1439356 五、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本創作係關於-種褲子,特別係關於_ 機能訓練褲而可供訓練肌肉。 k供束4力的 【先前技術】 目前市面上有許多可提供束缚力的塑 局部的肌肖、跡集巾在駭部位,# 以將人體1439356 V. New description: [New technical field] This creation is about trousers, especially for _ functional training pants for muscle training. k for beam 4 force [Prior Art] There are many plastic muscles on the market that can provide binding force. The skin is collected in the sputum area, #
例如,在雇侧號「塑身#裤^=形的目的。 其揭示於料本i設有-概束料^中面 :=能並藉由這些帶體的束緊力道來達成提;= “以往這㈣輕的著目請僅在於讓使料麵運動時穿 ^ 使用者被動地受塑身褲賴來雕塑身形,且為了達成提 月的效果,這些束缚帶體都會恰好設置於臀部外圍。 -处11 了被動雕塑身形之外,也有部分使用者希望在運動時穿 鲁錢提供束缚力的機能訓練褲’並藉由機能訓練褲的束缚力提 供阻尼而增加訓練效果。然而,以往塑身褲的設計運用於健身 使用時,並無法發揮良好的肌力訓練成效,特別是以往的束缚 帶體都會特意繞過臀部,導致對於股四頭肌及腿後二頭肌等大 肌肉部位而言’其辅助訓練效果十分有限。 【新型内容】 本創作之主要目的係提供一種能提供束缚力的機能訓練 裤其具有較佳的肌力訓練效果。 為了達成上述及其他目的,本創作提供一種機能訓練褲, 3 M439356 其包括一褲本體、二前束帶、二後束帶、一第一左束帶、一第 一左束▼、一第一右束帶及一第二右束帶。該褲本體具有一腰 部、一競部鄰接該腰部、一左大腿部及一右大腿部 ’該左、右 大腿部分別自該髖部朝下延伸,該腰部具有一頂緣,該左、右 大腿部則分別具有-底緣,且該裤本體具有一前侧面及一後側 面。該二則束帶係設於該褲本體的前側面且具有束缚力,該二 則束帶係分別自腰部頂緣中央與左、右兩側之間的位置向下延 伸至位於同側的左、右大腿部底緣近中央的位置,該二後束帶 則係設於該褲本體的後側面且具有束缚力,且該二後束帶同樣鲁 分別自腰部頂緣的中央與左、右兩側之間的位置向下延伸至同 側大腿部底緣近中央的位置。該第一左、右束帶係分別自腰部 左、右側繞經褲本體的前側面至髖部的右、左侧,並由該髖部 右、左侧繼續繞經褲本體的後側面至右、左大腿部的内側,該 第一左、右束帶則分別自腰部左、右側經褲本體的後侧面至體 部的右、左側,並由該髖部右、左侧繼續繞經褲本體的前側面 至右、左大腿部的内侧,且該第一、第二左束帶及第一、第二 右束帶皆具有束缚力。 ® 藉由上述束帶的設置,本創作的機能訓練褲可供使用者穿 著從事運動時,提供較佳的肌力訓練效果;特別是前、後束帶 的配置方式有助於使用者在進行抬腿或跨步動作時,對股四頭 肌及腿後二頭肌提供額外的阻力’藉此顯著提升訓練效果。 【實施方式】 以下將藉由一較佳實施例說明本創作之結構及其預期達 成之功效’惟非用以限制本創作所欲保護之範嘴,合先敘明。 M439356 請參考第-至三圖。在本創作的較 訓練褲包括一褲本體10、二前束帶% ^ 種機月b 丄+ 刖束帶2〇、二後束帶30、—第一 左束帶40、一第二左束帶5〇、_第一 帶70。 右束帶60及一第二右束 該褲本體Π)可為棉纖維、其他纖維或複數纖維所織成的 布枓,=並不以具有束缚力為必要,但仍以具有些微束缚力為 較佳,藉以緊貼於皮膚表面。該褲本體1G具有一腰部u、一 藏部12鄰接該腰部u —左大腿部13及—右大腿部μ,該 左、右大腿部13、14分別自該觀部12朝下延伸,該腰部^ 具有-頂緣iu,社、右大腿部13、14齡別具有一底緣 131、14卜且該褲本體10具有—前侧面ΗΠ及-後側面102, 該前、後側面HU、1G2係、輯本體1G的左、右兩側為分界; 需說明的是’文令的前、後、左、右、頂、底等用語係以使用 者穿著遠機能訓練褲時的方向為準。 請參考第-圖。該二前束帶2〇係設於該裤本體1〇的前側 面101且具有束缚力’該二前束帶2〇分別自腰部U頂緣m 的中央與左、右兩側之間的位置112、113向下延伸至位於同 側的左、右大腿部13、14底緣近中央的位置132、142,亦即 位於左側的前束帶20延伸於位置112、132之間,而位於右側 的另一前束帶2 0則延伸於位置i丨3、i 4 2之間,因此其延伸方 向概與人體的股四頭肌平行。 請參考第二圖。該二後束帶3〇係設於該褲本體1〇的後側 面102且具有束缚力,該二後束帶3〇分別自腰部u頂緣ui 的中央與左、右兩側之間的位置114、115向下延伸至同側左、 M439356 右大腿部13、14底緣13ι、141近中央的位置133、143,亦即 位於左側的後束帶3G係延伸於位置114、133之間,而位於右 侧的另-後束帶3G則延伸於位置115、143之間,因此後束帶 30的延伸方向概與人體腿後二頭肌平行。 以下明-併參考第一至三圖。該第一左束帶4〇係自腰部 11左側繞經褲本體1〇的前側面1〇1至騎12右側,並由該競 部12右側繼續繞經褲本體1〇的後側面1〇2至右大腿部14的 内側。 該第二左束帶50則先自腰部11左側、繞經褲本體10的後鲁 侧面102至髖部12右侧,並由該龍部12右側繼續繞經褲本體 10的前側面101至右大腿部14的内側。 該第-右束帶60係自腰部u右侧繞經褲本體1〇的前侧 面101至體部Π的左側,並由該饞部^的左側繼續繞經裤本 體10的後側面102至左大腿部13的内側。 該第二右束帶70則係自腰部u右侧繞經褲本體1〇的 側面102至髖部12的左側,並由_部12的左侧繼續繞 本體10的前側面101至左大腿部13的内側。 上述前、後束帶20、30及第一、第二左束帶4〇、5〇 一、第二右束帶60、70皆具有束縛力,且各該前、後束帶扣、 3〇所提供的束缚力大於各該第一、第二左束帶4〇、5〇及第一、 第二右束帶60、70所提供的束縛力,所述束缚力的差異 由使用不同丹尼數(Denier)的彈性纖維帶所達成;_ = 力的差異也可藉由利用相同丹尼數的彈性纖維帶以不同' 噚 長度達成,例如前、後束帶2G、3G的配置長度恰可令使= M439356 於穿著使用時,將其撐張至最大張力的80%,而第一、第二左 束帶40、50及第一、第二右束帶60、70則僅可令使用者於穿 著時’將其撐張至最大張力的70%,如此一來,即便彈性纖維 帶的丹尼數相同’仍可藉由不同的配置長度來調整穿著時的預 定張力,使前、後束帶20、30提供較大的束缚力。另外,前、 後束帶20、30及其他束帶所提供的束缚力較佳者係遠大於褲 本體10的束縛力。 請參考第四圖。當使用者穿著本創作的機能訓練褲時, 刖、後束帶20、30輔以其他束帶的配置可供使用者強化股四 頭肌及腿後二頭肌的鍛鍊,達成臀部、大腿的大肌肉群良好的 運動效果,改善現有塑身褲尚非完全適用於運動族群之現況, 俾滿足使用者之多元需求。 由上所述者僅為本創作的較佳實施例,實際上本創作的機 能訓練褲也可做局部結構上的改變,例如調整褲本體及束帶的 長度,或者將褲本體與各束帶利用拼接方式製成塑身褲,舉凡 • 此等未超脫本創作精神所做成的簡易結構潤飾或變化,仍應屬 於本創作意欲保護之範疇。 【圖式簡單說明】 第一圖係本創作較佳實施例的立體圖。 第二圖係本創作較佳實施例的後侧視圖。 第三圖係本創作較佳實施例的右側視圖。 