ACross Tic Quotes

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ACross Tic ACross Tic by Ana Claudia Antunes
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ACross Tic Quotes Showing 1-30 of 57
“Half and half equals one.
And if already divided,
Left they are as two halves
For they're broken hearted.”
Ana Claudia Antunes, ACross Tic
“In every possibility of a mind
May you travel, yet not blind.
As a head filled with imagination,
Goes a heart full of gold creation,
It's never late to have a dream.
Nor is it so far away as it seems,
And, like a rearview mirror reveals,
Thus a fantasy soon becomes real.
It may be closer than it appears.
Or at least it will show up clear.
Never give up a dream for fear!”
Ana Claudia Antunes, ACross Tic
“When thinking is overrated
And friends are easy to make,
Check if it's too complicated
Knowing yourself somehow...
Inner peace's not hard to take,
Never lost or underestimated.
Get out of social media... NOW!”
Ana Claudia Antunes, ACross Tic
“Heaven is thine and so it's mine.
Elated, I cannot give to thee but receive it sublime.
And if it's there to shine for all to see,..
Vast sea of love for us to seize.
Ease the pain with a sweet kiss, water the Flowers...
No shadows of a perfect bliss but the sunshine of ours.”
Ana Claudia Antunes, ACross Tic
“Silent our body is a sacred temple,
A place to connect with other people.
Can't we just stay any younger?
Really, we might keep it stronger,
Elated, rather than so tilted or feeble!!”
Ana Claudia Antunes, ACross Tic
And roses
In an ever green flock
Now Up to your noses
Turning into a high stock!

People nice and seen
All around you green!
These lucky streams
Realizing major dreams.
In strives, when in pain
Call oh call up my name,
Know it isn't in vain...”
Ana Claudia Antunes, ACross Tic
“There are no good tights,
It´s all such a rare sight...
Gently, I put one in.
Holes are within!
They´re only good for a fight.”
Ana Claudia Antunes, ACross Tic
“Go walk barefoot on the grass
Really flow, just let it pass...
And dance in the wind,
So do it in your mind,
Such glory it is that the spirit lasts!”
Ana Claudia Antunes, ACross Tic
“Seropusly, why do flies line up in the sky every time someone lies? Hovering over they long to take the shit out from where It belongs so They compete to eat it alive.”
Ana Claudia Antunes, ACross Tic
“Pay to go inside Neruda's home
A body lies there with no dome.
But right there in the front hall
Lean a fairy against the icy wall.
Oh Endless enigmas had the bard!

Nice and large and calm backyard
Ends In the middle of a rare room
Rare portrait of revelishing gloom.
Up climbing at the weird snail stair
Does make you grasp for some air.
And there's a room with bric-a-brac:

Old and precious books all in a pack.
Dare saying what I liked most of all?
Enjoyed seeing visitors having a ball!”
Ana Claudia Antunes, ACross Tic
“Although life is hard in pace
Lose not thy calm and grace.
If thee are not tender
Vow not to surrender
Eternity lies right before thy face.”
Ana Claudia Antunes, ACross Tic
“S:uch is Heaven on Earth, in all land
A:s the sun brightens to the moon
N:ails the Creation in a palm of a hand,
D:ancing IT makes the desert bloom.”
Ana Claudia Antunes, ACross Tic
“Here there was a cheerful boy
At least he created tales and lived in joy.
Nursery rhymes his grandmother told,
Songs and tales emerged gladly in gold.

Caring heart, affection spoke loud as brighter,
He made the decision: he would be a writer!
Rising laughters, crying tears, many feelings,
Inserted everything and nothing was in vain.
So he transformed the ugly into beautiful,
Tales to amuse and make everyone sane,
In there he went, without daydreams or zeal.
As such it was born the icon of literature still.
No one denied he was exceedingly bountiful.

A ballerina loves the soldier in his world,
Nothing gets involved in his fairy tales,
Dancing from a poor weak boy to a king,
Eccentric prince of charm in winged corners!
Rare star of sweet tenderness,
Sensible and masterful in tenderness,
Emchanted kingdom of dreams and candor,
Now a divine fire of a soul he shines.

