List of apple diseases

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Diseases of apples (Malus domestica) include:

Bacterial diseases

Blister spot Pseudomonas syringae pv. papulans
Crown gall Agrobacterium tumefaciens
Fire blight Erwinia amylovora
Hairy root Agrobacterium rhizogenes
Apple chat fruit Phytoplasma suspected
Apple declinePhytoplasma suspected
Apple proliferationPhytoplasma
Rubbery woodPhytoplasma suspected

Fungal diseases

Fungal diseases
Alternaria blotch

Alternaria mali
= A. alternata apple pathotype

Alternaria rot Alternaria alternata
American brown rot Monilinia fructicola
Anthracnose canker and bull's-eye rot

Pezicula malicorticus
Cryptosporiopsis curvispora [anamorph]


Apple scab

Venturia inaequalis
Spilocaea pomi [anamorph]

Apple ring rot and canker Botryosphaeria berengeriana

= Physalospora

Armillaria root rot = shoestring root rot Armillaria mellea
Bitter rot [1] [2]

Glomerella cingulata [teleomorph] (archaic)
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides [anamorph]

Colletotrichum gloeosporioides species complex [3]

  • Colletotrichum fructicola
  • Colletotrichum chrysophilum

Colletotrichum acutatum species complex [4]

Black pox Helminthosporium papulosum
Black root rot

Xylaria mali
Xylaria polymorpha

Black rot, frogeye leafspot and canker

Botryosphaeria obtusa
Sphaeropsis malorum [anamorph]

Blister canker = nailhead canker

Biscogniauxia marginata
= Nummularia discreta

Blue mold Penicillium spp.

Penicillium expansum

Brooks fruit spot

Mycosphaerella pomi
Cylindrosporium pomi [anamorph]

Brown rot blossom blight and spur infection

Monilinia laxa

Calyx-end rot Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
Clitocybe root rot

Armillaria tabescens
= Clitocybe tabescens

Diaporthe canker*

Diaporthe tanakae
Phomopsis tanakae [anamorph]

Diplodia canker

Botryosphaeria stevensii
= Physalospora malorum
Diplodia mutila [anamorph]

European brown rot

Monilinia fructigena
Monilia fructigena [anamorph]
Monilinia laxa

Fisheye rot

Butlerelfia eustacei
= Corticium centrifugum


Schizothyrium pomi
Zygophiala jamaicensis [anamorph]

Fruit blotch, leaf spot and twig canker Phyllosticta solitaria
Glomerella leaf spot

Glomerella cingulata
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides [anamorph]

Gray mold rot = dry eye rot, blossom-end rot

Botrytis cinerea
Botryotinia fuckeliana [teleomorph]

Leptosphaeria canker and fruit rot

Diapleella coniothyrium
= Leptosphaeria coniothyrium
Coniothyrium fuckelii [anamorph]

Leucostoma canker and dieback

Leucostoma cinctum
Cytospora cincta [anamorph]
Valsa auerswaldii
= Leucostoma auerswaldii
Cytospora personata [anamorph]

Marssonina blotch

Diplocarpon coronariae

Moldy core and core rot

Alternaria spp.
Cladosporium spp.
Coniothyrium sp.
Epicoccum spp.
Pleospora herbarum
Stemphylium spp.
Ulocladium spp.

Monilia leaf blight

Monilinia mali
Monilia sp. [anamorph]

Monochaetia twig canker

Seiridium unicorne
= Monochaetia mali
Lepteutypa cupressi [teleomorph]

Mucor rot

Mucor spp.
Mucor piriformis

Nectria canker

Nectria galligena
Cylindrocarpon heteronemum [anamorph]

Nectria twig blight = coral spot

Nectria cinnabarina
Tubercularia vulgaris [anamorph]

Peniophora root canker Peniophora sacrata
Perennial canker

Neofabraea perennans
Cryptosporiopsis perennans [anamorph]

Phomopsis canker, fruit decay and rough bark

Phomopsis mali
Diaporthe perniciosa [teleomorph]

Phymatotrichum root rot = cotton root rot

Phymatotrichopsis omnivora
= Phymatotrichum omnivorum

Phytophthora crown, collar and root rot = sprinkler rot

Phytophthora spp.
Phytophthora cactorum
Phytophthora cambivora
Phytophthora cryptogea
Phytophthora megasperma
Phytophthora syringae

