Health News

Updated: 05:28 EDT

Woman, 48, suffered intimate issue she dismissed as 'the menopause'... now she has

Jo Shaw Pyke, from South Shields, began suffering persistent itching around her genitals and pain that felt like she was 'weeing razor blades' in 2022. But over the next 18 months, the now 48-year-old said she was told it was the menopause and prescribed six separate courses of antibiotics. It was only when the cancer counsellor spotted a lump on her vulva - the outer tissue of the female genitalia - in December 2023 that she was referred to a gynaecologist. Tests showed Mrs Shaw Pyke had a tumour measuring 8cm - roughly the size of a tennis ball - and she was diagnosed with vulvar mucosal melanoma which had also spread to her lymph nodes. The vulvar cancer is so rare it makes up just one per cent of all melanoma cases and currently has no cure.

EXCLUSIVERevealed: Smoking rates have gone UP over the last decade in 20 parts of the UK... so how close is YOUR area to being 'smoke-free'?

Official data suggests the proportion of adults hooked on cigarettes has even doubled in one part of the country since 2012. This is despite smoking rates across Britain as a whole crashing to an all-time low. Just 11.9 per cent of adults regularly lit up in 2023, the Office for National Statistics says. This is equivalent to around 6million people. Smoking is now especially uncool among Gen Z, with rates having decreased by 60 per cent among 18-24 year olds since modern records began.

Various vegetarian diets that forgo meat and fish, do not offer as much protection against certain neurological diseases in the elderly, Us researchers say.

Toddlers in the UK get nearly half their calories from ultra-processed foods (UPFs) and the figure rises to 59 per cent by the time a child is seven, researchers at University College London found.

New ovarian cancer jab that could 'wipe out' the deadly disease is in the making, UK

A world's first vaccine for deadly ovarian cancer currently being developed in the UK could eradicate the deadly disease, researchers say. Scientists at the University of Oxford are creating OvarianVax, a jab that teaches the immune system to recognise and attack the earliest stages of ovarian cancer. They hope the vaccine could be given to women as preventative, to stop them from ever developing the disease - which kills two thirds of patients within a year of their diagnosis.

More than 1.6 million Britons are set to get the 'King Kong' of fat jabs on the NHS over the next 12 years.

Pins and needles were the sign Faith, 22, was having a 'widow maker' heart attack. And as

Driving back from a hockey match earlier this year, fitness coach Faith Harrison was suddenly struck by strange tingly sensations in her arms that were so severe she had to pull off the road. As she brought the car to a halt in a layby her condition quickly took a turn for the worse.

Harry Gray, 74, who lives in Alness, near Inverness in Scotland, didn't think breast cancer was the cause for the pain in his chest while he was jogging.

Developed by international researchers led by British experts, RI-AG03, tackles two 'hotspots' on the protein that leads to the memory robbing condition getting worse.

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'Health guru' claims ingredient in almost ALL ultra-processed foods is SHRINKING our

In a viral video published this week, YouTuber Joseph Everett shockingly claimed 'totally new and unnatural vegetable oils' could reduce a vital fatty acid found in the brain that protects it from inflammation. Seed oils such as rapeseed, sunflower, soybean or corn have long been vilified for reportedly raising the risk of heart disease, obesity and other illnesses. But Everett, who has 2million subscribers to his YouTube channel, says they can also have a 'negative effect' on developing brains, even 'shrinking' them. Experts today, however, warned there was little evidence behind the 'misleading' claims and told MailOnline the video 'risks scaremongering'.

The risk lies with the 'silent' incubation period that can last up to a month - meaning patients may be infected but not know it, and unknowingly pass it to others.