第四圖係本創作的使用狀態示意圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 右大腿部14 褲本體10 7 M439356 前側面101 底緣141 後侧面102 位置 142、143 腰部11 前束帶20 頂緣111 後束帶30 位置 112、113、114、115 第一左束帶40 髖部12 第二左束帶50 左大腿部13 第一右束帶60 底緣131 第二右束帶70 位置 132、133For example, in the employment of the side number "Shaping body #裤^= shape of the purpose. It is revealed that the material i is provided - the general beam ^ middle surface: = can be achieved by the tightening force of these belts; = " In the past, this (four) light eye-catching is only to let the user wear the body-shaped pants to make the shape of the body, and in order to achieve the effect of lifting the moon, these binding bands will be placed just outside the buttocks. - In addition to the passive sculptural figure, there are also some users who want to wear the lucrative functional training pants during exercise and provide damping by the binding force of the functional training pants to increase the training effect. However, in the past, when the design of the shaping pants was used in fitness, it was not able to exert good muscle training results. In particular, the previous restraint belts deliberately bypassed the buttocks, resulting in large quadriceps and biceps. In terms of muscle parts, the effect of assisted training is very limited. [New content] The main purpose of this creation is to provide a functional training pants that can provide binding strength and have better muscle strength training effects. In order to achieve the above and other objects, the present invention provides a functional training pants, 3 M439356 which comprises a pants body, two front straps, two rear straps, a first left strap, a first left bundle ▼, a first Right belt and a second right belt. The trouser body has a waist portion, a striking portion adjacent to the waist portion, a left thigh portion and a right thigh portion. The left and right thigh portions respectively extend downward from the hip portion, the waist portion having a top edge, the left portion The right thigh portion has a bottom edge, and the pants body has a front side and a rear side. The two straps are disposed on the front side of the pants body and have a binding force, and the two straps respectively extend downward from the center between the top edge of the waist and the left and right sides to the left side on the same side. a position near the center of the bottom edge of the right thigh, the two rear straps are disposed on the rear side of the pants body and have a binding force, and the two rear straps are also respectively from the center and the left of the top edge of the waist, The position between the right sides extends down to a position near the center of the bottom edge of the ipsilateral thigh. The first left and right straps respectively pass from the front side of the waist body to the right and left sides of the hip body from the left and right sides of the waist, and continue from the right side and the left side of the hip to the rear side of the pants body to the right. The inside of the left thigh, the first left and right straps are respectively from the left and right sides of the waist through the rear side of the pants body to the right and left sides of the body, and the right and left sides of the hip continue to circulate the pants. The front side of the body is to the inner side of the right and left thighs, and the first and second left straps and the first and second right straps each have a binding force. ® With the above-mentioned belt setting, the functional training pants of this creation can provide better muscle strength training effects when the user wears the exercise; especially the configuration of the front and rear straps helps the user to carry out Provides additional resistance to the quadriceps and dorsi muscles of the legs when lifting or striding, which significantly improves