Phytophthora fruit rot

Phytophthora cactorum
Phytophthora syringae

Pink mold rot

Trichothecium roseum
= Cephalothecium roseum

Powdery mildew Podosphaera leucotricha
Rosellinia root rot = Dematophora root rot

Rosellinia necatrix
Dematophora necatrix [anamorph]

Rubber rot Phacidiopycnis washingtonensis
American hawthorne rust Gymnosporangium globosum
Cedar apple rust Gymnosporangium juniperi-virginianae
Japanese apple rust Gymnosporangium yamadae
Pacific Coast pear rust Gymnosporangium libocedri
Quince rust Gymnosporangium clavipes
Side rot Phialophora malorum
Silver leaf Chondrostereum purpureum
Sooty blotch complex

Peltaster fructicola
Geastrumia polystigmatis
Leptodontidium elatius
Gloeodes pomigena

Southern blight

Sclerotium rolfsii
Athelia rolfsii [teleomorph]

Thread blight = Hypochnus leaf blight

Corticium stevensii
= Pellicularia koleroga
= Hypochnus ochroleucus

Valsa canker

Valsa ceratosperma
Cytospora sacculus [anamorph]

Violet root rot Helicobasidium mompa
White root rot

Scytinostroma galactinum
= Corticium galactinum

White rot

Botryosphaeria dothidea
Fusicoccum aesculi [anamorph]

X-spot = Nigrospora spot Nigrospora oryzae
Zonate leaf spot

Cristulariella moricola
Grovesinia pyramidalis [teleomorph]

Nematodes, parasitic

Nematodes, parasitic
Dagger nematode

Xiphinema americanum
Xiphinema rivesi
Xiphinema vuittenezi

Lesion nematode

Pratylenchus spp.
Pratylenchus penetrans

Pin nematode

Paratylenchus spp.

Ring nematode

Criconemella spp.

Root-knot nematode

Meloidogyne spp.

Viral diseases

Viral diseases
Apple chlorotic leafspotgenus Trichovirus, Apple chlorotic leafspot virus (ACLSV)
Apple dwarf (Malus platycarpa) Apple stem pitting virus (ASPV) (? not US/CAN)
Apple flat applegenus Nepovirus, Cherry rasp leaf virus (CRLV)
Apple mosaicgenus Ilarvirus, Apple mosaic virus (ApMV)

genus Ilarvirus, Tulare apple mosaic virus (TAMV)

Apple stem grooving = Apple decline of Virginia crabgenus Capillovirus, Apple stem grooving virus (ASGV)
Apple stem pitting = apple Spy 227 epinasty and decline Apple stem pitting virus (ASPV)
Apple union necrosis and declinegenus Nepovirus, Tomato ringspot virus (ToRSV)

Viroid diseases

Viroid diseases
Swollen appleApple fruit crinkle viroid (AFCVd)
Apple dimple fruitApple scar skin viroid (ASSVd)
Apple fruit crinkleApple fruit crinkle viroid (AFCVd) (Japan)
Apple scar skin = apple dapple, apple sabi-ka, apple bumpy fruitApple scar skin viroid (ASSVd)

Suspected viral- and viroid-like diseases

Suspected viral- and viroid-like diseases
Dead spurGTP, unidentified
False stingGTP, virus suspected
Green crinkleGTP, virus suspected
Rough skinGTP, virus suspected
Star crackGTP, virus suspected

Miscellaneous diseases and disorders

Miscellaneous diseases and disorders
Bitter pit Localized calcium deficiency
Blossom blastBoron deficiency
Burrknot Genetically predisposed rootstock
Fruit crackingGenetic
Fruit russetFrost, sprays, etc.
Green mottleUnidentified
Hollow appleHigh temperature
Internal bark necrosis = measlesLow pH and mineral nutrient imbalance
Internal browningBoron and calcium deficiencies, etc.
Jonathan spotReduced by controlled atmosphere storage
Narrow leafGenetic
Necrotic leaf blotch of ‘Golden Delicious’Rapid synthesis of gibberellins triggered by environmental factors
Spray injurySpray
Storage scaldInjury to fruit surfaces by naturally occurring gases produced by the fruit
SunburnSun injury to fruit
SunscaldFreezing of bark following high temperatures in winter
Water coreSorbitol accumulation

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Canker</span> Common name for a tree disease

A plant canker is a small area of dead tissue, which grows slowly, often over years. Some cankers are of only minor consequence, but others are ultimately lethal and therefore can have major economic implications for agriculture and horticulture. Their causes include a wide range of organisms as fungi, bacteria, mycoplasmas and viruses. The majority of canker-causing organisms are bound to a unique host species or genus, but a few will attack other plants. Weather and animal damage can also cause stress to the plant resulting in cankers. Other causes of cankers is pruning when the bark is wet or using un-sterilized tools.

<i>Pantoea agglomerans</i> Species of bacterium

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<i>Colletotrichum acutatum</i> Species of fungus

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Pythium ultimum is a plant pathogen. It causes damping off and root rot diseases of hundreds of diverse plant hosts including maize, soybean, potato, wheat, fir, and many ornamental species. P. ultimum belongs to the peronosporalean lineage of oomycetes, along with other important plant pathogens such as Phytophthora spp. and many genera of downy mildews. P. ultimum is a frequent inhabitant of fields, freshwater ponds, and decomposing vegetation in most areas of the world. Contributing to the widespread distribution and persistence of P. ultimum is its ability to grow saprotrophically in soil and plant residue. This trait is also exhibited by most Pythium spp. but not by the related Phytophthora spp., which can only colonize living plant hosts.

<i>Phaeosphaeria nodorum</i> Species of fungus

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<i>Glomerella cingulata</i> Species of fungus

Glomerella cingulata is a fungal plant pathogen, being the name of the sexual stage (teleomorph) while the more commonly referred to asexual stage (anamorph) is called Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. For most of this article the pathogen will be referred to as C. gloeosporioides. This pathogen is a significant problem worldwide, causing anthracnose and fruit rotting diseases on hundreds of economically important hosts.

<i>Colletotrichum</i> Genus of fungi

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Hemibiotrophs are the spectrum of plant pathogens, including bacteria, oomycete and a group of plant pathogenic fungi that keep its host alive while establishing itself within the host tissue, taking up the nutrients with brief biotrophic-like phase. It then, in later stages of infection switches to a necrotrophic life-style, where it rampantly kills the host cells, deriving its nutrients from the dead tissues.

<i>Colletotrichum fioriniae</i> Fungal species Colletotrichum fioriniae

Colletotrichum fioriniae is a fungal plant pathogen and endophyte of fruits and foliage of many broadleaved plants worldwide. It causes diseases on agriculturally important crops, including anthracnose of strawberry, ripe rot of grapes, bitter rot of apple, anthracnose of peach, and anthracnose of blueberry. Its ecological role in the natural environment is less well understood, other than it is a common leaf endophyte of many temperate trees and shrubs and in some cases may function as an entomopathogen.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Bitter rot of apple</span> Plant disease

Bitter rot of apple is a fungal disease of apple fruit that is caused by several species in the Colletotrichum acutatum and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides species complexes. It is identified by sunken circular lesions with conical intrusions into the apple flesh that appear V-shaped when the apple is cut in half through the center of the lesion. It is one of the most devastating diseases of apple fruit in regions with warm wet weather.


  1. Dowling, Madeline; Peres, Natalia; Villani, Sara; Schnabel, Guido (2020). "Managing Colletotrichum on Fruit Crops: A "Complex" Challenge". Plant Disease. 104 (9): 2301–2316. doi: 10.1094/PDIS-11-19-2378-FE . ISSN   0191-2917. PMID   32689886. S2CID   219479598.
  2. Martin, Phillip L.; Krawczyk, Teresa; Khodadadi, Fatemeh; Aćimović, Srđan G.; Peter, Kari A. (2021). "Bitter Rot of Apple in the Mid-Atlantic United States: Causal Species and Evaluation of the Impacts of Regional Weather Patterns and Cultivar Susceptibility". Phytopathology. 111 (6): PHYTO–09–20-043. doi: 10.1094/PHYTO-09-20-0432-R . ISSN   0031-949X. PMID   33487025. S2CID   231701083.
  3. Weir, B.S.; Johnston, P.R.; Damm, U. (2012). "The Colletotrichum gloeosporioides species complex". Studies in Mycology. 73 (1): 115–180. doi:10.3114/sim0011. PMC   3458417 . PMID   23136459.
  4. Damm, U.; Cannon, P.F.; Woudenberg, J.H.C.; Crous, P.W. (2012). "The Colletotrichum acutatum species complex". Studies in Mycology. 73 (1): 37–113. doi:10.3114/sim0010. PMC   3458416 . PMID   23136458.