The agonising moment professional trampolinist suffers back-breaking injury mid-flip

Footage shared on TikTok and Instagram by Dutch athlete @flips.by_Siard shows the agonising moment his back 'folded' as he hit the trampoline sooner than anticipated. But the athlete, who boasts thousands of followers, miraculously did not permanently injure his spinal cord. Instead, he escaped with just a vertabrae fracture - which often heal naturally - and in a shock to fans has already bounced back training again. In a separate Instagram video from a US neurosurgeon, known only as Dr Z, the medic warned such injuries could result in ruptured blood vessels or even total paralysis.

Britons in their thirties and forties are healthier than their American counterparts but are more likely to believe they are in poorer health, a new study suggests.

Number of vapers who've never smoked tobacco soars 7-fold in three years, reaching

Vapes are billed by the NHS as a way to wean people off tobacco products but experts are concerned about rising use among Brits who have never smoked. Now a study, published in the prestigious journal Lancet Public Health, suggests the numbers of such people have risen to one million this year, rising seven-fold since 2021. The estimate, calculated by experts from University College London, is more than double the 400,000 such 'never smoker' vapers the Office for National Statistics found in the whole of the UK in 2023 . Now a study, published in the prestigious journal Lancet Public Health, suggests the numbers of such people have risen to one million this year, rising seven-fold since 2021

Based on the work of Professor Michael Levenson, an expert in psychology, the 27-point quiz covers your life goals and interact with others.

Three-day-old baby died after she stopped breathing... and an ambulance took more than 30

An Oxford family was forced to give a dying baby CPR in a desperate bid to save her life because an ambulance took ove 30 minutes to arrive, an inquest will hear. Wyllow-Raine Swinburn, just three-days-old, was pronounced dead five minutes after arriving at Oxford's John Radcliffe Hospital in the early hours of September 30 last year. Her mother, Amelia Pill, had called an ambulance after noticing that her daughter was 'stone cold'. But it took seven minutes for an operator to connect the call to the ambulance service, and a further 24 minutes before the paramedics arrived. A previous inquest heard that Ms Pill screamed, 'no one's coming, no one's coming...why aren't they answering the f***ing phone', as she sat on hold. Wyllow-Raine Swinburn was pronounced dead five minutes after arriving at Oxford's John Radcliffe Hospital in the early hours of September 30 last year, a previous hearing was told

Researchers in Canada and Pakistan found men 'also experience substantial emotional challenges' and 'are in need of support'.

Doctors hope the simple blood test, which looks for genetic faults in DNA, will speed up diagnosis and treatment for thousands of babies born every year.

Young girl with 'Rapunzel syndrome' swallowed stomach-full of own hair

Sophia Goss, from from Lenwade, Norfolk, started pulling out her hair and chewing on it when she was 18 months old as a 'soothing' technique to help her fall asleep. Although her mother Megan Sayce, 32, attempted to break her habit by putting olive oil on the youngster's hair, Sophia, now nine, was rushed to hospital after passing out from the pain in her stomach.

One kiss could kill me: Woman, 25, suffers rare condition that means locking lips with

Caroline Cray Quinn from Boston in the US has mast cell activation syndrome a rare condition that strikes only about one in 150,000 people and which makes her love life significantly perilous. MCAS is a disorder which causes blood cells to inappropriately overreact to certain foods, fragrances and other potential environmental triggers. Ms Quinn's MCAS is particularity severe and has left her only able to eat two foods, oats and a specially prepared nutritional formula for people with the condition, any others could see her suffer a potentially fatal allergic reaction. But it's not only her own diet the 25-year-old needs to worry about. As such, she has developed a series of strict rules that any potential love interest must follow before they lock lips. She currently has a boyfriend, Ryan, who she said gladly abides by the rules, and has taken to enjoying the same meals as her when they are together.

Medics have warned parents to talk about to teens about the risks of excess caffeine as the drinks, which are a social media must, return to the shelves.

Formula 1 legend Michael Schumer, 55, who suffered a life-changing skiing accident in 2013, was reportedly seen in public for the first time in over a decade at his daughter's wedding in Spain .

