone. It will happen by itself, by keeping yourself quiet and still. You quiet the mind because of realization. Let it be calm. In all situations be calm. Let it be still and quiet. The world doesn’t need any help from you. Aren’t you the world, aren’t you the Creator? You created the world the way it is. It came out of you, of your mind. The world that you are in, is a creation of your own mind. When the mind becomes still, the world begins to disappear. And you’re in divine harmony and joy. Therefore, happiness comes to you when you stop thinking, when you stop judging, when you stop being afraid. When you begin to contemplate what is happiness. All the answers are within you. Everything you’re looking for is within you, everything.
Nobody can help but your Self. Know who you are. You are the power. All the
power of the universe is within you. You have all the power you need. All is well, exceedingly well. It has always been well, it will always be well. When you leave here today act like a god or a goddess. Do not act like a human being any longer. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, saying you’re unhappy. Stand up tall. Know the truth about yourself. Become the witness of all phenomena that you see and be free. Peace.”
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
“When you really understand who you are, you will experience unalloyed happiness. Happiness that you only dreamed about, happiness in the Silence, when nothing is happening but you’re happy. Always happy, always at peace. All of the Gods that you have been praying to all your life, all of the Buddha’s you’ve taken refuge in, the Krishnas, the Kalmias, the Shivahs, the Christ, Allah, they’re all within you. You are that. There is only the one Self and you are That. Ponder this.
The knowledge of this brings you eternally infinite happiness instantly. When you begin to understand who you are, your Divine nature, that you are not the body, you’re not the mind, once you understand your Infinite nature, who you really are and there’s nothing else, you immediately become instantly happy. For happiness is your very nature. Happiness, the Self are synonymous. Consciousness, Absolute Reality, Pure Awareness, are all synonymous. There is only One. It has many names, but the One pervades all of space and time. And it is the only existence and you are That. There is no other existence. Awaken to this truth. You are the only One that does exist. And you are Consciousness.”
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
The knowledge of this brings you eternally infinite happiness instantly. When you begin to understand who you are, your Divine nature, that you are not the body, you’re not the mind, once you understand your Infinite nature, who you really are and there’s nothing else, you immediately become instantly happy. For happiness is your very nature. Happiness, the Self are synonymous. Consciousness, Absolute Reality, Pure Awareness, are all synonymous. There is only One. It has many names, but the One pervades all of space and time. And it is the only existence and you are That. There is no other existence. Awaken to this truth. You are the only One that does exist. And you are Consciousness.”
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
“Everything is unfolding as it should. No matter what's going on in your life, or what appears to be going on in your life, believe me it's all for your ultimate good. (p. 44)”
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
“All is well. All is well. All is perfectly well. Never forget that. Do not think about it. Do not try to analyze it. Just accept it in your heart. (p. 160)”
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
“Turn within. See the truth. Become the truth. Do not look to others for advice, what to do, how to live. Be a lamp unto yourself as the Buddha said. All the answers are within you. (p. 92)”
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
“You look at the movie and you see all kinds of dastardly things going on. But then you catch yourself and you say, "It's only a movie! It's not the truth." And so it is with life. You observe everything that's going on in life, you watch, you look, you see. Yet you never react. You're never for or against. You understand, and this makes you free.”
― Silence Of The Heart
― Silence Of The Heart
“Suffering will only stop, not when God answers your prayers, but when you awaken to the truth of your own Being.”
― Silence Of The Heart
― Silence Of The Heart
“Only you can know, yourself. For there are no words to describe it. You have to come to terms with your life.”