training. [Embodiment] Hereinafter, the structure of the present creation and the effect of its intended realization will be described by a preferred embodiment, but it is not intended to limit the scope of the creation of the present invention. M439356 Please refer to figures - to three. The more training pants in the present invention include a pants body 10, two front belts, a machine head b 丄+ 刖 belt 2 〇, two rear belts 30, a first left belt 40, and a second left beam. With 5 〇, _ first belt 70. The right strap 60 and a second right bundle of the pants body can be woven by cotton fibers, other fibers or a plurality of fibers, = not necessarily having a binding force, but still having a slight binding force Preferably, it is in close contact with the surface of the skin. The pants body 1G has a waist portion u, a Tibetan portion 12 abuts the waist portion u - a left thigh portion 13 and a right thigh portion μ, and the left and right thigh portions 13 and 14 respectively extend downward from the viewing portion 12 The waist portion has a top edge iu, the body, the right thigh portion 13, 14 have a bottom edge 131, 14 and the pants body 10 has a front side ΗΠ and a rear side 102, the front and rear sides The left and right sides of the HU, 1G2, and the main body 1G are demarcations. It should be noted that the words “before, after, left, right, top, and bottom of the literary order are used when the user wears the far-reaching training pants. Prevail. Please refer to the figure - figure. The two front straps 2 are attached to the front side 101 of the pants body 1 and have a binding force. The positions of the two front straps 2 自 from the center of the waist U top edge m and the left and right sides, respectively. 112, 113 extend downwardly to positions 132, 142 near the center of the bottom edges of the left and right thighs 13, 14 on the same side, that is, the front strap 20 on the left extends between positions 112, 132 and is located The other front strap 20 on the right extends between the positions i丨3, i 4 2 so that it extends in a direction parallel to the quadriceps of the human body. Please refer to the second picture. The two rear straps 3 are attached to the rear side 102 of the pants body 1b and have a binding force. The two rear straps 3 are respectively located from the center of the waist u edge ui and the left and right sides. 114, 115 extends downward to the left side of the same side, M439356 right thighs 13, 14 bottom edges 13 ι, 141 near the center of the position 133, 143, that is, the rear belt 3G on the left extends between the positions 114, 133 The other-back strap 3G on the right side extends between the positions 115, 143, so that the rear strap 30 extends in a direction parallel to the biceps of the human leg. The following - and refer to the first to third figures. The first left strap 4 is wound from the front side 1〇1 of the pants body 1〇 to the right side of the rider 12 from the left side of the waist portion 11, and continues to the right side of the pants body 1〇 by the right side of the running portion 12〇2 To the inside of the right thigh portion 14. The second left strap 50 is first from the left side of the waist portion 11, around the rear side 102 of the pants body 10 to the right side of the hip portion 12, and continues from the right side of the dragon portion 12 to the front side 101 of the pants body 10 to the right. The inside of the thigh portion 14. The right-hand strap 60 is wound from the front side 101 of the trouser body 1〇 to the left side of the body Π from the right side of the waist u, and continues to the left side of the 本体 ^ ^ to the left side of the trouser body 10 to the left. The inside of the thigh portion 13. The second right strap 70 is wound from the side 102 of the waist portion u to the left side of the hip portion 12 from the side of the waist portion u, and continues from the left side of the body portion 10 to the left side of the body 10 from the left side of the body portion 10 to the left thigh. The inside of the portion 13. The front and rear straps 20, 30 and the first and second left straps 4, 5, and 2, and the second right straps 60, 70 each have a binding force, and each of the front and rear straps, 3 〇 The restraining force provided is greater than the restraining force provided by each of the first and second left straps 4〇, 5〇 and the first and second right straps 60, 70, the difference in the binding force being different Danny The number of (Denier) elastic fiber bands is achieved; _ = the difference in force can also be achieved by using the same Danny number of elastic fiber bands with different '噚 lengths, for example, the front and rear band 2G, 3G configuration length is just right令使= M439356 is stretched to 80% of the maximum tension when worn, and the first and second left straps 40, 50 and the first and second right straps 60, 70 are only available to the user. When worn, 'stretch it to 70% of the maximum tension, so that even if the Danny's number of the elastic fiber band is the same', the predetermined tension can be adjusted by the different configuration lengths, so that the front and rear bundles The straps 20, 30 provide greater binding force. In addition, the restraining forces provided by the front and rear straps 20, 30 and other straps are preferably greater than the restraining force of the pant body 10. Please refer to the fourth picture. When the user wears the functional training pants of the present creation, the shackles and the rear straps 20, 30 are supplemented with other straps for the user to strengthen the exercise of the quadriceps and the biceps of the legs to achieve the hips and thighs. The good exercise effect of large muscle groups, improving the existing body shaping pants is not completely applicable to the current situation of the sports group, and meets the diverse needs of users. The above is only a preferred embodiment of the present invention. In fact, the functional training pants of the present invention can also be changed in local structure, such as adjusting the length of the pants body and the strap, or the body of the pants and the straps. The use of splicing to make body-building trousers, such as the simple structural retouching or change made without the spirit of this creation, should still belong to the scope of this creative intention. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The first drawing is a perspective view of a preferred embodiment of the present invention. The second drawing is a rear side view of the preferred embodiment of the present invention. The third figure is a right side view of the preferred embodiment of the present creation. The fourth picture is a schematic diagram of the state of use of the present creation. [Main component symbol description] Right thigh 14 pants body 10 7 M439356 Front side 101 Bottom edge 141 Rear side 102 Position 142, 143 Waist 11 Front strap 20 Top edge 111 Rear strap 30 Positions 112, 113, 114, 115 First left strap 40 hip 12 second left strap 50 left thigh 13 first right strap 60 bottom edge 131 second right strap 70 position 132, 133