Godrealization Quotes

Quotes tagged as "godrealization" Showing 1-13 of 13
Robert Adams
“The Power that knows the way will take care of you. The One who makes the sun shine, the grass grow, the apples grow perfectly on apple trees. The food that sustains us, nourishes us, everything has been lovingly provided for us. Have faith. Trust the Power that knows the way. This is a first step. To have total faith and total trust in the Infinite, the One. You
may call this God if you want to. Makes no difference what you call it. It is within you. It is without you. It is everywhere. (p. 195)”
Robert Adams, Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams

Robert Adams
“Keep your mind on Reality. Merge your mind with Reality. And you will experi­ence Reality. You will live in a world without problems. The world may appear to have problems to others, but not to you. You will see things differently, from a higher point of view. (p. 220)”
Robert Adams, Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams

Robert Adams
“I Am is the first name of God. When you want to think of God, you think of I Am with your respiration. I Am is the first name of God. Close your eyes and try. Inhale and say, "I" Exhale and say, "am." Inhale say, "I " exhale say, "am.“ Doesn't that make you feel good? Just by saying I Am to yourself, it lifts you up. So the thing to do is this: Whenever you have a problem, I don't care what it is, I don't care how serious you think it is, whether it's personal or worldly, wherever it came from, the secret is to forget yourself. For the moment, forget about the problem for as long as you can, and do the I Am meditation. Every time the problem comes back to you, do the I Am meditation. If your mind wanders, bring it back again and do the I Am meditation.


In the Bhagavad Gita it says, "Out of a million people, one searches for God. And out of a million people who search, one finds Him."It's sort of difficult. That's how it appears. But if you begin to use I Am as a meditation and you allow the I Am to go deeper and deeper, your bodily consciousness will disappear, and I Am will take over. (p. 101-102)”
Robert Adams, Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams

Ramana Maharshi
“I Am is the name of God. Of all the definitions of God, none is indeed so well put as the Biblical statement "I Am that I Am" in Exodus (chap. 3). There are other statements, such as Brahmaivaham, Aham Brahmasmi, and Soham. But none is so direct as the name Jehovah = I Am. The Absolute Being is what is – it is the Self. It is God. Knowing the Self, God is known. In fact, God is none other than the Self. (p. 76)”
Ramana Maharshi, Talks With Ramana Maharshi: On Realizing Abiding Peace and Happiness

Robert Adams
“The Power that knows the way will take care of you. The One who makes the sun shine, the grass grow, the apples grow perfectly on apple trees. The food that sustains us, nourishes us, everything has been lovingly provided for us. Have faith. Trust the Power that knows the way. This is a first step. To have total faith and total trust in the Infinite, the One. You may call this God if you want to. Makes no difference what you call it. It is within you. It is without you. It is everywhere. (p. 195)”
Robert Adams, Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams

Robert Adams
“Awaken, be free, be yourself. You are the joy of the world. The light that shines in darkness. You are a blessing to the universe. Love yourself always. When you love yourself, you love God. Forget about the past. Never dwell on the past. Remember, time and space does not exist. (p. 202)”
Robert Adams, Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams

Sri Aurobindo
“The earliest preoccupation of man in his awakened thoughts and, as it seems, his inevitable and ultimate preoccupation,—for it survives the longest periods of scepticism and returns after every banishment,—is also the highest which his thought can envisage. It manifests itself in the divination of Godhead, the impulse towards perfection, the search after pure Truth and unmixed Bliss, the sense of a secret immortality. The ancient dawns of human knowledge have left us their witness to this constant aspiration; today we see a humanity satiated but not satisfied by victorious analysis of the externalities of Nature preparing to return to its primeval longings. The earliest formula of Wisdom promises to be its last,—God, Light, Freedom, Immortality. (Collected Works 21/22, p.3)”
Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine

“In order to find what the concept of God is pointing to, you must let go of your image of God and every concept you have about God. You must dare to be void of all concepts and enter into perfect Emptiness, perfect stillness, and perfect silence. You must forget everything you have ever learned about God. It won‘t help you. It may comfort you, but such comfort is imaginary; it is an illusion. Let go of all the false comforts of the mind. Let them all come to an end. The end must be experienced fully in Stillness. When you let all images, all concepts, all hopes, and all beliefs end, Stillness is experienced. Experience the core of Stillness. Dive into it and surrender fully. In full surrender to Stillness, you directly experience That to which the concept of God points. In that direct experience, you awaken from the dream of the mind and realize that the concept of God points to who you truly are.

(p. 20-21)”
Adyashanti, The Impact of Awakening: Excerpts from the Teachings of Adyashanti

Ramana Maharshi
“The Master is the same as God and not different from him. (p. 27)”
Ramana Maharshi, Talks With Ramana Maharshi: On Realizing Abiding Peace and Happiness

Ramana Maharshi
“Dristim jnanamayim kritva, pasyet Brahmamayam jagat. By making your standpoint that of wisdom, the world will be seen only as God. (p. 153)”
Ramana Maharshi, Talks With Ramana Maharshi: On Realizing Abiding Peace and Happiness

Robert Adams
“When you are aware that you are Consciousness, then you are everywhere and you're everything. When you realize you're everything, you become master of all. (p. 208)”
Robert Adams, Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams

“All this is but the reflection of the truth. Nothing but the one Brahman exists. ‘I am different from this’ is pure fancy: give it up, O Rama. The one self perceives itself within itself as the infinite consciousness. Therefore, there is no sorrow, no delusion, no birth (creation), nor creature: whatever is, is. Be free from distress, O Rama. Be free of duality; remain firmly established in the self, abandoning even concern for your own welfare. Be at peace within, with a steady mind. Let there be no sorrow in your mind. Rest in the inner silence. Remain alone, without self-willed thoughts. Be brave, having conquered the mind and the senses. Be desireless, content with what comes to you unsought. Live effortlessly, without grabbing or giving up anything. Be free from all mental perversions and from the blinding taint of illusion. Rest content in your own self. Thus, be free from all distress. Remain in an expansive state in the self, like the full ocean. Rejoice in the self by the self, like the blissful rays of the full moon. – Vasistha”
Venkatesananda, Vasistha's Yoga