Woman, 26, reveals she pees through her BELLY BUTTON after unusual operation... and

Steph Aiello, from Glendora in California , had been due to start cosmetology school in October 2010. But heartbreakingly just a day before it began she was involved in a crash that also killed one of her closest friends. Losing all control and function of her bladder, the accident also saw her ability to use her hands limited. Yet, a 'brutal' procedure years later, rerouting the bladder to her belly button, allowed her to take back control of her body. Now, in a video seen by Ms Aiello's 260,000 plus Instagram followers, the quadriplegic beauty influencer has shared how she pees in a bid to shed light on the surgery.

The World Health Organization described the situation as of 'great concern' with over 70 per cent of the known cases among healthcare workers treating the infected.

One in four Britons have avoided calling an ambulance when they needed one over fears it would take too long to arrive, a study reveals.

Doctors thought my 'child-like' husband was was actually dementia at 38

Following Stefan and Sile Tankov's wedding day in April 2021 they were in their own bubble, but within two years everything started to fall apart when he was diagnosed with dementia. Sile, a secondary school teacher from Lisburn near Belfast , initially thought Stefan, now 40, was depressed. Their GP agreed and tests also revealed he had type 2 diabetes, which they thought may have been causing his confusion.

Patient groups warn the push to remote care can deter some people from seeking help and risks serious diseases such as cancer being missed.

An unnamed surgeon operated with a penknife at the Royal Sussex Hospital during an emergency surgery with colleagues reportedly describing his behaviour as 'questionable'.

Expert warns of common supplement mistake that results in a very embarrassing side effect

Said to be vital for healthy bones, beating depression and getting good quality sleep, magnesium is the hero supplement of the moment. Thanks to endorsements from celebrities like Kourtney Kardashian and Taylor Swift , the mineral is increasingly popular, with the global market set to reach £7billion by 2030, accorrding to market researchers. But experts warn that a common mistake in your magnesium routine could result in very embarrassing side effects.

New HIV diagnoses in England, those discovered through testing here, increased by15 per cent from about 2,450 in 2022 to just over 2,800 in 2023, driven by a 30 per cent rise in heterosexual cases.

Instead of looking at the scale, researchers are looking to measuring tape to determine how your body size could influence your health, blowing the BMI standard out of the water.

Mapped: The UK's smoking strongholds where nearly a quarter of adults still smoke - how

Analysis from the Office for National Statistics shows only some 6million people in the UK, about 12 per cent of the population were lighting up in 2023 but vaping has risen particularly in women. Rates in some parts of the country were even lower with just one in 20 adults smoking though in some holdouts rates rose to one in five. The UK's overall smoking rate is now half what it was in 2011, when one in five Brits (20.2 per cent) was a smoker. Traditional smoking's decline has been matched by a meteoric rise in vaping, and worryingly, particularly in those who have never touched a standard cigarette.

Edging is a masturbation technique that is said to intensify orgasms. It consists of reaching the point of orgasm before starting again. But doctors warn it increases risk of erectile disfunction.

A number of products containing mustard, mustard powder, or mustard flour have undeclared peanuts in them posing a danger to any consumer with an allergy.

Key factor makes you four times more likely to live to 100, new official data shows

The number of centenarians has more than doubled since 2002, with 14,850 last year. Statisticians say this overall increase is because of improvements in mortality stretching back decades. But the figure also marks a slight dip (0.5 per cent) on 2022, when 14,920 adults in England and Wales hit the landmark age. It is also the first time in six years the total number if people over 100 has fallen. In 2018 this was blamed on low numbers of births during World War One.

A cigarette-sized implant that acts as a one-way valve for the bladder could banish embarrassing leaks in both men and women.

Men in England, Wales and Northern Ireland were paid up to £35 per clinic visit to cover expenses such as travel. It is illegal to pay to donate sperm.

