Engine Quotes

Quotes tagged as "engine" Showing 1-30 of 33
John Steakley
“You are
What you do
When it counts"
- The Masao”
John Steakley, Armor

Arthur Conan Doyle
“My mind is like a racing engine, tearing itself to pieces because it is not connected up with the work for which it was built. Life is commonplace; the papers are sterile; audacity and romance seem to have passed forever from the criminal world. Can you ask me, then, whether I am ready to look into any new problem, however trivial it may prove?”
Arthur Conan Doyle, The Complete Sherlock Holmes: Volume II

Ninni Holmqvist
“I was happy in the dream; but when I woke up it was with a feeling that I was falling apart, that I was cracking up from the inside and slowly falling to pieces. My heart was jumping and grating like a cold engine that doesn't want to start. My skin was crawling, and I couldn't manage a single clear thought. It was as if all my thoughts were crushed to bits just as they began to take shape. I didn't get much done that day.”
Ninni Holmqvist, The Unit

Matthew Woodring Stover
“Suffering is the fuel in the engine of civilization."

Matthew Woodring Stover, Traitor

Enock Maregesi
“Tumaini ni injini ya imani.”
Enock Maregesi

James Prescott Joule
“The most convincing proof of the conversion of heat into living force [vis viva] has been derived from my experiments with the electro-magnetic engine, a machine composed of magnets and bars of iron set in motion by an electrical battery. I have proved by actual experiment that, in exact proportion to the force with which this machine works, heat is abstracted from the electrical battery. You see, therefore, that living force may be converted into heat, and that heat may be converted into living force, or its equivalent attraction through space.”
James Prescott Joule, The Scientific Papers of James Prescott Joule (Cambridge Library Collection - Physical Sciences)

Richard Trevithick
“I have been branded with folly and madness for attempting what the world calls impossibilities, and even from the great engineer, the late James Watt, who said ... that I deserved hanging for bringing into use the high-pressure engine. This has so far been my reward from the public; but should this be all, I shall be satisfied by the great secret pleasure and laudable pride that I feel in my own breast from having been the instrument of bringing forward new principles and new arrangements of boundless value to my country, and however much I may be straitened in pecuniary circumstances, the great honour of being a useful subject can never be taken from me, which far exceeds riches.”
Richard Trevithick, Life of Richard Trevithick 2 Volume Set: With an Account of his Inventions

Paul Park
“I thought you could build a story that would function as a machine or else a complex of machines, each one moving separately, yet part of a process that ultimately would produce an emotion or a sequence of emotions. You could swap out parts, replace them if they got too old. And this time you would build in some redundancy, if only just to handle the stress.
One question was: Would the engine still work if you were aware of it, or if you were told how it actually functioned? Maybe this was one of the crucial differences between a story and a machine.”
Paul Park, All Those Vanished Engines

Carl William Brown
“Publicity is the soul of stupidity, but we must not forget that we live in a stupid universe, so publicity is the engine of our world.”
Carl William Brown, Aforismi contro il potere e la stupidità

Vaclav Smil
“Without the low operating costs, high efficiency, high reliability, and great durability of diesel engines, it would have been impossible to reach the extent of globalization that now defines the modern economy.”
Vaclav Smil, Numbers Don't Lie: 71 Things You Need to Know About the World

Giannis Delimitsos
“In a world of ceaseless labor, we are components of the Engine. Eternally struggling, pushing a Sisyphean Boulder in vain. Illusions are the keys that unlock the Doors and keep us moving on.”
Giannis Delimitsos, A PHILOSOPHICAL KALEIDOSCOPE: Thoughts, Contemplations, Aphorisms

Toba Beta
“Just like the first breath of life, any engine must be triggered in order to turn it on.”
Toba Beta

