[email protected] from January 2014 by subject

[CFC] Publish updated WD of CSS Fragmentation

[CFC] Publish updated WD of CSS Grid Layout

[CFC] Transition CSS Syntax 3 to CR

[compositing-1] Compositing and Blending Last Call Working Draft

[compositing-1] Please review Last Call working draft

[css shapes] Status of our comment I18N-ISSUE-274 [I18N-ACTION-272]

[css syntax] encoding tests

[css-align] 2 issues / comments on the specification

[css-background] Animating border-position

[css-break] border-radius across fragmentation

[css-break] Breaking inside an inline-block element?

[css-break] editorial things

[css-break] Independence of parallel flows

[css-break] more editorial nits

[css-break] page break aliases vs getComputedStyle

[css-break][css-masking][css-shapes] fragmentation

[css-break][css-transforms] transform on fragmented overflow

[css-color] hslToRgb corruption in css-color-4 version

[css-color][filter-effects] (was: Re: [filter-effects] Tainted filter primitives)

[css-counter-styles] implementation of complex cjk counter styles

[css-counter-styles] status of the spec

[css-exclusions] interacting with floats

[css-flexbox] Clarifying the new "Resolving Flexible Lengths" text: un-frozen items and free-space recomputation

[css-flexbox] element vs box

[css-flexbox] Example 3 mentions "justify-self" when I think it wants to say "justify-content"

[css-flexbox] Questions on absolutely-positioned flex items (WAS: [css-flexbox] static position of absolutely-positioned flex items still "at-risk"?)

[css-flexbox] Should <br> get lumped into a "contiguous run of text" to form an anonymous flex item?

[css-flexbox] Typo in new "Resolving Flexible Lengths" text ('hypothetical main size' in step 5 substep 4)

[css-flexbox][css-grid] What is "white space"?

[css-fonts] Specify that the default "medium" font-size should by 16px?

[css-gcpm] mostly editorial comments on footnotes

[css-gcpm][css-figures] float-offset & line rhythms

[css-gcpm][css-figures] float-offset & line rhythms (was: [css-regions] responsive and semantic use of named flows)

[css-grid] Computed value should make lengths absolute (grid-template-{columns,rows})

[css-grid] grid-auto-flow values

[css-grid] Percentage line in propdef table for grid-template-{columns,rows}

[css-grid] Placing item with unknown line names

[css-grid][css-sizing] Intrinsic sizes of a grid container

[css-grid][editorial] Spec typo in example 5

[css-images] Overconstrained image sizing and preserving aspect ratio: the object-sizing property

[css-lists] Interaction with <ol reversed>

[css-masking] Deprecating 'clip'

[css-masking] editorial changes - spec update

[css-masking] fragmentation (was: [css-masking] reference boxes)

[css-masking] SVG related reference boxes beside background boxes

[css-masking][css-shapes] fragmentation

[css-masking][css4-background][css-images] 9-part sliced images (was: [css4-background] 9-part slicing images in background-image)

[css-page] widows and orphans

[css-position] Remove definition of 'clip' property

[css-regions] content/presentation separation, and regions as elements

[css-regions] Expose info about line breaks, overflow to JS

[css-regions] issue 16858 redux

[css-regions] performance of regions fragmentation

[css-regions] responsive and semantic use of named flows

[css-regions][css-break] CSSOM clarifications on fragments

[css-regions][css-overflow] enhancing overflow:fragments use case 2

[css-ruby] Should `ruby-merge' initial value be `auto'?

[css-ruby] Should CSS Ruby be consistent with HTML5 Ruby?

[css-selectors] user's privacy and :visited selector

[css-shapes] Added a margin-box example

[css-shapes] Animating <basic-shape>s updated

[css-shapes] LC feedback - auto versus none

[css-shapes] LC feedback - minor clarifications

[css-shapes] shape-inside in level 2

[css-shapes] used radii values for shapes from box values

[css-shapes][css-masking] <box>, <box+> and <box++>

[css-shapes][css-masking] Not specified basic shape

[css-snappoints] CSS Snappoints feedback

[css-syntax] CR publication, Encodings and @charset

[css-syntax] i18n-ISSUE-306: reference to space character

[css-syntax] ISSUE-329: @charset has no effect on stylesheet??

[css-text] I18N comments on CSS3 Text

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-308: Definition of 'grapheme cluster'

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-309: Haphazard use of term 'character'

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-310: (editorial) consistency in refering to Unicode web site

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-311: Clarity of Arabic hyphenation example

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-312: (editorial) distribute keyword description

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-313: Definition of grapheme clusters

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-314: Line breaking and ruby

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-315: Reference to line breaking in KLREQ

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-316: Line breaking defaults

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-317: Line breaking property and value names

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-318: Tibetan line breaking & justification background info

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-319: word-break 'according to usual rules'

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-320: Example 6

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-321: Naming of "start end"

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-322: text-justify: auto should recommend international typographic accuracy

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-323: Figures 3 to 5

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-324: distribute -> inter-character

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-325: expansion opportunity -> justification opportunity

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-330: Tasmeem example not clear

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-331: No kashida style or relationship to styles 'distribute' and 'inter-word'

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-332: Lack of complete kashida description

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-333: 'letter-spacing' and Arabic

