The State Funeral of Sir Winston Churchill

30 January 1965

The funeral of Sir Winston Churchill on 30 January 1965 was broadcast live on the BBC and seen around the world. It was the first state funeral of a politician in the century and the biggest national event since the Coronation of 1953. The BBC chose Richard Dimbleby as the sole presenter for over 4 hours of television coverage. Dimbleby's grave and informed coverage was widely praised, and he received 1600 letters from viewers.

The BBC positioned 36 cameras along the route of the cortege, which went from Westminster Hall to St Paul's and then back along the river from Tower Hill to the Festival Hall, before departing by train from Waterloo for Bladon. They recorded the full ceremonial but also captured the unexpected, such as the moment the dockside cranes were lowered in salute. Dimbleby covered the whole event from the control room in St Paul's Cathedral.

Sir Winston Churchill's coffin is brought into St Paul's Cathedral.

Dimbleby reported that the Queen watched the 90 minute highlights programme in the evening – having been a participant during the day - which he felt was a testament to the success of the broadcast. Sadly Richard Dimbleby lost his battle with cancer and died at the end of the year. Today his son David is often the voice of the BBC at national events and audiences turn to the BBC for comprehensive and authoritative coverage.

Obituary: Winston Spencer Churchill 1874 – 1965

Broadcast on BBC 1, 24 January 1965. The news of Winston Churchill's death brought the UK to a standstill. BBC Television presented an obituary to a beloved war hero and a much-respected statesman. Archive footage, stills and contributions from old friends and colleagues told the colourful history spanning 90 years. Kenneth MacKintosh, Narrator. Field Marshall Viscount Alanbrooke, Contributor. Sir Shane Leslie, Contributor. Sir Harold Nicholson, Contributor. Emanuel Shinwell, Contributor.

Churchill's State funeral: Documents from the Written Archive

January anniversaries

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