Tank Quotes

Quotes tagged as "tank" Showing 1-13 of 13
J.R. Rim
“When you feel thankful, you can be appreciative for a moment, then not at all the next. It seems the tank is full, then it becomes empty, and the cycle continues. If you don't feel the same gratitude for a moment, know that it's possible in the next moment that comes around.”
J.R. Rim

Charles Stross
“Of course I grew it in a fucking tank! What do you think I am, a farmer?”
Charles Stross, Neptune's Brood

Andrea Speed
“Strong could be dealt with—but crazy? Oh no. You never knew what the crazy were going to do.”
Andrea Speed, Shift

Enock Maregesi
“Murphy hakupenda kupoteza muda. Alinyanyuka na kumimina risasi, Mungu akamsaidia akadondosha wawili huku wengine wakipotea kwa kuruka vibaya na kukwepa. Kwa kasi Murphy alikimbia huku ameinama mpaka katika milango mikubwa ya nje, ambayo sasa ilikuwa wazi. Hapo akasita. Chochote kingeweza kumpata kwa nje kama hangekuwa mwangalifu. Bunduki yake ilishakwisha risasi. Aliitupa na kuchungulia nje akaona adui mmoja akikatisha kwenda nyuma ambako ndiko mashambulizi yalikokuwa yakisikika sasa. Murphy hakumtaka huyo. Aligeukia ndani kuona kama kulikuwa na bunduki aichukue lakini hata kisu hakikuwepo. Akiwa bado anashangaa, ghafla alitokea adui – kwa ndani – na kurusha risasi, bahati nzuri akamkosa Murphy. Murphy, kama mbayuwayu, aliruka na kusafiri hewani hapohapo akadondoka nyuma ya tangi la gesi karibu na milango ya nje. Alipoona vile, adui alidhani Murphy alidondoka mbali. Alibung’aa asijue la kufanya. Wasiwasi ulipomzidi alishindwa kuvumilia. Alishika bunduki kwa nguvu na kupiga kelele, "Yuko hukuuu!" Halafu akajificha ili Murphy asimwone. Lakini Murphy alikuwa akimwona.”
Enock Maregesi, Kolonia Santita

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Dünyadaki bütün tankları eritin ve onları çöp tenekesi yapın! İnsanlık için çok daha faydalı olur!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Melt all the tanks in the world and make them rubbish bins. They will be much more useful for the humanity!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Silahlarıyla, tanklarıyla, füzeleriyle gurur duyan bir millet insanlıktan yoksun demektir!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Mehmet Murat ildan
“En iyi savunma sanayi komşularınla iyi ilişkiler kurmaktır! En iyi füze, en iyi tank, en iyi atom bombası öteki ülkelerle iyi dost olmaktır! Düşmanlık ve onun getirdiği önlemler aptallığın dünyasına aittir!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

John Sandford
“O'Dell led the way back: he was an actor, Lucas realized, rolling slowly down the restaurant like a German tank, nodding into some booths, pointedly ignoring others, the rolled copy of the Wall Street Journal whacking his leg.”
John Sandford, Silent Prey

Dean F. Wilson
“Jacob couldn't really hear the sound of the other landships over the humming and cranking of his own. He heard the whistle of steam coming from the pipes and the latching of the iron tracks as they clicked into place. He heard gears adjusting, the rhythm of the pumps, the revving of the engine, and the fuming of the furnace. He also heard Andil’s heavy breathing, and he heard his own heart’s heavy beating.”
Dean F. Wilson, Hopebreaker

Dean F. Wilson
“They continued this deadly dance across the battlefield, played to the music of gunfire, which rattled them as much as it rattled the hulls of almost every landship in sight, and almost every one they couldn't turn quickly enough to see. Then the music took a bullet of its own, for Jacob no longer heard the song of Andil’s gun.”
Dean F. Wilson, Hopebreaker

“Aquarium Shrimp are great for tropical community fish tanks because they will not pester the fish actually they will happily live amongst them

.rimp #seafood #food #foodporn #foodie #aquarium #fish #aquascape #dinner #delicious #lobster #foodstagram #shrimptank #crab #seafoodboil #aquascaping #shrimps #fishtank #aquariumhobby #plantedtank #nmsaquatics”

“Хтось приніс запальну суміш, аби нею підривати танки. Що танків може не бути, ніхто навіть не припускав. У відчинені вікна хлюпало сонце, наростав шум великого міста, десь сигналила пожежна машина, їхали трамваї, здаля долинав гудок потяга.

Як би до цього всього мав долучитися брязкіт танків? Грюкіт заліза по бруківці? Радянські танки свого часу проїхали через Прагу, проїхали мирними вулицями Будапешта... Російські танки побували у Вільнюсі, а тепер могли з'явитися й у Львові.”
Оксана Луцишина, Іван і Феба
tags: tank