Havia um menino alegre porem so
Ao menos criava contos e deles vivia
Nas historias que contava sua avo,
Seus contos surgiam pois ele os via.

Carinho nao faltava em seu coracao ator,
Havia tomado a decisao: seria escritor!
Risos, lagrimas, sentimentos saos,
Inseria tudo e nada era em vao.
Transformava ate o feio em belo,
Inadvertia e divertia com seu elo,
Adiante ia, sem devaneios e zelo.
Nascia assim o icone da literatura.

A bailarina ama o soldado em seu mundo,
Nada se interpunha em seus contos de fadas,
De pobre menino fraco e cogitabundo,
Era principe de encantos em cantos alados!
Rara estrela de doce brandura,
Sensata e magistral em ternura,
Em seu reino de sonhos e candura,
No fogo divino de sua alma fulgura.”
Ana Claudia Antunes, ACross Tic
“Lay a golden egg.
After you built a nest,
You wait for a leg.

And you land next.
Now you hope and pray.

Expect for the best.
Go on with no delay.
Get it right at last.”
Ana Claudia Antunes, ACross Tic
“Rules for navigating the net,
Or people will roll their eye
Lest you can't roll the R rect:
Literally, don´t dink and dive!”
Ana Claudia Antunes, ACross Tic
“Being bad is not good, but too sad.
And being good is not at all bad.
This simple equation,
It's the whole elation:
Keen eye for batik patterns and plaid!”
Ana Claudia Antunes, ACross Tic
“Walking with my doggy is so much fun!
And she makes me laugh, she makes me run.
Licking she likes to make some good new friends,
Kindly enough with cyclists who spin with no end.”
Ana Claudia Antunes, ACross Tic
“hough we travel the whole over to find the perfect match,we must carry it with us a light or it's playing hard to catch.”
Ana Claudia Antunes, ACross Tic
“So everyone is in a hurry
These days that we worry
Right when we need to breath.
Excess of stress we catch,
That we forget to stretch
Causing pain for miles away,
Hence ruining a running day!!”
Ana Claudia Antunes, ACross Tic
“Like a ceaseless fire
Over all the experiences,
Vast sensation and desires,
Every emotion in essence!”
Ana Claudia Antunes, ACross Tic
“As soon as you plant a tree a day.
Really, you leave doctors away!
But rest a week,
Oh, do so like a geek.
Right then you surely enrich your way!”
Ana Claudia Antunes, ACross Tic
“Per se, a prank is meant to thank.
Rethink and thank the soft spank.
And fill in the blank,
Not even over drank,
Knelt when they made you walk the plank.”
Ana Claudia Antunes, ACross Tic
“Like infinte beams of light
Over all that can still move.
Various colours so bright...
Enchanted be those who love!”
Ana Claudia Antunes, ACross Tic
“Just when you see a kid selling a mascot,
If you don't buy it because he winks,
Not only that will be considered a "boycott",
Xenophobically, it will also be a jinx!”
Ana Claudia Antunes, ACross Tic
“Oh life is like potatoes and oignons;
In cooking you find many layers to peel
Go deep to really know what's going on.
Nevertheless you still have to cook to feel
Over the mouth their taste smooth the tongue
Not only you appreciate but make it known
So they are more than how they look in the grill.”
Ana Claudia Antunes, ACross Tic
“Some people grow
Partially so.
Instead others go,
Rarefied winds blow.
In all there is still a few,
Those with a different view,
Under pressure remain still.
And yet they sow,
Like the rivers flow,
In the rain, high or low,
The seeds of a soul,
Young starting anew!”
Ana Claudia Antunes, ACross Tic
“There are no good tights,
Rare they are, a rare sight.
You roll and roll
Inside a new hole,
They´re only good for a fight.”
Ana Claudia Antunes, ACross Tic
“For there is no such thing:
Right person at the right time!
Instead with the right team,
Embrace Time that simply flies.
Never when meeting old friends
Does time really pass by?
In trust and truth they make amends
So Time they can really defy.
Hence, no one denies then:
In all it revitalizes.
Principled friendship never dies!”
Ana Claudia Antunes, ACross Tic

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