Jess consulted her GPs 20 times before a private doctor spotted her tickly cough was

Shortly before Jess Brady died, aged 27, from advanced ­adenocarcinoma - an aggressive cancer that had only been diagnosed three weeks before - she showed the journals she had kept since she was a ­teenager to her mum, Andrea (main picture with Jess and father Simon).

Experts could be one step closer to a 'date of death' test after discovering a simple cheek swab can accurately estimate your risk of dying within the next year by analysing changes to DNA.

The UK ranked in the top 10 globally for acne diagnosis with 14 per cent of adolescents and young people suffering unsightly blemishes that can severely impact self-esteem.

I'm an Oxford University expert who ate 720 eggs in a month. What it did to my health went

Dr Nick Norwitz is a man who knows his eggs. Baked, fried, devilled or scrambled, the former Oxford academic now Harvard medical student has enjoyed them in all manner of ways recently. After all, when you set yourself a target to eat 720 eggs in a month - the equivalent of one egg an hour for 28 days - then it`s important to find ways to achieve variety. However, even more surprising than putting himself on this egg-freighted diet in the first place is the impact it's had on the 28-year-old's health.

Researchers from universities including Harvard and the University of California met with participants from multiple fields, including patient advocacy.

The brothers in their 20s with '15 good summers' left after being hit by a rare type of

On first meeting, Jordan and Cian Adams seem like any other vibrant young men in their 20s. Fit as fiddles, chatty and charismatic, you'd assume they have the world at their feet. The world they live in, though, is crueller than that. In the past five years, these close-knit brothers, aged just 28 and 23 respectively, have both learned they are carriers of a gene that determines their future in one of the grimmest ways imaginable. It means both will succumb to Frontotemporal Dementia, or FTD, a rare type of dementia caused by damage to the nerve cells at the front of the brain and which mostly affects people under the age of 65.


Should you, would you, take Ozempic? It's a question I'm asked by friends and it's a hot topic among my scientist colleagues, too. The answer is complicated.

A man on vacation in Austria who took mushrooms entered psychosis that led him to amputate his penis and store it in a snow-filled jar, which doctors are calling the first case of its kind.

You MUST know your hot water bottle's expiry date... as woman's old one EXPLODED leaving

A Manchester woman has issued an urgent warning to hot water bottle users, after she was left with agonising burns on her legs and pelvis when her rubber bottle exploded in her lap. Yazmin Hardy, 27, wasn't aware that hot water bottles have expiry dates - and was using a product that was two years 'out of date'. Experts say that you should change your hot water bottle after two years, as the rubber degrades over time, making it more likely to split. A number, usually embedded on a rubber flower shape, indicates the date the bottle was made - for instance 20 for 2020.

DR MAX PEMBERTON: My ten tips to make sure your male GP takes you seriously

I want you to imagine someone having a heart attack. Picture the scene: they are in the street and suddenly grip their chest and sink to the floor. They're overweight, maybe smoke and drink too much, and don't take proper care of their health. I bet the person you imagined was a man, wasn't it?

Health officials say poor flu vaccine uptake will leave Britons vulnerable to the deadly virus, with Covid and respiratory syncytial virus ( RSV ) also both predicted to hit hard this season.


Dr Christof Koch, a neuro­scientist at the Allen Institute in Seattle, a leading brain research centre, knows a great deal about near-death experiences (NDEs)

Up to 270,000 patients will be able to get the 'completely lifechanging' devices to control their blood sugars as part of the £14million rollout.

What does someone with high cholesterol look like? The fact is they can look apparently 'healthy' - and slim people may be as at risk as anyone.

How the closure of long Covid clinics is leaving patients without the treatment they

Long Covid clinics across the country are closing their doors, leaving desperate patients without vital treatment and feeling 'abandoned', they have claimed. Dedicated clinics set up to support long Covid patients in Surrey, Croydon, Hertfordshire and Lanarkshire have been shuttered, The Mail on Sunday has learned. A service in Devon will close in the New Year, patients have told this newspaper, and we have learned that clinics in Frimley may also be facing the axe. Now, campaigners and doctors speaking to this newspaper say this winding down of long Covid provisions will have a devastating impact on the millions suffering from the condition. 'It shows that the NHS and Government are not interested in long Covid,' said Kent-based GP Dr Stephanie De Giorgio.

