The meson plugin

The meson plugin is useful for building Meson-based parts.

Projects using the Meson build system will contain a file that drives the build, and the plugin runs the following commands to build your project:

  1. meson
  2. ninja
  3. ninja install

This plugin uses the common plugin keywords as well as those for sources. For more information, see Snapcraft parts metadata.

For examples, search GitHub for projects using the plugin.

Plugin-specific features and syntax are dependent on which base is being used, as outlined below:

This is a snapcraft plugin. See Snapcraft plugins and Supported plugins for further details on how plugins are used.

base: core24 | core22

This plugin uses the following plugin-specific keywords:

  • meson-parameters (list of strings) List of parameters to pass to the meson command.

Requires Snapcraft version 8.0+ for core24.

Requires Snapcraft version 7.0+ for core22.

base: core20

This plugin uses the following plugin-specific keywords:

  • meson-parameters (list of strings) List of parameters to pass to the meson command.

  • meson-version (string) Version of meson to download from PyPI (e.g. 0.62.1).

Requires Snapcraft version 4.0+.

base: core18 | core

This plugin uses the following plugin-specific keywords:

  • meson-parameters (list of strings) List of parameters to pass to the meson command.

  • meson-version (string) Version of meson to download from PyPI (e.g. 0.62.1).


Refer to the GitHub code search result for example usage of this plugin.

Last updated 2 months ago.