AVSI in Brazil
  • Salvador-Bahia
    Rua Frederico Simões, N 98, Edf. Advanced Trade, 13º andar
    Caminho das Árvores, CEP 41820-774, Salvador-Bahia
    +55 71 3555 3355
    [email protected]

Present in the country since 1984, AVSI operates in partnership with its Founding Partners, supporting the population with projects in the fields of culture, urban development, human rights, education, sport, energy and environment, professional training, migration, food security, and social responsibility.

AVSI started working in Brazil in the 80s, with urban development projects aimed at revitalizing low-income areas in the outskirts of Belo Horizonte. Over the years, AVSI grew and turned into AVSI Brasil, a non-profit organization with a Brazilian statute.

AVSI Brasil is currently active in 11 Brazilian states (Amazonas, Bahia, Goiás, Minas Gerais, Pernambuco, Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte, Rio de Janeiro, Roraima, Santa Catarina e São Paulo) and in the Federal District.

Its work focuses on supporting the Brazilian population, as well as refugees and migrants coming from Venezuela due to the social, economical, and political crisis.

AVSI in Brazil, areas of intervention


AVSI, together with AVSI Brasil, works in the field of humanitarian emergency to welcome, protect, value and integrate Venezuelan migrants and refugees, in cooperation with the Federal Government, UN agencies, and civil society. The activities include:

  • management of shelters in partnership with UNHCR;
  • management of high vulnerability protection cases;
  • strengthening community participation within reception centers;
  • support in registration and documentation;
  • fair and dignified distribution of food and non-food products;
  • socio-economic integration of Venezuelans in Brazilian host cities, starting from voluntary internalization through job opportunities.

Currently, AVSI is the largest partner of the Brazilian government in its action to welcome refugees and migrants: AVSI manages 5 reception centers, housing more than 5,000 Venezuelans. These include the largest shelter in Latin America, as per capacity of Venezuelans welcomed. Over the last 2 years, more than 2,000 Venezuelans have been supported through the introduction to job opportunities in several Brazilian cities, carried out by AVSI Brasil in partnership with different enterprises.

Education, sport, and culture

AVSI offers educational programs to children and adolescents, sponsored through AVSI Brazil in kindergartens, educational centers and nutritional orientation centers, using sport and culture as pedagogical tools, promoting opportunities for the integral development of children, teenagers, and their families.

Other areas of intervention of the Founding Member AVSI Brasil

Water and Food Security

AVSI Brasil has experience in implementing projects that allow access to water and agri-ecological production in the semiarid region of Brazil, that contribute to basic sanitation and also promote food and nutritional education of farmers' families in rural areas.

Inclusive and Resilient Cities

AVSI Brasil implements urban development projects with an integrated and comprehensive vision at both regional and community levels. Its method is based on the commitment to work with vulnerable people and local associations, in partnership with public institutions. With more than 30 years of experience in this field, AVSI Brasil has supported the implementation of public policies, has conducted studies and social actions, while implementing integrated plans for inclusion, resource efficiency, mitigation, adaptation to climate change and resilience in many diverse contexts.

Energy and Environment

Thanks to its partnership with companies that operate in the energy sector, for more than two decades AVSI has been carrying out projects in this area, which is characterized by strong social and economic vulnerability.
The main activities AVSI realizes are:

  • education on efficient use of electricity at home, in schools, and in the community;
  • replacement of outdated appliances with newer ones, that guarantee lower consumption, consequently reducing bills and expenses;
  • recycling promotion;
  • measurement and evaluation of energy efficiency;
  • installation of solar panels for indigenous communities;
  • mitigating and compensatory actions in power infrastructure works.

Justice and Prevention of violence

AVSI supports the Associations of Protection and Assistance to Convicts (APAC), which collaborate with the executive and judicial branches in Brazil for the custody of convicts and their social reintegration, once out of prison.
APAC manages detention centers with its own approach, without weapons and guards, promoting the reintegration of former prisoners into society.

Work and Economic Growth

The direct beneficiaries of the vocational training projects provided by AVSI are young people from the most vulnerable neighborhoods, who are accompanied in entering the labor market through vocational courses and the development of life skills. For these reason, activities that favor human development and interpersonal relationships are organized along with professional training. AVSI Brasil promotes entrepreneurship by supporting the creation and development of commercial and agricultural productive activities.

AVSI Brasil and the private sector

AVSI Brazil works with the public sector (at the Federal, State, and Municipal levels), international bodies (the European Union and UN Agencies), and the private sector. The latter offers great opportunities in terms of established partnerships, innovative content and financial support. AVSI believes that companies can contribute to development by applying a sustainable vision, based on shared values. AVSI therefore collaborates with large companies in the elaboration of social responsibility strategies and in the implementation of business projects.

Among our main partners: ENEL, Stellantis, Nemak, Neonergia, Pertrorecôncavo, Mumbadala, Acelen, and Light.

More info about activities and projects by our Funding member AVSI Brasil