Help with child accounts and profiles

Updated: 6 April 2021

BBC child accounts

Children of any age can set up a BBC account. But to keep them safe, kids under 13 need permission from a parent or guardian before they can do certain things, like commenting on message boards.

You can set permissions when you first register a new child account. Just follow the instructions.

If you want to manage permissions at a later date, the easiest way is if you both have BBC accounts. That way, you can link your child's account to your own and set permissions from there at any time. If you don’t have your own BBC account you can register for one. It’s quick and easy to do.

But you don't need a BBC account to manage permissions. When your child tries to do something new on the BBC, like commenting on children's websites, we’ll ask them to get you involved to approve this. You’ll either get an email, or you can manage child permissions here.

Find out how to do these things, and much more, by clicking the links below.

Child profiles on iPlayer

On iPlayer, children can sign in with their own BBC account. Or, as a parent or guardian, you can add child profiles to your account instead.

Find out more about getting started with the kids’ experience on iPlayer.

Child profiles only show iPlayer content for under-13s, so your kids can browse safely. As with an account, a profile means they’ll get personalised recommendations, and be able to pick up shows where they left off.

Unlike an account, it only works on iPlayer, and they won’t be able to use features of BBC websites like commenting, voting, entering competitions. However, you can always create a child account to give them extra permissions.

If you’re under 16 and outside the UK…

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to register a BBC account or profile if you're outside the UK and under 16. If you’re outside the UK and already have a child account, it won't provide access to the same child-specific content available in the UK.

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