― Silence Of The Heart
― Silence Of The Heart
“The Power that knows the way will take care of you. The One who makes the sun shine, the grass grow, the apples grow perfectly on apple trees. The food that sustains us, nourishes us, everything has been lovingly provided for us. Have faith. Trust the Power that knows the way. This is a first step. To have total faith and total trust in the Infinite, the One. You
may call this God if you want to. Makes no difference what you call it. It is within you. It is without you. It is everywhere. (p. 195)”
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
may call this God if you want to. Makes no difference what you call it. It is within you. It is without you. It is everywhere. (p. 195)”
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
“I Am That which has always been, I am That which will always be. I Am That I Am. (p. 162)”
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
“Keep your mind on Reality. Merge your mind with Reality. And you will experience Reality. You will live in a world without problems. The world may appear to have problems to others, but not to you. You will see things differently, from a higher point of view. (p. 220)”
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
“Whatever is destined to happen is going to happen, no matter how you try to stop it. And whatever is destined not to happen will never happen, no
matter how much you try to make it happen. (p. 194)”
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
matter how much you try to make it happen. (p. 194)”
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
“And when you rest in the Silence, you sit still, you remain quiet, something begins to work within your Heart as you become a living embodiment of the Reality, of the Truth, of the Self. Always spend time by yourself, sitting alone in the Silence, being quiet. Be still and know that I Am God. (p. 176)”
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
“All I know is that all is well, and everything is unfolding as it should. All I know is, that happiness is your true nature. (p. 49)”
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
“You are an asset to the human race, an asset to your Self, an asset to God. You are a wonderful person just the way you are. Just the way you are! Do not judge by appearances. Do not even judge yourself. You are a beautiful person just the way you are. When I say just the way you are, I am referring to your real Self, Consciousness. You are beautiful just the way you are. Not what you think you are. Not what you appear to be. Not what the world shows you, but just the way you are right now. Stand up tall. Do not be afraid any longer. There is nothing that can hurt you. There is nothing in this world that can actually do anything to you. You are free !You are the substratum of all existence. Everything is an image on Consciousness. The whole universe, all the planets, all the galaxies, are all images on Consciousness. And you are Consciousness. Know yourself and be free! (p. 18)”
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
“If you only knew nothing can ever happen to you. There never was a time when you were born; there will never be a time when you die. You have always lived. You are Consciousness. You have always existed. (p. 13)”
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
“Whatever is destined to happen is going to happen, no matter how you try to stop it. And whatever is destined not to happen will never happen, no matter how much you try to make it happen. (p. 194)”
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
“Everyone here is Absolute Reality, Pure Awareness.
This is your real nature.
Right now, not some time in the future.
Not when you get enlightened.
Not when you search for the answers.
But right this minute. This is what you are.
Why will you not accept it?
When you think about yourself, do you think
you're a puny human
that has to struggle for existence and fight for survival?
As long as you believe this, that's the way it's going
to be for you.
But as soon as you accept the truth about yourself,
that you are a delight, Divine Sat-Chit-Ananda,
You will be free.
You simply have to accept this.
There are no rituals you have to go through.
There are no prayers you have to chant.
You simply have to awaken to your true nature,
Pure Awareness,
This is what you are right at this moment.”
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
This is your real nature.
Right now, not some time in the future.
Not when you get enlightened.
Not when you search for the answers.
But right this minute. This is what you are.
Why will you not accept it?
When you think about yourself, do you think
you're a puny human
that has to struggle for existence and fight for survival?
As long as you believe this, that's the way it's going
to be for you.
But as soon as you accept the truth about yourself,
that you are a delight, Divine Sat-Chit-Ananda,
You will be free.
You simply have to accept this.
There are no rituals you have to go through.
There are no prayers you have to chant.
You simply have to awaken to your true nature,
Pure Awareness,
This is what you are right at this moment.”
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
“Work on yourself and never react to the condition. This is the freedom you've got from dharma and karma. When you begin to see the truth in yourself, automatically you will be picked up by the Power That Knows The Way, and you'll be placed in a position or place where you are supposed to be at this time. This is why I tell you so often, there are no mistakes. It appears complicated to the finite mind, but you are in your right place, going through those experiences that are right for you at this time. Only if you are thankful and you bless the position you're in, do you become a higher being, do you lift yourself up, and finally you find liberation. But it begins and ends with you. Never pray to God for release of your problems. Never pray to God to change your life, and to give you something better. This is wrong prayer. If you have to pray to God, pray to God to give you the strength and the wisdom and the courage that you need to be able to handle the situation that you're in. This is correct prayer. Do not try to change anything. Be yourself. Work on yourself. Begin to see things in a new light. See your situation differently. There are no bad things, there are no good things. But thinking makes it so. Stop thinking of the extremes, good and bad, right and wrong. Rather look at yourself in the moment. Stay centered. See yourself as a Divine Being, an Infinite Being, totally free and liberated. Do not feel sorry for yourself because you are in a position and in a situation you don't like. This just holds you there more. And again as we mentioned before, even if you run away from a situation, you will attract some of the circumstances elsewhere. Running away is never the answer. Changing yourself is the answer. (p. 185)”
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
“I Am is the first name of God. When you want to think of God, you think of I Am with your respiration. I Am is the first name of God. Close your eyes and try. Inhale and say, "I" Exhale and say, "am." Inhale say, "I " exhale say, "am.“ Doesn't that make you feel good? Just by saying I Am to yourself, it lifts you up. So the thing to do is this: Whenever you have a problem, I don't care what it is, I don't care how serious you think it is, whether it's personal or worldly, wherever it came from, the secret is to forget yourself. For the moment, forget about the problem for as long as you can, and do the I Am meditation. Every time the problem comes back to you, do the I Am meditation. If your mind wanders, bring it back again and do the I Am meditation.