Academics warn their findings had major implications for young children because of their under-developed immune systems. Boys are more at risk because they breathe faster.

Finding the time to fit in multiple weekly workouts or cook every day from scratch can be tricky. But experts say just making these small changes to your daily routine can make a big difference.

When Ozempic goes WRONG! Celebrity slimming disasters that prove weight loss jab isn't

The blockbuster weight loss drug thought to be behind countless celeb transformations doesn't work for everyone. The latest high-profile so-called 'non-responder' is James Corden. The 46-year-old said: 'I tried Ozempic, and it won't be surprising to you when you look at me now, that it didn't really work.'

Thousands of people at risk of blindness will be spared monthly injections by new medication called faricimab, which will be offered to patients being treated for advanced retinal vein occlusion.

University of Bath research suggests psoriasis may be triggered by a fault in the hormone responsible for regulating iron - essential for maintaining healthy skin.

Why DOES Kendall Jenner suddenly look so different? Experts say cosmetic 'tweaks' gone

Recent images showing the reality TV star's puffier cheeks have sparked rumours on social media that she has undergone cosmetic treakments. Attending the Bottega Veneta Milan fashion week Spring/Summer 2025 event this week, Kendall sported glam make up showcasing her new blonde hair. Yet social media erupted accusing the Kardashian star of messing with her 'perfect' looks and accusing her of looking far older than 28.

EVE SIMMONS: Antidepressants made me feel like I was going mad and couldn't cope with

It's 2am and I'm wide awake, scrolling frantically through TikTok for videos posted by strangers about the antidepressant I'm on. I type 'first two weeks on antidepressants feeling like I'm going mad' into the search bar, hoping to find someone who'd been through something similar and recovered. Would I ever feel normal again? I started taking the pills three weeks prior to this. It followed an episode of acute anxiety - a problem I've struggled with at various points in my life. About two-and-a-half weeks in, I started to feel really odd. The best way I can describe it is a sense of being detached from my body. I struggled to concentrate on anything - even episodes of Love Island, which normally take my mind off the day's stresses. I was intermittently consumed by panic and constantly aware of my heartbeat.

The 'tweakment' claims to help men improve their sex lives by alleviating tightness and discomfort. One beauty clinic has even trademarked the procedure as 'HoleTox'.

I have suffered from excess flatulence for some time and it is annoying - I feel like I need to go to the loo all the time. Is there anything that can be done? Or is it something I'll have to live with?

Mum-of-two left fighting for life after Turkey liposuction led to 'flesh-eating' disease

A mum-of-two feared her body was going to 'split in two' after a botched liposuction procedure in Turkey left her in agonising pain and suffering deadly sepsis. Carrie, 36, from Slough, booked herself in for liposuction in an Istanbul clinic in 2022, after years of feeling unhappy with changes in her body following the birth of her two children.

As part of his upcoming tell-all memoir 'Unleashed' Boris Johnson recalled his final meeting with the monarch, stating he had been aware of her condition for over a year.

Marburg virus, a relative of Ebola, causes people to bleed from their orifices and kills up to 9 in 10 of those infected with no vaccines or treatments available.

How did Barry Keoghan get so snatched? Plastic surgeons reveal cosmetic treatments that

Saltburn actor Barry Keoghan 's dramatic change in appearance hasn't gone unnoticed, with plastic surgeons revealing the array of subtle treatments that could explain his increasingly 'snatched' look. The 31-year-old, who is now set to join the cast of the sequel to Netflix 's Peaky Blinders movie, is known for his enviably chisled jaw and cheekbones. However, pictures taken less than five years ago show a rounder, less defined face shape.

