Integrity Policy

Bribery and corruption have been recognized as a crime throughout the world. As a global carrier, Evergreen Line (the "Company") commits to conduct business in an ethical and honest manner, and is determined to implementing and enforcing Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption compliance manual to ensure Evergreen Line integrity discipline as our utmost corporate merit.

Any business activities which the rebate or similar offer indicated clearly in a commercial deal will not be regarded as bribery in general.

The Company strictly prohibits any bribery and corrupt activities in principle. No Company's director, manager, employee, agent, representative and any person acting on behalf of the Company shall provide, offer or accept bribes, kickbacks, facilitation payment or improper gifts against government officials, individuals or entities in any business field for or on benefit of Company, business partners or any individual including third party.

All Company's employees and any third party acting on behalf of the Company must comply with all applicable anti-bribery laws and regulations, including but not limited to The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and The UK Bribery Act. The Company recognizes that bribery and corruption are punishable and will be regarded as in breach of Company's integrity policy and each Evergreen Line affiliate's employee handbook/ guidelines. Penalties will include imprisonment and/or fines for individuals and fines on companies or individuals from the authority and Company's internal administrative punishment. In addition, a company that fails to prevent bribery by its staff and others associated with the company may be subject to severe fines, business disruption and reputational depredation.

Evergreen Line Integrity Policy represents the commitment from the top management of Evergreen Line to eradicate bribery and corruption in conducting business as well as to comply with global bribery and corruption legislation regimes respectfully. If you have any suspicion or instance of bribery or corrupt activities occurring in relation to Evergreen Line, please address your concerns or queries to our independent whistle-blowing mailbox [email protected].