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The Federal Programs Division houses the Offices of Title Services and Grant Development. These offices manage federal Title awards, assist in procuring competitive federal grants, provide technical assistance to grantees, and ensure state and local accountability.
Title Services
The Office of Title Services manages Federal programs aimed at supporting low-income students, students in facilities for neglected youth, homeless students, migrant students, students in facilities for delinquent or at-risk youth; promoting professional development for teachers and school leaders; supporting English learners and immigrant students; promoting safe and healthy schools, and well-rounded educational programs; and rural schools (Titles I, A; I, C; I, D; II, A; III, A; IV, A; V and IX of the Every Student Succeeds Act).
Grant Development
The Office of Grant Development explores grant opportunities to support Oklahoma education and assists offices within the Oklahoma State Department of Education through the grant application, management, and closeout processes.