In moderate amounts coffee could slash your risk of cardiometabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes , coronary heart disease and stroke, researchers in China revealed.

Emma Austin was a normal and healthy baby. But at the age of two-and-a-half, her mother started to spot worrying symptoms that lead to a diagnosis of childhood dementia.

Revealed: Where in the world kids are healthiest, according to exercise, sleep and screen

A pooled analysis of data from 33 countries, led by Australian experts, examined what proportion of children aged three to five are getting enough exercise, screen breaks and sleep. While Europe, which includes the UK, recorded that just over half of children were getting enough exercise, specific data for Britain alone suggests only a tenth of children are actually getting the recommended level of physical activity. Youngsters from Africa had the best overall result with about one in four (23.9 per cent) getting their recommended exercise, screen breaks and sleep. Europe came a close second, with 23.5 per cent of children reaching this benchmark.

Shoulder and arm pain could be a subtle sign you have a rare form of lung cancer, a disease that kills some 35,000 Brits each year, about four every hour.

Botched surgery to shrink my K-cup bust left me with 'rotting breasts' and blood

A nursery worker has issued a stark warning to those considering boob jobs - after an operation to 'perfect' her chest resulted in a deadly infection that caused blood to 'spurt' from her breasts, and left her disfigured for life. Paige Harvey, 21, had long been 'desperate' to reduce her double-K cup size due to disabling back pain and unwanted attention from strangers. A breast reduction would, she said, stop her size 8 frame from looking 'ridiculous', and help her pursue a lifelong dream of becoming a paramedic - which involves physical work that could be hindered by chronic back pain. However, hours after the operation her wounds split open, leaving her 'in a pile of my own blood'. Despite this, she was discharged by the private clinic that had charged £8,000 for the procedure.

The young woman in the video clip looks bizarre and, frankly, uncomfortable. There appears to be a large black plaster over her lips - holding her mouth shut.

I have spent much of my career as a GP championing women's health. It's something I feel ­passionate about - as women are so often poorly served by the NHS and medicine in ­general.

Inside Dame Maggie Smith's long-running health struggles, as she dies aged 89: From breast

In a statement, the Oscar-winning actor's family said she 'passed away peacefully in hospital early this morning' - but did not confirm her cause of death. The Downton Abbey star enjoyed an incredible 70-year long career on stage and screen. But the beloved star was no stranger to health struggles, having lived a life peppered with illnesses. She suffered two major health scares during her professional career, one of which left her in a 'fog of despair'.

If you've ever been tempted to scroll though your own social media profiles, imagining what others might think of your life, you're not alone - and there's a psychological reason why you're doing it.

The UK Government plans to up levels of the chemical flouride in tap water in order to protect teeth - but a US judge has ruled that the mineral is hazardous.

Heartbreaking moment top doctor breaks down in tears as he remembers 'bodies raining from the sky' during Covid pandemic

Professor Kevin Fong, who was tasked with helping to direct an emergency response to the crisis, said hospitals were dealing with the equivalent of daily 'terrorist attacks'. Addressing the Covid Inquiry, he also detailed how other units were so overwhelmed they ran out of body bags. The consultant anesthetist said he made more than 40 visits to intensive care wards on behalf of NHS England to report back from the frontline. But the 'scale of death' was 'very difficult to capture' in these reports, which were sent to officials including England's chief medical officer Professor Sir Chris Whitty.

Bizarre life of surgery obsessed 'Lip King' linked to Alice Webb BBL death - and what he

Beautician and TV star Jordan James Parke has been thrust into the limelight this week following the death of Alice Webb - who died hours after having a non-surgical BBL procedure. Now, MailOnline can reveal shocking images of the plastic surgery obsessive that show what he looked like before undergoing a series of cosmetic treatments.

Babies born through IVF are up to twice as likely to suffer congenital heart issues, a major study has found, with the risk even more severe if they were born with a twin.