Enock Maregesi
“John Murphy alifika Moscow tarehe 1/11/1992 saa 11 alfajiri akitokea Cairo, Misri. Wakati huo Moscow kulikuwa na baridi sana. Teksi yake ilipofika Teatralny Proezd, upande wa kusini wa Hoteli ya Metropol – karibu na mojawapo ya minara ya mwanzo ya Kitay-gorod, kitovu kikuu cha biashara cha Moscow ya kale – kwa matatizo ya injini; magaidi wanne, waliokuwa wakimfuatilia kwa gari aina ya Bentley Continental S nyeusi – iliyokuwa na namba za kitemi za B 001 BB 77 RUS mali ya Kiongozi wa CS-Moscow Dmitri Olegushka – toka Uwanja wa Ndege wa Sheremetyevo II wa kaskazini-magharibi mwa jiji la Moscow, waliendelea mbele na kusimama mkabala na Jumba la Maonyesho ya Tamthilia la Bolshoy; kisha wawili kati yao wakashuka na kuingia ndani ya kioski, wawili wakibaki ndani ya gari kuhakikisha John Murphy hawapotei. Magaidi hao wa CS-Moscow, Tawi la Kolonia Santita la Urusi na nchi zote za Ulaya ya Mashariki na baadhi ya nchi za Ulaya ya Kusini, walijua Murphy alishawahisi.”
Enock Maregesi

Gavin Lyall
“One of these days I would give Pratt and Whitney back this engine and they could send it round airports as an advertisement, wearing a little brass plate reading This engine actually worked in this condition thus enabling Bill Cary to work in his condition. If you, too, are an idiot, P & W engines may save you from yourself.”
Gavin Lyall
tags: engine

Enock Maregesi
“Msamaha si jambo dogo. Watu wadogo, watu wenye uwezo mdogo wa kufikiri, hawawezi kupambana na changamoto za msamaha. Msamaha ni kwa ajili ya watu wenye macho kama ya tai wanaoweza kuona mbali ambao wako tayari kushindwa vita ili washinde vita. Hewa inaingia ndani ya mapafu na kutoka; chakula kinaingia ndani ya mwili na kutoka; mwanamasumbwi anapigana bila kugombana; injini ya gari haiwezi kusukuma gari mbele au nyuma bila kutoa hewa katika paipu ya ekzosi. Lakini kile kinachoingia moyoni mwako hakitoki! Maumivu yanapoingia ndani ya moyo yanapaswa kutoka nje kama yalivyoingia kwa sababu, yasipotoka yatatengeneza sumu ndani ya moyo wako na yatatengeneza sumu ndani ya roho yako pia. Sumu hiyo itahatarisha safari yako ya mbinguni na Mungu hatakusamehe tena. Badala ya yule aliyekukosea kuumia, utaumia wewe uliyekosewa. Yesu anaposema samehe saba mara sabini hatanii. Usiposamehe, hutasamehewa.”
Enock Maregesi

“The road to success can be full of potholes, traffic, possibility of a mechanical breakdown and a potentially fatal accident.
However, those that succeed are the ones who knows these potential challenges on the road but they still go ahead and spark the engine of their dreams and aspirations.”
Oscar Bimpong

“Man created Guilt. Guilt is the Perpetual Engine that Drives the World.”
Vineet Raj Kapoor

Steven Magee
“The backbone of the electrical grid is largely massive numbers of steam driven engines that turn electrical generators.”
Steven Magee

“Ranked Hen is a Seattle based software startup focused on making SEO (Search Engine Optimization) easy and accessible to all marketers.”

Dean F. Wilson
“Jacob couldn't really hear the sound of the other landships over the humming and cranking of his own. He heard the whistle of steam coming from the pipes and the latching of the iron tracks as they clicked into place. He heard gears adjusting, the rhythm of the pumps, the revving of the engine, and the fuming of the furnace. He also heard Andil’s heavy breathing, and he heard his own heart’s heavy beating.”
Dean F. Wilson, Hopebreaker

Jon Gordon
“Purpose is the ultimate fuel for our journey through life. When we drive with purpose we don't get tired or bored and our engines don't burn out."
only believe in yourself.”
Jon Gordon, The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy
tags: engine

“God threw a wrench in her engine, that’s what happened.”
Lana DeAngeli, Mr. Big Wrench & the Heiress

Steven Magee
“One of my brain’s cylinders is misfiring!”
Steven Magee

Rahul Raman
“Great design is like a roaring Formula 1 engine that makes you feel excited whenever you hear it.”
Rahul Raman, Pixel Land: A detailed guide on how to design a functional User Interface, even your grandma could use it!

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