
Storylines Beat Stars To Emerge As Biggest Incentive To Watch A Bollywood Film For 65% Audiences

OTT Segment Majorly Disrupting Theatre Footfalls, with Leading Industries Drawing Nearly Equal Penchant From Viewers as per Pinkvilla’s Survey Findings

India’s leading entertainment & lifestyle platform Pinkvilla recently conducted an extensive survey across its website and social media channels - Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to study the present movie-going preferences of Indian audiences. The survey findings present key insights into several burning shifts that are transforming the entertainment industry, ranging from the new OTT and theatre dynamics, to the rising popularity of Tollywood and Hollywood, and an ever-increased emphasis on the power of good storylines to enthrall Indian cine-goers.

Do you wait for big Bollywood releases on a streaming app or go to theatres?

Storylines Beat Stars To Emerge As Biggest Incentive To Watch A Bollywood Film For 65% Audiences

The survey’s findings exemplify the rising popularity of OTT, as opposed to traditional theatre experiences amongst viewers. Responding to whether they would rather catch a Bollywood film in the theatres or on OTT platforms, over 36% of audiences surveyed stated that they did not go to the theatres/stopped going to theatres in the post-COVID world.

How many times do you go to the theatre to watch a Bollywood Film?

Storylines Beat Stars To Emerge As Biggest Incentive To Watch A Bollywood Film For 65% Audiences

Furthermore, an overwhelming majority of audiences (70.6%) added they only went for a theatrical viewing once in a few months. The figures showcase that a massive section of the audience is rapidly moving away from the traditional theatre experiences, and towards the OTT arena.

What excites you to watch a Bollywood film?

Storylines Beat Stars To Emerge As Biggest Incentive To Watch A Bollywood Film For 65% Audiences

There is also an extremely high emphasis on a good storyline amongst the audiences today, with an average of 65% of viewers stating that the primary motivation to catch a Bollywood film was a good storyline, over other aspects such as star cast, trailer, and songs, and visual effects.

What changes in Bollywood films will push you to see them in theatres?

Storylines Beat Stars To Emerge As Biggest Incentive To Watch A Bollywood Film For 65% Audiences

Even for a theatrical viewing, the storyline remained the primary factor, with originality and fair casting being other important considerations.

Which genres or scales of Bollywood movies do you prefer watching in theatres?

Storylines Beat Stars To Emerge As Biggest Incentive To Watch A Bollywood Film For 65% Audiences

Regardless of the storyline, most respondents showed a huge affinity towards comedy, romance & crime/action thriller films, with over 50% takers for each of these genres.

Which industry movies will you pay to watch in theatres?

Storylines Beat Stars To Emerge As Biggest Incentive To Watch A Bollywood Film For 65% Audiences

Similarly, about 50% of respondents were inclined towards watching Hollywood and Tollywood films, which almost mirrored the figures for Bollywood (55.4%). Bollywood, Hollywood & Tollywood drew almost an equal penchant from respondents, which is suggestive of language clearly not being a barrier for a quality theatrical experience.

The numbers indicate a huge shift and a new era for the entertainment industry, that is more democratic and glocal in nature. They also signal how the audiences’ sensibilities have drastically evolved, completely disrupting the world of traditional entertainment. The next few years are likely to be defining moments for industry players to adapt to the huge content shifts and present accessible, affordable, and relatable entertainment experiences for the viewers.

(We got this information in a press release).

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