Hayley Davies, 25, has told of an eye-watering injury suffered by a former date that was caused by her non-hormonal contraception.

Revealed: The hospitals where patients wait more that FOUR hours at A&E...check the delays

NHS data revealed 63 per cent of sick Brits showing up to Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust in the year to March 2024 waited at least this long. Under health service guidelines, 76 per cent of casualty patients should be admitted, transferred or discharged within four hours of being seen. But overall, only 72 per cent of patients in England were seen within this timeframe, according to latest NHS data for 2023/24. Full trust-by-trust results can be viewed through our interactive search table.

Rugby captain, 31, thought he was 'just tired' - then he was diagnosed with bowel cancer

Andrew Walker, 31, from Yorkshire, was diagnosed with the deadly disease earlier this year following weeks of disabling exhaustion. As well as the tiredness, the keen rugby player found his body struggled to recover from injuries, like wound injections and lung punctures. However, a GP said he was likely suffering anaemia; a condition where a lack of iron in the body leads to a reduction in the number of red blood cell needed for energy. When the symptoms continued, doctors suggested the civil engineer do a stool sample - and detected traces of blood in the specimen.

Research has long shown that higher levels bacteria linked to gum disease can raise the likelihood of the condition as well as diabetes and high blood pressure.

Health guru: I only ate sardines for 70 DAYS... here's what happened

A 62 year-old health coach has claimed a bizarre diet of sardines and plant oil has helped her shed two stone and ease symptoms of an agonising pain condition. The 5ft 7in paramedic weighed 13 stone in May of this year, meaning her body mass index (BMI) was firmly in the overweight category. However, within just 10 days on her tinned fish eating plan she'd dropped nearly a stone, which was 'all fluid'.

Plastic surgeons warn against 'death sentence' liquid BBL procedures - after British woman

Experts have today issued fresh warnings over non-surgical butt lifts following the death of a mother-of-five. Alice Webb, 34, died on Monday just hours after having the procedure, understood to have been performed in the West Country. The practitioner alleged to have carried out the treatment - whose identity is known to MailOnline - is one of those who has been arrested. One of Britain's leading plastic surgeons has also told this website the individual is believed to have used a 'large volume of filler'.

My father's neglect nearly killed me and blighted my adult life. Then I tried a very

When I was ten years old, I saved my father's life. It was the school holidays, and I was staying with him in his tiny, two-storey house in Derbyshire. He would often leave me alone - my parents had separated when I was a baby - to go out drinking for the evening. That night he had come back late and had fallen into a coma-like sleep, when a hot ember dropped from the open fire and caught on a rug. The room went up in flames, ­spreading quickly. I woke in the early hours, roused by clouds of acrid smoke pouring in under my bedroom door. Switching on my bedside light, I was horrified to find I could barely see my toys and books on the other side of the room. I knew immediately I had to wake Dad in the bedroom opposite. I fought my way through the suffocating smoke, screaming for him at the top of my lungs.

Eight pharmacies shut for good on average every week last year, with 13,000 additional stores forced into temporary closures, according to new Healthwatch England data.

What's going on with Kylie Jenner's ARMPIT? Cosmetic surgery experts analyse mystery scar

Despite Kylie Jenner 's stunning looks - and the fact she's a self-made billionaire - the 27-year-old A-lister is no stranger to having her appearance criticised. Resurfaced photos from this year's Met Gala reveal Kylie - who is now dating Hollywood star Timothée Chalamet - has noticeably slimmed down arms and a small scar in her armpit. Social media users have taken to online forums, accusing her of having 'multiple rounds of lipo on her arms and back' to get 'so skinny'. Others suggested it was in fact an implant scar from her previous boob job.

Regulator Nice confirmed yesterday its new criteria to determine the cost-effectiveness of medicines for the NHS will be upheld, following a review.

