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ଜୁଲିଅସ ସିଜର

Gaius Julius Caesar
Bust in Naples National Archaeological Museum
Dictator of the Roman Republic
ଶାସନକାଳ October 49 BC - 15 March 44 BC
(4 years) []
ସମ୍ପୂର୍ଣ୍ଣ ନାମ
Gaius Julius Caesar
ବଂଶ Julii
ବାପା Gaius Julius Cæsar
ମାଆ Aurelia Cotta
ଜନ୍ମ July 100 BC
ମୃତ୍ୟ 15 March 44 BC (aged 55)
Curia of Pompey, Rome
ଧର୍ମ Roman paganism

ଜୁଲିଅସ ସିଜର[] (ପାରମ୍ପରିକ ଲାଟିନ୍: [ˈɡaː.i.ʊs ˈjuː.lɪ.ʊs ˈkaj.sar],[] July 100 BC[] – 15 March 44 BC) ଜଣେ ରୋମାନ୍ ଜେନେରାଲ୍, ରାଜନୀତିଜ୍ଞ ଓ ଲାଟିନ୍ ଗଦ୍ୟ ଜଗତର ବିଶିଷ୍ଟ ଲେଖକ ଥିଲେ ।

ପ୍ରାରମ୍ଭିକ ଜୀବନ


ଏକଛତ୍ରବାଦୀ ଶାସନ ଓ ହତ୍ୟା


ସାହିତ୍ୟ ସାଧନା

  1. Caesar ruled as undisputed master of the Roman Republic from 49 BC until his assassination in 44 BC. During that time, he served as either Dictator or Consul, or both
  2. Fully, Imperator Gaius Iulius Gaii filius Gaii nepos Caesar Patris Patriae ("Imperator Gaius Julius Caesar, son of Gaius, grandson of Gaius, Father of his Country") (Suetonius, Divus Julius 76.1). Official name after deification in 42 BC: Divus Iulius ("The Divine Julius").
  3. Covington, Michael A. (31 March 2010). "Latin Pronunciation Demystified" (PDF). University of Georgia. Retrieved 6 January 2012.
  4. There is some dispute over the date of Caesar's birth. The day is sometimes stated to be 12 July when his feast-day was celebrated after deification, but this was because his true birthday clashed with the Ludi Apollinares. Some scholars, based on the dates he held certain magistracies, have made a case for 101 or 102 BC as the year of his birth, but scholarly consensus favors 100 BC. Goldsworthy, 30

ବାହାର ଲିଙ୍କ

Political offices
Preceded by
Lucius Afranius
Quintus Caecilius Metellus Celer
Consul of the Roman Republic
59 BC
With: Marcus Calpurnius Bibulus
Succeeded by
Lucius Calpurnius Piso Caesoninus
Aulus Gabinius
Dictator of the Roman Republic
49 BC
Succeeded by
in 48 BC
Preceded by
Lucius Cornelius Lentulus Crus
Gaius Claudius Marcellus Maior
Consul of the Roman Republic
48 BC
With: Publius Servilius Vatia Isauricus
Succeeded by
Quintus Fufius Calenus
Publius Vatinius
Preceded by
in 49 BC
Dictator of the Roman Republic
48–47 BC
Succeeded by
in 46 BC
Preceded by
Quintus Fufius Calenus
Publius Vatinius
Consul of the Roman Republic
46 BC
With: Marcus Aemilius Lepidus
Succeeded by
without colleague
Preceded by
in 47 BC
Dictator of the Roman Republic
46–44 BC
Succeeded by
as Dictator in perpetuity (in 44 BC)
Preceded by
Marcus Aemilius Lepidus
Consul of the Roman Republic
45 BC
Succeeded by
Mark Antony
Preceded by
without colleague
Consul of the Roman Republic
44 BC
With: Mark Antony
Succeeded by
Publius Cornelius Dolabella
Mark Antony
Preceded by
as Dictator (in 44 BC)
Dictator in perpetuity of the Roman Republic
44 BC



Preceded by
Quintus Caecilius Metellus Pius
Pontifex Maximus of the Roman Religion
63–44 BC
Succeeded by
Marcus Aemilius Lepidus