Snapcraft package repositories

When building a snap and constructing a part, package dependencies are listed as either package names or snaps for the snap’s build environment. This is covered in Build and staging dependencies.

For a default Snapcraft installation running Multipass, the build environment is invariably Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) or Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa). Consequently, dependencies are listed using their apt package names and are retrieved from the set of repositories officially supported by the distribution.

However, it’s also possible to add your own apt repositories as sources for build-packages and stage-packages, including those hosted on a PPA, the Personal Package Archive, which serves personally hosted non-standard packages.

Adding repositories

Third-party apt repositories can be added to a snap’s snapcraft.yaml by using the top-level package-repositories keyword with either a PPA-type repository, or a deb-type repository:

PPA-type repository:

 - type: apt
   ppa: snappy-dev/snapcraft-daily

deb-type repository:

  - type: apt
    components: [main]
    suites: [xenial]
    key-id: 78E1918602959B9C59103100F1831DDAFC42E99D

As shown above, PPA-type repositories and traditional deb-type each require a different set of properties:

Once configured, packages provided by these repositories will become available via stage-packages and build-packages.

The properties for both PPA-type and deb-type repositories are outlined below.

PPA properties

The following properties are supported for PPA-type repositories:

  • type (required): The type of package-repository, only apt is currently supported.
  • ppa (required): PPA identifier string.

  • type

    • Type: enum[string]
    • Description: Specifies type of package-repository, must currently be apt
    • Examples: type: apt
  • ppa

    • Type: string
    • Description: PPA shortcut string
    • Format: <ppa-owner>/<ppa-name>
    • Examples:
      • ppa: snappy-devs/snapcraft-daily
      • ppa: mozillateam/firefox-next

Deb properties

The following properties are supported for Deb-type repositories:

  • architectures: List of architectures to enable, or restrict to, for this repository.
  • components (required if using suites): List of apt repository components to enable, e.g. main , multiverse , unstable.
  • formats: List of deb types to enable (deb and/or deb-src).
  • key-id (required): 40-character GPG key identifier / thumbprint.
  • key-server: Key-server to request key from.
  • path (required if not using suites & components): Exact path to repository, relative to URL.
  • suites (required if not using path): List of apt suites to enable, e.g. bionic, focal.
  • type (required): type of package-repository. Only apt is currently supported.
  • url (required): apt repository URL.

  • architectures

    • Type: list[string]
    • Description: Architectures to enable, or restrict to, for this repository
    • Default: If unspecified, architectures is assumed to match the host’s architecture
    • Examples:
      • architectures: [i386]
      • architectures: [i386, amd64]
  • components

    • Type: list[string]
    • Description: Apt repository components to enable: e.g. main , multiverse , unstable
    • Examples:
      • components: [main]
      • components: [main, multiverse, universe, restricted]
  • formats

    • Type: list[string]
    • Description: List of deb types to enable
    • Default: If unspecified, format is assumed to be deb , i.e. [deb]
    • Examples:
      • formats: [deb]
      • formats: [deb, deb-src]
  • key-id

    • Type: string
    • Description: 40 character GPG key identifier (" long-form thumbprint" or “fingerprint”)
      If not using a key-server, Snapcraft will look for the corresponding key at: <project>/snap/keys/<key-id[-8:]>.asc .
      To determine a key-id from a given key file with gpg, type the following:
      gpg --import-options show-only --import <file>
    • Format: alphanumeric, dash - , and underscores _ permitted.
    • Examples:
      • key-id: 590CA3D8E4826565BE3200526A634116E00F4C82
        Snapcraft will install a corresponding key at <project>/snap/keys/E00F4C82.asc
  • key-server

    • Type: string
    • Description: Key server to fetch key <key-id> from
    • Default: If unspecified, Snapcraft will attempt to fetch a specified key from
    • Format: Key server URL supported by gpg --keyserver
    • Examples:
      • key-server:
      • key-server: hkp://
  • path

    • Type: string
    • Description: Absolute path to repository (from url ). Cannot be used with suites and components
    • Format: Path starting with /
    • Examples:
      • path: /
      • path: /my-repo
  • priority

    • Requires Snapcraft 7.4
    • Type: enum[string] or int
    • Description: Overrides the default behavior when picking the source for a particular package
    • Format: always, prefer or defer. Alternatively an int other than 0
    • Notes: string equivalencies are always: 1000; prefer: 990; defer: 100
    • Examples:
      • priority: always
      • priority: 1000
  • suites

    • Type: string
    • Description: Repository suites to enable
    • Notes: If your deb URL does not look like it has a suite defined, it is likely that the repository uses an absolute URL. Consider using path
    • Examples:
      • suites: [xenial]
      • suites: [xenial, xenial-updates]
  • type

    • Type: enum[string]
    • Description: Specifies type of package-repository
    • Notes: Must be apt
    • Examples:
      • type: apt
  • url

    • Type: string
    • Description: Repository URL.
    • Examples:
      • url:
      • url:


PPA repository using "ppa" property

  - type: apt
    ppa: snappy-dev/snapcraft-daily

Typical apt repository with components and suites

  - type: apt
    components: [main]
    suites: [xenial]
    key-id: 78E1918602959B9C59103100F1831DDAFC42E99D

Apt repository enabling deb sources

  - type: apt
    formats: [deb, deb-src]
    components: [main]
    suites: [xenial]
    key-id: 78E1918602959B9C59103100F1831DDAFC42E99D

Absolute path repository with implied root path "/"

  - type: apt
    key-id: AE09FE4BBD223A84B2CCFCE3F60F4B3D7FA2AF80

Absolute path repository with explicit path and formats

  - type: apt
    formats: [deb]
    path: /
    key-id: AE09FE4BBD223A84B2CCFCE3F60F4B3D7FA2AF80

Preferring packages from a PPA

  - type: apt
    ppa: deadsnakes/ppa
    priority: always

Last updated 1 year, 6 months ago.