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Diet guru Tim Spector reveals the 'healthy' food favourite that's actually filled with harmful chemicals

It's an ingredient in thousands of our favourite foods that's become a villain in the eyes of wellness influencers. Gluten - the protein in wheat products like bread and pasta - is avoided by some eight per cent of Brits for 'health' reasons, according to polls. But one of the UK's top diet gurus has issued a stark warning against popular gluten free products due to potential health risks. According to Professor Tim Spector, nutrition expert and founder of the popular ZOE diet app, some of the most popular gluten free foods are seriously lacking in vital nutrients like fibre and filling protein - which will curb hunger pangs and limit snacking.

Thomas Mansfield, 29, died of a cardiac arrest in January 2021 within hours of 'necking' a mixture that contained seven times the recommended daily dose of caffeine.

Former Royal Marine, 42, dismissed headaches as 'eye strain' from too much screen time -

A former Royal Marine says his symptoms of the deadliest type of brain cancer were dismissed by doctors as 'dehydration' and a result of too much screen time. James Greenwood, 42, based in Mold, North Wales, began experiencing dizziness and 'constant, dull headaches' in May. He visited his GP twice and was told his problems were likely due to a combination of eye strain and not drinking enough water at his desk job at a real estate company. However, within a month he was experiencing agonising head pain which prompted him to visit A&E and demand further scans.

A dull ache, a stabbing pain round the eyes, or one-sided throbbing - headaches can take a variety of forms but they affect most of us at some point, and for some people they're a chronic problem.

Woman claims to have undergone 20 cosmetic procedures to transform her looks - and is now

Airi Hirase, from Ibaraki, Japan , spent tens of thousands over eight years in a bid to enhance her figure and 'improve my life'. Inspired to switch up her appearance after being bullied as a child, the 27-year-old says she has had facial surgeries and breast enhancements. She claimed she was teased by other children over her buck teeth and wide nose and even criticised by her own mother who thought the influencer resembled her absent father who had left the family in debt. Doctors have long warned Brits contemplating having multiple procedures to radically change their looks to think again.

A new vaccine that wards off respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) could save the lives of thousands of elderly people in the UK each year, according to a study.

Operating theatres will be run like Formula 1 pit stops to get sick Britons back into work, Wes Streeting is set to claim on day four of the Labour Party conference in Liverpool.

My whopping migraine turned out to be a 'huge' brain tumour that 'popped' on my wedding

A 30 year-old man missed his own wedding reception due to a 'horrendous migraine' that turned out to be a large brain tumour. Nathan Vaughan, 30, and Katie Glass [now Vaughan], 26, got married on May 4 at St Thomas Church, Holywell, Cambridgeshire. The bridegroom began to develop the 'worst headache of my life' in the early hours of the morning on the big day, but the couple assumed he was just 'feeling the pressure'. However, straight after the wedding vows, Mr Vaughan passed out in his hotel, where he spent the rest of the day.

Dr Nick Norwitz, a dual doctorate student at Harvard University, found that levels in his blood dropped two percent in the first two weeks and then - after he also started eating fruits like blueberries and bananas - 18 percent over the next two weeks.

Irish researchers have found relief from a skin condition that affects 1 in 100 people is an unexpected benefit of the weight-loss injections.

My best friend carried my baby after breast cancer spread to my bones and destroyed my

Amy Cronjé, now 33, was given a shock breast cancer diagnosis shortly after she married her husband, Roché, 35. Despite being given the all clear following radiation and chemotherapy, a routine check-up a year later found the disease had returned and spread to her bones. As part of her treatment, the speech therapist was put on hormone medication, drastically reducing her chance of ever conceiving. But after discovering Mrs Cronjé, who had always wanted to be a mum, was exploring using a surrogate, Karla Steenekamp immediately volunteered.

The data, for 2022, covers the period in which Britain was plunged into a cost of living crisis, which experts have long warned increases the risk of malnourishment.

The boy, who was born with serious disabilities and cannot see or hear, had been kept alive by the machines since 2023, after suffering a serious brain infection.


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