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-334: 'letter-spacing' and Indic

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-335: health warnings for when language not known

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-336: no local definition of "anonymous inline" (editorial)

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-337: line terminator handling

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-338: UAX14 reference (editorial)

[css-text][css-fonts][proposal] font-side-bearings: normal | trimmed

[css-text][proposal] font-side-bearings: normal | trimmed

[css-transitions] changed transitionend event not to be cancellable

[css-values] Base URL for relative url()


[css-writing-modes] Features to make bidi almost automatic

[css-writing-modes] nit

[CSS21] Containing block of internal table boxes

[CSS21] Existing tests that need changes

[CSS21] Tests to be written for errata changes

[CSS21][css-images] Default object size of replaced elements

[css3-animations] Missing definition for the term "animation properties"

[css3-animations] Parsing of time values in animation shorthand

[css3-box] How do scrollbars affect width calculation?

[css3-box][css-overflow-3] overflow-*

[css3-box][css3-content] display

[css3-box][css3-marquee] Marquee properties

[css3-box][css3-marquee] overflow-style

[css3-break] ED 20130211 - minor editorial comments

[css3-break] Empty fragmentainers

[css3-break] fragments vs boxes (what is a box?)

[css3-break] minor editorial nits

[css3-break] What are break opportunities?

[css3-break][css3-multicol][css3-page] Breaks, orphans, widows

[css3-break][css3-regions] Fragmented Floats and Block Formatting Contexts

[css3-break][css3-regions][css3-multicol] Parallel flows clarifications

[css3-gcpm] New Editor's Draft

[css3-mediaqueries][mediaqueries4] "never necessary to apply the style sheet in order to evaluate expressions."

[css3-multicol] break-* properties and non-paged media; "break-fill" property proposal for child elements

[css3-regions] Painting order for region's contents

[css3-text] The secret behind word-wrap/overflow-wrap?

[css3-transitions] Transitioning font-size and relative lengths

[css3-ui] drag/dragging cursor values

[css4 color] gray() issue 2 - possible errors

[cssom-view][css-break] getBoundingClientRect and getClientRects on fragmentation

[cssom] Serialization of multi-valued properties

[cssom] Supporting JS properties whose names are CSS property names on CSSDeclaration objects

[cssom][css-cascade][css-fonts] Serialization of multi-valued properties

[cssom][css3-page] OM for margin at-rules

[CSSWG] Minutes Seattle F2F Mon 2014-01-27 AM I: Variables, Masking

[CSSWG] MInutes Seattle F2F Mon 2014-01-27 AM II: Syntax, Shapes, Serialization

[CSSWG] Minutes Seattle F2F Mon 2014-01-27 AM III: Shadow DOM

[CSSWG] Minutes Seattle F2F Mon 2014-01-27 PM I: Propdef Tables, Grid Layout, Issue Tracking

[CSSWG] Minutes Seattle F2F Mon 2014-01-27 PM II: CSS3 Backgrounds, CSS2.2, Counter Styles, -webkit-print-color-adjust

[CSSWG] Minutes Seattle F2F Mon 2014-01-27 PM II: Transitions and Animations

[CSSWG] Minutes Seattle F2F Mon 2014-01-27 PM III: Selectors, Display

[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2014-01-08

[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2014-01-22

[CSSWG][css-break] Updated WD of CSS Fragmentation

[CSSWG][css-grid] Updated WD of CSS Grid L1

[CSSWG][css-writing-modes] Last Call for Comments on CSS3 Writing Modes

[CSSWG][css-writing-modes] The maximum embedding level is wrong

[gcpm][books] thematic breaks at the top of a page

[mediaqueries4] Media queries for multichannel audio ?

[OT] Print and Page Layout Community Group survey

[selectors4] :current() argument: list of compound selectors or list of selectors?

[selectors4] Consider :has() instead of the subject indicator

[selectors4] Editorial: emphasize that specificity is not intrinsic anymore

[selectors4] Time-dimensional pseudos need another spec to define a timeline

[selectors4] Upwards Ancestor Traversal API

[svg][filter-effects][css-masking] objectBoundingBox/userSpaceOnUse in HTML

A *:body pseudo class

A wish for 2014: page transitions

Agenda conf call 08-jan-2014

Agenda conf call 22-jan-2014

CSS priorities

CSS Regions considered harmful

CSS Regions considered harmful (was: [css-regions] issue 16858 redux)

CSS Snappoints feedback

CSS Syntax issues [I18N-ACTION-276]

CSS Text issues [I18N-ACTION-278]

Do we need a rendering spec?

Edito: CSS will have to fork HTML to prevent HTML from forking himself

Exposing Fundamental Primitives (was: [css-regions] Named Flows, Elements and Box Generation)

Floats, books and regions

Fwd: Re: [css-counter-styles] status of the spec

HTML <fieldset> rendering

HTML email

HTML Tags expressiveness and regions

Issue and resolution tracking

layout collapsibility

Limiting the size of the @charset byte sequence

Ordering in 'animation' shorthands

padding lost in overflow

peculiar list inheritance

Proposal for image placeholder

Proposal: will-change property (formerly will-animate)

Status of a few CSS properties

thoughts about css-snappoints

Last message date: Friday, 31 January 2014 23:16:38 UTC