Data Privacy Policy

Evergreen Line, as a known global carrier who provides a worldwide shipping transportation network, herewith commits to our social responsibility and the duty of complying with global privacy protection law(s), regulation(s) or other rule(s) concerning the right of personal data protection.

Evergreen Line recognizes the importance of personal data privacy and respects our customers, visitors of our web-sites, employees, vendors and all other parties who may provide their personal data under our custody. In order to fulfill our social responsibility and respect the personal data and privacy of all concerned parties, Evergreen Line shall:

  1. Follow personal data handling principles (including but not limited to legality, fairness, transparency, purpose limitation, data minimization, accuracy, storage limitation, integrity and confidentiality) relating to the processing of personal data.
  2. Shall process personal data with legal basis only, such as data subject given consent to, necessity for the performance of a contract, legal obligation compliance, for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by us or to protect the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person.
  3. Respect right of personal data vested by data protection laws including but not limited to Right of Access, Right to Rectification, Right to Erasure, Right to Restriction of Processing, Right to Data Portability, Right to Object, Right not to be subject of automated individual decision-making and Right to file complaint with a competent supervisory authority. When the personal data process is based on data subject consent, the data subject have the right to withdraw their consent anytime.
  4. Implement industrial best practice security measures to safeguard Evergreen Line database and all personal data.
  5. Notify supervisory authority competent and data subject of significant data breach without undue delay.
  6. Refrain from cooperating with contractors whom do not have privacy protection law compliance structure.
  7. Take adequate protection such as Standard Contractual Clauses to the personal data if there is Cross-border data transferring.

Evergreen Line has set up a Data Protection Team who can be reached via e-mail "[email protected]" to respond to any enquiry about data privacy.