In the Bhagavad Gita it says, "Out of a million people, one searches for God. And out of a million people who search, one finds Him."It's sort of difficult. That's how it appears. But if you begin to use I Am as a meditation and you allow the I Am to go deeper and deeper, your bodily consciousness will disappear, and I Am will take over. (p. 101-102)”
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
In the Bhagavad Gita it says, "Out of a million people, one searches for God. And out of a million people who search, one finds Him."It's sort of difficult. That's how it appears. But if you begin to use I Am as a meditation and you allow the I Am to go deeper and deeper, your bodily consciousness will disappear, and I Am will take over. (p. 101-102)”
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
“You're born again, now, and all is glory and joy. This is what it means to be born again, to realize that you exist now, in this moment. (p. 242)”
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
“This universe, my friends, is an optical illusion.”
― Silence Of The Heart
― Silence Of The Heart
“You are Eternity. You are Fathomless Space. You are the essence of the whole universe. You are the sky, the sun, the moon, the flowers, the animals, the insects, human beings; you're everything. This is your real nature. No one ever dies. (p. 178)”
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
“What is rightfully yours, no one can ever take away. (p. 187)”
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
“There's really no reason to come to satsang at all, unless you have an open heart! If you came to satsang with an open heart, Reality will be yours. Not my reality or your reality, but Reality, the Reality, what people call the kingdom of heaven, the kingdom of God. You are already That, but you have so many concepts you cover it up. You have so many feelings and dogmas and attitudes that you cover up the Godliness. So you have to open your heart and let your reality shine through. How do you do this? By keeping silent, by not being judgmental, by leaving the world alone. There will always be something in this world to correct, either in yourself or in your family or in the world or people. You have learned from experience that you cannot do this. The correction is always made within yourself. It is yourself with a small "s" that sees the problem. But if you try to resolve the problem outside of you, it will never be resolved. It's resolving yourself, knowing the Truth, understanding who you are, that brings you peace and realization. (p. 3-4)”
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
“You simply live your life in a wonderful way. Everything takes care of itself, and you notice that your consciousness is expanding. It began by thinking of yourself, and now it is expanding to take in the world, to take in the universe. And then you begin to see everything in this universe as an image on the screen, and you are the screen. You never worry again. You never fear anything again. You understand the wholeness of everything, and there are no mistakes. All is well. Nothing is wrong. (p. 75)”
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
“So there are two ways of seeing this world. One is maya, the grand illusion. You want nothing to do with this. This is what creates problems. This appears to create animosity, sorrow. But then there is the real world. The world of the Self. The world of Bliss. The world of total joy, unalloyed peace and happiness. This is what you really are. This is your real nature, your swarupa. You have always been this and you will always be this. Forget about the past. Do not worry about the future. Have total faith, total joy, in yourself. Only when you can understand yourself as All Pervading Consciousness can you possibly understand that all the universe is an emanation of your mind. Everything that you see comes out of you. You are the Creator. You are the God. You are the Avatar, the Atman. All the Gods that you've heard of, the Buddha, Krishna, Jehovah, Allah, they're all you. You are That. You are nothing else but That. You've always been That. Tat Tvam Asi. This is you.”
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
“Everything is unfolding as it should. Everything is right. You have to forget about yourself and expand your consciousness until you become the whole universe. The Reality in back of the universe
is Pure Awareness. It has no problems. And you are That. (p. 219)”
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
is Pure Awareness. It has no problems. And you are That. (p. 219)”
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
“Awaken, be free, be yourself. You are the joy of the world. The light that shines in darkness. You are a blessing to the universe. Love yourself always. When you love yourself, you love God. Forget about the past. Never dwell on the past. Remember, time and space does not exist. (p. 202)”
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
“The Power that knows the way will take care of you. The One who makes the sun shine, the grass grow, the apples grow perfectly on apple trees. The food that sustains us, nourishes us, everything has been lovingly provided for us. Have faith. Trust the Power that knows the way. This is a first step. To have total faith and total trust in the Infinite, the One. You may call this God if you want to. Makes no difference what you call it. It is within you. It is without you. It is everywhere. (p. 195)”
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams
― Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams