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Middle-earth race
First appearance The Hobbit
Created by J. R. R. Tolkien
In-universe information
Other name(s)Halflings, Holbytlan, Periannath
Home world Middle-earth
Capital Michel Delving
Base of operations The Shire, Bree
Sub-racesHarfoots, Fallohides, Stoors
Language Westron
Leaders Thain; Mayor of the Shire; Master of Buckland
Notable members

Hobbits are a fictional race of people in the novels of J. R. R. Tolkien. About half average human height, Tolkien presented hobbits as a variety of humanity, or close relatives thereof. Occasionally known as halflings in Tolkien's writings, they live barefooted, and traditionally dwell in homely underground houses which have windows, built into the sides of hills, though others live in houses. Their feet have naturally tough leathery soles (so they do not need shoes) and are covered on top with curly hair.


Hobbits first appeared in the 1937 children's novel The Hobbit , whose titular Hobbit is the protagonist Bilbo Baggins, who is thrown into an unexpected adventure involving a dragon. In its sequel, The Lord of the Rings , the hobbits Frodo Baggins, Sam Gamgee, Pippin Took, and Merry Brandybuck are primary characters who all play key roles in fighting to save their world ("Middle-earth") from evil. In The Hobbit, hobbits live together in a small town called Hobbiton, which in The Lord of the Rings is identified as being part of a larger rural region called the Shire, the homeland of the hobbits in the northwest of Middle-earth. Some also live in a region east of the Shire, Bree-land, where they co-exist with Men.

The origins of the name and idea of "Hobbits" have been debated; literary antecedents include Sinclair Lewis's 1922 novel Babbitt , and Edward Wyke Smith's 1927 The Marvellous Land of Snergs . The word "hobbit" also appears in a list of ghostly beings in The Denham Tracts (1895), though these bear no similarity to Tolkien's Hobbits. Tolkien emphatically rejected a relationship with the word "rabbit", and emphasized hobbits' humanity, though scholars have noted several lines of evidence to the contrary. Hobbits are modern, unlike the heroic ancient-style cultures of Gondor and Rohan, with familiar things like umbrellas, matches, and clocks. As such they mediate between the modern world known to readers and the heroic ancient world of Middle-earth.

Halflings appear as a race in Dungeons & Dragons , the original name "Hobbits" being avoided for legal reasons. The usage has been taken up by fantasy authors including Terry Brooks, Jack Vance, and Clifford D. Simak.

Origins of the word

Tolkien claimed that he started The Hobbit suddenly, without premeditation, in the midst of grading a set of student essay exams in 1930 or 1931, writing its famous [1] opening line on a blank piece of paper: "In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit". [2] [3]

In English literature

A Snerg with a bow and arrows. The Marvellous Land of Snergs is seen by Tolkien scholars as an influence on Tolkien's hobbits. Snerg with bow.jpg
A Snerg with a bow and arrows. The Marvellous Land of Snergs is seen by Tolkien scholars as an influence on Tolkien's hobbits.

The term "hobbit", however, has real antecedents in modern English. One is a fact that Tolkien admitted: the title of Sinclair Lewis's 1922 novel Babbitt , about a "complacent American businessman" who goes through a journey of some kind of self-discovery, facing "near-disgrace"; [5] the Tolkien scholar Tom Shippey observes that there are some parallels here with Bilbo's own journey. [6]

According to a letter from Tolkien to W. H. Auden, one "probably ... unconscious" inspiration was Edward Wyke Smith's 1927 children's book The Marvellous Land of Snergs . [T 1] Tolkien described the Snergs as "a race of people only slightly taller than the average table but broad in the shoulders and [who] have the strength of ten men." [7]

Another possible origin emerged in 1977 when the Oxford English Dictionary announced that it had found the source that it supposed Tolkien to have used: James Hardy wrote in his 1895 The Denham Tracts, Volume 2 : "The whole earth was overrun with ghosts, boggles ... hobbits, hobgoblins." Shippey writes that the list was of ghostly creatures without bodies, nothing like Tolkien's solid flesh-and-blood hobbits. [6] Tolkien scholars consider it unlikely that Tolkien saw the list. [8]


An additional connection is with rabbit, one that Tolkien "emphatically rejected", [6] although the word appears in The Hobbit in connection with other characters' opinions of Bilbo in several places. [9] Bilbo compares himself to a rabbit when he is with the eagle that carries him; the eagle, too, tells Bilbo not to be "frightened like a rabbit". [6] The giant bear-man Beorn teases Bilbo and jokes that "little bunny is getting nice and fat again", while the dwarf Thorin shakes Bilbo "like a rabbit". [6]

Shippey writes that the rabbit is not a native English species, but was deliberately introduced in the 13th century, and has become accepted as a local wild animal. Shippey compares this "situation of anachronism-cum-familiarity" with the lifestyle of the Hobbit, giving the example of smoking "pipeweed". He argues that Tolkien did not want to write "tobacco", as it did not arrive until the 16th century, so Tolkien invented a calque made of English words. [6] Donald O'Brien, writing in Mythlore , notes, too, that Aragorn's description of Frodo's priceless mithril mail-shirt, "here's a pretty hobbit-skin to wrap an elven-princeling in", is a "curious echo" [9] of the English nursery rhyme "To find a pretty rabbit-skin to wrap the baby bunting in." [9]

Tom Shippey's analysis of the parallels between "Hobbit" and "Rabbit" [6]
Neologism Tolkien, 19371398 (OED)
Etymology Doubtful, see textUnknown before Middle English
Smokes "pipeweed", but
tobacco did not arrive
until 16th century
Introduced species
but accepted as native
AppearanceSmall, plump(and also edible)
NameCalled "rabbit" by Bert the troll, eagle;
called "little bunny" by Beorn
(both are common names)

Fictional etymology

Tolkien has King Théoden of Rohan say "the Halflings, that some among us call the Holbytlan". [T 2] Tolkien set out a fictional etymology for the word "Hobbit" in an appendix to The Lord of the Rings , that it was derived from holbytla (plural holbytlan), [T 3] meaning "hole-builder". This was Tolkien's own new construction from Old English hol, "a hole or hollow", and bytlan, "to build". [10] [6]



Tolkien describes hobbits as between two and four feet (0.6–1.2 m) tall, with the average height being three feet six inches (1.1 m). They dress in bright colours, favouring yellow and green. They are usually shy, but are nevertheless capable of great courage and amazing feats under the proper circumstances. They are adept at throwing stones. For the most part, they cannot grow beards, but a few Stoor hobbits can. Their feet are covered with curly hair (usually brown, as is the hair on their heads) and have leathery soles, so Hobbits hardly ever wear shoes. [T 4] Hobbits are not quite as stocky as the similarly sized dwarves, but still tend to be stout, with slightly pointed ears. Tolkien clarified their appearance in a 1938 letter to his American publisher: [T 5]

I picture a fairly human figure, not a kind of 'fairy' rabbit as some of my British reviewers seem to fancy: fattish in the stomach, shortish in the leg. A round, jovial face; ears only slightly pointed and 'elvish'; hair short and curling (brown). The feet from the ankles down, covered with brown hairy fur. Clothing: green velvet breeches; red or yellow waistcoat; brown or green jacket; gold (or brass) buttons; [and specifically for Bilbo, in The Hobbit] a dark green hood and cloak (belonging to a dwarf). [T 5]

Tolkien presented hobbits as relatives of the human race, [T 4] or a "variety" [T 6] [11] or separate "branch" [T 7] of humanity. [11] In Tolkien's fictional world, hobbits and other races are aware of the similarities between humans and hobbits (hence the colloquial terms for each other of "Big People" and "Little People"); nevertheless, hobbits consider themselves a separate people. [T 8]

The race's average life expectancy is 100 years, but some of Tolkien's main Hobbit characters live much longer: Bilbo Baggins and the Old Took are described as living to the age of 130 or beyond, though Bilbo's long lifespan owes much to his possession of the One Ring. Hobbits are considered to "come of age" on their 33rd birthday, so a 50-year-old hobbit would be regarded as entering middle-age. [T 9]


Hobbits are described as being of three types, Harfoots, Fallohides, and Stoors, all deriving from a region to the east of the Shire, in particular the Angle between two rivers, and migrating to the Shire at different times. Hobbit origins map.svg
Hobbits are described as being of three types, Harfoots, Fallohides, and Stoors, all deriving from a region to the east of the Shire, in particular the Angle between two rivers, and migrating to the Shire at different times.

Tolkien devised a fictional history with three types of hobbits, with different physical characteristics and temperaments: Harfoots, Fallohides, and Stoors. By the time of Bilbo and Frodo, these kinds had intermixed for centuries, though unevenly, so that some families and regions skewed more towards descent from one of the three groups. [T 4] [T 10]

The Harfoots were by far the most numerous group of hobbits and were the first to enter the land of Eriador, which contains the Shire and Bree. They were the smallest in stature, "browner of skin" in complexion, and the most typical of the race as described in The Hobbit. They lived in holes, or smials, and had closer relations with Dwarves than other hobbits did. Harfoots tended to live in gentle rolling hill country, and were mostly agrarian. They were the first group to cross the Misty Mountains, settling in the lands around Bree starting in Third Age 1050 (about 2,000 years before the time of Bilbo and Frodo, and five and a half centuries before the founding of the Shire in Third Age 1601). Tolkien coined the term "Harfoot" as analogous to "hairfoot". [T 4] [T 10]

The Fallohides were the least numerous, and the second group to enter Eriador. They were generally fair-haired, and taller and slimmer than other Hobbits. While the other two types of hobbit were on average about three and a half feet tall, Fallohides were closer on average to four feet. They were more adventurous than the other breeds and preferred living in woodlands, where they became skilled huntsmen, known for their accuracy with ranged weapons. They had closer relations with Elves, who also tended to live in forests. Due to their contact with the Elves, Fallohides were the first hobbits to learn literacy, and therefore were the only ones who preserved even vague knowledge of their past before crossing the Misty Mountains. The Fallohides crossed into Eriador about a century after the Harfoots did, and settled in the pre-existing Harfoot villages of the Bree-land. Never very numerous, the Fallohides intermixed with and were largely absorbed by the Harfoots during this time, though several prominent families such as the Tooks and the Masters of Buckland had a substantial Fallohide descent, unlike many of the people that they led. After about four centuries, a large expedition of hobbits migrated westward from Bree-land led by the Fallohide brothers Marcho and Blancho, who settled and founded the Shire in TA 1601. [T 4] [T 10]

Bilbo and three of the four principal hobbit characters in The Lord of the Rings (Frodo, Pippin, and Merry) had Fallohide blood through their common ancestor, the Old Took. The one physical description given for Frodo matches this, as Gandalf identifies him as "taller than some, and fairer than most". [T 11] Tolkien created the name from the archaic meanings of English words "fallow" and "hide", meaning "pale skin". [T 4] [T 10]

The Stoors were the second most numerous group of hobbits and the last to enter Eriador. They were quite different from the other two groups: they were stockier than other hobbits, though slightly shorter, and they were also the only group whose males were able to grow beards. They had an affinity for water, dwelt mostly beside rivers, and were the only hobbits to use boats and swim, activities which other hobbits considered dangerous and frightening. Their hands and feet were also sturdier than those of other hobbits, who generally didn't wear shoes for cushioning their steps, though because the Stoors tended to live near muddy riverbanks they often wore boots to keep their feet dry, making them the only hobbits to use footwear of any kind. Tolkien says they were "less shy of Men". The Stoors migrated into Eriador two centuries after the Fallohides did, but instead of settling in Bree-land they headed farther south to Dunland by Third Age 1300, finally migrating to the newly founded Shire in Third Age 1630, the last of the three groups to arrive. The Stoors mostly settled along the banks of the River Brandywine in the east of the Shire, thus many hobbits of Buckland and the Marish were of Stoor descent. Due to the time the Stoors spent living in Dunland before migrating to the Shire, their names have a slight Celtic influence. [T 4] [T 10]

A small group of Stoors did not go as far south as Dunland but settled in the wetlands of the Angle in southern Rhudaur, between Dunland and Bree. When the evil power of Angmar rose in the north many of these Stoors joined their kin in Dunland, but some fled back east over the mountains and settled in the marshes of the Gladden Fields: Déagol and Sméagol/Gollum both belonged to this group. [T 12] Tolkien used the Old English word stor or stoor, meaning "strong". [T 4] [T 10] [13]

Lifestyle and culture

Hobbit holes or smials as depicted in Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings film trilogy Hobbit holes reflected in water.jpg
Hobbit holes or smials as depicted in Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings film trilogy

In his writings, Tolkien depicted hobbits as fond of an unadventurous, bucolic and simple life of farming, eating, and socializing, although capable of defending their homes courageously if the need arises. They would enjoy six meals a day, if they could get them. [T 9] They claimed to have invented the art of smoking pipe-weed. [T 13] They were extremely "clannish" and had strong "predilections for genealogy"; accordingly, Tolkien included several Hobbit family trees in The Lord of the Rings. [14] Most hobbits married and had large families, although Bilbo and Frodo were exceptions to this general rule.

The hobbits of the Shire developed the custom of giving away gifts on their birthdays, instead of receiving them, although this custom was not universally followed among other hobbit cultures or communities. [lower-alpha 1] The term mathom is used for old and useless objects, but which hobbits are unwilling to throw away. Mathoms are invariably given as presents many times over, sometimes returning to the original owner, or are stored in a museum (mathom-house). [T 9]

The hobbits had a distinct calendar: every year started on a Saturday and ended on a Friday, with each of the twelve months consisting of thirty days. Some special days did not belong to any month—Yule 1 and 2 (New Year's Eve & New Years Day) and three Lithedays in mid-summer. Every fourth year there was an extra Litheday, most likely as an adaptation, similar to a leap year, to ensure that the calendar remained in time with the seasons. [T 15]

Tolkien stated that he liked gardens, trees, and wearing waistcoats, just as hobbits did; he was often photographed with trees. Tolkien tree waistcoat.jpg
Tolkien stated that he liked gardens, trees, and wearing waistcoats, just as hobbits did; he was often photographed with trees.

Hobbits traditionally live in "hobbit-holes", or smials, underground homes found in hillsides, downs, and banks, though others lived in houses. [T 9] It has been suggested that the soil or ground of the Shire consists of loess and that this facilitates the construction of hobbit-holes. [15] Loess is a yellow soil, which would explain the colour of the Brandywine River, and the nature of the bricks made at Stock, the main Shire brickyard. [lower-alpha 2] [17] Hobbit architecture favours round doors and windows. [T 9]

Tolkien likened his own tastes to those of hobbits in a 1958 letter: [T 16]

I am in fact a Hobbit in all but size. I like gardens, trees, and unmechanized farmlands; I smoke a pipe, and like good plain food (unrefrigerated), but detest French cooking; I like, and even dare to wear in these dull days, ornamental waistcoats. I am fond of mushrooms (out of a field); have a very simple sense of humour (which even my appreciative critics find tiresome); I go to bed late and get up late (when possible). I do not travel much. [T 16]

Fictional history

In Rhovanion

In their earliest folk tales, hobbits appear to have lived in Rhovanion, in the Valley of Anduin, between Mirkwood and the Misty Mountains. According to The Lord of the Rings , they had lost the genealogical details of how they are related to the Big People. Still, Tolkien clearly states in "Concerning Hobbits" that hobbits are not technically a distinct race from Men, the way that Elves or Dwarves are, but branched off from other humans in the distant past of the Elder Days. Many eons later, but still early in the Third Age, the ancient hobbits lived in the valley of the Anduin River, close by the Éothéod, the ancestors of the Rohirrim. This led to some contact between the two, and as a result many old words and names in "Hobbitish" are derivatives of words in Rohirric (which Tolkien "translated" into his text by presenting it as Old English). [T 9]

The Harfoots lived on the lowest slopes of the Misty Mountains in Hobbit-holes dug into the hillsides. They were not only smaller and shorter, but also beard- and bootless. The Stoors lived on the marshy Gladden Fields where the Gladden River met the Anduin, and were broader and heavier in build; and the Fallohides preferred to live in the woods under the Misty Mountains. They were described as fairer of skin and hair, as well as taller and slimmer than the rest of the hobbits. [T 9]

Migration to the West

The three peoples who founded England included those who came from the Angle between Flensburg Fjord and the Schlei, from the East (across the North Sea), hence the name "England". The migrations of these three peoples are reflected in those of the three types of Hobbits. Anglo-Saxon Homelands and Settlements.svg
The three peoples who founded England included those who came from the Angle between Flensburg Fjord and the Schlei, from the East (across the North Sea), hence the name "England". The migrations of these three peoples are reflected in those of the three types of Hobbits.

In the Third Age, hobbits undertook the arduous task of crossing the Misty Mountains - a migration period they refer to as the "Wandering Days", the earliest remembered time in their history. Reasons for this trek are unknown, but they possibly had to do with Sauron's growing power in nearby Greenwood, which later became known as Mirkwood as a result of the shadow that fell upon it during his search of the forest for the One Ring. Hobbits took different routes in their journey westward, but as they began to settle together in Bree-land, Dunland, and the Angle formed by the rivers Mitheithel and Bruinen, the divisions between the hobbit-kinds began to blur. Shippey explains that the name "Angle" has a special resonance, as the name "England" comes from the Angle (Anglia) between the Flensburg Fjord and the River Schlei, in the north of Germany next to Denmark, the origin of the Angles among the Anglo-Saxons who founded England. Further, the migrations of the three types of hobbit mirror those of England's founders. [12]

Foundation of the Shire

In the year 1601 of the Third Age (year 1 in the Shire Reckoning), two Fallohide brothers named Marcho and Blanco gained permission from the King of Arnor at Fornost to cross the River Brandywine and settle on the other side. The new land that they founded on the west bank of the Brandywine was called The Shire. [T 9] Many hobbits followed them, and by the end of the Third Age most hobbits outside The Shire could be found in their village of Staddle on the southeastern slopes of Bree-hill. However, some also lived with Men in the village of Bree itself and in nearby Archet and Combe. [T 17]

Originally the hobbits of the Shire swore nominal allegiance to the last Kings of Arnor, being required only to acknowledge their lordship, speed their messengers, and keep the bridges and roads in repair. During the final fight against Angmar at the Battle of Fornost, the hobbits maintain that they sent a company of archers to help but this is nowhere else recorded. After the battle, the kingdom of Arnor was destroyed, and in the absence of the king, the hobbits elected a Thain of the Shire from among their own chieftains. [T 9]

The first Thain of the Shire was Bucca of the Marish, who founded the Oldbuck family. However, the Oldbuck family later crossed the Brandywine River to create the separate land of Buckland and the family name changed to the familiar "Brandybuck". Their patriarch then became Master of Buckland. With the departure of the Oldbucks/Brandybucks, a new family was selected to have its chieftains be Thain: the Took family (Pippin Took was son of the Thain and would later become Thain himself). The Thain was in charge of Shire Moot and Muster and the Hobbitry-in-Arms, but as the hobbits of the Shire generally led entirely peaceful, uneventful lives the office of Thain came to be seen as something of a formality. [T 9]

Hobbits first appear in The Hobbit as the rural people of the Shire; the book tells of the unexpected adventure that happened to one of them, Bilbo, as a party of Dwarves seeks to recover an ancient treasure from the hoard of a dragon. They are again central to The Lord of the Rings , an altogether darker tale, where Bilbo's younger cousin Frodo sets out from the Shire to destroy the Ring that Bilbo had brought home. [18]


Moral significance

The Tolkien critic Paul H. Kocher notes that Tolkien's literary techniques require readers to view hobbits as like humans, especially when placed under moral pressure to survive a war that threatens to devastate their land. [19] Frodo becomes in some ways the symbolic representation of the conscience of hobbits, a point made explicitly in the story "Leaf by Niggle" which Tolkien wrote at the same time as the first nine chapters of The Lord of the Rings. [20] Niggle is a painter struggling against the summons of death to complete his one great canvas, a picture of a tree with a background of forest and distant mountains. He dies with the work incomplete, undone by his imperfectly generous heart: "it made him uncomfortable more often than it made him do anything". [T 18] After discipline in Purgatory, however, Niggle finds himself in the very landscape depicted by his painting which he is now able to finish with the assistance of a neighbour who obstructed him during life. The picture complete, Niggle is free to journey to the distant mountains which represent the highest stage of his spiritual development. [T 18] Thus, upon recovery from the wound inflicted by the Witch-King of Angmar on Weathertop, Gandalf speculates that the hobbit Frodo "may become like a glass filled with a clear light for eyes to see that can". [21] Similarly, as Frodo nears Mount Doom he casts aside weapons and refuses to fight others with physical force: "For him struggles for the right must hereafter be waged only on the moral plane". [21]

Modern mediators

Tolkien dated the Shire to the time of the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria, 1897, when Exmouth's Jubilee clock was built. Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee Clock Tower, Exmouth.jpg
Tolkien dated the Shire to the time of the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria, 1897, when Exmouth's Jubilee clock was built.

Tolkien scholars including Shippey and Dimitra Fimi have stated that the hobbits are misfits in Middle-earth's heroic cultures like Gondor and Rohan. Those have a basis in ancient societies such as ancient Rome and the Anglo-Saxons. [22] In contrast, Tolkien placed the Shire in a society he had personally experienced, "more or less a Warwickshire village of about the period of the Diamond Jubilee [of Queen Victoria, in 1897]". [22] [T 19] Shippey described hobbit culture, complete with tobacco and potatoes, [23] as a "creative anachronism" on Tolkien's part. [24] In his view, anachronism is the "essential function" of hobbits, enabling Tolkien to "bridge the gap" by mediating between readers' lives in the modern world and the dangerous ancient world of Middle-earth. [23]

Fireworks (England's Royal Fireworks of 1749 pictured) are among the anachronistically modern material features of hobbits' lives. RoyalFireworks.jpg
Fireworks (England's Royal Fireworks of 1749 pictured) are among the anachronistically modern material features of hobbits' lives.

Fimi comments that this applies both to the style of language used by hobbits, and to their material culture of "umbrellas, camping kettles, matches, clocks, pocket handkerchiefs and fireworks", all of which are plainly modern, as are the fish and chips that Sam Gamgee thinks of on his journey to Mordor. [22] Most striking, in her view, however, is Tolkien's description of the enormous dragon firework at Bilbo's party which rushed overhead "like an express train". [22] Tolkien's drawing of the hall of Bilbo's home, Bag End, shows both a clock and a barometer (mentioned in an early draft), and he had another clock on his mantelpiece. [25] [T 20] [T 21] To arrange a party, hobbits rely on a daily postal service. [26] The effect, the scholars agree, is to bring the reader comfortably into the ancient heroic world. [27] [22]

The Hobbits' "strikingly anachronistic" material culture [22] [27] [26]
ObjectFirst existedNotes
Tobacco After 1492 Columbian exchange brought it to Europe [28]
Potato After 1492As for tobacco [28]
Umbrella 18th centuryFolding umbrellas, Paris [29]
Camping kettleAfter 1880sCamping trips on River Thames; [30]
Kelly Kettle from end of 19th century [31]
Safety match 1850s Lundström brothers, Sweden [32]
Clock 13th century First clocks in church towers [33]
Pocket handkerchief 19th centuryIn pocket of two-piece suit [34]
Fireworks 10th centuryMade in Europe by 14th century [35]
Express train 19th century"certainly unimaginable in Middle-earth" [22]
Fish and chips 1860sFirst fish and chip shops in England [36]
Postal service 1840 Uniform Penny Post [37]


Harfoots Rings of Power.jpg
Harfoots in The Rings of Power
John Leech's cartoon 'Justice to Ireland'.jpg
John Leech's cartoon "Justice to Ireland", c.1845
The harfoots in The Rings of Power speak in Irish accents and have been said to resemble Leech's "wildly unflattering" Irish peasants. [38]

Dungeons & Dragons began using the name halfling as an alternative to hobbit for legal reasons. [39] [40] Fantasy authors including Terry Brooks, Jack Vance, and Clifford D. Simak use races of halflings. [41] [42] [43]

Peter Jackson's films of The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit made extensive use of prosthetics. Wētā Workshop spent a year creating hobbit feet to look like large, furry feet, yet act as shoes for the actors. In total, 1,800 pairs were worn by the four lead hobbit actors during production. In addition, actors went in for face casts to create pointed ears and false noses. [44]

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power , a series screened from 2022, has attracted "fierce debate" about its handling of race, [45] and racism aimed at the actors playing the Harfoots. [46] The fantasy author Neil Gaiman, defending the casting, commented that "Tolkien described the Harfoots as "browner of skin" than the other Hobbits. So I think anyone grumbling is either racist or hasn't read their Tolkien." [47] Commentators have observed that the hobbit-like Harfoots speak in Irish accents, behave as friendly peasants, and are accompanied by Celtic music; and that they resemble the 19th century caricaturist John Leech's "wildly unflattering" depictions of the Irish in Punch magazine. [38]

Hobbit feet used in The Hobbit films served as shoes for the actors. Hobbit feet (cropped).jpg
Hobbit feet used in The Hobbit films served as shoes for the actors.

The comic horror rock band Rosemary's Billygoat recorded a song and video called "Hobbit Feet", about a man who takes a girl home from a bar only to discover she has horrifying "hobbit feet". According to lead singer Mike Odd, the band received over 100 pieces of hate mail from angry Tolkien fans. [48]

Fossil hominids

The skeletal remains of several diminutive paleolithic hominids were discovered on the Indonesian island of Flores in 2004. The fossils, of a species named Homo floresiensis after the island on which the remains were found, [49] were informally dubbed "Hobbits" [50] by their discoverers in a series of articles published in the scientific journal Nature . [51] The excavated skeletons reveal a hominid that (like a Hobbit) grew no larger than a three-year-old modern child and had proportionately larger feet than modern humans. [52]

See also


  1. Gollum refers to the One Ring as his "birthday present" in The Hobbit. [T 14]
  2. A stock brick is a handmade yellow brick from Southeast England. [16]

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The Return of the King is the third and final volume of J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, following The Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers. It was published in 1955. The story begins in the kingdom of Gondor, which is soon to be attacked by the Dark Lord Sauron.

Bree is a fictional village in J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth, east of the Shire. Bree-land, which contains Bree and a few other villages, is the only place where Hobbits and Men lived side by side. It was inspired by the name of the Buckinghamshire village of Brill, meaning "hill-hill", which Tolkien visited regularly in his early years at the University of Oxford, and informed by his passion for linguistics.

The Red Book of Westmarch is a fictional manuscript written by hobbits, related to the author J. R. R. Tolkien's frame stories. It is an instance of the found manuscript conceit, a literary device to explain the source of his legendarium. In the fiction, it is a collection of writings in which the events of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings were recounted by their characters, and from which Tolkien supposedly derived these and other works. The name of the book comes from its red leather binding and casing, and from its having been housed in the Westmarch, a region of Middle-earth next to the Shire.

"The Scouring of the Shire" is the penultimate chapter of J. R. R. Tolkien's fantasy The Lord of the Rings. The Fellowship hobbits, Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin, return home to the Shire to find that it is under the brutal control of ruffians and their leader "Sharkey", revealed to be the Wizard Saruman. The ruffians have despoiled the Shire, cutting down trees and destroying old houses, as well as replacing the old mill with a larger one full of machinery which pollutes the air and the water. The hobbits rouse the Shire to rebellion, lead their fellow hobbits to victory in the Battle of Bywater, and end Saruman's rule.

In J. R. R. Tolkien’s fictional universe of Middle-earth, the Old Forest was a daunting and ancient woodland just beyond the eastern borders of the Shire. Its first and main appearance in print was in the chapter of the 1954 The Fellowship of the Ring titled "The Old Forest". The hobbits of the Shire found the forest hostile and dangerous; the nearest, the Bucklanders, planted a great hedge to border the forest and cleared a strip of land next to it. A malign tree-spirit, Old Man Willow, grew beside the River Withywindle in the centre of the forest, controlling most of it.

Scholars and critics have identified many themes of The Lord of the Rings, a major fantasy novel by J. R. R. Tolkien, including a reversed quest, the struggle of good and evil, death and immortality, fate and free will, the danger of power, and various aspects of Christianity such as the presence of three Christ figures, for prophet, priest, and king, as well as elements like hope and redemptive suffering. There is also a strong thread throughout the work of language, its sound, and its relationship to peoples and places, along with moralisation from descriptions of landscape. Out of these, Tolkien stated that the central theme is death and immortality.

Magic in Middle-earth is the use of supernatural power in J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional Middle-earth. Tolkien distinguishes ordinary magic from witchcraft, the latter always deceptive, stating that either type could be used for good or evil.

"The Council of Elrond" is the second chapter of Book 2 of J. R. R. Tolkien's bestselling fantasy work, The Lord of the Rings, which was published in 1954–1955. It is the longest chapter in that book at some 15,000 words, and critical for explaining the power and threat of the One Ring, for introducing the final members of the Fellowship of the Ring, and for defining the planned quest to destroy it. Contrary to the maxim "Show, don't tell", the chapter consists mainly of people talking; the action is, as in an earlier chapter "The Shadow of the Past", narrated, largely by the Wizard Gandalf, in flashback. The chapter parallels the far simpler Beorn chapter in The Hobbit, which similarly presents a culture-clash of modern with ancient. The Tolkien scholar Tom Shippey calls the chapter "a largely unappreciated tour de force". The Episcopal priest Fleming Rutledge writes that the chapter brings the hidden narrative of Christianity in The Lord of the Rings close to the surface.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Saruman</span> Fictional character created by J. R. R. Tolkien

Saruman, also called Saruman the White, later Saruman of Many Colours, is a fictional character in J. R. R. Tolkien's fantasy novel The Lord of the Rings. He is the leader of the Istari, wizards sent to Middle-earth in human form by the godlike Valar to challenge Sauron, the main antagonist of the novel. He comes to desire Sauron's power for himself, so he betrays the Istari and tries to take over Middle-earth by force from his base at Isengard. His schemes feature prominently in the second volume, The Two Towers; he appears briefly at the end of the third volume, The Return of the King. His earlier history is summarised in the posthumously published The Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales.

Meriadoc Brandybuck, usually called Merry, is a Hobbit, a fictional character from J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium, featured throughout his most famous work, The Lord of the Rings. Merry is described as one of the closest friends of Frodo Baggins, the main protagonist. Merry and his friend and cousin, Pippin, are members of the Fellowship of the Ring. They become separated from the rest of the group and spend much of The Two Towers making their own decisions. By the time of The Return of the King, Merry has enlisted in the army of Rohan as an esquire to King Théoden, in whose service he fights during the War of the Ring. After the war, he returns home, where he and Pippin lead the Scouring of the Shire, ridding it of Saruman's influence.

Peregrin Took, commonly known simply as Pippin, is a fictional character from J. R. R. Tolkien's fantasy novel The Lord of the Rings. He is closely tied with his friend and cousin, Merry Brandybuck, and the two are together during most of the story. Pippin and Merry are introduced as a pair of young hobbits of the Shire who become ensnared in their friend Frodo Baggins's quest to destroy the One Ring. Pippin joins the Fellowship of the Ring. He and Merry become separated from the rest of the group at the breaking of the Fellowship and spend much of The Two Towers with their own storyline. Impetuous and curious, Pippin enlists as a soldier in the army of Gondor and fights in the Battle of the Morannon. With the other hobbits, he returns home, helps to lead the Scouring of the Shire, and becomes Thain, or hereditary leader of the land.

Frodo Baggins is a fictional character in J. R. R. Tolkien's writings and one of the protagonists in The Lord of the Rings. Frodo is a hobbit of the Shire who inherits the One Ring from his cousin Bilbo Baggins, described familiarly as "uncle", and undertakes the quest to destroy it in the fires of Mount Doom in Mordor. He is mentioned in Tolkien's posthumously published works, The Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">The Shire</span> Fictional region of hobbits

The Shire is a region of J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional Middle-earth, described in The Lord of the Rings and other works. The Shire is an inland area settled exclusively by hobbits, the Shire-folk, largely sheltered from the goings-on in the rest of Middle-earth. It is in the northwest of the continent, in the region of Eriador and the Kingdom of Arnor.

The geography of Middle-earth encompasses the physical, political, and moral geography of J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional world of Middle-earth, strictly a continent on the planet of Arda but widely taken to mean the physical world, and , all of creation, as well as all of his writings about it. Arda was created as a flat world, incorporating a Western continent, Aman, which became the home of the godlike Valar, as well as Middle-earth. At the end of the First Age, the Western part of Middle-earth, Beleriand, was drowned in the War of Wrath. In the Second Age, a large island, Númenor, was created in the Great Sea, Belegaer, between Aman and Middle-earth; it was destroyed in a cataclysm near the end of the Second Age, in which Arda was remade as a spherical world, and Aman was removed so that Men could not reach it.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Plants in Middle-earth</span> Mentions of plants in the works of J. R. R. Tolkien

The plants in Middle-earth, the fictional world devised by J. R. R. Tolkien, are a mixture of real plant species with fictional ones. Middle-earth was intended to represent the real world in an imagined past, and in many respects its natural history is realistic.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Forests in Middle-earth</span> Forests in Tolkiens Middle-earth fiction

Forests appear repeatedly in J. R. R. Tolkien's fantasy world of Middle-earth. In The Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins and party have adventures in the Trollshaws and in Mirkwood. In The Lord of the Rings, Frodo Baggins and his companions travel through woods in The Shire, and are pursued by Black Riders; to evade them, the party enters the feared Old Forest, where they encounter other hazards. Later the Fellowship comes to the Elvish forest realm of Lothlórien; and after the Fellowship has split up, Frodo and Sam Gamgee travel through Ithilien with its Mediterranean vegetation, while Merry Brandybuck and Pippin Took enter the ancient forest of Fangorn. The Riders of Rohan, on their way to war, are allowed to travel on a secret road through another ancient forest, that of the Drúedain or woses. The Silmarillion, too, features several forests, both in Beleriand which is home to places like the Elvish forest realm of Doriath, protected by the magic of Melian the Maia, and in the south of Valinor, where the Valar liked to hunt in the woods of Oromë.

"The Shadow of the Past" is the second chapter of J. R. R. Tolkien's bestselling fantasy work, The Lord of the Rings, which was published in 1954–1955. Tolkien called it "the crucial chapter"; the Tolkien scholar Tom Shippey labelled it "the vital chapter". This is because it represents both the moment that Tolkien devised the central plot of the book, and the point in the story where the protagonist, Frodo Baggins, and the reader realise that there will be a quest to destroy the Ring. A sketch of it was among the first parts of the book to be written, early in 1938; later that year, it was one of three chapters of the book that he drafted. In 1944, he returned to the chapter, adding descriptions of Gollum, the Ring, and the hunt for Gollum.



  1. Carpenter 2023 , Letter 163 to W. H. Auden, 7 June 1955
  2. Tolkien 1954 , book 3, ch. 8 "The Road to Isengard"
  3. Tolkien 1955 , Appendix F, 2. "On Translation", "Note on three names: Hobbit, Gamgee, and Brandywine"
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Tolkien 1954a , "Prologue"
  5. 1 2 Carpenter 2023, letter 27 to Houghton Mifflin Company, probably March or April 1938, specifically about Bilbo Baggins
  6. Tolkien 1975 , Firstborn
  7. Carpenter 2023 , Letter 131 to Milton Waldman, late 1951
  8. Tolkien 1954a , Book II, Chapter 1 "Many Meetings". "If you can't distinguish between a Man and a Hobbit, your judgement is poorer than I imagined. They're as different as peas and apples."
  9. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Tolkien 1954a , "Prologue", 1. "Concerning Hobbits"
  10. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Tolkien 1975
  11. Tolkien 1954a , book 1, ch. 10, "Strider"
  12. Tolkien 1980 , part 3, ch. 4 "The Hunt for the Ring", note 9
  13. Tolkien 1954a , "Prologue", 2. "Concerning Pipe-weed"
  14. Tolkien 1937, ch. 5 "Riddles in the Dark"
  15. Tolkien 1955 , Appendix D
  16. 1 2 3 Carpenter 2023 , Letter 213 to Deborah Webster, 25 October 1958
  17. Tolkien 1954a , At the Sign of The Prancing Pony
  18. 1 2 Anon (1945). "[Review:] Tolkien, J. R. R. Leaf by Niggle". The Dublin Review (January 1945): 216.
  19. 1 2 Carpenter 2023 , #178 to Allen & Unwin , 12 December 1955
  20. Tolkien 1937 , Chapter 2. Roast Mutton. "If you had dusted the mantelpiece you would have found this just under the clock,' said Gandalf, handing Bilbo a note" [from Thorin].
  21. Tolkien, J. R. R. Bilbo's last Song: (for "XIV. Return to Hobbiton" note 21) "the Hornblower who received the barometer now changes from Cosimo (by way of Carambo) to Colombo." (A Long-expected Party): "For Cosimo Chubb, treat it as your own, Bingo: on the barometer. Cosimo used to bang it with a large fat finger whenever he came to call. He was afraid of getting wet, and wore a scarf and macintosh all the year round."


  1. Sommerlad, Joe (2 October 2017). "The Hobbit at 80: What were JRR Tolkien's inspirations behind his first fantasy tale of Middle Earth?". The Independent . Retrieved 7 February 2021.
  2. Carpenter 1978, pp. 175, 180–181.
  3. Stanton 2013, pp. 280–282.
  4. Gilliver, Peter; Marshall, Jeremy; Weiner, Edmund (23 July 2009). The Ring of Words: Tolkien and the Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford University Press. p. 54. ISBN   978-0-19-956836-9.
  5. Carpenter, Humphrey, ed. (2023) [1981]. The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien: Revised and Expanded Edition. New York: Harper Collins. Letter to Harry C. Bauer, 24 November 1966. ISBN   978-0-35-865298-4.
  6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Shippey 2005, pp. 76–78.
  7. Carpenter 1978, p. 165.
  8. Flowers 2017, pp. 2.
  9. 1 2 3 O'Brien, Donald (15 December 1989). "On the Origin of the Name "Hobbit"". Mythlore. 16 (2): Article 19.
  10. Clark Hall 2002, pp. 63, 189.
  11. 1 2 Gilliver, Peter (14 August 2012). "J.R.R. Tolkien and the OED". Oxford English Dictionary . Retrieved 23 February 2021. Note: Gives the OED's definition of "Hobbit", and states it was written by Tolkien, and included almost unchanged.
  12. 1 2 3 Shippey 2001, pp. 198–199.
  13. Clark Hall 2002, p. 322.
  14. Fisher, Jason (2007). "Family Trees". In Drout, Michael D. C. (ed.). J.R.R. Tolkien Encyclopedia . Taylor & Francis. pp. 188–189. ISBN   978-0-415-96942-0.
  15. Smalley, I.J.; Bijl, S. (2003). "Hobbit holes as loess dwellings and the Shire as a loess region". New Zealand Soil News. 51: 158–159.
  16. Hounsell, Peter (February 2004). "Up the Cut to Paddington: The West Middlesex brick industry and the Grand Junction Canal". The British Brick Society. 93: 11–16. ISSN   0960-7870.
  17. Smalley, I. J.; Bijl, S. (1995). "Bricks and brickmaking in the Shire". Amon Hen. 128: 18–19.
  18. Kocher 1974, pp. 22, 29–30.
  19. Kocher 1974, pp. 106, 119.
  20. Kocher 1974, pp. 144–151.
  21. 1 2 Kocher 1974, p. 108.
  22. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Fimi 2010 , 10 "Visualizing Middle-earth" "Victorian countryside and relics of the industrial revolution: the material culture of the Shire, pp. 179–188
  23. 1 2 Shippey 2001, pp. 47–48.
  24. Shippey 2005, pp. 74–80.
  25. Hammond & Scull 1995, p. 146 "The Hall at Bag-End".
  26. 1 2 Shippey 2001, pp. 5–6.
  27. 1 2 Shippey 2001, p. 48.
  28. 1 2 Wills, Matthew (14 October 2019). "The Columbian Exchange Should Be Called The Columbian Extraction". JSTOR Daily. Retrieved 20 January 2024.
  29. Fierro, Alfred (1996). Histoire et dictionnaire de Paris. Robert Laffont. p. 1047. ISBN   2-221--07862-4.
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  31. Turner, Damian (14 February 2015). "Product Review - Ghillie Kettle". Crossaxle.com Magazine. Retrieved 20 January 2024. The chimney or volcano kettle, call it what you will, dates back to the late 1800's in western Ireland
  32. Crass, M. F. Jr. (1941). "A history of the match industry. Part 5" (PDF). Journal of Chemical Education. 18 (7): 316–319. Bibcode:1941JChEd..18..316C. doi:10.1021/ed018p316.
  33. White, Lynn Townsend (1964). Medieval Technology and Social Change . New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 120–121. ISBN   978-01950-0-266-9.
  34. "The History Of The Pocket Square". Rampley & Co. Archived from the original on 1 December 2014. Retrieved 20 January 2024.
  35. Griffiths, T. T.; Krone, U.; Lancaster, R. (2017). "Pyrotechnics". Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry . Weinheim: Wiley-VCH. doi:10.1002/14356007.a22_437.pub2. ISBN   978-3527306732.
  36. Rayner, Jay (3 November 2005). "Enduring Love". The Guardian .
  37. "History of Postal Services". Bath: Postal Museum. Archived from the original on 24 May 2011.
  38. 1 2 Heritage, Stuart (5 September 2022). "The backlash to rule them all? Every controversy about The Rings of Power so far". The Guardian . Retrieved 5 September 2022.
  39. Weinstock, Jeffrey, ed. (2014). The Ashgate Encyclopedia of Literary and Cinematic Monsters. Ashgate Publishing. p. 193. ISBN   978-1409425625.
  40. Langford, David (2005). The Sex Column and Other Misprints. Wildside Press. p. 188. ISBN   1930997787.
  41. Vance, Jack (1983). "Glossary II: The Fairies". Lyonesse: Book I: Suldrun's Garden. Grafton Books. ISBN   0-586-06027-8.
  42. Clute, John; Grant, John (1999). The Encyclopedia of Fantasy. St. Martin's Press. p. 447. ISBN   978-0312198695.
  43. Lyall, Francis (2020). Clifford Donald Simak – An Affectionate Appreciation. Paragon Publishing. p. 117. ISBN   978-1-78222-730-4.
  44. 1 2 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Appendices (DVD). New Line Cinema. 2002.
  45. Thielman, Sam (20 February 2022). "'The history of fantasy is racialized': Lord of the Rings series sparks debate over race". The Guardian . Retrieved 20 February 2022.
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  48. Koudounaris, Paul (16 January 2013). "Rosemary's Billygoat: A big hairy kick in the behind from Hobbit fans". L.A. Record . Retrieved 14 October 2020.
  49. Morwood, M.J.; Soejono, R.P.; Roberts, R.G.; Sutikna, T.; Turney, C.S.M.; et al. (28 October 2004). "Archaeology and age of a new hominin from Flores in eastern Indonesia". Nature. 431 (7012): 1087–1091. Bibcode:2004Natur.431.1087M. doi:10.1038/nature02956. PMID   15510146. S2CID   4358548.
  50. Zimmer, Carl (20 June 2016). "Are Hobbits real?". The New York Times . Retrieved 21 June 2016.
  51. Brown, P.; Sutikna, T.; Morwood, M.J.; Soejono, R.P.; Jatmiko; Wayhu Saptomo, E.; Awe Due, Rokus (2004). "A new small-bodied hominin from the late Pleistocene of Flores, Indonesia" (PDF). Nature . 431 (7012): 1055–1061. Bibcode:2004Natur.431.1055B. doi:10.1038/nature02999. PMID   15514638. S2CID   26441.: Morwood, M.J.; Soejono, P.; Roberts, R.G.; Sutikna, T.; Turney, C.S.M.; et al. (28 October 2004). "Archaeology and age of a new hominin from Flores in eastern Indonesia". Nature . 431 (7012): 1087–1091. Bibcode:2004Natur.431.1087M. doi:10.1038/nature02956. PMID   15510146. S2CID   4358548.
  52. McKie, Robin (21 February 2010). "How a hobbit is rewriting the history of the human race". The Guardian . Retrieved 8 January 2011.
